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"A person, a person, a person!
Kidnap some humaaans"
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Looking mighty tasty
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But if you rape her, won't she just be even noisier?
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Would Mystia make a good wife?
She's a murderous, sociopathic, teenage brat who views the people around her as little more than playthings for her amusement.

If anything she's overqualified.
She would make some lucky girl happy.
I think if you take all the bits and pieces of cameo lore into consideration she's probably less murderous now than she was in IN, but she's still a pretty unscrupulous business owner with a lack of morals
The Simon to Kyoko's Garfunkel.
If you go off into doujin spin-off canon and treat Mystia's Izakaya as a further progression of IN and PoFV then I think she's about ready and seems to have grown a healthier more friendly relationship with humans. Not to mention her singing performances have done nothing but endear her to the villagers and other humans. I'd say she's about ready to try dating a human and seeing if it works now.
Honestly, I'm not even sure if that's the case. Pretty likely she still hunts people sometimes.
I should write a romance story about her dating one of her teenage fans.
I think it's a sign of real progress from taking advantage of and wanting to eat human victims to just abusing her new found music career to groom and sleep around with teenagers
I'm all for shota jokes, but Mystia is probably mentally below most villagers. She's, at best, a VERY bratty teenager.
She might be an unintelligent and illiterate bird but she is still a good bit older than a human teenager so in a way it's still grooming teenage boys even if she doesn't exactly have the intelligence to do it properly.
You just know she's judging the boys by how good a lay they are, and the ones she likes get to go back home after. Maybe to boink again later.
Fair. Frankly, if I was to write a romance Mystia fic, she would basically be a very tsundere rapist.

>"I'm just molesting you because that's what Youkai do."
>"I-I don't actually like you or anything, baka!"
she'd be all like "I don't care if it feels good for you." but at the same time she'd still adjust her pace when she sees that her boyf- victim doesn't like it
100%. You get it.
Shut up you dumb birds, can't you see I'm trying to eat?!
Come to think of it, the Human Village must be like an all-you-can-eat buffet for civilised enough youkai looking to boink. All those teenagers too horny to consider that their partner is a youkai, with their youth and virility. The youkai ladies are eating good.
Why go for that when you can just rape a outsider?
Because there are fewer outsiders than you think, and because outside the village is where all the youkai who can't pass as ordinary girls congregate. An obvious kasha like Orin gets chased out on sight, for example, so they're forced to lurk at the fringes and wait for a stray boy to wander out alone or for an outsider who thinks he just made a safe home run. Any youkai who wants to find an outsider usually needs to accept that they won't be the first girl to meet him, and unless she's strong enough to beat up another girl and any other girl attracted to the commotion, she's going to have to find a way to sneak inside the village. There's a much better sausage-to-clam ratio in there.
The main advantage of outsiders is that once you have one you can keep them forever. Or at least until they die of old age. Just get a cage and make sure to feed them every now and then.
the follow-up to this is pretty hot, imagine leaving Mystia in that state haha...
Because Mystia is only a weak youkai. A physically fit young or even younger middle-aged man could easily fight her off if it's not at night and she's blinded them first. She isn't a tengu who could just brazenly abduct, overpower and rape a human male in broad daylight. Her best chances are to seduce someone within the village and have them willingly do it. Potentially a strong, fit human male who knows how to engage in hand-to-hand combat/grappling could potentially flip the script entirely and seek out Mystia or another youkai of comparable strength to rape in broad daylight.
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she'd probably just get them really drunk at her izakaya
Goddamn I wanna fuck those bristols so bad
Exactly, everyone keeps forgetting that night sparrows are scavengers, who rely on leading travellers to wolves. They can't hunt on their own.
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I like where this idea is going...
eh, she may be dumb but i don't think she's immature. since she can run a commercial activity and put on actual musical performances with a public and everything, i think she got enough worldly experience despite not being the brightest
It's a rape or be raped world out there.
I would say she's clever but immature. But fair enough.
Anyone foolish enough to try following the bird out the village needs to know how high the chance is of getting bound in a kneeling position under the table and spending the whole night with your face pressed into her gash while she works her stall.

She just rapes you every now and then. Nothing that disturbing as long as you don't mind spending a night in a cage.
You underestimate the birds depravity, she'll keep you leashed up in threadbare clothing for easy access during the dead hours. Constantly fondling you with the dexterity of a youkai to keep you on edge. It'd be a edging hell till she finally gets bored and finishes you off with a quickie.
>she can run a commercial activity
That's not especially difficult when you don't have to pay taxes or any meaningful administrative tasks.
Mystia is barely literate at best, and even Eiki's lecture hardly had an impact on her, and she doesn't even remember what she told her, so the Yama kind of regrets even bothering with her.
Mystia is by all accounts smarter than Wriggle, but the average fairy ranks above her in intellect, really.
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what's funny is that apparently mystia can read (or at least has her own system for writing) because she has that story about sparrow sake written down and she reads from it in OSP. She doesn't have a business ledger or anything though, while places like the Moriya Shrine do, because Aunn steal's the latter's ledger in WaHH. So Mystia is just going around doing business, and by the next day she's forgotten who she was selling to, probably how much profit she made, and it'll be a miracle if she remembers what she's actually low in stock on before she opens up the stall the next day. Also she seems to just sort of...wander around? she doesn't really seem to have anywhere in mind that she's going to.
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Reimu says Mystia is the most beautiful in the world
Kindnap some bird so my Lady can eat it
yeah that's what i meant with saying that she's dumb but has experience, she obviously isn't very good at anything she does but can still manage to plan around her lack of mental ability. if she was this dumb and ALSO childish she'd be completely unable to run her food cart
>Average fairy
Nah, the average fairy is childlike. She's closer to a bratty teenager.
How come this bird is allowed to lure men into her cart with night blindness, trick them into eating badly overpriced food, and then milk their balls dry as payment? Shouldn't Reimu put a stop to this?
She fits in with the fairy gang because a night sparrows' mental development only really starts after they become youkai.
Actually she lures men in with the promise of cheap and tasty food, but tricks and kills them once they're in her grasp. Then ends up serving their meat as the main dish to her youkai customers.
It's actually quite romantic since she likes to hand feed her favorite girls in between kisses. Something about her bird instincts.
And Reimu doesn't care because it keeps the youkai fed and content, so they won't start any trouble, and those men are idiots that approach youkai at night anyway.
I wish I could be kidnapped by Mystia
Is Touhou Mystia's Izakaya good?
It's decent, maybe a bit too easy and repetitive
You don't have to worry about the quality, but all her food is mixed with bird feromon.
It's great!
The last time me and my buddy went there, the cutie pie of a waitress/cook was super attentive and welcoming, even taking the poor guy into the back after he said he wasn't feeling well!
Must be one hell of a sickness though, I haven't heard word of him since then come to think of it. But if there's anyone who I'd trust with a weak, infirm man who can't do anything but lie there and await whatever is going to happen, it's Mystia, and you can quote me on that!
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>Mystia is by all accounts smarter than Wriggle
Wriggle: What? Were we doing something like this?
Aya: Are you talking about your article? Didn't I interview you just the other day for it?
Wriggle: I don't remember.
Aya: I wonder how small the brains of insects are?
Wriggle: It's not like that, we just get rid of any old information once it has served its job. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to provide the Insect Notification Service, since we would forget our customers' schedules.
Aya: Oh, so you remember after all.
Wriggle: I don't remember.

I'm pretty sure Wriggle is just messing with Aya's head. In fact the whole Insect Notification Service is basically just a prank on humans right? "Oh you'll be woken up by butterflys" and then picrel happens. I feel Wriggle and Rumia act a bit dumb to make others, especially humans feel like they have the upper hand.
I am not sure. Pic is Aya's first spellcard comment from StB on Wriggle.
Sometimes I think this and BAiJR article are meant to showcase that Aya is quick to jump to conlusions and therefore is both nosy and ignorant at the same time. But sometimes I think that maybe Wriggle is simply stupid.
You sound trustworthy Anon. Actually, I have a questiom to some reliable, human male: how is it to type on keyboard with a long, sharp claws?
Forgot the pic.
Bird bitch
Wriggle is a weird one since she is trying to be liked by humans.

Rumia is probably genuinly that stupid.
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That's one spooky birb.
This bird is very squishy
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Why does she loom over people menacingly?
Artists just want to be dominated by a birb. Understandable, really.
I am under the impression that we don't see nearly as much art of this nature from other 2hus, or even other bird 2hus...
She is a very dangerous predator
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The last thig you see before getting glomped
Mystia looks like she'd be great to be smothered under.

Too bad about her personality.
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This bird is just way too cute. She couldn't possibly mean any harm!
more like the last "thig" i see before having a bony meal
It's to show she likes eating humans.
Reminder that according to her game art, she only has 6 fingers.
WTF is she a Buddha?
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It's to show she likes mating with humans.
Why does the bird like human dick so much?
She never actually assaulted a man before, though... it was always girls...
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big bird
As long as she keeps her nails trimmed I'd be fine with this.
Have you read that "sex with humans" article by Aya? Pretty much spells it out.
The what?
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Educate yourself.
S-source please?
Wholesome izakaya owner Mystia is nice, but the Mystia that kidnaps, tortures and cooks humans appeals to me in ways that I can't explain
This but also she subjects the humans to death by brutal and dehumanizing femdom without limits or breaks.
I like her when she's both.

Sometimes she will gently serve you good food while singing. Sometimes she will serve you as food while gently roasting you over a open fire while singing.

She loves nothing more than the feeling of driving her nails in the back of a man during sex.
I can fix her
You will be a regular at Eintei asking for stitches because your dumb bird wife came too hard and clawed through your skin. Everyone will know you as the guy who keeps coming back for more.
All for the dream
happy life with brib wife
What food you want her to cook for you
One grilled eel, please. Sometimes, you can't beat the classics.
as much as I like Mystia, I can't eat one of those freaky things
The Mystia Special Onahole
Bunbunmaru, obviously
Fukkin retard
stupid sexy bird
What I meant was, is this canon?
Well, obviously. It was that one time when ZUN's wife possessed him via secret powers learned from Tendai School's mysteries and while puppetting him she wrote this Bunbunmaru article to sate her unquenchable lust for eroticism in Touhou.
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>promoting race mixing
Yeah, it checks out.
Isn't this newspaper supposed to be family friendly? I mean, there's no way you'd let shotas read that article, let alone have sex with birb youkai.
chirp chirp chirp~
I think Mystia should be the main character of the next official manga
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We already have enough manga about bar girls molesting innocent old men.
It would be better if it were SoL and comedy manga.
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look how flat this bird is!
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Made for naizuri
In the near future, this will be one of the most posted images on this board.
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Its getting colder
Remember to keep your sparrow warm and comfortable!
Holy fat plump juicy puffy sparrow #unny
If she kidnaps me enough times, will I turn into a Tengu? I'd be the kind of person that purposefully lets himself get kidnapped just to be closer to her, but if there's a chance I'll turn then maybe I should look for other ways....
wrong thread?
I also wonder, but cosider OP:
>Kidnap some humaaans
Though I don't think it works that way. You are more likely to turn into a Tengu by becoming kidnapper, not by being repeatedly kidnapped.
Don't worry, you can be close to Mystia and you will stay human. Until you are eaten, that's it.
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This bird is dangerous, don't let her fool you with those eggs!
You mean legs
And I'd let she fool me
Eat them eggs!
Troublesome customers have arrives...
chirp chirp chirp~
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What's "punk"? It's an explosion of oppressed frustration! The roar of the soul!
This birb has found a new rival!
How are they not killing each other on the spot
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I want to hug this bird
I do too
When you explain about (transparent) glass windows.
This bird is suffering from brain damage.
typical for birds
>coming back
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I won't let this cute bird's thread die now!
I'd come on Mystia's back!
and by this I mean that Mystia would carry me piggyback to Eientei to have me fixed...
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Mysty is cold... let's warm her up!
Roasted sparrow!
cute birdbutt
It's cloaca. Bird has no but.
He didn't say ass or asshole, he said butt - buttocks. That's a butt.
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slutty birb
I don't think she's meant to but she gives me very lewd vibes
birb status?
mated (by me)
very gay
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Mysty is in danger!
Homosexual cople!
Mystia was "eaten" during IN. Maybe it was THAT kind of eating... There is an unforgivabley low amount of MystiaXYuyuko fanworks. Post 'em if you got 'em.
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I did my part
she won a Pulitzer for this
ghostly interception!
Give me a number 9, little bird.
Here's your order!
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Mysty dabbles in cannibalism...
Actually, cannibalism only occurs between the same species.
Anon, it's KFC. There's probably some sparrow, some crow, and just a hint of rat mixed in there
I want to headpat this cute retard. Maybe rub ber funny ears as well.
This bird deserved a hadpat.
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cute yook chompers

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