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Canonically the best smelling 2hu. ZUN agreed, don't bother him.
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Canonically the 'hu who will not take the fourth thread in a month sinking before bump lightly
Choose. Wisely.
Canonically a yuri rapist. Just ask Alice or anyone from Makai!
Lies, she's just a nice smelling flower autist
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Everything is fair game when it's being done for the sake of a little trolling.
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>smells nice
>great fashion sense
>extremely fertile
>the rest of gensokyo will leave you alone if you manage to befriend her
She's just perfect
Will put things in your ass though.
Her ramming a boot up your ass isn't really to do with sex, anon.
Maybe you should reflect on your actions that may have led to this eventuality.
It's fine if it's done to Alice
Alright, let's unpack this. I didn't want to make a post about this, but the amount of misinformation about this subject has really forced my hand. First of all, we need to understand that the source of this "information" is from a drunken stream ZUN had. He was joking and, as much as I admire the man, he made many comments that no sober person ever would. During the stream, Beat Mario even told ZUN that he was going to far, and that he shouldn't make such jokes about characters that people love. The fact of the matter is that ZUN made many slanderous comments towards many Touhou characters that people belove. He meant them as a joke however. While they are indeed hurtful to the many fans of these iconic Touhou characters, they were always meant to be jokes and never anything serious. And really, use your critical thinking skills. Would a youkai like Yakumo Yukari really smell bad? She's one of the sages of Gensokyo, her brain power is unmatched. She can scheme and enact any plan she so desires. Yes, she may sleep a lot, but it's not like you get very smelly or sweaty in your sleep. Do you imagine Sleeping Beauty, a princess, to smell bad too? Because that's what Yukari basically is, a sleeping princess, elegant in her rest. Someone like her, in charge of Gensokyo, wouldn't smell bad, plain and simple.

I get that for someone like Yuuka, who hasn't been relevant to this series in nearly two decades and was only notable in her first Windows outing because Eiki told her that her mortal sin was being old, any drop of canon information is welcome, like a dying man in the desert welcomes a drop of liquid from a cactus. However, this doesn't entitle you to spread misinformation about other characters in a vain attempt to lift yourself up.

Do better, be better. I I expect this unsanctioned buffoonery to stop and to stop now.
the gap heg is too vain to smell bad anyhow
She steals the highest quality perfume, soaps and haircare products for herself
I'm sorry that I can't stop Yukari from forcing you to write these posts, Ran.
There is not even a single other 2hu who would canonically use fertilizer for their garden like Yuuka does, therefore Yuuka smells like manure.
Your waifu a shit. Shit!
Too late it's already submerged too deep in the collective Fanon by now.
Alright you had your fun Yukari
Why are gapfags like this?
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This is either bait you put too much effort into, or you're literally tweaking right now to write that wall of text over a literally nothing quote so
>he made many comments that no sober person ever would
is rendered hypocritical
I don't think it's bait so much as he's doing a lighthearted roleplay.
Maybe if you didnt try to destroy her garden in the first place (you didnt even manage to hurt a single one before getting your ass blasted out of existence)
Meant for
Ran-sama spent 2 hours composing this post...
SeXXX FoXXX paws typed that post.
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Canonically the best smelling 2hu, but what does that even matter when she's an antisocial psychopath no-one wants to know or be anywhere knowingly close to.
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>antisocial psychopath no-one wants to know or be anywhere knowingly close to.
You list her best qualities like it's a bad thing.
I would not have her any other way myself, youkai moe is the opiate of the enlightened.
She has a hairy green snatch.
Anti Alice and Anti Yuuka Propaganda, Yuri Fag go home.
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I'm sure she smells nice and all, but I just prefer the smell of rain.
Yuukarin has everything I want in a woman, grace, beauty, classiness, refinement, the ability to nuke a city block
And a humongous girl sausage.
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Good morning
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>objects that yuuka shoved up my arse
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You reminded me of the rendition stuck in my head, now it's in yours.
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What pesticides does Yuuka put on her flowers, if any?
Artificial pesticides are a sin against nature, she would never. Plus her presence is enough of a deterrent against potential pests.
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Yuuka welcomes insects
She welcomes bees, and bees only. Everything else can go to hell for being icky.
Given that Yuuka has gone to hell and back again for fun, this should not be taken as an empty threat.
I don't think you understand how insect pollination works.
Fortunately Yuuka does, so she's likely to let all sorts of critters in her gardens.
Do you think different parts of Yuuka's body smell like different flowers?
most of it smells nice but then you get to her gash and it smells like Rafflesia wwwwwwww
No part of her body smells bad. This has been confirmed by ZUN.
Now go fuck off elsewhere.
Technically he didn't even say that much - just that she has the nicest smell of the cast.
It could be that she smells like the rotting meat flower and everyone else just smells worse somehow
Please understand, the average /jp/ - Otaku Culture poster is a fairy in every conceivable respect, save for regeneration. You can't expect them to practice restraint or act in moderation.
I want to cuddle Yuuka
ambivalent to fairies
Some carrion flowers don't even smell that bad, I have a Stapelia gigantea and you need to sniff the flower directly to notice the smell. But even if different parts of her smelled like different flowers, there are many more flowers with pleasant scents so she'd still smell pretty nice.
sleepy yuuka for a sleepy thread
Zyclon B
Inhaling every square inch of Yuukarin's body for science!
Reimu smells better.
Fruits don't have that much of a strong good smell compared to flowers. She definitely smells sweet but it's not as fragrant as Yuuka's
Why did all the recent Yuuka threads die so quickly? Have all Yuuka fans finally passed away from old age?
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Too sleepy. Low energy. Sad!
All too busy trying to get with Yuuka in real life that's why
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Really, really pretty Yuukarin.
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Figures that Yuuka ate most of the anons that approached her, that's why the thread is so slow now.
Won't stop me, in fact it just makes me love her even more. To even approach the U.S.C. is to wager your whole life's worth up to her, and be judged accordingly, and that is a price I will pay.
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>judged by yuuka for trampling a flower once as a kid
>judged by shiki for being stupid enough to be judged by yuuka
Ah, so everyone really is dead, after all.
Sorry, I've been busy recently but my love for Yuuka will never die
The wife hu
She's marrying Wriggle
I am Wriggle
I'm not called wriggle though?
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Imagine the timeline where ZUN decided to use Mima in TH9 instead. I don't want to think about it
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No need to imagine it, I experienced a fraction of the despair Mimafags feel every day when Yuuka didn't return for Th19. It must be a truly a cursed existence.
Yukari smells bad, and you can't prove otherwise.
Does this meant that when she braaps profusely it smells like pollen?
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I am feeling sad right now but looking at Yuuka makes me feel happy
Yuuka is a proper lady, she neither farts, nor poops.
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Potted plantka is too cute
>Canonically the best smelling 2hu. ZUN agreed, don't bother him.
There are times in your life where you have to witness things on your own and this is one of them. I have to smell each and every 2hu's scent to verify that statement or not. I'm sorry, but this has to be done.
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God I love the kind of woman who will actually just kill me
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Yuuka's legs don't get discussed as much as they should
No one has come up with a definitive answer as to whether tights, thighhighs or normal socks are better on her that satisfies me
Real ones will answer trousers without hesitation however
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My answer is thighhighs for two very simple reasons: garterbelt potential, and the gap of exposed skin.
The gap carries the same level of eroticism as her panties but it MUST be hidden by her skirt normally. When the breeze blows just right and kicks her skirt up you catch a glimpse of silky pale skin contrasted by the black of her stockings.
Frills are up to individual taste.
Thank you for your service Cirno-chan, I'll give you lots of candies when you revive.
I started with PC-98, so Yuuka with pants and long hair will always be her definitive look to me. Not that I mind her with a pantyhose and skirt.
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Pants are for serious gardening business, the tights/thigh-highs are for maximum intimidation and pure grace.
Either way she's gorgeous, I'm absolutely willing to risk a trek to the Garden to witness such horrifying beauty face-to-face even if I end up like every other fool before me. She'd see me coming from a mile away but maybe I could just sit by a tree somewhere and quietly observe...
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Pants, long hair, green eyes, wings is the best look
Yuuka probably only wears pants when she's serious, in TH9 she was just fucking around
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I have over 4k of Yuuka images saved, this thread won't die on my watch
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your bump made the thread go from page 10 to page 2 so keep it up
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I think Yuuka is nice inside. She's just a schizoid and poses as a threat to be left alone.
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Youkai Moe is a double edged sword, on the one hand Youkai Moe, on the other autism.
i played yuuka in ms. i like how she speaks to others. i wish she could speak like that to me too (yet have a hidden soft spot for a fellow flower admirer).
This one gets it
Red eye skirt Yuuka but with long hair
That is the best flower
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For me, it's skirt+tights because it's probably the best combination for boots.
Honestly, any outfit works if she's wearing boots, all the better to step on other people's corpses with.
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Fertilizer can be many things besides manure, anon. How generous of you to volunteer yourself! The flowers will surely grow lush with your remains.

Speak for yourself.
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So what that anon is saying is that even her feet smells like lovely wine & roses?
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No. They smell like fresh grass and lavender, with a bit of lilac. Very prettily.
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Yuuka values strength and I'm not strong enough for Yuuka, which makes me sad. Anybody else that feels like this?
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You sound like that guy from the /fit/ banner before he became worthy of the banner. You and me both.
The love I have for her is my strength
If I trained every day for a million years I would not be enough for Yuuka
To climb the highest mountain, cross the longest desert, brave the coldest tundra, nothing of it could measure to one-one millionth of of one percent of my love.
Therefore I can only wager what I have that has real value, my wholehearted, unquestioning blind devotion, for all it's worth.
Or maybe the real strength was the friends we made along the way, who knows!
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If Yuuka uses a gun, she's going easy on you.
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She really loves the widest shotgun patterns possible.
Murder is a fun sport after all!
Yuuka uses a 6 gauge to flex her superhuman strength
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>Canonically a yuri rapist. Just ask Alice or anyone from Makai!
Excuse me? The only person Yuuka rapes is me.
She just raped Wriggle...
In the nonliteral sense, where she just beats her up real good.
Yuuka is NOT a dyke!
I can confirm the exact opposite
Yuuka has many friends!
Even if some of them deny this, or start getting really red and out of breath when they start gushing over how much they love Yuukarin's visits!
Making friends by force DOES work!
Look at the date!
This is called rape
Rape is bad
But who's gonna stop Yuuka?
I offer up my body to be raped for Yuuka's sins
It is the right thing to do, so no one try and stop me.
Well then that's not rape. And you're not a cute flustered girl.
You don't give Yuuka enough credit.
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Yuuka can rape me all she wants if this is the outcome
How come Yuuka can easily make friends with everyone, but when I try to make friends with her she leaves me with a black eye?
Are you saying she'll turn you into a girl and then rape you?!
That's because you're a stinky man.
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You don't need an Army Rifle to defend your garden from fairies. If there are any troublemakers bothering your sunflowers, just rack your shotgun and the noise should scare them off. If they don't leave, just fire two danmaku into the air and they'll start running really fast.
Happy Fall!
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Yuuka would endorse my emotional support KPV and you all know it.
This thread will not die, I will not fail Yuukarin
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Do you want Yuuka to be your mother or the mother of your children?
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Yuuka is my goddess, and also the mother of our many, many children.
11/10 wife and mother material
I will make Yuuka bloom and nobody can stop me
I want a cute, sexy wife who can incinerate a city block
>loli spotted
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Post Yuuka x Wriggle yuri
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I'd rather she attack me with her bare hands so I can get a nice long look at her face as my consciousness fades and I succumb to my injuries
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baby bump
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Are we posting cute manga covers now?
I want to pinch this Yuuka's cheeks, she's just so cute.
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Stylish Yuukarin
Wriggle's baby
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Bare hands? You don't even love her enough to buy her jewellery?
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Yuuka cute!
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This manga looks great, wish I could go to Reitaisai to buy it. Wonder if it'll get uploaded somewhere.
Maybe melonbooks would carry it? I'm a huge fan of the artist so I would try to find a way to support them
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They're going to have to glue you back together
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I like this image.
Yuuka and her harem!
the doctor is looking a lot different today
She's only smelly in the places that matter. With the good kind of smell, naturally.
Doc is making me take essential oils as medicine…
I'm sure her feet smell divine
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Always been on team tights for Yuuka
Red/Green/Black/White is a very pleasing color combo
Black! Yuuka wears black underwear!
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What a floozy!
Yuuka and one of her many blonde daughters
It's a little known fact that Eiki actually only knows/cares about Yuuka because of her insistence on getting all chummy with any small blonde girl that might happen upon her.
The investigation was inconclusive, pending further information.
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Pants Yuuka best Yuuka
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I wish I could spend a few centuries just chilling and enjoying the flowers
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I wish I could enjoy my flowers, they all grow funny or die for no apparent reason.
Stop using tap water for your plants.
Tap water? I use Gatorade...
Plants don't need electrolytes anon. Trust me, I have a good source.
But electrolytes are what plants crave.
Girls that beautiful do not expose themselves like that. It's usually working class women who are too ugly and too jaded to care (source, a book i was reading, apparently women working at the gold mines near Johannesburg strip down to the waist to counter the heat)
>>47933899 >>47933969
What kind of items would Crazy Yuuka be selling out of the back of her garden shop you think?
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>I get that for someone like Yuuka, who hasn't been relevant to this series in nearly two decades and was only notable in her first Windows outing because Eiki told her that her mortal sin was being old, any drop of canon information is welcome, like a dying man in the desert welcomes a drop of liquid from a cactus
I'll take Yuuka not appearing at all over the way Yukari has been treated since SSiB
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Sunflower seeds!
Cabbage seeds!
Pumpkin seeds!
Rotor seeds!
Carrot seeds!
A PKM in pristine condition!
600 rounds of 7.62x54R in 3 belts of 200!
A fully armed T-82!
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If Yuuka is Crazy Dave, then would Seiga be Zomboss?
What the other anon said, plus a Komatsu D355A reinforced with concrete walls and a few guns. (You need to pay for the diesel though.)
Some nitrogen fertilizer, too.
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I prefer pettan yuuka
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Canon Yuuka is small!
She's perfect, she even has breast envy.
oh my god...
>>47941681 >>47942643
>A fully armed T-82!
>plus a Komatsu D355A reinforced with concrete walls and a few guns.
Currently losing it at the thought of this, good shit.
The heavy-duty vehicles are only available after you've unlocked the Greenhouse though!
Yes, absolutely. 100%
The final unlock:
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Why would Yuuka envy anything from lesser beings?
I don't know anon, you tell me
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Who are you calling a lesser being???
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Big talk for a girl within bullying range!
Bullying range being around 4-500 yards under decent conditions. More if overwhelming bullying is required.
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Here's a picture of my wife Yuuka taking care of our 12 kids, say something nice about her.
She seems like a fine & upstanding woman anon, but I don’t think two of those other girls can be considered “children”…
Excuse me but two of those kids look like grown ass women.
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I don't know what to tell you, they came out of her and grew up.
Why do you think their names are all so similar?
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Yuuka will not tolerate her thread sliding down to page 10
I am going to guess that my plans of sliding into her bed are ill advised...
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I'm sorry I fell asleep before I could bump the thread, please don't eat me!
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Youkai Moe!
Imagine if Elly and Kurumi were still guarding Mugenkan but Yuuka has been living in some sunflower field for the past 15 years
I figure Mugenkan still belongs to Yuuka but she hasn't actually lived there for years. She probably let Elly go but they have tea together once in a while
I like to think that Mugenkan itself is located somewhere in or near the Garden of the Sun, and Yuuka takes long walks in the sunflower fields during the day and returns to the mansion by night. It's not like her to sleep outside in the dirt.
You could put up the case that the Fantasy World and therefore Mugenkan exists in the Windows canon located deep within the Garden of the Sun which would give a second reason as to why Yuuka snaps immediately upon harming flowers outside of her really loving them.
My headcanon doe
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Rumers about to be molested with headpats yet again for the 86th time...
My headcanon comes from how the LLS stages 2 and 3 look like. Mugenkan seems to be located on the edge of the Fantasy World. There is some kind of gate in the middle of the Lake of Blood that connects to Mugenkan (probably so that Kurumi could go swim or eat in the lake).

I don't think that anything would grow in the black void or rocks that surround Mugenkan so Yuuka found some place near the human village with fertile soil, connected it to Mugenkan through another gate and planted the flowers there, creating the Garden of the Sun. Maybe she has a little cottage there where she lives in the summer or when certain Mugenkan specimens get too annoying to handle
Cute yuri
Yuuka really loves blondes, huh.
If her Seihou appearance was canon, did she cause 9/11
Of course. The cover story of the arabs doing it worked perfectly, and the ones who don't buy it blame wall street for some reason, the general public is completely deceived.
Master spark can't melt steel beams
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I don't know anon, it looks like it would melt pretty much anything.
Even My heart.
Officially the moe youkai
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The moe-est of them all
The word "Yuuka" and the word "moe" should mean the same to you
Yuuka means slut.
Kazami means "I'm going to break your fingers, Yukari".
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Yuuka is beautiful
The only woman around who could get away with something like this while wearing such adorable pajamas
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Shark teeth Yuuka
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Ironically, it's Gap Youkai moe
she went from very cute to very sex
That's her secret she can instantly turn from cute to sex whenever she wants
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Go on
Show Yuuka how much you love nature
Imgaine being so obscenely erotic that you can pull off a nightdress being pure sex
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best youkai
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It's frightening how quick she goes from youkai moe to youkai molester
I want to be molested by sociopathic demon women, and I am tired of pretending that I am normal.
She's so perfect, bros...
Can't spell moelester without moe.
I like to imagine that Yuuka likes to be the little spoon when cuddling
Her middle section looks kinda squishy... Yuuka's age is showing...
Even for Yuuka, it's hard to get your figure back after having so many children
How many kids has Yuuka pooped out?
That's not the hole that kids come from, but if I had to guess how many she has it'd be in the multi-soccer team territory. Possibly an entire league table in fact.
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The best part of TH 13.5 was making pantyhose Yuuka canon
Flower has obtained too many nutrients. Are you brave enough to inform her of this?
pic related
The youkai of fertility
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She's just doing a little trolling
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We all know Yuuka makes a good wife and mother but she also makes a great big sister as well
Yeah, she's my mother-sister-wife.
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At least a few.
Wow there are A LOT of Yuukas running around out there.
Who's pollinating Yuuka?
Wriggle, they're yuri babies.
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Flustered Yuuka is cute
What would make Yuuka react like this
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Her girlfriend proposing
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Post more yuri
Yuuka-rin is straight! STRAIGHT!!!
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Fine but I'm going to self insert as Wriggle and you can't stop me
If I approached Yuuka with the goal of pressing my face against her bare belly and blowing air to make funny noises, what would my odds of success be/how long would I survive?
How often have you seen her interacting with males in canon? That's right, she's definitely lesbian
Not Yuuka in page 10, I won't allow it.
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She's fallen, and she can't get up!
Like the granny youkai she is!
Good morning Yuuka thread!
She didn't fall, I fell for her
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Falling hard or hardly falling?

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