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Radio/Stream Schedule: https://imas-db.jp/bangumi/
A&G Radio Player: https://www.uniqueradio.jp/agplayerf/player3.php

iM@S VA Database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C-DamOHRSZQvhhAow458luQ43ohnHs6kETyP7dMTBbA/htmlview#
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/224631 (Girls)
https://imas-history.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/03/01/230058 (Boys)

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Imas DB Updates: https://twitter.com/imas_DB
Imas Girls News Bot (currently inactive): https://twitter.com/imas_girls

Previous Thread: >>47546110
Vile OP. I don't want to see that.
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Cute OP. I do want to see that.
Did you ever see something so beautiful you started to cry?
Wtf did they airbrush her on the left or why does she look totally different now? Wait she did go back to KR right? Fuck
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The other plastic SC seiyuu went to Korea, not her.
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Yum yum
I still go back to those videos she posted on Twitter during the 4 Luxury days.
Can you link them? I wasn't using twitter back then.
Twitter doesn't exist anymore.
Why hasn't got a release with asmr saleswoman yet?
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Wish that were me.
I love Azusa
I wish I was both Pyon and Karaage in this image
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How much skin should I expect here? Like, I know better than to expect swimsuit or lingerie levels of exposure, but I also kind of want to be higher than no expectations and be rewarded for it.
You might see her bare shoulders from behind
Feet and waki maybe.
If there were some bikini shots, they would mention it and leak some low-res pics already.
Like they release some promo pics of Noriko and Karin in bikini when they announce the PBs.
I think none of the Trysail girls are comfortable enough to show some skin so their PBs are pretty tame.
Not a feet guy, but I'll take what I can get.
Mocho's pb's were generous enough to not be scams of a release in my book. If this pb from Nansu shows cleavage, I'm instabuying on digital and treasuring for life.
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Mocho's PBs felt so soulless like she really didn't want to do them.
> forgot it was Yaya Threapy Friday
Pick one (1)
Are they really that entertaining?
Holy Fark, I would totally destroy MachiMachi's tiny waist.
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Imagine her lingerie.
This is hotter than her PB.
She looks like she'd give you a mean blow job behind a Famimart for 980 yen
straight edge hassy
that’s not your nipple!
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That's fine by me. It's not like she's a tiktoker or something. If she doesn't have a passion for whoring herself, I wouldn't demand for her to suddenly have one. She got some looks, I wanted to see some, and we got her answer. Imo she's a better sport about it if you compare hers to what we got from the other two (so far).
She be gettin' fat. That can only be help at increasing size, mass and volume.
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I still really like this set
It's annoying the set I have of this is so large that I have to re-encode the pictures if I want to post them here.
I've had to do that a few times for sets, often though I'll just save single images others have posted that I know I might post in the future instead of making the effort.
She looks scary here honestly
I miss the old Hasshi. I still have videos of tributes of her posted online.
Yui Ninomiya is back. I guess she had the baby, hope it's healthy.
>last public appearance: Feb 19
>back: August 31
Need the thread's resident pregnancy experts to fill in here. Is this enough time to progress from "baby isn't visible yet" to "baby is out"?
Impossible, baby belly starts to become visible at 3 to 4 months, which would imply if it happened, that she got pregnant around november to december last year.
Or could be something else, 5 months of hiatus is normal stuff with sickness or mental problems like with Hiori's Seiyuu for example
Yui was out for 6 months and 12 days and hasn't been seen at all during that time so by your own explanation it seems completely possible.
>Feb 19
>if it happened, that she got pregnant around november to december
>baby belly starts to become visible at 3 to 4 months
Anon how many months are between December and February
He's making a reverse argument by presenting a faulty one and making us all realize that it's wrong and his "conclusion" holds as much water as a screen door on a battleship.
Hiori's VA was working again on a limited basis 78 days later, Makino's was out 194 so she was out far longer.
When was the last CG live she was part of?
Maybe that will add a bit more to the math, could end up like the case of Makoto's seiyuu and possibly Mirai's about going to a live in very early pregnancy stage.
I'm not going to bother checking but most of her work is stage performances so the last time she was seen in public was likely her singing, so I would go with that unless someone wants to bother checking.
Man Machico really going harder into the trash whore look instead of just wearing a cute normal outfit. It's like she heard me talking shit all this time and decided to double down.
What growing up without a father does to you
Didn't she grow up on a traditional family farm in the countryside?
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need a rough breeding session with this ugly woman
Maybe she's actually pretty once all that makeup wears off.
I'd marry her just to have her voice as the very first thing I hear every morning.
The only downside is her face will be the first thing I'll see everyday.
What did you mean by this?
She's adorable.
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holy shit she cute
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I'd fuck her any day until her legs gave up
Ignoring the supposed "Pregnancy" thing, many things should be have in mind, like the recovery after birth and stuff, I think Chizuru's seiyuu took a two month hiatus after birth, and Kanako's seiyuu hasn't come back yet after giving birth to twins almost a year ago.
I swear your peak fiction anons
Isn't she like 19?
If only. Even better if you go down more.
She's 22 and if she was 19 that's still old enough to have a kid.
She's doing "limited activity" now though.
She's beautiful and I'm tired of pretending she isn't.
Honestly she just varies a lot. She's not bad looking by any means though.
Search her name on xhamster
I thought most of that stuff got purged.
I couldn't find it searching any variation of her name
You're probably thinking of amateur work on the hub. Nobody is harmed in tributes unless the guy is somehow being forced to do it.
Unironically turn on the gay filter.
Nah, I couldn't find stuff last time I looked. Maybe that stuff is gone for other reasons though.
A lot of porno sites did purges a few years back due to an abundance of illegal material but I can confirm with pretty decent confidence that guy's wank videos are still up by virtue of having more videos of iM@S seiyuu being jizzed on within his account
I can only find 2 of her on that site.
You'd get used to it plus being in actual love will negate it anyway so no downsides.
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erome got lots of tributes video

and the other hand, Nari looks more like a cosplayer
Who is that on her phone?
Can I get a Coco braces update?
Did she get them finally off or are her recent pictures shopped (again) ?
Why do you need to know the status of her teeth?
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All beauties
You wouldn't get it
>That big THIGH
perfect for sumata!!!!
What thigh?
woops meant to quote >>47697643
Nari has nice thighs too.
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It always kind of hurts seeing Rina, I can't help but wonder what a cute and sweet girl she'd be if she dropped all that heavy makeup and edgy clothing.
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But she's already cute and sweet, even when edgy.
Yeah, she certainly has a really cute and dorky personality, but still!
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Not bad for a slim womanlet.
I want sumata from Miyu's sexy thighs so bad
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She's looking better nowadays.
I'm not game until she's back to lower weight
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Married woman btw
I really don't feel like her appearance changed much.
You're only pointed that out because she got caught.
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I think she's always had a bit of a fat face, and she gained a bit of weight but it wasn't that much.
I noticed she used to pout a lot and I think she did that because it made her face slimmer.
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she looks like someone who waits me to come home and have the most passionate sex afterwards
While crying.
Kakumotobros... It's even worse in 4K...
I wasn't planning on jerking off today but...
Also how the hell did these two end up together?
>how the hell did these two end up together?
>jerking off
To Sayuri, r-right?
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Bizarre lineup
Imagine the sex.
Checks out
I'm posting in this thread so
Where did everything go so wrong?
Probably physically impossible at this point
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I didn't realize these two Nepo Babies worked for the same agency.
Literally who?
It's not. Trust me.
Ryoko is a nepobaby?
Right one is Tenga's VA, from SC. Dunno the other.
It's Tenka and Kana's VAs from SC.
>Ryoko is a nepobaby?
Yeah, her bad is a bigwig at Toei.
Dad, I wrote the d backwards, sorry.
So instead of sucking dicks herself, her dad gets his dick sucked?
I'm sure he uses his connections to get her work, although Ryoko's nepo power pales in comparison to Megumi's since she's the queen of the nepo baby seiyuu.
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In-game things don't get mentioned often here, but Tenga herself is seen by some as one of the most shilled SCs. Plus her associated plush, Debitarou, is also more or less SC's main mascot.
As for Ryoko herself, I think she's somewhat plain yet strangely cute. It's a distinct look from Honoke and Noriko.
>Plus her associated plush, Debitarou, is also more or less SC's main mascot.
Pinyakorata is CG's main mascot but I don't think anyone views that as Honoka Ayase being shilled.
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I like all of the Alstro seiyuu. I wouldn't drag my ballsack through a field of glass shards for any of them but they're all cute enough.
>Tenga herself is seen by some as one of the most shilled SCs
I've hardly been keeping up with Shiny in the past year or so but isn't that probably because Alstro is the most popular base game (pre-Stray) unit? I think "smelly gamer gremlin girl" is also an easy to sell archetype, Cinderella had Anzu on a ton of earlier promo material.
Tenka seems to get a lot of small perks:
>got a solo (along with Kaho) from April Fool's in 2020, predating the actual SC solo series.
>got a wedding dress limited despite her unitmate Chiyuki already getting one, up until that point they didn't repeat units.
>two swimsuit pSSR, while Amana still has none btw.
>first SC to get a 3D presentation stream, where she made her own Devitarou in Soul Calibur.
>last April Fool's on Enza focused on her.
I can kind of see how it could be a reflection of Alstro's popularity, though Amana and Chiyuki seem to have more fans than her. It does feel like she's SC's Anzu.
Can someone point me to her crying videos?
I can.
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who's this slut dressed up for
why can't she just wear one normal fucking outfit
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fuck marry kill
Tough choice
kill fuck marry
She's incredibly cute
Unironically the best she has ever looked
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need more love for the best lips in the entire seiyuu industries
Honestly low-mid tier. Might just be a bad picture though.
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Reirei <3
Which seiyuu is the biggest fan of the franchise?
All things considered crop top + jeans is extremely normal for Machico standards
The camera angle isn't low enough to show the pair of lips that surpasses all other seiyuu.
What do you mean?
It's a secret to everyone.
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do you lacks vision or do you lacks VISION?
we never knew
I can't believe someone gets to use those lips every night.
She's gotten to use them every day and every night.
Good point. I can't believe two people get to use those lips every night.
She's been married for a while now. It's probably only her using them at this point.
What a waste. Please tell me she got pregnant since then.
I don't remember her having a kid.
Still seem completely average to me ESL-kun
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My seed inside Honoke.
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I want to be her secret boyfriend so bad.
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fuck marry kill time
Who is middle? Also the other 2 are kill.
Left is an easy kill. Fuck Machico. Marry Yuiton for tall genes.
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She voices ML Nao.
Marry Yaya.
Slay the skelly.
Fuck Machico.
marry yaya
fuck yuiton and machico
kill (you)
kill marry fuck
Just say her name
marry fuck kill
>Marry Yaya and you have to listen to her cry every single night about insignificant shit
>Marry Yuiton and you have to hear her shrill voice every day (and no kids because she's past 35)
>Marry Machico and you have to marry Machico
None of the options are great (Yuiton would be if she was younger) but I imagine the correct answer here is
Fuck Marry Kill
Not being able to breed Yuiton is actually a skill issue. I'd get at least two out of her.
She who must not be named.
You can still breed Yuiton if you're quick enough.
I'm the right guy then, I never last longer than 20 seconds!
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There's apparently a 0.3% chance of getting a tard kid out of a 35 year old mother so if you want to roll the dice, go nuts.
With my gacha luck, I will never hit those small odds.
Extremely beatable

The odds I mean

...okay maybe her as well
A lot of people in this thread have a much higher chance, even if they breed with a much younger partner.
It's true. Male virility drops of far more dramatically than female fertility does and is a more likely cause of genetic, physical, or developmental defects.
>study found that the children of men who were 40 or older were 5.75 times more likely than children of men under 30 to have an autism spectrum disorder
>Increased paternal age has also been correlated to schizophrenia in numerous studies.
Sounds like a lot of people with old dads are already in this thread
So if I impregnate Mingosu's fat ass right now what are the chances our kid will be fucked up?
100% but that isn't an issue of age
smells like fart
I wasn't under the impression that most people here were that far out of prime fertility. It's more that retarded parents are more likely to have retarded children.
We were both projecting then
Nope, it's just you projecting, you old fuck.
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where's this schrodinger niggas at
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She looks like she'd drink all of the liquor in my house then all of the semen in my balls
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Kisui should be mitumine from the beginning
pump and dump machico
become sex friends with yaya
kill yuiton
She should have never been cast as Yuika, Runa was far superior in every way.
That's not even Shio
ugh, eri...
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Dr. Pavel...
Superior in receiving seed X4?
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>ywn take yuiton to autism out at a baseball game
what the fuck is even the point
How the fuck is this bitch about to be 40 still single and no kids when all she does is go to baseball games? You would think she got hit on by people at the stadium.
it takes a special kind of person to handle this. they aren't worthy
Why is she acting like she is 16? Does she secretly have autism?
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>all of this shit to look like THAT
It really never began for womancel
>yellowness neutralizer
Is she okay?
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Turboslut (said respectfully).
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>like THAT
What's wrong?
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How is she going to top this off in her inevitable next PB?
her next pb will include her jav debut as a bonus blu-ray
She got better.
Nude photoshoots, plus JAV teaser.
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She's probably been married and will announce after her 40th birthday.
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>Voice acting
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we're posting the SCs slutting it up now?
Isn't she a stage actress or?
She doesn't seem to do that much voice or stage acting. She's probably more of a gravure slut than anything at this point.
This post >>47718972 beat me to it.
She has some voice roles (both im@s AND Uma means she's got a stable workload). But yeah, it seems like gravure is her main claim to true fame.
>both im@s AND Uma
Forgot to mention Proseka.
With that, plus maybe other mobage gigs, she's free to get easy money by stripping.
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houkura might get a second alcoholic soon
16yo mao was something
too bad she looks like a corpse nowadays
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The various SC VAs I like the most don't slut it up yet.
Right has potential.
How early was she in the industry?
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While I'd love to see Yukkii trying out the Carin route, I think she's set on music for the moment.
She'd need more plastic surgery if she was going that route
Not necessarily
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No. It's always best when someone who isn't a perfect looker and usually hides their body sluts out. If you get all plasticed up, you just look like all the other random whores. I want to see the real person in question.
>hides their body sluts out

She reminds me of

welcomes you in the dark
I guess I can sort of see the facial resemblance but I think Yuki and her have two big things separating them
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She needs Sayanee to rub off on her some more so she can show more heso.
It's not the Carin route unless she goes full plastic.
*cums on her face*
I should have just said Sumipe or Mikku route if you were going to only talk about this.
My favorite seiyuu need a visual show like this
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this nigga eating beans
That's on you bro.
Those funbags really make her face look so small.
Shouldn't they be wearing socks?

her shirt trying to tell us something
Holy shit
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milk truk just arive
I want to be milk fed by Sumipe...
How do you think Nansu feels there is a prettier girl standing next to her and skinnier as well?
definitely not, nice decision whatever producer/staff that made it
Probably not too bad knowing that she has her face and body in tact and didn't have them completely obliterated for plastic implants.
Should have gone with ALL NATURAL
Although that might be a bit on the (not plastic) nose
I don't think she's pretty enough to have had plastic surgery, although the big tits and ass might not be natural and those two are the only things she really has going for her.
Big ass?
So basically the same old story for her at this point?
NTA but Sumipe is "big" (less flat assed than most seiyuu).
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She's putting muted nuts on her face
Miyu? I want sumata with her sexy ass thighs
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I like breasts
>Plastic perfection
>Except for her eyebags

I like the eyebags.
>prettier girl
lol lmao that's a plastic freak
She actually looks cute without all the filters and make up.
That's just her entire Trysail career.
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She looks like Dr Kim's experiment.
Well Mocho is a little fatter
I wish she was a lot fatter
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She is perfect with a little meat on her
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I NEED her to marry me so that I can take her on a romantic dinner to Outback Steakhouse every weekend and slowly watch her fatten up into perfection over the years.
I wouldn't mind cumming on her heels.
Cure slampig.
How does someone cure slampig?
He was just referring to her Precure character
>Cure Slampig
What does that make Nansu and Tenchan?
Cure Irrelevant and Cure Sony Executive.
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looking at rina really reminds of a cosplayer by the name Mimoe and she looks ALMOST identical to her, not to mention she also cosplay luca
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I mean, there was a point when she was practically cosplaying Luca 24/7 until recently
Post her without makeup and filters
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I really need to see Nari's version of this
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good girl nari was so cute...
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Still various seiyuu who still need to post themselves barefoot
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She's like Nari but her body traded daintiness for extra meat.
Bonus, she's "dressed" as Kogane:
I call dibs on Cure Irrelevant

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