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I love Towa!
7dtd at 21!
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She's mad at how used to the graduation she is.
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I feel sick to my stomach
my beloved
They do this so dramafag will give them crazy numbers
Fubuki never gets 30k for a zatsudan (or any regular stream)
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I will destroy the Riot servers
I think it's pretty obvious that A-chan's departure is not within anyone's expectations. She just really have to take care of sick relative.
All the "basically graduated" holos should have a proper graduation already before they lose the chance to do it like Mel did.
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numberfaggots should be banned on sight
>Mel's termination has desentized her to Aqua's graduation and it scares her.
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Kamippoina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02m47K5RfQ
Shoushin Ryokou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6GCUYJvdRI

7DTD at 21!
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My N3 ears are failing me...
Don't, Aqua is in a better place now, watching LoL, eating slops, etc...
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It will be ok, watch archives to hang in there until her voice and personality come back to us
Needs to get on Sora's level
Mea fucks THIS??
i cant stop thinking about her
Why do retards keep bringing up LOL when she hasn't played it in half a decade?
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Desire to hug friend is rising
>he doesn't know
I wonder why Fubuki made this public
She could have vented in a mengen, was she bothered by messages asking her to react about Aqua etc ?
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Funny autistic son
/vt/ lives in the past
Yeah fuck off.
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Damn, Sora is going all out today.
Straight hair Sora is too powerful!
maybe she was still thinking things over...
I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!
see me next time
( ^)o(^ )b

the realization of never ever seeing these again
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My dick in her hand.
She's saying it's okay to stop watching Hololive
Which FBK is this? Gamers or Gen 1?
She already knows more are leaving. Her heart has started to turn into stone.
>445 in fubs stream
joke beri beri haado
ririkatomos can't read the room
they were comrade in arms who carried Hololive during its early days. Most of oldfags knew that so I assume they kept asking Fbk about it.
There's been two... Lucky she's not in Nijisanji, they have one a month.
Being a hako oshi is fucking retarded to begin with.
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>believing anything Skinwalker says
I thought you anons were smarter than this.
on a scale from 95 to 100, how cute will Lamy be today?
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Just work in the same company for years. That’s what happened to me
I think it's more than that... I've seen a list of graduated members just for this year and it was huge
Floodgates have opened.
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She reached her goal have some respect.
What is she going to announce?
Maybe so onyantomos and meltomos could also hear her thoughts?
It do be like that >>24176350
There is no chance of Aqua ever returning to hololive. She's not the type to flipflop once she's made a decision.
no drama bait but I wonder if some holomem saw Aqua leaving on a high note, following weeks of good content, and thought to themselves maybe it's the right move
>there's a dark presence in hololive, an eternal darkness that is trying to swallow us all
Because the picture he used has literally LoL world championship reflected in her eyes? Stop being so fucking butthurt, retards
That's just the Taco Bell I had for lunch
>>47677519 (me)
Oh god I just realize that thread was from when Aqua went on a hiatus... the thread was so peaceful back then...
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Its too late for everyone this year except for holoX.
The contracts have gone and been signed. If they want to get out they have to do it next year.
>akwa will do her resistance outside
she will come back and save her friends
Aqua is inside of Friend
Zerokisei live + Towa
why the fuck didn't management create an environment where people like aqua can be comfortable?
I just remembered black rock is one of their investors
Who are you quoting?
Which is the gen most likely to have someone try to graduate next? Which is the gen least likely to have someone try to graduate next?
With other holo's mentioning how they're glad Aqua managed to go out properly instead of what happened to Mel I wonder how many are wondering if they should prepare to go now or when they hit their next issue working with Cover.
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Why did Skinwalker absorb Aqua too... was she not satisfied with her sisters already?
Aqua came to me in a dream and said the same thing too
It’s been like that for several months already. We’re going to a new era, where corpos are trying to be serious entertainment agencies, and either you can work with it or not.
Towa runs blackrock now?
Your mom
Accommodating retards costs money that would be better spent somewhere else and is a pain in the ass in general.
Why are so many people watching Fubuki? This is a guerilla and there's nothing in the title suggesting she was going to talk about aqua.
She requires larger breasts
https://www.iwara.tv/video/LIrENQcsWkgcYt look at them go
>eternal darkness
Holy shit is that a Towa reference?
Keep seething Cover shill
Oh yeah, like like the 85 schmucks in upper management or 58 working on their metaverse garbage. Money well spent.
Kitsune cups...
I mean probably, especially those who are approaching/past their fifth year. While the money is good, it's better to graduate on your own terms than slip and get fired like Mel.
Because they have no idea what they're doing, they're not competent
It's all thanks to holomem that cover is where its at today, anything they do themselves (their games, apps etc) is utter shit
oh damn, that was 4 years ago shadow corridor was unexpectedly really fun for a kusoge
Management only cares about their retarded kaigai expansion
The other choices are Sora and ReGloss
Anon, this gets asked almost every new thread now. It's getting old.
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Fubuki doesn't want anyone else to leave...
>Accommodating retards costs money that would be better spent somewhere else
Correct, but in this case the retards being accommodated are the hundreds of middle-managers and the wasted money is going into their failed retarded projects
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She's crying.
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Lamy will play Gundam Breaker 4
Fubuki no...
true, longer you stay the more content you produce etc
You probably don't want to see your 5+ years of work being erased in a day because of some issue
She still lasted 6 years
All other holos can bear with it just fine
Some people just aren't built for it
Hope your oshi can graduate peacefully with a great live, anons
>Holomem, I beg you if you want to quit, please quit on your own term. Don’t just disappear out of nowhere.
your mom and your life will graduate.
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Take it easy Friend...
I think Dev_is should stay separated to hololive and its a good thing
if i see no archive, i click
>graduation en masse next year
So this is what Towa meant by "can't make it in 2025 sorry guys"...
Why is there no EN/ID termination yet?
based dramaGOD
if they're going to graduate anyway, try to renegotiate the contracts first
It wasn't in the title. Only in the description.
Hololive? In shambles
Ru? Thriving
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This anon knows her stuff.
get in here heimindomo
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>romanticizing martyrdom for corpos
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Or just don't do dumb things and lose a lucrative job
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Laplus is a whore
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They're so irrelevant no one in management is paying enough mind to fire them.
I'm sure she'll be as somber and professional as Friend
Imagine being a regrosskek…
old Friend would've been able to prevent Aqua from quitting
turns out being separated by literal sea's from suits is a boon
fat fuck
What a majestic fatfuck
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fat pussy dont open
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Fubuki very sad about Mel but at least we are getting Rica bunny girl earlick in two hours.
you can't make this shit up
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stop leaking
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humiliation ritual.
It's a good song.
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actual braindead retard...
aqua was making them millions just by existing
>i forgot about the bingo
i dont think other members do the bingo pekora
Why is Ririka the only one showing off her tits?
A mengen is more public than a privated stream.
pekora always did her homework in the last second
Management from the start has always thought they were the best and that they didn't need any feedback. It was obvious when the ghost trick shit happened and they fucked with Subaru and just said tehepero whoops and the subsequent not having a 3D live for 2 years(?) in a row
Now all the resources are being pooled towards their shitty RUST ARK clone and 400 different middle managers that can be cut out. They got a second studio for them to only decrease the lives per year the girls get.
I'll never forget Aqua complimenting Pekora in I think it's the totsu? or maybe it's the stream after announcing her graduation saying she's strongwilled and can deal with a lot of shit from management.
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Yab another male with Pekora
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it's not their choice???
Probably the worst song I've ever heard. It auto played for me once and I nearly gagged.
she's the designated gen whore
pekora just like me
Kojima is 60.
Yes they do.
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I've actually come to the retarded conclusion that I honestly hope they just get fired or the company has some kind of scandalous sudden collapse or domething.
I wasn't a frequent watcher of Rushia, Mel or Aqua....
When they get fired out of blue it's shocking and you don't know how to react besides wonder what contract violation exactly happened, shrug and say "oh well, what can you do?" and move on.
Aqua graduating on the other hand had a long build up with an emotionally devastating ending, and it all fuels scary speculation on the company itself going in such a different direction that she chose to nope the fuck out
>its only a studio visit
You aren’t fooling me Pekora
why does Kanade look like she has some crazy saggers?
He looks younger than Yagoo somehow
my scared inkya bunny
I get you but that's a pretty selfish way of thinking. Imagine how shitty Aqua would feel if she never got to say goodbye after 6 years.
So Kojima knows 110 now?
I bet Hikosan was with her the whole time
>Kojima studio is even better than the one Cover has
Owari da…
Does this count as a collab with someone you haven't before?
everyone is so kind to pekora
>I thought hololives studio was amazing but I guess there is always a bigger fish
Hikosan was having a freakout on twitter when it broke
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If you have it, flaunt it.
Make your own thread already
Kojima can easily buy Cover, of course it is better
Hikosan was creaming her pants at home.
What? Why?
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
wtf he looks 40 max
Remember that while FBK is still in Hololive, you can trust Hololive
cover is very incompetent at what they do unlike kojumbo
I wonder what kind of joke Kojima told Pekora…
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Hikosan is a former konami? Kojima pro? employee.
cam on tensai koyori pitch a perfect game
I don't think Friend has it in her anymore...
>p..please gaijinsama..subscribe to regross..
My retarded ass just noticed he posted this 3 hours ago
Hilosan is (or at least was?) a KojiPro artist
Kojima is the first nousagi to meet Pekora...
Kojima is a pure virgin married saint
They should shill on Reddit, crazy that they haven't yet
FBK said when Aqua told her to take care of hololive, she felt that being in her position is closer to a curse than anything earlier
I'm not so sure anymore...
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fat bunny
Will it be in english?
wait really? huh
Riripure has never seen a penis
I dont trust that skinwalker
He said nousagi, not poser.
say that to her face fucker
I thought she just drew a lot of those Pekora kojima games thumbnail for her streams
did you forget about the nousagi prime jurard the homos dinosaur?
She contributed art to the recent Metal Gear Rising Revengeance 10th anniversary celebration and a producer on the game praised her illustration
stop cheating
pekora are you just putting clear on every box
Real idolfags are having a melty over Aqua singing someone else's graduation song during her live.
When did Aqua stop having her anchor oshi mark in her twitter name?
Pekora is just using Takara Mountain as a crutch
she's a former artist, she's a full time mother now that just enjoys watching pekora with her kid and draws just for the fun of it, I think it was the 2022 birthday or anniversary set? where Pekora offered her royalties for drawing her merch but hikosan just rejected it all.
It's her futa cock.
I dunno if it counts as esport...
Nah she's a top 100 player of the week.
lol she count meeting with kojima as a collab. that is cheating pekora
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pekora really is reaching for these squares
fucking cheating bunny needs correction
I still don't understand why Gaou never drew anything or even said anything about Aqua's graduation.
I heckin love bibiboowa
I like this song up there with Blue Clapper for me
Reddit is nothing nowadays. Most EN don't even go there. It's probably only like Watame and the ENdogs that post there.
>Concept totsu
Reglosstomos not like this.....
kojima is a holomen
Salacious forces are everywhere.
he's also married with child
Did Pekora say whether she signed the wall in the studio that all the celebrities sign?
not a bad first inning. no hit but managed to draw out a lot of pitches at least.
cuckfaggy feeling happy because pekwhoreleech met and got creampied by another male lmao what a bunch of cucks
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Aqua is his biggest work yet, I am assuming he already working behind the scenes for her reincarnation
I don't think she said.
Busy cumming to his hidden stash of minatoaquatits and minatoaquabutt.
>Aqua is his biggest work yet
fat onion...
he's under a TRO late anon
Are they gonna demand her to come back and apologize? lol
Pekora ngmi…
pekora just remember the food you ate last year...
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Holy sex, Jim is a menace.
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theres no fucking way shes getting this
wow they have 3 hits already. maybe koyori needed a splitter?
die sora die
Hajime will never be sexy
Fun fact
>KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS is an Entertainment Providers company located in Tokyo, Tokyo with 158 employees
Cover is bigger than KojiPro
I seriously doubt it. Not even saying anything about her graduation means there's no chance he's doing her new model.
thats a hecking bebber
It is still the literal biggest foreign community of Hololive, Ririka definitely should have tried there first before asking actual Indians
Kanto people are going to stone Pekora to death for this blunder
they are also much more incompetent
Isn't he MIA?
I fucking hate Cover jesus christ
Kojipro studio is better tho
That's not a good sign, anon
>pekora is from pekoland, sorry if i dont know
They've made 1 game and it sucked
He got notice about her graduation earlier than anyone and went into menhera hiatus
>25% of the staff
>better studio though
Maybe if Cover didn't pay their employees a pittance they could hire more skilled 3d techs.
He retweeted her announcement and graduation stream. He's alive but he's just not saying anything.
like a week ago management also forced regloss to shill EN4 but no one watched those collabs, they have been trying that "we are sisters branches since we debuted at similar times" shit since gokisei
Kanata is scaring me more right now than if she was pissing herself while crying
I know...
162km/h vs 132km/h and she's given up 3 hits and a walk already even with good control.. maybe konkoyo high school sucks..
pekora what make you think the earth surface is suddenly changing?
Such a good song
I don't even remember what I ate last week
I think that's the conclusion he wants to convey slowchama
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>just starts asking her chat for the prefectures
thats my bunny right there
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His last post that isn't a retween was from an entire year ago.
most employees cover has are middle managers and idea people who's sole job is to come up with another way of milking hololive
Heimin, your oshi's song is giving Subaru a lot of trouble
with gokisei it just happned on its own
>pekora what make you think the earth surface is suddenly changing?
Living in the most earthquake-prone country on Earth might do that.
>When you turned into adult, knowledge about prefectures of Japan are USELESS anywah
w-what is she saying?
tomorrow's the day aquacrew!
Sora is gone. It's over.
sure anon, and the tooth fairy is also real right
Did her collab with Shiina start already? Who's winning?
Stop teasing you fuck, I will watch her later
>evil higher up is the one that tried to push for more MONEY MONEY MONEY by way of more merch and pushing westwards, and now he's draining cover funds by hiring all these 400+ leeches pushing the girls for more sponsorships and shit projects
so Friend basically told aquacrew to fuck off www
Pekora has done this like 5 times and she still sucks…
it definitely did, I remember Lamy sharing her thoughts about the EN debut and saying that she didn't feel a senpai because of how close they came out
0-0 in the bottom of the 4th. shiina's got like 5 hits and a walk and konkoyo's got nothing.. i don't understand how her batters are so bad that they can't hit this pitcher.
she's just like me and when i talk about calculus
Kanata is a broken woman
Are you finally done reading threads on /vt/
tell us something we don't know
Not really, but she baited with an Aqua talk stream when she actually just wanted to be sad about Mel.
>Sora singing stream
>AZKi singing stream
What a blessed day
pekora naked dogeza when
Koyori is getting demolished by nijisanji
He's been randomly blocking aquacrews.
Talking like she's dead inside
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prefecture autists...
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yeah, norman reedus is his boyfriendhusband
You don't know what his reason might be
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>open koyori stream
>both tits hidden
>close koyori stream
I thought Shiina was a slut, what's this scam?
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theres no way there's actual prefecture autists that will dislike you for getting their prefecture wrong right?
my dick cannot handle gyaru sakamata outfit
The japs call it black company for a reason. It's one of those backwards traditional japanese mindsets about how a company should be run. Maximize profits, minimize expenses, hire a fuckton of people that don't do any actual work through nepotism, milk the assets until they're depleted, go bankrupt and start over.
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wtf koyori switch koyori to 1st base holy shit it's so over aaaaaa
That's great
ever since lolikami mv happened every time I see an Ui image I get hard
what sorcery is this?
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>Cat ears
Toyota was a traditional japanese company and they are still focusing on the future...
Tam-U also seems to have completely ignored all things Shion related since around the middle of last year (not talking about her hiatus or return). About the same time Shion removed her from her twitter bio. Did something happen between them I wonder. Tam-U used to be so goddamn proud of Shion and Shion once cried on stream after reading Tam-U's post about how proud she was of Shion.
Shiina has been collabing a lot with the Holos again lately
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>theory crafting absolute bullshit and stealing glances at the nousagi helping her from chat
she's still going to get 20/48
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pekwhoreleech the molested turbo leech KWATW kek what a turbo whore!
Lot of holos have removed them from bio
tam-u is a woman?
Pekora got my age...
How was Kaela's Minecraft birthday party?
How do you call it when a woman sucks your dick while another rims your asshole at the same time?
Because I want that with KoyoShiina.
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hook, line, and sinker
not bad i guess
This brat is way too cocky about getting a 38/47
wow, that fake depression episode of hers was a lot shorter this time
I assumed so since Shion calls her mama.
Neither Aqua or Gaou removed each other from their bio though
pekwhoreleech the cheating whore
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And Lui call Kakage mama
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Why is Ui so cute?
Please don't lewd Subaru's mother.
nekomimi gamer witch
What the FUCK is going on with Kanades chest there
So why does Aqua call Gaou pappa?
wow nenechi is doing really well. that slow curve is great.
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No boobs for Pekora.
Kaela is announcing her engagement

They don't even bother with putting steering wheels in their future cars no thanks.
A lot of recent new outfits have been made without full involvement of their artists too, regardless of their apparent relationship status with Cover/their Holo.
no pekora you still dumb
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danchou is surrounded by retards...
pekochan is my favorite brown holo (next is suisei)
it's just what she's wearing
pekopaint my beloved
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Ain't that a zaibatsu? You can't compare it with a normal company like Cover or the other small fries.
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it's so pekover
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nothing? there's no chest
Haachama Laputa watchalong.
Where is this from? new meme?
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pekopaint sovl
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In today's Raden stream! ででーん!A collab with Lamy!
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you're describing american companies tho
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goronyans fat fuck fur is getting in her mouse ball i bet
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Sounds like every company ever.
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>i came
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>Please don't lewd Subaru's mother.
Whoops, my hand slipped!
I don't have time to get the movie
We love Chiikawa here
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Just shit your pants that way it doesn't go away when you stand.
fuck off retard
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holy shit the a actually got a good hit. konkoyo scores !! 0-1 !!
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really cute pekochan
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fake sheep
watermelon kaioken...
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Another masterpiece
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>everyone is live
I'm gonna kill myself I can't keep up I've only got one brain and two eyes...
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everytime these lazy bitches try to stream, you just know she needs money
oh shit shion yo with a nice hit to bring another home. 0-2 !!
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It looks so wrong
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Pekasso latest.
crushing the nijis once again
I wonder if they have perms, I bet not.
aaaaaaa marine 2 run homerun let's goooooo
it's so pathetic how he has to defend him at all cost because there's no other schizo left lol
I'm so glad she's gone.
I don't really understand baseball but this is pretty intense.
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why is no one talking about Pekora's stream here?
must be mad his en dogs got insulted last thread
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Looks normal to me
Stream it?
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Pekora SUCKS at small talk
What a sloppy effort
this is more of a poem
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We need a Pokemon game to lure her in
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I pulled it from twitter and thought it was cute
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theres no way, shions just going to laugh her ass off, even pekora is saying it
>whats this suddenly kowa wwww
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holy shit konkoyo did it. 5-0. they couldn't hit worth shit for like 7 innings but got em good in the 8th.
Koyori and Shion mvp

Ramirade is on
This is the cheatiest copout concept totsu in history.
The stream is starting! Get in here!
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hoshiyomi sisters???
or a dog
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hzvFUIOQq8 STARTING NOW
She said she wanted to play that latest DQM game I think
that's the point.
>changed hair color
they divorced
ACK-uacucks status?
Isn't this serious, like serious serious?
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Great now I have a boner and her stream's started, what am I to do with this?
wait doesnt the box have somethig like cooking pasta or spaghetti?
No one called in...
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thank god nobody is coming, theres no way she has anything prepared
now she's getting embarassed
what a damn cheater
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>Ui is inside
>Gomi is outside
10 whole years
>1 person totsumachi
>have time limit
>no one came
>get angry
常MOF my beloved
It's pretty simple, either he's doing her reincarnation and supporting her for that or he's not doing her reincarnation and having a menhera melty about it
The longer Fubuki lives on the more of a bitch she becomes.
Friend? More like villain.
>new unit shiopeko
but pekoshio has been a thing...
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pekora is turning into an ojisan and shes going to start creeping shion on
Pekora you accomplised nothing…
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>sends her a weird sappy poem message
>immediately asks to make a unit with her
I really hope Shion responds to this and makes fun of her
lets go pekocooking
>shion out*
kek pekwhoreleech already found her next leeching targ- oops I mean her new "best friend"
Legit cork pop sound just now
Did Lamy or Raden said it was an Offcollab?
Raden really likes Lamy's sake
Told you they were going to force Pekoshio once Akupeko dies
I dont like that the Skinwalker is becoming self-aware
>gains soul of aqua
>As expected, you have to put tomato in italian food
Uhh thats racist
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time for some italian peko cooking
this stream is going too fast for me
Lamy tweeted it didn't she
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wine aunties
Ok when does the cooking start
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Don't think it's off since they're asking each other what they're drinking and eating
>toss salt, pepper & oil on some tomatoes and cheese
>call it a meal
Do italian pekolanders really?
pekora you will make italian angry
No it's not
nice italian cooking you retard
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this fucking italian meal sucks
can’t go wrong with that tbf
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no its not
i wanted them to smell and grope each other
>just eats all the cheese
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Ui is popular!
is that supposed to be tomato and mozzarella caprese? wtf
Mio is online
I know fubuki said she’d already come to terms with Aqua graduating notes easily since it was on her terms. But it must have been surreal planning and doing the recordings with her battle brother Aqua, based on how involved she was in the program.
why is there no italian holo yet
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rurudo sent flowers to Ui's exhibition
Miosha finally started
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pekora holding my balls
yeah, it's a genuine italian soup by usada pekora
it's kinda true
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Watame's flowers for Ui
wtf with the messages i see here it feels like pekora is holding multiple streams

she casually messaged shion this poem then went to make food ?
what so good about shine muscat
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Of course, from Shuba
stupid fuck isnt even watching the stream and nobody translated for you so you have no idea whats going on lmao
Caprese is delicious though. Requires high quality ingredients though.
She's speeding through a bunch of her remaining bingo slots.
Pekora should eat scorpion for old time sake
she's speedrunning the summer bingo
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Miosha turned into a gremlin just then
now she’s eating expensive grapes
you are supposed to cut them... at least she didn't break pasta
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Watame sent some flowers too.
we're finishing up summer, there is no time left so everything goes at once!
she's speedrunning leeching
Koyori won?
Towa has no stamina
Ui really became super famous
Life sized Ui...
Pekora will get raped just like Marine
*bites the finger*
Towa's going to overdose on coffee
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literally why would I watch pekwhoreleech's stream?
metapost = bad
metapost but make it about fanbases = good
i see our moderation is stellar as always
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What is she pointing at?
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what the fuck is in towa's hair
>Jeremy Wong admits that his mother's is a former prostitute
Doomed by your own blog posts motherless Wong...
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Getting excited
somehow kinda creepy
leechschizo can't stop leeching pekora. pathetic really
go back to global loser
>reddit spacing
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Sex with the Ui statue.
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theres nothing wrong with breaking pasta amigo
you've never seen carbonated hair before? It's all the rage
The strong lighting makes it look worse
makaimura count as retro right?
*fucks the frame from behind*
get that pekwhorleech away from miko
Mio and Okayu going deep in Miko's hole
rurudo removed Towa from her bio around that time too...I can't believe rurudo hates Towa...
Pekora should play Mario while imitating Korone or something
I wish I could go the Ui exhibition.
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shion yo wwwwwwwwww
>she already forgot about the makaimura she did a month ago
my dumb bunny...
my cum
4chan spacing. From before reddit even existed
Nice reply Shion
no teeth makes it look like those creepy nuigurumis
What did Pekora choose for the center spaces?
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>open Mea stream
There are hundreds, thousands even, kinds of pasta to better fit anyone's needs. And yet everyone breaks spaghetti.
Pekora derangement syndrome is real
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perfect reply
No one posts like that on 4ch. Everyone posts like that on reddit. It's obvious you're a redditor tourist
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raden and lamy are talking about this thing right?
Getting good at a game.
I don't wash my rice. It evens out.
Ao oni is not retroge…
Shameleech leeching hazard pekwhhoreleech lmaoooooo pathetic
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What will be the announcement?/
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>Ui is real
Shion was around 5 when it came out
escape room where you play as one of her plushies trying to escape her room
Did she say something new?
Pekora small announcement tomorrow
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>shigure ui doxx
Another honeymoon with her girlfriendwife Miko
oh announcement tomorrow
new meltdown just dropped
tomorrow pekora has small announcement
UI wishes she was still a JK
how small
Bet she's gonna leech off of someone again
No one posts like that on 4chan because whatever cogent point you might be making, you'll get dismissed as reddit spacing. And then, because you can't put in spaces, if your post is more than like three sentences it gets called a wall of text because you can't break it up.
>no swimsuit
Come on rariemonn
Marriage with Aqua
So he's the shart huh..
Suisei is already married to her girlfriendwife Miko
SuiTowa channel
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We've known that for a while.
How could you tell?
There is tho
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That would be illegal.
Towa is a victim of modern day slavery
No but I want her to actually be japanese, just italian too
why is no one but me talking about how cure Lamy and Raden are?
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that one that tells others to "grow up"? wouldn't be surprised
That's not possible. Japan doesn't do dual citizenships
Alcoholic women aren't cute!
I posted about it, I'm just being filtered right now because I never played Animal Crossing
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>official shigure ui school cards and logo
Imagine the porn with this... thank you Ui.
it can't resist putting that
Cure for what?
>bonding over AC
Come the fuck on Lamy...
new meltdown just dropped
Towa is a dwarf
raden is ranting over some art no one has ever seen
Who are those?
MiOka are bullying Friend again...
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Ooh this illustration is really great
PekoMio summer collab…
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I hope monhun wilds doesnt go full autism over permissions
>mio wanted to do a summer collab with pekora but pekora forgot about it
miotya... my poor shaved miosha...
I've been using granulated towa all my life...
Is powdered towa any better?
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Cumming Ui's long hair...
That's a different enfag >>43833534
That's why blackrock is there to pump money in cover. Expect a full black-japanese DEI gen.
wtf two mioshas
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it's been 3 days without a stream... my desonium is running low
>I hope monhun wilds doesnt go full autism over permissions
I think Capcom is usually willing to work with them now.
Ophelia is pretty famous, well amongst artfags at least
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powdered towa is full of micro plastic
Pekora should just start doing Dark Souls RTA
Shigure owns me swimsuits
It doesn't work over the internet but I'd totally meet them in some izakaya for drinks
they should drink more
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How many Uis are in this frame? Jesas.
Kanade was at that ID minecraft thing.
Towa has died in a mine collapse
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Kek she is talking about this
lol she saw the tmnt meme
I don't watch sidetrash collabs
>pekora laughed hard at the master shredder art of aqua subaru and botan being ninja turtles
good sport
why was narumi just on towa's stream
Rab yu rab yu...
>ikebana fight
I kinda want to see this now
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>Wanna go to PuroLand together?
>I'm envious of them. do you want to go to a museum together?
based desotomo
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Towa doesn't even know how to use a ladder
But regloss is sidebranch too
Where's Michaelangelo?
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This is pretty good.
Lany is bocchi
why does it always have to be new games
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but deso is sidetrash herself
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This thread needs more Minato Aqua
Suspicious person surrounded by JKs...
need more spikes on the car
>Pekora asking for any interesting games recently
>Gundam breakers 4
>Tales remaster
>Aquarium that she already played
Good luck getting permissions for those other two.
Towa should drive the car
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She should play old games.
>Mio driving
uh oh
Yes, Shiina sent some BL loving pitcher out and konkoyo immediately scored 5 points ending 5-0
Stupid bunny you bought Noita and Bannerlord, play those.
Retard just get good
she can't be worse than Taa
they're still japanese
Why is she like this
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The girl who just had a collab with Koyori looks like this?!
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Which one
I honestly thought it was just another collab that Mio couldn't do because she got sick but I guess it's just silly Pekotyan forgetting...
Raden is a slut. Lamy knows.
Not Kanade for sure rumao
lamy is a fat ass who loves fried food
Cause I'm in Raden's chat.
deso is korean and literally less japanese than irys, starting to seem like you got delusional issues
Erased umai!
Akwa is cool
Oh yeah, I forgot Pekora played the ff7 remaster. I kind of just memory holed that entire thing
Noita never ever...
I mean they had one but there was someone else there too...
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she is inside her heart
We HATE Mariwhoreleech here.
lamy's fat ass...
Pekora should play Xenoblade 2
Pekora Advance Wars stream.
I'm glad 占い happened. lots of memories for all three of them
Oh shit, play Siren too Pekora
Debu lamy…bring her back
How is this romanized? Fureainaniya? Where's the Irys part?
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Part of thread
Part of the family
Should be the original and not the shitty remake
wow these 2 start sounding progressively wasted
She doesn't deserve one
please tpc just allow the girls play your game
the ai is Irys's I
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>muh iris is japanese
Stay mad.
Rude, she's Fuutan's BFF.

Ohh right, I forgot Irys's silly kana phonetics.
I love watching ENsharts cope about regloss being a Japanese branch.
debut Lamy...
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>Pekora really wants to play Pokemon but there's no new titles
Training Pekora and turning her into my breeding slave
>.hack GU yaritai saaaa
who's telling this? Mio? Why didn't she just remind Pekotyan? also, I thought manechans were the ones taking care of talents schedule and stuff
Yeah but that was more of an Aqua collab who wanted her GF to tag along
Aqua will never be cool Suisei doesn't understand shit about IM@S typings
Pekora, it was just something they said they'd do during Pekora's totsu last month.
Does holos even play games they pick from those steam library browsing streams
Nene activity alert!
Lamy getting exposed hard
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Med students sure are lucky...
>i want to play all these good games
can't wait for pekora to just play kusoge all the time
When the fuck did 7dtd add trucks?
yeah, haachama did. she bought that part time job game and played it like 2 days later. a bunch of holos have played it by now i think.
i wouldnt have it any other way
Pekora is screwed now she always has dragon ball ojisans begging to play DB games.
It's a joint effort, each holo is different but usually the holo blocks out certain dates and times then manechan fills the schedule with recordings/meetings etc.
gokisei my beloved
Cheese is really popular as a topping
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>dead by daylight
the beast awakes from her slumber because she heard someone speaking the forbidden words
God I love NePoLaBo so much
holos always make shallow promises during totsu. Even PekoFlare still isn't showing any sign of becoming reality at this point
i dont mind, but i dont really like sparking zero that much compare to kakarot
segregated regloss...
That's it. I'm sending Pekotyan a Deadlock invite.
Cuts down on the spiciness, since Japanese people are even worse with spice than white people
nice driving
who let mio drive...
>even Raden doesn't know what's the point of the DEV_IS split
Why does she like DbD so much anyway?
Sick jump, Mio
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This is your classmate
There's the umibouzu illustration
We still love Towa even thought she's Korean. Kanade shouldn't be any different.
I'm over 30, I don't have classmates
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Those two need to be locked in a room and the only way to get out is by collabing
maybe she's just part of the disproportional amount of women that love guro for some reason
Towa is only half korean
Towa is chinese, she just really like koreans
Towa wishes she was Korean
now she mentions 3d she's going to talk her way into termination
I can see why Miosha chose those combinations then
man Lamy talking about their designs having no overarching theme reminded me of how bad the threads were during the time their designs were revealed
>zerokisei live
>holowitches live
Miko won
>nobunaga no yabou
good superchat recommendation
time for good old Aki bullying
>Video unavailable
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country
Thanks Ui
ReGLOSS could have been a proper hololive gen if it wasn't for the gook #fact
the rakugo holo...
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why did Towa do it?
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Doesn't matter, give me your onigiri
Of course the girls don't know when it's all bullshit made up by greedy middle managers
Works on my machine
where the fuck do you live?
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Small announcement tomorrow
I'd forgotten about Aki's sideboobs in that new years outfit
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The day the biggest Holos gain creative control of Cover can't come soon enough
Apparently it's blocked in Russia and USA/Canada? lol
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Jimmy utawaku starting
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lmao even
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Only the US, Canada, Russia & Belarus are blocked
Not him but it's not available in America
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guess i will watch fuutan
I don't have any. They don't sell them here
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I'm watching Bantou.
Huh the artist of AZKi's thumbnail art also does some Canan and Guutara art while doing Noel and Choco in the same account, though I can't find any Nayuta
Lets hope Flare doesn't get sick.
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But all kusoge pekora plays turn into kamige.
so it's just the free world then? based
seems kinda low volume or is that just me?
I miss the "holos tell pro chef how to cook" series. It was so good.
Does anyone have that rage comic of Rushia thought Aqua's retard blabber was to mock her
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The drugs and nap will get her through it
Does anyone have that Raden impregnation comiv
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Ui hates NA and supports the Kuril islands as total Japanese territory
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I don't know what to do with this information.
yeah a bit, new mic I think
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Towa's dead
Lamy thinks Yukimin are funny...
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yukimin-san are the kings
should be fatter
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Im entering an eternal recurrence of whenever pekora streams i cant stop thinking about her bunny butt
Also she forgot to close the stream
Yukimins have a weird reputation amongst the fanbases...
wtf I'm yukimin?
Towa's revived
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not for long, bitch
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Yukimin should post more codes.
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>>47678693 (me)
>Also she forgot to close the stream
Nevermind, it was just the daisuki posting started earlier than usual.
for their anniversaries, regloss is going to merge to become JP7 and their producer will be fired
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Gee Flare, 4 intros?
Nope. Forever a sidebranch
only if they kick the gook
Pekora should go indie if she wants to play Pokemon, look at all the fun she's having
I wonder what happened to INNK staff
they were indeed fun streams/videos
yu yu hakucho
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Hirys! Some sort of diving game with Fuutan, Lunatan and Anya!
Patra's nerd collection is pretty cool.
Sakura Taisen isn't retro...
Sides not knowing how to stream and ruining a collab what a suprise.
Patra is cute and she should have fun with me in bed.
It's just underwater lethal company
Irys has complete potato PC.. not looking good
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pogu pogu
PS3 might as well be retro at this point
the first game came out 28 years ago anon
It's a saturn game anon
there was a noticable drop in quality around the time INNK got disbanded so they probably went back to upd8, which also closed down later on
In my opinion "retro" describes a specific style, rather than the age of something.
sega satan is retro
90s hardware is retro
Holy Airman
Kanade said puyotetris was a retroge
https://x.com/KenzenTamaki/status/1829424152102703482 Pekora Pokemon
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space impact when
retro = up to 16 bit era
Kanade is a retarded zoomer
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This brat...
Anya why do you like these LC-type games so much?..
Why can't you just play Bomberman for once or say, Factorio with four.

Pretty sure they all left with Frog and each of them tweeted about it. Not to mention the INNK touch was lost from all lives going forward.
Nah, some of the holos specifically said they had former INNK staff do their live productions since it was way better than normal producers. Pretty sure they just got merged into the current Cover staff.
They allow lesbain marriages in Japan?
akushio sex!?
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Lamy and Raden are both ultra turbo cute right now
No way...
All that graduation SC going to their wedding...
this fat cunt is deserving a massive sue
Haatons are gonna be pissed....
her PC is really not that bad
She has 3070 and i9 10900k..
It should be enough to stream some kusoge... I dunno what she's doing with her settings that she has so many problems...
Her CPU is the weak point and she tends to lower graphics which loads her CPU even more and her lag problem is never fixed because of that...
But yeah she should buy a new one already
That's Towa's banana not a moon
there is so fucking way
Hime crashed
I can respect quitting rather than marrying in secret like a certain someone else
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Based Akushio enjoyer
Aquacucks...not like this...
I cant take anya at all, she's like the one guy in voice chat that repeats whatever they are saying six times despite everyone hearing you
every. single. time.
lol what a piece of shit
The schizos won... (again)
otsu Ramyrade
Guess that confirms it then
Oh, I thought she had way worse. I have i7 8700K and 2080 and I play all games fine on 1440p.
She's being retarded I guess.
I would catch azki with my pokeball if you know what I mean
truly gonna be the day Minato Aqua really dies
Twinktomo was right about everything?
how many boyfriends?
why would anyone rat on aqua's private life, she has no drama to her name

anyway if thats true at least she did it the original idol way, quit and get married
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That was a fun collab. Lamy and Raden get along really well.
Hajime is kinda funny
>Aqua quit because she wanted to get married
>Holo actually want her to stay and keep milking retards
Can I get a list of Holo who advised Aqua to stay?
well you don't stream and use their retarded holoapp at the same time... but yeah
a reminder that this guy dominated Bae's ass
湊あくあ 天月 結婚
V豚怒る 結婚おめでとう
great to be bestfriends with the common bestfriends too like it was with staten
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Also called insecurity, she has explained often that she suffers greatly from it. Her first year in hololive was being basically solo in her own corner before trying out to reach to others.
What the fuck why did the tree at the second base grow so big
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but that is good and done in the right way? why are people here mad
you will never have sex with your oshi
and your ohsi needs children and a husband
IRyS exploded
we'll find out real soon...
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So all this time Aqua was dating Amatsuki????????? No.. can't be........... how could she.......?????
thank god she's not my oshi lmao what a whore
I wish these silly games would opt once for more realistic approach visually.
Tell anons in 2020 that Hurea and Hime are in a regular group with sidebranches
What would they respond with?
All of them.
tits need t9 be fatter
Always are
i agree. But hearing it from this guy first is kinda annoying
if it's true why is she marrying so young?
why not? westoids are braindead
Wasn't korekore the same person that said there was no evidence of rushia mafumafu marriage? lol
to me the problem is how she framed her reason for leaving if it’s true
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They locked her out lmfao
She's probably been dating him since at least 2020, marrying after almost 5 years is honestly pretty late.
you reatrds are so annoying, Korekore is a broken clock
Isn't that super scummy? Acting like you're innocent and heckin' bocchers while getting railed behind the scenes?
It is the right thing to graduate though I'll give her that.
Why Blizzardmata why
A broken clock is right twice a day though
If it's true, she's going to regret it in 10 years.
the mikecuck goes from hating to loving him in a heartbeat
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Not my oshi
Not my problem
Aqua was a true idol to the end. Married holos must be feeling guilt tripped right now
If she was more honest about it, the fact she's getting married would be too obvious before she's left. Imagine how her chat would be
finally a good stream
she loves hs battlegrounds too much...
>Don't want to lie and keep collecting otaku money as an idol while hiding her upcoming marriage so she graduates
What's the problem here?
"What the fuck is a sidebranch?"
Korekore is literally friend with Amatsuki though
yeah it’s a lose lose either way but still just makes it feel so much less genuine
this is giving me a massive feeling of despair
maybe they're right. they all are hiding relationship with men
Exactly, good riddance if so.
There isn't any it's just heckin yabberino posters
>aqua: disagreement with management
>management: quick! deflect with marriage! get korekore on this!
If its true, its a big stretch but you could see it as Aqua saying I'm gonna get married and would like more time for my family, so less shilling, events etc
Management says lol no

Aqua quits saying me and management can't agree blabla

Though i'm more likely to believe she'd leave to follow the usual idol etiquette to end activities to marry
and wrong for the rest of the time
Yeah he kept changing his stance, the truth was only revealed later by mafumafu himself.
Wow this is literally just Lethal Company clone.
He's a dramafaggot what do you think, Only good thing out of this is that rinco might resurface earlier than we think to tell him to shut the fuck up again, also since he's directly using hololive its kind of funny. He can actually be sued for defamation of character with this, by COVER. its not like the r* situation.
why announce it so soon? it's kind of bad optics, but people some time to chill first
Not my oshi but congrats I guess. She's doing it the right way. Probably would've been better if she didn't say too much about 'company directions' since it affected other holos too.
shes like me frfr
If Korekore is not lying then it's true that she was dating Amatsuki for a while now.
If they're getting married then she already did that for multiple years already though.
Reminder that Cover doesn't even let them announce their relationship status if they wanted to
that smug fat piece of shit deserves to get sued
Can you faggots at least wait for when amatsuki does his fucking announcement tomorrow before spamming the thread?
I'm not following this stuff but has Aqua been doxxed ? How would they know what she's up to IRL ?
The announcement is tomorrow, speed is everything for information peddlers.
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who will i 好きすぎ now?
why would anyone want that? are you for real
They can do whatever they want as their roommates.
I've gotta admit, besides the name coming up in these threads, I've no idea who the fuck Amatsuki is. Is he much older than Aqua?
so aqua was lying about the management
pekora and everybody else knew
This means Suisei, Towa, Pekora, Shion, Fubuki, and Marine knew the real reason she's graduating, that's why nobody tried to stop her it all makes sense
If they're actually getting married, then that means all the holos who tried to convince her to stay were telling her to just lie and hide it. That means they're almost certainly doing the same, and there's probably tons of holos doing it as well since everyone else seems to just see it as normal and Aqua is the outlier here.
Miosha is driving again...
Nah, gotta milk the engagement money before the day even if it's not true
a whole month of retarded Aquacrew's theories about how Cover is shit and such and I swear to god if Aqua actually quit just because she wanted to get married and I'm going to fucking freak
Wonder how long they have married
Or they want her to break up with him.
Towa is literally Minamoto no Tametomo
he's 33, a typical fuckboy singer
yeah this is the actual biggest yab about this if it's true
they prolly don't know her reason at all. I'll give them that benefit
I'm not an aquacrew so I can still shit on Cover regardless
omg guys a heggin yabberino I'm calling my /vt/ bros right now
I'd like to go back to being excited about Pekora visiting KojiPro onegai
What time is the announcement tomorrow?
your oshi fucks her own manager
I will never trust vtubers again
funny how that fat cunt is calling us "pigs" lmao
Azki is too eager to cheat...
yeah, sure
Flare likes nemo?
Whyyyyy do you believe korekore?
vbuta is a classic insult, dumbass
They wished they have as much resolve to be a true idol like Aqua, bunch of pussies
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Uhh why are we acting like Korekore is a reputable news source, now?
Noel didn't tell Aqua to stay and she said she'll never ever graduate willingly so she's safe
I literally couldn't care less. You guys are fucking weird as fuck and will forever be weird in my books with this whole single-shit only bullshit obsession.
le hecking yaberino
If it's true then it will definitely change the attitude of the industry both for the people in it and the viewers.
Oh she's scared of clownfish
She hates clownfish, I don't know why
This should be a reminder that your oshi doesn't know you, doesn't love you, and will never marry you. Watch and enjoy streams but throw that parasocial relationship bullshit out of the window.
Even if that dude is announcing a wedding tomorrow, what proof there is its Aqua ? What is known about her ? I've never heard a thing about her private life
Why are we watching this shit? They are going to marry their boyfriends and leave us eventually.
We're just getting charmed by a cute voice but it's all fake in the end
Anon, Nayuta literally announced being married and everyone is fine with Azki. If a holo is married, they can just say it using their roommate and no one will sperg out.
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good thing i'm probably sleeping through the entire next thread, my only takeaway is when aqua said >Please don't feed into baseless rumors
I hope Pekora gets a main quest considering how much she loved death stranding 1
Going camping with Azki while Towa is killing fatass and dog zombies outside
just the same retards obsessed with drama, bet they were the same ones spamming about mikewhore's last stream begging for translation
But she loves Polka?
Hime in her element while flare is freaking out lol
but they literally can't. Rushia tried to and Cover blocked it.
He's obviously just baiting because of the rumors and doesn't know anything about anyone.
He wouldn't leak something like this in a tweet, if he actually did have anything on Aqua getting married he'd make a video on it and get paid.
Uhh you guys don't watch because it's fun...?
Irys being chased by a leech
>Kanata's idol oshi is Gakki
>Gakki got married
>Kanata's Hololive oshi are Aqua and Rushia
>They both also got married
Cuckgod Kanata
Not that anon but it's funny because he's fat
If I can't pretend that she's my girlfriend what's the point I'll just watch forsen or something
because it's entertainment retard
who gave towa the awp
Luckily nobody would ever date Towa
the japanese scene is awful, famous utaite (and stremers) are pieces of shit most of the time
>Rushia tried to
he said that while knowing they are actually married lol
you're not going to mention how she cheater on her husband before and after marriage?
I've been done with gachikoi shit years ago.
It's not Cover. mafumafu didn't want to confirm them getting married. Rushia also denied it for a long time.
If she's already married people can easily make peace with it, they know what they're signing up for. The issue is when it presents an actual change
>not pretending forsen is your girlfriend
why even live?
Unironically, the more male collabs your oshi does, the less likely she's dating somebody. Japanese males are notoriously jealous and controlling, especially the fuckboy types people like Rushia go after. Most would go into their discord and phone and delete all the male contacts so they literally couldn't take to any other males besides them. This is extremely common in Japanese dating culture.
I swear I don't get it
Aqua streams were kino, minecraft ofc, loved following her when any pokemon released, or fromsoft games etc
And the idol part was well done as well, everything was amazing to follow, as if her marital situation would change anything about that
AZKi is/was married and I'm enjoying her stream right now.
Don't care about that dramatard
so it's true that pekora's only close to married women...
maybe the raito,amatsuki,usan,etc-schizo was right...
Korekore didn't know shit lol he keeps retconning his stories
Wait you actually thought you had a chance?
I think his point is that Korekore lies whenever it's convenient for him. If he says nothing in a video, and is just saying it in a tweet, it's possibly just engagement farming. We'll find out tomorrow I guess.
That's a different matter. The anon I'm replying to is trying to implicate holos who want Aqua to stay as if they are all liars.
Personally, I don't give a fuck.
No... Azki is graduating...
*sigh* twinktomo won again...
That's why I only watch Indonesian women
They will never find a Japanese boyfriend since their nipples are too brown and they won't be satisfied with a brown man themselves since they are in the top 1% of their country finances wise which makes their standards too high so they are forever alone and you dont have to worry about getting NTRd
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giga retard
AZKi no...
It's over...
Polka is a clownwhale, a different beast entirely
there he is
kanata should stop leaking
post the full pasta anon
And they don't give a shit about anything that's not EN or ID.
only pekwhoreleech and her hubby jun
They're all perving on her in the shower
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>went to an interview
>walked out a bit for lunch
>i saw a guy wearing a bibi hat
>cringe then i went back
>"Sorry anon. you passed the interview but unfortunately, we ran out of slots."
>go home
>suddenly got a call that i got the job
what the fuck...
Reminder that Rushia's FIRST ORDER OF OPERATIONS when she had trouble with mafumafu was asking AQUA for advice.
It's obvious she's been steady, and from Rushia's perspective very successfully and happy, with someone for a very long time.
It's the first polka is fat joke I've made in months!
MASSfags where Redditors
>Sorry anon. you passed the interview but unfortunately, we ran out of slots
pfft kys, avatarfag asshole
let's see how you react when lamy gets something like this
too much leaking
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There he is. There he goes again

Look everyone he posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?? Oh my god.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little 'Porka' joke up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha, maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the uh epic porka orca isn’t it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that’s right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You’re a fat fucking fuck up and she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a dumb Porka joke. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Porka joke NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even talk to you because all you say is "HAHA PORKA ORCA FAT".

You became a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now.
It's Mc Donalds
They didn't even know who you were
Mass interviews, x amount of slots to fill. Anon passed the interview but wasn't in the top candidates so no room.
im not an avatarfat, im a yukimin
moreover kaela's gerd probably makes it impossible to copulate with her lest she die of asphyxiation
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Me and my homie dancing on aquwhore's grave
Watame's posts were getting like 1k updoots on average before she stopped, those browns only care about sidebranches
am I crazy or Ririka did post on reddit asking for subs?
>was cheating on him
>trouble with mafumafu
anon I...
What year did Aqua start living in Tokyo? It's been so long
hehe pasta
Let's see how you dance when Miko leaves for marrying
she's a liar and a snake, she would do anything to make others just as miserable as her, especially people she thinks have wronged her
now Miosha's reaction makes sense, her whole speech about maturity and how she understands her impact on hololive also makes sense now jesus
Bibihat guy was supposed to be a shoe-in nepohire but they failed him last minute once they saw his Bibihat.
well it's less problematic than what rushia did.. but it's still kinda scummy
Wtf Kotachi in the game
Kotachin is DEAD
she did but was completely ignored, she didn't even get the mod tag holos used to get when it was first created
Wtf she beat hime for first clear
Death Stranding had credits for about 1500 people.
The only "bullying" Aqua has done to Rushia was having a happy healthy love life.
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Miko is already married to her girlfriendwife Suichan
How does it feel? Me being right and you being wrong.
>there's probably tons of holos doing it as well since everyone else seems to just see it as normal
I dont think so, especially if they're dating someone from the industry, whether it's gaming or music. Why? Because people like korekore exist. People who spend their life looking for every clue to their personal life. These holos really have to keep their relationship super secret because word of mouth spread quickly in that industry. One anonymous message can trigger a domino effect. I'm not saying none of them are dating, I guess some of them do, like mafumafu, Amatsuki, or maybe also Raito-Shion link, and once known they became 'open secret'. Those without any gossip probably either really smart or just genuinely not have close relationship than just friends, male and female.
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they should kiss and make the plushies watch
What the fuck it almost killed her
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it is leeching and engagement farming 1000% regardless of what the truth is
Someday I'll learn
That shit is spreading to all the other members of Hololive.
Cover needs to do something or there will be consequences
Except korekore almost never "outs" anything until it leaks some other way, or is already a popular rumor.
>I want you to understand there's a huge power behind the scenes
>I had creative differences with the management
They are cats, they should lick each other
Korekore also seems to respect it when he's told directly to nit say anything about it, though
>already had a kid
It's fucking over...
damn it's actually fucking over, can't wait to see the burning Aqua merch tweets
both of them get railed on daily basis and their names are well known
he's best buddies with mfmf lol he knew 9and he literally said so in the first stream he did only to walk shit he said back when they all colluded together to lie to their fans)
it's happening too fast
Holy fuck, it feels like it's been a very long time since I last heard this song...
>respect it
he's just a coward that fears any repercussion
Hime lured the fucking thing to the ship
What does /vt/ think about this? They must be melting down so much lol
not funny at all
she also knew aqua left for marrying and decided to LIE to hololive fans
she's also a culprit
Shimokawa Mikuni Holo when
Same difference
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Safe to say, kenzoku won
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LMAOOOOO HAHAHAHAHA now you know what to do with that gun you bought ACK-uacucks
everything gets aired out immediately...
How did they almost destroy the truck already?
>Marine leaving Ao because she just realize Ao was a male
Ummm ichimis?!?!?!?!
Farewell Fuutan...
so all those songs she did were fucking bullshit?
she was with that cunt while we were discussing onyan this onyan that like fucking retards
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what happened to her left eye
I thought it was pretty obvious that she's getting married with how everyone wished her "happiness in her new path".
Anyway it's a common story. Idols retiring to get married. It's better than having a secret marriage.
Also he obviously works with curators on X who boost the tweet. More views than he has followers in under an hour. Not even holomen who have twice the followers get that many views so fast for their huge announcements. Shit is laced with bullshittery.
>not funny at all
Suisei and Miko have hot and sweaty lesbian sex with each other everyday
Nevermind she managed to live
And? Do you not know how credits work or something?
I wish I'd bought the super big Aqua plushie years ago, it's ridiculously expensive now.
>fake fans were redditors
No shit? They all became Rushia, Mel and Aqua fans over their departure too.
glued up with left over semen
Drug-induced microstroke
You fuckers are retarded, just wait until tomorrow and stop giving attention to griefers like korekore.
Bell's palsy, not a joking matter
imagine believing anything this fat fuck say
why is it expensive? it should be the same price of rushia's wedding ring GARBAGE
nice try
Holos aren't Japanese Keemstar, anon
Do you think Amatsuki ever took her doggy style while Aqua was on all fours and sings the RAB U RAB U OH OH OH OH OH withe the buttwiggle dance and cheekily looks back at him when she'd normally turn around?
I do. People act like Kojima Productions only ever needed 158 people to do the things they've done.
I wonder how much money Krkr is making from just these last 2 posts. The Niji one has 13m views already.
I've been awake for too long I can't fucking believe I clicked this
>Rushia tried
lol and you believe her?
You think Rushia the gachikoi master wanted to announce her marriage?
Hime's sadistic side comes out in these
Even if you substract the QA teams, the majority of grunt work was actually done by Sony and its subsidiaries
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what the fuck?
Cover also hired people outside the company you know
Every time I check into Towa stream she mining in a hole
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I did not care for Minato Aqua
You are very late anon.
and you act like cover's 500 employees do all the work (I mean they should, but still)
one of the few good projects, it's gotta be a holo idea
Cover didn't do shit.
According to both mafumafu and Rushia herself it was mafumafu that didn't want to go public, they never not once mentioned Cover forbidding her
you can earn dollary doos based on twitter?
Consider the fact that the most of the visible work presented by Cover is all contract work, Cover's no different. Still has a retarded amount of middle manager bloat.
They thought it was Shion
That would make the whole thing of Aqua about to quit years ago false too ?
"Sorry actually let's get married in a few years I want to make a unit and play apex with my holofriends?"

I honestly don't care if she's getting married, but thinking about what was said about her state of mind and the idea of leaving for a while I can't connect the dots with just marriage as the reason
The usual slaves are taking the day off

Everyone died...
Aquacuck BTFO
Any actual lesbian Holo? If I can't be with my oshi, no man should too.
yeah, that's also why there are so many bots, thank Elon
I'm seriously starting to think about quitting this shit for the first time
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We know. Pekora is in Death Stranding 2.
Read mafumafu's statement again, he states that Rushia's company forbid him from coming clean even though it hurts his conscience and he wanted to confess years ago
*cums on Pekora's feet*
Wtf, is this real?
Just listen to AZKi singing onyan song onyantomo
Should've been Fubuki hanging out with Mads
why doesn't cover just have korekore killed
Miko is a proven pure virgin lesbian saint
she's gonna be a baby
hmm rushia did mention her company not wanting her talking about it in leaked DMs I think
i'm not singling anyone out but rather talking about idols in general, but i'm curious why quitting and getting married in this industry is seen as acceptable while secretly dating a dude is a controversy despite the fact that secretly dating always comes before the marriage.
aquarium 2 never...
can't post the imgur link, for some reason it's detected as spam. I'm sorry aquacrew but the chat between korekore and rinco was leaked by him on 5ch.
Cliff is dead, so is Fubuki, spiritually anyway
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I can guarantee almost 90% of those replies havent watched a single Aqua stream.
Besides, she wouldn't have addressed it to not trust random internet rumors a few months ago if it was true anyway. Pretty slimy on this guys part though that he waits until she can't really say anything.
I mean, in most relationships marriage is just a formality. Delaying it a couple years shpuldn't be a huge deal.
That's wrong.
Mafumafu initially didn't want to come clean.
Then the Rushia Miko GTA yab happened, he changed his mind and immediately wanted to come clean, but at that point Rushia herself didn't want to anymore and refused.
Someone post that leaked Mikeneko DM talking about Aqua and Amatsuki
she wanted to quit because she bagged a man, duh. it's a good call to not quit immediately until the marriage is set in stone.
Holos wouldnt be crying that she's graduating if she was getting married.
They would be happy for her. But they all were visibly distraught. Kanata, Lamy, Nene, Pekora, Subaru, Marine, Miko to name a few. Also the comment about a force she doesnt agree with and creative differences with management, which aligns with management pushing her to the side. I don't understand why these vultures are peddling this marriage shit so desperately. I wonder if management or some rich schizo paid korekore for this tweet. Anyway kore is a piece of shit too. That girl did nothing to him and yet he tries to bully her like a sore loser.
yeah, sure, he's totally trustworthy. How did they come in contact in the first place? Why did he never mention it? He's just scum like her and I can't believe he got away scot-free
Korekore is obviously baiting... But also I won't be surprised if it's actually true
no way this is real...
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another day another nuclear niji yab...
fucking kek so you choose to believe that fag over Cover or even Rushia? Cover has no grounds in stopping a reveal like that, and the only ones to benefit in hiding the marriage are Rushia (has tons of gachikoi) and mafumafu (has tons of gachikoi). put 2 and 2 together, anon.
I bet Rushia was a special case because Cover probably had to tardwrangle her a lot to make her likable, the moment that there is no control from Cover anymore Rushia turned from kinda beloved to probably the most hated vtuber right now
I can't really tell from this picture, but does that look like Death Stranding? Could be his other game, Overdose.
No I don't.

Only 14% of Cover staff are managers.
What's that yellow thing
>I don't understand why these vultures are peddling this marriage shit so desperately.
unironically because of rushia
>Hello fellow hololive fans!
Go back faggot
Are you fags forgetting rushia and kore is in the same fucking boat just a few weeks ago?
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Friend would cum to that Danish fuck again
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Flashbacks, plus death stranding does weird shit anyway.
Was just typical fan reaction to oshi getting married
twinktomo is a god...
she even had her ears down, what a slut
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Based kojimbo
I don't want to believe it but the video evidence is right there...
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I'm here since 2020. Kill YOURSELF
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Pekoras footpussy...
why do dramafags and sharts love to write paragraphs no one reads
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after mafumafu I'm not trusting anything these fuckboys say
Hopefully he's speaking the truth then, we'll know by tomorrow.
It also wouldn't really make sense for Towa and Suisei to go on stream and say that they were worried about how Aqua would make it on her own, knowing that her supposed marriage would be announced about a week later...
Too many enemies in this area
Rinco has them this big?
>Holos wouldnt be crying that she's graduating if she was getting married.
Why not? The circumstances of the graduation don't change the fact your long-time colleague is leaving
twinktomo is a prophet
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he was right
vbutas are already melting down www
>reddit spacing
17% (97) of their staff is just agency/talent management. An additional 14.9% (85) is upper management.
Were there any irl idols who had the integrity to quit so she could date instead of quitting to get married after secretly dating while being active?
Anya died again lol
>fat dramafag
>calling anyone vbuta
the guy isn't very self aware is he
lol? He said there's no person he can marry and started whining
No one cries like that when it's something positive, autismo anon.
>all this shilling
At some point Holos stopped being online streamers and became saleswomen
I just open the thread to towapost randomly after being away for several weeks and Akwa is graduating? Can anyone give me a tl;dr?
It makes perfect sense and explains why she barely streamed since then. Dating took a lot of her time.
What's that Pekora and Kojima thing? Did I miss anything?
That's Cover's whole "IP based business" plan after all...
Not present tense, anon, you missed it
despite watching him daily, the twinkcuck doesn't know japanese
Azki's growth has been really impressive these past few years
she went to their office and met kojimbo
he greeted her with konpeko
I'm more interested to see amatsuki yumes going on meltdown
He's just a slimy snake that tries to grasp anything popular and hook onto it. Its how he makes his money. He backpedals and backpedals when he's wrong and the dramafags just latch on because they live for real life drama instead of their old soap operas.
Twinktomo won
anon, she's already gone...
aquacuck should apologize subaru
She visited their Kojima Production's studio. Nothing confirmed yet, but since he's a big fan she'll probably be in Death Stranding 2 or Overdose, the 2 new games he's working on.
It's so weird to have almost the same numbers of upper managers as the talent management (who actually do all the work)
Kanata is too good to have never know the pleasure of being cummed inside.
If she left INNK when Suisei did she could be just ad big by now
Anon I know you're shitposting but they're Muslim they've probably been raped by their uncle at 5 and had been sold and married at 15.
she dieded. traitor to the hololive cause.
To be fair, I think the upper management section likely counts things like lawyers. With that being said, there's still clearly a lot of fucking bloat.
do the hustle
Or she might not be in any of them. He has plenty of celebs visit who don't get involved in anything.
she has been given the towa banana already
pekwhoreleech got creampied by hackjima and cuckfaggys liked it
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aquacrew taking L's left and right fr no cap
>white font on black background
it's so over
They are getting married, announcement tomorrow.
Shitposting since 2020
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they're gonna do something or what
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why would they?
I'm an aqua graduation oldfag
>with camera
we're gonna see her face?
the meltdown will be tremendous if it's what I think it is...
Well that's the direction they're going for...
Are you asking if they will or saying they are because your english is terrible
Do you really think he's retarded enough to announce it even if he's actually getting married? He's seen what happened to mfmf
enjoy the 大sue, fat motherfucker
owari da...
Anon they literally made a statement that they don't give a fuck about roommates.
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Mafumafu's case was completely different
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And just like that. Miko won.
Mafumafu was a big scandal because it was kept secret...
Didn't she say she tweet that she had a recording today though?
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Hag love?
why did she do it
mfmf is as popular as ever tho?
if you trust his words >>47679213
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Don't falseflag using my oshi
>mentions seeing a bug on her screen
>hime punches her in the face
They only will do anything if Aqua was still their employee
They are trying and failing to make unprofitables profitable.
this but jun and his wife pekwhoreleech
Hey 35p wheres miko? She only streamed in the morning on a friday night?
they have 20 more whores just like that one imagine a whole army of papparazos trailing every single one of them to a new love hotel every night
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it's time, folks
Immersion ruined.
There is no proof aqua was even dating that guy let alone marry out of nowhere.
They probably played a few valorant games together and that was it. Schizos run with it.
because he threw Russel under the bus?
Water patrol pulled them over
no one has been named, you expect them to sue based on emojis?
How is this group called again? 常MOF?
my english is perfect, fucking yuro
She was playing 7dtd earlier and is now signing autographs for her anniversary merch
Now let's hear Towa's boyfriend walking into her room.
Anon, they tweet about doing recordings all the time, I don't know if you've noticed
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Literally everyone that plays valo in hololive played with Amatsuki at one point (except maybe rbc), who the fuck cares
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yes they will call the police to arrest aqua you BRAINDEAD INCEL
You would say "are" there if that was true you ESL retard
He was right.
After todays statement I think he was right
shes signing merch
only 19, anon. 1 enwhore already graduated
umm whats this
>Aqua stopped being a Cover employee
>korekore instantly starting rumours
Fucking coward retard dramaturd will never dare to start this shit if Aqua is still with us if he doesn't want to get sued into oblivion
Kiara and her biggest fan hugging
Oh hey Lamy who was that just now in the other room if you say it wasn't uber you fucking whore
neat caps lock, are you getting nervous?
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It's actually so slimy. He waits until she can't say anything. What a fucking snake.
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Some japanese caught a troll in the wild
The direction...
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It's time to do it aquacucks
that's what idols do
I will forget. Just like how I forgot about Aloe.
It's actually over
im listening to MyBooCosplay ASMR and am looking at her boobs im super turbo relaxed
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What was that about one anon said something about this shart should've said this in 3 days or something
Shot in the back by Twa...
Towa just killed FBK what the fuck
>i-it's not a graduation announcement!
>i-it's not a marriage announcement!
jav actress for this feel?
Yes, they do recordings all the time, but the timing still lines up. You're acting like it's extremely farfetched.
next time google translate before you screenshot
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>At some point
I'd like to know as well
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Thread will be a mess until announcement tomorrow
And if its true I don't imagine the next few days
Doesnt change anything though
The dude already has this massive scoop about niji incoming, so it’s weird that he’s doing this dumb vague emoji baiting
If it is true, I take back anything harsh I may have said about Subaru, because it doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to quit and leave the girls behind (and I also don’t know what all the stuff about management was meant to be about?)
nah it changes everything if it's true. aqua stocks in the dump. aqua merch in the dump
Why haachama why
unironically matsuri
the vehement denials about graduation, citing stuff about “it’s only a minor announcement”, was glorious.
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Only for you weirdos
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rab yu onyon
She only did piss and didn't show bush that's nowhere near enough
why would they? even if this is true, aqua is out. All she has left is some merch obligations. This is a private matter that has nothing to do with cover.
>and I also don’t know what all the stuff about management was meant to be about
woman moment
she can't own up to her actions so she deflected
She punched herself repeatedly too
Amatsuki rinko marriage announcement tomorrow
I trust her.
getting married is better reason for graduation then fucking troubles with management
but she shouldve said it as reason
can you still refund the unfulfilled purchases?
i would be pretty surprised if haachama did. i just assumed she played with uni friends.
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I trust Aqua
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Fuck Friend
married is a bad reason actually. being a housewife tradwife is TRASH.
Why would these rich pretty boys supposedly try to hook up with Vtubers instead of fellow flesh idols?
she did it for animenyc
it means happiness for holo and children for abe
its very good
fuck off tranny
if it's turned to be false that fat cunt is gonna have a bad time
with pleasure
idols only fuck actual singers or actors
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He's a dramafag anon, he's not going to wait until the announcement or for other dramafags to steal it when he has the scoop.
azkichi can be a married woman with a respectable job instead of being some useless housewife tho?
>Idol graduates and then annouces marriage
This is literally the way it fucking works, mate.
You almost committed suicide there trying to get that off you
If rinco shows her feet I honestly wouldn't care about anything that happens
And aren't those alien-looking fucks actual singers? Don't they have hordes of fangirls?
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Why? I never said anything mean about Lapu in the first place.
>fellow flesh idols
Why do you think these guys have anything to do with idols? They're singers who got popular through the internet just like vtubers.
Not unless she surpasses Roboco in Valo
>Amatsuki important announcement on the 31st(Tomorrow)
>His pinned tweet is him wearing white groom tux
No, I still hate THAT minecraft video
similar interests.
also he'd probably only pull low level idols and that'd be way less satisfying than a vtuber with millions(?) of fans.
leeching the cum out of my dick
playing video games and opening your mouth is a respectable job now? yeah I suppose it is how can it compete with something like maglev train engineering
Utaite are barely human as you said
yes, but azki is barren at this point. Hard to be a trad housewife without the kids.
Entertainment has always been a good part of humanity's culture.
Learn Japanese EOP shart.
Yeah and how much do those magkev engineers make in a year?

feels good being a hoshiyomi
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Reminds me of Narumis old nnd streams...
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you're telling me this goofball will want to have a baby?
>rich pretty boys
roru, Aqua is the one who's richer here
Laplus HATE
I can hear every second of this gif.
Now I am convinced Amatsuki is also in on this and he will announce a "marriage" to further peddle the schizo narrative. For him that is prestige. People thinking you are marrying the legendary idol, that's gotta boost your ego. Of course a narcissistic e-boy utaite is gonna jump on that train.
Not for long
Cope cuckcrew your oshi is getting married she was LYING this entire time
rip kumarine
you can do whatever you want with enough money
I feel sick to the stomach not because i am a unicorn but aqua is being used as drama bait again when she hates drama the most. If she reincarnates, she's gonna be stormed by v antis too.
this video is 3 years old
Irys baka navigator
Aqua should kill herself to prove to everyone that she is pure and die a virgin
wtf nyo...
I feel ya. It also makes me sick how my oshi is used by fags to stir shit.
Towa has no shame... robbing graves...
I hope a schizocrew kills him
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if you want a career in idol industry be celibate or get oshi no ko treatment
it's that simple
Not even an Aquacrew, お幸せに is reserved for marriage retard.
Finally finished with the anniversary stuff for now. It doesn't feel like it's been 1 year for Regloss.
If this turns out to not be true I'm flying to Japan and murdering Korekore with a hammer
Or be gay
>my oshi is used by fags to stir shit
The /vt/ special with any holo who is popular.
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I feel really bad for her, you just know that fat retard was waiting to bait about this stupid shit for attention and money from the clicks.
It sucks.
Why can't you guys celebrate your oshi's happiness?
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How would heimin react to Kanata having a girlfriend?
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Don't falseflag with Towa or Bibi will fuck you up
vtubers, utaites, flesh streamers, artists, etc. are all in the same circle anon. They have a big discord that every japanese person of some internet renown is part of where they hang out and play video games with each other. Not surprising that some of them hook up.
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fujiko fujio were the entirety of my childhood
Yeah waiting for the first day she's out of holo to start drama baiting
Aqua's run is legendary and drama free, that sucks for her
why would I want to be happy for millionaires who made their fortune playing vidya
Probably just a resounding meh or we all know, something likes that
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How exactly do you succeed as a female streamer but avoid things getting too parasocial without explicitly calling things out and making things worse?
Like the only Holos I feel wouldn't upset people by graduating for marriage are the clearly old ones. Like you can sometimes see Marine's fanbase kinda WANT her to get married and be happy
I would've been mad that there hasn't been asmr about slamming clams.
As opposed to millionaires who made their fortune from not playing vidya?
ok who has the aqua-lookalike gettign banged audio
Bearing a child is the greatest gift and happiness for women
>suisei overlapping the amatsuki announcement with her sololive announcement
good point you can't make a million without screwing other people over in some way
Hime is the bait
Do you guys even like hololive?
Recently, Kagura Mea did a stream to tell the honest and brutal truth about corporate vtubers (Holo/Niji), since she knows them and they even tell her this stuff

1. If they talk about being sick on twitter and need rest to feel better, it's either to spend time with their boyfriends or vacation time for themselves. A lot of them will even sound sick/create fake stories of how they got sick to bait some SC or to guilty trip their listeners to supporting them

2. Some will play video games a lot because they hate interacting with their weirdo fans, even if they're not good at games, it's easy SC and they can just talk towards themselves while playing.

3. In discord, they have two voice chats. A professional voice chat where the vtubers will plan future events or run scripts with other vtubers. The other voice chat is OOC (Out of character) and yes, it's personal talk, girl gossip and they do make fun of your cringy or hate posts on twitter about them.

4. They're in it for the money, this is a business. It's not because "they love to make people happy", they're giving a service to entertain to help that brand and themselves get rich.

5. Some of the popular vtubers have great tricks with guilty tripping their supporters or even new people into giving superchats. From being a cute airhead that's too dumb to know anything or telling a fake sob story where they pretend to be social retards or super super shy in public and can only relate with their audience.
Example of the airhead: https://streamable.com/ji5kuw

6. If the vtuber acts "super lewd" or "I'm a degenerate like you guys", it's SOMETIMES just an act to entertain the listeners, they likely just did research on a couple of doujin artists to say their names on stream or say certain things based on what their audience say on twitter/chat (this DOESN'T apply to every girl because there are dirty girls out there)

7. Due to the restrictions from Youtube, the vtubers are unable to do more "racy" streams, which they really want to do to gain tons of red superchats. An example said was "Bikini 3D streams"
tomorrow's thread will be a shitshow...
piisuke how nostalgic
I like Hololive
I hate lying whores
Holy pussy victim complex.
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>he said that when in Sunday korekore will drop his Niji sex tapes
I will just go on a trip or something
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Suisei and Miko are having hot and sweaty lesbian sex right now
The torpedo is completely useless
I have a new indie oshi now
lmao his fans in chat are already coping
Everything is a zero-sum game.
Who is the hottest niji roommate?
mikeneko and korekore deserve it more.
poor Aqua. the graduation and all the emotions around it still feel fresh and now on top of that she also has to deal emotionally with this bullshit.
this is a little too cute
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i wish to feel it
why? She's still a whore.
Towa just farted
There was no need for the announcement to be within days of her graduation
>towa's mic farted
Hoshikawa was pretty hot from what I remember
What kind of freak could feel sexual attraction for this THING???
>there's a peep video of l*l* somewhere
I hope krkr has it
Why did towa just fart
Towa farted
Towa just farted on stream…
She could've said (even half joking) "And also no I'm not getting married haha" during the stream where she was slaying rumors.. Yet she didn't
Aqua right now
Towa just sneezed directly into my mouth
Imagekeks lost
Towa just sneezed directly into my mouth
Tomorrow will be a nothingburger, let's be honest there. It's going to be a few hours of shitposting, then Shounen A's announcement will happen and everything will instantly fizzle out.
It's Sunday that's going to be a disaster with Korekore releasing the Niji tapes he got from an insider/whistleblower that shows staff secretly filming and blackmailing/bullying talents.
zanda klaus holy shit
check nacho's following
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From mainland chink crew anti group.

It's meme about バルス祭. Show is over, he's baiting.
Towa just farded and sneezed
Towa just sneezed directly into my mouth
korekore is /vt/ special?
What if this is actually her...
towa's a braphog...
Why does Towa have to be so stinky? I don’t care for it.
What the actual fuck? If there's any truth to this and he isn't just baiting that's gonna be big
No shit he's baiting. He waited until Aqua left Cover so he won't get matched against their lawyers.
Even if it's a nothingburger /vt/ is always a day late so they'll just come in here and repeat everything.
reminder that she said it's okay because those are not panties
i like japanese female aesthetics but those noises would make me lose my boner lel.
ngl I'm just glad this is all done and over with tomorrow and twinktomo will move on to his next target, shit has been stale
spats are boring I hate this trend and then they still wear regular underwear beneath the spats
imagekeks lost
He namedropped Nijisanji it's actually real.
so it really was aqua all this time
she creeps me the fuck out, she legit looks crazy and not the cute kind
rightfully shitting on niji is the opposite of shitshow
niji being an actual black company who hires cheap pieces of shit shouldn't be a surprise to nobody
What if>>47679662 happens?
Towa farted again
thread's archived everyone gtfo
Towa is literally shidding right now
>I love you dear fans I love you love you love you
>Fucking some guy for years btw
I don't get it, how are the two related?
I hope it's someone hot like hoshikawa
At least this just makes me glad Korone is still in Hololive because she has the idol autism as well
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My poor Akutan
He is in the streamer circle with vspo, towa and etc no? Towa and some vspos who like might get pissed if he drama bait using aqua.
Cry harder, globalfag.

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