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Did you know that Alice is the strongest magician in Gensokyo? She keeps her true power hidden because she is just that amazing. Pretty nice, right?
Alice sisters...We're losing.
Wh-what is happening?
Pretty awesome, she should appeare in more stuff.
Deleted out of pure alicemalice.
If they keep seven threads (the one with patchy doesn't count), I'm content.
post more cool Alice and her dolls
/jp/ should be Just Patchouli.
/jp/ - just puppeteers
She keeps her true power hidden because she would commit suicide if she fought at full strength and lost.
Fatchouli mogs both her and Marisa.
Erm, actually, Mokou is the strongest sorcerer in Gensokyo because in the centuries where she wasn’t killing everything she was studying sorcery and became a super ultra master in a bunch of sorcery styles and so she’s way better than fraudlice
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>Did you know that Alice is the strongest magician in Gensokyo?
Alice is a DORK
It's amazing they strike down Alice threads while leaving sakamachi untouched despite them having like 20 threads up at anytime
Alice will get her revenge one day...
Alice if you make one more of these threads I'm going to come down to the magic of forest, break your door down and RAPE you till you can't even see that small CRT connected to your Core 2 Duo
but alice opened a book once
There weren't any pictures inside for her? Poor, illiterate fraud...
If Alice is that good of a magician, she should change her eyes back to blue, to prove it.
We need more.
That's the most powerful spell in her grimoire
What does she use that power for?
I hear a very nasal voice
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She already appears enough in my dreams
Did the piss joke about Alice have an origin or did it come out of thin air?
>is actually the Strongest mage
>Her grimore is super busted
>Losing to reimu traumatized her
>Refuses to fight at full power so she always has an excuse in case she loses
>Carries around her super powerful grimore but doesn't use it
Not sure why Alice was traumatized that much considering reimu barely won that fight. Though her trauma makes more sense if it was due to mima or yuuka
Probably has as much of a reason as the shovel one
One theory I have is that it comes from her shot in IN, but I have no idea.
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Would you Alice?
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al ice
I Alice all the time.
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ali c e
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What are the side effects?
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ali ce
Scary stuff
Goodbye and never return, Alice.
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neither of them nearly ended the world by opening a book, alice clears both of them easily
Alice is the strongest there is!
why is she so powerful?
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She has many dolls that serve as extensions of her power. The more dolls under her control, the more powerful she is. Because she is the only magician in Gensokyo with an army of dolls at her command, this makes her the strongest one by default.
Another Alice thread that will die.
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But Alice is strong! She will not give up that easily!
But she needs a lot of power to control the dolls, this seems paradoxical.
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So sad that the enemies of Alice have to resort to western social media images to try to slander her.
Everyone in /jp/ loves Alice! Crossies will not be tolerated!
yelling 'Crossies!' will not make any of the things in that image less accurate
Posting xwitter memes will not make Alice less powerful and beloved by all of /jp/!
Alice, please... you made both of those posts.
how much did you pay Hiro for getting rid of the ip counter?
Alice didn't make any of these posts! She doesn't have time for such silliness on the internet! Alice is a serious and hardworking girl! I guarantee it!
Alice kisses her dolls
Alice kisses me
Alice has never kissed anyone
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Do you think you're better off alone?
Sometimes. Maybe it's the alcohol talking or just depression or maybe a mix, being lonely sometimes it's not that bad at least you won't hurt anyone or fail to meet someone's expectations. Suicide? maybe, maybe not. At least not for today. It's like living a hollow life without any guidance or without anyone around you.. and such feeling is all mine.
A suffocating despair, a life without any joy.
you could do like alice and masturbate religiously
Not even her pillow?
Is she really? I always thought it was Reimu.
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Reimu ain't got no magic, it's all divine power.
Alice is the uncontested strongest magician of Gensokyo. Some say the most beautiful as well, although she'll politely deny it.
yeah? I bet Alice has many suitors waiting in a line, right? wwwww
What happens if you give Alice a hug?
Of course, those legs actually look really strong
She'll cry and then order Shanghai to stab your neck
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Post Alice yuri
That's why you first need to give her something she likes or strike up a conversation. Abruptly feeling up Gensokyo's most powerful magician won't end well for anybody.
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