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Life is like a crate of apols.

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
>born too early to have a childhood friend catgirl to cuddle with
>born to late to-
Nope, actually just too early.
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Anon, this is a blue board!
There is no benefit to penetrating a Monster's vagina with your genitals. Refrain from engaging coitus with nonhumans.
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No. You should only engage in vaginal intercourse if you are married with a your monster girl wife. Nothing else: no oral, no anal, nothing. Also, you should do it while holding hands, looking into each other's eyes, and with the sole purpose of procreation.
More like a boo board.
Both wrong. I will penetrate and violate every single one of my monsterwife's holes both for the purposes of procreation and intimacy, and there is nothing any of you can do about that.
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Instructions unclear, arm stuck in unicorn ass.
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Glacies thats bigger than me but still floats around and insists on boobhatting me because my head is pleasantly warm
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Ms. Whitehorn is rubbing her arms to stay warm, hurry up and take her present
>Grab present
>It has slobber on it
>Rub the slobber of hers on your face in a move of dominance
>Thank her for the spit
>Do not open the present
>see this
>she stares at you
>"Help" she pleads with a deadpan expression
What do?
Help her. I don't see why I wouldn't.
>see this
>she stares at you
>"Help" she pleads with a deadpan expression
So anyways i have now fathered 5 boog children, and one more is on the way. She's still in the same position though.
There is one upside. You get to know the feel so a monster can never pretend to be human and trick you into ejaculating into monster pussy.
Pyrow hands typed this post
>yeah bro, it's just a trial run, just so you know how it feels.
>well l, we might as well go a second time. Gotta make sure you learn
>Third time is the charm
>woops anon i'm pregnant. But you know, now you get to know how it feels to be a father.
>haha anon, isnt this trial wedding fun
And then you realize in your deathbed surrounded by your 20 daughters and your equally dying wife that it was the real thing and not a trial, and she looks at you smug before you both exhale your last breath.
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I'm sorry but there's nothing more refreshing that an undead body pleasing you on a hot summer night
You'd never know who the father is with a gyaru.
The dragonewt told me it was the only way to defeat the malef. How was I supposed to know it would make her stronger?
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old hatter new hatter
getting a job at a business that makes OL more pathetic (and thus, more appealing to their target demographic)
> Make them stay up all night and hire estheticians to apply makeup to make the bags under their eyes more noticeable
> keeping a staff or Kejourou on call at all times to ensure that their hair is messy in a cute way at all times
> hiring a crack team of radical Kikimoras to stratetically place empty beer cans and frozen food containers around their apartment so that when she takes him home, he develops an appropriate image and wants to fix her
>placing high-level Phantom actors in positions of authority at her company so that her workplace bullying is as theatric as possible
>Gremlins working around the clock to develop new and more appealing forms of pantyhose that tear in the most sensual manner, especially in "certain areas"
The guy who fucked her, obviously.
No, they don't cheat or sleep around. They're monstergirl gyarus, not human whores
Is that what they told you?
Another one lost to the shambling hordes of the plague moo-ther
No, I know that for a fact because that's how the good monster girl settings work. Lovers of EMG and that other whore show need not apply, obviously, so if you are you're invited to fuck off
>engaging with an obvious shitpost
>straight to talking about whores
Whores are cool.
I can't resist little undead girls with big butts and soft thighs
Says the guy who started the chain of conversation with "you never knowwho the father is"
>but i'm a different anon
yeah right, and I'm the King of England, obviously.
I like classy girls.
The conversation chain started with >>47680223
>not even a mushroom-looking hat
what a downgrade. i'll put her in the most ridiculous hats i have, straight out of my TF2 cosplay sets box
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Excalibur! Excallibur! For the United King I'm looking for hair
I'm going to California!
Excalibur! Excalibur!
inability to understand flown and branches of conversation is a sign of autism
you should go see a doctor
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I can't resist undead in general, except Vampires since they are the most boring undead
I prefer a Zombie a thousand times over a Vampire
>paying danuki merchants to sniff their breaths at their stalls
I want to go around the house pranking my Zombie maid with surprise anal sex, I bet they are prepared for that since maid school
>go to a danuki breath smelling stall
>breathe on her
>she pays you 20 kroner
Double teamed by a rusted malfunctioning automaton left to rot in a field with the moss covered cracked golem it was fighting to a standstill for centuries, now both fighting to see who can extract more mana from me
No! You're supposed to be the one that sniffs her breath, not the other way around! How else is she gonna make money?
Why do you think she needs to make money?
She needs it to pay cute boys to sniff!

Understanding what you're going to do with money is an essential element of capitalism. If you don't extract value from your money, you're being wasteful.
Samefagging or feeding a shitposter again?
But I don't want her to sniff my breath. I want to sniff hers instead!
It's just one faggot samefagging, it's always him and it seems mod no longer bother banning him anymore
Uh-oh, badmouthing mods, are we?
In honor of peace among men and the fellowship of comrades, I think we need to find two different Tanuki and arrange that the money you pay yours is involved in a B2B sale that directly funds my Taunki's breath smelling habits.
Why does he do it?
is it better to fight a monster with demonsilver weapons over other materials?
Didn't get (You)s in the last thread so he has to ramp it up.
do they follow orders? can i command them to show their ass so i got jerking material?
I'm not sure what that is but regular silver would be really good at killing ghosts and maybe most undead.
Hand to hand combat is the most honorable way of fighting monsters.
id rather sniff danuki sweat
I'd rather she keep my money and financially rape me while I get addicted to her breath, forcing me to become her slave (husband) to pay off debts I owe her.
But would you collect it in a jar to save for future sniffing while she's away?
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Don't act like you wouldn't!
I think he got pissed off by the auntster guys posting on Friday since he always hijacked their posts until he killed those posts completely and then he started getting banned for his disgusting shit, but he never stopped and now even mods ignore him
You have to give it to him he really wants to kill all Danuki posting and he will make sure to do it
This is even more disgusting that anal gaping
Kitsune Internet Defense Force is really desperate to destroy poor Nukis.
You mean the anon who gets really upset at incest?
Anal gaping is hot in doujinshi
Maybe it's him the one spamming this disgusting breath garbage
I don't hate danukis. I genuinely love them.
I do despise hellhounds though.
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Name a mamano with a tail more elegant than a Girtablilu's. Protip: You Can't!
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>ratatoskr enters the chat
Anal sex can be considered lovemaking, but this breathfag shit or anything related to bad hygiene is a disgusting fetish
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It has a bow on it.
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Skeleton must be the most overlooked undead. I bet she benefits from drinking Holstaur milk like no other monster.
Why be upset with incest in monstergirl world, where you can get 10/10 aunties and sisters and even grandmas (if they are vampires, for example)
mmmm angel butt
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Would you a lady knight?
issue, there's a 50% chance the skeletons skeleton was from a dead male.
Skeletons shouldn't be allowed access to bone juice. They'd grow too powerful.
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of course
Not nearly enough spiders on her armour.
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Dumb fox
She is protected.
Have you seen the current posters nowadasy? they love to deny the canons or simply hate KC's setting and it seems that they hate anything related to sex also
Hey I can get behind some of this. Fuck that guy.
Kill yourself, mick.
Not if she's one of those dark elves.
ladies in full armor for some reason is more hot than "Bikini" Style Armor.
Because it's normal.
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giant hellhound milkers
>Have you seen the current posters nowadasy
I can't see shit behind all the samefagging spam consisting of gachaslop and several pics posted over and over and over.
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Elf friends.
Young dragon adventurer looking to build her reputation and hoard the old fashioned way.
Maybe a bit of husband hunting on the side.
No man has ever tied her down before and none will.
The real husband is the bard they party brought along the way.
Mostly as she's the only one that is able to give back as good as he gets when it comes to verbal jousting.
That and he kept making songs to tease her that all secretly contain praise.
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Maybe the real monster girls were the obsessed shitposters we made along the way...
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A medusa's snake hair is like a mirror reflecting her heart. Even if she turns away, the snakes won't let go of a man, and will twine and coil around him.
>Skeleton must be the most overlooked undead
I'm doing my part. It just takes time ok.
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You finally figured it out.
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It was chesh the whole time.
It always was.
Hand over that booty!
Its all fun and games until you sail into ocean sahu seas and find yourself facing the raiders from the deeps.
Post lots of monster girls time? Maybe.
It's really cute. If I ever ended up with one I'd hope for a classical tsundere where the tsun mostly disappears once the relationship is firmly established.
>Slipping your tongue into a sleeping dormouse's mouth
What she didn't get in boobs she got in forehead
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i like medusa and basilisk easy access clothes
>Slipping your tongue into a sleeping dormouse's butt
>tongue wrestling with a suddenly awake minotaur
Cow tongue is a powerful opponent.
I've had real-life encounters with it
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That's why you train with sleeping mice first.
Too powerful, she only needs one hand to keep your head in place and the other to fondle balls
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>flame tipped tail
Nice try, charmander. But it makes you look like a dork.
>beetle overturned
>oppel devoured
Hark! villainy!
>greenworm devours your garden
>sandworm devours your house
>wonderworm watches while smoking the last of your cigars
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>a horde of Zombies devours you (sexually)
>zombie harem
>but the girls bite off a leg to "bond" to you
>What do?
give appul
Do not make eye contact with a fox
What about ear contact?
If a fox's ears touch yours, it's already too late.
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First date with a hebi went very smoothly
Perhaps I will go for a second one
I really like this dog girl.
She looks smug.
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How about genital contact?
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>"Shiro, what's wrong with your chest?"
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Anon, that's not an apple. It's... It's ... AAAIIIEEEE
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>You wanna know how I got these crow's feet eyes?
>In my youth I was... a joker
>And a fiend
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Kitty dance.
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Would you love your waifu even if she was evil? and no, you cant fix her
>no, you cant fix her
That's quitter talk.
I will breed these simple unicellular beings with all my might
Really depends on if it's actual evil or thread evil
>Such a dork, look at her swing her big oversized mace and demand she give me a blowjob.
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>These are the elite warriors of valhalla
>>In my youth I was... a joker
but i thought every laugh extended your lifespan by a second, not made you look older
Are all clown girls squirters so they can pull off the water flower gaf
>I'm just a hag chasing love!
>I-I wouldn't know what to do if I actually found it!
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Beware of Dropfoxes
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I will cast "Anon's Greater Sterility" on the insolent monster adventurers who dared to storm my wizard tower before teleporting away to my maze demiplane
(AGS only gives them a slight electrical shock but they don't know that)
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Say something nice about my wife (plural).
Would sterlizing monster girls give the same level of despair as level drain would for humans?
The evil Lvl. 77 Human Dark Lord final boss from expansion 1 arguing with the vile Lvl. 75 Succubus Queen final boss from the base game about who has the better BGM during their fight.
This guy doesn't know he's married to his soulmate yet. Cute.
Shh. Don't ruin the surprise.
Hand over the bluebies and nobody gets hurt
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Fucking a lowly one-tailed mofukuza goon and then waking up years later to realise she clawed her way to the top of the largest crime family in the country
I am anti-natalist. Deal with it Monsters.
Understandable. Natalie isn't that great of a name.
I am pro neutrality.
I cannot say whether I am for or against a big aggressive hellhound pinning me down and wringing out three dozen orgasms while she rapes my mouth with her slobbery dog tongue. I do not have a strong stance one way or the other about licking her sweaty grey abs, nor am I partisan when it comes to burying my face in her fluff.
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all I know is my gut says maybe
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I see we have a new artist to spam.
>Trying to eat at monster diner
>Someone asks the owner what's todays special
>She starts listing things out at breakneck pace
>Group of valkyries a table over start singing about spam
guy cant eat his pancakes in peace
>Someone asks the owner what's todays special
or she just gets on the table and spreads her legs
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>noooo you need to have kids and live forever and live forever having kids you need to have 100000000000000000 kids without stopping ever or you are bad, you need to have infinite kids for infinity and if you disagree you need rape correction!
Monsters actually believe this. They are so fucking dumb. Yeah I think I will remain anti-natalist. Fuck Monsters.
>Fuck Monsters.
That's the spirit
>"Kids? I love kids. Just yesterday I ate some thousand year old high elf kid."
>"That's like ten in elf years."
>in the MGC underground highway
>ms. lim is pedaling on a kid's bike as hard as she can, holding up wurm traffic
>live in MGC
>open window for 4 seconds
>now married to vamp mosquito
What do you get married to with AC?
Vampire whose decaying mansion’s AC is busted
I want to start an entire kingdom with the amount of children I'll have with my Holstaur wife.
>knock on my door
>they inform me that there are "ninjas or something" out to get me
>placed under a special protective order
>officer griffon now lives in my apartment to make sure I'm not abducted or something
Thank goodness the girls in blue are so proactive. I feel so much safer at night sleeping next to officer griffon. I had heard some scary rumors that MGCPD abused their authority but I'm glad to see that it was all just rumors and lies.
If it's Armor Class you're looking for then look no further.
Why can’t monsters respect the 1v1? They keep ganging up on me and then eventually descend into arguing who gets to rape me first, this never happens with honorable monsters like lizardmen and salamanders
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Consider joining an adventuring party of thick monster children
Nah. I prefer SMART children.
If you have more than 2 legs, please don't read this post!

QUESTION: Which mamono lay eggs, and which do live birth? I'm specifically wondering about bug girls, who I am worried about them laying eggs like a hundred at a time. Like, say, an oomukade I accidentally impregnated. I don't have room in my home for 100 kids.
ask that stuff when it's too late
Mammals do live births and ones that aren't do other shit.
it's kind of annoying to have to keep going to umi oshos ancestral beach
Scales, feathers, chitin, always kinda wet and slick for whatever reason = eggs unless slime.
As for child count, you must take time to meditate and imbue your essence with intentionality. If the spirit of the wanton breeder is within you, you'll get more than 1. Both monsters and humans generally don't care how many kids come at a time, because it'll be far, far from the last time your seed is planted in them.
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They can be simultaneously smart(head) and thick(body), too. A team of caster and rogue/ninja types might be the right choice.
how'd they get all those extra stat points to allocate?
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And there's also that monster that spent all of her point in anal
>Defeated by level 1 adventurer who’s only into vaginal
It's a combination of many small bonuses. Most monsters have better stats than humans on average even though the child adventurers have some minuses from being that young. They've also skimped out on str and wis in favour of int (and more dex in case of the dexterous classes) A lot of monsters also get the trait "Prematurely wide hips" for free inherited from their mothers. Finally, for the smarter ones their butts and thighs have a higher percentage of fat tissue compared to the dummy warriors whose str and con are higher, so it isn't actually costing any stats.
I am going to commit a crime
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breakin' the law
breakin' the law
Pulling a Monster's pants down as a prank! Bonus points if it's a Cheshire!
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>centaur wife giving birth
>"Anon, I think she's stuck. See if you can reach in and pull her out"
>"Do I look like I'm joking? Get back there and start pulling!"
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Here' the bird. Might do some p'orcs next
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learning a new instrument is difficult but I believe in her!
Playing an instrument with those talons has made her really skilled.
Should've called her TALONted.
Now you're never gonna get a pun-loving wife.
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Always remember: Beast girls are weak at the base of their tails
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Sure is slow in here tonight. I guess most posters are out on Friday night having fun with all their friends and significant others.
Guess it's just you and me, thread.
You're not alone. I'm here too.

We can discuss the breaths of monster girls and pleasure one gets in sniffing said breaths.
I blame gremlins for the power lines in front of my house for exploding.
Its all a conspiracy by big grem to get me to buy their tech support
Ugh. Save me from being alive Wisp-chan!
goddamn neet spiders covering entire city blocks in their webs
what monsters would make interesting school bullies?
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THE school bully
Miss Kaiju can bully an entire school.
didn't think they could pull off bullying
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Okay, here me out here
Double tailjob
Double tailjob blowjob
Double tailjob spiky tongue blowjob
Double tailjob spiky tongue purrjob
Double tailjob spiky tongue purrjob from a girl with sharp teeth
Pyrows are gyarus. They are designed to stand in as bullies. A side effect however is if you attract one they will eventually become your lover.
The breathfag successfully killed the thread earlier and not even the auntfags want to post on Fridays anymore
We also had almost no moderation today, just a couple gacha pictures deleted but it seems that the reports didn't worked at all
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>Go to Dragonia
>Call a wyvern a dragon
>A ryu a wurm
>A dragon a mere lizard
How long before I am corrected?
i vaguely recall a story about a anon who built a plane and flew it over dragonia causing alot of drama
I’d imagine it would cause quite the stir. Imagine seeing some guy so opposed to magic he refuses to learn levitate and teleport and instead invents a death trap of a machine to fly.
Mandatory 6 hour class on dragon phylogenetics with a test at the end you need to pass to be released.
PHYLO genetics? Are dragons made of pastries?
pun kot plz come get me I am lonely.
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Put a nekomata in her place with doggystyle anal while pulling both tails
Which butthole? Nekomata have 2.
Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that a cute lantern girl can help lead you around the house at night so you don't step on stuff or bump into things....though she's going to have to adjust to the new Candle Knight that has moved in.
>though she's going to have to adjust to the new Candle Knight that has moved in.
Why not both?
>holding loli lantern girl and loli candle knight in your arms so you can get a glass of water in the middle of the night
>carrying your light lolis through the house
>one of them starts burning slightly brighter
>she's got a little smug smile on her face because she's helping you more than the other girl
>other loli makes a pouty face and burns brighter
>they go back and forth straining themselves to burn as bright as possible
>it's so bright it burns your eyes
>you panic as you try to get them to calm down before they burn down the house
>they tire themselves out and now you have to stumble back through the dark to put them to bed
>they ask you teary eyed if they did a good job
>you don't have the heart to tell them no
>you pat them on the head and say they're both very helpful
>they cling to an arm each and fall quickly fall asleep
>you never did get that glass of water
just another peaceful night in mgc
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Monkey business.
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monkey madness
>compliment automaton
>hear her fans spinning up
She better not touch my banana
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Monkeys swallow bananas whole with their rears
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is snek snex really that good?
maybe not at first, but it will be as you both learn
Is there a lore reason for bogie to be a jonkler?
It's even better than whatever you've heard or imagined. It's its own category of sex. No other monster gets that, not even baphos.
Only one of those is wrong. You'll be fine.
Snex is terrible
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Can compete with fluffy big purple paws
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Mistake corrected
>pull down pants because impending first time sexo with chesh gf
>she makes that face when she sees your dick
Hebi could eat chesh if she wanted to. Keep that in mind, cheshfags. The only reason she doesn't is out of the kindness of her heart so don't push hebi too far.
I want a Hebi to claim me and turn me into a drooling mess at night
You're not ready for that.
>wanting to be ready
It won't happen until you're ready.
Can it be Easter again? I want chocolate rabbits
I have summoned this emergency demon to lure you into this bed instead. You can sign the contract on the baseboard during. Quickly now.
I have no baseboard. No contract will be signed. I will not get into bed with this vile creature. I will not let her lead me to Hell.
I would much rather learn how to summon an emergency demon myself.
Yes, in about 8 months.
It's far too late for demonic shenanigans. Maybe after a good night's sleep
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Reminder the Manul's name basically has the word ugly in it. So not only is the body round, but they are HIDEOUS!
I'm applying to the monster boxing league as a punching bag. Wish me luck.
>Sexo pronto, deus daemonius...
>Coitus immediatibus, sacramentum en matrimonium...
>Sexo pronto, deus daemonius!
>Anima mea pro kissus bluebaerrius!
Any sigils or sacrifices i need?
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Beware of sharks.
Do any of you use MGC in your stories, or is it more of a thread thing?
Sharing is caring
You decide to enlist in the Demon Realms Military to serve your monster girl overlords a d just be an incubus patriot. But you are not going to be a lower enlisted or a grunt, but you are immediately or automatically sent to Officer's Academy to be an officer OR an adjutant/assistant to a monster girl officer or commander.

Are you happy and content with that type of service due to the fact most men will not serve in combat. All combat and fighting is done by monster girls and men who're simpler stronger and more powerful. And monster girls just don't like the sight of a handsome man or cute adorable boy sent to war with all the blood and mud.
>And monster girls just don't like the sight of a handsome man or cute adorable boy sent to war with all the blood and mud.
I don't know what gives you the impression of that.
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Batten the hatches or something
I would if I could make it more grimdark.
>electricity goes out after a Thunderbird-Raiju related orgy at the power plant
>MGC is now dark
>people stub their toes
Thank you! I'm in awe of her skills!
A girl named lord of blood is a girl you can trust.
>electricity goes out after a Thunderbird-Raiju related orgy at the power plant
>MGC is now dark
>Leanan Sidhe tell each other fairy tales to pass the time.
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It's faturday. post fats.
Jabberwocks are ancient evils for a reason. They're destined for villainy.
Deonora is not fat. She just has heavy scales.
>Kwaidan with Fairies
I want this
>day 1 of combat training
>"Think fast, private!"
>instantly KOd by drill instructor
MGC is a joke. Modern tech is gay and soulless and stories that involve it generally inherit that gayness and soullessness too. That said, if you're good enough to tell a long joke, go ahead.
Actually I'd say generic fantasy is about as soulless as you can get. Science fiction is where it's at.
i could probably rugby tackle instructor mino, as long as I don't land under her butt
>Actually I'd say generic fantasy is about as soulless as you can get
This, I have no fucking idea how people can stomach 9256th fantasy RPG world parody, it's all the fucking same and MGE only slightly mitigates it with sex magic stuff.
>t. exoplanet fox repopulator
I just want to write about cute monster girls in a modern setting. For Office Lady reasons. Also I think a big girl, like a wurm, would be so cute crammed into a subway car.
At least the adeptus foxinus would be something new.
Flash Gordon but the Hawkmen are Gandharvas.
I just keep location vague in stories with modern setting and the effect is the same.
1900-1930 art deco mgc is where the kino is at
people dig that. interesting characters or snippets into focused parts of a world are far more interesting (and easier) than trying to write elaborate, well-fleshed out settings.
people read monster girl stories for... the monster girl.
Great insight anon. People read monstergirl stories for the mostergirls and broad complex settings are hard to write.
Any more such bright ideas from that head of yours?
Finally someone who understands aesthetics
I'm more of gothic revivals man, m'self, but yes, skyscrapers from after WWII all look like boring shit. Or worse, ugly boring shit.
>Miss Cyclops seeeeeeeeeeeethes at modern architecture in her blog.
>In person she just always seems distant and bored.
>Online? 14,000 words on the disaster of Brutalism.
i find it strange that the demons in mge are the typical devil and vice versa
devils are usually all about contracts and stuff and demons are the mindless killers
NTA but it IS great insight and your sarcasm is uncalled for. Plenty of people fall into the trap of trying to write too much about the word and stuff regular readers of this content don't give a fuck about.
You have to point out simple things sometimes.
Very few people think that writing a lazy coom story is the pinnacle of what they want to do.
>summon succ but she is effected by summoning sickness
I want to go to Spain with Ms. Polyphema and gaze upon the wonders of Gaudi
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But I'm one of those people
It really isn't, and my sarcasm is very on point. Think writers don't also know that? People write what they want to write, what they fantasize about, what they love or yearn, and sometimes what the hate too; they don't write for you specifically. If you don't give a fuck or not is both irrelevant and unknowable.
People write about the aspects of monstergirls they like, and undertake challenging stories because they want to give the setting and the stories the same life they imagine. None of what anon said is smart or new.
Coom stories are just as fine, don't necessarily have to be lazy, but short smut is popular for a reason.
>short smut
Yes, lewd the loli.
>Think writers don't also know that? People write what they want to write, what they fantasize about, what they love or yearn, and sometimes what the hate too; they don't write for you specifically. If you don't give a fuck or not is both irrelevant and unknowable.
Of course you can write whatever the fuck you want, even stupid shit like enslaved anon's ramblings, but I assume those asking in this thread would like to get some engagement from posting their story.
I never did and it didn't stop me.
do we even have stories that have "settings" and world building?
like MGC is a thing but I don't remember writers having a "verse" or anything like it
>you can write whatever the fuck you want
> get some engagement from posting their story.
I do both, so don't see why you need to separate them. People that write stuff you like aren't catering to you or the thread anon. They just happen to like what you like.
people with lore and headcannon are mostly on the fanfiction.net or A03, and usually it tends to be bad (mostly due to just hating MGE stuff) usually filled with NTR or muderhoboing
In this thread? Magus losenis and Beast all had something going, so did ELH with that whole city thing before he abandoned the fandom.
Seems fine to me.
>Miss Haku had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died.
Jesus christ anon grammar is important!
Never understood this term.
In rpg games like skyrim or d&d characters often seem like they just go to a place and start murdering, leading to them being called murder vagrants.
Most monster girl fiction tends to be a little more nuanced than this but anon gonna anon.
In most RPGs (either videogame or tabletop) the heroes travel from place to place and kill a bunch of things with no house to call their own
Ergo, they are a bunch of hobos who murder things.
I want to shove a banana in her dumb mouth.
There is nothing wrong with going from town to town and freeing the villagers from the monster of the week.
>Most monster girl fiction tends to be a little more nuanced
Only a little, call me jaded but half the monstergirl stuff out there doesn't focus on the girls, and the MGE stuff is filled with military savvy SI's Soulsborne OC's rampaging through the setting.
and then there's Druella...
Initially the term originated in tabletop RPGs as a way to decribe the way certain players approached the game - i.e. just trying to solve everything through combat and looting shit all the time. So basically every interaction boiled down to player characters arriving somewhere and going on a killing spree for no in-universe reason. Ignoring the logic of narrative is an important part, i.e. paladin cleaving through a horde of ugly bastard NTRmen isn't him being a murderhobo, it's him doing his job. So outside of TTRPGs, being a murderhobo also means acting like a dumbfuck edgelord when the narrative gives you no reason to do so.
Some weird fanfiction about an epic and cool and edgy knight (totally not from Dank Souls) killing monstergirls because "they are the real monsters" is a good example of non-TTRPG murderhobo.
Druella is my idol.
The soulsborne ones are the best and sometimes about freeing monsters from tyranny.
There is a pic of it somewhere
Wurm doesn't know what any of you are talking about. Wurm likes reading those picture books where a knight in shining armor rescues a dragon from the evil princess.
Miss Wurm and I have something in common, I see.
I too wish for a knight in shining armor to rescue me from the evil princess.
A mamono knight, i'm assuming?
the "please for the love of god let me use my monster's effect" music
the only world building i care about is building a lego world with miss anubis
writing worlds with your D'ni gf
i propose the dl army just gets fairy to shrink a hero and put him in an arena with said fairy where they can fight gladiator style using qtips
A Myst reference? In my MGT?
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It's Koturday.
imagine Trailer Trash mgs.
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I decided to go to the convenience store at night to buy snacks but I saw a gang of teenage monsters hanging out by the entrance. They asked me if I'd buy them booze. I reluctantly agreed because they gave me money. Once done, I hurried away home, they were leering at me the whole time.
It was scariest night of my life, I had heard many tales of gangs of teenage monsters assaulting lone men, fortunately I escaped unscathed!
>new BOS mission for me is to help some desert kingdom
>meet some extermly beautiful woman there
>one of them talks to me
>no way she is a monster
>she has neither horns or wings
>her name is Anck Su Namun
i'm sure nothing will go wrong
they look like they would more likely destroy a trailer park than live in one
is booze slang for penor?
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You've arranged a meeting with Bapho-chan at her Sabbath HQ. It's just you and her alone in her office.
Your goal? To woo her over to you side and become your wife.

Assume you only have the skills that you have right now, in real life. So no magic, no access to magical or monstrous items. In fact, you've been recently portaled to the MGE world, so you only have the clothes on your back as well as what was gifted to you by a human farmer who took pity on you and gave you a few basics to survive: a walking stick, a backpack with some preserved food items like dried fish, a canteen of water, bedroll, and a pet mountain goat.

What's your strategy to win her over?
Do you have any power moves to get her to instantly heart pupil or admit defeat?

Remember that baphomets are the strongest mamono both physically and magically.
I I have finally realized why I like the concept of monsterized blood-related single momsters more than adoptive ones. The typical adoptive momster picks up a boy to raise into the man she wants whereas a typical BL momster raises her son into a man. The dynamic is COMPLETELY different because the former is selfish and does not have any love in it while the latter does. I bet even the most selfish monster girls as BL momsters would be more loving towards their son than the nicest monster girls would be as adoptive momsters.
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Blood-related momster means she's not virgin and has likely had a large number of partners in the past, including your father. Monsters are extremely difficult to get pregnant, so she'd have to had lots of partners, never settling with one, in order to get pregnant. This already is exceptionally rare, almost impossible, among monsters. The only other possibility is that she was human when she gave birth to you, in which case, she definitely was a turbo whore that no one wanted to marry, and now you're her only option, so she groomed you, her son, into being her husband. Either way, it's very perverse by both human and monster standards.

So, adoptive momster > blood-related momster by lightyears.
Tldr, you just want to fuck some type if blood relative of yours. Stop making excuses.
>has likely had a large number of partners in the past,
"My poor child," points to pet mountain goat, "needs a mother!"
"Can you be that mother?"
>If that don't work, I got nothin'.
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What I had in mind was something simple like a human mother voluntarily gets monsterized out of necessity.
>Take pet goat with you into office
>Declare you intentions to Bapho-chan
>Pet the goat
>Tell her that you'll so the same to her if she lets you take her right now
If that doesn't work:
>Give the goat ear scritches
>Tell her that you'll so the same to her if she lets you take her right now
If that doesn't work:
>Hug the pet goat
>Nuzzle your head against its head
>Tell her that you'll so the same to her if she lets you take her right now
(High likelihood she gives in at this point)
If that doesn't work:
>Kiss the goat
>Tell her that you'll so the same to her if she lets you take her right now
If that doesn't work:
>Do what a Scotsman would do to a sheep to your pet goat
>Tell her that you'll so the same to her if she lets you take her right now
Final move:
>Charge her, yelling "bear my children!"
>Attempt to force yourself on her
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Imagine dragons.
This can work
>anon is raised by his single mom, father abandoned them early on
>they love each other a lot
>one day anon's mon finds out she has cancer or other terminal illness
>the usual tragedy occurs
>but at the last moment a mysterious figure presents her a flask with strange liquid
>soon after she's even better than healthy and anon and his mom love each other a lot every day
I don't think this violates the one dick one mamono rule, unless KC said otherwise and I'm unaware.
You get three for free
Y'all motherfuckers thinking about being motherfuckers to motherfucking much.
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I will turn my p'orcer wives into mothers. Only then will I become a motherfucker. Until then, I am not a motherfucker.
Remember that you should pay attention to the orcs you're moving against.
The tribal ones will be more savage and have cruder weapons and armor.

Its the warbands, you have to be careful of
They have iron, crude steel, and discipline.
Granted, both are muscular and will pin you down but its a question of what she'll be wearing when she does it.
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I will become their chieftain by luring the p'orcer warband into a simple trap. Once they've been captured by the trap, they have no choice but to acknowledge me as having defeated them. At which point, they become submissive to me, and I am now their chief. It's an easy way to get 5-10 young p'orcers as your wives. We go off and start our new p'orcer stronghold, and I give them many children. In return, I get 5-10 wives that worship and serve me as a god.
>Local man goes out to the wastelands and acquires harem.
>Builds up fort and is now basically playing war games between his wives and those of nearby rivals.

It would sports teams but orcs fighting and, occasionally, going out to raid the nearby kingdoms.
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Learn about snek

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I am not cuddling with the fox no matter how cold it is.
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But would you cuddle with the trash panda?
Stop replying to the spambot
I had an idea for the sabbath that the only way you can get a loli sabbath wife is hit 30. At which point your wizard powers kick in and a sabbath loli comes to drain you for her own power. It comes back so she keeps you around, but at the same time you can never develop your own magical powers unless you break free.
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Lucky for me, I'm exactly 30 years old and have achieved wizardhood!
I'm also fat, hairy, bald, ugly, and can rock a pedostache. I am prime bapho bait!
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"I'm looking for a job as a research assistant. I don't know much about magic but I was an engineer on the other side. That counts for something, right?"
You shouldn't mix stale ironic memes into "serious" lore, especially because it attracts people with brain damage like >>47690368
Sounds like someone's jealous that he's not a wizard.
What little loli witches say to you ever day as they ride your face.
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Every Koturday needs a Kotur NIGHT.
No! My face belongs to Miss Baph not her lowly witches!
I was thinking something more like:
>Expecting single human mother gives birth to human son
>The birth isn't going well and something must be done or the human mother will die
>Monster girl family friend who is acting as midwife offers to monsterize the human mother to save her
>Human mother accepts offer
>Newly monsterized mother takes her new human son in her arms and thanks her friend for all her help
ANAL the maid until she starts making weird dogbird noises.
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In bed?
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What sound does a dogbird make?
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animalistic maid noises
>buttfuck the maid so hard she starts chirping in hardbass
Well, can't spell hardbass without ASS, huh
Cats are scary.
I'd let that giant cat vore me.
That's a normal-sized cat with a tiny snek
One of my favorite bad ends. Comedically landing a small porcer army by slipping on a banana peel during a fight with the h'orc and impregnating her.
Ah, so she knows size magic, huh? Well I'd let her shrink me and vore me!
I thought of ANAL as some sort of special military unit that she was a part of.
What is it with kikis and having previuosly been part of some military organization.
it's cyka people thing
Being a maid and being in military is basically the same thing
Because Kiki came to America to live with her cousin
>for free
I wouldn't say getting beaten up and then sliced is free, but to each their own i guess
>go bowling with Shog
>ball is covered in goop
We're getting barred from here, aren't we?
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>cleaning other people's messes up while getting fucked yourself
>always at risk of getting shot
Maybe you are right. At least kikis enjoy maiding.
>Shog can't win with an actual ball
>just makes a ball out of her slime and uses it instead
>Shog, you were over the line. Next frame Anon, mark it zero.
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>The kind of trolls these threads actually need
Imagine being on a beach, sandwiched between the bodies of a lounging horc and a sunbathing troll, getting high of their addictive stink while you cream into their tanned thighs.
>The kind of troll I actually need
>Being a maid and being in military is basically the same thing
Imagine running into a Troll little girl that was playing under the sun without protection
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>"He abandoned the fandom"
He didn't abandon shit so much as he found out he was happier doing things he enjoyed, and more power to him for it.
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Are you man enough to take on a sleeping dormouse?
dont leave your trolls out in the sun

Leave the troll out in the sun. Lick the troll in all the tasty spots. Then kiss the troll! And get brutally raped by the troll until sundown.
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I agree
no anon dont lick the trolls you'll hallucinate!
No, that's mucus toads, anon.
i think shirokuto's sabbath needs a janitor or custodian more than a research assistant
those frumpy nerds get so lost in their studies they need somebody that cleans up their rooms, reminds them to eat food, makes them bathe and does their laundry
Who is ELH.
i mean thats what I would call abandoning something
if you do not like where you are, you abandon it. not saying he was wrong in doing so, but he fell out with people and jumped ship do his streaming and stuff
maybe its more right to say he left MGE's community, instead of just mge as a whole
I bet their rooms and labs are pristine clean, considering that they are playing with brooms all day long
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you've barely touched your shogloaf
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She's cat enough to do something.
To do what?
I'm going to challenge her to a steel cage match, but the wrestling ring is actually a bed and the steel cage is a weresheep wool blanket.
dude from yesteryear that used to gather the stories and stuff before anubis.moe was a thing
he's been mostly gone for years, the why isn't that important though I think the last thing he did here was that lili/ ushi oni hybrid
To eat her out
The spoiler ruined the post.
How long can the human mind last against one sweaty smelly horc asscrack?
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These damn brown cats
>replying to the pest
Nah, he's not a pest. He's a bro.
>hellhound realizing she only has four fingers
>has a mental breakdown
I guess you need to be friends with yourself since there's no one else.
Hellhounds are probably the smartest monster.
Getting a husband is priority number one for a monster, and hellhounds understand that and do that so well.
four very fluffy black-furred fingers typed this post.
Hellhounds are not smart. They're average intelligence, maybe slightly above average at best. But they do stink bad: like wet dog, rotten eggs (sulfur), and probably feces. It's the price you pay for what's arguably the coolest looking monster girl. But they're too much of a bitch for me. I'd rather a wife that can get along with other people instead of going ghetto on them because of some falsely perceived threat against me. That's where kikis come in. Still cool looking, also average to slightly above average intelligence, but without the ghetto and much more class and culture.
Hellhound & a haku sitting next to each other on a long flight...
Haku says: "Let's play a game... I will ask you a question, if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5 and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500..."
Haku asks the first question: Who is the ruler of the desert kingdom...?
Hellhound doesn't say a word, Reaches into her pocket, Pulls out a $5...
Now... It's the hellhound's turn...
She asks haku: What goes up a hill with 3 legs and comes down on 4 legs..?
Haku searches the net and asks all her smart friends... After an hour she gives Hellhound $500...
Haku going nuts and asks: Well... so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four..?
Hellhound reaches into her pocket and gives haku $5...
Haku fainted.....
One must imagine Sisyphus happy. But I don't blame him whatsoever for leaving the MGE community.
The fact that thing under her mouth is her breasts and not some bowtie still traumatizes me to this day.
Tempting, so tempting...
>imagine it
>stop imagining it
>be sad it will never comw true
Why are you so cruel anon.
If they're so smart how come they can't process my entirely logical argument that the optimal position for them is doggystyle
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I would take Trolls to the beach just to see what happens
I want to get transported to Wonderland one day and then walk for days without seeing any signs of life until i stumble upon a dormouse. Then i would lay down and cuddle to at least live my last hours of live feeling the embrace of a woman, but instead i wake up refreshed just by being besides her. I would fall in love with that dormouse for having saved my life and start cuddling her harder until she wakes up, at which point we would make sleepy conversations, cuddle, kiss, and then make love one fatwful night under the starry sky. I want to spend months just being besides her, loving each other, and then have cruel fate bring me back to this torture house of a dimension. Then my dormouse wife would wake up and realize i'm gone and go on a caffeinated rampage until even the original chief god recognizes her strength and opens the portals to our dimension so that we finally might be reunited.
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we're in trouble once monsters figure out teamwork
>just to see what happens
SEX. The capitalization is important in this case.
I just realize that the troll isn't wearing anything down there
They already have. >>47682805
You should also realize her bikini top doesn't even have straps that tie it to jer back, so it's more a necklace that just happens to barely cover her breasts than anything else.
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Isn't that just monster fashion? I've seen that before
I want to reek of horc and troll sweat so bad
Bless mamono for knowing what actual high fashion really is.
Stupid Holst thought giving me paizuri one time would make me love her. I was just using her to get off. I don't feel any passion for her.
This anon needs a good dose of dere Holst milk before he hits the tsun critical mass and becomes a black hole of bitterness.
>"Uh... the Adventurer's Guild said I only needed to fight one dragon"
>"They lied"
>Anon's cries for mercy are quickly silenced as one dragon sits on his face while the other sits on his crotch
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Happy happy happy
I bet you think you can quit holst paizuri anytime you want while getting your 30th paizuri
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Lamia onee-chan wants to show you her retro game collection.
dragons shouldn't facesit humans like they were just a gold coin in a hoard to protect with their bodies.
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Oh hey, she's got Defender of the Crown on Amiga
SCARY Harpies...
booze is slang for alcohol
the girls are too young to drink (presumably, or maybe they're pretending to be young) so they ask random anons on the street to buy them some beer
Defender of the Crown... wow. I haven't heard that game name in FOREVER.
Same for Amiga. Would hang out with Lamia-oneechan.
Objectively best monster girl
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those wurmtenders in dragonia used to be one two-headed dragon
so they can get by on a technicality
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she's not scary; she's my maid
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I like western snakes
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Not brown enough.
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Not purple enough.
You know her purple colours would stand out more if she were in the right environment.
Somewhere white... the arctic perhaps?
If she's so good how come there isn't a sandworm 2?
>Get into fight with chesh
>Tell her she's a virgin
>"Your moms a virgin!"
memekot is a joke
>anon laughs at the memecat
>"LMAO, that doesn't even make sense"
>Then he looks down at his feet.
>They are disappearing
>The memecat just erased his existance
>He wakes up in limbo
>He's trapped there now with the memecat
Not such a joke anymore is she.
Lamia-chan using mix ups unseen since the last DL was in power
>Chesh is a virgin
>Anon's mom is a virgin
>Chesh logic starts to warp reality
>Chesh is now anon's mom
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would be command grabbed by lamia
>Cheshire calls anon a motherfucker
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These damn sabbath brats keep tricking me into having anal sex with them. They can't get away with it forever!
who is the uwaaabomber?
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time to exclusively do anal
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That's just a case of sexy lolis seducing a man into wanting to anal them, "I got tricked" is a flimsy excuse.
Is not giving your wife semen really abuse?
Do you think zombies are weak to headpats? Wonder if i can intentionally pat one of the royal mummies in front of the guard Anubis, distracting her from my apophis partner that's about to bite and grape her so that we can mindbreak and use her to dethrone the Pharaoh.
Dude, EVERYONE is weak to headpats. A genuine headpat given out of love is pretty damn nice.
Depends on the cause. It could also be considered a potential medical emergency.
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semen is gross she should eat normal food like, a ham sandwich.
There is no tyranny and they destroy mamono just turning them into humans ruining fantasy. Kill yourself
>"Anon, i'm sooo hungry for you right now" Says anon wife while spreading herself
>"Sure babe, here, a ham sandwich. Made it myself."
what a good husband
Give me that cute Yeti and Troll for maximum comfiness hugs
If Druella didn't cause the inflation then who did?
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Man I love big breast baphos so much I wish I had a big breast bapho wife
not everyone has your autistic purity fetish
rape is bad and monsters should feel bad
rape is good and human boys should feel good.
If a baphomet told me she 'tested' loads of men and wanted to test me too I'm not exactly going to say no. I don't think anyone would.
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>she definitely was a turbo whore that no one wanted to marry, and now you're her only option, so she groomed you, her son, into being her husband
fuck that's hot. i wish that would happen to me
>image spam and /trash/ replying to posts from half a day ago pick up at the same time
What a coincidence
No you don't understand, they tell me they want to give me a mint condition Black Sabbath vinyl and so I follow them to the hotel they say they're staying at and then everything just goes blank and when I come to I'm thrusting into their asses like a man possessed.
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oh look its the nooooticer! he's noticing, he's noticing. he's picking up patterns he's correlating data points he's declaring causation
for your information the reason that i'm replying to posts half a day old is that once a day i ctrl+f 'mom' in this thread to read the posts that correspond with my fetish
you should get a hobby and also electroshock therapy for your autism
We're all uwaabomber.
You don't want to know the war crimes the trashbomber gets up to.
I summon the ELDRITCH KOT
Ṁ̸̭̻̣͐͑̈́̃͒̍̆͋̒͘̕̚͝͝e̴̢̢̳̮̫̬̞̗̻̬̱̯̹̜̹̠̠̪͇͚͇̼̰͆̓͛͌͐̑̿͂͑͑̎̊́͂͋̇̈́̋̈́͒̊̀́̃̈̄͒̊̐̀̔͊̆̈́̏̐̌͑̒͘͜͝o̶̢̻͖̙̺̳̯̣̗͉͍̖̮̣̖͚̫̻͒̉̊̔͗̚ͅw̴̡̢̝̟̠̙̞̟͕̖̐̐̾̈́̄͊͊͋̏͌ ̶̨̧̢̨̧̛̭̱͙̦̙̟̫̮͍͙̯͔̙͕̩̱̫͉͓̖͔͎̤͚̹̘̭̯͎̘̩̦̫͎̔̍̀͂͆̌͆̿̆̍͆̔̆͌͊̐͊̎͒̑͆̚͜͜͠͝M̸̧̡̨̹̠͕̠͍̪̳̳̥̜̦͈̗̼͈̰̜̮̺͎̳͈͗̑͌̋̄̎̈́̋͂̋̊̉̃̿̈́̔́̊̌̓̀̈́̐̃̌̚̕͠͝ͅȨ̴̨̡̢̧̧̡̛̻͎̖̬̬̱̻̬̫̼͕̤̹̯͔̭͎̻̭̠͕̯̠̣̬̭̫̜̠̫͔͖͉͈͎͚͔̺͙̬̪́͋̂̓̏̈́̍̇̇̾̀̓̓͛̈́͋̇̈́͋̈̽͐̔̓͛̋̇̒̐̕͜͝͝͝͠Ờ̶̧̨̧̧͔̤̦̦͖̺̮̼̻̝̱͍͚̱̯͔͙̼̩̺̳̞̞̭̱̰͔͍̟̟͉̱͍͓̳̣́̈́̍͘͝͝͝͠ͅẄ̴́̃̒͗̿̈̎̍͌̔͗͒̽̿̓̉͆̾̌̇̐́̚̕̕̕͠͝ ̸̡̢̛̩̝̪͍̦͎̳̳͔̘̗͓̗̱̱̙̱͛̊̓̈́̂̉̍̆̃̀̒̂͝M̶̢̢̢͖̫̜͚͚͉͖͇̞̝̰̤̳͎̞̪͎̖͎̳̤̰͖̙̳͖̑̉̋̓̒͌̀̂̓̓̀̑͆̀̊͐̈̆̍̋͂̒͘͜͜ͅE̸̺̦̜̍́̍́̈̐͠O̸̧̡̢̨̡̧̨̤̮̟̙̱͓̱͚̞̠̱̣̣̣̳̙͕̥͉͍͍̫̬̮͚̭̰̖̟͉̣̥̬̭͈̫̞̺̬̺͑̈́̋̽͑͆̉̉̋̈́̀̀̔̓̈̑͊̍̓͘͜͠͝͝W̴̨̧̧̛̛̱͉̹̱͓̬͎̺̫̠̞̫̥͍͕̝͚̝̞̫̮̣͈̘̯̜͙̬̱͕̟͂͛̃̀͑͂͆̉̄̈́͆̃̑̀͒͋̑̉̉̽̄̔́̃̽̈́̇̔̂̐͛̈̃̒́͒̃̈́̍͘̕͝͝ ̴̡̛̛̤̪̩͍̖̂̄͋͗̎̓͛͑̽̍̃͛̋́̄̈́̄̉̊́̓͗͐͆̾͆̒̈̈́̀̋͛͒͋͑̚̕̕͠ͅM̵̢̨̥̜̥̝͎͕͎̩̤̪͔͖͖̝̥̯̮͙͇͚͇̼͖͓̬̫̬̣͓͊͆̋̄̇̇͑̔̿̓È̸̢̢̡̨̢̛̛̛͓͔͎̪̤̳͇̟̠̱̙̦͖̤͇̥͈͙̹͇͓̪̖̉̄̀̏̎̏̾̒̓̎́̋͋͋̿̏̇͋̾͋͂͋͂̐͒͗́̇̔̄̆̕̚͠͝͠͝͠ͅȨ̴̧̟͔̗͓̠̦̮͔͌̏̃̈́̃̓͋̈́́͋̈́̈́́̃̽͋̒̍̑̍̌̐̌̔̾͑̇̋̚̕͘͝Ę̴̛̺̺͓̬̝̳͓̩̣̥̤̥̙͎̂͂̿͌́̀̿̍͛̑̚͜͝͝͠͠͝Ę̷̢̡̡̨̢̛̼͉͖̺̱̖̠̱̜̩̳̞͎̪͎̻͎̝̭̜͍̮̪̯̟͍̞̜̗̝̹̞̩̻̜̮̝̣̣͈̽͘͜ͅͅĘ̵̨̢̜͔̻͉̜̱̞̰̬̠̟̻͛̿̈́́̀̾́̈́̓̈́̓̆̈̏̃̚͜͝͝͠ͅE̴̬̯͚̦̱̯̬̝͇͍̒̑͆̔̏͂͒̏̒͒O̷̢̱̤͚̘̟̦͎̰͎̮̜̞̼͙͙͔̰͙̺̩̟̘̜Ẅ̸̡̨̡̡̝͕͙̭̪̮̣̩̩̜͇̜̰̥͈͕̹͍̪̬̜̩̜̜͙͕̭̪̯͖̯̣͈̼͓̰̬͔͙̘͇́͛̇̓͊̋̓̍͗̈́͐̌̇̓͒̔̕͜͠!̸̢̡͈̦̖̪̓͗́̇͌̽̓̀͑͑̐́̏̀̈́͗̐̔̈́͛̇̊͘̚̚͠͝͝
>it's a troll-ocelomeh hybrid
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I want to watch my fox wife messily eat a delicious slice of watermelon. foxes are cute
You know what they say: When life gives you melons, you have dyslexia.
Why are you replying to a spam bot made to dump off topic images here?
No, life gave me melons.
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This is one instance where I want to be dyslexic!
And hot, steamy, nuki breath to sniff!
Kill yourself already
Don't act like you wouldn't enjoy feeling her hot breath grace your face as you make-out with her.
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how are pictures of foxes off topic?
Kill yourself disgusting parasite
Know your place, scat fetishist.
They got traded to humans in the race draft, in exchange for mamono claiming autists.
My place is face-to-face with a young, busty danuki!
Beware the flying saucers. If you are caught in their beams of light, you'll be taken inside and forced to probe the inhabitants!
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Well now I want a really long, sloppy makeout session with a monster... lips connected by thin strings of drool when we part... panting in exertion and lust... grinding against each other while we stick our tongues in each other's mouths...
The smell of gold fillings, erotic.
Chinese gacha isn't /jp/ - Otaku Culture, especially when it's reposted straight from /vg/ threads it already has for itself.
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If she didn't eat so many sweets, she wouldn't need fillings!
Stop her before she gets too fat!
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Interesting idea. I think you should be stuffed into a fox's breasts and held there until you pass out.
A chinese fox, even. Damn gweilo should know their place!
Korean foxes are best. If I feel like my liver is safe, I am with the wrong mamono.
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What's wrong with the Chinese foxes?
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Your liver won't be safe with pic related.
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Nothing, but they can be tricky and domineering. Be safe out there!
She is very cute; I hope she doesn't mind my acid reflux making drinking mostly impossible. I can dote on her cute horns, though. I wonder how mamono do horn care.
she wasn't expelled from the celestial court and forced to reincarnate as a man-eater for nothing anon
>telling ms satyros you can't drink
inadvisable. she'll try and make up for it by giving you things much stronger than alcohol
>frog in a well can't see mount mofu
She'll give you some her Chateau Romani. It'll help the indigestion, and it'll get you drunk!
I don't care if hexanol is theoretically safe, I'm still not drinking her chemistry experiment.
Gremlins might have a knack for bartending, I better find out if they do.
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They'll drain your wallet.
I have no idea what is going on with moderation nowadays that the breathfag isn't getting deleted but the outfit choosing for the Sabbaths got deleted last thread
>hexanol is theoretically safe
This is definitely a series of words that I don't want to hear when I'm about to drink something.
It will be fine. At worst it will kill you and then Miss Satiros will take you to a Lich to be revived and sacrifices herself for you. Isn't it sweet and selfless of her?
Tell me about the monster that you would want as your wife.
What kind of monster is she? How old? Loli, hag, or something else?
The 666
>Miss Gremlin's TOP cocktail recipe
>6 oz simple syrup
>6 oz triple sec
>6 oz everclear 190
>Optionally, garnish with lemon twist
I don't trust her lifestyle choices.
What kind is not important.
>Makes me feel loved and safe
>Good communication skills
>Compatible with my introversion and anxiety
>Scary enough to keep bicorns and other harem mamono away
And a huggy mofu spooder would be neat for this, but honestly, I'm already being too picky with the other stuff for it to be realistic.
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Hag, middle-aged to old, tired retail-worker/vaguely motherly personality. A fox sounds nice but I think really anything would work. I want her to stumble across me, take pity on me, and force me to marry her because she thinks I won't survive on my own.
>6oz simple syrup
that's not a cocktail, that's an ooze.
>but the outfit choosing for the Sabbaths got deleted last thread
outsiders DESPISE loli and mass report it because it triggers them so much and mods are too stupid to figure that out
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god, this setting would be so good if it weren't for gross lolishit.
>the outfit choosing for the Sabbaths got deleted last thread
Can't find it in the archive.
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Loli, young, smart and classy, equal parts cute and lewd.
Miss Wight doesn't want you to find her "goth phase" teenage photos
Same as >>47693087 except not spooder. Also I imagine her generally laid-back despite her bodytype.
I need zoomer lilim pussy like a fish needs water
Nothing but old hag lilim as far as the eyes can see
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What a slut! Just letting that happen in public like that.
Need mamono for this feel:
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>10 year old boy finds a poor abandoned kitten in his neighborhood hiding from the rain
>takes the cat in and shelters her
>spends every day of his life getting the kitten to trust humans again
>giggling while he plays with her and feeds her her favorite meal, tuna
>boy and his little kitten literally cannot be separated, they go everywhere together
>boy and his happy kitten enjoys life
>14 years later
>this is the boy, now a man, and his kitten, now a fully grown cat girl in pic related
This keeps happening. These devilish nekos keep making our innocent children become attached to them from a young age, only to make it that much easier to force them to capitulate and put a ring on their finger when they grow up. How do we stop these fucking cats from nabbing and tricking innocent human males?
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Why is it that mamano are more attractive in full armor instead of metal lingerie?
The optimal combination is normal lingerie under full armor that's to be taken off. Metal lingerie is for the impatient monsters.
Part of the fun is taking it off
Agreed, especially if the torso parts can be taken off before the rest.
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Yeah, baby, take it off.
Why is it that mamano are attractive?
Automaton fingers typed this post.
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Meathead monsters are my greatest weakness. She wouldn't need to rough me up at all, I'd just go with her if she asked me.
Do not fist androids
I'm going to pitch this idea to a nuki: breakaway armor. Looks like normal plate, but breaks way easier and can be fixed quickly by dumping some mana into it. You can have a sparring match with your wife and have your armor chip away as you fight and ending with the winner having their way with the loser. Great for defeated knight roleplay.
>aka-oni: Yo! New guy! Join my harem or else...
>ao-oni: You would be wise to join my harem.

>it's the same harem
>just two girls looking to booze up and blackout fuck little anon
You aren't even going to let her corner you into a wall and kabedon you? Not even going to allow her to threaten you with her muscles? Isn't that a bit anticlimatic.
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I wouldn't mind going with both of them, but I don't like that phrasing.
>Not even going to allow her to threaten you with her muscles? Isn't that a bit anticlimatic.
As long as she figures out I'm into it, it's not any more anticlimactic than a busty girl showing off her cleavage.
>Trapped in a very small room with a sweaty troll that hasn't bathed in a month
Is this heaven or hell?
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A Troll wouldn't be unhygienic like that since they are very aware and try to cover their smell
Somewhere out there in an alternate universe, you're sleeping next to your monster wife, and she's sucking on your fingers.
More like Erofu.
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She's a NEET troll that lives with her parents and doesn't care about her smell or appearance.
Let's say it wasn't her choice to skip baths then.
Trolls are without a doubt the most likely girls to bully you for the size of your pecker, calling you small and coming up with a diminutive name for it.
I'll take it as long as I get handjobs from her.
You'll get a lot more than that from her.
I hope so. Anyway, I don't think Trolls would actually be mean about it. If anything, they'd be doing it only by accident like in that Axem pic.
This checks out. There's always MAMONO MANA though; if they actually cared your dick wouldn't stay small. Would trolls be likely size queens in general?
But of course.
>How do we stop these fucking cats from nabbing and tricking innocent human males?
It's simple. We get our kids pet dogs instead.
>Dog lover
Sorry can’t hear you over your wife barking at 3AM
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Seething feline hands typed this post.
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Real dead hours.
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This is your new boss.
>twitter filename
>gacha character
Yep, it's fatherless behavior time.
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>I need to see your virginity license
>ask for a raise
>she puts her heels together and bends over her desk and asks you if it worked
>you have a 3 second QTE to give her the W and merge assets or ruin her month
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It's a sea cow!
>I'll just take my chef and leave
>Yes, my father laid heavy burdens on you, but I’m going to make them even heavier! My father beat you with whips, but I will beat you with scorpions!
1 Kings 12:11
What do you like about her particularly over other fishegirls? Ambush predation? Weak to kuudere in general?
Small, kuudered, AND ambush predators.
Also pack hunting.
Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that small monster girls can be defeated just by picking them up.
Its really that simple, they have that instant loss condition and no one ever talks about it.
Small, easily manhandaleable, kuu make me want to dick them down so roughly they can't hide their emotions any more.
What if I want my monster wife to impregnate me?
Then marry a seahorse
Which sounds more appealing from a dating sim perspective?
>Manticore or Cheshire (or both)
>Manticore or Hellhound (or both)
tsun rattlesnake who says she doesn't like you but her tail rattles in excitement every time you're near her
>Manticore or Hellhound (or both)
Definitely both.
Manticore, Cheshire, and Hellhound.
What could go wrong?
>go to lick armpits of beautiful salamander that's hot and sweaty
>only taste her deodorant
Many such cases...
>dating sim
Hellhound dates YOU, from a distance, and you have 3 seconds to make yourself look like a bad route to commit to.
None of those sound particularly appealing.
Manticore + Cheshire, especially if Cheshire uses trickster facade to hide something. Manticore and Hellhound means you get no variety in tastes
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All 3, plus a harem ending.
If not possible, then Manticore and Chesh. Hellhound is a little bit too similar to Manticore.
How do I get the secret bicorn monogamy ending?
I ordered an "impregnable" suit of armor and instead of being super strong she's having morning sickness lately, I'm going to get a refund from Grem's
You can't. If you force a bicorn to be monogamous for too long she will take matters into her own hands and rape you until you give her a daughter. Then she and her daughter will be cowives for a while until the daughter snaps too and makes you give your wife a granddaugher.
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I want to gain the pharaoh's attention
Spikey elder dragon knows where you live
then you must venture on an epic quest
It's not like she's visiting me anytyme soon, so i don't have to worry.
There is an absolutely criminal lack of nergi art that isn't furshit and/or futa.
you can't handle a pharaoh anon, maybe a mere desert sheep is more your speed
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I wish i could draw, I would add to that small number
Fuck off Deonora, I'm not gonna date you no matter how many creepy stalker message you send me
That's okay, I know how to superman dive and trivialize her big attack
>anon's archeological dig accidentally taps an oil spring
>tries to keep it under wraps
>keeps getting random diplomatic envoys full of gifts and flirty letters
>as soon as he begins operations at scale, gets personal visits from a pharaoh and an apophis from surrounding territories, to which he had given none of his personal information or even met before
>anon can't manage his new business with all of these "formal" dinners and performances to attend with his "investors"
>pharaoh says she has these lovely anubi that will take care of all business themselves
>apophis says she's going to "join the family" sooner or later anyway, whatever that means, so he should sign with her and start on the "winning side"
>Anon goes on quest to win heart of pharaoh
>Already had her heart but we’re both too bashful to be confess to one another
>Pharaoh upon learning he is leaving panics
>Tries to catch up to him but is always too late
>Chase ends when Anon gets her the prized jewels of Akenhoentep as a present
>Is tackled by sweaty and needy pharaoh professing her love for him and she couldn’t care less about some dumb gems
Coming soon to a theater near you
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We have talked plenty about demon bosses and their clacky highheels, but can you imagine arriving early at the office and then hearing your Oomukade coworker, who's been dropping you hints that she's into you for the past weeks, come around the corner with her miriad of hard legs tapping rythmically against the foor. Can you imagine the hypnotizing beat her wave of cute spiky feet would make on her way to ask you for office supplies you know she already has? Wouldn't it be a dream recognizing the sound of her walking from far away, and then having your heart flutter at the thought of just seeing her again?
Sorry but no. Centipedes are creepy and their clacking legs doesn’t have a sexy rhythm.
I imagine it'd be like a couple dozen horses galloping straight for your heart.
How do pedegirls even flirt? Pretend they're not rubbing their scales against you when they move around?
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I want to measure and compare the suction force of a manticore's tail and a tentacle's onahole limbs.
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Not a fair comparison, Tentacle is for gentle and shy sucking/caressing whereas Manticore is a rape vacuum machine set to turbo
guys why is the automaton screaming foobar at me?
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>couple dozen horses galloping straight for your heart.
Yanmukade coming at me with the speed of a bullet train and making an ominous "brrrrrr" while she runs towards down the sidewalk is something i didn't know i needed.
>How do pedegirls even flirt?
Aside from the usual flirting techniques,
>they can have their antennae smell and taste you up close and then act all awkward like about it.
>They can start showing you the new oil she got for her cute feet and then asking you what you think while she carefully pays attention at how entranced you look at them, bonus points if you ask to touch them, though that would get a moan out of her if you are a bit too rough.
>She can lie about her inner mandibles hurting her or something and then flash you her whole mouth while showing you how they move and how she uses them to eat one of those licking fruits.
>She can make sure you can see all of her centipede back whenever she has to say goodbye, giving you anice view of the up and down undulations she knows you would be very interrested in getting to know up close.
And many, many more.
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Is there any monster easier to bully than dullahans?
I'm not sure there is.
you laugh until you have to run away from her only to have your legs taken out by her special, 'bowling ball' move
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But tentacles are the OG rapists. They are just too shy most of the time but when the mask falls off and they release their limiters...
Manticores are going at full rape mode all the mode but the tentancle restrains her inner rapist, it accumulates until one day it bursts like a dam
You can't handle a tentacle at full power..
>not scooping up her head when she preforms this move
Once you have her head in your possession, it's over. You've won and can bully her relentlessly.
>"Good sir could you please put me down?"
>*Dullahan body shaking her fist in anger a few meters away (in the wrong direction)
Tentacles go tentacle hentai mode on women because of their instincts, but are confused when they have a man and get easily flustered.
>Manticores are going at full rape mode *all the mode
*all the time
Ratatoskr tightly hugging her big fluffy tail.
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Suprise chesh kiss?

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