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monobe o fuo
Everyday from now on, let's burn down temples.
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talk like futo or you're a pussy
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Taketh it easy!
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I want to help Futo defeat the enemies of Taoism!
Mononobe o'Futa!
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Why is she so erotic? Seriously, nothing about her design screams eroticism in your face, yet the overall effect is more potent than a fistful of viagra.
She has a big personality and some people go nuts from the idea of lewding someone so decently dressed as Futo is.
futo notices your erection and play boxes it until you cum!

Is Futo a futa but instead of the penis is between her legs it is on her head hidden beneath her ceremonial vestments?
Futonari is not real.
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þov hað loos'd an vnholy abomination vpon svch an imageboard as þis
Ƿrit hit riht
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Buddhists must have done this!
Buddhists trying to bury Futo!
They will pay for this!
The only logical conclusion
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2022 had Futo staring at you
2023 had Futo box
What will 2024 have
futo solving the buddhist question for good
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I hope it's something cute!
Animated Futo popping in occasionally to look at you.
planet futo
The Planet of The Futos?
holy shit why does she have the greatest thighs known to man
2024 is Mike.
Futo is old hat now.
this is PERFECT
the taoists needed a weapon to surpass nue thighs
/jp/ civil war between the nuenners and the futos
Futo was old the moment she appeared...
That idiot Sokolov, he had no fucking idea how wrong he was
Futo is Tojiko’s mother?
She is if you follow the school of thought that the Taoist crew are the actual historical figures they're based on rather than just being inspired by them.
I only have second-hand (third-hand?) knowledge but Mononobe no Futsuhime (whom Futo is based on) was the mother of Tojiko Iratsume who was a spouse of Prince Shoutoku.
That's fucked up considering Futo is the technically killed Tojiko
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The "historical" person she's loosely based on, Mononobe no Futsuhime, was indeed the spouse of Soga no Umako and the mother of, among others, Tojiko no Iratsume. The latter of whom went on to become a consort of one Shotoku Taishi. Interestingly, Futsuhime was also a sister of Mononobe no Moriya (killed by Umako at the Battle of Shigisan). What exactly this might mean for the background setting of Touhou is up to you to figure out.

All that said, ZUN has gone on record saying that, despite the similarity in names, the Taoist crew aren't the same people as their historical counterparts. Somehow. The interview concerning this is here:
How is Futo regularly able to avoid paying for her crimes?
Is her cuteness unbeatable?
She is the smartest 2hu of them all, much like Yuyuko she hides it well.
Mononobe o'Futa!
no, futo
It's curious, really. She's one of the few characters with very specific, documented betrayals under her belt, yet her most common portrayal is that of a carefree fool. Meanwhile, Futo betrayed her clan, which resulted in many casualties, betrayed her country by secretly practicing Taoism and then betrayed her close collaborator (if not daughter) by swapping out her shikai vessel.

Futo is a bad person, even if her legs are smooth and go on for miles and I want to run my tongue down the reverses of her calves while squeezing the flesh of the thighs between my fingers and listening to her laugh because it all tickles terribly.
That is how she gets away with it; by playing the fool, no one ever suspects the jester.
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What would her toes taste like?
I wonder if Miko ever worries about ending up as another entry on Futo's record.
Why did she do the Tojiko thing anyway? They don't seem to be on particularly bad terms in the present day, in any case.
The soga were the victors of the war, even if futo was manipulating the mononobe. It was probably some sort of revenge for tojiko's clan wiping out futo's clan.
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Canonically? Most likely a belated revenge on the Soga, perhaps an attempt to wipe out their bloodline in the far future she and Miko intended to wake up in. Futo isn't remarked anywhere to hold any rancour for her clan; the entire ploy was to put Shotoku, a crypto-Taoist, on the throne. The Mononobe were simply a collateral for that cause. Futo is extremely dedicated to the ideology of Taoism, and Tojiko would have been a vestige of what was an embodiment of Boddhist heresy in her time: the Soga clan. Just one more treason to finish them off, really.

In my headcanon? My completely unsubstantiated, melodramatic, uncanon headcanon? Futo/Futsuhime's firstborn, Soga no Emishi, who historically went on to run the Soga clan into the ground, was actually the spawn of her incestuous relationship with Mononobe no Moriya. He was born after Futsuhime's marriage to Umako, assumed to be the latter's son, and secretly reared to effect the Soga clan's (therefore Boddhism's) downfall. Upon Shotoku's decision to let Tojiko undergo shikai, Futo/Futsuhime conspired to sabotage the process as she didn't want to carry Umako's seed into the bright, Boddhist-less future she and Shotoku had envisioned.
Did she steal her body or something?
The process of shikai involves moving your soul into an inanimate object, akin to what you might dub a phylactery. The object, unlike living creatures, has no prescribed lifespan, so the soul receives an "immortal" vessel. Moreover, since "you" in Touhou are the soul, and the soul shapes its physical sheath, the object over time turns into a likeness of your self-perception. I say self-perception, because the shikai allows you to modify your new appearance. Miko explicitly did so; Futo did not.

Tojiko's "phylactery," a jar, was swapped with an unfired one. Which decayed over time, halting the process of transformation, releasing Tojiko's soul and turning her into a vengeful spirit. Futo likely hadn't planned on that last one, but here we are. Interestingly, Tojiko's stated to have since mellowed out and become a regular ghost, closer to her original personality and further from the embodiment of a grudge that, for example, Mizuchi is.
An additional titbit on shikai vessels: while the "phylactery" turns into a likeness of the soul, the original body, having received the object's soul, turns into a likeness of the object's. Miko's vessel was a sword and is in fact the very sword she carries around in nearly all of her appearances. In a way, she is the sword, and what she's carrying around is her deceased body. Futo's vessel was a plate, hence her theme in the fighters, although the whereabouts of her body!plate are unknown.
matryoshka no futo
Oh no, not again! What have I told you about feeding Futo after midnight, /jp/!?
Sorry. She was looking at me with those big old eyes...
Can you link to the full image of that pic you use
Knock yourself out.
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mononobe no fasto fudo
Once a betrayers, always a betrayer, but if there's anyone that Futo's shown unwavering loyalty for, up to dying for her causes, it's Miko. She did volunteer to be a guinea pig for the process.
Futomaki roll! (translation: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1352187)
Did you know Futo keeps bread under her hat for an emergency snack?
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Futo would not hide her delicious thighs.
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Maybe that's why Kutaka's chicken was so interested in getting under there.
Damn little arsonist
this poll, everyone should vote for futo!
futo will manipulate good luck and achieve easy victory!
Futohose is a great fit for her
Not enough art of her wearing them especially grey/white
Short for Artificially Rendered Tights. Clearly.
i've done my part
Mononobe No Fato
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What is some futocore music?
Any song consisted of garbage mix of japanese folk song + eurodance + j-core.
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the 3 day detaoification of gensokyo has cost the buddhists dearly
Neat, that does have a Futo-like vibe. I wonder, would that be considered Shibuya-kei?
Futo is so violent.
Nah, she just loves fire!
I'm surprised how little art there is that features both Kutaka and Futo.
violent? no. she's just acting appropriately in the presence of b*ddhists.
It's too hot for a fire right now Futo.
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She will be judge for her crimes
>Futo is a bad person
One man's war criminal is another man's war hero, and ultimately we don't know motives for her actions which might be for good reasons or she might be straight up manipulated by another party which is not really a feat considering how gullible she is. At surface level based on what you know you could say she is bad person but do you really know her well enough to do such a judgment?
where there is fire there was heat
crazy pyromaniac gremlin
I need more art of Piyo-chan
Piyo panic!
Where did the connection with chickens and Futo come from?
When Mamizou used her transforming power in the fighting games, Futo becomes a chicken...
more like a cock tbdesu
It happened again...
Just let the candy go you idiot!
Are you okay Futo!?
>burns down half the boards on the site
what happened?
mod screwed up, there's apology threads on the affected boards (most of them) >>>/c/4356890
I can't believe Futo caused trillions of Chimacoins in damage to the site!
>At surface level based on what you know you could say she is bad person but do you really know her well enough to do such a judgment?
Knowing ZUN, it doesn't matter what we know. Just like about 80% of all characters, she's one line of dialogue away from being an irredeemably evil asshole who casually incinerates babies for shits and giggles. See Reisen and Mokou.
You are wrong, please leave.
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Nooo, my Futo lewds!
futo and tojiko's epic prank video
I don't think the 1k views is worth it...
Fool. Thee knoweth not what thee speaketh of. The mod'rn in-toucheth Shikaisen of Gensokyo knoweth all the latest trends as to bringeth Taoism to the impressionable masses.
>I'm mononobe no futo and this is jackass
genuinely curious, what kind of people likes futo?
Cunning linguists.
it feels like im looking at aqua
I like her because she's a funny character and hates Buddhists. I'd imagine she's popular with the crowd that likes more quirky characters.
Also popular with women. If you're a Futo fan, you are a PUSSY MAGNET
>If you're a Futo fan, you are a PUSSY MAGNET
Nah. I rather be a PENIS MAGNET.
ok miko
sorry crown prince but you're just not that popular with the men of gensokyo. you should've adapted your appearance to be hotter before moving
Yeah, we know this thread is full of Russian bots.
There are no russians in the futo thread because they can't relate to a character that isn't a subhuman like they are.
But Futo is Asian too.
do not ruin mine and futo's day.
futo is futo. unique! with no equal!
what kind of subhuman 2hu can a Russian relate to?
Hina. Their entire lives they stockpile misfortune and depression
monobe o fua
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Why is Miko so mean towards Futo?
Miko said that on opposite day.
Finally the buddhists can rest.
Futo is an easy girl to read.
>Futo is an easy girl
Liar liar temple on fire
Futo is a traditional girl, she would never
chill down, ichirin.
She wears her heart on her sleeves and her sleeves are long.
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>negligent discharge with a bow
Well that's a new kinda stupid.
You thought you could sneak in through page 10 huh, we have a Shou thread there on guard you know.
low key rude!
Maybe it's a test of their (well, Futo's...) shikiasen form.
bye bye pyromaniac
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Futonari is real and she can hurt you
Excellent spinning! Would Futo stand a chance in a spin-off against spinmaster Hina?
Futo has been compromised!
Look at those smug lesbians
Futo has found a new kami she can invoke with her spell!
Can one invoke and summon Futo?
You're gonna summon the esoteric Touhou schizos with such a question
I just want to summon Futo so she can walk around my place and marvel at the modern technology while I ogle her legs all day.
>esoteric Touhou schizos
Those are the fun ones tho
>Just let the Buddhists win
Peace offering to Futo!

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