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Moira's next.
remember when linchou made a stream to make fun of narukami, good times.
remember when he actually got away with it because nobody at the company knows how to win a slam dunk case
there's too little backlash from the jap twitter compared to the hype from the eop and holofaggots in this thread, it's so funny, probably they learned their lesson from the past
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My Warrior of Light Karubi
karubi tanking is a hilariously bad idea
https://x.com/fatetan_/status/1829973193475703161 K-fairy
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It took 5 years, but now the homeless samba Mao has a new home (nationality)
I really like this meme but I like it even more now.
xitter has been banned in brazil...
Miku's fat brazilian ass caused that
The correct term is "bunda"
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Ikuyoan's is still the best brazil miku.
Ikuyoan is an official Nijisanji artist, yes.
I feel tamako could've sounded so much better with a properly configured mic. Right now she's just a less-pleasant sounding choma.
it's a cover mixer, YAB productions to be specific
>YAB productions
Funny joke
That's even more censored than the photo he posted on twitter kek
Didn't know there was a niji thread on /jp/.
holofaggots was hyping for nothing huh
at least anycolor's lawyer team has a job to do now
someone livers often hire to do mixing for their covers, YAB, has been taking creepshots when livers visit his company's recording studios and sharing it in a line group, plus making lots of disgusting comments about livers.

he got found out because someone (not livers) recognized the sofa/couch in his studio.
So not even someone a part of Niji???
I tuned in at a moment that made it look like this creep was spiking Mugi's drink or something.
Surely that's not the case, right?
I was wondering why some livers stopped commissioning him for a long while now. This guy even has a little daughter at home, shows that you that anyone can be a creep.
it's a nothingburger, time to move on
holochud hype all for nothing
He works with a lot of livers but also some holos and even AKB.
Once the /vt/ tranny jannies found out it wasn't just Niji they deleted the entire thread.
he actually worked with hololive first. he was almost exclusively hololive-affiliated for a long tine.
but of course holobronies HAD to make it about nijisanji
krkr made it about Niji when he used them as the clickbait to get attention to it.
Which Holos? I saw some followed him but can't find him in any credits on Hololive songs so far
shhh... it can hear you
We've officially reached the point where there's just as many posts about that off-topic drama than the original posts that infuriated anon so much. 14 then and 14 now. Well, 15 with my post.
The covers he was involved in are being purged.
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I want paizuri from Hisupi
Save the covers you want. I bet they’re going to be privated now
Can they not just write his name out of the description or edit his name out of the video? I'm pretty sure Youtube's got tools for that now.
I hate that this guy was so prolific
How so?
Sasaki's meme song...
dramashit is off-topic
no one gives a fuck about your ecelebs
This thread is dedicated to the ecelebs involved?

songs and 3d debuts are getting deleted right now but this is off topic
Already happening
Does it matter that he's a bad person if he's a good mixer?
It matters if he is attempting to drug your talent and is sending around candid photos of them to people.
I’m mourning Q and Yankee Boy Yankee Girl
My condolences to Tomoefag.
Damn, Sukoya should take up mixing then.
I'll be honest with you, my eyes glaze over anything that comes from obvious tourists and I immediately assume it's fake because 99/100 times it is. Seeing that stuff's getting removed however changes that so I can't say it's off-topic anymore.
Dumb EOP
FUCK I liked those ones
Dumb EOPs are the reason why I refused to give it even a tenth of a second of serious thought. I'm glad you understand.
>Yankee Boy Yankee Girl
Alright, give him the electric chair. His crimes have gone too far.
there're some 3D debut streams too.
fuck this shitty jap autismo
I'm not too worried about 3D debut streams staying down since they're 3D debuts. I imagine the process here is panic, private everything, figure out what to do, realize the correct solution is wiping his name from the descriptions, unprivating. For the songs it's up for debate but not really much of one since they're not going to get re-recorded, leaving the only option to bring them back up with an edited description too.
that cover had an obnoxious cult following for no reason.
I will miss chururira chururira daddadda
so a nothing burger
so the one with 60 points in face and 100 points in body is lize right? from now on this is my head canon and you can't do anything to change my mind
I bet it's Himawari
Lize-sama is the prettiest.
Lize could be 0 body 0 face still would
Isn't it pussypussypussy? She's the one who got drugged and he only drugs the hot ones.
isn't she like stupid anorexic thin though
I don't know, I'm not a doxxnigger. The only face I know is the cakeknife picture and a vague recollection that Hajiki was actually kinda cute despite his ugly personality.
The picture he put on twitter was pretty thin
Actually that's a lie, thinking about it I can remember a few more faces but the point is I actively try to avoid that trash because I'm not some 3DPD obsessed weirdo.
even the other board knows it's mugi
mugi isn't 100 in body, she was drugged though
Yeah but the drugs thankfully didn't work I guess. Still horrifying to look back at.
I like these
It's 100% Lize. Those badoonkas definitely bump the body up to a 100 points. If you know you know.
The fact that "筆舌に尽くしがたい蛮行" somehow made it through the legalese filters makes it seem like they're pretty fucking pissed.
I like this
I was thinking that the whole thing sounds like an unprofessional professional response. Does that make sense? It's a lot less neutral-leaning than you'd expect which makes me incredibly happy.
Let‘s hope anycolor is willing to pay for all the necessary therapy
All the therapy in the world can't restore a punctured hymen unfortunately.
Whose hymen are you talking about? Because it certainly wasn't Mugi's.
Kanae. He visited the studio twice.
Ah, the pain of a regrowing hymen... I'm so sorry for him.
> It matters if he is attempting to drug your talent
Has there even been an official statement confirming any of this is true? From the company? Gleaning information off /vt/ is impossible because the rabid schizophrenics there have janitor backing so any vaguely useful post gets deleted and 3-day’d.
Why the fuck would you ever even attempt to glean any kind of information off /vt/ when the source is in japanese?
Actually? Scratch that. Why would you ever try to get any information from that shithole at all?
but what the crime can they charge him? yeah, that's some big words for a japanese company
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100 points body
>but what the crime can they charge him?
I'm not a Japanese lawyer, but in most places drugging people without their knowledge is a crime.
Golly gee wiz anon, I sure do wonder what crime the guy who admitting to using black market drugs and sharing creep shots could be charged with. It's a real mind-boggler.
I don't even see how a suit can be possible, the guy probably also fucked around with idolfag groups. He's not going to live long enough to see a lawsuit let alone a courtroom.
for once idolfags can do something good with their lives
>the guy who admitting to using black market drugs
>I'm not a Japanese lawyer, but in most places drugging people without their knowledge is a crime.
i don't think they have strong evidences for this case
>sharing creep shots could be charged with
sure, but it's civil lawsuit, not much punishment for him
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Gee, I wonder who will be joining.
Karubi and Tororo
good bye anon, I watched you for a week.
Another anon dead
I hope she was able to grope ojou like she wanted.
so sad
I didn't know they were allowed to leave before the 2 years mark.
not surprising
it was obvious she was out
though kinda fucked up that she still said that she would totally be back
I don't understand what her problems were. She just stopped broadcasting and never came back. What grievances did she have?
She wasn't popular and after the reputation of the company in the west was destroyed she now can never become popular. Just some conjecture.
nice, another enshit bites the dust
keep up the good work riku
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maybe she should try being entertaining.
Plus her roommate still has more followers than her Niji account.
no one tell the tourist.
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Sorry I got caught
there was also health issues involved but you've got the right idea of it. i'm just glad anon's finally out.
a good enshitter is a dead enshitter, i am glad you enshitter can fuck off from /jp/
Are the holokiddies actually that clearly mind-numbingly upset that nijisanji didn't actually do anything wrong and in fact did quite possibly everything they could have done right with this scenario, or was there some other massive event that happened recently that caused a fire under his ass?
I'd ask if its related to NASS but EOP's don't even know who that refers to.
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>me talking about the reason why Holonigs is in crusade against Niji since the split mean I'm the holobronies.
Can you explain the reason behind your logic?
Next you will say,
>who are you quoting?
who quote?
Why did Aki-kun reincarnate as exactly the same character? What are the expectations here?
Unironically yes. It's kind of humorous seeing people bend over backwards to find a way to keep pushing the Niji bad angle honestly.
never did anything singing related for years besides the unit with chiichan, but now he is a vsinger.
who the fuck cares what eops think
I don't think I have ever seen an Aki's fan on /jp/ for years until last month
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Was sushi even good at singing
She's back? Slower than I expected.
That's sad but also kind of hilarious that /vt/tards think Mugi's more important and/or attractive than any given AKB member.
nutaku are all fake. They don't know anything about any of the established fandoms. They just see what people on the jay talk about and try to regurgitate it to fit in with their group of friends that have been trying to learn Katakana for the past 5 years.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make but if you ask me the less people know about idoltrash the better. The only reason I even brought them up is because they're probably his most high-profile contractor.
a vast majority of the "new otaku" are all posers that don't know anything.
I got that on a third or fourth re-read, my apologies. It's midnight for my NEET internal clock.
I don't know why, but this made me laugh.
No fat necks allowed
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What about fat cheeks?
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I like this.
Sophie surprisingly is getting many promotional art, maybe her gachokoi's pocket is really deep
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They pulled out All Might for her 3D so she definitely gets treated well.
Is getting a VA cameo supposed to be proof of someone getting better treatment than others?
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Which girl got fucked by the dox guy
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60 face, 100 body
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wow, now that's a face i didn't see in years.
Berry's live singing is great, anycolor really hits it with many good singer hire lately
oh yeah i forgot some new members debuted
Don't worry, we all did.
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the kanae one was funnier
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I like this trend
I've only seen ones with ladies.
Never mind, this just popped up on my TL.
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youtube making weird changes again
I'm sorry, but you're going to have to explain to me what the changes are. Is it the length of the titles being shown?
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the channel icons i guess. they now show if the channel is currently live even if the video in question is not.
welcome to last year
Damn, this really is the shitpost thread. Nobody said a single thing about the NELL stream or Chaika's erotic moans.
oh, I've think that I've had this for years on my end.
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This one made me laugh
choma cute.
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you still got a bit over 2 weeks left anon, it's not today
you can spam it all you want but your unfunny eop meme will never get accept by /jp/
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this one might be my favourite
me on the right
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We've been saying that about the ritualposter for years. I don't think he's going to quit.
I'm fairly certain he just does it now to bump the thread when he wakes up.
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i hate streamers
hope you washed your hand
titan ex isn't THAT hard
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txcyjO7Wjs8 debiru
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imagine the threesome
Leos doesn't have that much stamina
another delay?
Go to the discussion thread.
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I'm in it
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what's in the bag
I want to make a webm of that entry
I didn't know that smoking made you bad at throwing.
She's the third cutest person in this set.
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She has a 3d? Huh, I figured her branch got the KR treatment already.
yeah, i am ready for the music festival's new
That's tomorrow. Today is 3SKM outfits.
I like this
I see anons have used to posting ayakaki lewds
Mone being forced to naked dogeza after evolving her Magikarp
why isn't kaisei a vampire when he has red eyes and fangs.
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shame they had to drag an ENshit into this but at least he's as quiet as a potted plant.
His autism is distracting
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Personally it's the hair, it looks like someone drew it on a whiteboard with a marker. He speaks Japanese though so he's OK.
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That looks AI
It's a good thing to know that literally nothing happened today. Not a single thing for Nijisanji. Thanks /jp/, you're always here to keep us up to date!
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Inui got new outfit
Fuwa reached one million subs
I liked this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjj--2DGol0
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it's monday, there is usually nothing.
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