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Previous thread: >>47527757

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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I go on the CG gallery and relive the scenes by giving them a good jerk, that's the best I can manage.
rance 7-8-9-10 with cheats
I like to replay Mamagoto and Clannad every year.
but only one route for each.
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Does anyone here have ランドセルシンドローム ( https://vndb.org/v18411 )? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

The OP is very cute: https://youtu.be/8Lg71l-rdOw
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The epilogue to Astraea's route in Pure Holic is utterly captivating to me. I can't stop revisiting it, and I even wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it sometimes.
It's the most satisfying ending I've ever experienced in a story, yet never before have I wished so much for a story to continue beyond the epilogue. I've never wanted to be in the shoes of the protagonist more.
This guy https://www.ima-ero.com/impression/pure_x_hollic/ captures my feelings perfectly, and I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this way.
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I wish a cute girl would pay for my coffee.
I have the sharex pics that i sometimes reread to remember those scenes that i liked, i also sometimes open different vns to experience again those scenes with the full voice acting and bgm
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The EMIT trilogy by Koei. Back when I was a tiny tiny larva at reading Japanese it was the first VN I finished. I reread it numerous times and gained a very strong attachment to it.
I also often reread プレゼントをきみに during the holiday season.
I miss kirihana in my eroges bros
Yuzubros, should we expect a new release right around Christmas?
It's either going to be right at the end of the year or at the start of next year, covid aside they're quite good about an 18-24 month release schedule. I'd expect an announcement in October.
Definitely not a release this year but a reveal is likely.

Full HD rerelease of Strawberry Nauts? I really should play it finally.
lmao wouldn't this be a second re-release?
GIGA soul lives on.
Don't you dare tell me they're "remastering" my favourite VN with such soulless graphics.
It is a remake, unlike Parfait it has new features other than the upgraded art.
>upgraded art.
Are you retarded anon? Blind? Looking at a different image than the rest of us?
At least that CG looks better than the original.
>muh old art
Dont care for nostalgia bandwagons, simple as that.
Are you genuinely retarded anon? Is this some sort of joke or meme you're trying to tell?
Of course this happens when I start reading this. Either way I'm continuing to read the original instead. The art is more soulful in the original.
Why is this game so popular on erogamescape? Is it actually good? Will I be able to experience the 青春 I never had through it?
Shizu's route is so pure. You will be healed. I've never played such a beautiful route. I love Shizu.
Was H scene important? I'm sad its all ages.
You didn't read the VN if you played without H-scenes, it's not just porn they're vital to the emotional connection the story is trying to make with you the reader.
Damn I wanted to play Kimikiss since all the heroines seem really interesting but I can't understand the walkthrough and am afraid I'll miss something if I do I on my own.
Boring standing pose x5
Actual composition showing it's an activity
i feel like the rance remakes are the only remakes worth a lick of salt when it comes to vns
Once i again i shall point out this remake cancer from videogames somehow leaked into eroge
I don't suppose anyone has https://vndb.org/v46550 and its sequel. There's no DL version and they were only distributed at Comiket.
I want to see how bad it is.
>How can we write an NTRge without it actually being an NTRge
Demo's out.
The other week someone told me I was a fool for saying that you can't have sex with 2D or start a family with one. I learned today what you meant by that and what a fool I was
I don't know what VN to read, and I don't want to randomize it. I have this feeling that is I choose a VN that turns out to suck I'll have ruined my life.
Honestly unless you're a real freak or something you'll likely enjoy any highly acclaimed or solid VN regardless of what it is
>I'll have ruined my life.
Oh don't worry, whether you play a bad VN or not it wont make a difference
>in a post where masada reflects on his past works - detailing what he thought was good and was bad about them he reveals that some elements of senshinkan were a reflection of his sense of inferiority and jealousy towards to the moe genre, seijuurou turned out to be his self-insert and after bansenjin he came to admit his love towards moe and started making more moe heroines that had less of the cynical and characteristic poison that his previous girls used to have i.e claudia from ikabey
>look for another VN with christian imagery
What else have you discovered in your search, anon?
>pic in the textbox is not the same as in the cg
My immersion is broken.
why so weak?
He has seen the light, now he is well poised to become the best writer.
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fuck. After excruciating deliberation I chose a VN and it asks for a CD key, which retard uploaded this without the crack?
I can't even find one anywhere for Haruoto Alice * Gram - W Package
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Here's his entire post. Pretty interesting to read author reflections.
I need to know if the Koihime Musou series has the last emperor of the Han dynasty (Ryuukyou?) or the last ruler of Shu (Ryuuzen?).
The lighting in this is so boring. If they're going to use a modern style with desaturated colours they could at least copy the modern trend for dramatic lighting. Old one looks much more vibrant.
MmMmm, yummy generic anime sameface slop, we eating good ai-gen chads.
I'm bored of this VN already, why did I choose this? Why did I waste my time?
>The art is more soulful in the original.
Collection of great quotes ー Anon, 2024
No gyaru post tonight?
But thats not the new mignon visual novel, refine art is done by the original artist.
Sorry anon. Finished that last game and there's no pako pako soft on the backlog for me in the near future. Unless someone else takes up the slack.
>Girls are fatter to adapt to modern tastes
It's so over for eroge
Who's your favorite student?
Mine was Reina.
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People who litter should receive the death penalty.
I'm always a sucker for correcting naughty girls so Youko.
The dick shaming gal...
The sleepy one was also really cute.
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All I see are improvements.
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Been reading Same to ikiru Nanokakan and I simply don't get a certain plotpoint in Funabori's route, it makes no sense. Why the fuck does Kyohei kill Amane? It makes no sense. I understand the other things he did as it was to prevent Kuuko from actually needing to kill people, but killing Amane makes no sense. And he wasn' mind controlled either. He planned everything to bait her all by himself. Why did he do it?
If you told me the right was an anime screenshot, I'd believe you.
If this translate to more heroines with futomomo i'm in.
holy fuck is like some koikatsu tier models
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Sadly the actual anime screenshot is even lower tier than the original game.
Now this is soul.
>Mc appears and has a face
already better than the original
You sure the serial is not included somewhere?
faces look horrible
kurokami's expression is completely ruined
Shirokami looks better now, in the original she looked unhinged, like ready to kill you on the spot if you didnt get into her route
That's what makes her good you idiot
Old VN adaptions, now those were the days
This is literally gonna be the hottest shit in ages
Next Month can’t come soon enough
Yet another win for the futabros
did you have a stroke when making your post
he just forgot to properly space his links man, happens to all of us
no he posted a link inside a link, and it was the same link
Whats that VN where the post game content was the side heroines fucking the bros?
It was a moege with that gimmick.
koibana ren'ai
Whats the verdict on it?
it's good
it's bad
and it's ugly
It's too expensive. You can buy a much better VN for a few dollars more.
From the games awarded at KOTYe, which is the worst? I am really curious to know what a "kusoge text game" is like.
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四八(仮)is generally accepted in Japanese circles as being one of if not THE worst commercial VNs of all time.
According to reviews it is a consistently unscary horror game, incredibly buggy, has a horribly designed route structure, and as if all of that wasn't bad enough, a significant portion of the story is plagiarized.
I imagine it would be fairly easy to emulate if you wanted to try it for yourself.
Is there even a single horrorge that is ever scary?
I watched a let's play of it by a nip once because of its infamy, it was pretty fucking shit, yeah.
Well it has an unique premise going for it.
It wasn't afraid to go against typical moege behaviour of lame bros to not offend self inserters and sub heroines that arent fandisc bait for the player to fuck.
Such as?
Well, this ins't an eroge nor did it participate in said awards, but thanks anyway.
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i'm reading it now, it's fun
i can see the tip of the usual asapro drama on the horizon but for now it is a nice blend
i feel as though my bros deserve the heroines they are aiming for (in both good and bad ways) and i would not at all mind more games that use that gimmick
a little bit of friendship in my romance simulators goes a long way
With a fistful of dollars you can buy any good eroge you want. That's the ecstasy of gold.
>It's too expensive. You can buy
>unironic buyfag
Not much of asapro drama, I like koibana, but making ladder structure for moege was a dumb decision, kokoro is the best route and you see the most side couples progress in her route
It's fun, go for it.
I've got some games arriving in a few days.
higurashi made me piss myself
Koibana Ren'ai is a pretty decent asage. Kind of suffers from having a clear main heroine whose route is twice as long as anyone else's.
The bros carry the game, particularly Mitsuo. You have to play the FD to get any real resolution on 2/3rds of the bros romance stories.
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Finished up Natsuzora Kanata. Overall pretty good game. From what I understand, this is one of those Yuzusoft titles when they were still experimenting and hadn't settled on the formula they are now known for. I haven't played any of those, so I can't compare but indeed it's quite different from Braban and ExE. Natsukana is definitely a nakige with KEY influence. The plot starts up pretty quick in each route, and there's relatively time spent on anything else.

The game structure is a bit unusual in that it basically has no common route and all the heroine routes are totally disconnected and independent from each other. Normally you'd expect the usual setup where all the heroines interact with the MC for a bit before you choose who to go with but that doesn't happen here. 2-3 choices right at the beginning determine what route you end up in and it happens fast. As per usual, I did Yuika, the childhood friend, first and that's undoubtedly the one you should go for first. It reveals the least about the overall setting and is the least heavy. Sure there's the whole traumatic past thing that MC has to fix, but it gets settled and all is well. Weakest route, but it's solid and a shout out to Gorou for being a 10/10 bro as well that actually plays a major role. Hopefully, he gets Futaba in the future like they sort of implied.

I went with Sasara next. This was easily my favorite route, and I also feel it's the most well-written. It had the highest amount of significant side character screentime and showed off a more complex web of relationships than the other routes. Sasara starts off sheltered and naive because of her fucked up home situation, so you gradually see her grow to know the outside world thanks to Souta (the MC) leading the way. But what I really liked was that it's more than just that facet. Sasara also struggles with her relationship with her mother and it goes vice versa. Through the lens of the MC, it's apparently both care for each other still but the situation with the whole system on the island and Kyougoku being a 巫女 of course gets in the way. And then there's also the unfortunate fact that Sasara's father is basically some kind of sociopath or such. While the relationships between all these characters change, you also start to realize that Ashikaga is clearly in love with Kyougoku which only adds more spice to the pit of drama. On the very last day of the route, all of these feelings finally collide and boil over. I'm just a sucker for character drama like this. I found it really emotional and impactful with the way it ended. I'd like to think Ashikaga's 片思い was rewarded off screen in the final moments between those two. The dude is honestly a really good person. It's hard not to root for him.
I should check out Yuzusoft's older stuff, it's crazy that a company that's become the poster child of playing it safe used to actually be adventurous and try things out.
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Chihaya I did last because her design gave me the "main girl" vibes and I feel like her scenario is the longest so perhaps that's what the writers intended. But on the other hand, I feel Sasara's route is ultimately more conclusive for the setting and for most of the characters. Girl that loses her memory probably isn't the most original premise in the world, but there's a bit more to it as you go on. My only minor gripe is that I wish the writers omitted some hints so it would be less obvious. I wasn't really particularly surprised at any point since they went out of their way to drop a bunch of obvious clues for you. But to be fair, I wasn't exactly expecting Chihaya to be a 幻 created by the island. The vast majority of this route is just Chihaya and Souta. Of course, there's some side character action here, but in comparison to Sasara's it's much less. I personally preferred the greater amount of character dynamics that Sasara's route had but this is probably just a taste thing. It's still pretty well written. Actually the first ending is one of the more unusual ways to pull a bittersweet ending now that I think about it some more.

Usually when writers go for a bittersweet ending, there's some kind of outside circumstance that occurs which forces some kind of compromise. I mean why would the couple willingly choose to put themselves in a worse situation? But actually that's what happens in this case. With Chihaya being miraculously revived as a 巫女, I, like Souta, was not surprised when she chose to stay on the island which of course involves a lot of suffering until eventual death. But there's no reason she had to. They easily could have just run away and had a happy ending, but it wouldn't have been in character for her to do that. This is one of the very few instances in a VN where I can recall actually agreeing with the character that gives the obligatory warning along the lines of "don't do XYZ or you'll regret it". Of course, Chihaya would literally be dead otherwise and Souta tells himself he's happy, but I can't just help thinking that meeting Chihaya just ruined his life. At that ending, I don't see anything but more pain and suffering for the two of them. It's a very unusual ending. I can't think of another game that had one quite like this.

Of course, there's the other ending which is the happy "reset ending". Honestly not always such a big fan of these kinds of ending since they sort of erasing everything the characters previously went through, but the setting is literally an island that grants your wishes so it's not like I didn't see this coming. It's fine as an ending, but the other one is honestly way more interesting to me and feels more developed.

Tenshin Ranman is next in the Yuzusoft list for me. As I understand it, that's back to more comedy and moe which I'm not particularly in the mood for right now. So no more Yuzusoft from me for a while. Probably will go for some chuuni games next or something.
Braban is a straight moege, but ExE and Natsukana definitely are more unique.
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Chihaya's was the only one I've finished, but it was a good route, emotionally exhausting
H was terrible though
What's the latest hot VN I can read.
Select Oblige
Secret Lovers
Amanatsu+ in a week.
Thats moebuta shit, not a single hot VN there
>still no pc crack
Go back to discord and suck moogy's dick there.
you asked for the most popular recent vns
if you wanted something more specific and less recent you should've clarified
My apologies.
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Trial soon according to mikage. Probably thursday or friday.
I liked the first scene. Those were some nice thighs in that CG. The second scene sucked though and the haircut didn't help. Found it amusing that she technically gets deflowered twice.
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FUCKIGN HELL! Are you kidding me?? I got fucking scammed!
worst screenshot posted in this thread in a while, congrats
I see my superiority has made someone quite mad
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i see "dummy cut" a lot when downloading eroge. what does that mean?
They removed everything but the game data, which is usually okay but sometimes the filler data on discs has important stuff, so you might want to download the regular ones sometimes. Modern games are mostly digital releases so you don't really see it anymore.
this is the new purplege isn't it?

Holy shit man. I sometimes lament the kind of idiots that make the VN community. Basically westoids.
Not only they insert their preachy nonsense in shit like the database but they are willing to spread misinformation.
Turning an straight character gay is more rare because simply there aren't enough fags and no jap dev cares what the west think (Unless you become rapelay).
Wish egs was much better.
If I understand correctly the idea behind this tag, its author tried to combine into one tag things which are called in Japan asレズ落ち, BL落ち, ノンケ落ち, and such.
The explanation in that tag stinks and confuses things more than it should but works like that do exist in Japan, and without much influence of gender ideology you seems to be mad about.
And ノンケ落ち situations are usually rarer in works like that than for example レズ落ち.
i'm looking up doll heroines on vndb and most of these don't even have visible ball joints. what the fuck is the point
>and no jap dev cares what the west think
laplacianbros... we are safe...
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What's this? Name search fails me.
It probably doesn't help that you were likely looking up girls. It's kind of bad as usual for this company, but there's some decent scenes and Kyou is cute.
Truly good taste is incredibly rare among japs, stick with FromSoft for now.
Oh no...
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Because playing with dolls is for little girls!
Yeap. I was looking for girls and it didn't come to me that I should've been looking for a black-haired boy.
Thanks anyway.
Why do people get mad over this shit? If you don't like stuff like that then the tag literally improves the site for you since you can just use your default filters to remove every single VN with that tag and you will literally never see them.
Ghosts on the fucking MOOOOOOOOON
It's a pretty good collection of short urban horror stories.
I don't want them to stop at joints
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At least there weren't any moving parts.

But that's still quite gruesome.
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Semiramis or Last Cavalier?
They're both great,unless you like the bakumatsu era i would say start with Semiramis since it has the superior heroine.
lol, I know at least 2 eroge where you can fuck homo out of lesbians and not one of them have this tag
Recently read one where the conversion was only 50% successful and she turned bi instead of straight and is not there either. vndb is simpy not accurate with many character tags, especially sex scene tags.
do tell, I really love this shit
what are you even complaining about? change the description yourself then, it's obvious from the results that a guy turning gay women straight is more common, make that point in your reason for edit and move on
Tamami in Moshiraba and Mizuho in Tsuriotsu.
thanks, going to tag these
>Choosing literally anyone other than Luna in Tsuriotsu
Really, really hope you don't do this.
Ursula route was decent
I was in my autism phase when I read every bit of text in games I played, lol
Soulless, no loyalty for your waifus.
don't make me post their top 20
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Are Kizuato/Shizuka suitable novels for someone ~2 months into learning Japanese? I'm fine with dictionary hunting every other word if it means rapid improvement.
they're not hard
your first mistake is to not put the names of those vns in japanese
umm sweetie, we're on english language image board, no one really needs to do this
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Sure, just grab the 2009 version of Kizuato. VNDB is actually wrong here; it comes with the Renewal and PC-98 versions of both Shizuku and Kizuato, and they work on modern Windows.
Those aren't difficult but ny VN is fine as long as you're okay reading it for the next several months. Your interest matters more than your skill level. Ultimately you will learn more from more difficult works but obviously not everyone wants to do that.
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It's been exactly 20 years since the release of industry-changing dating sim, 下級生2. Do you like where the direction of school romance genre go after all these years?
>It's been exactly 20 years since the release of industry-changing dating sim
Dating sims have been dead for years.
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The effect can be felt even to non-dating sim medium.
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it wasn't a big deal
it didn't kill elf
it was funny more than anything
All it's known for is the meme. It didn't change anything.
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Why is that though, are they too expensive to make or does the average eroge reader don't really cares about multiple choices and affection system?
Does a remake really count? When was the last new full-on dating sim?
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I miss the wide shoulder.
Remake? Yes. Remaster/direct port? No. Not sure about a new full-on dating sim, let me research a bit...
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Probably a long shot but does anyone know how to stop light's engine on stuff like Dies Irae HD and Sora no Baroque from exiting fullscreen on alt-tab, it's a bit annoying.
The only time a VN is too hard for a learner is when you can't make sense of most sentences even with a dictionary. You just have to try them out for yourself and put them on the backburner for a few months if they don't make any sense now.
The josou games have shockingly good writing.
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Yeah. The common routes always end up being surprisingly funny and entertaining. Also the main writer/director dude is incredibly good at pacing H scenes. That's a pretty important skill imo since that can be the difference between a 10/10 H or something incredibly disappointing one. I always wonder if there's an elaborate story behind Nounai Kanojo suddenly writing a bunch of gay porn or if it was just something as simple as the guy unlocking a pregnant otokonoko fetish.
Imagine the splinters
I think it's the other way around, they had a couple trap heroines in their early games because that's what they always wanted to do and they were testing the waters. Then the rails came off and now they've exclusively been making trapge for almost 15 years.
They're basically the only company making moegay, and while they do a great job I wish it was more common.
Never reading trapshit
Your loss.
You really think people particularly care what you do and don't read? No skin off my back, read whatever you want.
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>it wasn't a big deal
>It didn't change anything
It shows the supremacy of moeGODS. Developers must bend the knee or get fucked. Call those people losers, gross, etc, but they shaped the industry to their whim unlike other fanbase.
And the vn industry js slowly dying because it's nothing but moeslop
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bro you're late
pretty embarrassing
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I don't like the fact that you have to share all the spoils of war with your comrades in Elfen King, I wanted the witch all to myself...
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Average AliceSoft H scene
,,,? it's a cg... name one vn that uses the cg as the mini expression sprite.
Is there a recommended route order for Silverio Vendetta? I presume Vendetta is last given the name of the game.
Finished バルドスカイ ダイブ1、ダイブ2、コアディフェンダー、ダイブエックス。
Good stuff. Gameplay was fun too although I did speed up the tedious weapon unlock process by a lot.
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Can エロゲ be saved
So that harem pregnancy CGfest are the elves pregnant from other dudes?
Wonder why Lune refuses to make Sukebe Elf 2.
i blame gacha!
fuck google and apple for not allowing r18
None of them are pregnant in my game yet so i can't say, i hope not.
Personally,i want another Aku no onna kanbu or even just a fandisc for the second one.
the industry is dying because moe fans are the only ones still reading vns?
The industry is dying because you don't share enough positive 感想 to shill games to encourage better discussions nor do you pay for anything, third worlder-kun.
Moeslop is not dying because moebuta are just more dedicated to supporting their favorite creators.
I mean, you can joke about how people who buy 9 copies of same moege on release day are mentally ill, but if plotfags bought 9 copies of their favourite games maybe their genre would be in better state today
>but if plotfags bought 9 copies of their favourite games maybe their genre would be in better state today
would have done absolutely nothing because every plotge company just wants to be type-moon and kills themselves with shitty gacha games
I used to make fun of moesloppers all the time then I became one myself. Remember to stay open minded and humble, bros...
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Can literary mediums be saved?
The answer is no
Hopefully a meido put komm susser tod in the background in autoplay when that happens
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Ayo what the fuck is this timing
How about something new?
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The new generation must learn how shitty Tokimeki Memorial's jealousy bomb system is, assuming Konami don't chicken out and dumb it down or provide an optional easy modo just like Doukyuusei remakes.
They probably dumbed it down
They are not expensive at all, that's why there was an oversaturation in the early 2000s and Konami gave up and aimed for an otome audience instead and became widely successful. And now there's an otome oversaturation.
It comes with the EVS system now too
>more fucking remasters/remake garbage
Someone, please..... save this medium before is too late...
>save this medium before is too late
Tokimemo isn't a VN.
say no more https://www.hendingerg.com/products/tsumuginohanayome/index.html
>yuri with dicks
Medium saved
Eroge/visual novels: Alive and well medium
vtumors: Already dying
gacha: Worse eroge/vn constently dying and leaving nothing for posterity

Yep, Im thinking eroge/visual novels win
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Considering the current state of anime and light novels where there are now making slut propaganda, they actually saved eroge.
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I have a question regarding KKK
Who this guy is supposed to be? This isn't Satanail right since iirc he didn't manage to get to the throne in the end? Is it the first time they mentioned the first god or did i forget something?
It is.
>he didn't manage to get to the throne in the end
what gave you this idea
From what i remember he got destroyed by Ryle before reaching the throne, but then got saved by Astaroth at the end
So did he manage to reach it with her help or smth? They barely mention shinza there at all so i still don't get how that is supposed to work
So he became the first god at the end of paralost then? There was no god before him? What about Avesta which is supposed to be a prequel?
I don't remember a lot of the details but it was something along the lines of Astaroth helping him by sending him back to the past, he kills the previous god (Avesta MC) off-screen and becomes the new god. I'm pretty sure there was a scene of Satanail watching over Zoar, might've been one of the unvoiced scenarios I forgot
So turns out paralost end was a bad end? He removed the original sin so people were living like robots under control without any identity... even sodom was still better than this
No way Ryle would be happy living in a world like that...
yeah his world is basically NPCland with a few people like Mercurius being bugs in the system that have a personality
So what was the whole point of them fighting so hard to win just to still lose in the end anyway... The only thing i can assume is that masada didn't plan that far away and it was supposed to be a happy end initially
What was the reason for mercurius' kishikan that he ended up stealing the throne anyway, i guess they weren't telling that anywhere
Anyone got the bugbug append patch for ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート2?
Don't think he thought too hard about a future series at all yeah and the ending scenes are pretty different to how his world is described later on.
>i guess they weren't telling that anywhere
find out in 10 years if he manages to write his backstory after Aditya
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what why
New graphics look great. Dating sim chads, we are so back.
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I'm like halfway through the story and i just found out that the mom is blind.
He's right, you know.
is this all age?
Yeap. It's in the video description:
cool coat, looking fo-
nevermind not playing this shit
My guess that at some point Palette will rerelease complete version of 9-nine- with ero-scenes. They might do it with this spinoff too.
And the video is private now. Someone at Palette is getting fired.
New Sakura no Toki novel
Are Palette gonna do a new game that is not a rerelease or another 9nine farm?
I think the company is on life support and slowly dying.
If this spinoff and the anime get popular, Palette just might decide to transform 9-nine- into Da Capo and milk it until the end of days. Wouldn't that be fun?
He looks like me.
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Yes, I needed this
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>Scenario: Yukihito
Looks like it will have great comedy.
I'm really not liking those eroge company who makes bank once and then drop the ero forever
It shows they never liked doing eroge in the first place
>It shows they never liked doing eroge in the first place
I mean, yeah. I'd presume many don't. Do you want them to pretend and make bad h-scenes with no heart?
Well, if they didn’t want to include ero, then just don’t? I mean, if they’re confident in their story, why rely on eroge fans to sell? Wasn't there a Japanese poll showing that the first thing eroge fans care about most is the art and the artist? If the artist is kami of course you'd want H-scenes, even if they aren't that good.
imo it's dishonest towards eroge fans to switch like that, it's like 'yeah let's put ero in our vn to sell it to those dumb coomers', but that's just me, I get how they want to be clean, fuck off from coomers and sell to a larger public.
9 nine sucks anyway, the episodic shit trend needs to disappear.
If they wanted to drop ero forever, they wouldn't have released Sana Edition.
Maybe I'm being optimistic but they might be going for CIRCUS way of selling it first without ero and selling expanded version later.
There is clearly not enough information at this point to judge one way or another.
At least for the original 9-nine- non-ero version was intended to be released from the very start. Non-ero variation of scenes was included in scripts way back in the first release of Kokoiro.
So it's not like they released ero-version, it gained unexpected popularity, and they decided to drop ero afterwards.
Looks like they have reuploaded the video: https://youtu.be/2sOAgrZVhHw
You've never shared a wiener with your bro while you watch some funny videos on youtube?
Why the extra step? I can just kiss my bro without the wiener in between.
It's called buildup fuckwad. It's what makes the difference between a prostitute and a girlfriend.
>Light novels
>Kimetsu no Yaiba
One day you will have to accept most eroge makers don't really like eroge and see it as something disgraceful and would gladly abandon it is they could, there is a reason why everyone hide their real names on productions, just like actual real porn.
Also there is a chance as well they are juts doing it to get to steam since if they can sell to china they think they will become the next type moon or something
>most eroge makers don't really like eroge and see it as something disgraceful and would gladly abandon it is they could
This is just entirely made up.
nah man just look at scaji's twitter
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I can fix her
why do you play sad games?
I remember a few guys here praising Extravaganza, is it worth playing Mushitsukai first?
NTA but I've found alternating between reading depressing VNs and moege is a great system. It really helps you appreciate the sweet happiness of the moege, and provides respite from long sad sections of the depressing VN.
no it's significant'y worse and not necessary
Why do you need to read depressing fiction, when you can just switch on the news.
>Feeling sad for a bunch of people you don't know
nice joke anon
In VN you actually get attached to characters and feel happy when they are happy, and feel sad when they are sad.
Whats the point of having a phallic imagery in a yuri game?
Do they really thinkthats what dykes want to see?
That never works since most of the time I wish the moege heroines were in the sadge instead so I could tenderly love the sadge heroines instead.
If they invent a version of the news where cute 2D lolis give you blowjobs, I will start watching the news.
who cares what dykes want to see
are you implying you want to see penises?
inside women, yeah
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Silver haired heroines are my favorite in erogay
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It's what trannies want to see.
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congrats anon, you got it right this time

maybe, but if you don't buy it the next four rhythm DLC will be cancelled again
>got it right
but it's already out when anon posted that...
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sometimes you have to lie to make someone feel better
Is the torrent out on usual places?
dunno where to look for all ages steam releases
It's not even release Friday yet.
Torrent probably will be on nyaa instead of sukebei. It could also get shared on rin.
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>What was the reason for mercurius' kishikan that he ended up stealing the throne anyway, i guess they weren't telling that anywhere
It's a mixture of rewrites/expansions to satanael's motivations and ideology. Post paradise-lost, Satanael comes to the conclusion that the source of evil is ignorance - leading to him constantly updating his own law and throne leading to the change between the end of paralost and what was the final years of his throne. To get rid of ignorance the world/civilization in his era was sought to know all things which eventually lead to a desire for the unknown (enter mercurius). There's still a bunch of retcons (Like Lot and Satanael being actual childhood friends and there being a third one who Satanael based Ast off - she also possed the only sin that rivalled Satanael and had the potential to be the next throne god if it wasn't him.) and things we don't fully know about and the main justification is that the cult's inscriptions about the gods are heavily flawed and biased.
anon it's already out on kf, the torrent will probably get on nyaa soon
and it'll probably be on sukebei because those retards girlcely and the chinks don't care
Cool, thanks
The story and setting seems like your average anime plot with yuri, so I dunno what to expect beside amazing production and art
I hope there’s some kind of twist though
yurishit AND all-ages, it is like a double recipe for failure. Honestly fuck sprite, koichoco and aokana were not even good.
satsuki's route in koichoco was pretty good though, the way chisato got beat over the head makes it a timeless classic
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hahahaha holy shit this garbage can't not even be bought outside steam for pc? what about their own japanese stores? they are not important i guess.
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No, the only studios that get good money from Eroge are Orcsoft/Lune/ClockUP. The future is bimbo hags games...
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lol the wagahime gacha died
waste of time game that dickteased a billion girls without giving them fds aside from the hot blonde girl and it wasnt in the vein of majikoi
Girl's software is releasing a nunge tomorrow
I'm just gonna buy the switch version
Can anyone save me with a working download link for this
A short doujin game that got released 10 years ago, it suddenly got popular with Jp doujin crowd just recently so I am curious about it
All the current links are dead
>Just about as Sakura was being assaulted and raped...
Where is this jp doujin crowd and what other obscurege do they recommend?
The usual guys on Twitter, you can see who repost doujin games news and find them easily
This is the ultimate free doujin game I guess, I don’t see western people talk about it
Thanks anon, this is supposed to be extremely depressing, I hope I am ready
I couldn't manage to make it work because it doesn't support the new versions of adobe air or some shit
For some reason Chinese people really love this. It's in the top 50 on their game ranking site which I forgot the name of.
If anyone has a melonbooks account, can you share this free doujin chuunige?

One day I'll read this but the length is a big commitment.
Lune is dead though.
Well basically they are an H OVA studio now.
kaguya's route in Ambitious Mission feels really forced. I'm not a big fun of her route. Yae's so far is the best one.
Is this up anywhere? https://vndb.org/r66700
Nyaa says it has seeds but i've been sitting on a 0% download for weeks now.
Ok finished this, nice short Utsuge I guess, nothing really special beside the writer text is real joy to read.
You are better off reading this instead
Pakorare felt like a short demo for this one
Is amanatsu+ a standalone or what? I haven't read amanatsu yet.
fd just like amakano+
Enjoy, friend
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>buy the Silverio Artemis package
>the one time code for Silverio Vendetta doesn't actually work
>what the fuck I'll just crack it
>the usual alpharom cracks/existing patches don't work because they're technically for the first press edition not the Artemis one
>couple of hours of no progress and getting really desperate and about to just give in and play the first press edition instead
>check light's website
>realize I'm just the victim of their stupid fucking bug/packaging mistake and need to put in the code from trinity for vendetta
Oh my fucking god light. I just started dying of laughter after realizing all the time I wasted on this stupid shit. Thank god it finally works now and apparently not a single person in the archives mentioned this so in case someone in the future comes across this dilemma maybe I'll save them some time.
damn that's a terrible failure at cropping on my part.
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You wouldn't happen to have this one too, would you?
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Its gaming time
I'm afraid I dont, the VNDB page for Noratoto 2 doesn't even mention it so it's possible no one's ever dumped it.
Thanks, anon.
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EGS's 動作OS状況 has the specific version you need
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I've been looking for "Hello, World." for about an hour and can't find a valid link anywhere. Just one behind paid links and advertising links which appear broken on my machine.
I remember thinking it looked like it could be good a few years back but I'm planning on getting a lineup of games to take down in 2025 and this banger showed at random in my youtube mix, but I'm getting blueballed by my failed searches.

To be fair, I'm unfamiliar with resources for old VN's and I haven't been on /jp/ in a bit over 2 years.
The game isn't nearly as good as the soundtracks make it look like though so don't up your expectations
It aged really badly with all of the worst early 2000s plotge tropes you can think of, but the robot autism of the mc alone was still enough for me to sit through all of it
Also forgot to mention that you should get the fixed launcher linked here https://vndb.org/r933
Damn, someone beat me to the punch while I was uploading. Here's a DDL for you if you don't want to bother with rutracker.
Forgot the damn link.
Nice it finally works now
I wish everyone here knew about the EGS OS section, it's saved my ass on numerous occasions.
I wish they didn't split one damn game into 5 different parts so you have to check every single one in case someone left a comment...
Damn, thanks mates.
I appreciate the tempering of expectations. I'll pick up the mega link and magnet to seed it the collection. The VNDB ratings are a secondary source of confidence, but the music was what caught me a few years ago.
Does anyone have the trial for 殻ノ少女? The official links are dead.
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Does he really need that many swords?
Can anyone dl from baidu? http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c2cWrny u4nq
https://vndb.org/v1987 this game has never been uploaded anywhere here but i found a working link on kf so should preserve it while it's here
>decide to finally read mojika
>after a few hours game decides it won't open anymore and just displays a random error message instead
Eh, I was kinda liking the dynamic the MC and Miyu had going but I guess I'm not playing this one
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I'll make it to my senior years and Japanese authors will still write stories where "Japan gets nuked" is part of the setting.
nigga you can't fix her
This one's also kami https://vndb.org/v22733
And there's a freege that's a sequel to Pakorare and the writer's previous freege if you didn't read those yet
Japan is fine though, just trapped in another dimension inside a magical star.
https://pixeldrain com/u/sENLrtmR
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Not the guy that asked for it, but I get this error when starting the game. Just me?
Cool thanks, will check those
I need more drama and depressing stuff
I hate long H-scenes that goes nowhere. I want H-scenes with multiple orgasms and large narrtive time jumps. Unfortunately there aren't that many nukiges like this.
yeah well seems like it has a missing arc.nsa file, either someone who is not me could ask the original uploader or if they really want it then buy the dlsite version
Gohell go waiting room...
Is anyone reading everflo?
You want time jumps in the middle of an H-scene?
Damn that really sucks there is literally no other link in existence
It's on ru https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3752059
Wait seriously, i have never seen some random ass doujinge like this being uploaded there before lol
Probably because it has an English patch. Though I don't know if they also include this patch or not https://vndb.org/r5604
Here's hoping they didn't spend all their budget on that opening movie. jeweha felt like it was made on a shoestring budget and suffered greatly for it.
am i just a noob or getting raws of even popular vns is a lot more hassle than say anime
my search for ディエス・イレ now:
>why is this a googledrive link...whatever
>oh, the crack link is dead
sukubei nyaa:
>like two links
>in one, comments say the crack isn't working
>the other has vague description, downloading on the off chance it's raws

am I missing something?
Out of curiosity, could you also share the other folders?
try anime-sharing
girlycell release and put 2222-2222-2222-2222 when it asks for a code and it works
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looks useful, bookmarked, will try it later if nothing works
yeah, about that...
Speaking of doujin games, what ever happened to Suicide Fence?
Trial seems to be out for Moon Ghost too.
Cute new Jeweha girls, but why did they let down Carla's twintails
The process to make KKK work is hell bros can't they be normal
thanks light
haha i figured it out, replace the exe with the crack, of course
it's been a long while since I used cracks like this
on rance ix and i cannot describe the feelings i have seeing kanami finally be dere
Yea there is patch 110
Wow i didn't realize that it was also voiced too, impressive
i love meidos
That guy lost the motivation to keep writing, so it will most likely never be finished.
New thread will push this one of the board. Look for it in the catalog.

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