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Previous: 47309954
Kurumi funded her debut album
hololive returned to the chinese market and spat in the faces of the loyal fans of kiryu coco
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Replying to shitposters from the last thread is gay. Don't be like that guy, /jp/.
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Karubi show on DMM
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Goblinafag, is that you?
Why would anyone still care about Ai's shambling corpse when Nonchi exists?
You wouldn't get it. Only the fans of Kaguya Luna, Mirai Akari and Kiryu Coco would get it.
Either they're mindbroken, they post here maybe once a year, or they're corporate shills.
It's the same three answers its been for the past 4 or 5 years so you should know this by now.
Let me mourn the loss of my favorite vtuber, OK? You people have your favorites still streaming and creating content. Not everybody has dark agendas or is a shill.
She died definitively 2 and a half years ago, and was dying for up to 5. Just because the maggots finally stopped feeding on the corpse doesn't mean her death was a recent thing.
The worst part is you guys were the ones to push the whole personal life stalking aspect harder than almost anyone else back in the day, you don't get to pull this sadposting card when you've been following Nozomi for longer than you've been following Kizuna Ai by now. You ain't mourning jack.
You think people are this caricature that you have in your mind and you deeply believe all of them are the same. Understandable but utterly mistaken.
There was no loss recently to mourn. Shut up and watch your oshi or go cry about losing the corporate skin she shed somewhere else.
>Shut up and watch your oshi
I do, the footage she did until her big live event on 2022
Shut the fuck up.
And her event in 2022 was over 2 years ago. Seriously, fuck off already.
Fuck off.
There's no need to write it 3 times
Desperate schizo.
Trust me, I'm as shocked as you are that two other people hopped in to tell you to stop crying about something that happened years ago.
THEe(しー)(formerly Inside-chan Mark3) was live.
Suuuure bro. Suuuure.
I know you're being sarcastic, but if you look at it from my POV you'll see why it'd be kind of insane to think I replied three times to the same post just to tell an anon to stop crying about the mask she's been wanting to abandon for years rather than the person herself.
Besides, why would I need to gang up on the second class citizens of this thread by myself lmao
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Amaryllisbros... our Rurika got married...
Is she the one who turned into a lion? I remember basically nobodies faces but the tanned loli artist and Hinari.
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No, Lio was Reiran. Ruri reincarnated as Tetra.
Huh, that's not the design I remember. I thought she had a Roki-esque eye mask...
Ah wait, I'm thinking of Yuko. I can't remember the channel name but it just came to me now.
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Is this a clone
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Brave in red 884mil for 22-23.9 fiscal year, with their memeverse alone for 222mil
Nonchii as a guest on Peaky Hikers video. her greeting sounds familiar...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDnfYLpEiVQ lumia
To this day I still don't understand how they even managed to get any acquisitions in the first place.
They are third biggest and the next nijiholo
How they managed to become "the third biggest" in the first place is the question here, don't be a dumbass. Aogiri was their biggest thing and it only hit 1mil subs this year which is a stark contrast from the explosive success Gamebu once had. Their next biggest success are singers who are certainly not bringing in tens of millions of dollars from either their covers or singles. Where'd all the funds for their various buyouts and funding projects come from? That's my question. You don't have an answer and frankly I don't think anyone else has one.
Majority of funding came after VSpo merger. VSpo owner agreed on the merger because he didn't know how to run a company and was losing money. Here's all their funding rounds since then.
The CEO of TV Asahi, one of the biggest television networks in Japan, suddenly decided to join on board with Brave after they picked up Vspo? Is this supposed to make the muddy waters any clearer?
You're retarded
I still can't believe the braveshill is here instead of on /vt/. Guess he wants an easy paycheck.
Truly an amazing argument you've made. I'm sure everyone is stunned and awed by this.
Glad you like it
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It's a real shame we lost her. In fact, I can almost still hear her voice...
Probably got tricked by NFTs, web3.0 and other dumb memes the Brave board listed on their interviews and site before, like most idiot suits in Japan.
Even Cover almost went down that route at some point given YAGOO was following many of those types of people, but it seems their western reach made them realize the majority of the world despises that shit. Anycolor too if it weren't for reasons. (lol)
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I would an old man
you can't just post ojiisan thighs and not drop a source
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wat a twist
The panda finally has a brother in arms.
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It's up
Me holding Hime
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Gariben restarts in October as Gariventure
The baldies are multiplying.
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Did Wrench just become Kurumi?
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What’s the point of this thread when there is /vt/? Genuine question.
General news threads at /vt/ are full of EOPs, I don't want to use them
What’s an EOP? Google isn’t helping.
Extra-Ordinary Parts, i.e. goofy aliens.
English Only Peasant. Usually used for people that don't speak Japanese.
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The original answer was because we refused to move there after holotards raped the threads to the point where we had 500+ new posters showing up practically overnight, who then later infested /jp/ when we repeatedly tried to kick them out, then later pretty much all of them migrated to /vt/ and discussion here could continue as it normally did in the years prior to the mongrels invasion once they left to shit in their own water. The days of people talking about a random vtuber or streamer and bringing attention to them, anons learning about new names and sharing something special with other /jp/sies akin to hanging out in an MMO and talking about anime or music with strangers, and more often than not picking up a new favorite along the way? That was our way of life before and it was the way of life we wanted to reclaim.

The current answer is that it's force of habit for a dozen people and it'll continue until whoever makes the OP's stops, as after about a year this thread went from slowing down to a glacial speed where nobody can talk about meaningfully about anything. Our sense of community was shattered the moment our little corner of the internet was attacked by a biblical swarm of locusts, meaning the only people left are the shambling husks stumbling out of rotting shacks. Now /vt/ can call me a faggot for writing up an essay to a non-member of the thread and for daring to imply this thread is anything but as good as it used to be, as is tradition. Tradition's all we have left.
I'm not going to rewrite that entire post but man, it's pretty embarrassing to fatfinger /vy/ as /vt/. I could probably think of some wannabe quick-witted insult but frankly now I'm just depressed about those halcyon days again.
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We'll be with them again. Someday.
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I tought it was English Only Pigs
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Chihiro/Sakura started her own company
Damn, that's some bad timing. Going to get overshadowed by tonights news.
It's only an announcement of intent for now, she hasn't registered the company yet
That makes sense after actually checking out the twitter.
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Did G. Yamada draw this? That's tight.
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Yep. On his vtuber twitter account.
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Will be there a new ponpoko24 this year?
Don't think so, they are busy with offline events
I didn't get to watch all of their stuff from the America arc, just parts of the stream they did yesterday, but it sounded like a lot of fun.
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I miss that event. I always look forward to it.
new cookieswirlc
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Anyone have an archive of usami yuno and himekuma ribon from re:act? Some of ribon's vods are on the internet archive but I can't find a full archive of her, or any of yuno at all.
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THEe(しー(formerly Inside-chan Mark3)) is live.
Full version on panda
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THEe(しー(formerly Inside-chan Mark3)) was live.
No more free Vark Shorts starting October
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Witches VN
Fuck cover. yagoo and hololive's management deserve to be skinned for the disgusting shit they pulled with mel, fucking erasing every trace of her and banning the girls from acknowledging her. Hope someone fucking kyoani's the covercorp office.
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My fat wife was live.
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nyanners needs to be corrected
Is he Nuts or Ray's husband?
im glad you're still around for your fat wife, anon.
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KAGAYAKI STARS / Re:Act 6th anniversary
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what has she been up to lately
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There there

YUArs are forever
Activ8 strikes again
These 2.5D projects don't seem to work with male audience
Is... is Camomi dead?
Like dead dead, not just vtuber dead.
Important news from the Hime Hina team
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Give it to me straight, is Tamaki ever going to make up with Nobuhime/Polka?
Tamaki is a cunt and Porka is a fucking h*lo. Who cares. What do they even need to make up for.
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HoloENs Ame is leaving but the IP is staying. Presumably for Holoearth, anime, manga, whatever future projects. Not a fan of the concept personally.
Thoughts on VCR minecraft Beta as it's ending tomorrow?
Didn't watch because I'm tired of events full of randoms I don't care about
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It's finally here. Tune in next week for the double red and blue.
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i thought she wasn't doing the okinawa thing anymore
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a lot of balls in one shot
This sort of came out of nowhere.
I basically all but stopped following most of what Hololive have been doing in recent years because they went hardcore on the extra side shit that nobody signed up for (and is why people are now dropping out after hearing many complaints coming from people over that period on how much extra work they do now), but this one stood out quite a bit.
I never followed Ame much but I do know she's basically entirely responsible for HoloENs 3D stuff. Yet when I looked in to it, she said on Youtube she will not be "staff"?
Bullshitting or did she really manage to wrangle some weird ass contract out of stubborn ass JP managers?
Even Ayame had to be forcefully pulled off the toilet and told to stop shitting herself and stream, what the hell did Ame do to pull this one?
Pretty sure Cover are the one who wanted it. They're supposed to be an IP production company now and have to find a way to keep long-term projects going without losing characters.
Why not offer that to Aqua too?
Aqua is now "dead" and she is many times bigger than Ame was.
Maybe they did and she refused? Aqua didn't take the hiatus option either, despite having no plans to reincarnate. We'll see, I guess, there seems to be more people on the way out.
Not sure about about aqua not reincarnating, she and other members did drop hints and there.
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Ai-chan, Siro, Ubiba, Nekomasu, Omega Sisters, Fuji Aoi and Enogu were part of the final scene of the vtuber anime.
Is her website still active?
Nope, it keeps going to a parking page...
Fuck man
One person I still follow pretty regularly looked dead set on dropping out earlier, few months back.
notHaato had set up a whole bunch of new shit, new assets, got art commissioned, the full works, even did some music covers with animations in the style of that art.
It was up for a few months but just recently she seems to have walked back on it and privated and reverted the changes.
Seems they were able to convince her to stay on. For a 3rd time.
I doubt she will last much longer.
At the rate Cover is going with their retarded decisions, a 10th ain't happening.

They keep pushing these girls beyond breaking point, not long before someone else cracks and leaves.
I expected Gura to leave over Ame, if anything. She became HoloENs Ayame from what I heard, barely streaming, and seemingly no mentinoed health issues to make up for it.
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Can you expand on this? Because Haato got new 2D models and she is being active
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Enogus started personal channels and crowdfunding for solo event
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They got a boost from the vtuber anime as well
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That was just after it. The new models ad such that is.
But recently she has felt a bit, I dunno, out of it I guess. She has been more active, but at the same time still less than she used to be.
Even with that whole HoloGTA server thing they started up recently and ARK before that.

When she came back from her "illness break", her mood in general felt different.
After getting all of those assets made for the videos, the music done, she looked dead certain for leaving Hololive, this wasn't just one random video, it was several. All animated.
I'm not quite sure why she privated them, many of the other members have some artwork or visual attached to their names on other accounts, who stream, some of them even sing there without issue like Matsuri and Laplus who are in literal groups.
I worry she was pressured in to it and caved.
I wouldn't put it past the fuckers, they've gotten more pushy and strict over the past few years especially from what I've heard. Suisei brought up stuff relating to that after Aqua dropped out or maybe before it, not sure again. I think it was after the announcement??
Imagine how bad it would be if both Aqua AND Haato left around the same time.
From my perspective Haato looked clear that she was essentially doing that thing a lot of people do before they drop a graduation notice - they speedrun a bunch of things they've "always wanted to do". She was collabing a lot more with people, a common example, then the new outfit, which is around the time she started to become active over on the other account.
I was expecting the Haato notice at any point and then out of nowhere Aqua happens. I say out of nowhere, that shit was over years ago, she was just riding on that free Cover money.
boy this guy sure likes replying to himself
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>another autistic food video
Gets to eat and make content at the same time. Win-win.
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I like seeing the paragraphs and completely skipping over them past the first line of the first post. It reminds me of those halcyon days. Well... minus the fact anon thinks anyone gives a shit about his subhuman EN "vtuber". At least Rhythm was open about being shilled.
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Sorry, that was someone else.
I know, I know, you guys are still schizo as fuck over anything Hololive to the point you can't even read simple sentences.
I couldn't give less a fuck about that Ame chick in general, she sounded like a spoilt child who threw hissy fits at everything.
Shit I forgot about Tsugu, forgot to sub to her again. Not that it'd matter. Yep, last post was still a year ago.
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