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I had a dream about Doremy. You don't want to know what it was about.
I don't think a single Doremy thread has hit post cap in at least a year
She can dream rape all the Gensokyo girls without consequences
Made for ___
Sucking on Doremy's tapir cock!
What do tapir's cocks look like?
they are as long as their legs and have enormous, prehensile, flared heads
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Baku Baku Ba-ku Doremy~
I wanna see you in my dreams
let's have a sweet time tonight
in your Doremyland
This bitch gave me 2 wet dreams in a row. A third one tonight and I'm shooting up her dreamworld.
I think you're thinking a lot about worse girl.
No idea why, I would expect her threads to be a lot popular here.
She's a character that for some reason everyone likes, but no one really gives a fuck about her.
What's the kind of dream that she likes the most?
Now I want to know Anon, spit it out
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If she's want to claim one before the year ends, it most likely will have to be this one. Probably takes 3-4 months for a slow character thread to hit bump limit.
Miracles can happen some times, who knows?

*NEW* Doremy content
She's drinking too fast, she's gonna spill hot chocolate on herself!
Eh, little burns like that are next to nothing for youkai. She won't even feel slightest discomfort.
She can still spill chocolate on herself if her hand slips, but the worst that could happen are some stains on clothes.
I don't hate Doremy but I've never been able to like her. Why do you like her?
With spilling comes the consequence of me tearing her clothes off and licking her body clean.
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She is smug and not a jobber. Not among the top hus for me, but certainly in upper half.
What does she get up to?
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I have a fascination with dreams.
Super smug face.
Cute baku ears.
Sounds interesting. What are baku supposed to be in lore?
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Nightmare eaters that look like real life tapirs you can call on to eat your bad dreams, but if you call them too much, they'll eat your hopes and dreams and cause you to be a depressed shut-in for life (all straight from the real lore and not exaggerated, believe it or not)
Then I supposed her pink thing she's holding is a dream. So the Dream World the place where this deam substance exists?
Yeah, pretty much. The game has dreams looking like balls of cotton candy that she chomps on.
Nice digits.
Is she a special baku or just a regular one?
Why is she smug?
She has the rare quality of not being a jobber
Damn, didn't even realize.
From what I know, they make it out that she's THE Baku and the only one.
Makes sense, it would be weird that of all the baku in existence, it was she that people in and out of Gensokyo keep bumping into. Must be one lonely existence.
But from what I remember from LoLK, when Reisen meets her, she gets scared by her being a baku, not by her in particular. So there may be other ones too.
Interacting with people's dreams will inevitably make you smug. She has access to the most intimate depths of everyone's minds.
I don't think I've ever heard of another anon dreaming about Doremy.
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you shouldnt a baku
Why not?
I accidentally'd the Baku

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