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This thread is for the discussion of anison (anime song), the genre of music made specifically for anime. Whether it be dedicated anime singers, voice actors, idols, as long as the song was made for an anime, it belongs here. Discuss your favorite anison artists and anime songs, and share your events and experiences!

Discussion of doujin music, anikura, idols, seiyuu (outside of their music careers), and mainstream Japanese artists go in their respective threads.
Starting with my all-time favorite anime OP
This is about the music and the musicians, not the anime they're made for.
When is she releasing anything again? This song's pretty good but she hasn't done anything since then.
Am I having deja vu? this sub 1k new song sounds like a popular song I heard years ago
I don't think that's anison, is it?
>as long as the song was made for an anime
Whoops my bad
Omg like I love anime music. It's the best desu desu. I don't even listen to other music its so boring. I just love everything about anime and its music along with it. Im a total otaku
God I love Konomin so much. She's probably the most consistent singer I can think of for putting out good songs. How does she do it?
She's really just that talented. I was able to see her when she went to the Philippines a few years ago and even managed to get her autograph. It's still on display in my room. Shame her sales have been pretty bad lately.
Really lucky of you to get an autograph. From what I've heard, Japanese artists usually dont do them. Did you get to say anything to her when you got it or was it just a deal of getting the autograph and moving straight on?
It depends on the artist. With Konomi I just fell in line, she gave me the poster, and I moved on. There was only enough time to say thank you before moving. By contrast, when Shiena Nishizawa came the following day we had enough time to have a small conversation.
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If you're curious, here are both Konomi and Shiena's posters. This is a crop of a larger picture and it's not updated since it was taken two years ago and I got more since (I also have posters of artists like fhana, Asaka, DAOKO, and JUNNA among others).
What killed anison?
Woah, thanks for sharing. I'm going to my first event where I can get signatures from some seiyuu later this year. Would love to get some from my favourite anison artists at some point as well if its possible. Were the event posters your only option to get signed or could you also bring things like a CD?
To get the posters you had to buy a minimum amount of merchandise. In Konomi's case I bought one of her tour shirts. It was really expensive and actually oversized, but that poster was my reward. I still cherish it.

What event though?
Its Japan Weekend Madrid. Mainly going because they managed to get 3 of the Love Live seiyuu from Aqours. Not even a huge fan of the anime but always liked the music from the show and some of their personal music as well.

I feel like the US has started getting way more Japanese guests recently so I'm hoping Europe follows in that regard soon.
Ya id love to get more japanese people. Japanese people are the best. Dont u wish u were born japanese so u can be just like them?
What a weird thread to have a melty about
>Omg otaku culture is the best guys. Lets all be japanese and watch anime.
I wanna know too. Yes I get digital is getting bigger but the sharp drop in sales for then is really bad. It used to be unthinkable for Konomi to have sub-1k sales before, now it's happened multiple times. I don't even know if she's doing much better digitally as her YouTube engagement for her new releases isn't spectacular either. At least she seems to do well in live events, maybe her fanbase and merch are what keeps her career alive.

I was wondering when you’d get around to Maon. I still maintain Lonely Voyage she wrote for Nanjo is a great memorial for Sayaka and unfortunately herself.
I still think of her every single day.
Why did you think she wrote Lonely Voyage for someone else to sing? The lyrics seem personal and meant for Sayaka so I was surprised she didn’t sing it herself. Maybe she knew she was unlikely to be able to.
I don't know, I haven't listened to that song yet. All I know is that it was uncanny that she ended up dying just over a year after Sayaka, and they died at the same age (35). I saw some speculating on 5ch that she might have actually committed suicide, but I find that hard to believe when she was quite public about her health issues before she died.
An anime song that doesn't sound like an anime song at all.
Am I really the only Konomi Suzuki fan on 4chan? She doesn't seem very popular on this site from what I can tell.
Adding on to the Kawada Mami here. I think about the Tenjou o Kakeru Monotachi performance (2:41:25, with KOTOKO, Maon, and fripSide) often, even more so after Maon passed and Nanjo left fripSide.

Her songs are great, but I don't really follow her outside of her music if that's what being a fan entails.
I was there! I remember everyone was cheering for Sat when he sang his parts. He's not a good singer but he was the fan favorite among the audience. Yeah, seeing Maon there is now extra special now that she's gone. At least I got to see her before she died: I can only imagine my pain, as bad as it already is, being even worse had I not been able to see her.
We can all agree that fripside is the biggest fraud, right?
Is this mkl general?
Anyways I quite like Peggies and Zaq
What’s your beef with fripside, and which version?
Is it me or is ZAQ no longer as popular or active as she used to?
she hot asf tho
>SennaRin hasn't released anything since last year
Did S9air selling badly kill her career already? I know she did that one Bleach song after but they didn't even bring her for the next season and she has nothing upcoming so far.
Not him but no one should support Nanjo-less fripSide.
Does this count? OP and ED for RoOT, technically live action, but it's based off the manga.
That would be more suited for the Regular Japanese Music thread, as those weren't made for an anime.
The new girls seem nice enough
But not yet peak Nanjo
I really miss SNoW, shame she seemingly quick the music business.
This gives me so much nostalgia
It's just not the same.
Chiaki Ishikawa does take me back.
She's old
Another nostalgic one
More people should appreciate this song.
I really liked this one. I hope she keeps going, but Flying Dog seems pretty weak lately.
I like that song too but she doesn't seem all that popular right now unfortunately. Wonder what's going on with her career.
>Flying Dog seems pretty weak lately
What do you mean
Is it me or are newbie dedicated anison singers rare now? Most of the newish names I see popping up are former indie artists, utaite, or even mainstream singers. Not the KOTOKOs or the Mamis of old.
Wonder why she seemingly quit her music career.
These days I wonder what Ami Wajima is up to, if she got a non-music job or something. Her website's long dead and for some reason her Twitter went private for a long time until recently to make one retweet but nothing else.
Their music production is fine, but I feel like they have trouble retaining talent and getting decent tie-ups.
>they have trouble retaining talent
>getting decent tie-ups
They do?
The best version is Minorin and Mimorin in Anisama 2018.
Post it
mu hates Japanese music tho
This takes me back
From a game and not an anime so it's not technically anison, but when I hear this I can't help but imagine it to be a Chika Takami character song.
>mu hate
There's been some Japanese music threads before, so it can definitely live there, but anison might not match their standards of quality. /mu/ is dead anyways so posting there might at least bring back some discussion.
I really doubt. They don't seem too interested in Japanese music, so /jp/ is probably the best best for an anison thread. Most /mu/ people don't even watch anime.
People need to listed to Gohobi.
How is this not on Spotify yet?
Anison is really underrated.
I like Konomin
the worst anison is bokuao
death to boku ao
Who the fuck is Bokuao?
Let it go. This thread has been nothing but mindless link dumping for the past week.
That's most /jp/ music threads, including the Regular Music Threads.
What's wrong with posting anison in the anison thread?
Does this count?
Is it really a quality issue? Kind of weird to imply that songs that get used or created as anison's aren't the same level of quality as whatever western music people in /mu/ listen to. But maybe you're just saying what they'd imply, if so my bad
To be fair, anison kind of has a stigma behind it, even in Japan. There are some exceptions, but there's a reason why most anison is so niche that the random person off the street won't recognize or name most anison artists. I know: I've tried.
Konomi is so underrated.
>still no new SennaRin single since S9air, which was almost a year ago
Did her label give up on her already?
Always liked this song.
If you insist on keeping this alive at least try to talk about something? Anisama is this weekend.
Is Anisama still doing well? Last I heard they couldn't even sell out anymore.
I tried talking above about SennaRin but no one was responding.
Looks like there are still some tickets on sell, but there is a typhoon that could wash out the weekend.
That doesn't sound like a good sign. In the past they used to sell out Anisama, and that's with the lottery.
What are the big draws these days that would draw people to a fest like this? In the old days there were the likes of JAM project or Nana, or even peak fripSide/Sphere who could do arenas by themselves.
>What are the big draws these days that would draw people to a fest like this?
A lot? They still have people like HanaKana, Maaya, etc. there.
Maybe, I don’t see them bringing enough fans willing to help fill an arena.
These days fans probably don’t see enough to go for just a numbers from the acts they like.
Is it me or is anison dying out anyway? At least dedicated anison. The big anime songs these days tend to be mainstream or mainstream-adjacent acts (like you can't really call Hitsujibungaku or Yoasobi pure anison acts). Even LiSA is already mainstream-adjacent at least. Meanwhile, dedicated anison artists like Konomi seem to be struggling.
I assume you are the one who keeps asking this in other threads as well, in which I’ve got nothing new.
Anime is bigger and more developed business now maybe more main stream artists get hired because there is more money, maybe the really big anisong artists now find it easier to slip into “normal” music. Probably both.
There have always been people who fail, it’s just no one remembers the those careers that barely lived and died 10 years ago. At a guess, there are more people making a living off anisong than ever before.
I've noticed anison artists' careers are getting shorter too. I've seen plenty of artists who just disappear within five years. The ones who go beyond that tend to last a while, but the attrition rate isn't pretty.
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At least she's branching out
And yet they have so many kpop threads
I’m sure that happened before you ever noticed, and will happen well after you stop noticing.
Could be because there's no dedicated Korean media board like /jp/. If there was one that's probably where they'd go to. It would also solve the issue of people trying to post webtoons on /a/ and /co/ even when both boards resist.
Anyone else nostalgic for this?
>Anisama can't sell out anymore
I know there's a typhoon incoming, but that hasn't stopped them before, and it seems what's going on had nothing to do with the typhoon. What went wrong?
>JAM project, Fripside
Their lastest concerts have been on venues way smaller than current Anisama.
What if the SSA is now too big for Anisama?
Altho according to JP twitter
The reason why is not sold out is because is a weekday.
Tomorrow is weekend over there, moreover. Aya Hirano will appear after years as well. So is up to see how it goes.
I'm not sure if that's the real reason. Didn't Anisama use to sell out even on Fridays?
“Back in the day” means in the past, when they could do SSA concerts themselves.
Seems Anisama's empty seats are causing a buzz online, and it looks like it isn't even the typhoon's fault.
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This doesn't look promising.
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Apparently even Day 2 and Day 3 still have unsold tickets.
I prefer animax musix anyways
>online only
I think they even know they are not as popular as they used to
There is a full on typhoon and associated disruption on. Is there even confirmation days 2 and 3 will go ahead.
Other events got postponed, but Anisama is confirmed to be going ahead. From what the Japanese are saying, along with reports of unsold tickets even for tomorrow and Sunday, it seems the empty seats were unrelated to the typhoon.
it's so fucking over...
Just hold it at a smaller venue.
might as well pair that up with Sayaka
They're also holding an event in Shanghai in November. Good sign or bad sign?
Only cool thing this year is Bravern memes. I am absolutely dying to see a live version of Souen no Shouzou.
Apparently King Super Live is more relevant/popular these days?
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Machico is such a pitslut.
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>A member of a normalfag-core boyband attended yesterday Anisama
idk if 3D idol otakus is what the anisong crowd need rn but any publicity is good I guess...
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By the few tweets I’ve seen today’s sounded better attended.
>August 30
>When day 2 just finished
It seems some people /here/ actually like the idea of Anisama going bankrupt
Just a reminder even Fripside can't fill arenas anymore despite their lastest hit was last year.
Better attended, but still not a sell-out. There were still reportedly noticeable empty seats. In the past, Anisama would sell out days or weeks in advance. This isn't a good sign, and the worst part is that you can't even blame the pandemic anymore for it.
>drunk otakus were kicked out
now we know one of the reasons it was not full besides the ticket
>Karen will be graduating from ClariS after "ClariS AUTUMN TOUR 2024
So is ClariS dead for real now
But Clara...
That could have been me
>Karen is leaving ClariS
>Sayuri is on indefinite hiatus
Is Lycoris Recoil a jinx now?
>This year theme is called Stargazer
>Hiroshi Kitadani didn't perform one of his Ultraman song
Missed opportunity
Unless Clara is willing to go solo it just isn't the same.
So it seems day 3 was better attended too, but still not a sell-out.
Also, 5ch for some reason thinks Karen leaving is because she's getting married. Is "new dream" Japanese entertainment code for "getting married"?
Never mind, I just saw the ANN article where she outright says it. Still weird though when other Japanese women still continue their entertainment careers after marriage.
Looks okay for what was still a typhoon weekend. Friday was probably bad because of the wind disruption and being a weekday.
The Japanese were saying even before the typhoon the ticket sales were already not that good, so it seems the typhoon was not as big of a factor as one may think.
It looks the same as day 1
So not selling out was a nothingburger made into a bigger nothingburger by 5ch
Also Twitter
For the guy who keeps complaining about audience recordings being banned at lives. …This is staff but you get the same view.
And more for the “how full was the SSA” fascination.
Yeah, you can clearly see empty sections in the upper tiers.
But yeah, this happening to both of LycoReco's theme song artists before the new animated projects are even out isn't a good look.
How do we save Anisama?
The boomers at 5ch agree with me. Bring back JAM project, Nana, Yukarin etc. Keep Chihara and make Nanjo sing Only My Railgun.
No one under 40!
They were blaming the anison audience getting too old and younger people like students either being unable to afford or just not being interested.
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>Keep Chihara
t. violinist
How is Minorin not married yet at her age?
Why doesn't Anime Expo do big anison concerts anymore? They used to have Anisong World Matsuri but now they don't even have that anymore.
She may be married in secret or at least in some sort of long term relationship since she sometimes alludes to a "partner" in her Minorism channel videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51uctNF8qcY
Is this seriously an Ayaneru self-duet? She's dueting with herself?
She must be a cougar if she has a preference for married men.
Anison singers keep ignoring Europe...
i just saw claris, halca, asca and true a few weeks ago
What event
True has been going all over the world this year huh? She was in Vancouver in the beginning of August and was the first anison singer to perform in Calgary in May.
What country was this? Was it in Europe?
Please don't tell me Sony's already abandoning SennaRin, I like her voice.
May'n cover of SPECIALZ
Can't believe she's already 34
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It shows
what country did claris go this year
What happened to her?
>no longer with flyingdog
>new label just shut down

It's not clear if she's still with Cyber Agent or not
I meant her appearance but that works too. That picture is so unflattering.
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>Flow and Claris will attend Lizani
Anisama sisters...how do we cope?
Is not like lizani is more popular anyway...
>Bocchi the rock
will sell way more tickets
Isn't Karen leaving ClariS?
Isn't that the event that's held in Mannheim, I went to Mannheim 11 years ago
Sawano is boring now.
It's not like she can also collaborate with other composers, right?
How the fuck do you go from having a birthday concert to celebrate your birthday, to kicking the bucket just over a month later? Something very wrong must have happened to her health.
Maon. She obviously had health issues for a long time, but to go from being healthy enough to have two back-to-back concerts, to dying just over a month later, means something must have gone very wrong. I've even seen some on 5ch speculating if she was even healthy at the time of the concert.
Sawano is old and busted. Sony shills Ushio Kensuke now.
I feel like Ushio has been on the downhill since devilman
Like I said, there is nothing stopping her from collaborating with a different person other than Sawano. Why can't she do that?
We need to make more people listen to SoundOrion.
They can only promote Sawano for so long.
May'n looks a lot older than she really is.
Whatever happened to Mashiro Ayano? Last I remember she left Sacra, but that doesn't explain why she didn't find more success especially when they were pushing her for a while.
At least she's still fit unlike Megumi
Mamegu isn't unfit though?
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she looks very plump
Why does her dress look Filipiniana
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It's missing the shoulderpads.
Are cast songs the future of anison?
Cast songs have always been part of anison.

Lilas Ikuta
I'm so tired of yoasobi slop and the likes in my cartoons
>Sony Music Entertainment Japan Inc. is pleased to announce the establishment of a new management and label, "Echoes".
>Additionally, Echoes will manage "MECRE", a collaboration platform that brings together people who love music and creation.
>Echoes will focus on discovering resonating artists and further expanding the diversity of the label. We plan to continuously release new, talent-filled works from our affiliated artists. Please look forward to the future activities of Echoes.

I hate Sony so much it is unreal
What will happen to Sacra?
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It's still around but they still want to give the impression that Yoasobi and the likes aren't anison even when they use anime to promote them all the time.
I wonder if Sacra will last much longer, they're losing talents already.
NBCUni seems to have barely anyone relevant left other than KOTOKO, Nanjo, and fripSide
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Their anime division feels third rate these days, which doesn’t help.
Have an old family photo, and I have no idea who is top right.
Seeing the one at the bottom and the woman to her right makes me sad. Half of the people in that picture aren't even in the industry anymore, but what happened to the two I'm taking about is even more tragic.
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Does Asaka really have big breasts? I know she's an ex-cosplayer, but still.
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What happened to Haruna Luna?
Still active and now under a new label after leaving Sacra. She often goes overseas too.
She lost them now that she's thinner

They lost Eir, Luna, Mashiro, and Shiena in recent years, among others. ClariS is also losing Karen soon.
Hell yeah, I listen to tommy at least once a month.
je t'aime > papermoon > *
You make it sound like these were highly sought-after talents who left for the competition, when in reality none of them have been relevant for nearly a decade and Sony most likely did not renew their contract because they were no longer profitable.
Eir was relevant just recently though? Her career did get derailed by health problems (recently revealed to be type 1 bipolar disorder), but she was still doing songs relatively recently.
That series needs to cover a Mami song.
Anybody knows if there's an Anison Days archive? I'm looking for episode 51, with Yoshikazu Mera. I've tried bilibili, but had no luck.
How come Konomi doesn't release CDs anymore and all her recent releases are digital only? I get that physical is on the decline even in Japan, but most anison artists still release CDs even now.
Her sales have always been atrocious so they finally pulled the plug
>Her sales have always been atrocious
Are they?
I also just realized that it's been a while since Konomi has done a proper music video too. Her "PV" for Love? Reason Why!! was just footage of her sitting the song at one of her concerts, and while her Bullbuster song had a music video her Ishura song didn't. I imagine her Re:Zero song will have a PV but who knows after that.
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Are there any resources about making anison music ? Like if you wanna started in the genre, do ppl just learn how to mix in general and then branch out to anime music or ??
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She was taken from us too soon...
I don't think there's actually that much info about anison out there to be honest. It's really niche even in Japan.
Don’t know, fiddle around with a vocaloid?
Is it even a genre? Anison as in "songs tied up to an anime" are very varied.
It depends on how one defines genre.
How do we save Konomi's career?
>Gets to keep her job for years despite flopping

Does she need saving?
I don't want her to suffer the fate of many of her contemporaries.
Not all Vocaloid is anison
You alone had the power to change her fate. All you had to do was buying thousand copies of her physical releases.
I just don't have the money. Maybe Re:Zero or HBR fans do.
Would S9air bombing harder than Concord really be enough for them to drop SennaRin so quickly?
>gets to keeps her job while other flops end their contacts
She needs to do better
That doesn't explain why her sales dropped so hard in the first place.
>anime festival got canceled due to stabbing
Megumi is apparently under treatment for a chronic illness so that's why she looks a bit off.
Hope she's okay.
I thought this was going to be Love Song. Yes I know the original wasn't anison, only the Manaka Iwami cover, but still.
Now that Karen is going bye-bye, what's gonna happen to ClariS? Will it just be Clara now?
Karen replaced Alice so someone will replace Karen.
They will still need a replacement regardless.
Will Anisama ever recover?
Not on Spotify where I live for some reason.

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