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What is it about Taters that makes her the best Tengu?
the taters, the legs, her cool fashion, the gloomy introverted personality and her pure heart.
She's not even a lieutenant.
You're gay.
Her horrendously thick, sweaty carpet that she never shaves and barely washes!
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She looks beautiful when taking the large and throbbing penises of men who aren't me!
there are precisely three kinds of taterfans
missing texture paizuri
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A girl that goes for twintails is guaranteed to take care of herself. Plus she's a bird, they preen themselves constantly.
Hatate wouldn't stop shaving even when pregnant.
Hatate has feathers instead of hair.
There is no fathomable way to have feathers there. It's like you've never even held a feather, or even know what they are for, anon.
Think of any possible reasons to have feathers near genitals. Think of a way to have them physically connected to the pubic area.
It's pure retardation. Might as well talk about having feathers instead of eyelashes.
It was a joke but okay autist
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Please become smarter before you post about anything again
Imagine making tengu squawk all night long
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Love me Taters
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she is the most open minded of the tengus, Aya had to alter and deface one of her articles, which was about outsider tech and customs that could improve gensokyo, so it could conform with the tengus fearmongering and isolationist mentality.
Because she's so open minded she's easy to date! You could just ask her out, and she'd... instantly freeze up in a blind panic because nobody called her cute before or said he wanted to date her, but she wouldn't reject you for being a human!
you better also bribe her with tech and fashion magazine from the outside world if all fails
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you put general in the subject and tripped my filters!
post tater tummy to make up for it!
Nah, she'd gently reject you and inform you that she's only interested in ladies.
How unfortunate, it seems like the direct method of responding to her dating ad in the paper fried her brain and made her try to back out of commitment out of panic!
I'm sure she'll come to her senses tomorrow.
There goes Aya, slandering Hatate once again, just for being of a higher caste.
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If you play your cards carefully she'll be yours once your rape and impregnate her. It would only take a single human sperm cell to impregnate even the oldest and most unhealthy tengu. Hybridization of youkai female and human males are terrifying!
Disregard that I suck cocks.
Why is Aya so jealous bros?
She puts hours of effort every day looking pretty and wearing the cutest clothes just to go out in public and get ignored as just another tengu or newsboy. Then she goes home to see people on the kappanet fawn over Megumu for being a dommy mommy, Momiji for being a dog, and Hatate for being a "literally me" doomercore girl. So she seethes.
She's so open minded she dates girls!
It's one thing for Aya to slander outsiders, but slandering other tengu crosses the line!
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>slandering other tengu
That's what she does the most. She only keeps her attacks on higher class tengu a bit subdued (the poor girl still thinks she's in line for a promotion after a thousand years), but she viciously attacks anyone who is her equal or somewhat below her (something difficult to find since the higher echelons value even invalid wolf tengu above her)
Unlike Aya, Hatate only makes fair criticism of tengu society's problems and of the despotic actions of the daitengu.
aya just wants to topple the pillar, so she can put herself on the top. if she were as serious as hatate, she could achieve so much more! and maybe, find the place where she belongs all along!
No wonder she's best tengu!
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Rotate flatate Hatate
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Aya could never
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No one can compete with a natural beauty.
Thought the Hatate cuck killed himself
No his wife's boyfriend revoked his internet privileges for a few weeks.
I thought that was also Aya.
Yes it's Aya. Aya's husband's girlfriend (hatate) revoked her internet privileges for a few weeks.
Aya is so shameless. She really thinks no one will notice that she's trying to spread fake news about other tengu again.
She's probably giggling in front of the computer she borrowed from the kappa for fifty years of her gains from the sale of that toilet paper she calls a newspaper. She spent all day thinking of the post, even went as far as to ask other nasty youkai for advice. She even gave the post over to AI (Ran) in order to try to rewrite it to erase her writing style. Yet you can still see the frustration from a mile away. It's really sad that she can't escape her nature.
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what a deplorable woman
Aya-chan, how I call myself an intellectual if I don't check multiple sou-
I know! I know you have the Most Trustworthy Tengu Printed Colorless Village Daily Newspaper! But I should, for the sake of my conscience, always hear other narratives to see if I'm not misuderstading...
Ah, come on! There's no need to resort to crying! No matter what, I'll always read you paper first, because you're a very good Friend! I will always value your sincere, platonic friendship!
Hataters is the most beautiful 2hu in the land, air or sea.
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An undeniable truth
I love her so fucking much bros.
Aya thread.
Aya wishes she was as beautiful and well loved as Taters.
She's not gloomy or introverted at all.
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I prefer Tiny Taters but Tiddy Taters is also great
when she eats too many sweets.
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I really don't think Taters would be the kind of girl that is too big.
That is more befitting of loud or older types. Hatate is young and relatively modest; her real charm point is the twintails.
And her almighty stink.
Get help.
Hatate by any other booba size would smell as sweet
wait a minute, I have a complaint! if tengu are born from eggs, they can't have bellybuttons! is this just tengu propaganda?
they developed it as a tool of seduction. this kind of stuff is common with birds.
you as a man have nipples, but you can't use them to feed babies despite that being their purpose. See the line?
I want Taters pussy.
I think this gentlemen is alright, and does not resort to venn diagram fallacies. I, and every self respecting /jp/sie, should trust tengu more.
Anon. Look this up. Right now.
No, don't respond, just look this up and try to remember this situation every time you post from now on.
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I want to work with Hatate. I will apply for a job as a columnist in her newspaper! I will write about tengu society from the human point of view. Surely she will consider it a valuable addition to her newspaper!
>she'll relegate you to writing the weird quizzes in the fifth page of every issue, with the likes of "what toe are you? Are you a cool thumb, a rad middle finger or a loser pinky? Find out with these quick 15 questions!" for your entire employment
working with her is a nightmare...
You mean you don't want to get paid a full day's wage to do 2 hours of half-assed work and then try to seduce a cute NEET 10gu boss who's actually being all tsun when she tries to make you work harder?
Kids these days man...
rad toe
loser pinky
my goodness this taters is so cute!
What does that gesture mean?
stop sulking and give me a smile. no, she's not in love with you just because she feels sorry about you being sad. that's not how it works.
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Tater's homemade sweets!
What do you think?
how do we know they're homemade by himetate?
Most likely laced.
She snuck her blood into them to ensorcell you into staying with her forever...
Taters is sweet enough by herself
Nah it just the /u/ falseflagger. Same typing profile. Same low quality bait in every post they make.
Say wha
She's "introverted" (largely indoors) but not gloomy
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she isn't a fan of lies
If she says they're homemade, they're homemade.
very true!
"false"flagger? I think he's genuinely a gigantic faggot just like most(not all) other yurifags and that's just his true self.
Taters needs to sit her bird ass on my taste buds.
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the flaming rivalry with aya is definitely something to marvel at...
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Lovely lovely Taters
How can this purple tengu be so lovely
Post more Aya x Hatate yuri
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truly, the fiercest of rivalries. one must imagine the sheer tension between the two when their eyes meet.
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Some nice ZUNart of her
This month has been pretty good for Hatate fanart. Maybe artists have finally rediscovered the fact that she's the cuter tengu?
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It's really pathetic of the fake news bird to try to clear her image by associating with the better tengu, isn't it?
But Hatate is pretty nice. I bet if Aya asked her she'd still pardon her even after everything she did.
They're on equal enough ground (and with Momiji) to have an amicable talk during AfiEU (though the fact that Hatate's a NEET is also thrown in there by the other two) so my headcanon is that they (all three tengus) sometimes go out for drinks together to relax and what happens after that is up to them
What does it imply when Hatate does not have a theme song of her own but shares Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain with Aya (who has 2 other songs)?
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it implies that Hatate should off herself and the world would be a better place.
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Yeah, that's pretty much what happens. But remember that in that very same AFiEU that Aya asked Hatate to contribute to Aya was distorting and making fake news out of an article from the Kakashi Spirit News. The most Hatate has bullied Aya in her newspaper was capturing the scene of her being beaten by Reimu in CDS, with a witty headline but nothing more much. Aya has slandered Hatate and lied about her newspaper, which I think speaks a lot about her character.
>Aya has slandered Hatate and lied about her newspaper
She was under Sagume's influence; she made corrections in the very same issue; finally she had never published it in the end.
>which I think speaks a lot about her character
If by that you mean being able to self-reflect and valuing integrity, then yes, I agree.
Project Moon Hijack!? I cannot believe this.
>She was under Sagume's influence;
Sure. But she wasn't when she insulted Hatate's newspaper again in CDS. And the weaving of fake news is something that she repeated again when dealing with the buddhists in Lotus Eaters.
>If by that you mean being able to self-reflect and valuing integrity, then yes, I agree.
Reflect? She still thought she had done a good job. I will admit that she withdrew most of the criticism towards the Kakashi Spirit News, but valuing integrity is the last thing she does. She might be able to reflect, but then only after a powerful figure intervened. I've yet to see Aya siding with people of her rank.
I don't hate Aya, but I wouldn't want to touch her newspaper either.
>She still thought she had done a good job.
Yes, the apologies at the end of bunbunharu might seem insincere, but she is obviously trying to save her face, padding the text. When she finally writes in casual tone in PS (page 140), you can see that she knows she did wrong and is looking to Akyuu for some kind words.
>only after a powerful figure intervened
You are overestimating the extent of interview with Hecatia, I think. She only alluded about existance of Sagume, then went on with insinuation that Aya might be already lunarian pawn. If it wasn't for some personal drive in Aya, she would simply ignore Hecatia.
>I've yet to see Aya siding with people of her rank.
What about sticking her neck out for Ran against Yukari? It was only out of Aya's moral convictions, she had nothing to be gained out of arguing with gaphag.
>I wouldn't want to touch her newspaper either
BAiJR is much better representation of Aya's style then AFiEU. I will give you that Aya is not good with politics, but as a low-to-ground reporter or investigative one she does well.
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>sticking her neck out for Ran against Yukari?
Good one, I had forgotten it. I feel as if Aya has been getting less likable over time, if I remember correctly she was also against the consumption of birds in BAiJR.
I will give you that she's a good on the ground reporter, but that's just because she loves rumours and gossip. I can't see her as a good investigative reporter because of the wrong conclusions she makes, though.
The thing that bothers me the most is how little she cares about other tengu outside of the power dynamics. When she's interacting with tengu society, she's both prone to insulting and deriding others that are at her level in the hierarchy and badmouthing the superiors in private while she sucks up to them in public life. This might even be shown by the fact that she prefers to cover general Gensokyan facts unlike the other newspapers that mostly cover tengu affairs. Hatate is a better tengu than her; Aya might do better as an independent youkai, working outside of tengu society. She's way more likable when interacting with Gensokyo as a whole.
>I can't see her as a good investigative reporter because of the wrong conclusions she makes, though.
She is quick to jump to conclusions, but that's the byproduct of her being generally quick-thinking. She is able to adapt on the fly, when she sees that it is needed. Just for instance in MoF Aya was dispatched to deal with Reimu/Marisa, but then decides on spot to do a mock fight, because she correctly assumes that incident solver will deal with Kanako.
The thing is she needs time, so she can find out that her first guess was incorrect. I don't know how often Bunbunmaru is printed, I think it is supposed to be irregular, but AFiEU was intented as weekly; there was no way she could do it good in the long run, even outside any meddlings. More cautious and thoughtful approach to reporting like Hatate has would work better there.
>Hatate is a better tengu than her; Aya might do better as an independent youkai, working outside of tengu society.
Hatate is a well intentioned liberal (for tengu society, that is). Aya probably has similiar values, but she prefers personal freedom over rocking the ship, hoping for a big change. When inside tengu society, she goes through conformist motions to not get tangled up, despite being fed up and therefore less then pleasant when not needed. However, by not stirring the pot like Hatate does, she has more time left to her own devices, which is exactly what Aya wants.
Hatate needs to be fucked real good.
Cool, can I watch?
Aya will make sure that you do, and she'll leave you pics
Why is Aya so jealous of our girl?
Aya is not jealous, she's just better in any conceivable way than Hatate.
Please don't bully the taters. How will she ever leave her room and rejoin (tengu)society if she thinks everyone hates her?
by way of occasional meetups with fellow tengus and lamenting about their back-breaking work together (caw-mmunication is my favourite fanfic how could you tell)
she looks mad cute here
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As expected of the mad cute tengu!
Twintails and purple color scheme, it's hard to go wrong.
Anon can't understand that, that's the dream
I want to fuck her
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The Taters
cute tate
Hatate wedding dress paizuri.
Hatate's lesbian wedding
Hatate lesbian wedding with me (I am a girl btw)

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