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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, APEX HATE.

Previous thread: >>46891253
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oh new thread
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Why are we still here?
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cute indie daughters/failures
where is she...
Looks like she will be going on a crowdfunded onsen trip.
wait what
sigh... *unzips wallet*
the polaroid better be a photo of her feet in onsen
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Aoi's utawaku.
the bloom effect is honestly so good
How is she going? I was one of the originals who bought her microwave rice way back when but kinda lost her over time, is she a big name now?
she signed with avex though
Its something, does she still do streams in karaoke booths for old times sakes at least?
I don't actually follow her twitcast much.
I remember there was that karaoke with rin and nowa... but that might have been a couple years ago
That was only last year... right? Right?...
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why is everyone streaming the sand tetris
Ahoge's MMD.
Neru is playing a horror game.
How many months has Neru been coughing like that?
It's been a long time.
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I noticed it around a couple month ago after she started lowering her own voice volume in stream.
She hasn't done a karaoke cast since like October last year.
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There's more yumerisu in that picture than actually watch her streams.
only 1 more...
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Aoi's new cover.
Neru and Goodnight Bear are playing Takoyaki Party Survival.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
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Who is that?
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Who is that?
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the girl she covered roki with.
the better question is are they going to collab in 3d?
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I hope someone is going to see Neru perform. Imagine her slot and no one is there for her... It would be heartbreaking.

Like early Hololive where they had 1 on 1 event and no one signed up for Miko.
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man that'd suck
Nowa's zatsudan.
Neru is playing a horror game.
I don't like Neru's tuberculosis cough...
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Neru's utawaku.
Her singing is terrible but she's just so cute.
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god I love that new outfit so much
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cute retard gremlin tapir
ahoge utawaku
Nowa's zatsudan.
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pregnant maid ahoge
Bear Zatsu
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Nowa is playing Supermarket Simulator.
Nowa's morning zatsudan.
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Neru is playing Super Bomberman R 2.
Cute... donkey?
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Ahoge utawaku
Aoi's utawaku.
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neru keeps coughing...
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Is she gonna make it?
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Nowa is playing Supermarket Simulator.
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Ahoge doing some weird thing???
Just a regular "doing shit on PC while chatting" stream with a moddable free to play idle game on the background.
Talking about her ichimi friend again
Aoi's Webpon collab.
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Neru's event got cancelled:

Title: "Notice Regarding the Cancellation of EDOCCO Puipui Festival × V-Cone Summer Festival Live"
Main points:

The event was scheduled for September 7, 2024 (Saturday).
A few days ago, malicious interference by a third party was confirmed.
Despite efforts to strengthen security measures with local police, they decided to cancel the event due to the serious nature of the interference.
The organizers apologize for the disappointment and concern caused to attendees, especially given the short notice.
They express deep regret for fans who were looking forward to the event and performers who were eager to participate.
They are currently investigating to eliminate any potential dangers.
Ticket refunds will be processed, and ticket holders will be contacted directly with details.
For event-specific merchandise using commissioned illustrations, they will provide updates on the sale start date later.
Any inquiries should be directed to their DM (direct messages) on the account.

The announcement is dated September 5, 2024 (Thursday) and is from the EDOCCO Puipui Festival organizers.
I'm surprised that someone at V-Cone would attract this kind of anti.
Neru's utawaku.
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Aoi premiere
Haruyuki-mama already has three daughters in that "battle royale" EN vtuber company. Good to know she is getting paid by Nexas at least. That company sounded like a scam when they announced their business plan.
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are any of them cute
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The bear is a cat
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Graduated after 3 months.
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I like this design but she sounds like a zoomer raised by tiktok, according to her few youtube videos.
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This one should be debuting next month in the app where they can only do vertical chatting streams.
That was the really cute one...

What the fuck is with her hands
She is supposed to be a superhero, but she hates vtubers with "lore".
Her superpower is yaoi hands?
Nowa switched to Suika game
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Cute Catbeargirl.
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Nowa is playing Together in Between.
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Nowa is playing Ib.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhFsd6gJmoE AHOGE zatsu
It's gorilla singing
my bad
I am not late by an hour for once
has aoi covered bling bang bang born before?
I can just see her dancing that stupid dance for some reason
She has shorts of it
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Neru is playing Super Bomberman R 2.
why is it a premiere tho
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Neru is playing French Fries Pusher Friends with Mishiro Yuno.
Neru's zatsudan.
>streams will be once a week.
>discord will be discontinued
I wonder why that is... she is super active in there all day long.
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Did anyone actually pay for Rin's spa trip?
The list of plans for the CF is not loading for me, but I remember she having at least two sponsor last month. Judging by the comments, looks like there is some schizo drama because the trip includes members that decided to graduate when ProPro closed down, instead of keep streaming as indies.
Do you have it set to English? For English it just shows nothing you have to switch back to Japanese and then translate the page. The website is kinda shit.

Schizo Drama is exactly what I would expect of a large group of girls planning a trip together.
There used to be a sidebar for plan selection that is not showing up in any language for me. It showed the number of available plans for each girls. The last time I checked was one month ago, and Rin still had 18 of 20 plans still available.
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Nowa's zatsudan.
That was quick
I'm sorry I called you a zoomer raised by tiktok.
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Nowa is playing Slackers - Carts of Glory.
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Ahoge utawaku
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Ahoge is having nerve problems?
Yeah, from wisdom tooth removal.
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Aoi's new cover.
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Neru is playing Fall Guys.
go neru chu, fall to the extreme
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Neru is playing Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX.
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Nowa's 3rd anniversary & new outfit reveal.
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a sleepwear?
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why is she so smug
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Nowa is playing Together in Between.

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