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The other tengu have threads
You also have one, meme-wolf:
There is not a single picture of her in that thread besides OP's.
How big is her bush?
This is important
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i like the brown Awoo
I need to draw her again...
She has just as much hair across her body as a regular wolf would have. The distribution is different however.
did you ask your superiors if you could make a thread on the imageboard?
did you schedule an appointment to discuss "white wolf creating threads"?
did you really skip patrol to post on the internet?
Momiji is very insecure about how much hair she grows so she oscillates between shaving it all off and despairing while a monstrously thick, sweaty carpet erupts. It's also white.
2024 is the year of Tengu supremacy, guess we can throw the dog a bone once in a while.
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The clearest truth in Gensokyo:
The key to a happy life is to have a wolf for a wife
>The other tengu have threads
Yes, and that's about 3-4 threads too many for the dung feeders.
I will forbid her from shaving that forest
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Always awoo
This post was written by a lesser youkai.
Stop being jealous!
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Momiji is best tengu and best mommy wife! I will always Awoo!
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So who is your favorite Momiji?
Big tits Momiji, Flat Momiji, Oppai loli Momiji, etc etc.
Even canon can't decide if they want her to be flat or have some bust
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All Momiji are good. I love loli Momiji (non-oppai). Although in my headcanon, oppai Momiji is the canon Momiji.

Brown Awoo is good too. I want be sandwiched between Momiji and Kagerou's big tits as they cuddle me.
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For me it's Nicetack's version
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huge momiji, like a foot taller than me, around Okuu's size.
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Panzers Momiji
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those big bushy eyebrows are what dreams are made of
I don't like Momiji all that much as a character, so a ridiculously sexualised one like this one or >>47540835 gets the juices running the best.
Tengu society would be a nicer, happier place if the wolf tengu were put at the top.
No fat chicks pls.
White wolf tengu master race!
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white wolves fuck human men.
(And that's a good thing).
>I don't like Momiji all that much as a character
Not like she has any to begin with, most of her "canon" personality comes from like 2 or 3 lines of the literary works
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how does one manage to date 'Miji?
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My favorite is the one with a bit of bust not big or completely flat. But I fap to all of them.
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Don't be a fat fuck.
Don't be a neckbeard.
Dress well and look respectable.
Meet her when she's in heat.
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Oh and don't be a janny or a glowie. Always awoo!
Be a fat fuck
Grow a thick neck beard
Dress like a slob and look insane
Meet her when she's in heat
out of all the 10gu, momiji will become the best mother
Momiji loves people who follow rules and know their place. She hates those who break rules and make a mess of the place. If you ever do anything slightly off, she's banning you from Youkai Mountain forever. She's already risking herself by going out with you.
Momiji is my faovrite Touhou character. Big breasts Momiji is a must. I love her very much and I wish she was a playable character in future Touhou games, both mainstream SHMUP and spinoff .5 titles like the fighters. I am surprised there's a 'Miji thread up. It seems like it's been a while.
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>I am surprised there's a 'Miji thread up. It seems like it's been a while.
It was way overdue.
dumb dog
don't say that, she'll make you look bad
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don't forget smelly
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Sweet dreams to all Awoos out there.
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White Wolf Tengu Wednesday!
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At least tengu masks don't make her wet the bed anymore. Aya was real mean with them.
Good morning awoo
What happened to Momiji threads
are you from 10 years ago or yesterday?
Jannies ruined the fun posting, because they couldn't stay at leddit.
There is one retarded newfag here that is ruining them.
Just tell him to fuck off every time you see him.
Always love Awoo.
Tengu are all about class hierarchy and tradition, so you'll probably have to learn that and go through all the proper procedures to court her.
Then again, being human might disqualify you outright due to the fine print in section 15, subsection 7, so you'll have to refile next quarter with the proper exception form.
Alternatively, you could just take a single step onto Youkai mountain, lower your head, and beg for a job close to her's since you're hopelessly unemployed and throw in some stuff about how Tengu are so sophisticated and civilized, not like those flippant Buddhists who have a chip on their shoulder! Maybe then she'll call up her boss and you'll get some grunt work hauling supplies from dawn till dusk and you can slowly inch your way closer to her under the pretense of asking for her advice and guidance. Momiji is stoic and work-oriented, but that doesn't mean she won't start to loosen up as this becomes the routine and let you talk to her about more things like her favorite Shogi tactics or where she likes to eat lunch. Then you just ask her if she'll show you one day and promise to bring her favorite food, which you took note of when she said she enjoyed it in passing, and there you go, you're now dating a white wolf.

Although I hope you can handle Tengu Hierarchy. Maybe if you show them you have an ink of cleverness they'll teach you that famous "fake ascension magic" the Buddhists so allegedly abhor, then again, I don't think that'll push you in a division close to Momiji.
Fumos? Fumos!
Mofu mofu!
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That's a foursome.
Could Momiji hold her entire litter at once?
Make lots of litters with Momiji.
Cute lesbians!
>The White Wolf Tenga
What was meant by this?
Mommy Momiji!
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Miji in heat
she must be contained.
Contained in a room with me.
Anon stop! you wont survive!
Death by snu snu!
The one you posted is just right. Unsure if taller or shorter is better.
Imagine getting hired by Momiji as a housekeeper since she's so busy with patrols, discovering that the idea of her having a human male taking care of her makes her uncontrollably horny, having your intent to maintain a professional relationship with her immediately ignored, and then on top of that finding out that your permission to travel to and on youkai mountain expired after you arrived so she and the rest of her white wolf tengu associates can legally arrest you and bring you back to her home when you try to escape
that would suck haha
To add to this: you're a shota with a huge cock and Momiji has a shota fetish and she also acts like your adoptive caring mommy
To each their own, just have to hope momoji is alone in her fascination with human pups or you'll be getting stolen a good bit
Stolen? I want to be with Momiji mommy as her secret shota husbando! We take care of each other too!
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>secret shota husbando
its no secret. everyone who sees you together JUST KNOWS.
Momiji took the human shota pill early.
Be careful with the kappa and the moriya goddesses, too... they also love them
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I want to make a Momiji PC someday with modern parts.
Why is being a human shota in gensokyo so grim?
Looks pretty bright to me.
I have located the Momiji manga.
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Wholly Red is amazingly good for tengu fans in general.
I hate that art style, every time I see it the doijin is always super depressing or very boring shipping stuff
It took me a second to get it, but I like it. Kinda reminds me of Nihei in a way.
this one is neither, it's ashiyama's long-running series about the tengu
it's about 75% politics and 25% intrigue and mystery plots
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it has lots of ideas I will steal because exploring the Tengu society hasn't really been done in that level of detail IIRC
Wolf-tengu are on the same level as crows and can become great tengu?
Thousand-ri eyes?
Another long thing tengu poses, it would seem.
Doesn't look like it at the moment, although Momiji is already a great tengu in my book.
shogi with the miji
This looks to hard
Can't I just fuck her
only if you win. sex is not a valid move in shogi
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only if you beat her with the expanded Tengu Shogi ruleset
Just start scratching her ears and she'll forget about shogi!
Momiji is the considerate kind of girl who'll suggest a place to get a bite to eat and let you decide for yourself if it qualifies as a date or not.
you can't do that! that's cheating, she's sensitive there!
I would make it a date with her by taking her to one of Gensokyo's festivals and spoil her with treats there!

I don't think she'll mind it after we cuddle afterwards...
Miji fangs are a treasure
No matter how far you run, Miji can still see you
Festival fun!
Summer is almost over. Only a few days to enjoy a nice summer vacation with Momiji!
More Momiji bikini!
I want to take Miji out on a nice date and give her headpats.
Me too
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She will cut you down for entering youkai mountain
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All Hail Awoo Ass.

Only if you're a nigger or a shit skin.
Or a man.
nah, if it's off limits she'd just kick you out
and you could meet her at the border without conflict
The funny MAGA anime girl!
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Beautiful Momiji.
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The summer is almost over. Use the rest of the time to enjoy summer nights with Momiji!
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Thank you, Miji. I will!
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Momiji doesn't belong in the dog house! She's our queen and deserves to be treated like one!
idk man she looks pretty comfy in there
Such a fucking TEASE!
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We got two Momiji threads to post in! Yay! >>47695198
Any and all oppression the white wolf tengu may face is simply done out of jealousy.
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When a dog barks too loud, it isn't silenced because the owner is jealous of its vocal range.
White wolf tengu oppression is a very sad thing. White wolf tengus are beautiful and deserve better, but no matter what. Our awoos will not be silenced.
Two Awoos!
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Three awoos!
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Four Awoos!
All lesbians!
Says who?
the cringe yuri/futa/cuck anon, don't respond to him
Sleep time
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Enjoy a good meal!
Hey this thread shouldn't be this far back...
This is the end result of f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶w̶o̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶n̶t̶s̶ posting on two threads...
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I want to drink Momiji's milk straight from her mommy milkers!
Image captured seconds before a wild yuri orgy
The next morning things sure were awkward betweebt those three but they quickly realized they're happy in this arrangement.
So they're all actually tsundere for each other until they get drunk?
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Would Kei Kei's Momiji have the right tit size for you? Kei Kei always made some of the best Momijis
Don't worry Momiji, despite everything you have done, the higher caste of Tengu will keep your thread alive.
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>Aya being nice
Hey wait a minute.....
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Not unheard of.
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literal who who no one cares about
imagine this for a second: a thread DIED for this smelly dog's thread.
But Momiji and Kagerou are both good awoos.
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See? Good awoos!
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mad cuz 'Mijis litter was bigger this time?
Good yuri lovers!
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huggable tail.
>You'll never be in a polygamous relationship with Kagerou and Momiji
Do you really think you could handle two wolf wives?
Of course. We would all help each other. I want my litter of wolf children to proudly say they have two mommies.
Cute lesbians!
I was thinking bi under their husband's command.
Soup is good for you.
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Nah they're gay
This thread nearly got killed off by gayness.
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bothering 'Miji while shes on patrol!
5' 7" feels like the right height for her.
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What if she's a short stack?
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I'm hungry.
this guy makes the hottest momijis
i like panzers
holy shit I can't believe this is the actual source of that expression on the left that is so often used by normies larping as weebs
No more gay stuff
Only Momiji with girl boobs
Miji is very healthy and dangerously fertile
You will soon have to explain to your parents why their grandkids look wolfy
Only girl Momiji with other girls tho
I've seen that momiji with the lewd expression used by normies calling themselves weebs left and right, I never realized it was momiji
I don't think it originated from Momiji though? Unless I'm mistaken?
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I'd post momiji, but I got on trouble posting yokai.
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How do you get into trouble posting yokai? Are you getting cucked by Reimu or something?
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I think I will upload the collection of images I made every so often. This one was the second oldest of its type, inspired by the first, which is currently out of season. When I made this one the backrooms hadn't left 4chan quite yet.
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Still fucking good. I don't mind the 3D and AI awoos either, but jannies hate it.

>>47767488 (Heil)
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I want to rest under a tree with mommy awoo.
I made a thread about yokai, mods deleted it.
Be more specific, there are numerous threads about youkai right now, even up to Zounose thread.
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It had this image for the OP.
I see. No idea why it was deleted.
To anwer your question: because they are japanese. Japanese culture sells nowadays, so its folklore sells as well. Not to mention the fact that you are spared the more silly parts, when you interact with contemporary depictions.
You can easily see the similiar thing happening with slavic folklore, for instance. There are cool things, but there are silly things as well (look up kikimora for instance, how it was depicted in tradition), but ultimately people didn't care until Witcher games made that folklore recognisable. The same happened before to nordic folklore, to irish folklore, it will happen again.
There is also a change of societial perception, so what we nowadays find silly, could have been seen more serious back then. The influence of writers (how Homer shaped whatever stories about Trojan War were before him, how Akutagawa Ryūnosuke shaped the perception of kappas, to give few examples) is another thing to consider. A lot of stuff, but ultimately if both culture (pop and high) and folklore is alive, both will influence each other. As an outsider, you will be seeing mostly culture, in which individual pieces are finely tuned by the will of creator. Folklore, being more nebulous and 'group project' of given society, will be containing silly things among itself. Culture can be exported and be popular beyond the borders of folklore, but the influence of folklore is still there. And then, when you finally see those influences, you begin to wonder exactly what (you) asked.
Was ZUN inspired by the man who made Gegege no Kitaro?
Yeah but when did they become something akin to 'just there', not the human eating to be feared creatures?
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>Japanese culture sells nowadays, so its folklore sells as well
>its folklore sells as well
Only if it's a cute anime girl (like Momiji)
no momiji this bitch is the worst popular 2hu by far
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>worst popular 2hu by far
That's Alice.
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it's weird how she beats out half the cast despite having no character art minimal appearances and minimal dialogue
The wolf will blep at you
Wolves are cool. Tomboys are cool. Momiji is both (I think).
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I'm feeling sick. I want a Momiji in a nurse outfit to take care of me. Please don't inject me with a vax, but then again Momiji would be smart enough not to do that.
I don't think miji is a qualified medical professional
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I think she has some field medic training for her patrols, but she just doesn't have a medical practice license.

She should stay out of Britain since she has no license, besides she prefers the freedom of America (despite being a fucking leaf)!
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she put on the pounds guys
No, she got pregnant. Thanks to me[./spoiler]
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Cute lesbians
loli lesbians?
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Third of its type. If I remember right, this particular road was made off-limits during the lockdowns.
I'm starting to think that the yuri poster is Christian Horner. Pic related.
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cute ears!
If not then people will know I died trying
Miji' getting up early for her patrol duties
It is lovely how Momi is always drawn with big Mijis
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Ohayogozaimasu Awoo.

Big Awoos!
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I prefer my mijis with small awoos
I like the size in that pic and >>47823679
They will increase in size as you give her your pups
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what about a Miji with sharp teeth?
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Not good for blow jobs, but I think I can survive without those.

Hot Awoo
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I want to make Momiji into a mommyji
good good
The best kind of Miji
she is a yook, and should look like a super dangerous predator
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I can't sleep.
It must be a sugar rush from all the pocky you are eating!
Or the caffeine in the chocolate. It's making me anxious My sleep is way off.
That's one of Aya's rape babies in there
Damn, Aya snuck one of her rape babies into Momiji's womb? That's like the reverse Yukari.
Since when could Aya turn into a futa? Is this something I need to look up on Sadpanda?
The fuck did you just call my wife, buddy?
yook! Filthy yook! Human-fucker yook, will never be human, just an imitation!! Will breed abominations! Yook! Yook!
>Human-fucker yook
and that's a bad thing because..?
I think >>47857805 is jealous, because human women will always be inferior and will always be horrible people with no honor. Unlike Momiji. She is best girl.
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aunn always looks so dumb and kissable
Wait, shouldn't Momiji have the second biggest booba behind Kagerou?
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Now that's more like it!
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Since when did Momiji become an angel?
Always has been
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The picture implies that she is dead.
No, Aunn has A Pair of Divine Breasts
They have divine booba. Even flat girls like Kyouko's pettan are divine (despite not being pictured)
She could always turn into a bird
That sounds dumb. I just picture her in the sky and spawning wings some day and she poses like the Wing Zero Custom in Gundam Wing Endless Waltz.
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>"How many swords do you need Momiji?"
File: houkai.jpg (721 KB, 2100x1600)
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Momiji with a Yamaha! I never pictured her as a motorcycle rider though.

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