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The fox has something to show you.
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she has my attention
Why does she have a paizuri opening in her clothes?
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I have something to show the fox!
I love this image!!
This image is cruel! I hate it!!
This image is reprehensible and offensive. I hope I don't have to see this picture again in this thread.
Those tits ain't real
For you
I have something to show the french!
Last thread had it posted three times, so you shouldn't keep your hopes up.
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What's with all the hearts she making while crying? Is she a cuck?
can i borrow this fox a for a second?
it's actually just the hearts from the person fucking her and screaming Ran's name. There's just so many that they're still floating around near Tsukasa's head too.
A key point of the Onahole Fox Experience™ is the crying and sobbing during the act, so if she starts enjoying it (Willingly, that is. If she orgasms against her will, that is part of the experience), please let a staff member know.
>they're still floating around near Tsukasa's head
Wouldn't that mindbroke her, sooner or later? What if she develops complex in which Tsukasa must self-identify as Ran to take pleasure from sex?
This is the most erotic character ZUN has ever created
What if it already happened Anon and she's just masking it
What domination lines would the Spy have for your favorite 2hus?
The paizuri onahole toob fox
No, those are too big.
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what're you looking at pervert?
I'll tell you whats too big and too many https://files.catbox.moe/oxbsc4.png
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I don't know
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The fox has reached a new low.
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I want to lick her unwashed body.
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I don't need to stand here and take this abuse, I'm leaving!
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The konniving fox is up to no good again.
Tsukasa is looking mighty sexable all of a sudden
Invitado permanente de tu casa. La Zorra!
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She do be walking!
The cute feet and socks fox!
>The best part about killing you is knowing I get to do it again.
>I got a new song for you to sing: Your funeral dirge.
>Try using those knives properly next time, girly.
>Purple and blond makes it easier to identify the body, a shame nobody will be missing you.
She stole Sakuyas pads again.
saucenao is failing me, do you happen to have the source for this?
My favorite way to tease the fox is that I pretend to be an easy mark, but pull out at the last second.
>Sure I'll take out a loan with you! Ah, hold on, I gotta sign with my lucky pen! I just can't sign a contract with any normal pen you know? Actually, you know what? I wasn't able to find my pen immediately, I probably shouldn't go through with this.
It's great because it frustrates her, but I still seem like a superstitious rube that might be a big mark later.
Really it's just because I enjoy her company.
Instant losshu
okay anon, that's it. you got to leave.
The Alice mask stays on during sex.
google lens did the trick
>google lens did the trick
Wow that's rare.
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I like this fox. I think I will keep it.

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what a wonderful post
and a ching chong nip nong to you two too
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To be honest everyone in th18 is surprisingly sexual
I never noticed that you can follow the outline of her thigh all the way to her hips/butt outline. Is this edited?
This image has done irreversible damage to the fox's reputation on /jp/.
Nope, you can follow Reimu's outline all the way up too
A lot of character's outlines actually, their poses just make their legs press against the fabric so it shows
ZUN's wife no doubt has corrupted his mind...
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>it's real
The shading is very suggestive.
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Man, ZUN's eyes are god damn weird.
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Damn this is even more blatant
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through dick, unity
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reminder that you can put your hands on the fox however you please with no repercussions.
I recognize Mystia and Sakuya, but not the other two.
first one is probably a hourai immortal (mokou most likely) and the last one seems to be yukari
>nobody will be missing you
definitely Yukari
The picture itself becomes hotter than either fox.
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how do i detect if a kudagitsune is after me and my belongings?
They have a case of the ol' atchaforya.
The smell of fox piss on your stuff is a dead ringer.
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She also has a strong stench of wet dog if it has rained.
FutureAnon here. In the year of 2069,this image will be the 3rd most posted image on /jp/ after reimu sit and sakuya smug.
The smell of wet dog is mostly because they don't bathe as often as humans, are you implying Tsukasa washes herself infrequently?

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