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She so on my na until I noka
and friends
Made for Oji-san cock
Canon lesbians?
There is no indication that the two even know each other in canon.
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Someone else already called dibs.
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They were made for each others
I asked my magic ball and it said Try Again.
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Room bah
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she lives with me
Too big
She lives in Poland
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I installed the big grue update and she's now looking at me like this
guys she isn't letting me go
She is going to keep you as a long lasting, living ration. Hope you're prepared to lose a bit of your flesh every time she gets hungry, anon. Don't worry about bleeding out. (Un)fortunately for you, Rumia learned a lot about human anatomy and medicine in her long life, so she is going to slowly eat you in a way that keeps you alive, at least until you run out of flesh, the she will finally devour your brain and heart.
First it's going to be the feet, so you can't easily run away. She might even play with you by making you run on the stumps. Then, fingers, one by one, just so you dont get any funny ideas related to holding any knives. After your fingies are gone, she will slowly consume parts of your arms and legs, savoring the taste of your muscles and stored fat, lovingly tending to each bite wound she caused while picking her teeth with bone fragments. If you annoy her with screams, she might amputate your tongue. Then she will have to move on to non-vital organs, carefully cutting them out until such a time that it becomes impossible to keep your body fresh. At least the heart is always a great payout, it's her favorite, and seems to taste even better when she eats a human in a mannered and refined way like this. You should last her a pretty long time, even after she spent some time as a mentally deficient youkai. It's unbelievable that she used to eat humans whole in one bite, that's so wasteful.
And then, she will move on.
I don't have a vore or cannibalism fetish but I would love to let Rumia eat me alive. I've never been good for much but I love the idea of at least being a tasty meal. It'd be nice to see her with a smile while I slowly blacked out. Maybe I could pat her on the head and tell her to help herself to as much as she'd like too.
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Low intelligence individuals seem incapable of understanding and imagining future consequences of their actions.
This is the reason you see a couple of anons constantly harp on about how they want youkai to kill them - they don't think about dying or pain, they simply can't understand feeling things when faced with specific scenarios. They don't hurt now, so it's impossible they would somehow feel any different in some other situation either. Same reason they don't understand feeling love.
You might recall that screencap explaining why nogs act the way they do, to them future is a literal black magic phenomenon swapping a guy that committed a crime for a completely different, innocent guy that gets unfairly accused of it. Similar principle can be applied here. They do not understand hypothetical pain, or the reason for it. This is a very specific kind of retard that not even painful discipline can correct. The only way to deal with them is to put them down, fortunately a lot of them tend to just kill themselves anyway.
Speaking of that
You keep repeating basically the same thing in every thread. Why not just go to Gensokyo right now and let Rumia munch on you already? Instead of making a hundred posts about how you wish you could feed her.
She's STARVING because of your inaction, anon. For shame.
Why doesn't she just eat something? When I feel hungry, I just open up the fridge and eat.
There is absolutely no way this adorable little girl eats people. No way.
I don't know how to get to Gensokyo :(
Use a noose, or gun, or get run over by a train. Doesnt matter how, but there's only one way onto gensokyo for (you)
Reimu this is why nobody donates to your youkai shrine.
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kon kon kon
Go home Yukari, you saggy hag
don't slander better 2hus because they're prettier than you
What part of it is slander?
Roomba is a good girl
Big grue wouldn't hurt you
Saying that is like slander to a youkai.
A belief only held by OLD STINKY HAGS
Convincing everyone that youkai are peaceful and cute creatures feeding of your love! Seeing them change to reflect the new belief! Getting your own 2hu wife! It's that easy.
Anon i gotta whole plan and a half for turning gensokyo into lewdsokyo once I get there.
Rumia thread on seventh page, how ironic
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posting my favorite rumia image
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Condense your fairy threads
>get run over by a train
>gets sent to hindusoukyo and stuck at the poop river
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not big enough
Rumia is making the fish gay...
Don't eat that, it's gonna be high in mercury.
rumia status?
[X] Fed
[X] Bathed
[X] Tucked in
[X] Pregnant
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Can Rumia really be a nun? I'm not a specialist, but I think eating people is probably a sin.
Nekomimi modo~!
Imagine pulling her buttplug.
Monster Rumia best Rumia!
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The cutest and the most precious!
Is this another case of Youkai Moe caught in the wild???
Don't Christians eat bread imagining it's Christ's flesh or something?
And if God didn't want her to eat humans, He wouldn't have made them so delicious.
It's okay, she probably hasn't even eaten anyone anyways. She desperately WANTS to eat someone, but is such an idiot that she can't manage it at all
You can still make her turn away from her human eating ways
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I like this one
Let the lobotomites mingle. Gensokyo was made for this very purpose.
My beloved daughterwife Rumia is so cute.
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She is not dead, you know!
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Tsk.. Well I tried.
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I just nutted to Himepuchitei's Rumia doujinshi
I just made some fresh cheese cake today, would you like a slice?
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served on Rumia's tummy? (my platter / pillow / cumrag)
yes please
Yes and no, but congratulations for innocently your foot firmly into one of the thorniest and most intractible interdenominational issue!
Maybe he lives in a country where the majority of people follow only one denomination.
The correct one
The presbyterian church?
She's gonna absorb all that alongside the cheesecake dude
How many stupid humans have been eaten by her?
Enough that she's a bit chubby here and there.
Stupid cute youkai, never bothering to exercise...
Her name is actually Lumia.
Nah it's Roomba.
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filtered the scammer
noone cares
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When I played EoSD for the first time with no spoilers I read ルミア as Lumia too. It makes a lot more sense this way since she is also able to control light, but I guess Rumia just stuck because of the unofficial translation patches.
I care
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>but I guess Rumia just stuck because of the unofficial translation patches.
It was spelled Rumia in Perfect Memento's portrait, apparently the artist originally wrote Lumia assuming that was the correct English spelling but ZUN had them change it back.
My head canon, when she moved to Japan she got so tired of correcting the people mispronouncing her name that she was like, this is my life now.
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Guys I did it, I caught... oh no!
A smile you can trust.
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this is how she gets ez meat
she lets herself be kidnapped then when the captors bring her to the rape dungeon she just rapes them back
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Rumia would probably make a good mother. Motherhood is one of those domains where intelligence has surprisingly less correlation compared to other factors with the overall quality of undertaking such a task.
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Do you think she has a house or hut or does she live in a cave?
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Tough to say, we don't really know much about her. I don't see her crawling into a cave and laying down on the stone floor like an animal. She is too well dressed and groomed. A house or a hut make sense but the question is where would she get it. Not many humans living alone in the woods to steal it from and I don't think miss floats about day and night works a 9-5 to pay for its construction.
I think we got to look at it from the perspective of she's not human. Like Gensokyo is pretty populated but it's not like there are Youkai villages or apartment complexes. Fairies live in trees right, but they don't really hollow them out or anything. They create a little other world space like a Senkai of sorts. It would not surprise me if many different Youkai have such a thing. Like ascended animals like Tewi need a physical home but an apparition like Rumia might just create a space.
Like maybe there is a path in the forest that gets unaturally darker and darker until you reach her witch like hut but if you stray a little bit it's bright again like the path was never there. That seems like a home befitting a monster of her type. Maybe she brought that whole setup over from Europe like the Vampires or the Prismrivers or maybe she just creates it like the Three Fairies do the windows and stairs built into their tree.
Perhaps she doesn't need a home at all. She just sink into a puddle of darkness at the end of the day and just ceases to be. If her clothes get damaged they just repair themselves. Or maybe she just never, ever stops, no sleep needed, no food needed, flying about constantly looking for something to entertain her.
Personally I like the weird, a human took a wrong turn in the woods and now is on the creepy path to her witch hut and ultimately their doom story, very European folktale stuff.
Literally built for headpats
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I do, but I'm not gonna tell.
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stack slop featuring our daughterpet soon!
>40 hours left
why do this shit man
Our beloved motherwife
Sorry anon, I'm not a cuckold.
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Its up
How to pacify big grue before she eats you?
Images like this tempt me to molest my daughterpet, but I shall not be led astray!
Honestly it's not that great but the last part is addictive. If the whole song was her going nananana na no ka I'd listen to it on repeat
The way she says MIDNIGHT PARADE is really bratty. I didn't know Stack could do that.
No it's Rumia, she's named after the Polish city. I know as much because my uncle works at Team Shanghai Alice btw.
>No it's Rumia, she's named after the Polish city.
Then it should be Rzumią.
Where are all the haunted, possessed Roombas?
cute rumimi
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The REAL EoSD EX stage boss!
How does Rumia's butt not tear in half when she poops out the human bodies she devours?
would you tickle a maneater?
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what even is the point???
Cute retard
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please quit overfeeding my daughterpet, dudes
I’m gonna feed her till she is as big as a house
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The cutest
and stupidest
what does human flesh taste like? asking for a friend
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nooo her perky butt will be no more!
nanoka can i have a bite
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Clean your daughterpets, dudes
Cute overload, heart is in meltdown
Well I'm gonna have to let her in
She could catch a cold out there.
Anon no, don't fall into her trap!
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glug glug glug
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Too late, the monster daughter has already been enrolled into the temple school and moved into my home.
There is no turning back on this, she is now part of my family.
Don't you think it's a bit suspicious how she has blood on her hair and clothes?
Are you just going to ignore that?
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oh no
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Imagine all sorts of games of Chicken you can come up with and play with having your very own monster daughter!
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I've come to talk with you again~
She's a child you pedo
i wonder if it works with fairies' panties too.
She's a man-eating monster.
A very sexy man-eating monster.
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she's a magical 9999yo youkai spirit
t. ZUN
>this guy drew 2hu for the last time in 2016
what happened ;_;
Darkness doesn't look that old!
Not with that attitude.
Such a great pantyshot too
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I always thought she looked like a catholic school student
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She's my daughterwife, dude.

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