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A thread dedicated to mainstream idols, but local and amateur idols are welcome here too.

Previous >>47430875
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why does every single Homare poster got purged? she is a hag already
jr idol fag are the most oppresed people in this thread
sexy bones
Who is right?
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Thoughts on jc bb piercings
drempt I was himari's producer
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love Noa
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I want to be a photographer..
tattoos bad. piercings good.
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In Japan, you are only allowed to enter the pool if you bring an inflatable ring.
piercings good, just not on the nose please.
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piercings bad
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Hiwillow just got better
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Always interesting seeing the type of gifts idols receive.
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Piyo is graduating and still no mizugi pics
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>OF at home

isn't 2500 yen expensive for a pic? not even at the beach
please support german
holy legs
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I want a go hug bride
outfit is hot
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That slap...
Very cute
Koreans are a bad influence for JCs
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Asahi surprise アナル
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I thought she had three feet for a second.
does she know?
please tell me she a soles pic somewhere
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Risachi has a photo book?
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Momonyan appears here


Meari has 4 new ones kek
Are nihonjin the only ones who can get away with buying those?
I don't see why you couldn't buy it
The previews are very tame
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>Momonyan” is a sign language singer who is active as a solo idol and writes her own music and sings in sign language. May Momonyan's sign language songs reach everyone!
momonyan is lowkey an idol genius
>sings in sign language
she uses sign language while singing her songs
hmm, pretty based
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weird just read this thread about risachi then she randomly liked a really old lewd post of mine
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I workout so I can look better when I meet my oshi/waifu
Are their moms hot?
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you'll need the cardio
>not dad bod maxxxing
>In Japan, you are only allowed to enter the pool if you bring an inflatable ring.
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no 沢美沙樹...
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she was way too big to make it
too bad about sakura
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The best.
She is covering her body for (me)
That thing is almost back is not it
disgusting fag
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Yutori's mom is overweight, I don't remember seeing any other
>Suzuki's graduation performance has been postponed to September 8th

god sent a typhoon there so we can have
more time for mizugi pics
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Does anyone have a Himari folder they could share please, I don't have very much of this beauty <3
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Does anyone know who this gorgeous girl is, the third girl in the white t-shirt. She's sooo beautiful =)
they have korean boyfriend
That's a weird name!
they are seventeen models so probably one of these girls
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Thanks a million anon. She's FUJIKO SATO, and she looks quite different in that clip above, took a while to find her in that list, as she's much older.
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This is the only image I can find of her so far that closely resembles her at a similar age
it's recent tho
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No 6 <3
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thanks lolipedia bot. no need to post unrelated uggos though.
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>9/22 卒業
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Does anyone know the Japanese idol group with a huge ass and don't wear much? They had some popular videos on Youtube
Ah! I'm being cute attacked!
maybe 鈴木Mob? I wouldn't call it huge but it's a nice one
If you mean huge for their age I can only think of black superiors and their wedgie shorts
Thanks, these are close. There's a idol group of about 3 or 4 girls, but one of them has a huge ass and they're wearing even shorter skirts. One of the videos on Youtube had the date of the performance in the title and at least 100k views.
NTA but maybe you're thinking of Nippon Wachacha ?
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So this is what you guys are into...
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that says more about your preferences
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She looks like the lead from the new netflix drama chastity high.
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>She looks like the lead from the new netflix drama chastity high.
I don't see the resemblance, though she's very pretty, I love seeing Asians with a great tan <3

uggo, unfortunately
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Nijika <3
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Homare, that is all.
I hope she continues into her teen years so I can keep a growth diary
She’s incredibly adorable that’s for sure, past present and hopefully future.
She really went full gravure...
When they're so young I can't help but think their parents are the ones behind this. But what for ? To pay for future studies is my best bet, but still.
I guess we’ll figure it out in a few years if Homare stays an idol and all. Hope she’s not being too pressured though.
Yeahy it's an option like many others. I guess it ain't that bad if it eanrs her a place in some group.
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is japan safe for idols?
Sometimes I really want to give her a hug now that she looks like that at times.
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idols aren't safe even from other idols
I have but how do I share it here?
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Himari <3
You can use mega, it's free >
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Dr.Evil digits, Muhahahahahaaaaaa
Are there any bikini pics of beautiful Himari?
oh god...
Jpdmv just deleted the entire section... wtf
ask her boyfriend
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It's working fine for me, any video I click loads without issue.
Yeah... but they removed all the junior section...
Ahh, yep, they did too. Seems to be the way of most sites now. Javpop removed jidolds ages ago, same with akiba-online.
Streamable jidols here though >
Thanks, anon. I'm scared, they want to wipe all that content from the net because 'muh western moral police'. So fucking annoying.
I hope they get archived somewhere and don't become lost media. I hate this moral crusade.
I've just been searching though jpdmv.com and many jidols are still there.
Granted, there was a fairly substantial purge between march and november 2023 just by using the archive.org to search.
It looks like they nuked anything tagged with jr or super jr. I did notice that the few of my bookmarks that escaped the purge didn't have those tags. I wonder what happened
femishit happened
Cute feet. Marvelous choice for an op image. Thank you very much.
feet fag op is the worst op
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Lin <3
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Barefooted DP girls <3
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Those oriental dresses look great. Does anyone have the photoset of Rei Kuromiya wearing a Vietnamese dress without pants while displaying her fat butt from IMPM-020?
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you're getting way too comfortable here buddy
Y2S 雫
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I want a growth diary of all these juniors turning into menheras
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idols look weird up close
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They look cute.
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agreed. its like im going in for a kiss
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JC shouldn't dance like this
Agreed. The trousers aren't necessary.
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nijika rookie of the year
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Thank you for the link, it’s sad that it feels like running from one site to the next because jidols are alarming to some people. I recall also a wiki/index a long time ago but that got deleted too.
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Risachi is mine. She's my waifu.
where can you get those? I can't find them any where
Anon, got a jewtube link to this?! Nothing is showing up on yandex for me.
I'm about to ruin my month of nofap.
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They are not free they're like 20gb each, very hq, so hosting them would be a terabyte in no time. very rare, and very expensive
You can get them from Chinese resellers for slightly cheaper or you can join a group buy club
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but finding your bubble butt andoll waifu in 4k is worth it
oriental dress mentioned
What a cutie!
A true mainstream
道玄坂69 perchance? Or are you looking for literal /main/ children with huge asses?
People even here would deny how good is japan in this context, but its funny to be outraged by it whem bikini is just a normal clothe for girls her age outside nihon
I dont think all that interesting things in Instagram means that their family is just "selling" them, is most about how controversial is to do it for idols her age
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Thanks anon. That's fucking hot.
Meh, honestly innocence/purity is hotter than slutty behaviour. If I wanted to see that I'd look at western sluts.
Also here's the full video if anybody cares. The webm is better though because it clips the hottest part and doesn't have the negro music
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La creatura
Most excellent choice, Akane a cute. Simple 'as.
Nice ass.
Thought it said troon kek.

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