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Last >>47595557

Anatomy Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
Nice boy
Shota cock
>Akumaid got a couple fixes and translations.
Can I play it while being EoP?

What happened to him?
Yukari gaped him.

>Parsee becomes a Drunkard if you break her heart
>Added new lines for if you see her at the bar after breaking her heart
>Added two new diary entries
Very nice, thank you.
Also, can you fix her heart after you break it?
So is her junk on the bug torso or between her legs?
Bug pussy
Both. The bug pussy lays eggs and the youkai pussy youkais.
Reaper Pussy.
i cant believe wriggle has sleigh in her sex dungeon
A dildo is still a dildo.
bring back sleigh
from where?
How do you make Non-Combatant go away?
Train them
Seriously? Laaaaame. I expected Persuade or the Dojo.
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That's indeed a big nerf here stats got. But I guess that's fair.
It's a bit sad for the 400% Almighty, and I'm middly surprised by the lack of Qualities, but you said it was a pain iirc.
Plap plap plap.
In megaten can I steal Madoka away from Homura or any events like that in other era games? I've never played megaten
That's called training Madoka until she loves you. Use your imagination.
For bonus points, set Homura as an assistant while you do it. Or visa versa.
Wouldn't it be the opposite? Lel

It's too bad that there's not many dialogues that does that. the only interaction I've seen is Chie and Yukiko, at the start of a Love training.
If I recall right, Nanako and P4 protagonist have something like that too.
I think this anon >>47628074 want Homura to become a femcel so he should train Madoka and makes her an assistant when he is about to train Homura. Imagine how angry Homura is when he orders Madoka to spank Homura.


>Imagine how angry Homura is when he orders Madoka to spank Homura.
Angry because MC ordered Madoka to do it and she accepted.
Aroused because Madoka spanked her ass.
Because Nanako belongs to the eramegatenMC, obviously.
I know we are talking about a japanese era porn game.
But kiddy stuff, really kiddy stuff are making my skin crawl.
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How do I train my demons in Megaten without breaking them or making them hate me? It's not like in TW where you can just talk to them and progress from there until they eventually naturally fall for you.
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You need to massage their body until they start listening to your order. Remember these wise words: Do onto other what you want to be done to yourself. If you want them to suck your cock, you need to lick their clitoris (or penis if you are gay for male demon) first.
does compendium registration carry through NG+?
it's a tightrope. use violent actions to get them obedience/pain marks, but not so violent to cause more than hate 1. once you have those marks everything's a lot easier.
That's too cruel. You should caress your target until they agree to suck your cock. After that it is a smooth ride to love.
that works pretty well if you edit the game to have a time limit of 500 days
That's what i was doing for all my playthoughs. Is cruelty more efficient?
I dunno why, I cassesed them and they got orgasms like crazy. Now? Not so much, it's very hard to get them to orgasm. I don't know why.

What is the limit beyond 50 days anyways?
You did upgrade their sensitivity right? If you managed to get them squirt either by clitoris or breast, you can level these sensitivity to level 3. After that it's very easy to raise their obedience and desire.
Even without sensitivity. It was enough to get them to get them Sub, Pleasure, and Hate Mark to 3.
How? My training follow these steps:
1. Raise their sensitivitty.
2. Raise their desire and obedience.
3. Raise Servicing and obtain Submit mark.
How can you get submit and pleasure marks without raising sensitivity?
Debug stated because fuck that nose.
Never gonna get all the endings if you don't make yourself a loli harem bro. And a daughter harem.
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Loli is fine. Loli is a body type.
Daughter and shit, I might have to pass.
My wish list for EraMegaten
>a better equipment menu allowing better sorting and more infos
>easier Persona switch, preferably on the menus
>a list of what a character can naturally learn
>Third Eye skill summary being rectified
>non sexual Tactile Demonica
>love and peace
>better coding
>the last two are actually just part of my christmas list
>a better equipment menu allowing better sorting and more infos
If you think it's bad now wait until you realize it's already been reworked before.
I actually feel like a dick, because I know for a fact that it was reworked, and knew what it was beforehand.
But when I want X type of weapon, namely, a wand for my magic using characters, I'd really like for the game to just show them to me instead of having to go through pages of weapons.
Question: when writing a dialogue tree, how are conflicting IF statements parsed? For example, if it's something like
>ELSEIF (hate marks)
>ELSEIF (fall states)
and the character is on Yearning with HM1, which dialogue will fire? The hate marks seem logical but this damn language is a headache
Pretty sure the higher one in the chain takes priority.
It make me think, how does Persona stats work?
Is it bad doctor?
>Is it bad doctor?
How many 2hu did you impregnate
None, it's Megaten.
There's only a few translated characters and most of the training is untranslated. I have almost all of EVENT_M and EVENT_SHOOT done and hopefully from there it's ever upwards. I'll probably make an MR for that soon but reviewing it will be difficult because it's kind of a winding path for both files, not to mention the ESL-translator part; it needs to be done with some sanity checks from a native speaker. Please find it in your heart to wait warmly.
Lack of positive qualities, you mean. It has plenty, they all just suck.

I'll consider giving it Sadism 3 once I get a chunk of dialog done though.
unless you chose not to iirc
tried installing eramegaten with the auto-updater thingy, there's a few errors, like couldn't create file because filename too long, and also something about "fatal: unable to checkout working tree"
this is normal right?
No, definitely something's wrong. For safety reasons, try to make your git folder directly in disk and not some subfolder, the max_path limit for windows counts from the root
How many demons and slaves did you impregnate
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is there a way to wipe money and items from a save in TW ? or inversely, a way to simply add skill points to a barren one ?

because BAITSA DASUTO leaving most non-romantic progression in kind of removes the point of starting over. Learning foraging, cooking and music again seems tedious. I might have to just bite the bullet and restart another save and grind though
This should more-or-less do what you want. It'll ask you what you want to delete when you load a save.
You can just dump it anywhere in your ERB folder, use it, and then delete it afterwards.
On any programming language worth its salt, an if-elseif-else chain will only execute the first block whose condition is satisfied, and skip the rest.
Godspeed, anon
Made fixes for these. All varieties of delivery requests should now allow you to bring it to their home.
None, I desactivated pregnancy for this first run.
Yeah, most of them are skills it doesn't use.

>I'll consider giving it Sadism 3 once I get a chunk of dialog done though.
Good call!
I just started playing eratohoTW yesterday and i was wondering how long does it take to raise intimacy to 10, i've been talking to nitori for two months now and she's still at level 6 intimacy, i feel like this is gonna take forever
You should do things other than just talking, like ask out on a date, make meals, or do danmaku fights.
I'm pretty sure whoever designed it originally specifically wanted it to be a pain in the ass to train. I might throw on Weak to Pleasure/Slow Recovery, but I don't know if I want to.

Speaking of, how's the going for you? I saw you get it to lv 70, but that doesn't have any sex stats on it.
I mean yeah, but she is supposed to be the incarnation of KILLKILLKILLKILL.

I got jacked stats, but surprisingly well, she is a tough cookie to crack though.
I guess that's where the 4444 Stamina/Willpower come in handy.
I hacked one into the game in a prior playthrough and she took a solid week of two sessions a day in order to get up to a decent level.

I can and will cheat that this time around by training a zoma with maximum sensitivity up to 5 in as many stats as I can, and then fusing that zoma into the Reaper. Shouldn't take more than a few sessions to get her properly fallen.
Why don't you go kill Isoras with her first?
I wanted to see what it would be to train her with maxed stats, without the Loyalty Fall(s).
I see. Good luck on making her fall, anon.
I mean, she'll have the Loyalty Falls when I'll seriously make her fall, but.
Yeah. She's a tough cookie.
That's exactly what I wanted, thanks man you're a champ
It's very long if you don't do it the optimal way, and slightly long if you do.
The optimal way is getting Care to Lv15 (or as high a Lv as you can) every day, which usually means you'll need to focus on the girl the entire day and spam skinship, embrace, etc.
If you can play music decently, you can exploit that by taking her to the human village or the prismrivers' house and playing with them around, you'll get tons of Care in one go.
Keep in mind only the Lv reached matters for the gem gain, not how much was the gauge filled.
started playing eraMegaten recently, is there a way to shift my summoner's alignment towards light? I got no cooking or singing skill yet
I noticed there's accesories to shift over law/chaos and dark in the shop, but nothing about light
There's an event that allow you to give Money to either a... Light charity or a Dark charity, give enough money to the Light Charity.
But yeah, someone should alignment items for the MC only at least, basically copying the alignment stones you can use for others.
...I dunno how to make it so that it's useable for the MC only though.
Just make it return 0 if the wearer isn't MASTER.
No I meant, items only useable by the MC. Or affecting only the MC. Or useable by everyone.
Infinite us obviously.
You're being a little confusing. Do you mean so that only the MC can use it?
I've been thinking, and well either the MC-only or everyone.
That would be a good NG+ item.
Yeah it would. If you wanted that, you could just make it a piece of clothing that you can't put on if the wearer isn't MASTER. It would be pretty simple.
The problem with that is that clothing can only be changed in the base. Which is... good enough still.
I'm kinda worried about how it would interact with endings that lock MASTER's alignment though.
Send your other characters plus the master into the restaurant and you'll be light aligned in no time skill doesn't really matter outside of how much money you'll gain.
Nta but the problem is that you can also get negative reputation.
Cook better then
That doesn't really matter unless you're actually going for the restaurant ending.
There's also the macca gains.

Yeah but if you use characters you intend to use for NG+, that bad rep is gonna follow them.
I wonder why you are giving +2 Abnormal, when you penetrate for the first time with Sadism. It even has it's own thing!

But seriously, did someone modified Training, or does having Sadism make that much of a difference?
I have never actually done that, I just put someone in my party and forget about them. My first saves starter pixie (currently Jeanne Alter) had almost a million loyalty.

Anyways, it was an experiment. I don’t need to do it again, so I won’t.
Farming Isoras is good if you want to clear more storylines in one playthough in eraMegaten. Some storylines need characters at fall state and it takes a few training sessions compare to hunting Isoras in a day for trust fall.
This reminds me I got the gay ending to Giten storyline entire by accident because I put Ayato in my party and left him there for a few weeks because I needed more room for apps and whatnot and then when we finally reunited with his girl the just went ‘nah girl’ and made out with me.

That was funny.
megaten question
my display is a bit small vertically, does it matter if I set the font size/distance between lines to something like 15 or 14? recommended says 18 or 16 and to keep both the same
idk if it needs to be an even number, or if there's a minimum value where it breaks graphics if set to something smaller, or it just specifically needs to be either 18 or 16 and accepts no other value
Depends. If you're on eramtfont specifically, you must have it at 16 or it looks like shit.
If you are on the default, MSGothic, you can do any you like, but it might be weird at odd numbers, since the display needs two half-width letters to line up to a square. So try MSGothic with 14 size and 14 line height.
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I gave Yukari a futanari drug and now I'm making her training Yuyuko.
Am I evil?
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Actualy she seems happy, guess I did the right thing.
So why is this thread more about video gales than any thread on /v/ ? It's incredible really
So Snezhinka: Sentinel Girls 2 is out. How does eraMegaten usually approach games where a character from a previous game is now in its sequel? In this case, in Marfusha: Senitinel Girls, Snezhinka was just a loli. In Snezhinka's own game, she's a bit more grown up now and a soldier herself (with her own cast of characters).

Would it be kind of how Gunvolt did its thing, kind of? Complete the Marfusha individual character events and then if you have Snezhinka go through Combat Training (and thus requires a Fall State), you can 'upgrade' Snezhinka to her notsololi form through the same 'dream sequences' Marfusha had? This is assuming that either same author works on it, anyway.

I hope they don't add in Snezhinka and her game's girls as just 'extra characters' in Rag's Shop, either because Marfusha's author is no longer around and no one wants to 'add onto their work', or decide to just lazily add them in that way. There can never be enough Gunslinger 5 human characters
Because we're not on /v/
Any way anyone wants them to. P2 has separate requests if you let the P1 storyline be solved, so you can receive some P2 versions of girls.
Just write whatever you want and chuck a CharaERB at them to fit their new incarnation.
The author is still around IIRC.
I see, so one could also approach this from the point of view of 'Snezhinka was left behind in Marfusha's world', where Snezhinka then grows up to be a soldier there. But would the 'Marfusha Snezhinka' be treated as the same character as the 'Snezhinka' from her own game (e.g. if you want loli non-combatant Snezhinka, you have to grab her from Marfusha's individual character event, but if you want soldier Snezhinka and her game's characters, you must leave her behind), or would it be one of those funny 'many forms of Madoka and Homura' scenario? Human characters tend to not allow for 'clones' to appear in that kind of way. Even Lavenza from Rag's shop works the same way (if you grab one of her forms the other ones are locked out)
/v/ will discuss anything except for video games
Im playing eraMegaten, is it normal to be a little aimless at the start? Im just doing requests and explore low level maps, i don't know if im making progress

Also, im on day 5 and events keep giving me more girls that i have no idea what to do with, is there a tutorial for training?
At first, especially if you aren't that familiar with the franchise, it's fairly normal to be lost. As far as a training tutorial goes starting with the slut pixie gives you a little bit of one and demontraining.exe gives you more tips.
If you're lost and want to know what you should be doing to proceed with certain storylines without wanting to consult the JP wiki, you can look up what you need to do next in the Endings List section.

Just keep in mind that in most cases, acting like your typical era Trainer (aka Dark Summoner mode) like kidnapping and/or raping characters the moment it comes up can either completely close off that storyline, or change how the story proceeds with a few of them always ending up in a bad end route.

If you're looking to play 'collect them all' with the human characters, there will be some characters where the only way to grab them is in a different NG+ run (cycle), because of said story changes depending on what you do. There are also some characters that can only be recruited if you have certain characters already in your party as well, but unless you want to absolutely min-max getting characters and/or endings in your first run, you could just coast by with whatever for now.

To make future runs easier though you should aim to complete at least 6-12 endings, so that you can carry forward weapons and/or armour/accessory equipment, which will make your future runs significantly easier.
I should've added that to make best use of your 'time', unless you really need to use Night Time for a specific purpose (Night only events/actions), you should aim to get NG+'able Endings at Night. This is because if you get an Ending that you can NG+ on but lets you Continue your run, it always 'ends the day', regardless of what time of day it was.

Most of the time if you're looking ahead on the wiki and such you can see if it'll give you an ending for doing the next step, but if you want to avoid doing that, you'll either have to resign having that happen to you when you might've least expect it, or reload and do it again later on at a more appropriate time.
It's terminal, I'm afraid.
>"I don't know if im making progress. Also, im on day 5."
>to make future runs easier though you should aim to complete at least 6-12 endings.
First of all, don't listen to tryhard minmaxers and play at your own pace. There is no penalty for taking your time and jp wiki says your first two weeks and the entire first playthrough is meant for you to familiarize yourself with the gameplay. You keep getting waifus because you start story arcs and usually get someone at the start or every step of the way. Diary.exe should help you keep track of the storylines. If you feel like you have too many girls, try training and selling some slaves, it's the easiest way to get macca you have limited access to otherwise. The training is also awkward at first, but your character will gradually get better with it.
honestly, just fuck around doing whatever, you're expected to ng+ a bunch anyway so don't be afaird to experiment
for now you can just focus on making enough cash to pay the society, about 3 million yen
Well, yes. For completely new people, being a bit lost in what direction you should be taking at Day 5 (15 'turns';) is pretty normal. But if you're still lost by Day 25 (75 'turns'), then that's when you really should start looking at what you've been doing. If, even if you're lost early on, been doing nothing but focusing on doing storylines (focusing on the 'RPG' side), you can easily achieve 6-12 endings within your first run, unless you stumble onto one of those 'no Continue allowed' endings. I've reloaded a bunch of times because I accidentally got an ending when I didn't want to.

That said, this was due to my entire playstyle for the first three runs - I never Trained anyone, only did RPG stuff, and if I wanted to Contract anyone, I did it through Blood Contract (Friendship Fall). If they're doing quite a lot of Training in between (especially if they had set Training difficulty to Hard mode), then it might feel like they're lost because time passes much quicker and all.
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Don't worry too much and keep getting some cute demon girls. In my first playthough, it took me over 200 days to get to level 65 and start NG+ because I wanted some cute and strong demon girls and they were expensive to summon or fuse.
about that, are there other ways to get macca besides the whole training/slavery/prostitution
besides restaurant and money to macca exchange I mean
Those are the only ways of earning consistent Macca, with selling characters/demons giving you the most bang for the buck. It is an era game, after all.

But Restaurant can earn you quite a fair bit of Macca per day, especially if you have Untrained Fall on and don't mind spending time doing mindless Isora Loyalty grinding, since anyone can work in the Restaurant once they get Affection fall. Though of course, prostitution earns more Macca per character than working in a restaurant does.
What kind of restaurant uses macca for currency lol
In shortest terms, the game has two halves, the rpg part and slave training part. Yen is received through the former half and macca through the latter. You may get some pittance in a few places or a robber's exchange rate but it is meant to be an incentive to play the other half of the game. You don't exactly need macca for basic play, but things with special effects like software or similar are bought with it.
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Goddamnit anon.
Nta but he's not exactly wrong, having a lot of endings allow you to keep equips, items, gain , bonus items, reset pregnancy items.
Of course this is coming from me a tryharder jew that like to collect things.

My brotha.
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>we are a fastfood branch
>it give us the Light alignment
Been away for a while. Can someone explain how the new hypno mechanics work in anontw? hypno addiction, hypno level, etc. The powers seem pretty self explanatory except for the difference between exhibitionist mod and nudist mod
You spend time stop power(tsp) to perform hypnosis. At the beginning you aren't good at it like Satori so if you have the guts to do it on Satori she will hypnotize you back. You should try it with someone that's already have feelings to you so she won't make a very bad rumor about you.
It's new?
Probably not that new but the last time I played anontw was in march and that was with a several month old version. It was nice to see some translation updates when I updated today. Poor reimu still doesn't have her sex dialogue translated though.

What does hypno addiction do? And how do you train hypno level? Just spam hypnosis on people?
You shouldn't spam hypnosis to everyone because they will spread rumours if you fail so it's safer to do it on someone who has feeling to you. They will still spread rumour but it's tamer if they have feeling to you. Try something safe like ask for a date to slowly raise your hypnotism level.
Is there any way to use the EagloV files plus what are they even used for?
They're already set as alternate portraits irc
So now its a boy? Decide already, jpvermin
any idea how to enable them?
Since most of them are body portraits, switch portraits to show the body and change to an alternate portrait in the ability menu if available
Get the fuck out, tourist.
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What a nice surprise. It really blow the fuck out of Yukiko's Ultimate.
>reverse rape events
what are the conditions
Third Eye does boost the crit chance of the character right?
>eraten_p's latest beta separated COMP capacity and demon stock
>made fallen demon into install soft
>reworked harmonizer
>summoning works like DDS-DUO, software increases number of summons per turn
Damn, dude's cooking.

Yes, and it stacks with Advice and Sharp Student.
Not sure how to feel about these changes. But the guy is cooking like a madman.

>Yes, and it stacks with Advice and Sharp Student.
? You mean it also lower the chance of getting crit by the characters too?
It increases the wielder's crit chance and lowers their chance to receive crits. Don't know the exact values though. With both skills on I get crits pretty consistently.
I'mma change the description of it in my game. Thanks for the info.
Whats p? New branch?
A branch made earlier this year by one of the game's main coders.
Dude implemented new features, rewrote and refactored a lot of the game's internal code to make it less of a mess.
Oh neat. Cleaner code is always a good thing. Let’s hope he keeps it up.
And he's doing it incredibly fast.
Remember when it was just a proof of concept?
I was literally scrolling through the server the day he mused about doing it for the first time. Makes sense he'd work fast, knowing the system as well as he does.
Yeah but when that one Anon told use the dev said he wouldn't work on it too much and it wouldn't likely come out officialy before a long time.
And dude's do this. Absolute madlad.
The guys on our side are the ones waiting for it to become stable before porting over all of the eng-dev stuff.
The dev himself will probably keep going indefinitely.
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Disappointing final skill for Mitsuru.
It seems decent on its own, but the fact that that most bosses will resist mind on account of contractual boos immunity does make it kind of useless on important fights.

On the other hand, with the right set up and a fight that doesn’t resist, maybe the right linkage, you could probably cheese quite a few fights.
Is AL-K still being updated?
Meh, if I have to time to link, I have time to buttfuck.
Thought I'm interested by what cheese that would be.
how do I deal with mudo spam
I heard there's an armor that nulls it but it's not available anywhere
Terajammer. You can buy it at Junk after paying enough of your debt.
There are stronger armor that does the same.
Any armor with resist dark is good, null is better. Getting light and dark at the same time is preferable but kind of a pain in the ass.
Hypno addict is just a stat that rises as you hypnotize people and then fuck them
It also makes hypnotism easier to perform on them which basically just makes it more consistent
Try to use it on inconsequential characters to train it (just don't piss them off by critical failing too often) and then when it's like level D-C you can hypnotize people with very weak wills (fairies typically) somewhat consistently
Even if the rolls tend to be pure bullshit there's always a chance to critical succeed so you can keep trying it get your foot in the door to fuck them
Also at like hypno level a you get access to trait alteration
Main use for this is taking virtuous off characters so you can penetrate them sooner, you can also add ignorant onto them to make forget how condoms work, and alongside that you can force Desire Pregnancy trait onto them if you want
how much do I need to pay?
Finally got to try out the new portraits, here's a few more reports.
The pics on the top row are:
- Reimu with effects enabled (looks like the overlay from a different portrait set is being used)
- Reimu a few turns after disabling effects, with them still disabled (classic case of "it shouldn't work, yet it does)
- Marisa while having sex in the bath
Below it are a few typos.
about that, is there a list for how much you need to pay for certain things, like the demi-fiend, auction, navigator software, generic slaves, etc?
Demi-Fiend unlocks at 10000 if done during the morning of day 1; 100000 contribution otherwise IIRC.
Judging from AL-K's JP uploader, it still is? Updates are slow though:
Password is 'era'
The one on the English Git is based on version 1.062; the latest one seems to be version 1.063. No idea what that 'trial version' is - it's version 0.001 or something. An upload of the very first iteration of AL-K? Or did the dev end up dropping what they were doing and decide to redo everything from the ground up?
Having played a little while with the 'trial version' and not having the 'original' version 0.001 (if it exists), the interface and such felt the same as Version 1.063, but more smoother? Also had a few extra equipment types, like the notion of secondary guns.

Again, I've never tried the original 0.001 so don't know if that was how it first looked like, but if this 'trial version' is the author dropping everything they had done up to 1.063 and restarting from the ground, I would believe it. With version 1.063, it felt like the more they progressed the more unstable and bug-prone it got. Maybe it'll even fix the funny 'Save' option disappearing from Home Base?
Bug report. Group sex end of day stat increase dialogue wonky. I did not penetrate Sunny's vagina at all, but it aid she leveled up cum hunger, when in fact, it was Luna whose cum hunger increased, yet it said it was Sunny. The stat gain still progressed as normal. It's just weird that it lied.
Suggestion: when you pass out in the middle of nowhere, the game should have characters get worried about your health and greet you with a surprise lecture/sex/consolation when you wake up the next day. I know they escort you if you pass out in the same location as them, but what about when you don't? Surely somebody would come across your body between when you pass out and when you wake up.
that should generate a mob that uses you then brings you home so you get home safely but they have an increased chance of getting pregnant and you'd be on the hook for child support
Someone (sometimes) finding you passed out and taking you home is something that's on NAS, but that's kind of because all characters can pass out on the spot there when stamina hits 0. You could rob unconscious characters of their money and clothing and weapons if you turned that on, and/or molest them while they're out cold. It also meant you could strip characters completely, which could trigger the 'first time fully undressed' dialogue from certain characters like Marisa, even if they're supposed to be out cold.

I feel like if they're going to do something like that in AnonTW, it should also happen to other characters as well. But since it's something that is in NAS, (You) not just simply instantly teleporting into your bed no matter where you were would be very unlike AnonTW. Uncontrolled reverse content isn't something warmly received on AnonTW.
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Bug report for EraMegaten, nothing alarming. When you click on the first four skills of a Persona in pic related, instead of doing nothing it bring you to the Strenghen Stats, Use Skill card, Use EXP card, and Resistance Change menus respectively.
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This is what I got in like 6 turns of training. Maybe more.
Caress was strong enough to make everyone orgasms, maxed Pleasure, Submit and Hate Mark, now it barely does anything, what changed? The new menu? Sadist?
Easiest cheese I can think of is just making a stupid custom skill with a high hit count and high chance to inflict panic but well... If you're using something as broken as custom skills you could already cheese everything else with just the skill
Yeah, compared to Yukari's Wind+Pierce row, it's bad. Having Loki's and Hel's unique skill is nice though.
I'm trying to imagine what would be the most broken use of Custom Skill.
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Shimmy writer from before, I've done a redraft with about 4 times as much dialogue
Feel free to leave further feedback
If you're not aware I was really personally bummed out that shimmy has very little specialized dialogue for when she's small so I sought to amend that
I put all of the cumming onto shimmy stuff at the start if you want to have a small chuckle and weird erection
take my (You)
>roughly 500 lines
Well, that's something to write about just in the sex-department.
What, not boob pills text? baka

Sounds perfect.
One typo though at 156
>She makes a defeated sigh, knowing that she needs her help to get up
It should probablt be "she needs your help"

my bad my baaaaad.
Sounding with Shinmy.
>One typo though at 156
Thank you
Fixed, on my end at least
what's a navigator for? how does it work?
Fluff, mostly.
Nice favour texts when you are in battle in eraMegaten.
Unfortunately, only fluff and dialogues.

It'd be nice if they could use passive skill that affect the party.
I'd tell you to be the change, but even I know that'd a pain to balance.
Seriously, I'm seeking a genuine answer. Did something change? Did the devs do something?
That'd be hard enough to find characters that have those skills.
Fuuka, Rise & Futaba ain't hard to find.
The other navis are mostly normal chars with dedicated authors, like the Four Perils.
Multi-navi setup when? I want a full commentators table.
No no, the actually skills. You know, the ones that heals HP and MP during and after a fight. Which Futaba doesn't have.
Dunno about Fuuka, I spooked the recruitment.
>like the Four Perils
I've read that as the Four Penis.
You mean Regeneration & Invigorate? There's also Healing Wave for post-battle healing.
Yup. Also Stamina Song for post battle MP healing.
Did you write any Seija yuri?
I kneel, minigirl Chad.
I'll try to work this into a dialogue proper soon. Maybe around the weekend.
If there's anything special you want to do, just give the word; scripting it will be easy.
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Where is the Dwarf that you can recruit to forge stuff, and can enhance your Draupnir?
Rescue Kikue and she will introduce to you the town that some dwarfves live in. If you have Draupnir, they will reforge it and become your friend.
I forgot what zone it was.
Akasaka? Okay cool, thanks!
In ERA metagen where is a good place to power level?
The Sea Ark. Always.
How did you get eraclipboard to work with non-TW eragames?
When I try using it it doesn't automatically copy to the clipboard.
Why not just use the normal copy to clipboard option?
Check out the options menu of the era game you're having trouble with.
There should always be an option to enable copying things to clipboard, even if some games have it unchecked by default. It's because the translator software would attempt to "translate" ascii maps, menu elements and stuff, but era clipboard basically eliminates that issue.
Just go into the config file and put a *.exe on it, lol. It's an autohotkey script. Prolly don't run it while you're playing something with anti cheat though if you're gonna do that..
I was reading the archives and heard an anon reached lvl 1000 by going to Virtual Nether world
The plap shack.
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I will say it should probably be possible for you to be penetrate shimmy without forbidden knowledge if you simply train her hard enough
Forbidden knowledge could be still used as a quicker shortcut and access the inchling onahole option however
What’s enemy enhancement?
I have no idea
is there a cap on how many demons you can keep in storage or can I just recruit a thousand fusion materials in a single exploration
I got the DDM program and it feels op
I think I got a warning at 500, but iirc that’s a memory issue and not an actual programming one. So you can just keep grabbing away if you want to.

I generally try to do every possible fusion, so if there’s eight demons in a dungeon I grab eight of each. I’ve grabbed literally a hundred demons from a single dungeon.
Should i use incenses on myself when i get them or should i hoard them for something else?
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Pic related. It raises enemy level & stats, gives them considerably better resistances and access to moves they wouldn't normally have (e.g.: giving Hecatia's Trinitarian Rhapsody to normal enemies).
Stop ruining the game with your fetishistic filth.
Shut the fuck up retarded puritan. Go back to tumblr
aren't stat increases are way harder for the mc compared to demons? something like 45000 mag for +1 stat
I'd at least snort the endurance/agilty/luck ones since dying is game over
Can that be accessed from within a dungeon?
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Funny you should mention that.
I've had some ideas about Forbidden Knowledge myself, which would include an alternative avenue for overcoming size differences. I'll need to work it out further before committing to anything, though.

I *could* make it possible to allow it outright with sufficient V Stretch et al, but given that the minigirl fantasy relies on the idea of putting in something that definitely does not fit and violates all common sense, I feel that including some special requirement ultimately helps to sell the fantasy.
It *can* be done, and it requires dedication, will, and a good amount of preparation, but even so, I feel like you really should need something beyond the ordinary to really put forth the idea that this is something supposed to be utterly impossible, and that you found a way to manage it regardless.
Integrating the mechanical aspects into the narrative and setting is one of the big advantages of doing a game after all, and not capitalizing on that would be a lost opportunity, I feel.
I, and everyone sane, believe size difference fetish slop has no place in the game.
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I want to make Shimmy live in my pants all day.
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I definitely see your point and I do much prefer when girls have interesting mechanical differences to overcome rather than just spamming commands to fill a value

Though I will say love is an important aspect to this. Obviously when you play TW you're typically playing as a time stop raping hypnotist that's trying to impregnate everyone in his postcode but I think every character should have the pretense of being able to love them, I feel like the solution of "How do I make love to Shinmyoumaru in her original form, the form I first fell in love with" being "Just buy the solution from the mail order catalog lmao" is quite weak.
Hopefully the solution you come up with can both get across the love fantasy and the "I want to jam my dick in there because it would be funny" fantasies equally as well
I know this thread gets a lot of people trying to start inane arguments about fetishes so I shouldn't even bother replying, but I should clarify this addition to Shinmyoumaru would only apply to her inchling form, just like it's always been you can use the miracle mallet to change her body to a more normal form
As such if you do not wish to see minigirl content, simply don't try to fuck shimmy while she's in her minigirl form, use the mallet first
Whoops meant to reply to you AND THEN the other guy
Most people don't typically bother with the time stop rape, actually.
It may be controversial, but EraAkuma could very well be one of the better era games if it had a proper translation.
does shimmy have content if you're also inchling sized or does it assume you're both same height and ignore what that height might be
I've never actually interacted with her cuz I don't like living in the shrine
Not really. It's environment is too limiting.
You don't speak for me and never will
I want Shimmy condom, I want Aya eggs, I want Urumi milk, I want a homemade silk shirt from Yamame, I want to pound Nitori with a cucumber, I want to glaze Narumi while she's a statue, I want both harvest sisters at once, I want Biten weird ass prehensile feet/tailjob.
I want all the girls with unique quirks to have content written by people who love those girls despite/because of those quirks, because they understand the allure behind said quirks.

tl;dr kill yourself
its very limited by having nothing to do around the sex
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But what if I want Shinmy to reverse rape me while she is in minigirl form?
which era games have images?
Imagine getting dommed by something that can't get up a flight of stairs without climbing equipment
It's funny and cute/hot.
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The Kirara postgame fights are something.
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Yeah, that's definitely an important factor to consider, too, and I'll keep it in mind.
We'll see where things end up.


Just letting everyone know Touhou Labyrinth is back again with Labyrinth Tri! Coming out late this year or early next year.
Translation too? Nice. I got burnt out in the postgame for the second one, maybe I'll get around to finishing it at some point.
Reimu is gonna throw one hell of a fit.
Sumireko and Maribel seems to be Main Characters, interesting.
Not shown, the game hard as balls.
Their machines seems to have problems making the game work.

I'd offer you my firstborn child for this trailer, unfortunately, I have none.

Old Touhou fangames aren't kind to people.
You are gonna shit blood and you are gonna like it and ask for more.
i'm in danger
You know nothing.
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When's the next anonTW release?
Prepare the Monster Energy.
you know what's "coming"
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seeing satori throw a hissy fit over player getting pushed down by a horny borb (despite not going farther than a kiss) is funny
either way, why does satori behave so aggressively towards the player?
Satori being Satori.
>why does satori behave so aggressively towards the player?
You think too much.
hen mother protects her children (totally not 5d chess to make you push her down)
No one has any idea, right? Just to be sure.
We don't know
Training should be the same
I probably should ask a dev...
Do you know how to get rid of Mental?
Do you think it has something to do with me being at day 63?
As in Insane or the Broken state?
More like Man Hater and Sadist.

I guess the easiest answer would be to jump to NG+ and take everything off.
I think you have change training option to hard or more higher difficulty. Traits like Man Hater and Sadist isn't that bad to have on the target you are trying to train if you raise their stamina and willpower with MAG. With enough stamina and willpower, you can make them wet from caressing alone and fuck them without worry about run out of stamina. You can't change traits by the way unless it's from Zoma.
No no no, on Master. The MC.
I've said it before, but just using the caress command once was enough for characters to get a triple orgams and having 3 Mark out 4 maxed. But it doesn't do it anymore.
That wasn't normal behaviour.
Is that the same character or you are talking about training different characters with different result? If is the latter then i guess the second character you are training has difficult traits. Trait like Sadist isn't that bad to have on the MC and unless you are gay for boy, Man Hater isn't bad.
Which part? And yes, I cheated to get jacked up stats.
I think you have fucked the character and caress them with make them have tripple orgasm because you are stimulating vagina, clitoris and breast at the same time.
I think so too, I'll edit the character to lesser stats.
NG+ repaired it, I was hesitant doing it in case it would brick things, but...

Don't make things higher than 10.0M, even by accident. Lesson learned.
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It's pretty normal if you have train them the normal way. With increased sensitivities from training, reaching tripple orgasm is pretty normal if you caress them on top of having intercourse. Izanami has 8.0M births on her character.
You must really like Izanami.

Not very surprising, considering that Izanami is said to have given birth to a lot of deities. Exact number that I forgot.
She has 8.0M births on default. I don't think experience affect training too much and it's just favour words.
>Birth EXP: 8000000
I meant for the rest.
what the fucking based
Yes, she is nice and it makes me hard to train god empress.
What does Sex Maniac do?
She gets that after I cum in her a lot of time. It raises sell value but no one sane will sell their wife.
But you do make her work right?
In eramegaten, what does interact option under sexual training do? It just says something like "They talked for a few hours" and then a +1 in loyalty
Indeed, mommy is a nice chef for my restaurant.
What's the bonus it give? 60%.
It's for raising loyalty for character you don't want to train. But it is too small so Isoras' farming is way better.
It's wholesome training basically.
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I think this explain it the best.
Also, i JUST discovered plug-ins for demons, what is CP adjustment?
Makes them cost more Magnetite
So Sex Maniac does nothing. Big multiplier though. I'm happy to see I'm not the only who like keeping most characters' physique still.
WAIT WHAT THE FUCK What are those dishes?!
Nta but the Isora, Table, and Demi-Nandi? It's part of the restaurant questline
I don't remember how to trigger it tho
It's the "balancing" for plug ins where they cost more to have out in the field... Which doesn't matter seeing as there is never a stage in the game where not having enough MAG on the master is ever an issue.
You should go to Tartarus to get the second quest for the table. The deluxe meal is from rescuing Kikue.
Alright, thanks anon
>restaurant questline
I got the Restaurant at least, after 50 days.

Ah so it's things you are most likely to get in NG+.
Yeah but how do you trigger the first one with the Super Isora?
If you refuse the restaurant ending or have gotten an ending before the restaurant ending, you will get an event for hunting Isora.
the 50 day limit is scary, are there any time sensitive things I should keep in mind
and can I accept every request that opens a dungeon and leave them for later
also, all money rewards are one-time only? how am I supossed to actually "grind" for stuff? idk if I'm workin on limited cash for a run besides doing prostitution
This image might have awakened a tiny wonan fetish in me. Seriously, screw you anon
You didn't before?
Any Meiras in these games?
That's a pretty difficult question actually. The short answer is Yes. The slighlty longer is "Yes except" or "Yes but".
The longer version will make you go mad and is too difficult for me to explain in detail.
Does it improve the exp given?
It does since you're fighting higher level enemies most of the time. Take note that the enhancements themselves are applied on a per-enemy basis; a Kobold that reflects Slash may spawn next to one with a completely different set of resistances.
Certain bosses gain resistances that make sense, like Odin, but normal enemies are a pain to predict.
Yeah, she's in K
>are there any time sensitive things I should keep in mind
>and can I accept every request that opens a dungeon and leave them for later
Don’t do this. Time sensitive things are somewhat rare, you could open up the P4 quest line on day 3 and start it on day 30 and probably be fine, but you don’t want to open everything up all at once because you’ll trip over the one that IS affected by time.

Tartarus can kinda sorta be used to grind for money, as can…. Arsene? The app that drops jewels, since you can sell those for good cash. Otherwise, you’re really only supposed to make money in amounts that matter by training slaves and the selling them off. Near the end of my first run I sold off Rise for enough Macca to pay off my entire debt in one go.
It's a king-tier fetish, anon.
There's only two dungeons that are time-sensitive, in that from the moment you accept the request/event, the longer you take to do the dungeon (in days), the more different the outcome.

The two requests are:
- Rescue the Shrine Maiden (Kikue): The longer you take, the more brainwashed she'll become; first by being made to lose her virginity to her 'trainer', then after being gangbanged a bunch of times from other 'trainers', she's sent to the Demi-Nandi ranch to start breeding with the Demi-Nandis, which eventually will turn her into a Demi-Nandi herself and end with her turning into a Queen Nandi
- That request to find the Reporter with confidential information: If you take too long, she'll get discovered by the Oni looking for her, who will then start gangraping her until she's mindbroken

As for money, are you referring to Macca or Yen? A constant stream of Macca is best done through prostitution, but selling well-trained high level slaves can give you hundreds of thousands, if not even millions, of Macca in one go. As for Yen, if you're making a killing off selling slaves, you can always convert it from Macca. Otherwise just make sure you have everyone doing Coal Mines every day until the the stamina limit, and apparently Subcontract despite taking quite a bit of time to 'prepare' gives a lot of Yen if the character is high leveled.
Not many. TW and K do have them, akumamaid has some too but they don't show up during sex unfortunately.
Most of the ones at the top of this list should have them, check their "resources" folder to make sure.
Nta but which fall state sell the best?
Do Machine Piece A/B/C/ drop from someone specific in the echo building or is it just random?
I can tell you AS has an entire graphics system for random girls, as well as makairanch. Though that one doesn't show clothes, last I checked.
Slave Fall gives the biggest modifier (+100% at highest), followed by Lust (+60%). Love drops Sales price by -80% at 'highest'.
Oh good, the most fun fall route is also the most profitable
(Re)Visited it, it seems like I spoofed my chance. NG+ it is!
I haven't actually figured out how to sell gems and stuff yet, the shop only gives me credit and not cash for selling, so it's useless outside of it
Gems are for Rag's Shop
am I a blind retard? I don't see the option to get money in exchange
Also for crafting.
You need to pay a bunch of money to unlock it
It might not show properly if you don't have 'Unbalanced Content' activated - in particular, the Dwarven Blacksmith. There are two kinds of gems - 'common' gems that you can trade in Rag's Shop for materials (among other things), and the more 'rarer' gems that you can just use directly in the Dwarven Blacksmith (or rather, probably doesn't drop anymore? I can't tell).

Other than trading for slaves and demons, you can trade gems for 'Synthesis Materials'. These you can then sell in the Dwarven Blacksmith for Yen. I feel like the gems that I have in the 270's used to drop much more often from the Coal Mines but maybe no longer? Or perhaps they were Arsene only gems or something.

In any case, since material items cap at 999 and you can spend a few EP points to bring materials over, at the start of every new NG+ run I always convert and sell a whole bunch of gems for capital. Only really works with gems because trying to buy other stuff with yen before starting a new run only results in lots of Junk Shop Tickets (which may or may not be what you're after), unless you've done enough NG+ runs that a sizeable amount of your macca/yen gets carried over all the time.
oh yeah I disabled all unbalanced content cuz it said it was unbalanced lol
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playing k again, is there a slightly more complete list of endings anywhere?
To be perfectly honest, the 'unbalanced content' is only 'unbalanced' if you abuse the hell out of it. A good example of it is the Custom Skill - you can literally create an extreme power multi-element hit all skill that costs nothing to use if you want to. In fact, Item Synthesis and the Dwarven Blacksmith wasn't used to be part of the 'unbalanced content' until they were pulled into it for some reason. I guess one of the devs couldn't help themselves abusing the two and thought stuff from them was 'unbalanced' compared to 'vanilla' eraMegaten?

While I have all the Unbalanced Content stuff turned on, I personally have only really used Item Synthesis and the Dwarven Blacksmith.

Item Synthesis for a few weapons specifically from it, as well as the ability to make an extra Learning Device from it for doing Echo Building (combine Machine Fragment A, B and C with the Forget-Me-Not Ring or something like that); otherwise much of the stuff isn't even up to par with standard stuff of the appropriate level.

Dwarven Blacksmith mostly for selling materials when I need Yen, but I do have a few weapons upgraded. The upgrades actually aren't cheap, and depending on the weapon, there's only so many upgrades you can do because it uses a point system (think Persona points system, except the number of points is fixed). A few end-game weapons even have 0 upgrade points, so you're not going to do much beyond maybe making them hit a little harder (mostly sniper rifles).

I don't use enough of the other 'unbalanced content' to really remember what they even were. Or maybe I do use them but haven't realised that they were in that category because they're just a normal part of an eraMegaten run to me now.
with k being dead i dont think there will ever be a better list
>Item Synthesis
Is there any weapon, armor or accessory that's worth the hassle? The very first weapon i saw required 2 beads (that in itself needed some rare resources to get) and a somewhat rare drop, a pixie knife
All that just to get a sword that's worse than the one at the shop after 1 upgrade, the only thing that might make it worth it is the extra skills attached to the set, if you don't give a shit about sword damage and you can spare the glove slot you can get life surge+mana surge early
Most of them are to some extent or another. Many of the weapons and armors provide extra skills, have useful resistances, or just have nice stats.
The armour that's made using Beads and such (Prototype Vest?) is useful for NG+ runs, because once you make 10 of them, you can make better Vests out of them (subsequent ones only require you to have one of them to be able to make the more advanced ones). The 'last' of this range is a level 1 armour, bit gives you 95% resistance to all elements.

Other than that, some of the weapons are pretty good in a situational way. The +10 Int (and better) swords are good for Gunslingers and the MC if you're aiming for high Int (probably because you're a Gunslinger and/or Summoner), and some of the spears are pretty good as well. Item Synthesis also allows you to change some Alignment-specific weapons into something other than a Sword.

Most importantly though, through Item Synthesis you can make more Fire Machetes. Fire Machetes for Isora Loyalty Farming, of course. Now that's OP.
>Isora Loyalty Farming
What's that?
nta but there's a dungeon, Ginza Underground Passage, that has a special floor where the only encounter that spawns is 8-10 Lv 25 Isoras
Since they'll always have the same incredibly common weakness (Fire and Electricity), it's very easy to farm Loyalty and MAG with them
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How do I get Yuuka to amazon press me in TW?
Filthy subs deserve the bullet
Not only that, if you raise Enemy Enhancement to 5 or above so that Isoras become better DEVIL CO-OP punching bags can be grinded better with higher level characters, occasionally you'd have their Elec weakness turn into Reflect instead, but their Fire weakness is eternal. Because of that it might be better to have your backline Gunslingers use Fire Bullets with the starter pistol in the backline, or else equip them with that Fire element S&W Magnum instead of a Vajra (which is Elec element)
You mass genocide isoras because they spawn in large groups and can be abused to spam coop attacks on for big loyalty farms.
Interesting, i will try it out some day, thanks anons
There is also the Laevateinn for all target fire guns, although that's less coops it's faster for mag farming.
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No seriously how do I do that? Is it even an implemented command?
You're welcome
You unlock Ginza as soon as you beat Daleth in the Colosseum too, so there's that
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Have you tried to fight her in danmaku
Yes actually. The playrape is nice but that's all I got out of beating her in it.
Ah, I only lost once and got my junk stepped on so I figured she had more.
huh? I lost to her and got raped for hours
I have 0 idea at all of what causes her danmaku events to trigger.
I beat her once and got the playrape one because I was already lovers with her I'm sure, however I only got it once and it never repeated itself on subsequent victories.
I have lost to her several times and nothing ever happens, she only refuses her prize money and moves on from there.
I can't get the option to "bet a child" to work and I've tried on several different conditions.
Never tried the virginity one though.
Anyway, maybe it's because I'm already at lovers with most status with her at EX but I just can't get any new events out of beating or losing to her.
maybe it's being a shota? when I got raped I was child-sized with immature penis and incompetent mode on
Yes I do remember someone saying it once that she had special dialogue if you were playing as a kid. But I don't think it was restricted behind that flag.
I don't know though.
It's simply for the pun of 八百万の神
How does the dumb character trait work?
How weird would it be to put Devil Arm Dante/Vergil/Master as Item Synthesis, and what should be the recipe? Weapon + Sparda + ???

Errr, put you point to it and it show what it does?
Dumb character traits says that character will obey the MC if MC is stronger than them. I think it improves submit orbs's gain.
I've never seen it in my almost 500 hours of playing.
It's a trigger for loyalty gains in battle.
Hey anon, your wife asked for you to meet her quickly in the New Thread

Stop talking to my wife.
I'm just a messenger man, maybe you should stop being such a man whore. Every 2hu I meet knows (you)

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