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SOWS edition
previous: >>47401476
Play EZ2ON and DJMAX but mainly EZ2ON
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$100 well spent
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Lapistoria sucks, that is all.
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it's not getting played even when it's on free play
>just turn on random bro you need to do it to get good

great now I score way worse on most songs and they're less fun
shit bring it over to r1 and ill play it
round1 needs way more games
just do it bro trust me the earlier you do it the happier you'll be

t. breaking into higher tier 11s and currently have one 12 under my belt

if turning on an option makes the game unfun for you then you can just quit and stop being an insufferable baby.

Nobody will care.
playing nonran still makes you improve faster than getting burned out and playing less overall from forcing yourself to play random
Bro just turn every single intentionally and consciously designed chart into osumania-tier garbled senseless notebarf bro just trust me bro
good to see 2dx players still arguing about how to play their game rather than just playing
none of the people posting here actually play the games, just like the weird people spending 16 hours getting their game booting on their turbo-unique supercool FOSS nix systems
been that way for years

You're not playing doubles, get over it and enjoy random like every other IIDX player
explain this image
>Bro just pick up bad habits by playing the same charts over and over again with no modifiers so that you build muscle memory for improper techniques

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Just got back from a 4 hour Pop'n session so I think you're simply wrong.
everyone who doesnt suck at doubles plays ran/ran
>a few days ago, news about a new Gitadora cab loctest was leaked
>immediately got taken down and Konami claimed false news
>then announced it again as legit
Konmai moment...
hey sows staff lurking here can you make it freeleech soon i wanna get back into iidx
Or just play different charts instead lmao??
Fellow Pop'nchad playing a superior game where random isn't "necessary" for improvement
You will never learn how to hit continuous bass notes on anything other than 1. And good luck learning 5-6-7 heavy dense sections.
I just realized I'm starting to get calluses on my thumbs, is this normal for anyone who plays Pop'n without gloves?
I had calluses on my right thumb and left pinky from IIDX. After playing pop'n, I gained the calluses on my left thumb and right pinky too. Symmetry achieved.
Why does Reiwa crash when I try to select it? (A3 Omnimix)
>mirror doesn't exist
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>left guy is a convicted paedophile
>right guy is the creator of bemaniso.ws
>right guy allowed left guy to be around the rhythm game thievery club
>someone was angery about it
okay I assumed left was jp but wasn't sure. what is the image of the desk though? like I obviously understand what is in the image but who's desk is it? is it implying jp and l0k are irl friends? I know they both go to the same r1 iirc
>repeat a song
>score worse
how do people grind the same song and get better
Playing lots of random will make you better at nonran charts too
t. trying to clear mid tier 12s
anyone grinding the same chart for more than 3 attempts is having no fun with the game and is driven by sheer autism
im glad i never have to interact with american sdvx players
i will enjoy my lolis in peace
how the fuck does anyone even keep up with the western bemani community? everyone's a troon or troon-adjacent which makes it completely fucking impossible to participate in without getting total aids
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trannies are everywhere in this community, pretending they aren't doesn't make it any less true
and? just ignore them and your imaginary enemy will disappear
i play the games and dont obsess over someone else's genitals
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I play the games and obsess over Wolfgang's genitals.
why would you pretend they're not there? it's just very annoying that they are. not to mention that a lot of these trannies are kids that've been groomed by the older trannies in the community, which makes it even worse.
sure, you can play the games completely minding your own business, but the moment you try to find something even closely related to bemani, the cancer appears
>login to ooc
>oh, that's a tranny flag thread stickied
>close tab
>use nyaa instead
it's not that hard
Hard not to notice one's genitals when they smell like rotting flesh
i kinda get it now re: random but it's sad to realize that my true level is significantly lower than I thought it was. I just wanna pass 7 dan. maybe one day
Nobody said anything about genitals until you showed up.
speed changes that make the song so fast that it's unreadable are fucking gay. all it's testing is your ability to float, it's not fun
Keep at it, anon. I also never thought I'd clear 7dan. Now I'm working on 9dan.

Play The Safari on YouTube at 0.5x speed while playing along, and increase the speed as you get used to the movements
>continuous bass notes on anything other than 1
if the charting always puts bass notes on 1 then you don't have to learn to play it on anything else; turning on random here just creates the problem it supposedly solves
>5-6-7 heavy dense sections
bro your mirror? or just play the charts that have those sections. ironically you would have to play nonran else you probably won't get the type of pattern you want to improve on.
uh oh the iidxtrannies are really gonna be coping hard now that you mentioned that!
I hope you have fun with IIDX anon and I hope that your handicap doesn't keep you from breaking into higher tier 11s and 12s
I can feel myself getting an aneurysm trying to PUC songs in SDVX
i've been like one or two notes away on a few 16s but feel like the more i focus on trying to do it, the worse i am at it. if i am in lala land thinking about cooking dinner or whatever that's when i perform the best. i guess it's just another skill that needs to be developed.
i also thought i was perma-6dan. just keep putting in the work and it will happen. i passed 7 and 8 dan back to back when i thought I couldn't do either and tried on a whim
think i fucked up my shoulder from playing top much pump...
Been playing Rythm Heaven for the DS recently, I love the stsyle of it but I wish I liked the actual music more. Its super appealing though
Just out of morbid curiosity, which R1 do they go to?
somewhere in chicago
OP image was attached to a leak containing konami arcade decryption tools and sows junk. PS2 games on the desk were stolen by that random pedo autist mame dev, hence the logo top right.
t. cripplechanner obsessed with jeff paine and sherl0k
Stolen? Like what, he robbed someone? This is stupid.
why do my toes hurt after a long iidx session wtf is this a thing
t. sows pedo defender
yahoo auctions stolen credit card
seek help
You should seek a bridge or a cliff.

l0k will give you the attention you desperately crave soon, nyannurs
>No satisfying asmr with subway surfers and family guy footage
It's over, Humer is paralyized
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Forgot pic
the triple monitor setup on the Drummania machine is a disaster waiting to happen... i hope they give the sidescreens fiberglass protection against stray sticks.
Hope they're 120hz too
it's the standard nowadays.
apparently not to konami
*cries in DDR*
The right screen is also a touchscreen
mine do sometimes. just tension being release somewhere other than your arms. you probably also get stankface whether you've realized it or not
what's the best option for IIDX? beatoraja?
>touchscreen you have to get out of the seat to use
rest of the cab looks cool at least
sows, 1cc, emuline, take your pick
>it's a DDR/SDVX event
I can't play the former for shit
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Did you remember to play a Cirno-related song today, /jp/.
Nah I don't care.
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Stop recommending sows to newcomers who could be minors. A 400 pound autistic code monkey might try to groom him and steal his mom's credit card.
If someone genuinely can't pilfer data on a private tracker without somehow getting involved socially in the community then honestly they probably deserve to get groomed and raped
>page 10
dead genre

tano*c back in bemani?
Hope it's not a one time thing for this event

Also this one is still stuck in reflec jail
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aran when.
>steal three dongles
>tell discord about it
>return 1 by taping it to the machine
>take it back before anyone notices
>5 months later do the exact same thing across the country
>get tricked into meeting at the arcade by an ex
>get arrested
the current generation of n-0 data trannies, folks
Oh, that explains why everybody has been talking about "mr krabs" for the past few days...
links? I love reading about total fucking train wrecks
sdvx is saved
press the test button retard
Okay, great, but it's annoying to have to do this so often. I don't want to have to set the shop name and clock every time the game arbitrarily decides it can't find the backup data.
It's probably saving it to an auto-clearing folder or something like that, check avs-config.xml.
Would the fact that the folder is (for some reason) read only have anything to do with it?
you have fewer braincells than an average 1cc malaysian, congrats
I don't into computers very much I just know enough to pirate and enjoy my favorite games
>local DDR cab has galaxy start for $1.3
This is a nice excuse to start playing this game
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pig pointing to jail was prophetic
I will NOT play games without keysounds. Games with "FX" are an example of shrinkflation, we have to expect a higher degree of quality
Gross, get them out.
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definitely not the outfit you want to get arrested in
im fine with dance games not having keysounds but when they started taking away keysounds from popn i knew it was owari da
Hoping the tekken dlc is keysounded or I'm never buying a DJMAX collab again
how do I get better at osu
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>learn about kamaitachi
>google it
>impossible to google, general rhythm gamer paranoia of deindexing everything
>finally find the correct URL
>forced to read 10 paragraphs about how the community is full of predators and to not sexually assault people, registration won't allow me to proceed without reading it all
>finally get to the registration page
>requires invite code to proceed
>it's a fucking score tracker
Why are rhythm gamers like this?
okay it seems the BDFL of this project is a total leftie nutjob, I'll stick to google docs...
>4k or 7k?
What's the white man choice?
I don't get what everyone's problem is. Rhythm games have, on the whole, been pro trans and lgbtq+ for 3 decades now. Why is everyone, all of a sudden, raging at what were their favorite characters a decade or 2 back? Is it just cynical politics? Like how everyone hates indians now cause they are immigrating to US/CAN?
find your 1 rep max, that you can do with good form, but brings you to failure if it extends too long, usually a section of a map, then do 5x5 at 75% of your 1RM, e.g. 5 fairly consistent (stamina) file that is 5x as long as your 1RM. Then rest until you are ready to go again (cardio, neurological, muscle fatigue, you think you'll actually finish the 5x. If you
can't guarantee any of those 4 things then any further training is either wasted or not optimal).
Do that 4 times a week with 1 break day, for each skillset you want to get better at, then after a month(more often if new, less if old) reassess your 1RM
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so just play maps I can almost fc until I actually fc them?
completely new player, love the game so far
dont know what maps are good though, I just know that tower of heaven is good stream practice
name is samohuyaooooo
Are there any rhythm games without annoying otaku bullshit? I really really hate "songs" where lolis just shout things over vtuber music
complaining about weebs on the /jp/, what are you even doing here?
>Nanahira covers for vtuber songs
Sounds based
With the exception of Step Maniax's selection of DanceMania and Western pop songs the answer is basically no.
Most games took the idol pill in the mid 2010s so long running series should have a decent backlog of actual music if they go back to the 00s. If you're playing DDR then just stick to never going anywhere beyond Supernova 2, if this is Pop'n we're talking about then never play any song past Tune Street. Just understand that most of the harder charts will overlap with anime stuff so your options will become more sparse the better you get.
Otherwise I'd look into finding a Stepmania setup where you can just play whatever you want.
May God have mercy on your soul if you have to play anywhere near an Ongeki cabinet, it's a fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
Pump It Up is alright. Yeah you have your bad apple and setsuna trip weebshit but the rest is pretty consistent
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I like rhythm game memes and oc, how about you?
its because they got extremely annoying, simple as
>Jam&Fizz still doesn't have offset
Quoting this absolute joke of a company.
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>EZ2DJ in Polaris Chord
It's bistrover
Someone got pinky crushed
nyannurs streaming infinitas data and nobody cares lol xD
>have to log into arcade to be able to use the alt costume for near/noah on konaste
Well guess I'm not getting that for a while since i rarely get the chance to go to an r1
how do you tell if it's data vs. actual infinitas
Konasute when
He got caught by Japanese because his LDISK didn't go down. But now it's not noticeable.

Fucking top player privilege.
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>2459 notes
Sasakure is not beating the "he's also TJ Hangneil" allegations.
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Play Gitadora
i want to but im getting filtered by the bass drum
the question is, who kneeled?
they need money after the failure that was wacca
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Wow look nothing
cum and jizz
wtf thats literally sunny parks music selection screen
no it isn't
Bit of a long shot to ask, but I was wondering if anyone's got a source for a more recent SDVX Exceed Gear update. I don't have a sows account and have been just fine using the version I grabbed from nyaa a couple years back. However, my local arcade just got the updated version a couple months ago and I'd like to match the versions between my home setup and the arcade as best I can.
Not sure which "updated version" from "a couple months ago" you're referring to but 1cc has up to 2024082700: https://1cc.uk.eu.org/1cc/res/3080.html
I think my arcade got the either the Second or Climax Season update because it changed the UI, ex song progression, and some other stuff. I'm not sure what version they updated to, but mine is 2021083100 so that ought to be more than enough for me based on the changelog I looked through.

Thanks anon
no but seriously how do i get better at the dora part of gitadora
play actual drums
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>guitarfreaks AC controller keeps double strumming and giving me extra misses
what do people use for a home drummania controller?
Any sort of e-drum kit that supports the parts Drummania uses.
dtx explorer of some sort I believe
if the bass drum is your only problem you should unironically just play Rock Band at home. You just need to master timing the step.
wacca and maimai are red flags when it comes to assessing someone's rhythm game taste
every tano*c song sounds the same
redalice is their only good artist
every rhythm game song sounds the same
IIDX has a big enough song library that you could potentially dodge that style of music
Funny how every one was making meme posts about this on twitter but that one shitposting R1 account pushes the envelope a bit and everyone malds
Least funny community
SDVX players deserve no rights
Whatever maps push your stamina. You can push speed separately from that but it's not necessary.
And to answer your question, No. That's scoring, not pushing. Find a map where there are at least 2 sections (3-4 is optimal) before breaks that you can do with good form, but fail the last measure or 2 from exhaustion ( while not actually failing the file obviously. )
Near failure (would have failed if there was one more note) is optimal but hard to gauge.
>Option QoL
>Force quit
>Extra stage-only songs
The absolute state of cum&jizz
>the extra stage song’s character is minits
>sightread failed because lmao soflan
I’ll give her correction someday
This is actually pop’n 28 and it shares the food theme with Bistrover
thanks for the advice
Find a map where there are at least 2 sections (3-4 is optimal) before breaks that you can do with good form, but fail the last measure or 2 from exhaustion
I have a few maps like that, both jump and stream maps

my new goal however is to fc top dif of Noushou Sakuretsu Girl
the problem is, I cant read it that welll because the patterns weird and its too fast
do I just play this over and over untill I can pass it and then fc?
>I cant read it that welll because the patterns weird and its too fast
I mean, I can read it but I cant aim it
I can also manage to half ass the streams
It looks nothing like bistrover. Stop trying to observe things that don't exist. It just makes you look like a desperate try-hard, thinking you sound smart, but all you're doing is annoying everyone and sounding like a clueless dumbass.
Does someone need a hug?
>a desperate try-hard
isn't that what you're doing?
imagine being a vietnamese lmao
every time I see an insufferable or irrationally angry human on discord I just assume they're mad at the world because they were born vietnamese lol, IIDX attracts a lot of them in particular
>Fellow Pop'nchad playing a superior game where random isn't "necessary" for improvement
>where random isn't "necessary" for improvement

this is how i know you haven't cleared any 49s or even 48s
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play SDVX
If you even bother to play 49s or 50s you've missed the point of pop'n.
Sorry, I'm not a tranny or a pedophile
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Rasis is so cute, truly the best nav.
If they let you use her new voice lines with the other rasis crews then itd never switch from the redbull one

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