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It's almost here!
too early.
Fuck the autumn, can it be winter already?
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Go back to the Southern hemisphere!
Fatty no fuck off

Brat no fuck off
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It's time to harvest!
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Good! It’s been far too hot.
Minoriko kisses Shizuha
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Siblings shouldn't do such a thing!
Minoriko's bra...
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gonna make it to christmas like last year?
Not with bumps like this.
Just imagine the stew.....
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Aki sandwich!
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Long have we waited, and finally the miracle manifested once again! And what a catch this time, even mighty Kurokoma is but a filling in front of a sandwich!
Cute lesbians
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You don't seem to understand... she's not trapped in the Aki sandwich, they're trapped in the Saki sandwich!
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Shizuha has such a shit job. Her sister gets to reap all the popularity with food, while she has to go around painting every fucking leaf.
Oi bitch, you missed a spot.
Even so, she still works so hard to give us a beautiful autumn every year. Always remember to thank Shizuha any time you're enjoying the autumn scenery!
You know, if Shizuha is supposed to be a goddess whose power is to change the colour of the leaves... and she has to paint all of the leaves by hand... then what the hell even *is* her power? Isn't she just equivalent to a human with a paintcan?
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The power of infinite paint duh.
Don't be mean to her! She can't help it that Miss Yuuka keeps planting evergreens that she's not allowed to touch!
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Could a human with a paint can paint all those leaves in a timely fashion? Didn't think so!
How does she do it? Clones? Super speed? Some kind of dimensional refraction?
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Is it here yet?
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She summons a giant bucket of paint and just dumps it over gensokyo.
Truly that gorilla youkai's cruelty knows no bounds.
Pine trees' existences are a direct act of defiance from her to the will of the seasons.
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Delicious autumn meals!
i dont want to eat the autumn sisters
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Why don't we just skip straight to the best season, these two can't even keep their thread alive for the first couple of days of Autumn.
but the best season is autumn.
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Now is Aya turn!
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Dumb birdbrain!
aki desu ja na
That's no way to treat the Autumn representative from HSiFS... The leaves will grow back after all... Take it easy!
秋空 や
我 に 蛇 なし
ナメジ なし
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Aya is peak autumnhu.
Go away, Aya, you have your own thread.
But of course, this thread is first and foremost for Aki sisters. Yet, please consider Aya an endearing guest. It is only natural for the best Tengu to keep close to the best season's goddesses.
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Hey now, there's plenty of autumn to go around!
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Aya is welcome!
All 2hus who love autumn are welcome!
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So bountiful.
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Aki go home! This is a relevant character neighborhood.
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Minoriko IS relevant character this days.
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Pls no bulli the Akis
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You must understand, they get bullied because that's how the old ladies either side of them think affection works!
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Even the Spring fairy enjoys Autumn!
maybe lily should wear her black costume during the fall and winter.
Autumn is unpopular...
autumn is popular...
Unfortunately the fall color calender was released recently, and it seems in most places the peak won't be until December. Fucking wild. Will this thread last until then?
Have you ever seen the film The Prestige?
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I'm hoping we at least make to Halloween.
God, that was such a good movie.
Shizuha is in contact with undead Nicola Tesla?
No, she just gets cloned through a wormhole-one Shizuha for every tree. Then then all eat a baked sweet potato....
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Shizuha is finally getting along with someone!
Why didn't she before? She's nice and does nice and valuable things.
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Most other men seemed to be eyeing someone else.
Yeah, Minoriko’s the one with the food.
Happy life with Shizuha wife
Anon, careful! That's not Shizuha! That's Minoriko trying to trick you into adultery! The tits don't lie!
Nonsense, I think I know what my wife looks like.
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I just want Halloween....
What is your favourite autumn dish? What about your favourite 2hu?
I like various mushrooms together with meat in stew. Pumpkin is also nice, but a pain to prepare. As for her, I guess whatever alcohol you can make with late harvest.
>What is your favourite autumn dish?
walnut cake
>What about your favourite 2hu?
probably some japanese sweet
>Favorite autumn dish
Probably pumpkin pie.

>Favorite 2hu’s
I have no clue what Sanae would like, so I’ll just give her some pumpkin pie.
>favorite autumn dish
Hot pot!
>favorite 2hu
It appears I misunderstood the second question, koishi would probably like taiyaki or something in autumn.
>favourite autumn dish
i've always made hearty stews for this time of year.
>favourite 2hu
im very indecisive, so the moriyas and futo all share the #1 spot for me. i hope they like stews since i've no idea what they would enjoy
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Soon, anon!
paint those leaves!
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too much work
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Akis with Yumemi? Yes please!
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It's not even fall yet. These sisters should calm the fuck down.
The blackberries are in season, it [summer] is officially over
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Final good harvest of the season. I hope you guys had a bountiful harvest.
I waited to late to harvest some of these. The tops of them surfaced so they got somewhat sunburned....
a very taoist autumn
Is this all they do, paint leaves then burn them? Seems pretty dumb.
it's just too deep for you.
autumn bush
Imagine the leglock
These two, at the same time, around my face
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Page 10, go away!
The mornings are chilly now, it's so close I can taste it.
I-I'm sorry, Shizuha, but my heart and my dick belong to Minoriko...
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noisier than kyouko
stronger than byakuren
more unkown than Nue
What's with all the pictures of Shizu lifting her skirt? And should I make my own...?
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It's to help gather more faith
Just 2 more days.
I've bought a large bottle of sake and I'm going to rewatch some of my favorite memories of phantasm episodes. Do you anons have any plans?
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Once it gets colder, planning on hiking more and enjoying the autumn scenery.
To me, it's autumn when september kicks in.
I will probably buy some sake, replay MoF and maybe go for another normal 1cc with a different shot type than Reimu B. The fall equinox is Sunday, and I have it off from work, so I want to cook a fall harvest stew with sweet potatoes, potatoes, rutabaga, parsnips, turnips, onions, apples and sausage (maybe pork belly or thinly cut beef?). Rice (long grain unfortunately since my uncle gave my family a 50 lb bag of it and I don't want to waste it) to add as a side dish or to put the fall nikujaga over. I wish I had some satsumaimo, but I'd have to drive an hour to get to my nearest Asian grocery store that'd carry them. Maybe I will Monday anyways. Have my Shizuha fumo to relax with in the evenings playing Mystia's izakaya. I don't get out much, so as the humidity/temperature drops and the leaves change, I want to go leaf viewing on walks in my area, take pictures. Fall is the best season and it's not close.
Sounds like a wonderful plan. I may copy yours a bit.
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Just one more day!
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Well, she put them on. What's the next step of your master plan?
i'm glad shizuha aint gonna catch a bad cold. please never forget to wear your pants, anons.
tights and lingerie? I'm giving my faith to Shizuha now!
Where did you get the Lily from because WOW that's cute. Sorry for being 19 days late
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Yay! Astronomical autumn!
Now waiting for when the weather actually feels like autumn.
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Polygamous marriage with the Aki sisters! Imagine a wife for each arm!! You look to the left, and a cute blonde girl gives you a kiss!!! You look to the right and another gives you kiss!!!! Then a double-ear nibble assault from both sides from your beautiful wives!!!!!
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It is the time, to go. To go to work!
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Giving lots of faith to Shizuha!
This sounds like a very nice idea, and the sisters being loli like in your pic only improve its charm.
Why is Shizuha crying?
she doesnt want to work. just like jaypee anons.
She only has to work for a quarter of the year...
it's very hard work though. hard tiresome work.
How does she cope with this life?
she only works for a few months, then she takes a looooooooooooong week end off. she's a bit like santa claus.
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The faith of all of her dedicated followers, of course!
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Let's keep this thread up until 6th November at least.
what happens the 6th november?
Last day of Autumn, according to old Japanese calendar. It is now unused in the country, but Gensokyo still operates under its standard.
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We'll get freezing temperatures here tomorrow. Winter is not going to wait for November.
No fair, there's still highs in the 80's here
Well, no, actually. If you look at almost any Yuki-Onna myth, you'll find they go exclusively after men.
Ignore that anon. He spams yuri stuff on every Touhou thread.

Don’t get me wrong, I like me some good yuri, but I’m not deranged enough to claim that yuri is canon everywhere.
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The autumn goddesses look a little different this year...
Yes, the breasts were switched.

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