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sheep won
hemong lost
Damn, Watamate didn't blow his load too early for once.
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The 2hus...
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uhh what's the name or date on this video >>47706900 I need to submit it for a peer review
very cute
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I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!
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Sorry to reply to a post from the previous thread but
Lmao, at first I was thinking "hey these points he's making aren't totally off the mark", but then for some reason he went all in on "she avoids drama" and "she isn't a tryhard", ending with "she sucks at non-FPS's" Is he hoping for a sweaty Twitch gamer? Wasn't Botan characterised as being like a lazy housecat from the moment she debuted? She talked about putting hard-core gaming behind her and just having fun from the very outset. How was he sold this image of Botan that she never had any intention of living up to?
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>lilica's bento
Can I decline?
Because she said she likes FPS, I guess.
That would be super rude
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
Why has Haachama been so depressed
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love atishi
stop quoting the last thread you morons!
My favourite schizo of this type was the Watame one who went on rants for weeks on twitter because he didn't think her songs were very "Watame-like" when she released a new original song every other week before her first solo live. Schizo'd so hard even Watame told him to knock it off. Before finally tweeting that he's literally not been taking his meds
Laplus is a whore
Anon failed to impregnate her and she's blaming herself
Akutan eroi...
Because her life and career have been slipping since she came back from australia
There should be more Towa holos
One is already almost too many
What does this mean exactly
You know in hololive, everyone play A Ark
This but Nene
why kenzoclown why
Towa is a whore
>Schizo'd so hard even Watame told him to knock it off.
Hope the meds erased that from his memory, that's gotta suck.
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Your oshi is not acting like a holo should
Your oshi is not acting like the character she is supposed to be
Your oshi is not singing or performing like she is supposed to be
All antidepressants are 99% fluoride because it penetrates the blood-brain barrier
Feetfags are sick, and this has nothing to do with hololive
We live in a society
he wants more whores for whatever reason
I'm just eating a vanilla-oreo ice cream with chocolate sauce.
Holos for this feel?
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yet holos get to have naked feet but otherwise clothed bodies
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Opinions on hologyaru?
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I only respect tanned gyarus
What with them?
Post veiny tits
impure slut
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Regal lion mu-chan

Not tanned enough
great outfit
it fits her so much
Been listening to randomised Holosongs and I'm starting to think Shion is one of the more underappreciated singers in Hololive. She's a bit like Suisei where her range isn't crazy but her voice is just generally nice to listen to. She could've gave been one of the more notably musical Holos if she wasn't SO FUCKING LAZY
Actually Towa isn't a whore
Wait till a wild Ed appears
Too big
I don't care about idolshit to be honest
Am I the only one?
sounds kinda like the fromsoft schizo heimin
thats Faunas BF
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This EN collab is pretty entertaining
There are too many schizo itt
is buying membership enough for entering pekora's server?
Big boes
you also have to be circumcized
i thought there'd be an option to take more off or open stuff so i am a little disappointed but otherwise very happy with it..
Is it me or has friend sounded extra cute lately. I wonder if she's in heat and craving male attention.
you need to cum on pekora first
Do we like VSPO and Niji cuties?
not gyaru enough
god damn sukonbus are literal retards
I miss Koyori
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*winks at you*
I only like VSPO and Niji uggos
She's always in heat
i like Met, Beni and Ars
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big fan
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Not part of holocats anymore
first you have to cum on pekoras feet and butt
yeah she also told nousagi to snitch if anyone is being a bad lad
I wish I was Towa's cat...
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look at this fuckin retarded cat lol
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I like vspo' qpi
>no balls
>forced to watch and hear Towa having sex with different men every month
Weird fetish
>open hololive thread
>see taiga
>close hololive thread
Towa only has sex with her cats
Why is she so silly
Tachikawa is not a cat
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dead hours are over
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There was a Buffalo Towa
In the heart of America
Beach Nose looks very sex
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I miss when KFC had the wedges...
No pubes?
Lizard holo when?
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Is she using AI to look better?
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For me, it's gal Luna
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Her tokyo shandy chandelier cover is amazing.
I like it better than KAF's original version.
What if Towa was a vspo
>Is she using AI to look better?
How new
Probably. This looks exactly like all those photos from the Chinese apps that use crazy filters that can make a 90 year old look like she's 18
Yeah brown skin is good sometimes
I believe AI in beauty filters is very common now.
I know she uses filters but phones and photo apps recently started using AI. So I figured she would use that
Huh? When her Odori cover came out, all people were talking about was how good it was.
Towa is entirely AI generated
fake luna
mfmf intimidates me
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Why does she cry so much?
Sio is being very cute right now, way cuter than rbc'll ever be.
Sio a cute
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I've been watching clips of recent holovalo custom match. It is making me want to download valo, when I've been valo anti for years...
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Opinions on sex wth Luna?
Too kissable for her own good
Do it.
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extremely awkward with a high chance of floppy dick as she will drop the baby voice in the middle of it
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Die, freak.
Lamy shaves
She's minor
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That's a dangerous game you're playing here, Josh.
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Thinkeng of Sio
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I'm going to think about kissing this coyote on the lips for at least an hour now
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You should always be thinking about kissing this coyote, Josh.
Asakoyo soon!
Are we being radened
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Why did Peko ban someone in her 100 person Minecraft server
She really can't stop thinking about food...
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ぼくはー (こよりだよー!) せーの!(こんこよでーす!) はい! ハッシュタグ #こより実験中
にしたよー! (おっけー!) こよは!ずのうです!ずのー! どうですか?(はい!) (やったー!)
#こよりすけっち (てれん!) (はい!) ほえ~、せーの!

はい!はい!はい!はい! 研究者らしい、試験管! はい!はい!はい!はい!
(わぁ~!) 緑の、試験管! はい!はい!はい!はい! #こよりの助手くん ファンネーム!
はい!はい!はい!はい! (はうあ~!)  ヘルプー! はい!はい!はい!はい!
(おぁ~) こんてぃにゅー はい!はい!はい!はい! 頭脳なんでね (見えたー!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! かわいいでーす! (ドヤァ) はい!はい!はい!はい!
おっけー! こんこよでーす!

わぁ~~~~~~~~ やったー!間に合ったー! マヨネーズは、飲み物です。
ちなみに麩菓子は空気です。 はい! お肉―! 試験管! 冷凍うどんは常備しています。
どうですか~ (ふぁ~) (やったー!) 証明完了 QED

はい!はい!はい!はい! コックだろコック、対ありでした! はい!はい!はい!はい!
ズリの実はポフィンを作れる。 はい!はい!はい!はい! 大丈夫かな?(むりむりむりむり!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! どやぁー 出来ませんね! はい!はい!はい!はい!
思ってまーす(わぁー!) はい!はい!はい!はい! フワフワのホログラム。(おへそー!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! わー アイムコヨーテ (オッケー) はい!はい!はい!はい!

わぁ~~~~~~~~ やったー!間に合ったー! マヨネーズは、飲み物です。
ちなみに麩菓子は空気です。 はい! お肉―! 試験管! 冷凍うどんは常備しています。
どうですか~ (ふぁ~) (やったー!) 私の戦闘力は54万だ。

はい!はい!はい!はい! 好きなお寿司は中トロです! はい!はい!はい!はい!
大腸包小腸だよ~ はい!はい!はい!はい! タケノコ派です(キノコも好き!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! わぁー 100-50-50 はい!はい!はい!はい!
シャンプーは、飲み物ではありません! はい!はい!はい!はい! とんこつラーメンです!(ニャ!)
はい!はい!はい!はい! 尻尾モフっていい?だめです! はい!はい!はい!はい!

みぎでーーーーす やったー!間に合ったー! マヨネーズは、飲み物です。
ちなみに麩菓子は空気です。 はい! お肉―! 試験管! 冷凍うどんは常備しています。
どうですか~ (ふぁ~) (やったー!) せーの!こんこよー!
You know why.
I watched the clip but am apparently too dumb to understand
thighs too big
It was the aquatowa guy, he kept following her and bugging her when she was touring houses with a shield so she couldn't kill him and it pissed her off so she just told them to kick him from the server, she said it was a bit harsh when management later told her they banned him from the discord too.
Koyori should play games she actually enjoys. I watched her a few years ago during her makaimura stream and it was grating but her recent streams with that doraemon game was actually quite comfy.
I didn't watch but I'm curious too.
>___ too big
Only low-T "males" say this shit.
Dick too big...
Since when did Tear Gazer have an MV?
Towa is too big
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koyori doesnt have her tits out
Koyo so tired.
For me it's her shiren playthrough.
How can I get a fat japanese gamer girlfriend with a nice voice like Okayu?
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Koyori could stream while naked and with the bounce physics dialed up to 1000% and she'd still be unsexy.
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laplus, shion and ayame are whores
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Just get into an FPS circle on twitter.
These are the creatures we're dealing with.
Kenzoclowns corrupting the youth...
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Just hit the gym bro
Become a bit like Hikakin.
I could go for a burger
Get a milkshake too
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This except I'd be cumming the soul out of my dick.
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This is a pretty good post.
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Really cute pekora replicated signature
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>Aqua's final merch set costs less than Chloe's
>Even when Chloe's has less stuff
they need to stop releasing these sweaters. i dont like it.
nenechi a shit
My wife
i dont think milkshakes are made like that...
I'm not an aquacrew but I've been pondering if I should get her merch as a memento.
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rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape
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The outfit stays with Cover Corp
Stop being so gay.
if people buy them why should they stop selling them
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Milk comes from cows so I'm sure it work kinda like this maybe
I heard Okayu's is pretty low quality, and it didn't even arrive yet. That's a long time to get disappointed.
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Damn its like a full on village now
why don't cows produce beers instead of milk
tyoki is for love and care
Choco sex!
milkshake parlors...
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cute child
Actually are people not allowed to stream?
when did that pigtail become so popular and associated with jks?
Yeah, no streaming allowed.
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Screenshots ok, streaming not allowed.
Probably doesn't want people shitting up the server for their own content
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God I fucking wish.
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Don't post AI slop
Is this a reference to any specific stream or parody of something?
Koyori is also cute today
No milk from a turbodyke though.
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Why Aqua why....
Sooo is Rinco going to do something or was that tweet the end.
Koyori just kissed the life out of me...
Aqua's gone shes not coming back
Holy shit! Choco was sleeping!
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She kissed me because she loves me more.
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You don't control me.
Life without Aqua is like pepperoni pizza without pepperoni. You know? Pepeloni.
She's going to stream after she finishes signing her merch, her right arm will be swole as fuck
this ai is very good
What the fuck is this? Why would anyone make this?
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Morning Choco!
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why do girls do this
I'm her favourite you piece of shit
Way too big.
Choco has pointy ears, like an elf.
I just noticed the water bottle body
That just means she's happy to see you
Watame's hug attempt...
Take a shower
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( ^)o(^ )b
Considering notaqua deleted the tweet that dox her real birthday, I guess she's gonna continue on that account?
d( ^)o(^ )
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Did you buy something related to Akutan after her departure? I never thought I'd miss her this much. I don't know what could happen to me the day my oshi graduates.
Do Japanese OLs really come home to an empty apartment after a day's work and watch cat vids while drinking alone and ordering ubereats?
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( ^)o(^ )b
Every single one of them
Which account had that?
Let her enjoy her retirement.
im looping again
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I love my wife Choco!
Chocomates have placed an ad for her 6th anniversary in Akiba station, if anons are in the area
Idk but not only is it funny to see crying women but it's also been scientifically proven that it's therapeutic as well
I wonder what Friend A is doing...
I wish I could eat lamy's bento...
Which geography is the most conducive to end ones life?
I always bought merch as soon as it came out, but that's a given since she's my oshi.
Your pic related had a very good discount last time I checked a few days ago.
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>begging for mayonaze
Yeah I think I'll be using that, thank you Koyori.
why the fuck is she streaming at 8 am
Rinchan nanoda, she cleared out a few tweets including her birthday tweet before the latest one.
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I will destroy the Riot servers
I bought her set to give her the lasting gift of wrist pain
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>the tower
You can't make this shit up.
That's the destination not the departure.
Cause she just woke up
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Yes. I ordered the friends with u/to go plushes and anniversary set.
Baqua, at least update your fanbox.
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...but what if Aqua graduated just to follow A-Chan in a new secret project related to COVER Corp. and vtubers that include many other rejected figures and gives more "creative freedom" to all of them?
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Otsukoyo my niggas, now what?
I bought her plushie.
May be she's joining chi-chan's group.
That sounds like cope
She's going to build her own hololive. With blackjack! And hookers!
Nujabes - Departure...
She decided on her graduation before anyone knew A-chan was leaving.
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Anon your tree is too big
also server being rebooted, nothing too impressive but the main spawn has a really comfy little village feel
full of soul
Holo resistance corp.
Instead of creative freedom, what I want is cum freedom.
Towa would never allow that
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Damn I feel exactly the same about that, must be finno-german-japanese autism thing.
Hahaha aqua is dead she's dead
live onioncrew live
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*hugs aquacrew*
And that's why she must be eliminated
Towa can't be real
Was Minatoaqua even real?
Bro... Fucking youtube. It recommended me some cosplay video (out of nowhere) and like I didn't even click it I just hovered over the thumbnail but it still got into my history as watched... And moment I refreshed recommended page it got flooded with dox and roommate videos.. 1 fucking unrelated to hololive video with 1 cosplayer. The fuck is this SHIT
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Pan piano sex
Don't blogpost with my image.
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my cat
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I wanna have sex with Suisei's gloves...
i missed the reboot and now nobodys leaving the nousagi server.. i guess back to aqua nier archives
can it digest kimchi
Peak entertainment going on right now.
Spices are good tho
I'm pretty sure I already asked this, but how's her playthrough?
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I think she was always intending on restarting on that account.
The time when she made it must have been when she was seriously considering quitting.
I can't say yet, i'm not the initial anon that was watching near her graduation but him mentioning it made me want to go watch it, i'm still on part 1
i think he moved on to her dark souls streams
uhh, are choco streams usually like this?
Including streaming, dancing/singing, whatever else, how many hours a week is Koyori working?
Not really
Suisei will never be a cat
Like what?
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Akupeko eliminated
Pekomoona eliminated
Usaken and akukin eliminated
Pebot eliminated
Pekorushi eliminated
Pekomari non existent
Pekojun thriving
Shiraken thriving
Micomet thriving
Mikorone thriving
Fubumicomet thriving
Shubamiko thriving
Started falling asleep on stream
She looks like she fucks dogs.
if choco falls asleep during sex does it count as rape
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too cute
*starts sharting out*
Noel may be a cowe but she is NOT going to make milk!
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Eliminate the Comet of miComet next.
>I heard Okayu's is pretty low quality, and it didn't even arrive yet
Truth? I only have one sweater from Hololuve and it was Noel's.
You already posted this
stop flirting with lunaitos
not clicking that
Great obviously...
Her reaction to endings was... what one would expect. 100% worth watching
Nah, last time it was me
that guy erping with the croat is not even white
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Pioneer status?
Erotic Role Play? No no no
Towa Role Play
How do you know?
did you sleep with him perhaps?
That's a new one
so a flip after all
child body
how old is this song?
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>Her reaction to endings was... what one would expect
When did Flare get so cute?
Flare is a cool-tyoe holo retard
What a "tyoe"?
Yeah that's more of a guutara kinda thing isn't it?
So... she is a cool Tyrone holo?
43 years old
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Always has been
What happened last thread?
Flart is neither cool nor cute
She is passion
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banana www
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Is kanade pretending to be retarded?
Flart is a pretty good sound
And it's clearly part of the 1950s nostalgia that was happening around that time
(think Grease (1978) and Back to the Future (1985))
Mococo just won the lottery
Dustborn stream when
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You know what they say about girls that wear chokers...
why flarts why
This is the only thing elves are good for
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Look at this thing
I'd buy it
*steals the kumarine*
There is no kumarine in this image
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Not a threatening gyaru!
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Cactus wwww
sakamata route has weird fetishes, don't recommend it
What happens in the Polka route?
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Fuck Friend
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How many people in hololive are ojisans?
Standard tearjerker with optional weight gain content
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>Corporation does what is good for the corporation, not the talent.
>Talents starts doing what is good for themselves, not the corporation.
Pekora with her own server solidifying her fanbase, leaving holomembers in the dust. Suisei doing her own thing outside the box. Miko/Marine will soon learn that working for the box brings them no benefit. Future looking GRIM for hololive.
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my daughters are so darn cute
What a terrifying experience
Is that a fucking stargate
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jimmerdeso 3D will elevate hololive to a new plain of existence
>Future looking GRIM for hololive.
Blame the investors at the end of the dau
Could hololive work in a 4koma structure?
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shions skirt is so short...
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Okayu and Watame have the best voices
i love ui
I really hate this image
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A perfectly flat plane
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Prize figure tier
I fucking love flatties so much
What's the artist for this image?
Sakamata's gotten way too many figurines lately, but her nendo is super nice
>way too many
otaku cum has to go somewhere, anon
Undeniable proof that kojima and pekora are fucking

>Ririka was born in Europe
I thought the girl on the left was sitting on a massive full diaper
Incorrect. Kojima is pekopapa.
Her parents are scottish arent they?
her parents are rich as fuck so they went to live in europe after retirement, like half a year ago she went to Ireland to visit them and have big european sausages
she should drink Baileys on the rocks with flart
Kojima is a pure virgin lesbian saint
So that's why she gets called w bleachbunny
comet plapping...
but he has a wife and a kid
yeah, AZKi
yeah that's what makes it so special
She's not graduating retards she said it was a small announcement
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Really? I didn't know that
How old is Riri if her parents old enough to retire... But why Ireland it's like the worst place you can live in UK
Ririka's husband
Fixed your saggers
I'm back
like Goku who is still a virgin
Ireland is a tax haven for multinational corporations
>virtue signal about muh people muh anti globalist imperialism
>give every Google tier company tax free status in your country and get rich off them
Literally the worst people on the planet
>another outfit less than a month after getting one
It's 6周年新衣装, wonder if the other gen two will also get one.
The way Shion talked about it sounded like she would get another outfit soon
What about Subaru.......
Stop looking at me like that...
Unfathomably cute akutwi
My oshi’s favorite band?
Ui-mama would rather hang out with Watame
I hope she finish this fast, SaGa 2 sucks compared to 1 and 3
Just catching up I guess. Gen 1, gen 2 & Gamers should have gotten 7 outfits by now but some of them are still on their 5th and 6th outfit.
Noel has 2 outfits
I don't think I can go back anymore...
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Why is she wet
this image evokes many emotions
Now this is peak content
*sexually harasses shion for the sake of completing bingo*
>Wedding ring
Which EN is this?
That's me
So, does Choco have an illness or something? Why is she always sleepy?
Sex is tiring
To retain her youth
Anonchama? Do you know how shaving works?
She gets anemic
she isn't actually sleeping, she's having meaningless sex with strangers that won't lead to relationships
We shaved Towa
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Abandoned and lonely
>she's having meaningless sex with women that won't lead to children
I still can't quite believe Aqua is fucking gone.
Japanese women are something
Same...it's like it's a lie, a nightmare, a joke in very bad taste....
That's not from any cream but her own fluids. She's showing her quality goods off infront of people and getting off.
joku beri hard
Same I thought she's just recording as usual and will pop up with some utawaku or stroke stream sooner or later...
>Noel's roommate says she was invited to a friend's wedding
Oh no... Aquacrew...
it still feels fake sadly
Haha spooky Desoooo
Wait a minute....
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Logical, objective, and free of personal bias.
Robots really are the arbiters of justice.
A robot holo would be cool I wish we had one
Surely most of Hololive would be taking the day off that day
The question is...do we really deserve her?
She said college. Shut up and go back to the C thread
It's not fair that I have to sleep and can't hear Okayu's voice 24/7
cecilia and gigi are extremely autistic right now
Yeah, my wedding with Pekora
why does a robot logically need an ass that nice
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We do
No one from hololive would be invited to Aqua's wedding, let's be real. Mea, Norio sure, maybe maybe Marine but that's a strech. She doesn't actually have a relationship with many of them beyond the work facade.
She said COLLEGE friend retard
Could be a diversion. Never know
>she's not bocchi
you already lost
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Vibration absorbent polyethylene to help protect her kinetic servos
Imagine being a robosa
Pathetic clown
*gets kissed by Pioneer*
Botan shouldn't wear that blindfold. It'll get in the way of her putting glasses on
is this real?
>She doesn't actually have a relationship with many of them beyond the work facade.
Marine said she was literally going to meet up with Aqua like two days after she graduated...
>Sora's announcement: 7th Anniv Party Live
>Azki's announcement: Major Debut Live
>Suisei's announcement: 1st Live Tour
>Miko's announcement: 1st Sololive
>Roboco's announcement: some relax time figure that a lot of them already have
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The figure is hot at least......
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Loved and cherished
Robosa will bear Pioneer children
Kanade thinks she's very small at158cm long with thick sole shoes on... even without them that's probably slightly above average among holos
We can't let pioneer continue to impregnate all fanbases
when will this song die holy fuck please I'm so tired of this song
Miko's fanbase is already solid. She's already been solidifying her fanbase from the beginning with the GTA online/SC6/fans project etc. 35P is the most solid hololive fanbase
As a "diversion" she could've said NOTHING
it's promotions not announcements
tomato potato same thing
sankises love that child
Pekora doesn't have any motherly instinct like the other 3
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Raora has an amazing laugh
The history of this image was more painful than I remembered.
She just wanted to sing but after a few hours something happened and it turned into a very sad announcement. I think she was still getting spammed with hate from the Apex streams at that time.
pekora baby...
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https://youtu.be/GChr6B65Kqk?t=58 Wrong
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I feel slightly less sick to my stomach
Apex was fine except for that time. In the end everyone called her cool even if she lost at the tournament.
Voice yab in the EN streams.
I remember she used the image for the stream where she was crying about how little she was streaming and how she gets nightmares of all her fans forgetting her.
>female voice
it's fucking nothing
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The real question is: why does that image exist?
Clearly a male at the end before the disconnect
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sounds female to me
When was that?
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Is this the german
They don't poop
I think...I've fallen in love...
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These animated sequences are pretty nice for the Minecraft event.
Also Ina pleasures spirit shotas.
all those poor dead nousagis..
What are the ENs even doing? Some kind of roleplay thing?
No, I remember she got harassed again after Vsaikyo, it even lasted until her anni live that year (2022)
It was pretty tame / fine all the other times though
me on the right...
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It's overtly complex roleplay larping in Minecraft yeah. I still don't quite understand all of it either despite watching.
Ririka if she irl?
Same, Friend, same...
>whore figure
Since when is Ina a shotacon?
IIRC that one was because she said she's going to rest her throat on Twitter or the frame before, but then she suddenly put an utawaku up so people were wholly confused.
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pray for my bar exam in january bros.
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And now they will. She never thought that through
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good luck anon
im reinstalling right now!
thanks anon, the moment i became a lawyer im gonna start suing dramatuber and file a class action lawsuit towards cover.
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Ame's playing Deadlock
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so whos next?
Holy based please kill korekore
Apparently something to decide the lore for their shitigmatic recollection. Not watching it for sure
So cute.....
He was being an ass ngl

Meanwhile the suika guy just waited for her to come and she called him kawaii
I will because I don't watch vods
anyone else in the nousagi server right now?
>"if only you knew how bad things really are"
Usagoro sill be the next one to show her tkb
Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of his own actions
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Taking out friend for a walk.
Which holos recorded in YAB studio before aside from Kanata?
do you know the coords of the end, i wonder if i could still get an elytra
sure, who are you?
That was just photosho0. I checked in wayback machine and the cover song here >>47702631 never had him in the credits.
I forgot to write it down yesterday when someone put it in chat...
there's definitely people online who know though since a couple people have been to the end recently
I turned into Kanata after watching this
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I get Migochi
Big fat tits!
Don't ever post anything about Miko again, shart
Looking at the dislikes now it looks like I completely misremembered how bad the taiwanese spam really was. She didn't even close the comments that time.
What the fuck was it about Vsaikyo that got antis so riled up? It was all fine until she was announced for that.
overworld -2316, -38, -1038
nether -291, 65, -127
she kind of just looks like a generic blonde prostitute
hows deadlock? is it really """"dota 3""""
dotard here
no. its a weird mix of HOTS and tf2
kinda boring
Its dota but imagine its a good game with new york/boston stylized characters
Its still super early alpha so theres a bunch of unbalanced shit
What little I have played, right now it's really fucking boring honestly. Visually it's so noisy and busy and it's just another moba in 2024. There's nothing really innovative in it other than zipping to your lane back and forth super fast.
t. never played dota
>any matchmaking under immortal
doesnt count
Rinco doko?
i dont play shit games
i booted up dota in 2011 for 5 minutes and slammed that hot flaming turd down a toilet and slammed the flush
the moba elements really have no purpose
>Its just like X! its boring bla bla bla
>a-actually i never played X because its boring chud!
heh, actual subhuman.
It's like Towa but less retarded
mobas are fundmentally trash and only promote dopamine addicted junkies
third person """mobas""" that require aim and skill are a lot different than staring at your monitor playing a glorified defense game
towa p u b e s
Towa is very smart
*tower defense
>im gonna keep spewing my opinion eventhough i have zero knowledge of said objects! how do i form "my" opinion i hear u asked? ofc from my favourite influencer! also im gonna keep mumbling buzzwords that i heard from said influencer just to own you nazi
kek. its like xhe missed the whole point.
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Lamy has something for you to read. It's called A Tale of Two Cities.
I watched a kanade stream and now youtube is recommending piano JK channels to me.
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If you say "X is bad" while admitting you've never actually played it, you're not forming an opinion—you're just parroting someone else's bias. An informed opinion requires firsthand experience, anything else is just noise. this is what we called an NPC
>everyone against my opinion is listening to ecelebs wah you cant dislike my point and click adventure
your genre sucks bro
rts and fps were here before your kind, know your place trash
watch it fuming from the lack of oxygen caused by excessive seething.
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It's been 1464 days since Mano Aloe "graduated" from Hololive

I'm always going to love her

I wouldn't really consider that gyaru
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Thinking about ENs.
>when you dont actually have any to begin with.
but sure, let me humor you with a reply, but acting like a genre gatekeeper doesn’t make your opinion any more valid. Just because RTS and FPS were around first doesn’t mean they own the gaming world. Maybe stop clinging to the past and try evolving beyond 'my genre is better than yours' playground arguments.
I miss her
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Watame a cute
but silly me, arguing with a literal NPC that cant stop sucking influencer cocks while being their mouthpiece.
kek what a sad existence.
Finally a good post
Defense Of The Towas
Sharties won
Its ogre
which one is dumber, arguing with an npc hoping the dialougue would magically changed, or french kissing an open main socket.
NPC holo fucking when
Defense of Towa's Ass
its deeper than playground arguments, mobas inherently promote horrible playstyles and horrible ways to play. A 60 second respawn? What are you going to do jerk off? Its too little time to do anything and too long of a time to keep your focus
Constantly running away to survive because you dont want to give the enemy a lead turns the game into a boring back and forth stalemate for up to fucking 60 minutes
The whole jumble of shop clutter that can be shut down to 10 buyable things like in MvM.
The aspect of a team game depending solely on if one player on your team or the enemy team fucks up? That leads to you sitting there for 60 seconds
Now your entire team is doing a 4v5 and getting cleaned having to play defensively and you're locked into that game for 40 minutes. Compare CSGO for example where you can recover from a 13-2 half time switch with actual skill, theres only so much skill that can come from positioning aoe and grabs
MOBAs dont promote skill ans thats why you see stupid SEAnigs like you having 10k hours and not even close to ranking in challenger/immortal
how many gallons for cum did you pump out to stinky's new outfit?
>lost an argument
>time to backpedal, strawmanning and greenposting followed by samefagging later
old playbook
>inb4 meds
old playbook
holy wall of nothing text, someone please boot up chat gpt to muster up an answer for me, im too lazy.
ysah thats what i thought stupid fuck
Seems like you’ve spent more time respawning in MOBAs than actually playing the game.
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>no u
Good argument, Npc.
ded hours
Good Suisei Songs:
Bad Suisei songs:
i accept your confession npc. now go lick those influencer cock.
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Things don't always turn out the way we want them to.
If this were always the case, life would be too, too boring, too dull, too unfunny.
Nevertheless, I'd like to bring out my whimsical side in this situation.
and that is that I'd like to receive a good night kiss from Lunaito always, for the rest of my life, without fail.
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Embrace EN.
To-- Koyori..?
Taiga is the most handsome Holocat.
>non jp
Easiest skip of my life
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I need more small fuutan
She was by far the most popular VSaikyo participant, if you remember for the actual tournament, she had higher CCV than even the main stream (and had well over 100k)
This along with an unfortunately subpar performance on the actual day just riled up all the apex, hololive and Vtuber antis all to pile on Aqua since she was being hyped up by everyone
Not to mention, Aqua being not the strongest mentally made her a perfect target in their eyes.
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I remember her being easily the mentally strongest of the three, she never cracked on stream, not even once (obviously because of being targeted by the same antis since 2021)
It was also the VSai with the most viewer in total
what does orca brap smell like?
Her guerilla stream after the announcement was already getting dislike bombed so it was before anything had evern really happened.
Made for Marcel and rave gangbangs.
>towamonogatari will never continue
>towa knight will never continue
>no holo will ever do a k-on watch along
Towari da...
uhm? chuddie? monogatari series is a problematic anime and we dont like it here.
My poor Akutan...
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
remember sora mountain? towa was at fault
There's a big portion of viewers who are very wary of holos joining outside tournaments if they previously only stayed inside the box. It's like what happened to Ririka.
I know Aqua used to join tournaments way back but most of Hololive's current viewers weren't around for that.
towa generated ai
yea, Aqua never said outright that the antis were affecting her (for good reason)
but she did hint that all the harassment did make her not want to stream at times
I can't view her like this anymore.
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Mio sweater can't stop winning. it's super high quality, soft, and very warm too.
I don't know about that, I think you're mixing up your timeline because that sounds like 2021 to me
I wouldn't be surprised if she would be happier streaming to a smaller audience now that she's graduated and somewhat left the holobox.
She always felt way more comfortable when doing membership streams, I just hope the antis will leave her alone now
I was talking about her talking about not streaming too much in the past couple years post graduation announcement, she said it was a combo of overwork and other "reasons" which caused her to not want to stream, which she now regrets and wished she streamed more.
So I assume she was referencing both 2021-2023 here.
This fits Watame's voice very nicely
She was constantly disliked bombed anyway because of the Coco stuff, people claiming she never defended her and shit and then chinks riling them up
Wtf is wrong with them?
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why can't I just be a neet and watch hololive?
What is Haachama's announcement?
X is bad
I have never made an account by the way
Because you weren't lucky enough to be born into money or a country with a sufficient welfare system
too much coom
Kanata's boyfriend was with Yab and Kanata in case you wanted to know
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but then how can you afford merch...
Same thing that's wrong with most people that post their headcanons as reality here.
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burgerland benefits are decent but I just don't want to disappoint my parents. plus I want to buy cool merch
>working = no time to watch stream
>no working = no money for merch
big sad
Is this why we got rid of everything Chinese related in our houses?
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pogu pogu dead
Oh, okay, that makes sense.
kanata will have the next rushia tier yab
Kanata's hymen will outlive your oshi
Rinko (forma de usagi) soon
Yeah, she is the baby
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Lamy making the effort to stream every day even in between meetings, it's so good.
Lamy should start her stream NOW.
Too bad it's animal crossing of all things
I like Noel version the most
No it's not retard, even if it were her animal crossing stream are just zatsu and it's great.
This is why robosa love her dumb as bricks oshi
it's rhythm heaven
Not every stream, but most of them
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fight me, feggit. we love animal crossing here
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minatoaquatits is the pillar of hololive and this thread (yes i jerked off to this picture once that is why i saved it)
An old and crumbling, entirely decorative, pillar.
azki's hobbies are too weird for a house wife. why couldn't she have a hobby like day trading?
>regloss are the new and less popular 2hus
remember when towa sang unravel?
But the streams during months leading up to that were not dislike bombed and she was streaming kind of normally after coming back in June 2021.
She was never the same after what happened with Vsaikyo, but she had already made preparations to graduate during the scrims.
Being a NEET is not that good at least to my experience, too much jerking off to anime titties with no motivation to do other things
If she comes back she will stream to maybe 2k or 3k on Twitch maybe less
I've been a NEET for a year now and it's a horrible experience. I just want a job.
Because her husband can't satisfy her sexually
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Towa would be a good second baseman
turn off that slave gene that the anunnaki put in you bro
That's fine as long as she doesn't complain about it like kson does.
If I had a slave gene I would be doing a demolition job right now but I'm not insane enough to destroy my health with workplace illnesses.
Onyan just followed another 3 accounts!
It's Togashi, Reki and BUNBUN
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You and me both. What's the point of money if I don't have time to enjoy life.
I feel like this was originally made in some attempt to justify this thread on this board.
>Jimmy = Futo
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>less popular
it will depend on how frequently she streams, but if her solo content stays more or less the same I can see her having at least 5k or more
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*launches telepathic attack on towa*
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>i just want a job
>but not that job
Demolition is for refugees.
>can't get a job for a year
>thinks certain jobs are beneath him
As someone with over 10 years as a neet, I can tell you it's pretty good once you embrace the apathy and anhedonia
They are.
FIRE (Financially Independence, Retire Early) holo when?
Minato Aqua
How do you deal with the disappointment in your parents' eyes?
I haven't seen any such emotion in their eyes.
Nrm pussy is some grade A beefwhistle I'll tell ya
I guess apathy does work to help completely ignoring your parents
investor or leech?
I'm not ignoring them. We talked about my situation, and they came to the conclusion that as long as I'm not unhappy with my lot in life, they're happy for me.
Neetbucks from the government
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You just know it's the latter
Why? What's so fun about looking at maps and planes??
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feral miofas...
Gonna have to ask her
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>not unhappy
>suffering from apathy and anhedonia
I'm sorry but your parents are enablers. I hope you find something that brings you actual joy.
what's miosha doing? is she trying to appeal to miofas again?
This place has given me brain rot, I want to see an edit with pubes inside instead
stupid sexy gaki...
Nah, I'm okay with how things are, I see no reason to put effort into looking for something that might well not exist. And I don't think my parents are enablers, since how they felt about my life wouldn't change how I choose to live it. They just chose a path that would make them worry less.
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I remember when gen 5 would stream during lunch time. that was peak for me...
I remember when gen 5 would stream
If that is a guy it could be Nerissa's brother, if not brorissa then jailbirds should've expected this Nerissa is open about being horny for guys too, not hard to go check what she be doing on twitter.
What a waste of her voice and singing skill, to be combined with that personality.
I can't hear shit, why do these fuckwads have the stream audio so fucking low
Contrary to popular belief, Tears in Heaven was not for his son. Eric Clapton foresaw Minato Aqua's graduation and wrote the song for her.
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don't bother posting lewds if they don't have pubes
is Nodoka an actual old married woman?
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Really? I think it's super comfy. I just don't like all merch doing this one-size-fits-all stuff. The thing is oversized, but that's not a big deal with a hoodie.
She sounds younger than most holos so no
I mean, so does friend but she's a hag
i crave the office ladies
No... Friend is 18... Friend is 18 years old......
sad news...
thread is over...
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Kanata will pay
pubes doko
Got more context, it's a fuwawa fuckup. They needed help from a manager for their enreco thing (in person or long distance don't know), still can't tell if the voice is male or female but since the twins aren't allowed to acknowledge the existence of real life guys that isn't their dad, kendrick lamar or yagoo can't let rumors brew so nerissa and gigi edited their vods.
Call to dial a song but its Call to dial a Towa
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Angels don't have body hair
day 6 without minato aqua
polpol streams daily during NA lunchtime...
Anything happen while I was passed out?
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I remember last time when I pointed this out, name really aged like milk, so really, Cover managed to avoid this fags? Amazing
why don't you just move on? oshi-hen or whatever they call it
Aqua's graduation is now closer to Aloe than to the present date.
She officially ages up every birthday.
I'm thinking about getting a sleep study done...
And why?
moping around because some streamer retired like you broke up with your girlfriend seems kinda gay but maybe its actually kinda good...
Are you saying her head isn't a part of her body?
Her NEET became real…
Hololive is the new touhou zun already gave his blessings
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I meant the REAL Amane Kanata
was i doing anything weird while i was passed out back there... like posting on 4chan...
If I visit France will I end up hating it?
Whose body is that?
of course
why would anyone go to france?
The Spotify AI just started playing betsusekai…
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The last true final MikoShuba Chained Together stream https://youtu.be/UWflYbSD0jE
which holos never played together with her listeners like pekotyan is doing right now? fps and fighting games don't count
Pekora is not the first one to do it either, long time ago holos used to visit and play in minecraft/ark fan server with their fans
They said this last stream
and the stream before it
They will never clear this game
Towa forced me to play strip poker with her, it was weird cause she was already naked...
It's been 2 months...
How would you save Hololive?
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by watching Lamy
You might end up getting mugged
miko gta i guess
also lot of holos played fall guys with fans
Does anyone else think Lamy's boobs are too big
Hololive is thriving
Remove management
Remove sidebranches
Remove holos
Keep Towa
go back in time and stop Towa from debuting
*hops on the time machine to go back and shake hands with Towa*
I have prevented the Holocaust
stop miko from saying nigga
Lamy isn't very good at this game.
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For me its https://youtu.be/R2HJKPjSITs?si=ab85H97ev-myaCn7
The definitive Rhythm Heaven Edition
That's a canon event, hololive might not exist anymore without Miko saying the N-word
Jesas, that's a nostalgia trip
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lamy once again very cute today
fully segregate sidebranches from actual hololive
I got a medical leave and the only stream available is lamy going twing twing…
Lamy is making Towa-esque noises right now...
entertainment for tards
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Lamy is peaking so much right now
why does lamy sound like that
jesus I just realized lamy’s huge lamies. I’m fucking gay.
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she’s shit at this…
covid is a meme
What's wrong with Lamy going twing twing?
give holos more freedom, there is no need to handle everything with management,
discuss with them and create contracts that will be good for them
create more group box events (minecraft, rust,ark, tournaments within hololive)
allow old holos to retire with their model and channel
divide cover to hololive, holostars and holoearth and it branch, they all need to be profitable
make use of new 3D studio for non shill stuff
>I-I wasn't even trying
each of Lamy's tits is as big as her head
there's no good holo anymore
boring streams
nothing enjoyable
Graduate the whores
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Lamy is turbo cute
well what the hecks wrong then anon...
Take a month off and see what happens
nothing, I can always have lamy going twing twing on the side even when I’m working.
but when you have free time without needing to care about work, a lamy stream where she’s mostly going twing twing isn’t a good use of my concentration.
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How do we break Anon out of his shell and make him a real man?
why did Pekora's fan server flop?
What is your definition of a real man?
shut up glowie, you won’t get my medical history
ah, so it's mental
I do not like fanbases with name ending in -min
Towa is the thinking man's Towa
your mum is mental
yeah, robomin are the worst
well, technically that's true
how can someone's sense of rhythm be this bad
get me off this ride…
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the mom and dad of zerokisei
lamy's tits are too big
Lamy's brain is slowly melting away...
when isn't she?
Lamy is very cute
I take back everything I said about Nene when she played this
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she’s actually getting worse
hooo boy
silent bobbing lamy is cute too.
What's the announcement
When is the last time Ayame did a 3D live of her own
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what is her problem
Her marriage with me
It's over for yukimin....
no 3D live?
her lives are one of the best
not enough nutrients went to her brain.
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Anniversary merch
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maybe she should try drinking
3D lives are generally conserved for birthday only now
God I wish
lamy's rhythmic abilities are roughly on par with a retarded toddler
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She does her best, and that's what's important
Grief is also a proof that you still love a person, you wouldn't just recommend an anon to love something else if you think loving is gay
usagoro would've done better
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ojou looking at viewer's rooms later (and probably dropping some merch)
Too big, and too pronounced. Like two tennis ball halves glued to her torso
nothing else to do around here... *sips*
Close EN and ID
Open KR and CN
lamy is useless...
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The prompt was to save, not to destroy.
wtf, yukimin can do that?
KR would be cool
CN was CN
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placing your faith in lamy gives you special powers
There's nothing cool about Koreans, and Chinese are a plague.
I like these rhythm heaven full song thing
Your oshi listens to kpop
why is vtange not translating these sounds?
I doubt it, but even if she did, so what?
she’s shit at it, but she has heart.
give gooks a chance
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useless yukimin
Twintails Raden is made for ryona.
Make a VSPO-like gen
more like kpoop lmao
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look at this retard and laugh
Retarded uggo lmao
Chloe graduation when?
Yukimin sucks...
>no Parsee
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>PNG printed on a white pillow
Remember the Lamy vs Chloe narratives
Remember the narrative about Chloe when she was supposed to be the worst of her gen
Remember that heimin framing Chloe with fake shit
Remember that the Chloe schizo exploded
>Remember the narrative about Chloe when she was supposed to be the worst of her gen
this has always been just a meme
I still don't get why the schizo keeps calling Sakamata a whore despite being the most unicorn-friendly out of all of holox alongside Iroha
you just described dakimakura
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And I thought the acrylic merch was low tier
Sakamata is a slut, my slut
bottom text
Can't they slow down or something. The Regloss anniversary is around the corner.
Plusmates deflection
Yukimin and keepers should fight again, but yukimin are proven to be unfaithful
and in the end it was Laplus the one that turned out to be a whore
she shaved her vag on stream she is the biggest fucking degenerate in hololive and i say that as someone that likes her
So about this yab thing was towa actually raped?
spooked myself
You know, Regloss actually receives a lot of shit from Cover. Tons of merch, a radio show, regular song releases whose bills I assume are footed by the company. Suisei said that she envies the support Regloss gets from management too. Which makes the long wait for their 3D even more baffling.
shes the one doing the raping
no one would bother doing that
>alongside Iroha
debunked amiright wwwwwwwwwww
Cover with the Regloss goods. Each one of them are gonna release their own good for their 1 year anniversary and then there's a separate anniversary goods for the group and then the Regloss store thing which will include the group anniversary goods and probably past goods as well, the collection thing based on their MVs.
Just like how homos receive more support, it's because they're the runts that cover is scrambliong to keep afloat
imagine being korean and still be ugly lmao
Pubes are a menace to be fair.
Which is even funnier because turns out she went out with Koyo on a disney date
they must have had sweaty lesbian sex
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uh robosas? explain?
Yeah they release goods like every Quarter. They probably use those as the funds to foot the bill for their MVs, dance lessons, voice lessons and funds to produce the bext set of goods.
If you went to animate and such shops in 2023 it was ridiculous, the hololive parts were half regloss merch only
Nic- oh god why is that thing on the left there
What a terrible lineup
pekocyan reposted bunch of akupeko art
akupeko love!!
If you're debasing yourself enough to watch roboco and haachama, watching the brapper is only another small step down.
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Who's that pink one? Some indie?
Post your favorite koyokuro clips
everyday cute lamy
it's the princess
Why is a princess wearing a maid's headdress?
No matter how much you beg me I will never stoop that low to watch an EN I have my standards and if you think Roboco and Haachama are anywhere close to them then you don't watch either of them at all
>You don't watch either of them at all
Of course not, why would I watch someone I don't care for?
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Suistream today at 21jst!!!
She will join today's Holo7DTD!!
Also new stream trailer featuring her live tour
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lots of ni*os and indies were found to be working with a prominent recording studio that had a shitty culture and had texts of vtubers that came in calling them fat losers and one where someone posted a picture of a trash-can full of tissues and implied he drugged and raped a cute vtuber that came in for recording

also one shart worked with them too
One of the employees leaks these texts to korekore.

The whole thing is even funnier because so much mixing work coming out of Japan is so dogshit (this goes for Irys's sugardaddy too).
I actually hate how much vtuber music you can only find like 1 good-sounding performance of and then even the main song release is poorly mixed. Infinity and Towa music are probably the best examples.

You can literally hire any neet off fiverr and get better mixing than most japs are getting by virtue of speaking towa-level english.

What really matters is that at the end of the day, Deron's 50 year old virginity is intact.
She better clear some challenges and get some gear
Isn't Pekora's MC server map more or less already filled
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>vocal series
Those better cry when I punch them
Kanata Ch. 天音かなた 誰がゴリラや
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She's absolutely clueless so she's just gonna follow the others around and grind materials
how much does pekora's MC server cost? i wonder if her membership fees cover all of it
but that means watame might actually feel bad about griefing her...
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A server like that should cost like 100 bucks or even less
Around tree fiddy
no more than $100/mo at most (probably half that) based on how laggy it is
Imagine a Koyori vocal pillow that never shuts up
Southern Ireland isn't a part of the United Kingdom has low taxes and is full of idyllic villages where you can live out your retirement in peace. Only shit part is Dublin.
The largest expense like with ARK is the staff. She's paying their wages for a month, server hire is probably cheap as chips.
Who the fuck is that for Noel and why isn’t it Yuugi
The irish will murder you if they hear that.
Angry mountain lion
>northern ireland
Must be 3% server, 97% staff. I still feel like she's getting scammed.
>about 6800 usd
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and it flopped
I really enjoy these Lamy streams when I wake up
son biten
and as you can see from the appearance and name, a monkey king character that works for yacchie.
I'd say it fits because Yuugi isn't actively made out to be dumb.
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for fucking what
the staff don't even do anything (nor do they really have to, the server should run itself)
That wasn't meant to be a reply.
my beloved
the average nousagi requires moderation
To pay their 500+ employees' salary
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we're pretty well behaved...
besides the retarded EOPs that got gifted memberships and snuck in
What about that Towa
We don't talk about Towa
name had towa in it what do you expect
taso stream!
It's always kenzoku...
chama should play the climbing game
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*destroys pekora's server*
/ban towa
/cum Towa
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Don’t care

Mami is not sexy
Bow legged elf...
I miss the old, basil-growing Azki.
No pubes?
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The elf subconsciously moves toward all things bow related
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Sorry it's too late Miko already said EEEE
how much do I have to lift for lamy to let me rail her
Are you BLACK?
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which holo will play gundam breaker4
You have to lift her mood
she's not that degenerate is she
She is. She is friends with Marine.
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[Sad News]
Barely acquaintances
Playing with fellow nousagi is so addicting...
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i'm not sure if either of them have the reaction speed necessary for the trials or the driving section. i really want to see them succeed though.
Title of a doujin
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These threads are too peaceful
First time you have anyone resembling friends
it's over..
we're reclining
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finally unrailed...
Kanata's stream in here!!
that the same guy who admitted being fed info for his audition? the guy who should have had his contract terminated?
Are these endless 3D shorts they've been putting out recently why the studio is always booked?
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Oh sexy
a lot of new outfits lately... not that I'm complaining
surprising. she just got the burger one. nice though. i guess to make up for nothing last year or something?
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Is that the Kurisu jacket?
summer flew by taso very quickly
Kanata is lamenting that time flies too fast again...
didn't see just get her burger outfit???
im gonna head on out
Aki is two outfits behind the rest of ikkisei...
Trying to see if an image change would help her diminishing popularity
Summer in Japan sounds likes hell
23C is already pretty cold for Kanata
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Kanata gets off to this
The very same guy that streamed over Aqua's graduation then said he thought the graduation is still next week.
Kanata will become FAT from all the Big Katsu she won
punitaso got the power to beat the boss due to knowing about her bingo victory
Out of breath hime
friendship ended with kanata

Upao is my best friend
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i already miss pekotyan…
everyone’s very chill, it’s refreshing compared to most mc servers of this size
She should drag in other Holo to also make them fatter
cute countdown thumbnails taso
>the MV is actually animated
Kanata spent too much on the cover for sure...
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I'm watching Hatime
the fan server flopped and she doesn't want to stream anymore...
Stop butchering her name, retard, it's Hajime
taso doesn't know if akutan has more collab covers in the backlog
BGM is too loud now
She should've paid for the Rabbit Hole cover to be animated too.
>says oh I miss her already
it's just malicious
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Gotta make up for the lack of singing somehow
taso's folders are pretty disorganized
I haven't watch a single Hologoe episode yet...
Did he really say that? Didnt that fag claim to be a holofan? No way someone can miss Aqua's graduation notice more so if you're under the same company
I'm traumatized
taso should invite ajuju to a collab
I dunno if oils gonna help a sore throat that much
another useless recording, let my bunny stream
>Did he really say that?
What's hologoe
The seiyuu radio thing
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Kanata and Lamy love each other too much
Exclusive Holo and Seiyuu radio on Abema
taso wants Lamys boobs
rami wants to be taso's wife
why are you still watching hololive?
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>this fag got in because of Ollie's nepohire
Ollie is a fucking mistake
>no peko stream
this means i can play with fellow nousagi all day
Because I enjoy it, and it's plentiful
don't forget he said this after streaming over aqua's graduation after whole hour of ignoring the chat telling him to stop streaming
nobody cares /vt/
even the nousagis here even at the least would care about aqua if not love her like their oshi does, feels like he's just envious of their closeness to be that much of a prick
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age-appropriate song, Aunty
taso is cursed...
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Don't make excuses for your failure in that 3D Holowitches stream, Kanata....
taso should do naked dogeza
i love pekora
Kanata is a certified choker and cannot perform under pressure...
Every holowitch became Michael Jackson because of Kanata messing up the toss.
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This is kusoge
why aren't you?
taso becomes deredere for hime
Hime is just teasing Kanata now
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taso gets surprised by hime's womanly charms at times
douteitaso is the typical yellow belly japanese man
can the nousagis actually suprise peko and make her cry with a secret akupeko shrine?
I hope Kanata becomes closer with Shion.
this minecraft server is too pink!! how many females are here
*yellow bellied

shion is an extreme kusogaki even off stream...
Then what of Hajime who sang it like day 1?
he's just following the footsteps of his oshi pekwholeech overlapping other holos special events streams
taso is exposing sakamata as a yesman to shionyo...
Kanata and Chloe need to man up
Taso flirting with Shion and Miko on the prep room
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How do I join Peko's server? The lack of bamboos is bugging me
Another Holo fell to Chiikawa.................
it's over......................
hime's passion for usagi is too much for taso who likes momonga's cuteness
wasnt it released in the 90's? im confused
what was chama announcement
new outfit?
hime wants usagi NOW
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because of this dumb bunny
Day1 of hajime's existence, not the song's
KanaLuna anniversary..........
i only watch my oshi, some other holos and this thread
and twitter
taso is gonna surprise hime with usagi
This scene with mini Vegeta and Nappa with hair is too funny
it’s a summoning ritual to bring back akupeko or pekomiko, not picky on which
Gen with most unity: 3 or 5
Gen with least unity: 4
no? she's a professional actress all the crying you heard for the onion was fake of anything seeing another reminder of aqua will probably make her seethe
taso gave first upao to hime
give hime a kanatasochan plushie too taso
>Gen with least unity: 4
It's 2 now
>even the nousagis here
Are you seriously entertaining the notion that that clipnigger EN is an actual nousagi? He's a dramafag who doesn't know anything about her and just uses her (and Marine) as a way to get clicks because they're popular.
cuckfaggy should stop leeching aqua
during the holowitch gathering
Why did heimin do this?
>least unity
That would be 2, it's always been 2
wait for the archive if you want to hear the part about hime and kanata offstream
Do you think Aqua was somehow generating all of their unity? By never collabing with any of them?
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taso keeps buying sakamata's merch

O _ O
Kanata loves gyaru too much
No but the recent comments made paints 2 as completely broken now
At least they had collabs within the last 3 years
oh thanks
>Gen with most unity: 3 or 5
It's gamers. How the fuck is this even up for debate.
Kanata should just ask Sakamata to sign merch when they meet.
Then explain how SMOK is so much more active than Gamers?
I'm talking about how jutard didn't give a fuck and then pretended he gave a fuck
taso will surround herself with 6 onions
Korone & Fubuki have a blood feud
Kanata spent 80k yen worth of Aqutan merch...
Kanata is shocked at the price for Aqua's merch
taso bought >8万 of akutan's last merch
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The shelves will grow...
3 onions*
Everyone in gamers knows Nu-fubuki is just a corporate drone, that's why she's generally not a part of their collabs.
based onyan enjoyer
Gen with the most unity is gen 0 because miComet bond >>>>> all holos bonds
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wtf im on top of the nether?
Stop buying merch Kanata wtf
You guys also contributed to giving Akutan carpal tunnel syndrome, right?
>recent comments
all made by Subaru
taso is getting more friends(plushies)
of course i did
i give money to taso so she can give it to other holos
taso your memory...
where’s the overworld portal that links to that one? I wanna build some farms there if I can get on later
i want taso's bath space
I only watch Towa
give out katsu for merch, taso
the one beside the peko tower
I want Kanata's bath water...
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taso thinks it's time to design another tshirt
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This is what awaits every holomen
i would bankrupt myself for taso's used tshirt and toothbrush
>not honmono
Onyan was the only one actually trying to form some sort unity in Gen 2.
Heimin are getting uppity asking for toothbrush and amazon giftcards
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good times…
me on the far back
taso likes the clear file goods
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>true true true final episode
Who the fuck is SUISEI_HOSIMATI we are a SUISEI_HONMONO board
she should take a proper photo
taso won dodekamin goods
>Which makes the long wait for their 3D even more baffling.
Does it? As much as they're pampered by Cover their 3D debut can't justifiably be ahead of EN gen 3's 3D debut. If that took a year, ReGloss' should take a year.
Now the real question is why did either of them take a year? Noel had the fastest debut-to-3D-debut turnaround which was just a few months. The company's so huge now, why must everything take so much longer?
She did, but it was only for Aqua to see
Korone hates her EOP fans
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Gen 5 only does things together when Lamy tells them to
all holos should
My probation officer told me aqua’s graduation wasn’t a “real excuse” for me not making progress on getting a job, if I get into real trouble due to this I will be considering legal action against aqua
Kanata wants Saizeriya to be everywhere
taso should learn how to drive instead of riding the bus

Fix this now
She's fawning over Aqua again
How does she do it
Nene status?
No thanks
taso should be like sakamata and rape her idol
Kanata doesn't know when to give up
It ends today
taso is afraid akutan would be put off if she told her about the 80k yen merch
She should be more forward and talk to her with LINE.
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nyahello miko miko miko miko miko miko miko subaru!!!
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is this real?
Today’s the day.
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>the police board
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obakataso already showed her a bunch, a few more wouldn't hurt
Laplus' voice keeps getting deeper
Lapuppet my beloved...
nice miosha is here for the finale
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waiting warmly, taso
*by the way a sololive has not been decided
MioMikoSuba my beloved
Nyahallo ajimaru~ https://youtu.be/UWflYbSD0jE
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try your best, kanata
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Why are nousagi like this
for the better
No streams are grabbing my attention today
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Hey Miko!
That's not really OK either. If all the other girls started pestering Aqua she'd get overwhelmed. Kanata is just being mature about it.
>3500m, so it’s almost at the end
y-yeah miosha
otsukanata... NOT
SC reading now
Kanata doesn't know how to stop leeching*
whats a b part?
ojou has TWO announcements
Very first no save clear holo chained together
first no save clear of hololive
I believe
taso's hasn't been in the old room for a while that she's having trouble using it
hey man!!
I still want to see Lapu's Koyori shrine
merch and song?
Oh jesas
Kanata should turn on SC more often
roboco is a whore
papa is a womanizer
they’re planting a lot of flags right now
Pekora's server flop
they are not playing 7 days?
After this stream
final episode is extra comforting with miosha here
most likely but we'll see
i’m also allowed to touch lap
>miko is eren
>omae shunjinko ka
Mio's joining but also has a meeting at 23.
open your sc more kanata, you retard angel
Nice cursor…
Lapu... gone...
>mio, ayame, azki, pekora with the random towa
This guy's taste is very similar to mine...
mio immediately realizes how annoying slippery path would be
>Mio, Ayame, Pekora, Azki
Name this group
praised by mum hehehe
the both of them going >eheh was funny
Mothers and daughters
Shit taste
heckin poyoyo
Double oyakodon
its time
Lapu... back
Damn this guy's organised
This is it Miko Shuba
holy shit, this game runs at like three FPS
kanata can't find any sc to read...
i want to lick the smartphone
was a good run lmao
Go go go go go
Ojou roomwear figure…doko…
fuutan the voice of reason
Ayame really should have a relax time figure when you think about it...
that stream was 4 months ago, kanata...
miosha should try this game next
too dangerous, thousands would coom
That focus on her feet, yeah
Smart move avoiding the face obstacle
Aren't the relax time figures pretty sexualised? They might feel Ayame doesn't suit it. Still surprised Suisei let them do one of her, though.
death forest?
I wanna enter Mio's death forest, if you get what I mean
thank god the garden is a hard checkpoint…
Ayame literally has a figure that shows her butt
Ayame already has shitton of lewds out there
most of them do, too
the old classroom background...
>Can't predict they won't need to jump.
Holomen are pretty stupid.
eh ayame doesn't mind it that much
chained together
>yukimin room
>the pc desk is filled with Ayame
Ummm yuckymin explain
This looks like a mighty kusoge
Mio's forest is lush and thriving
Ganbare LapuKoyo
yukimin have always been unfaithful whores
miko’s “ahn” elicited a coughing-laughing fit from miosha…
sexy bebber
long poyo
Miko will never be sexy
decades ago maybe
Oh my god Miko JACKSON??
Punish them hime
Ojou onaholes…
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subaru jackson
miko monroe
www that peckers
poor pekora amidst the trash...
Most clean nousagi’s room
This guy's living the life
koyotits my beloved...
taso should organize her memos more
summer's over, no more dekapaitaso
Is this a cosplayer room?
summer is over so taso will cover up her big breasts for now
dude lives in a trash can and has expensive as FUCK pekora's figure...
I see onyon...
>Deadpool Funkopop
i’m starting to think lapu’s actual oshi is ayame
What year is it?
that’s miko’s fault for not calling
that's an AISHITE room
that's a lot of ojous...
pink suits you taso
thats a lot of ojou
Imagine what will happened to this room after an earthquake
>Dedicate your life to collecting metric tons of your oshi's merch
>She sees your room
>Calls it scary
It's so over for that guy
all the funds went towards the figure instead of furniture or a trash can…
Omedetou fellow 角
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The 11th is near
>SENPAITACHI Fan meet merch
Jesas thats old
Subaru is a noselet
hanagoe means nose voice/nasal… I thought it meant flowery voice
If civilisation was wiped out by a plague and then centuries later Earth was visited by archaeologist aliens and they saw this shit, they'd legit think Holos must be gods
i want that figure too ojou wtf is that it’s so cute
He's gonna go cry
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what is this adorable thing
taso remembering how hype the crowd was during the paris anime expo
It's also immortalized in this yokai watch game
What's Okayu doing in the voice chat on Subaru's stream?
botan takes the walking x steps thing pretty seriously?
>okayu discord icon on the top right
taso stood me up on our conan movie date
women love harry potter too much
yab okayu on discord call
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fat fuck corner
this is the run
Wasn't she pretty much told her she'd die if she didn't sort herself out a couple of years ago now. That's gotta be a strong motivator.
Weird that she's still so nuts about ramen after that, though.
They fucked up
miosha you’re useless…
watch the deer anime taso
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I love Ririka's huge milkers.
it's always interesting to see the various fanbases overlaps in these room review streams
Miosha was too slow on the signs...
providence gundam? this dude is evil
They will never finish this game
7dtd is starting soon and Subaru still got that overlay on
not the run...
and miosha is gone...
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no… miosha’s gone…
MikoShuba will never finish this game...
anohana and umamusume never fail to make taso cry
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>laughed at MikoSuba the whole time
>left after she felt satisfied
Why is Mio like this
they look grand in this picture
I mean, ramen’s not that bad nutrition wise especially with toppings.
Girl's room?
she’s just like me, wanting to have something to watch while eating
Is this Towa’s room?
This must be a woman's room
nousagi and nakirigumi have a surprisingly strong overlap for how little those two interact with each other
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now that you mention it sooner or later noel has got to do full blown porn complete with insertion and nakadasi it's inevitable
Well they need someone to watch
*cums on towas flowers*
Fall Guys...
flower arranger nakirigumi gf...
Do you guys have as much merch as these people?
>Okayu, Watame, Suisei, and Mio
I think this is the most peculiar day-group in all of 7DTD.
neither ayame nor pekora suffer from a shortage of viewers
She's only praising the girl's rooms...
>goes to sushiro for cheesecake
it’s like that korean thing where you go for spicy soup noodles at black bean noodles shop and vice versa
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I would have more if shipping fees didn't suck for me
Too many onnakirigumi
I would if shipping and taxes weren't bullshit expensive.
I have zero merch, shippings a real bitch, but even if I did, buying this much stuff is fucking incomprehensible to me
ojou bebi
taso should heal me with asmr
No, I save up for paid lives and music instead
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Imagefags lost
if shipping wasn’t as expensive and inconvenient I’d have more
I don’t have a lot of space with to work with either but it looks like I just gotta be more creative
keep the tankies away from my oshi
It is to me too. I have a couple Holo plushies and I love them to pieces, but when you buy such an ungodly amount of things there's no way you can appreciate it all.
this is the run
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I never buy merch never pay for lives never buy memberships never send superchats
They're gonna do it
no, I dont have enough acryllic stands to fill a whole cabinet but i have a lot of my oshi and her fanbases nuigurumis
at some point last year she released probably like 6 nuigurumis in one month from so many sponsorships COVER was making her do
holy based ENchad
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You have no reason to complain about anything then
its too late imagefags
please understand that they are there only for the stickers
>wow, you collections are really impressive
>let me add some more!
Do they never feel that it's a bit exploitative
In addition to what other anon have said about shipping, there's a lot of merch that is exclusive to collaborations with real life shops in japan that is crazy expensive to get from scaplers (in addition to shipping too obiviously)
>paper knife

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