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Did you know that Alice is the strongest magician in Gensokyo? She keeps her true power hidden because she is just that amazing. Pretty nice, right?
Alice sisters...We're losing.
Wh-what is happening?
Pretty awesome, she should appeare in more stuff.
Deleted out of pure alicemalice.
If they keep seven threads (the one with patchy doesn't count), I'm content.
post more cool Alice and her dolls
/jp/ should be Just Patchouli.
/jp/ - just puppeteers
She keeps her true power hidden because she would commit suicide if she fought at full strength and lost.
Fatchouli mogs both her and Marisa.
Erm, actually, Mokou is the strongest sorcerer in Gensokyo because in the centuries where she wasn’t killing everything she was studying sorcery and became a super ultra master in a bunch of sorcery styles and so she’s way better than fraudlice
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>Did you know that Alice is the strongest magician in Gensokyo?
Alice is a DORK
It's amazing they strike down Alice threads while leaving sakamachi untouched despite them having like 20 threads up at anytime
Alice will get her revenge one day...
Alice if you make one more of these threads I'm going to come down to the magic of forest, break your door down and RAPE you till you can't even see that small CRT connected to your Core 2 Duo
but alice opened a book once
There weren't any pictures inside for her? Poor, illiterate fraud...
If Alice is that good of a magician, she should change her eyes back to blue, to prove it.
We need more.
That's the most powerful spell in her grimoire
What does she use that power for?
I hear a very nasal voice
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She already appears enough in my dreams
Did the piss joke about Alice have an origin or did it come out of thin air?
>is actually the Strongest mage
>Her grimore is super busted
>Losing to reimu traumatized her
>Refuses to fight at full power so she always has an excuse in case she loses
>Carries around her super powerful grimore but doesn't use it
Not sure why Alice was traumatized that much considering reimu barely won that fight. Though her trauma makes more sense if it was due to mima or yuuka
Probably has as much of a reason as the shovel one
One theory I have is that it comes from her shot in IN, but I have no idea.
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Would you Alice?
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al ice
I Alice all the time.
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ali c e
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What are the side effects?
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ali ce
Scary stuff
Goodbye and never return, Alice.
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neither of them nearly ended the world by opening a book, alice clears both of them easily
Alice is the strongest there is!
why is she so powerful?
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She has many dolls that serve as extensions of her power. The more dolls under her control, the more powerful she is. Because she is the only magician in Gensokyo with an army of dolls at her command, this makes her the strongest one by default.
Another Alice thread that will die.
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But Alice is strong! She will not give up that easily!
But she needs a lot of power to control the dolls, this seems paradoxical.
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So sad that the enemies of Alice have to resort to western social media images to try to slander her.
Everyone in /jp/ loves Alice! Crossies will not be tolerated!
yelling 'Crossies!' will not make any of the things in that image less accurate
Posting xwitter memes will not make Alice less powerful and beloved by all of /jp/!
Alice, please... you made both of those posts.
how much did you pay Hiro for getting rid of the ip counter?
Alice didn't make any of these posts! She doesn't have time for such silliness on the internet! Alice is a serious and hardworking girl! I guarantee it!
Alice kisses her dolls
Alice kisses me
Alice has never kissed anyone
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Do you think you're better off alone?
Sometimes. Maybe it's the alcohol talking or just depression or maybe a mix, being lonely sometimes it's not that bad at least you won't hurt anyone or fail to meet someone's expectations. Suicide? maybe, maybe not. At least not for today. It's like living a hollow life without any guidance or without anyone around you.. and such feeling is all mine.
A suffocating despair, a life without any joy.
you could do like alice and masturbate religiously
Not even her pillow?
Is she really? I always thought it was Reimu.
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Reimu ain't got no magic, it's all divine power.
Alice is the uncontested strongest magician of Gensokyo. Some say the most beautiful as well, although she'll politely deny it.
yeah? I bet Alice has many suitors waiting in a line, right? wwwww
What happens if you give Alice a hug?
Of course, those legs actually look really strong
She'll cry and then order Shanghai to stab your neck
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Post Alice yuri
That's why you first need to give her something she likes or strike up a conversation. Abruptly feeling up Gensokyo's most powerful magician won't end well for anybody.
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Speaking of shanghai, did they ever finish shanghai.exe?
Progress is going very slow but it's still being worked on. The main story is 99.9% complete, and the first postgame dungeon is playable outside of some unimplemented items. Last I checked they added Orin as a boss in the debug room. It's not in a release yet, but it's there in the GitGud repo.
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What about her?
Leaving a slippery trail wherever she oozes...
Demon's Souls was so fucking cool. It's a shame so few of the posterior Souls game got what was cool about it.
Sadly it got some long-ass loading screens. But yeah, pretty cool game otherwise.
Go on...
The series took on a more epic mainstream tone compared to the ominous otherworldly one it had, (compare the DaS/DeS character creation themes with the DS3/ER ones) and the "hyper difficult" fame casuals gave the series made them capitalize on it and turn every boss into Artorias on coke, while earlier games had more unique bosses which you strategized against instead of memorizing their moveset consisting of room-long jumps, 17 attacks in a row and slow telegraphed move which follows you around.
>(compare the DaS/DeS character creation themes with the DS3/ER ones)
The pinnacle of that is the remake were they butchered the entire feel of the game and just went with it looking like some generic "le epic MMO" feel....
But yeah I guess that once you have a big name companies follow more the mainstream design choices to keep the fanbase and play it save.
Wish they did other things like DeS but with giant archstone or DaS with Izalith and co properly designed.
I still haven't touched DS2 nor bloodborne but I hope they are less "epic" than latter titles.
>Orin as a boss
Wait WHAT?
>It's not in a release yet
BB has a more lively OST but DS2 still has some low key boss tracks. Its problem is it's just an awkward game.
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the slop alice thread died...
I'd like to Alice but I'm a bit scared to do it.
Post Alice x Marisa yuri
Holy shit Alice sure knows how to rock hard.
Holy shit Alice sure makes me hard
>Alice the battle mage
idk she feels more like an artificer to me
See the trick is to release all those inhibitions and embrace your inner Alice in-full, much like she does when she's home alone and thinks nobody's around to witness her accursed behavior (the dolls remember everything.)
How many friends does the best magician have?
Alice after having the burger
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Being the strongest mage, Alice is naturally friends with all of the other mages who aspire to be as powerful as she is.
So the key to going Alice is to release all attachments to social norms and operate purely on instinct?
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wake up Alice it's time for the tea party
Alice is out of shape!
Instinct yes, impulse no.
There's a fine line to be walked when it comes to going Alice versus just simply going Koishi, doing an Alice still requires you to rely on whatever personal standards or interests you may or may not hold close to your heart without worrying much over how that's reflected in those around you.
That sort of drive is where instinct can most easily stem from while still allowing one to mask said tendencies only if absolutely necessary, still carrying a mild drive for self preservation in a way. Without that balance, you risk going from an enjoyable occasional menace to an absolutely unhinged agent of pure whimsy.
It's mildly paradoxical but she makes it work, if any of that makes sense that is.
Alice? Alice.
Alice plays with her shape (herself) too much.
wtf Alice! This is a blue board!
Blue, just like my balls.
Alice if you please...
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Shinki is watching over her.
So? A girl has needs, as must Ms. Makai (turbovirgin) know.
Maybe she should stop making Alice always feel so weird about it then!
Me on the bottom left corner (send help!)
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Shinki knows firsthand how unbecoming a masturbation addiction is, so she's trying to set Alice on a better path by embarrassing her a little bit.
It's clearly too late for that
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This is what Alice actually believes.
She molests her own daughter, what a perv... and Alice is not the only one in this situation.
Makai is a yuri paradise.
what? disgusting!
I hope no upstanding, self respecting /jp/sie emulates such behaviour!
do not descent to the level of alice!
you are better that this! better than alice!
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It's fine if a man does it because for a man it's a bodily function. Testosterone makes you horny so you might need to let off some steam. I read a snippet from an account of a woman who was on steroids or testosterone, she said she wanted to "hump everything in sight".
But if a woman is doing things like this it means she is screwed in the head (as if we don't know) because it's no bodily requirement of theirs.
she went back to sleep
Sorry but thats not true. I don't want to start an argument so I can't tell you why but its not true!
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Alice is a delicate and gentle young lady. She has never engaged in lewd, shameless acts upon unsupervised male villagers!
Alice wears diapers just like Koishi and Remila, but unlike Koishi and Remilia Alice doesn't actually need them. (She still uses them though.)
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Those are pads anon, for that time of the month. Didn't your mother tell you about those?
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Alice is very displeased about her thread constantly dropping to page 10.
Maybe should try not being an unpopular unlikeable b*tch then.
Alice is a nice girl and you are a nigger for posting this
I hope Shinki washes your mouth with soap and bleach, Al*ce
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She's the bitchiest bitch around Gensokyo anon. She's beautiful but she has no friends or boyfriend, why do you think that is?
She does have a boyfriend and that's me because I love her
Your girlfriend is a bitch, dude. I know she has big ones which is kind of alluring but let her go before she makes you want to kill yourself self.
Alice is wonderful. She is still somewhat popular depite not having a speaking role in years.
Hell, people have writen poems about her, how many 2hus could say that?
>how many 2hus could say that?
There are a few others.
Today is puppeteer's day! A day to celebrate Alice and all of her contributions to society!
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Alice is beautiful in both body and spirit. I know you might be a bit jealous Marisa, but to slander your friend behind her back like this is reprehensible behavior.
shit Alice says
>milk bread tastes so much better than normal bread!
>sneakers and running shoes just look cheap, knee-length leather boots are the best.
>Windows Vista was such a good operating system, shame they'll never make something like that again.
>I don't use too much oil, fat makes you fat you know.
>if you don't live in a humid area, showering once a week is more than enough really.
>Just change your oil every 5000 miles instead of whatever the manual says.
>showering once a week is more than enough really
Pretty optimistic to assume that Alice showers at least once a week.
Is she wrong though?
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Alice! The board is too fast today for no reason at all!
Please don't leave!
To do anything other than Alice is inconceivable. We live to Alice, and we will die through Alice. For Alice thou art, and unto Alice shalt thou return.
Alice i hate you please stop trying to deduce me
Go do your homework or something
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Alice... so dreamy...
Does Alice just use her pads the same way as should would diapers? That would be very in character.
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Alice the Pantyhose mage
Stop Alice propaganda! Alice addiction is dangerous!
If any anon doesn't want to sleep with plastic sheets forever, or assume 0 reliance on your wife when Sesame Street is airing on TV, do not marry Makai Women! Do NOT do it! Think rationally! Anons who adopt Prevention are 74% more successful in Abstaining than initiated ones! It is really hard to quit once you start! You will not succeed in "cranking it" anymore if it isn't Alice pictures! You will fail to excite yourself if not for Alice imagery!
Stop! You can do it! Win against It!
i like her boots.
Alice's room smells like fish and cheese.
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I'm unironically convinced that Alice is hiding her power level due to what happened the last time she went balls out. Don't force Alice's hand, /jp/, or the next time I open my book your board gets incinerated first.

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