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aww yiss gote bred
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How many litres of semen have vanished down that throat?
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Evil demon with innocent face
Seconds before latching onto Ran's nipple
This innocent-looking goat will suck you so dry you'll lose semen you haven't even produced yet. You'll be firing blanks for months because she drained your balls so thoroughly. You will think you're infertile and the doctor is going to have to explain it's still getting produced, it's just vanishing back in time.
This is a threat.
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behold and despair
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The true power of a taotie!
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So... what do you think?
Imagine the throat deep blowjobs
She's so got powerful enough suction that you'd get tummy deep blowjobs.
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H-how the hell did you become gang leader!?
She can beat you up. She can eat you. She can do both these things with very little effort, in fact. Are you going to tell her she can't be the yakuza boss? Or worse, are you going to tell the yakuza boss her hairstyle is goofy?
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Well, I do write my own speeches.
You should try fighting for what you believe in sometime, Flan. Not for your sister, or a god, or for anyone else.
not enough
eagle spirits just flocked toward her. she's a natural!
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sexy goat
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When she catches you peeking at her pits
I was busy looking at the amazingly fluffy hair and perky nipples.
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Does she wear panties?
2hus do not wear panties categorically. The traditionalists wear fundoshi, but most simply wear nothing. Youkai don't bleed monthly, they don't discharge, and they don't use the bathroom so it's pretty pointless. Plus if anyone actually gets a look up her dress, she either let them or she's about to feed.
Would she let you run your fingers through her hair if you admired how pretty and well kept it was?
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How many guys she vored
never enough
Trillions, counting by sperm alone.
all fun and games until someone gets cum in their armpit eyeball
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I find it exceptionally difficult to believe this sweet looking creature is actually evil. She deserves headpats!
i'm gonna punch this stupid retard goat in the face
she will eat your arm, then the rest of you
He says this in every Yuuma thread but never delivers!
I want to get eaten by Yuuma's pussy...
*stench of crude oil*
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Oil and and natural gas wells all over my area I can smell it all the time when I drive the back roads, think of gote.
Love the Taotie
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Imagine giving her a basket of tar and she eats it immediately.
Itd be nice if you could mess up meals without fear cause your goat will eat it anyways
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I just thought up of a funny scenario where a new human hire or whatever goes to her place to do her home’s roof. I can even envision it playing out like so.
“Greetings ma’am, I’m here to retile your roof. Hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”
“Ah, I’m glad you’re here, I could use something to eat!”
“… what?”
Cue the poor bastard watching as the funny little goat boss lady grabs his bucket of tar and just eats it right in front of him. Bucket included of course. And as Yuuma loudly chews with metal crunching and squishing tar, contractor anon can’t help but be offput, slightly amused, and thankful that wasn’t him being used to sate her hunger.
Although he needs a new bucket now. And more tar.
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I thought it was funny so I tried writing something very brief but in the process of writing it changed significantly...:

I unhooked the tar kettle from behind my company truck. It took a little grunting and wheezing to roll it down the driveway, and around behind the house, but in the end I got there and stopped next to a ladder leaning up against the wall. I set the kettle down, flicking it on to heat up. Istood up straight, wiping sweat from my brow, and looked at the roof of the house. Illuminated as it was in the morning sunlight, I could see that this was going to be a full day job.

A sound made me jump. I looked around, just in time to see a woman round the corner, chewing idly on something. It was the lady who ordered a re-tarring in the first place. Everyone in the Animal Realm knew her on sight. Yuuma Toutetsu. She stopped at the kettle, and loudly sniffed it.

Yuuma squatted down, low enough that if I were any less of a gentleman I could have seen up her dress. She watched me pointedly refuse to cast my gaze downwards, and smirked, showing off all her sharp teeth. Even without words I could recognise the dare. Shaking my head, I turned and grabbed the ladder.

Suddenly, there came a sound, a sound that sounded like the strangest mixture of someone trying to run in wellingtons through a thick mire and a Choujuu Gigaku concert. I whipped around so fast that it nearly gave me whiplash. There, behind me, was the kettle. Was being the operative word, because it could function as neither storage nor heating element no longer. Yuuma held a fragment of metal, still dripping hot tar, that was all that remained of the kettle and all its contents.

As I watched, the last of it vanished into Yuuma's toothy mouth. She didn’t even chew it.

“What?” She asked.

“That was my kettle.” I replied.

Yuuma shrugged. “Tasted good. Needed a little less molybdenum, though.” She licked hot tar off the tips of her fingers. “My compliments to your tar supplier. Light on the sulphur, a strong bouquet of phenols, and did I detect a hint of butyric acid?”

I stared without words.

Yuuma stood up, arching her back and stretching her arms out to either side.

“Ah don’t worry. I’ll get you a new one.”

“I’m going to have to report this to my boss.” I replied, shaking my head.

Yuuma flashed another smug smile that made her pointy ears wiggle as I walked past her, out on to the street. But I froze.

“Where is automobile?”
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you're going to need more than a bucket for this Taotie
I am so glad my silly post lead to these two things. That poor working man will now have to figure out how to feed this insatiable gremlin AND tar and work her dang roof.
He’d better get paid double for this crap by doing two jobs. And hazard pay at that!
Poor Otter-spirit, he's just trying to do what he must to feed his family.
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Gote is love
Isn't a goat a herbivore?
And you may ask yourself
"Is Yuuma my beautiful wife?"
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the goat got you
what you think will happen next
I don't know, but either way I'm slathering myself in teriyaki sauce.
Probably something to do with her disproportionately large breasts.
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made to be paizuri'd by ran
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>paizuri'd by ran
That's what she thinks is going to happen.
Ran has other plans.
Yuuma’s face in the second panel gets me every time.
Yuuma was made for human(me) youkai relationships, not for some stinky fox.
Yuuma is gonna eatcha, and probably not the fun way little man.
my beloved
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Now that you mention it, Yuma's voraciousness *is* a bit like that of a Ghoul...
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Hundreds of gallons. All mine btw
I love this goat
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I oiled
Looking at Yuuma here at first I thought she was eager to get “intimate” with the viewer. But seeing her blush and her even subtler upturned eyebrows shows she appears to be a bit nervous. How cute! Cute taotie gang boss!
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How many headpats do you guys think you can pull off with Yuuma before she bites your hand?
What if he wants that anon
Max twenty, then she gently bites it while looking at me with bedroom eyes
You think you can handle a hungry girl like her? Because at that point I don’t think she’s going to be content with a small sample.
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Could I handle her? Easily, watch this!
It's very nice of Yuuma to come with free handles!
Put the yakuza boss down right now mister. You’re making her upset and if you keep it up, there’s going to be trouble.
I've been told that putting down Yuuma is impossible. No wonder, if I had a Yuuma right now, I'd never let her go!
I’m warning you man, if you keep manhandling and disrespecting this totally tough lady like that, she’s going to pick YOU up and see how you like being helpless in her hands!
Giantess Yuuma isn't real!
Feed her explosives to see it!
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Famous last words little guy. Now what?
I hope she doesn't swallow me whole or step on me next haha...
I sure hope she doesn't decide to use me as a dildo for a bit...
Or maybe she will press my tiny body against her armpit...
The worst would be if she dropped me down between her sloshers and pressed them together...
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I'm disgusted beyond reason.
I am aroused beyond reason
I am neutral beyond reason.
I'm neutral but leaning towards disgust beyond reason.
I'm smitten beyond reason.
I am privileged to be with such gentlemen of exquisite taste in wanting to get bullied by a giant Yuumer.

I cannot believe Yuuma Touhou said this.
Canon giantess and vorehu sorry
Yuuma wouldn't eat you! She's too nice! Putting you in her mouth when she's big and playing with you with her tongue is not out of the realm of possibility though.
I was told that yuuma is evil
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gyate yuuma
so you're saying that she might accidentally swallow me when she's just teasing me instead?
smol goat
That's just what her detractors say. Probably Kiketsu and Keiga plants. Yuuma is actually very compassionate.
You'd have to be insane to put your dick in there.
You think you have a choice?
I love this silly hungry goat so much.
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Same. I don’t know if I want to headpat, rub her back or tummy, or give her foot rubs first. Cute evil.
goat erotic
Goat status?
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Very gay
Is she okay?
Looks like she's running low on headpats
Oh no, that’s no good. I’ll just have to give her more then!
Tbqh, I don't really understand what changed in her after she was beaten by Flan.
She was high on oil fumes and calmed down after.
Oil is ontologically evil in Gensokyo because it's steeped in sins. Hungry goat lady ate more and more of it and started being worse and worse because of it. Then Flan blew her ass and she got all the evil knocked out of her, basically factory rebooting the goat back to normal. Who, it turns out, is not really that bad a person.
Isn't Okina the one who initiates the 2hu 17.5 incidents? What's her real intention?
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>Oil is ontologically evil in Gensokyo because it's steeped in sins
- Yuuma's color scheme is red, white, and blue
- Yuuma's followers are eagles
- Yuuma is obsessed with oil from another land, laying claim to it for herself
- Yuuma is a goat, and goats are often associated with devils/the devil. A Great Satan, one might say

Why did ZUN make Yuuma and her clan America
evil goat
I want a hug from this gremlin.
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Eaglebros keeps winning
Otters did nothing wrong!
Wrong, they deserve it.
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huggability index
I can't read...
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I still want a hug from the taotie.
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Anon, don't let this innocent looking evil goat fool you. There are more hugable 2hus out there!
I want her to pet my head and tell me I'm a good goon.
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But Yumma is one of my favorites…

That is a wonderful alternative too. Although in most cases unless you’re a midget you would have to lean down for her to do that.
>Although in most cases unless you’re a midget you would have to lean down for her to do that.
I will squat down and treat her like a toddler!
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You will kneel to the new giga Yuuma fumo!
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Squatting down could work. But beware about patronizing her like that lest she need to correct you!

Wouldn’t that be a Deka Fumo? Surely no one is smaller than one anyway?
The flan fumo in the image is a deka for size comparison.
It's a pity that big Yuuma looks like a monster, if only she was still cute.
I think monster Yuuma is cute in her own way!
She looks evil, change my mind! Post the cutest big Yuuma you've got.
Oh. I didn’t anticipate that. Guess that makes her like one of those blowup Fumos.
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chamaruk makes some great Yuumas, but sadly they are mostly lost to Twitter.
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Sadly indeed. Have a frilly Yuuma for the effort.

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