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Been a while, leave some drawing ideas here for any /jp/ artist to pick up, any idea is free to be taken by multiple artists. Ideas are picked at artists discretion, so don't complain if your idea isn't drawn. I sometimes will combine ideas if I feel like they go well together. NSFW will be put in catbox.
Do nitori breastfeeding anon
Joon being anally corrected for being a smug cunt while Shion is getting facefucked in the background
Damn laying it hard so soon?
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I'll suggest a softer one: Anon sharing a nap with Chen in Ran's tails. In the corner Yukari weeps as there is no more room.
Reimu getting ass fucked whole other people cum on her face
I want a goth Meira
Rumia who is easy to draw sharing a cup of tea with Alice who is easy to draw while Marisa who is easy to draw runs away from an angry swarm of bees lead by Wriggle who is easy to draw in the background in the forest of magic
Geez you big baby, come here https://files.catbox.moe/9hlg3v.jpg
Birdhus sitting on power line, with Okuu trying to land in the middle. The power line will soon snap under her weight or it already had. She is oblivious birdbrain, other react to the danger however you see fit. Comedic atmosphere. Your choice of birdhus in terms of number and who exactly.
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I remember this pixar short!
Wonderful, thanks anon
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Meira is about to take you down the street
Holy shit nice
/jp/-tan with a /jp/-tan fumo (it’s a gift for someone)
Thats the girl with the braids and glasses right?
Can I get a drawing of a fruit wearing a silly hat?
Unhinged Renko has been popular on the /jp/, so could we maybe get our schizo pushy Japanese girl who is jealous of the big breasted European girl and decides to take matters into her own hands to win your affection?
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I realized I haven't drawn borbhus so it was nice to
Thank you!
throwing shit onto a wall and seeing what sticks

sanae raging over retro vidya
shou getting drunk with nazrin
futo punching the buddha in the nuts
hina floating down a river
youmu giving yuyuko a haircut with gardening scissors
okuu failing to boil an egg
Alice and Medicine smoking in the park
requesting orin drinking a milkshake with whipped cream that she stole from tsukasa
Tokiko and Hatate too?
Blessed image
You gonna do this or what?
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Continuing with dumb Deus Ex references
Orin and Okuu having the "I wanted orange, it gave me lemon-lime" conversation while Koishi giggles hidden around the corner or on top of the vending machine.
This but Eiki and small Kutaka. (catboxing cause I don't feel like resizing it)
its got to happen
additionally bubble from mouth saying epoxy on my ram and rom

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Requesting this but with marisa and biten
Your favourite 2hu in giantees.
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Wasn't sure how to approach, went the seduce route
Kys tranny
Joon with huge tits in a bra.
Reimu and Marisa playing Halo 1 together but are in the game itself. Perhaps driving around a warthog.
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Can you draw Metal Healer (Silver) pitting a his son, Battery Witch (Batt)?
I mean Petting, and not Pitting.
Doom Slayer giving a smug Tewi a piggyback ride or him flexing his arms and carrying Seiran and Ringo on each bicep please.
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Shaken and stolen
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Got it finally
All that ice cream is going to go into her tits.
What happened to your twitter? I was pretty sure I was following it but now I cant seem to find it?
Nuked it because /v/iggers decided it would be funny to make an example out of me. Doesn't help I think I lead them to it. I'll make a new one soon-ish.
What did you do to catch their attention?
Renko's Renkos!
Be myself, I have a bad history with the RO crowd, I'm dropping that game for good, I can't stand it anymore.
uhhh Ragnarok Online maybe?
Reimu doing a pole vault with her gohei
your fault for interacting with /v/iggers. you know how they are
It is, I thought I could at least do them a favor, but it only backfired. Just sticking here.
didn't you request this same thing in an AI thread, long ago?
wasn't the delivery almost exactly like this?
I have no idea, I don't read the aislop threads
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At least /jp/ loves you.
Alice unlocking her full power because she has seven threads.
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I love /jp/ too
kek maximum autism
I would lie to request your favorite Touhou having ice cream.
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Touhou dude sex mod when
Perfect. Thank you.
Next thread I'll ask for Reimu and Genji recreating the bomb part for a trinity of the most memed DX scenes.
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Son biten my ankles
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I feel like I need to stare at giantess stuff to get the perspective right, which I guess I just don't look at enough to really guage it. On a side note, I am almost out of paper, I will get some more, but I may go out, there is an anime convention in town that I may go get tickets to so I can see what they have.
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Ok one more then a break
will pay big (zero is all i have) to see this 2huified


you can make it more minimal if you wont be able to fit everything
Must…resist…stealing…the fumo…
>to see this 2huified
What did you mean by this?
I would like to know too, seems too complicated and out of scope of the thread
2hu's everywhere
in previous thread OP combined bunch of requests into one big pic, it reminded me of that
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Oh yeah this one, I just don't know what characters you want tho, plus it would take quite a bit of time like this one
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I see. Im really fond of picrel myself, but wish she had legs. isoalting, and making composite images from pics like this would be easy. I'd use the same color style too.
yeah thats the one
>I just don't know what characters you want tho
that is tough to name since in the pic there are 9 characters
i guess you could just do your favorite but some ideas
razer green laptop guy in back - patchouli
linux/hacker shirt guy - clownpiece
why does everyone... guy - cirno
the guy with punk and guy with orange glasses - reimu and marisa
rest of characters could be skipped / filled with your ideas

>plus it would take quite a bit of time like this one
keep it as last one to do or dont do it at all
ps if you do it keep the /cyb/ text and some of the bubbles
thanks for stopping by and thank you for autism considerations
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I always feel bad drawing vehicles because I have to stare at the reference and I can not get it down in a timely manner, where I know other artists will sit there and draw cars all their life. I will be busy tomorrow with that convention, I will try to get maybe a couple drawings in, and I might show some of these to anyone interested.
Hahaha that's great
Not the requestor but as a Halofag I love this. Now Reimu just needs to focus on hitting a dodgy Elite.
Big thanks for the big birb!
Unf thank you this is amazing!
Yandere Takane getting touchy feely with anon
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I swear I did this before
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Your wife is my paizuri slave dude
Hatate wrapping (You) up in a wing hug.
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Technically OP is alice too because I saw that and picked that drawing
Where are the other half of her clothes?
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Damn I am tired today, convention was fun and got some 2hu stuff, not a lot but better than past ones
What con?
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Reimu's gohei was scaled down since I wasn't using tall paper for a better joke
koishi and satori hugging or holding hands with anon and calling him papa
You're telling me I very well could have brushed shoulders against you today? Neat.

Wanna see Enoko and Momiji comparing chests. Could be similar, could be a size difference either direction, whatever's more interesting.
The "Oh, you're approaching me?" meme but it's Alice approaching Reimu.
I was dressed as mokou
Diagnosis: Terminal Bird-Brain
Interpret that prompt in any way you'd like.
Excellent & respectable choice.
Aka too pussy to wear a skirt
mokou and her baggy pants are awesome stop having wrong opinions
Hum, don't recall seeing any. Oh well, hope you had a good time regardless.
I didn't feel like wearing my reisen outfit sorry
I took it off after 4pm, was dying. There were 3 mokos, reimu, marisa, chen, nazrin, and a seki banki. I would go to the meetup sunday but I don't have a sunday badge lol
So she's not the EIGHT Threaded Puppeteer?
Draw cirno!!
Did see a Reimu and Chen at least, to be fair I don't really show up for the cosplays. Too much of a sperg.
Silly flan forgot. That's just how she is I guess. Walking around SDM like that. What a silly sight
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lel'd, thanks.
What is she playing?
Fate Stay Night for ps2
Sanae explaining her obsession with mechs to Keine, who doesn't understand it but is glad that she is happy.
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This one looked fun and I haven't drawn either in quite a while
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I probably should have avoided the super alice hair but w/e
Thank you this is amazing.
Awesome, thank you. Healthy wolves, seems like Enoko has a slight edge on everyone's favorite white wolf tengu unless that sarashi is deceiving. Love the difference in expressions between the two.
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I am just borb brained as okuu I guess
It is potentially a longer battle than expected with the sarashi, you could be right or wrong either way
Draw Yukari and Ran kissing each other.
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they aren't huge. (you) are just kneeling down to their level
Would an extra large extra smug jiggling Kon kon library possible?
Instructions were unclear, got dick stuck in ceiling fan https://files.catbox.moe/fni158.jpg
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I fucked up gundam and was like ok let me actually get on /m/ and grab an eva-001 ref before I fuck that up too
after the keine thread sanae and keine are best friends in my head. that's fucking adorable
[Fanon friendship acquired]
I love this so much.
Now draw her with a proper, fairy like body.
Keine topless in a bikini
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Bra snapping kon kon patcho https://files.catbox.moe/xfa11q.jpg
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oh nice
thanks OP
thank you so much this means a lot to me
Thank you for the meal!
Can you draw Alice & Jacketo holding hands ?
Alice Margatroid, the stage 3 boss from PCB
Good, girls belong only to other girls. Now draw Renko x Merry.
Never heard of her, pick someone less obscure like not-benben, yoshika, kisume saki, sannyo, etc
That's just cruel, man. Now I want you to draw her being surrounded by loving fans.
Draw who?
damn, my request is impossible to draw.....
girls kissing is fine, but handh*lding is a step too far
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I'm too lazy to try replacing the title text.
Not the OR but damn, that is some serious effort, I really like teh Hecc and programmer Patcho. very good job anon!
Nice, I was gonna see about hand drawing it today, but my sketchbook was too small and I would have to squeeze details in. I think this is better than what I would do
you win everything
(4Chan once again blocking my IP from sharing images because of someone else's actions)
Requesting Remilia wearing this outfit (Magical Girl of Scarlet Stars, from Touhou Lost Word).
Bonus if she's depicted as an adult.
Sooo the same thing, but as an adult?
Yeah but with a different pose if possible.
I'm mostly interested in the outfit and there is barely any fanart of her with that outfit.
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You should draw them making out in celebration of the Nazrin thread
Draw Yukari smugly snapping her fingers and growing a massive dong
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Drunk sloppy kissing!
Draw Yamame marrying Parsee!
only because I love (you) https://files.catbox.moe/ogax2i.jpg
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They are getting married!!!!!
Yamame doesn't know what she is getting into
Please draw Renko and Maribel talking with Renko pointing up and Maribel pointing down like Plato and Aristotel in The School of Athens.
Could you draw Toyosatomimi and Byakuren both with huge tits and ass having a tug of war over Rinnosuke?
Draw Prismrivers as Raiko's haremettes
I love Kanako! Please draw my wife Kanako being impressive and beautiful!
This but the tug of war is over Kokoro.
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Not only you're an agp, you also support the shitposting yuricuck. Disappointing.
I just wish I could delete my request to not fuel your fire.
Draw Ran fingering a tearful, shy Marisa
what the fuck is a agp
Technical term for tranny.
Are you a /v/hu tard? Go the fuck back >>>/v/
No, what are you talking about?
Go back to >>>/v/
NTA but which is your request?
You're a faggot. A disgrace. You fueled and helped the yurifag spammer to continue his autism.
This is the equivalent of giving MMD ranfag more 3D ran models back in the day. Kill yourself.
Please me your request, if you are so much better than the yurifag
Not requesting shit. Not after this, mongrel.
*please give
I hate being half asleep
I am literally doing these for free. If I get a bunch of yuri requests and nothing else, I'm just going to do them because its all practice for me
Bro, there's no such thing as a "yurifag", you're getting baited by /v/eetard schizos. Don't even reply to them, they thrive off drama.
Retarded faggot. Have you not seen all of the unrelated, random replies about yuri in random 2hu threads? Way to out yourself as a tourist.
I am seeing yuri and futa posts and whatnot in other threads. I have no idea if its one person or people getting asshurt over nothing. I am gonna stop and leave the rest to who ever else wants to draw, just so long as I stop fueling whatever dumpster fire thats happening.
lol fuck off /v/aggot.

>I am seeing yuri and futa posts and whatnot in other threads
Wouldn't be surprised if it's them doing it in the first place. They are the type of shitposters that force things for kicks.
You are the /v/nigger. You are fucking defending the yurifag shitposter. Kill yourself out of this place now.
It is one or maybe two guys, he's been doing that for a while now. It should be pretty clear he's shitposting in those threads because most of the time he's attacking heterosexual posts. Just read what he's responding to, or note how his posts mirror older posts.
You can even see it right in this thread, you did one yuri request, and suddenly there's like 10 of them and one is about twisting another guy's request into yurishit. 100% guarantee it's a samefag.
I wouldn't be surprised if the fag claiming the yuricuck is not a thing was actually him.
You all are a bunch of overly-vocal shit-stirring prudes and should just let the OP draw whatever he chooses to, regardless of the obvious bait-posting or trolling going on.
Can't believe how quickly this shit deteriorated after days of feedback like >>47678824 you fucking savages. Just plain disappointing, even if it is just spam from the same 2 or so people.
Take care with whatever else you might cover here OP, if anything at all still. Genuinely been a fan of your art & creative drive so far if that means anything.
>just let the OP draw whatever he chooses to, regardless of the obvious bait-posting or trolling going on.
Yep. That's kinda obvious, isn't it?
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It was probably not my best judgement to pick yuri posts, I thought it was just one off things in this thread, but aparently this is more of a problem like the ran spammer (wonder if its him poisoning the well after getting banned repeatedly). I am having trouble wrapping my head around some of the requests here, I just feel like alot of them are either repeats, trolls, or just not detailed enough to make something worthwhile without me just injecting something to make them interesting
If the yurispammers are causing this much board trouble at this point then I shudder to imagine how bad the 3D Ran guy was during his "peak", but I understand where you're coming from. Sometimes you take what you can get.
Let's see if I can't at least come up with something more original for you then: Yuugi has entered a contest of strength down in Old Hell.
There are many participants and a decent crowd of onlookers, but the Oni has decided the first thing she'll demonstrate for everyone is just how far and fast she can chuck Kisume through the caverns.
The Bucket Youkai is desperately wishing she had anywhere else to be.
If you are still taking requests:
Aya sitting and relaxing near desk, somewhat unbottened shirt, opened sake bottle, comfortable pose; she is reading letter to Bunbunmaru redaction, smiling.
Alright I will get back to it then, there were some ones above I can do
Thing is, the MMD ranfag almost exclusively targeted ran threads. (But his spam was much more intense) While the yurispammer shitposters go on about every 2hu character thread.
He actually went into other threads that weren't ran threads too
Nah, he spammed in various threads. Yukari threads were spammed, Chen threads were COMPLETELY unusable, like shat up worse than even Ran threads, and any random thread that made the mistake of having Ran somewhere in the OP image was also completely taken over.
It's amazing how that awful shitposting got somewhat memoryholed now. I mean, I would love to forget it too, and it actually deserves to be forgotten, but I've seen guys claiming his shitposting wasn't even bad at all. Couldn't tell if they were newfags or trolls.
Don't do this one pls
This request is mine, I'm retracting it
I thought I saw it somewhere in the thread, but I guess since you want to be a giant faggot, I won't do it
this thread went to shit quicker than expected huh
Don't take it personally, I just don't want you drawing it right now
You were calling me a fucking tranny, you asshole, fuck off
I wasn't
I really just don't want you drawing my request
That's all
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Alright, last one, getting to pissed for this
Looks really nice, thank you!
I'm sorry that whole thing happened.
You should draw Hatate making out with Nitori to get back at him!
Don't let those assholes influence you, just keep drawing nice things. Yuri is nice, and it angers those ugly fags, so please draw more.
The fact that the anti-yuri fags will stoop to screeching at an innocent drawfag says it all. I don't know what is or isn't /v/ because I've never been there, but lewd shitposting of all kinds including yuri is core /jp/ culture. Culture war neologisms and drama over specific people, on the other hand...
Draw Sunny x Okuu!
Lovely drawing. If and when you decide to draw more, could you, please, draw Alice and a 2hu of your choosing sitting at a table, drinking liquor, there are multiple empty bottles at Alice's end and Alice is looking just fine while the other 2hu is looking shocked?
You fags keep using outsider lingo like "sapphic" or just say bullshit like "the 2hus will make out with each other while you stinky male hate yourself!1". Imagining oneself dating a 2hu and fucking her is much more core /jp/ culture than your retarded man-hating misandrist fantasies. Fuck off.
guys, I hate Merry now? I need Renko.
Hey, draw Alice molesting Patchu
Anon prefers the Renkomachean Ethics to Maribel's Titmaeus.
I honestly wonder which PoDD-hu would have the biggest rack. Ellen, Chiyuri and Ruukoto are automatically disqualified for me.
What do you think, OP?
Requesting Kanako, Suwako, and Sanae browsing Zillow for properties in Gensokyo to move into prior to moving to Gensokyo.
Draw Nazrin rejecting an anon!
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Draw nazrin feeding this faggot to her mice
OH MY GOD YES that's fantastic! Brilliant!
You just made my whole night Anon, I have the stupidest grin on my face rn. Wasn't even expecting a multi-panel piece but that makes it so much better.
Kisume should be thankful, who else could get you to the other side of the caverns so quickly & efficiently at such little expense? And the crowd's gonna love it!
Please draw an unhinged, malicious-looking Aya using a laptop.
Draw Naz and Shou tearing this anon apart!
Iku leaning down while her skirt rips in half due to her fat ass. Someone like Tenshi may or may be not there to witness it
uhh, anon
POV: Me looking down and to my right, where Remilia is holding onto my arm as we walk somewhere scenic. She's looking up at me and smiling.
Preddy blease?
I just want you to know, if you're still here, that I showed this to my friend and he got obsessed with it.
Good stuff.
"sapphic" isn't outsider lingo, it's the most common adjective for lesbians. The misandry is one faggot and the rest of us think he's cringe.
Sakuya pad expansion
Make sure the hand looks feminine and the maid uniform is visible.
Oi. Joke aside, don't poison the well if they do draw my request. I'm a guy, and if anything I'd be in a button up shirt and vest.
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I like your art style. Can you draw Cirno conjecturing a ice projectile in front of her with her tongue sticking out as if she working on something?
Not the requested but this is cute. Well done drawfren.
Thank you very much for that. We will have a picnic with pudding in your honor.
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>Not the requested
I did it wrong?
I am sorry, i thought you wanted something like that!
No, no, that's the right drawing and I'm the right Anon you drew it for.
The other one was saying that they weren't me but that they really liked what you drew.
Thanks again, by the way.
I wonder why drawing threads are still full of insufferable faggots
I thought AI ​​would make them simmer down
I'm inclined to agree. I've considered fulfilling requests for quite some time now, but these threads just leave a bad taste in my mouth for a few reasons. First, it's like they only exist for Okuufag to suck himself off and attention whore, slopping out requests as quickly and as frequently as possible to keep the attention train going while anons eagerly slurp up the slop. Their art is already low skill to begin with, which is honestly fine... not everyone can be good at drawing, and it's good to at least put some effort towards creative endeavours even if you aren't good at it. However, I feel like the quality varies greatly, and some requests "fulfilled" look worse than chicken scratch and are clearly slopped out with very little thought or care. Because they are constantly fulfilling requests as quickly as possible, no other artists are really here. You occasionally see one or two show up, but nobody gets a chance to fulfill any requests because it's essentially Okuufag's personal thread. He never bothered me that much until he started to use his own shitty drawings for the OP in the OC threads. Before, whoever used to make them would choose a random artwork from the previous thread and make that the new OP image. But then he started to make them very quickly after they would hit bump limit, not giving anyone else a chance to make one, and would selfishly and egotistically just use their own art for the OP. I think it defeats the spirit of the OC thread to just use your own drawing for the OP. And also, note how he starts having a meltdown when people do not like what he's doing and begin to criticize him. "Omg, I'm too pissed off for this!!!" Why? Because not everyone is sucking you off over you fulfilling requests "for free"? You don't need to act like a martyr because you're doing requests. No one is forcing you to do them. The second the attention train isn't 100% positive, his true colors show. You guys shouldn't be coddling him and trying to cheer him up, he's a grown ass man and should be mature enough to not get upset over not everybody loving him.
It sounds like you is just jealous he is getting a lot of positive feedback for drawing a lot and you isn't.
The /v/eetard schizos that hate the drawfags hate the AI even more. Go figure.
Alright bro, I won't do these or the OC thread anymore since I am an attention whoring faggot
Ah typo, I meant “requester”. Damn autocorrect. So what this >>47743520 guy said. Again nice stuff you drew here.
>Because they are constantly fulfilling requests as quickly as possible, no other artists are really here. You occasionally see one or two show up, but nobody gets a chance to fulfill any requests because it's essentially Okuufag's personal thread

I lurk these threads but I never fill any requests because none of them have piqued my interest, not because someone else is doing them.
Read the last sentence of my post. You're an adult, stop acting like such a baby. If you enjoy doing requests then by all means do them, but expecting everybody to eagerly lap up every post you make is dumb.
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While mostly correct I think you're leaning into the attention whoring accusations a bit too hard, he's not exactly holding this thread hostage. And nothing stops people from drawing already "done" requests, since it has happened before.
Nobody told you to quit. Just that attention whoring is bad, and that you fell for some 3d ran-tier shitposter's samefagging requests.
Look, take a break, relax, don't let someone's opinions ruin your day. That's just how it goes on the internet, and especially on an anonymous basket weaving forum where people don't have filters. I gave you a lot of vocal praise before, but I also gave you shit in this thread because that's exactly what was on my mind - in other words that's what needed to be said. What you needed.
I agree with one thing the other anon said, don't be a martyr, nobody needs that, that's just further attention whoring. Keep drawing, but only if you still want to.
>you is
>you isn't
What race are you?
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thanks Anon.
something like this?
Wait, you're not? Doesn't everybody say you are? Are they just lying about you?? Or do you think tranny is a mean word and want to be called a more socially acceptable term like just trans? Just trying to clear the air, not trying to add fuel to the fire I'm genuinely curious
Yup, this is great.
Leave Bing Crosby alone, he can enjoy the drawfagging like everyone else.
Could you draw: Warehouse of Shanghai dolls creating and bumping Alice threads, please.
>Have you not seen all of the unrelated, random replies about yuri in random 2hu threads?
Yes, have you tried not making them? You started seething about what other people where requesting and told OP to kill himself because you are an over emotional retard. Go back, you don't belong here.
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All it takes is one retard to derail an entire thread. What a sad day.
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oh well, that's how it is sometimes
I hope OP isn't pissed and continues drawing in this thread.
Maybe another day.
>not making them
What the fuck are you talking about faggot
Its the yurifag shitposter who requested that shit. Requesting nazrin specifically because hes focused on shitting on the nazrin thread.
Thanks to the yurifag shitposter. I bet hes from reddit.
Nobody was talking about yuri, just requesting artwork for an artist to do, you came to /jp/ to cry about all the yuri on it, go cry somewhere else.
>Thanks to the yurifag shitposter
This thread was about art before you started sperging out here >>47724885
Bans should be issued for quality control, this will stop the retard from derailing the threads.
You clearly haven't seen how many posts there are on the other character threads that are about yuri. And its all the same. "This 2hu only fucks girls" "shes only for this 2hu" and so on. Even though the respective OPs dont ever mention yuri. Yet these retards keep trying to derail the threads. The nazrin thread had it the worst because a faggot does nothing but post yurishit in it. This artist was rightfully called out for contributing to it. And when he started doing the yurishit requests, the thread began to get flooded with more and more. Some even trying to change other anon's requests. They are shitposter trolls straight from /v/eddit. And since you defend them so much you are most likely from there too. Go there and never come back. Faggot. And>>47724885 isnt even me
Alright, I finally have my computer set up so I can hopefully sketch something tomorrow. Any fresh requests? I like drawing pregnancy, bikinis, lewd clothing, bondage, big boobs, and other stuff along those lines but feel free to request whatever.
Maybe my old request here >>47675063? Can be modified so that it’s a boobied Reisen on his back and maybe giving him a boobhat at that to further sell the idea.
Nazrin and Shou kissing!

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