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Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.

Previous Thread: >>47438952

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)
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Dunno how people are having trouble with Super Hell turtle. Just beat it, normally.
People are having trouble?
why didnt you add a fifth limited character
戦士への祈り in Mist Train Girls gives small chance of healing every turn and a side quest reward helps alot.
used bride kirika in koharuko and after a while, she deal 15 mil damage in one shot
Some fishing thing and some vampire survivors-lookin' thing in the upcoming releases now.
Not gonna metaroll on this one, but I'm glad to be back to 50 rolls after emptying my funds last week to spark Furfur
May just make it to anniversary
Still utterly trivial, but takes enough time that I'm just going to do the previous highest difficulty. When the hell are they going to add skip for this.
Just use Wisteria and Anullus?
People are clearing it in 2 Unisons.
new legeclo boss is extremely annoying with how far away they start you. maid andromeda is top tier with her phys res down and +1 move speed to everyone. I'm using casino andromeda as well on the other side just to get my units up to the boss. she contributes nothing else. never thought I would be using nike for anything, but her +1 movement passive helps a lot. My school Takeru and Beethoven both contribute almost nothing to my team, barely doing 2m damage total. hopefully anniversary units give us an actual good phys damage buffer/aoe unit with two turns.
Otogi anniversary soon. Like, half a day until it goes live.
Pretty sure most people just find it incredibly tedious if they don't have a comp that can just nuke it dead asap. Me.
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Looks like Shizuha's the first banner.
Wonder who's the freebie then.
noooo stop releasing flat girls i can't afford to keep rolling for DFC aiiieeeeee
also me but I'm going to do it anyway since it gives +700 medals. fuck KMS.
same but I'm still doing it
doing it once a week is fine but twice every day is a pain
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>setting the floor to 99999 gives Sfragida 2 trillion hp and makes her do 10 million damage
Oh how the tables have turned
Is Sasha coming?
Isn't this supposed to be the guild event that has like specialized stages for normal attacks/ability dmg and ougi dmg?
How'd it get to that point?
Nah it's the new monthly content that replaces the tower events (the medal shop for that goes away in a month btw).
Basically, you pick a level 1~99999 for the boss and you get 20 turns to beat them. Monthly rankings and rewards are determined by the sum of the highest levels you can beat for every element.
She starts at 30m hp at level 1 and gets +20m hp each level. Mid-tier players might start struggling around 100. I guess all the extra digits are for shits'n giggles or bait for hackers.
I am asking out of curiosity but why does nobody discuss Ayakashi Rumble and Deep One? Is it because those games are old or rarely updated? Didnt see many people recommend those games either. Just started playing DMM recently so idk much about them
Because almost nobody here plays them. This is a very low population general. Digging up an old poll from last year, they're both in the couple of guys range of players and they may not even still be playing.
I think I see Deep One rolls mentioned every so often so I believe that's played by one guy at least.
Are they not popular here because they are stingy or gameplay is even more ass compared to other games?
Deep One has no gameplay whatsoever
That's why only rolls gets posted
Game still does plenty well and probably 95% of the porn gacha games out right now would EoS before it, probably because people like its art, characters, ands cenes, but there's really nothing to talk about
Ayarabu is in a bit of a more complicated spot
Thx for explaining the situation to me, Its nice to know. Its just that i met a guy on discord who liked the story/chars in Deep One so i just wanted to find out more wondering if i will try it out in the future
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Either Shizuha or Sasha will be the free chara.
NTA but is deep one worth playing today? how hard is to get rolls? I really like the art and character designs
Seems the demon one is managed by DMM/Exnoa
The fishing one certainly looks foreign
>Domi Information Technology
>EULA also mentions NEORIGIN
Looks like it's Korean?

Deep One probably burned too many anons over the years. Everyone kinda knows the deal with their rolls so no point in posting. For example, they gave two sets of summer tickets that included previous limited swimsuits in it: 36 normal tickets and two guaranteed SSR
I rolled 35 Rs, 1 SR, and both guarantees were common dupes.

It's probably still one of the better ones for mc-only/vanilla variety and seemed to be the only one positioning itself for frequent 3P until they mostly gave up on that. But something like Tenkei does the H-scenes a bit better and the rates there aren't a complete lie unless it's the no-safety limiteds they started doing.
>Just rolled both new swimsuits and fished out who I wanted last week in Tenkei
It's been 250 rolls since I got anything new in Deep One but 400 rolls since I got someone I purposely rolled for. But 50 rolls of that was toward a shimaidon scene so...

Structurally, most games run the same. The only unique gameplay is in Twinkle Star Knights and maybe the tower defense games. Even something like Girl's Creation becomes an autobattler once your kit is good enough and you're just waiting for stages to clear.

May as well. I don't think any of us know what it's like for a newbie anymore but expect some of the usual resource struggle when starting such games.
Current event should be one of the few that will give out a unit instead of what they switched to.

For reference, I just got 1400-day login bonus of 300 gems, which is one (1) roll. You'll probably have an easier time to save up for ceiling exchange (300) but don't expect to do it often without an asston of willpower.
must be sasha due to mission treating her as one of the mahou shoujo.
my gem and dick are ready
NTA, but for me... no
>you have to get 90k gems for pity; which probably need 3-4 months to get. and gems from event update and daily is abysmally low so you have to hope they get into DMM ranking for free reward. big chunk of your gem come from around anniv/ half anniv: from countdown, login reward, mini game reward
>not every hscene are animated. foreplay are always still image so if you like non-insertion scene, that's a big bad news to you
>then my biggest deal breaker. no skip function for daily. you can use skip ticket for old event rerun/story mission but new events require you to autorun them. good news is they somehow give you 20 new skip tickets for new events per event update (per week). bad news is you need to clear 20 stages per day if you want your gems so it won't help much.

on the flip side, the h-scenes are good
>job change button is aigis is gone
umm, what now? I need it right now
It was announced quite a while back, but they removed CC with this latest patch. If you need a mat for AW, you can use a lv30 silver now. Should remove a lot of clicks from raising a unit.
can't unhear
How do I know which characters are considered magical girls for the current Twinkle Star Knights SP mission?
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read your notification
Ah I see, thanks
My personal reason for not playing them is because I started playing DMM games when legend clover came out. Playing an older game is going to leave you incredibly far behind in the meta and starving for resources, namely rolls. Also don't like deep one's art style.
it's a barely noticeable 2s long segment so I'm gonna call you a schizo
When every attempt lasts 30+ minutes because of Beethoven, listening to it over and over will rot your brain, yes.
sasha is too sexy to be free
too high up in the popularity rankings as well
Reminder that the Magical Girl SP Missions end when maintenance begins.
Botticelli's pretty hot, Zenless made me love short haired girls even more
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Demon ver of Swimsuit Venus

Sasha (Absolute Zero)(?) Nova Form
Demon / Water / ATK

EX 1:
-Single target 6 hits
-100% chance to Freeze status enemy (7 CT)
-Demon Allies: Pulls 3 Notes
-Also on top of that Water Allies: Pulls 3 Notes

EX 2:
-AoE based on Rush. Up to 600% damage per with equip 100 Rush cap
-Demon Allies: ATK +300% with equip
-Also on top of that Water Allies: ATK +300% with equip
-Demon and/or Water Allies: Pulls 7 Notes

EX 2+:
-Everything from EX 2
-If this Skill hits a Critical, damage dealt increased by 10% for each Frozen status enemy

Special Gauge: Absolute Zero
-Every 10 Rush gauge increases by 1
-Activates when it you build to 3
-Upon activation: 100% chance of Freeze status applied to all enemies (7 CT)
-Every time you activate it the chance of Freeze cuts in half
-Deactivates upon using EX 2+
did Mist Train just die or some shit
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I don't feel too good, bros. got a mahamut dupe and a summer lillia. I always roll under the SSR rate of 3% because the game hates me.
I read summer lillia's kit and I feel less bad now. She's really good.
>120 roll
>still no *3
Lily Ange accidentally left some dev setting where rolling consumed 0 gems for around an hour and a half

It's still in emergency maintenance lol

considering how the company isn't exactly a big one, idk how fucked they are with this. part of me's actually wishing they just give out the new girl (she's not limited anyway) (also I didn't know about the bug) for the fuckup; if they roll back it will seriously piss everyone who actually rolled for her (a good chunk didn't know their stones weren't getting consumed)

mente finished just as i posted that lmao

so they did rollback, can confirm all the shit the whole day, even before the maintenance, is gone. I mean, all the login bonuses kicked in again so I'm assuming that's the case

Compensatino seems to be a bit over 10-roll worth of stones, a UR ticket, and 200 stamina
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Otogi anniversary announcements
Upcoming collabs
>Nijigen Kanojo
>Toriko no Urara (as a Guilty-fag, odd choice to not re-run Nightmare and add in new girls)
>School Days (re-run)

There is also a mini-game parody of Angry Birds, new level unlocks everyday for about a week. Also main hub has a flying anniversary icon that bounces like DVD. Anniversary is summer theme, ironically while Japan is under a typhoon now. Not sure to roll for anniversary gacha since I'm F2P and spent saving on the past few gacha since the units are OP.
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it kinda stings that they released her 2 days after my birthday but i will gladly take it as a gift. also my account seems to have some serious oneechan bias because im only one dupe away from core level 3 on swimsuit sasha.
i love my oneechan so much bros.
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Is Cloto going to get tentacled soon?
They need to go back to releasing new characters I don't care about so I can save gems again
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New Artist in Girls' Creation
>Sandro Botticelli
Cuter than I was expecting.
It's rather unfortunate all new artists are basically gimped to use when they first release since they don't even have 3 5* skills to use and are forever behind in dupes so are always perpetually lower level cap than the rest of the artists.
>Lost Items hold supernatural powers that transcends even Recrea
Uhh, KMS? Just what do you intend on doing with this information? Are Lost Items based on another IP? They said they were created by the Witches so I'm assuming Princess Witches.
Ah damn the iris mysteria interface is all different now I hate change.
damn, that sucks. MGR had an infinite roll loop from a new event + old exchange shop and they gave out a fuckton of rolls that included all the limited characters that were on banners during the glitch.
Pretty sure new artists have higher base stats than launch ones, so a lower level cap shouldn't be a huge deal. I'd double check, but I uninstalled the game a few weeks back.
Why is Sasha water? Sure original is water but holy fuck it's now by far and beyond the most stacked element. If you had all of the new releases the four original buff/pullers are now on the bench. At least I was lucky with Sasha and Venus so my stash is still on track to two sparks.
Confused the hell out of me, was like "where is everything ahhhhh Im going insane!"
>are now on the bench
idk i just use whoever i like at the moment because the game is not particularly difficult
I'm not complaining, it lets me make a full demon/water team. I thought for sure angel/water would be completed first since I had both smol units and christmas sharon. I need to compare the demon/water team to whatever demon/rainbow team I can make with base claudia.
>locking 2 stats when enchanting equipment in Legend Clover

cant remember if it was always 2 or they increased it some time ago
wait what? it was definitely 1 the last time I enchanted any gear. does that mean you can get perfect equipment relatively easy since the new enchants say you can pick a stat? lock 2 using low level scrolls then roll with the new enchants?
It's hard to do any content in Ayarabu without the right shikis, the new tower is just bullshit. It's a game cater more to whale since pity count for new limited shikis are lower by half using paid jewel and perma shiki can be guaranteed with just 9000 yen
I'm waiting until EX to see what people do with their enchants, to not waste mats and shit, but I reckon the last P letter said shit about securing more enchants, on top of the new categories
Everyone talks about new Sasha but how about Shizuha? Her Ex1 seems to be decent but i cant translate accurately

EX 1:
-Absorbs 50 of an enemy's EX Gauge and recovers 100% of the EX Gauge consumed
-Boosts ATK of ally to the left equal to 1.6 x Base ATK of Shizuha (20 CT) (I cant understand if its her Base atk or if it counts including buffs)
-Also Pulls Left Ally by 5 Notes

I am sure i am not 100% accurate with translation but it seems decent for 40 ex cost considering that it costs 90 and you steal 50 from enemy?
Oh fuck, i forgot about her gear, with gear its 2.4 ATK boost instead of 1.6
ATK-based buffs are a little bit inferior so far because it only counts base ATK. She has around 1200 base ATK on max, even multiplying it by 3 it's only 3600. The multiplier on her EX2 is 6 so it's pretty nice I guess, but I don't actually know how it stacks with itself or other buffs. Leaving that aside, the pull values on both EX1 and EX2 are kind of too small for me. She's looking kind of mediocre unless it stacks differently from regular buffs, but she's not useless at all
Thx, well at least i wont regret building her just because of cuteness so there is that
Her H-scene is pretty nice too, I'm also going to raise her and use her just because
Handholding is the best part
EX 1 is ok but her EX 2 is terrible.
These buffs based on the users base atk are too small compared to what normal +% buffs do. They're limited to characters that have low atk but have a decent offensive EX.
A lucky birthday can catch them back up on dupes.
But it also took me 40 rolls to convince her 4-star out of gacha so that she can do more than get bullied.

It's mainly skill levels that are affected by dupes.
Stats are kinda whatever.
And I just realized I forgot to finish the Patrol event that has mirrors I want even though the bonuses from those is also minuscule.
>fall voice lines in twinkle already
not sure about japan, but we still have heatwaves here so that feels kinda weird.
You did collect the Summer voices for Shizuha and Sasha right?
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Has anyone had this error, is this an account ban?
It just says it's a communication error and to try again. Probably just a connection issue.
was the letter one of those buttons under the game? what stats could they even add to the pool aside from crit damage?
>no ranking for sasha gacha
its joever
I-It's ok. The new Season pass will save it!
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What do they mean by the text?
"There's ice"
Valentine Kathia, Valentine Nadia, Himeko, Merumeru, New Year Merumeru, Valentine Arthur, June Bride Nero, Cat Maid Michael, Asclepius and New Year Sanya autos lvl 145 skull griffon well (currently at 38 runs). I dont see a point doing it at 170 since it only drops materials and no equipment.

>higher level gives more materials

I still have thousands of healing potions so that doesnt matter.
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ice shop in summer
>we have/sell (shaved) ice
I hope that's because of the new turtle difficulty because that would be very funny
Apparently there was an update to Aigis and Taimanin on the same day
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Sister Almotahel in Sister shop.
Sister Sachi in the Premium Pass.

Almo give +5% more damage dealt debuff (15 CT) to all enemies when an ally inflicts a Status on enemy.
Also Rush's bonus damage +5%

Sachi gives +30% Telus but you have to max her out to get that. By then Telus means nothing to you. lol
Her ATK +250% (15 CT) right before doing a critical hit is pretty good.

For high damage I think Sister Almo and Kirika would generally be the best free options. Fiona's better if the Boss is Light and you have a Dark attacker.
pretty interesting how they are only doing paid sisters and no actual girls
Don't give them ideas
paid girl with 2 sex scenes
>Legend Clover freezes randomly during run 89 of the skull griffon

dont be butthurt Techross
this legeclo collab event is the most boring thing I have ever read. I am struggling to get through this.
Only sister venus is paid isn't it? The battle pass ones are going to get added to the shop eventually iirc
So how do you get the dragon princess that you have to CC now?
Well, I'm def looking forward to finally being able to marry Lu Bu
Halloween version in particular has the potential of becoming super good, fingers crossed they don't drop the ball
why is it even called legend clover
where is the clover part from
there's no clover motif anywhere in the game
it's symbolic
john gets split
pink space john also gets split
I'm using Mika, Demon Origin, Casino/Maid/Normal Andromeda, Primula, Beethoven, Valentine's Arthur, School Takeru, spear Nightingale for my 145 auto. Might be able to bump it up a few levels if I get rid of takeru/beethoven for units that can do two AoEs in one turn, but like you said, no real point in doing higher level runs.
>10円 gems run out in Mist Train
>Daily gacha: SS
>Daily gacha: SS
I got the new Penanhill? from the new set with these daily rolls so I can't be too mad. Except that wasn't Luxor so now I have to farm.

Anyway, is the trick to the boss score fight just to drop a bunch of multi-element attack-all skills? I keep trying to bring the recent futamata to blunt-weak bosses that have an SP shield, even though I'm not sure what she contributed to my clear and she doesn't have any attack-all.
This was a long time coming
Mist Train Girls finally getting a client version
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Out on the 10th
Will be really annoying if it still freaking uses system time instead of server time.
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Me being super slow only just now realized you can buy season pass points with gems. The rate of 1:3 seems absolutely abysmal.
Lu Bu sucks but I gotta farm some Galaxy stones pretty badly, also the new Galaxy armor is good for assassins
how did it take them so long to (sort of) make magical hThor

Assuming you're playing on max danger level; you can target the boss itself with single target skills if you want. IIRC the current boss is weak to magic on light+dark while neutral to fire I think? And a lot of the strong magic units like Islington, Athletics Karasma, and Shrine Izumonohakuto are eitherof those 3 elements. You do want 5 units with attack-type Sp Skills though since you'll want to Break the boss. The zakos behind also Break, but by getting hit wtih all-target attacks; I personally am thankful for Dr. Gloria's passives letting her just dish out skills every turn. Also the heal-on-hit gems are really effective not just for this quest but for most quests in general, so make sure to equip those. Just be sure to charge your Sp Skills at least once to keep breaking the boss and you should be fine. I don't know the best stuff for scoring high though, but I did get 180k on Danger 50 with all modifiers with this party, though my Yoshino isn't Level 100 yet

i have this feeling it's still going to use system time and I will throw a cow off a cliff over it. on browser I can at least use plugins so I don't have to affect my entire system... if anything though I kind of wish that it will behave like the app where I only need to change the timezone before booting, and after booting I can change it back
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attachment lol
Lu bu doesn't suck, she drops 3 back to back meaty nukes. That on top of magical gabriel really makes me want to roll, but it's mostly the temptation of a new lu bu. I still have to resist until anniversary.
Lucily, halloween engage gave her more debuffs and a bit more of damage to her already big damage.
really wish they didn't put the engagement upgrade on her grapple hook skill.
is it better than the lion armor? +15% damage dealt seems better than +20% normal attack damage since the helmet already gives normal attack damage. seems like it would be good on Future Takeru since soldiers don't really have good armor options.
Might be good on anniversary Juno too.
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Wonder why they delayed the Golden Goose Internship event.
>more tower nobody asked for
>no daily skip button
I'll start playing when that's out, hopefully the game isn't too complicated
Just took a look at the new enchants in legeclo and holy shit there are some good ones in there. Kind of sucks that you are going to need to enchant one at a time again since there are ~3 stats that you would want to roll on any given piece of equipment and the enchant conditional only lets you roll for one stat in bulk at a time.
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Jeanne Alter is eternal and universal
>Missed S Akihabara again on pierce tickets

My Athletics Karasma had been putting in work since I gave her a light+dark attack-all skill and she would get her second attack in with the dark-all afterwards. I might have that Shrine Izumonohakuto, but I doubt I have worked on her much.
But most of my girls are half that power level and maybe only sitting around 22k.
AI hands
nah she's just missing the spear so her hand looks weird when it's not holding it
same thing happens to regular jeanne's portraits
Is there any reason to play Ark Re:Code on DMM?
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wonder if I should have rolled for +atk% with old scrolls for the last stat. losing +15% atk% seems like a lot. managed to roll max defense pen/crit damage and a decent roll for normal attack bonus.
The monetization might be marginally better, but no considering it'd be mosaiced.
Super Hell Gargoyle is ezpz lol
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works well for now
I was about to say HER NAME IS YURISEX? until I realized my years of gacha made me dyslexic
survive lu bu banner
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>excited for primula
>decided to login exactly as maint ends
>maint extended indefinitely
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>new lu bu has a recoil aoe like yukata lu bu
dead on arrival
>200 rolls
>7 off banner
thanks i hate it
>event named Mahou Shoujo Treasure Sachi 2
>no new Sachi
This upsets me greatly.
I was going to roll for primula if she had a good kit but I guess I'm saving gems
Pulled 200 and got Primula to Core 1.
Damn, this is the luckiest I've ever been.
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Where are these from? Found some otogi ones in the archive
tenkei paradox
They look like royalty
They are actuallh whores
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ok this is getting really crazy, just checked my history and i got a total of 14 3star characters in my last 12 10-pulls. ever since i went up to 190 for venus im on a pretty ridiculous luck streak lol
>180 to get Primula
Dunno if I want to spark since that won't be 4* unless I get lucky. I think that was 4 3*, VR Luluca, Furan and dupe Towa-sensei.
Jesus christ dude explode
I learned the hard way during anni, but exchanging for dupes doesn't give you the banner bonus
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First multi-element chara.

Primula Second
Demon / Light / ATK

EX 1:
-Applies Second's Blessing to self. Counted as Water element(20 CT) Buff cannot be removed by enemy
-Self: ATK +54% per Demon in party. Max +324% with equip.
-If party has 5+ Demons: Ally to left Pulled 3 Notes

EX 2:
-Single target damage. 3750% with equip
-Drains 400% of enemy EX Gauge. Drained amount converted to ATK. Up to +200% to self.
-CT Delay increased by 20%

Apparently Rino's EX 2(ATK buff +300% to Water/Light) will apply her ATK buff twice making it +600% for Primula after Primula uses her EX 1.
Wonder if Water Sister passives are applied after she uses EX 1.
Oh oops forgot

EX 1:
-CT Delay decreased by 70% (1CT) No cooldown
Shark is annoying, will have another go when I wake up. Too sleepy to look for freeze/paralysis characters.
This has had pre-rolling up for a bit now. The cheapness of the pre-rolling setup feels like it's been a decent indicator of cheap/shoddy the actual game will be too, so my hopes are quite low.
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oneechan powa. only got two stars on the shark meanwhile F11 was stuck perpetually at the furthest note in both stun and freeze. Not sure what I could even do better on the shark, but I don't really care enough about 200k gold to go back and try.
Wow, baby Magdalena owns the shit out of the shark and the dragon.
Ended up going with this, was pretty easy actually. Just took a good amount of time before actually killing since no one does damage outside of when Venus got her ex2+. Floor 11 was once again destroyed by the classic light team. Could have done it with the angel team too since Seshia is light but I wanted to use Meruel since she's been benched for so long.
>tfw the game forces you to finish story to access the ex event
I wonder if I'll get spooked by Ephtra yet again when next heroes drop.
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Funny, I was just doing the same
Had to drop what's her name the dragon hero because she kept making the giant pull his bullshit from the get go
Pic related did absolutely nothing but it's nice seeing big numbers
Reflected unison attack wipes out 5 ticks of shields but unison attacks only take out 1 enemy shield...
The Golem was what made me switch to the 3 Ephtra squad actually. Had to bench my Tytto for a bit due to it.
i didnt have too much trouble with this team but second oneechan instead of mom
hopefully I can roll for zanmoto now that they replaced her with the flower country girl for paid only
Trying to do fast one punch clears against Gargoyle makes me see again how broken Rio is.
They need to get other LRs in there so it isn't a no-brainer.
are we getting the 10point sale thing this time either or was that only one time thing? got like 300 points that expire in a few days
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Status effects not applying until the end of the Unison is bs. Just nuked the shark even when it was healing. Time bonus seems to be a big part of this score.
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damage reflection probably scratch your hp pool

IIRC was at 102-103(%) HP bonus and I got 19200
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Esmeralda was useful this one time
Hope they change this.
I think my freeze wasn't coming out because the damage got reflected and I wasn't considered overhealed until after it hit so it does track mid-battle
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90 rolls on the banner with guaranteed limiteds
3 year 1 limiteds (erika and giselle) and a dupe of one from last year
At least I got a rare Martha paizuri
>Gets 1st place 2 days in a row
Soon to be Twinkle Cunny Knights
I need more characters to come out that have enormous mega super milk mountain boy-suffocating breasts.

Our oneechan lost while this brat won twice.
It's joever for us...
my best roll was actually erika from first 10 roll
>They updated weapon tickets in Mist Train
>No more chance to get that S Akihabara I was missing
buncha chodes

Congrats on the Martha. Only managed to do 60 rolls, with only the guarantees dropping anything. Got
>NY Rosette (but which one?)
>China dress Eldigard (whose scenes I never watch)
Both new but I never roll if Eldigard is available.
Got an asston of event SRs too but not the few that I'm missing so what the fucker.
I'm still trying to find a way to get wedding Giselle and swimsuit Vi, both from before I started, but these so-called "opportunities" to roll them have been useless.
Downloaded the Mist Train Girls (X) PC version.

It seems to be based on the mobile version, willing to bet that both were made in Unity or something.

I thought nothing seemed odd at first when I logged in, but yep I encountered the timezone bullshit. I did the same thing in mobile though where I set the timezone before starting the game, then set it back once it's started. Inconvenient.

...which also means its framerate is shittier than the browser version. Why.

Battles, fully loaded it's slightly faster than the PC version, with the Link Skill and Element Grant/Burst pauses being shorter. Mobile version feels slightly faster still though, but at least I don't have to go through the mobile version's bullshit of softlocking... right?

Also in the PC version homepage they promised fullscreen, but they don't let you do that within the interface itself, you have to press Alt + Enter to toggle fullscreen and you can't even choose any other detailed graphics options.

Overall disappointed with the PC release, I'll just stick to browser.
Mine doesn't stop loading on the start screen.
Using the cpu but isn't using any network.
Confirmed by KMS that multi-element characters are supposed to get the ATK buff multiple times if they fit the criteria but not multiples of the Notes pulled.
Rino's EX 2 right now can pull Primula 2nd by 14 notes. lol
But they don't work for race + element buffs like Summer Lillia's, do they? My water demons don't seem to get buffed by double the amount, that's kinda sad
Just only for multi-elements.
They said they'll rewrite the EX 2s to make it more clear for:
Rino (Water/Light)
Santa Yomi (Fire/Lightning)
Santa Elaina (Water/Fire)
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delicious tummy
because lilia specifically said buff water OR demon allies while new venus/luriel said buff water allies THEN buff human/angel allies which let them buff twice

then there is old unit like rino who said buff x element AND y element allies.
>game player version of Mist Train interrupted by an error during farming

Back to using the browser.


the opinions were negative enough that they had to address it in official news lol. Here's hoping that some stuff improves, and best case scenario since they seem to be using the same port for the mobile version, that any possible improvements for the PC version will be brought over to the mobile version too
If the and/or text was that precise it would mean Rino would have only buffed allies that are both Water and Light.
It needs that "also" text which is why they're going to rewrite the EX 2s text.
I can't even get it to start downloading the extra data when I launch the game I get infinite loading and the OP plays I let it run for 3 cycles and still nothing.
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cost over 200, but the titties be worth it
now keep veeatrice off the banners for a while, will ya
preferably back to back loli banners I can skip
This might be Venus's first encounter with Collapsar. So far she has never appeared in a Collapsar related event.
If Venus doesn't appear again then all Collapsar related stuff are in the non-Altair timelines because Venus doesn't exist in those.
Huh, that's interesting if true. Kuroto wasn't the student council president in the ruined Vega timeline going from what Rio said, so it has to be Deneb before Venus was born if that's the case
doing my best to resist pulling primula. going to try my 500 light stones and 100 demon stones after she gets added to the pool. not a must pull for me, but would like to have her like setsuna and luluka.
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I don't think any of you play JewPri anymore but here's an update for anyone curious to see how bad it's gotten.
They've just added a new Savior rank above Princess 5* that can be ranked up 100 times which they've kindly shared the requirements for.
For context I've been playing pretty much every day since launch and am 1 unit away from all non-limited/fullbright/simulant being maxed. If I could liquify everything I'd have the equivalent of ~120 Princesses in duplicate SSR units and enough SR units to do ~80 of them, so Savior 100 is super mega whale bait.
Also you need the units you're sacrificing to be exactly Princess with no stars so many of the active players will have completely useless duplicate princesses until they reach the 5* sacrifices because reseting the rank seems to only give back 2 out of the 10-18 duplicate SSRs required to get to that rank (also it costs 500 gems).
They still can't do an update without bugs either. There's a free 10x roll on the faction gacha but you need 10x faction gacha tickets to actually use it.
why'd you resist that delicious choco?
It loads directly into a white screen now on the player version for me.

But from my understanding
>Doesn't get new art aside from a border
>They expected players to just have hundreds of fodder princesses lying around
>It's just for stat inflation in a game where any difference in power level decides fights within a few seconds
>Despite whatever money pit this is for a number of suckers, they still reuse old assets at the first possible opportunity
At least the new blazer came out on the first discount roll.
my dick does not demand it, although it wouldn't mind picking her up later. the only thing that can override dick pulling is meta pulling and her kit isn't great. light/water demon slot already has a ton of good options.
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Resolution is garbage because i used phone but whatever.

I thank god or whatever fucking devil that helped me pull Nanoha in 60(and erika on top). Tho i would probably manage to get 30-40 more pulls if i finish story i am fine with it. Started the game 2 weeks ago and the only reason why i keep going is because of characters/story but most importantly is that i somehow end up being lucky with gacha despite rates beng garbage for new player. i got lucky on previous Erika+Yui banner too
I posted this before realising that skins in this game can only be bought in shop after pulling on banners or maybe in other limited ways that i am not aware of. I knew that gacha is trash before starting, i realised its even worse when i launched a game and it somehow got even worse now once again

There's only room for one Light Demon noja loli and it's for the one that got into top 5 in the chara polls.
Yep, rolls need to be on the one set. If you ever want a skin after their initial release, you have to paypig for a specific pack to exchange for one. Mileage rewards might have something to grab one but that means blowing an asston of rolls on a set that's going straight to common rolls.
You can eek out some help from Memoria rewards, getting one of the gacha variants to SSR+(?) gives the red Nakoto coins that you can use to exchange toward pity pieces if you're close, but I doubt you'll have resources to humor that yet.

Right now I only try to keep enough saved for 3P furniture, which is also a waste of rolls. I have zero expectation on rolling anything and, even if I get something, it's not going to be who I wanted. The game is a labyrinth of old stuff that's impossible to get now too. Some server bug made me miss a day during a rerun while I was barely paying attention to the game and that lost me enough keys that I couldn't unlock the freebie scene. There still seems to be no way to unlock it and you likely have dozens of scenes you can't access.

Anyway, you should figure out your favorites and save for them.
thx for info, i guess i will go cry in the corner because i have like 5-6 favs and i seem to only will be able to focus on 3 because i am not playing for long. I was willing to spend some money to support the game(wont spend more than on twinkle out of spite) but i doubt that anything except whaling can help much at this point
I got my Zincite to savior and played around with her. To be fair, the new stats are pretty decent now I've tried them out a bit.
Armour is a bit shit, but it recovers when you recover over max HP so it's just extra max health that you take 30% less damage on.
Magic evasion and guard will probably make anyone with high physical evasion more invincible.
Luck sounds like it'll make Benitoite rip the shit out of anyone.
Critical resistance is a nice bonus too.
Fighting against people I know I can't win against in the arena using a Zincite team I was actually surviving a lot longer than I had been.

>any difference in power level decides fights within a few seconds
Eh, for me in PvP it's more if they have a princess Ria and their main attacker isn't on the front row, or have a princess Orichalcum then they're pretty much impossible to beat. Other than that I can usually take on people 40-80 lvls higher than me depending on the limited units in their team.
For the story I usually stopped being able to progress once the enemies were ~240 lvls higher than me. Hoping to cheese the fuck out of it during the anniversary by using 4 test cards at once alongside testing the anniversary units if they overlap.
is that zakuro?
sucks that you can't use both of her on the same team
autumn game fest has started
phone version login stamp start tomorrow
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It's the catgirl from the stream.
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asherah for king of fighters
Is it just me, or has these game fest been shit
I don't feel like its worth the effort
they exchanged all of the dmm points out for roulette medals lol
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Angel / Dark / ATK

EX 1:
-Single target 150% x 6 hits with equip. 8 hits instead if Overheal state
-Damage taken debuff on target +8% per Dark ally
-If Overheal state: Dark Ally CT delay -10% (20 CT)

EX 2:
-Single target damage. 3750% with equip
-If Overheal state: Consumes all Overheal HP and increases own ATK by +200% and Critical Rate by +50% (1 CT)
-If Full Overheal state: Consumes all Overheal HP and increases own ATK by +400% and Critical Rate by +100% (1 CT) (doesn't stack)
-Allies to the left and right of her: Damage Taken Debuff +50%

Demon / Dark / HEAL
Special thing about her is her equip. Starting CT Delay -7 Notes.

EX 1:
-Heals 60% + 12% per Dark ally
-Allies closest to her: Pull by 3 Notes
-If 3 or more Dark Allies: Pull furthest Allies by 10 Notes

EX 2:
-Heals 50% + 10% per Dark ally
-Pulls Dark Allies by 7 Notes
-If Overheal state: ATK +450% to Ally on her right with equip (20 CT)
-If Full Overheal state: Ally on her right receives buff that lower EX consumed on next EX Skill used by 15 per Dark Ally
Katia's voice is sex now what the fuck
Did the voice actor have a bad cough a year ago when she voiced the dog
Swimsuit Lillia sounds better than base Lillia too but Katia sounds so clean now
I am whelmed. wonder when the next overloaded kit like the small angels or nova form sasha is coming.
or golden claudia
they added another green moon floor again
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4th Anniversary stream for Mist Train Girls just ended. I'm pretty excited, not super hyped but excited.

Anniversary Gacha #1 will feature 3 girls from the new nation. Futera-Brucke or something I don't know how to spell that in English. I've been waiting for some of the dragons to be playable so I'm down for that.

Anniversary Gacha #2 has both Oxford and Dr. Gloria which I am both dickrolling for

Gacha #3 has Chitose an Murmansk, I like those 2 but I still need some time to think about if I wanna roll for them

btw this is my first anniversary event I'm coming in to so I don't know if this Super Pickup Select Gacha is a normal thing, but is this one reason why people recommend saving gems for anniv?

2 collabs announced, first one seemingly with Grisaia; don't know anything about that but it seems to have an anime so maybe no H-scenes? Unless it was originally an H work and I'm just dense

there's a bunch more other info in the stream + on their twitter but I only took the ones that might sound interesting to most people
>Unless it was originally an H work
correct, its a vn and it has sex scenes.
>first one seemingly with Grisaia; don't know anything about that

considering that almost every semi popular DMM game collabed with Grisaia i am shocked you never heard of it

only started playing a DMM game like last year, so not really that familiar with stuff
Their designs are pretty good and then they keep adding sisters or other related girls so it's hard to keep the favorites down. It becomes an issue if you have enough that they manage to include one in every set.
Aside from seasonals, you'll have to watch out for the mental illness bitch-mode mini-series they keep doing, I think the previous one surrounding Yui is done. The current set is technically a seasonal and I think we're due for a random onsen set? Maybe that's November and we're supposed to get a moon-watching one soon instead, I forget.

>Luxor and dancers this past week
>Attyria for Anni
Practically the only main story I somehow didn't skip immediately before I found the boss rush introduced these two. Hopefully one of the events give out an A and S Attyria, looks like they're only teasing Unvalid, the girl with gray hair.
Going to need to find their artists too.
Pretty whatever anni characters outside of the first banner
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Her cleavage is that bad that she has to get censored but not the other girl...?
The TSK money is working!
Grats to them on 2 million accounts.
It's another Bylous and Pasta but more closer to the original's personality. lol
They're releasing these too fast for how awful the mat bottleneck is. I don't think I've missed a week and I've only unlocked 4/8 so far.
There's an anniv select ticket for purchase in Kyonyuu, is there a source to see what the scenes are?
They did it again.
Whenever Venus is not in a Collapsar related event, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Venus"?

outside of special cases like Oncidium, there's at least one A and S layer for every Base, right? So it'll come eventually for the other 2, I remember Ariake's A-layer took quite a while before it released no? Or was the training camp reward of her from month's ago a rerun?


Even funnier when you consider that Attyria wasn't censored at all during the livestream lmao, though i guess that's becuase they're planning to make some of these ads, but yeah it's weird that it's only her lol
logged into mist train for the free 10 pull being advertised on the icon and I couldn't even find the banner. There are like 20 fucking banners all with different tickets. The only one with 無料 was some single pull.
its the first banner that shows up when you open the gacha tab
>Rembrandt still tries to kill herself with her new nurse outfit
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i got all 3 in 60 rolls lfg

6% / 1%PU chances are just so high, thanks mist train
im gonna be pissed if I need to beat that Dr Gloria cunt on very hard to unlock the other parts of the event
people keep talking about the shark but I can't even be assed to figure out floor 9
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I think last year the loli kitsune mom didn't get her S and A until following events, not the main one?
Oh, A-class is login reward.

My luck dropped on the wrong half of the rates...
gonna farm a hundred Cosmic Ray plates and put on impact and water resistance gems on my gear so I can hopefully beat that stupid bespectacled doctor loli
recently i started appreciating new matoi more. after a few ex2 casts she reduces the damage to 1 and focuses all hits on her, even aoe, and it doesnt break rush. essentially a ripple barrier but lasts longer and has no hit limit.
does anyone know if the Super Pickup Select Gacha is worth it? I can't find good info about it, from what I understand it's just your typical gacha filled with many of the limited units and you can get 2 SSRs guaranteed. It's 10000 yen a piece which imo is fucking insane for a gacha where you can't pick which layer you want.
Typical DMM pricing. They are really that behind the time. I don't think I ever see a game that actually offers you a selector, paid or not.
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first banner on my screen was some new player only banner with two single tickets for pulling. got some nice tids in some other banner that looked like they were giving you the first hit of a step gacha.
I don't see a 10k yen gacha? There's a choose any past limited pick ticket that costs 5k yen in the pack store. If it's some newbie gacha, then I wouldn't be able to read the details.
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Flower Knight Girl has a bunch of tickets that let you choose, most of them are paid but the more standard Premium Exchange Tickets are given out for free every now and then. Usually the only selectable ones are for old characters though, so the latest story/limitedcharacters usually don't have tickets until like the next anniversary or milestone


should've clarified, you have to buy the ticket first in the item shop

It's these 3 in the Item Pack shop, you get one Slash/Blunt/Pierce Super Pickup Select Gacha ticket + 40000 jewels
>Mist Train stopped autoing early on in a 10 hour run

sigh, my Cosmic Ray plates are nonexistent
Oh, that just gave me a mental flashback to previous anniversary. They had these gachas showing even if you didn't buy the tickets. You do select pickups on them which was confusing to me when I started the game since they were just taking space on the banner page if you hadn't bought anything, but could still select the pickups for them taunting you. I guess they decided to change that. Yeah, you'll get to select the pickups on them. I presume you'll get at least one of your pickups guaranteed.
>tenkei has selector ticket (free and paid)
>twink also has one sold last anniv

man I kinda wish there was a way to know if you can get one guaranteed or not; anything less than a guaranteed would make this too expensive, and even then I don't think 1 select-guaranteed still seems quite steep, I'm hoping you get to choose the 2 guaranteeds, but I don't want to bite the bullet until I'm sure
those items look like the step gacha that had three steps. i only read the first step which was 25% chance for an SS.

You're probably referring to the Miracle Step Gacha, in which yeah there's currently some Item Packs that are selling some Miracle Step Gacha tickets that go for I think 1000 each
Actually send an email to customer service in MTLed Japanese. They are usually very responsive to matters concerning payments and what is being sold.
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OK so I gave in and bought one, the Slash one

Did I get what I want? Yeah, kinda

Do I recommend it? Absolutely fucking not lmao

You select 1 layer, and then for that layer rolls 1-8 has 1% chance, rolls 9-10 has a 50% chance. The fact that it's not guaranteed makes it really hard to recommend, probably only buy this if you desperately need an immediate source of jewels within 3 days while still getting some SS layers out of it.
Is there a reason you didn't just buy the 5k pick ticket instead?
Yu my beloved

i̶r̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ I did, I want to use it for someone else
They usually have 2 select tickets for anni, one with limiteds and one without, not sure if they have it here now
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This fucking devil I swear
she's not wrong
She can't offend me because she didn't say it in American.
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another collab...........
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With Mist Train Girls being infinite stamina, aside from having the three anniv girls around this popularity poll can actually be legitimate unlike some games where stamina usage = more voting tickets = richer people can vote more

I didn't know Attyria is that popular. And it's not even new-character bias since Unvalid and Charring Cross aren't anywhere near top 30.

Also there's a lot of Nishiki girls in the top 30 lol goes to show smol + animal ears is always a winning formula

As for me, I'm a bit conflicted with how the loli vote seems to be split, kinda makes me consider voting for someone else because I'm not sure Oxford has any chance of making it to
top10, let alone top 3. Maybe
so many collab zombies nowadays
what is the point of doing a collab with a dead IP?

>attracts new players
>maybe a one of the dev worked on IP in the past or was a fan of it

I see no other reason, new players are the only benefit of doing it but there is not many of them

Hmm, Flower Knight Girl did just finish their Fruful collab like last month, I saw a few players actually start Flower Knight Girl after the collab's announcement if anything, so that's a thing probably

In the collab event story the Fruitia said that their world was already at peace so no more fighting or something to that effect lol. Also since a lot of the characters in FKG and Fruful had similar names, it felt like the perfect collab.
Fruful Lemon's the baka ja nai no character of japanese forums
>I didn't know Attyria is that popular.
They've been teasing her for over a year now I think

Now everyone please vote for Quedlinburg
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Is imys the most popular of these games right now? I don't see others getting real life events.
I thought by real life event you meant an actual convention event.
DMM games have banners at train stations all the time
Yes I meant that, only posted the banner because it reminded me of it but Imys just had the summer event, and has collab cafes and public recordings of the radio in front of an audience.
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Follow up result.
I just reached Story 4 and have the side stories available now, but this looks like an exchange for me.

I would typically vote for Karakawa but Luxor is at the border so I'm dumping votes on her. Sorry anon
Bit of a shame Iris Mysteria is managing to keep Mist Train in second place, but maybe all the lolicons are waiting for their flats.

Might get some stragglers that are desperate for they're waifu. Though such collabs only ever bring over the main girl and the popular girl, despite casts being massive. Usually these games also have the VA on tap anyway so there usually isn't an issue with getting the VA arranged.
Sooo uhhh…anybody have an issue where their stamina bar goes negative in mist train girls?
Change your time zone. If you're on browser, just get an extension that changes it so you don't have to change system time.
Oh wow, I didn’t think the game checked your system time, appreciate it.
>TSK doesn't even get rank 1 on the first day of a banner anymore
The deathspiral begins.
It's over...
competition is tough
even mist train with its anniversary banners can only get 2nd place
New units are shit, double element debut was wasted on a shit character not worth rolling for. Simple as that.
>double element debut
I'm surprised it ever gets first. Literally zero reason to actually whale since a full team of 3* is more than capable of god clearing everything. Dolphin is probably good enough to get every gacha release barring horrid luck.
i suppose he meant primula since shes the only one right now
Unfortunately for him the double element shit character not worth rolling for debut got us 2 rank 1 gems
didn't it get first on primula's banner?
primula isn't shit, she just isn't broken tier like other units. she doesn't really fit in any teams at the moment since she is an attacker type. it's awkward running her in a water team since she won't get any buffs until she does her EX1 which would take place after all the buffers take their turn. it's also awkward running her in a demon team since both claudias are better than her and there are better water demons as well. she's better than ixillion, it's just that she has all this competition with units that have pulls and give buffs and nuke and all she has is a nuke.
guess I should have kept reading up to this post before posting
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I'm guessing the votes are tallied every start of day (5AM JST), because I can't believe Oxford got all the way up to Top 22 lmao

On the top 3 I reaaally kinda hope King's Cross doesn't get this; I only started recently but if I see it right there's already a bunch of different King's Cross versions, I think Islington should definitely get this last spot; I don't want to see another Anemone situation in any other game lol.
In the end none of that matters because chocolate loli is justice.
imagine rolling because its a good unit instead of satisfying pp demands
>Sweet Home Maid adjusting the casino event to reduce total play time
>score will depend on the total sum of stats of all the cards you own that are the same color as each stage, and not just the 4 cards you put in your deck
>you can still only use each card once per day
>you can now only play casino event stages 4 times a day
Better than constantly rearranging and dragging ass with trash teams 20+ times
My pp is still on the fence over Juliette, how's her scene?
I liked Shizuha's scene more than hers but its still good but its all objective so it can be an opposite for you, she is flatter than shizuha too

I technically can post images in hentai gacha game thread but i am a lazy bum so you will have to wait 6-12 hours

oh nvm, i forgot that those thread has no loli rule so RIP
It's alright. She's a cute dumbass but the scene wasn't anything special. For a Collapsar it was surprisingly lovey-dovey despite the weird start, so that's a plus for me. I agree with the other guy, I liked Shizuha's more.
no loli no rank 1
dragon titties made me try mist train and damn, it sure shows that the games been around for a while if they let you skip entire stages with one battle and theres some training quest that turbocharges your units.
>tfw already dropped the game due to casino
I'm honestly probably not going to come back even with the change. I don't actually like any of the girls and the main story is still glaring at me with its hundreds of levels still uncleared.

Mist Train is a newbie's dream. Game throws so much stuff at you when starting. Frequent select banners for old limiteds also make it relatively easy to grab a lot of strong units. Anyways, here's a basic explanation of how to actually play the game.

>deal elemental damage that enemy is not 25% resistant or more to
>they gain a stack of that element
>hit enemy with different element they are not 25% resistant or more to
I tried mist train for dmm point mission and yeah, I hate how this thing doesn't have skip.
it was funny how Alliance Sages, a game with a cast of mostly cows, had an anniversary event with 3 lolis and it shot up like 10 places in the rankings from its usual spot
>freeze or paralyze to avoid counter damage
>use 100% chance of freeze attacks
>doesn't freeze
yeah, fuck this overtuned shark bullshit
But Venus beat Ana and got 1st place in chara poll tho?
yea, it had something that raised it's immunity but I forget what. are you having fun yet, anon?
they don't pay
If any of them get inflicted with a status their status resistances go up by 2 steps.
If you're trying to use Nova Sasha EX 1 you either use only single target EXs or just don't use it.
Also don't know what counts as a Status. Do damage taken debuffs count as a status?
Whats the trick with the event boss in Kyonyu Fantasy? Feels like I do no damage and then it deletes my team, while others are doing plenty of damage in one attempt.

My entire team slowly abandoned after the leader left because they weren't satisfied with our progress/participation during the first one. Now I'm the leader and there's two others left
>one never changed their player name
>the other only checks in once a week
but I don't have time to deal with this aspect as a gaijin. We got within 100 on one of the first team events they wrapped into the weekly thing so there's no way to get that title anymore.
>Do you really care about a fucking title
Nope. I should disband and find a new team.

I picked it up primarily because I like the artist, but it takes up way too much time for what it is.
>I don't actually like any of the girls
They managed to encompass "you live like this?" in their personalities too, to the point only the maid and the loli don't seem crazy. I try to avoid the OL and the American as much as possible.
>took 3-4 days of stamina to get 33 dango
>looks like you need 150 to clear the limited missions
>4 days remaining
what did KMS mean by this?
>Whats the trick with the event boss in Kyonyu Fantasy? Feels like I do no damage and then it deletes my team, while others are doing plenty of damage in one attempt.
You have to mix AOE ougi/s, ideally right before your nuke single target. I used one of my other teams on it by accident and the add respawn rate is pretty insane.
I just use bunny Artia and naked apron Diana as DPS.
It constantly mutes and MP-drains throughout the fight too and whatsherface SR is too weak to face tank its team attack.
I don't have either of those girls. Even got the new Gladys but she doesn't seem very useful in the fight.
I like that theory that the reason why Collapsar charas can't find their Celestial Guardian and gets their Celestial power from black holes is because said black hole ate their Celestial Guardian. It's also why most of their organization is emotionally unstable.
im gonna assume lowering accuracy (small) with Elbow stacks until their accuracy is zero on Mist Train since increasing resistances via gear isnt doing anything against that loli professor
Hmm, I'll play around with it a bit to see. Diana might be nuking it too fast to see what's up with it.
It means use all your stamina drinks when Box Gacha comes in like 3 days.
I don't know who you have but I tried to use a pretty limited team. Unfortunately I misremembered and you got Gladys and not Frigis but maybe you can try something around while swapping in your DPS units.
Liesel for MP regen, Frei for heals and I think she has some barrier. Equip is standard 2gold-ame for dps and 4emerald for support/healers.
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Two new characters in the same update?
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Andromeda's mom and Tristan's "friend"
damn, we usually got one of them as an SR. first they took away the event gems and now the free sexo. not interested in andromeda's mom, but the gyaru looks cute. wonder who she is looking for, maybe syldra?
did not see that one coming
I'm not sure how effective Bianca is for this strat since the nukes can't kill fast anyway. You might be able to play around with it and see if Bianca's aoe helps or not.
It clears but literally on the last second.
>standard 2gold-ame for dps and 4emerald for support/healers
not him and i just started playing this, you shouldnt aim for full sets?
also is leveling accessories and weapons supposed to take literal ages? i feel like i hit a hard wall and seemingly the only realistic way to progress is to leech higher level bosses off people that can actually blow them up. because of this i probably wont be getting much out of the event shop either.
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Yeah, just grab 2 gold 2 ame for skill and ougi buffing. There are some few cases that have buffs/heals where you can just use 2 gold 2 saph like naked apron Diana but those are far and few in between.
I don't remember accessory exp being a problem, but weapon exp is very drip fed to the point I don't even bother uncapping weapons. You're probably having trouble with accessory exp because it's a raid event and you're stuck using BP for the event raid instead of regular raids.
ignore this comment, thought it wasn't a filler event.
The new tower floors don't even reward gems lol. On floor 6 you get 8750x2 exchange coins that exchange for one of the new enchants every 250 coins. 82 enchants total if you do the challenges, which is basically nothing.
Not sure if this was there the last time, but we get 1000 gems from missions. That almost makes up for the 1350 gems they took away from events in the same time frame that it takes for the tower to reset.
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Anon pls, I appreciate your help but I'm not that destitute to only have release girls and SRs. Hell I didn't even get Frey until recently, since she was my "release girl you wanted but will never roll" that I always seem to have in these games. Though it's nice to know you don't need to pull specific girls out of gacha.
I had too many single target girls so they get held up wasting ougis on the adds. I usually use Olivia for an obvious aoe. Bianca is the wrong element so I tried Lulu but her timing is always wrong. I seem to be getting consistent 3m damage now with this team after raising the level on some accessories, instead of 1m or less.
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Angelic Link collabing with Tenkei

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