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Previous thread: >>47358889

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
How is combat in recent CRYSTALiA game?
I've only played their first game and It was pretty bad for a VN focused in fighting.
I've read all Crystalia VNs and only Akatsuki Yureaka had good combat scenes, it was really shocking and disappointing when I realized that.
New Hook made me fap 12 times today.
who's the best girl
Anyone know if 16:9 Subarashiki crops or fills CGs?
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is he to blame for the plague of traps in visual novels/anime nowadays?
I don't think it's so bad if you avoid specifically trap-focused media, anon. Especially if you exclude traps that don't get considerable fanservice or (in VNs) their own route/h-scenes.
This just reminds me of the guy guiness did give the world record masturbator title too and some french tv channel interviewed the guy.
In the past I nutted 8 times in a row when I played MGQ, when Alice non-stop raped Luca, I did it for immersion. Infact that might have ben the first time I ever nutted in concert with the MC of a VN. I've self inserted myself taking away the virginity of hundreds of waifus and nutting inside of them to this day.
>Jeet India
How relevant, thank you for posting it.
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They were more common like 10 years ago. If anything, it's been a declining trend for some time now.
When トランプ comes into power this will not happen.
>imageboard memes
Steins;gate was the original subversive-ge, huh.
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>the sheer soul in this image
You are making me finally want to read higu.
Any good moege this year?
oi that's illegal
Select Oblige?
You can't go wrong with LOVEPICAL-POPPY!
amanatsu fd next month
Isnt this the one with heroines that date other men
Hot damn, the council prez in select oblige is extremely sexy. I got to the part where she's stomping on (me) and it really had me going.
is it actually good? the premise sounds so r*tarded i'm not sure i can take it seriously.
A moege take on the beloved classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sounds "r*tarded" (sic)?
Yes I'm enjoying it. I was afraid because both the main writer and main illustrator are different from Hamikuri, but it seems so far they've made a good game. I've had the stupid grin while looking at the heroines several times already so far.
Yeah, after making it through the common route she's far and away best girl. I was worried since she basically didn't show up in the trial, but my patience was rewarded.
i just dont understand why the game needs to take place in a school, the setting doesnt sound like it fits the story
The story is:
There's a school for the top elite of the country where 99.9% of graduates achieve great success in their chosen field. Obviously you need to pass an entrance exam comparable to toudai and pay ridiculous amount of money to attend it. The country chooses 1 person each year who can attend it without any requirements. MC gets this golden ticket, and he uses this opportunity to hit on the most influential and richest girls, so he can marry for wealth and get jobs for his fellow orphans.

How do you want to do this without a school? Or rather, how do you want to do a story with poorfag MC and rich JK heroines without a school?
I need to be patient. She's the game icon so I do her route last. Surely I won't leave the game half-unread for 10 years like some (many) others.

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