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previous >>47633683
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Thank you JA Town for making Nemo so juicy again. You are heroes. I wish I could have a monthly box full of regional delicacies delivered to my house so I could eat like Nemo.
Please leave a comment and like and subscribe to the Exchange Business Cards With Nemo show so that they condinue to make her fat.

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one-eyed idol
looks like granny got some new plastic
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seifuku is gods gift to this earth
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Ayame solo song dropping tomorrow
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Katosan MV dropping next week
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>MVs in the OP
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I want to show off Nagi with the baby bump of our children
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that piece of thread on her leg is bugging me. photoshop that off of there
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pic unrelated but it's August-chan with a mouth full of candy
headband idols visit fukuoka
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August is pretty cool.
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why are you cancelling her? did she say the n-word or disrespect trans rights?
what did she mean by this? also who?
oh woah that's far worse than saying the n-word or disrespecting trans rights. she shouldn't be cancelled she should be publicly executed
>check out these melons
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They're like the secret boyfriend of idol.
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Elite nerd
Whilst I'm not against the idea of a HEROINES General, we would need to have some Riri ops or I'm not taking part
70% aisu 20% riri 10% rest
I can agree to that
is the heroines general the new wasuta general?
>/alt/ is already dying
>what if we make our own general
awesome. not like other groups with more fans in the past had their own threads which failed.
HEROINES are massive
They aren't even /alt/
They are bigger than the rest of /alt/
they aren't big on /alt/ not like wasuta and wack were back in the day and both of those generals failed. go ahead and make the general and so we can laugh when it fails too.
its the same with new oshi posters. they dont have the dedication to carry on for long.
so it's /hugemain/ then
this nigga is just trying to get heroines fags to leave for a few days don't fall for it
Interesting book
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First Spatio of the thread
Does that belong to /main/?
if aidream can be posted here spatio can be posted here
no one knows who that is post 01f or HEROINES
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hopefully not the last
So VITORON should also be ok then
No, only AiDream and Spatio
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Still wondering how you posted this photo days before she uploaded it.
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ano and ohtani?
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You must be fun at parties.
very nice
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Spotted dating a fan?
what board is /HEROINES/ on?
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I never want to know the full context behind these pics
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She turns me on
Rina qt.
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Separatists will be shot on the spot. Repent.
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Anyone with gfs here? Do you let your gf have access to your computer or let her use it if she asks? I'm dating a girl and I think it's going to get serious so I need to know ahead of time. I have tons of idol pictures saved to my hard drive so don't want to browse one day when I'm not looking and she asks why i have over 1k pictures of asian girls.
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ideal body for fishing
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Been there too, anon. Let me tell you my experience. I was going out with a girl and started bringing her home. I made sure to have my phone with a password and to download all the idol pics in one folder. Same with my pc. Had several folders and sub folders with all the idol stuff hidden. I had a couple of posterd in my room, hid them under some magazines.
Tried going little by little. When she asked what music i liked i answered "oh i listen to anything. Ah lately i've been listening to some jpop. You know kpop? This is similar but japanese, look!". I started showing her some of the songs of the groups i liked. I was preparing for showing her actual live idol footage as the next step but we broke up.
I was very lucky that she was a very educated girl who respected my privacy. I gave her my phone a couple of times, she used my pc once and she never poked into my stuff but i know that most girls do that type of shit.
So thats all the help i can give you from my own experience, anon. Hope it works and good luck.
Btw ALL the folders had passwords and had names like 'Work project 1996', 'Map 234' and similars. In case she asked why they needed passwords i'd tell her it had something to do with my work and that not even I had the pass. That someone from work should send it to me idk some shit like that. Make it sound long and boring. She will lose attention and will change the subject. Tiktok has fried their brains and they get bored after 20 seconds if they dont understand what you are talking about.
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Yeah I know modern girls like to snoop to make sure you aren't cheating on them and most normie girls don't even know what idols are besides kpop whores. I just have a fear one day I will leave my computer on and I have to go to the bathroom or somewhere and she'll just hop on and browse all my folders. I was thinking of maybe getting an external hdd and hiding that with all my folders but if it gets way more serious I might just have to quit idols all together which fucking sucks. I love idols and that's what have kept me going in my life.
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We love them (Perorin-sensei and Hina).
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cute boy
we fucking love rito-kun
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What brand of idol chow did they feed this girl to get these results?

post a spatio song and i will tell you if they are allowed here or not
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that one girl just got huge on twitter with her uniform pics the other week too. some other group ought to snatch her up quick.
even i could imitate anos fake baby voice
I can't wait for ano to stop being popular
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pleasant guitar idol
who this? i know that i must know but i don't want to think about it too hard so just tell me
gobblin gobbu
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Not so sure about this costume but Ayame's new song is fly.

This guy is such a chad he just fucks all the /alt/ idols and then works with them
that was a good show. they really mixed it up.
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lets migrate. make /hero/#1 right now. let's leave this place and never come back
>group thread autism
yeah nah, you're staying here
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the kpg fags like >47667003 are worse
it's not a group it's a company. there are many groups.
anyway it was my idea in the last thread and i don't actually care much about heroines i just wanted to fuck with the iLifefags and see if they would leave so play along ok
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i'm not fucking leaving
meant for >>47667002
but they already have a thread to fuck off to

/main/pedos trying to get in here now too.
gatekeeper-anon was right. he was always right. i was blind but now i see
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you're obnoxious though. be less obnoxious.
who made you the janny, nigga
she's so hot
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i ain't no janny nigga.
you stole my bit and you aren't doing as good of a job at it
nigga thinks he invented nigga
I invented evil Aisu after that anon kept crying about how she bullied his oshi out of the group.
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You have to remember ilife started at the bottom not our fault they are growing.
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>I invented evil Aisu
No you didn't lol I told you guys she was a 2face bitch because she got caught acting like one on twitter.
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gtfo normalfags bf/gf havers
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expose talk is good
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Elite figurine.
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is that bozo or pennywise?
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good look to copy
who? i love alcoholic idols
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japanese idol eating potatoz
it's ritan from narlow
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oh hi UUG (kari) Green chan
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Another broken-dol.
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must be nice to just be like "I'm feeling sad I guess I will take 3 months off of work and do whatever I want."
Is that a thing in Japan or just for idols?
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finally some walnut
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>you could take off work forever anon
>it still won't help your condition
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heroines bros we are out
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post her chubby tummy
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they cannot pull off that look. they need to just be skanks all the time.
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she needs to change it up a bit with some different locations or backgrounds or clothes or something. she's cute with a very strong bob but she keeps taking the same picture.
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Today's devils
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>his oshi is under 160cm tall
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is this ano
i like the part where yume is carrying the umbrella for airi like that guy that diddy used to have walk around with him.
im still concerned about the watermelon smashing sanitation procedures
aren't they all
is that a question
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not really
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dark mountain idol
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Yeah we like short girls not giants
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They're like the giants of idol.
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From last week, her shirt's stained
well... be careful what you ask for i suppose
just realized there is no tomato on this brekky. that's the best part
>tfw im under 160cm tall and my oshi is 180cm tall
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It's just a food or cosmetic stain.
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it's just not a great picture altogether but they can't all be zingers
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I liked the part where Airi used the knife to cut the watermelon isis execution style. Also loved that they were hanging with two inuwasis.
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did nobody like that new gang parade video? i thought it was a banger.
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Support Aguri and Ryuka's channel
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August-chan birthday
grannies get grannier
and good times were had by all
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is that real?
post scans from anos new pb
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You can't post Hinano yourself and call her a goblin.
who's your favorite zanka?
typhoon fucking up the idol world again. various osaka expeditions cancelled. katosan street live cancelled. they should make japan less rainy.
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Nice crotch. Want to drink wakame sake on it.
The bob one, I don't listen to that group
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check it out.
it's momi.
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lmao as if anyone is looking at your face
very talented
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Is this why Komari is graduating?
They asked them to do gravure and she refused while the others agreed
highly likely
According to those who left earlier the staff are nice, the managers are nice, the management is SHIT.
I will kill you.
I don't think she's above doing gravure. I think she's probably just wondering why most of their activities are on tiktok on not on a stage.
no shit. she is pure and mogs everyone and that stupid company tried to get her naked. she's an irl disney princess and they want to lewd her. she could be the idol that every little girl looks up to. they are dumber than everyone here
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run katosan.
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Can't get enough of that Ayame song it's a full-on banger. I hope she puts out a whole album in a similar vein. Glitchy mellow fururebass is on par with liquid dnb it reminds me of the good cy8er songs.
kato already had a full swimsuit PB
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I know and they are going to want her to do more. That shit company is trying to turn these girls into high-end prostitutes for sure.
Run Katosan.
The problem with 01 is that upper management is too disconnected from everything, and often make awful decisions
Would be very silly if they lost her because they wanted her to do gravure, because she is a sticc, with an eating disorder, and her gravure would not attract significant sales
Probably was instead something else that made her leave, like a lack of push for tv appearances
>she's too skinny and young looking they weren't trying to get her to do gravure
lol yeah right what universe are you living in /main/

run girls.
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ano weight loss and maintenance tips
neet live
She should eat a McDonalds burger since she got sponsored by them.
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>tfw never waking up after vanilla sex with hinano
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Look at all who came to see dempa. They are still successful and popular.
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she doesnt belong here (too pretty)
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Pretty funny looking, amirite?
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pokemon idol
cute boy
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she recovered her eye
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vampire sugoi
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flat neigh
why does no one post iLife anymore
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Japanese idol eating potato.
shouldn't she be drinking liquor?
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this image made me realise that beauty is fleeting
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Kanna aging like milk.
is this ano
Hang in there, baby
That's hanako
if you remove some characters you can make ano out of that
she wrecked her jeep
I'm pretty sure that is her jeep I know it's black
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>being a nuisance on a sidewalk
She deserve a kick in the ass.
good roundness
she's working. solving rubiks cubes on the sidewalk while dressed in kry is her new job. her explanation about why rubiks cubes was weird
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disgusting hair
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i like how they dress like complete slobs all the time
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They're very sweaty idols, it's smart of them to not wear their few good outfits
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Give ilife another 3years and they'll be this big.
i feel like they are due for a new costume but where do you even go from flaming garbage bags
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Primate outfits
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>Oh! Oh! My left arm hurts when I bend it, and I can't bend it, why?
>It hurts to bend it and it hurts to straighten it completely too, I can't do it, what's going on?
the ostrich one is funnier

that is not a bad idea. would they all be dressed like different kinds of monkeys?
thats what happens when you pretend to take your life, attention seeking retard
katy and friends
>would they all be dressed like different kinds of monkeys?
Mizuho-whire-faced saki
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i say
Aki-spider monkey
>Aki-spider monkey
That was my first idea as well but then I thought too easy.
I actually thought about Yui as the chimp since she's the leader then passed it to Mizuho but I figured I'll give them each a more specific type of monkey.
Your suggestions are just as valid as mine and I see no reason to argue.
She cute
i think i don't know enough about monkeys to be that specific
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The only normal looking girl at comrized
sir, that's a frog
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is not returning to idol
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will return to being an idol
chubby heso
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compared to the other creatures they have there, she's one of the normal looking ones
snack bar rimmy
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smol but powerful.
she's the leader.
komugi should be a golden lion tamarin
one of them should be that japanese snow monkey that sits in the hot springs. mitsuki probably
shadow midge
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sora is so cool
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i am intimidated by her coolness.
i often forget she is a jk because she is tall and carries herself like an adult. she never does any of that loli stuff.
i bet she is probably the coolest person at her school
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bingo pizza loli sakina
week +1 day until kanano birthday and comeback
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if she doesn't have a third boob im going to be seriously disappointed
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Can't disagree
We're on the same wavelength, fellas
would you rather see the blue man group or just watch your favorite idol play that taiko drum rhythm game at the arcade?
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Goddamn just dreamed Mooove become lewdier and make Hinano wear sexier pantsu. Saki too dayum.
Anyone bought new gobbu pb?
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Don't know why they are releasing this MV when the two girls are leaving in a couple days. They should have released this a month ago.
you know these videos take longer than 2 weeks to produce. how could they have known that ena got pregnant?
video are shot month before, songs are recorded sometimes even year ago
Dragon ball heroes
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It's a lyric video I don't think these take long to edit unless it's just one dude doing it for free.
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消さないならもう露出衣装着ないしその人出禁にしてもらいます߹ - ߹

this poor retarded child. does she not realize that she works for a company that is full-on prostitutes?
this is worse than AiDream
I don't get it isn't she whoring herself out by showing her 15yo boobas?
I could visualize the monkey but I had to look up the names
how is this shit even legal in the first place
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>It took 4years for them to finally make a proper summer song and MV but they did it when summer is about to end
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>life is just a silly game anon
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>you lost badly
>so just get on the ship already ok?

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