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Silly Rabbit Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
I love these 2hu models they're really good
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They get along so well
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Are the requirement for the fall states the same for all era games?
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Tewi, where is special performance.
Is anyone else bothered by Kaguya’s personality in TW? She’s a pretty carefree and fun loving girl in the printworks generally, but in TW she acts pretty cold or even bitchy at times
>having a good day in your eternal NEEThome
>filthy, disgusting manwhore comes up to you and bothers you
According to the wiki, Rin can in fact become an Ishtar Shifter.
>She was raised as a princess on the moon, and continued to be raised as a princess on the Earth, so her personality is selfish and haughty. However, thanks to her noble upbringing she is quite skilled at the art of conversation.
Kgyua's chillness only happened after her spell was lifted from Eientei, she herself says so in her monologues in CiLR
also there's the unfortunate cultural influence of the literary Kaguya-hime on the 2hu one's fanwork portrayal
Except without a husband with a kickass quest and ending lel.
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Begone slut tube. I will not dump 5000ml of semen into your womb on a dangerous day.
What counts as a fall state and what you need to do varies pretty wildly since every era game are different games at their core barring the - K variants.
But like you can very easily check them in game.
Touhou has always been well known for its sheer diversity in character interpretations. Kaguya as an aloof, spoiled princess who carries herself as if everyone else is just a worm compared to her is nothing unusual.

Plus, it's good for the game to have as many character archetypes as possible, and Kaguya is the ideal candidate for an hard-to-approach character who gradually warms up to the player and eventually becomes totally devoted to them.
How difficult is is to time stop rape Sakuya in tohotw? I think I saw someone mention her raping you back.
EraTW enjoyer here. For those of us who do not know japanese, do we just pray for someone to grace us with more translated toe hoes? Or is there a way to automatically MTL anything untranslated?
Read the fucking OP
whats a character with good timestop dialogue? I wanna indulge in a little bit of rape
Suwako. Don't be afraid of AIDS, we are the follower of the great Opansu-sama.
But I'm already in a lovely-dovely relationship with Suwako...
Never mind then. If she loves you then she won't give you AIDS when you are using her body.
Just dumped 5000ml of semen inside Tsukasa's womb on a dangerous day...
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>How difficult is is to time stop rape Sakuya in tohotw?
That's easy. Just walk up to her, stop time, and begin.
>I think I saw someone mention her raping you back.
That's a little harder. She needs to have full Lewd marks and some amount of blackmail on you before she will even consider it.
>automatically MTL anything untranslated?
you know I remember seeing a gitgud repo with all of eraK machine translated, wonder why nobody bothered to do it for TW yet instead of forcing people to run sugoi or whatever else
why are her legs built like she has gout
western man was here
idk about K's file structure but doing this is a recipe for disaster and/or a ton of work
You shove the entire file in a machine, it will translate the variables as well, good luck with all the IF TALENT:恋慕 getting fucked
If you're going to go line-by-line you may as well just translate properly, it's barely more work
Can I get a quick rundown on additions to AnonTW and EraMegaten over the past 6 months?
Anything interesting that's worth starting a new game?

You could start here and work your way backwards for anything that catches your eye
>Rape event
Guess I'll check out Parsee and the Rabbits
Megaten Doesn't seem to have had anything of note.
I know there is a way to analyse enemy demons in eramegaten, a demon summoner app, is there a way to analyse your own demons?
Use them in combat and/or train them
>hard-to-approach character who gradually warms up to the player and eventually becomes totally devoted to them
Isn't that Mokou, though?
Mokou's just autistic. Completely different.
does the auto updater program work with the anon tw fork?
Fake. We all know that Mokou is completely flat and has no feminine appeal whatsoever.
Which is exactly why she will be bred until she is no longer depressed.
How strong are the Revue Girls, and what skills should I pick for them?
Lying is a sin.
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yup, that's why your image is a sin since she does not do her squats
I'm pretty sure he clothes are artually fairly baggy.
Halp, P4MC doesn't want to evolve his Persona!
Please don't tell me I have to sexually train him.
Have you turned Trust Fall on?
Actually I think you need to beat Margaret for Izanagi-no-Okami
>What counts as a fall state and what you need to do varies pretty wildly
Are games forked from eratohoA like this too? The one I'm playing doesn't seems to change that much from A
He has Trust and Affection, I think. Do I have to wait for him to be Sworn Brother, however it work?

Did thaaaaat. Trained her too. Her Yoshitsune is too cool to pass up.
Now that I think about it, I should give her Physical Electric skills too.
Thanks for reminding me to change the moveset, res, and name of the Izanagi No Ookami she drop, and renaming it Izanagi No Ookami Picaro.
what's era games?
it's a weird place
Autistic great games.
is there an easy way to up the analysis level of fused demons without having to take them on battle
Editing your game. I'm not kidding.
Yes, which is why you shouldn't lie about Moko-tan's figure.
This malnourished hobo with poor sleeping habits has thoroughly stunted her development and will always have the perfectly flat chest of a boy.
Have sex with them
>This malnourished hobo with poor sleeping habits
Anon, she's a princess, who became immortal.
She's a bastard whose father won't even acknowledge
wait really?
Last time I checked, training a demon increased its analyze level
Become BFFs with him and he'll evolve.
For persona users, if they only have 1 evolution it's usually locked behind getting an advanced Fall state.
So I'll have to continue on the path of waiting and fighting.
Myriad Truth better be worth it!
It is. He's nowhere near as broken as the P5R version, but InO is the best out of the 3 modern protag Ultimate Personas for what it's worth.
The other are weak to 1 of the most dangerous elements in the game each, and Sinful Shell costs too much for how rare it is for it hit at full power.
The only bad thing is that he's stuck with -dyne spells because of how old it is
He learns Ziobarion at 60 now.
Yeah I figured it wouldn't be
>Heavy Almighty damage to all foes 3x.
>Victory Cry Full Recover
>Country Maker boosting the stats to double when the Compendium is completed.

I guess Sinful Shell isn't Massive Almighty damage and medium chance of Dark instakill to all foes, since time travel doesn't seem to be a thing in our world?
Which one are bad? True Vishnu? Apollo? Messiah?
Doesn't help that there's not Almighty Amp.
Why did they make Erebus so easy to beat?
I always felt like The Answer was useless as a whole.
Sinful Shell is Almighty single-target, powered up according to how many buffs it stripped off the target.500~740 power.

Messiah is the worst out of P3~P5 outright; Magic Ability could fix this.
Vishnu, Apollo and Artemis all have useful stuff, even if they're a bit outdated.
>powered up according to how many buffs it stripped off the target
Sounds lame.

>Magic Ability could fix this.
It really would, it's his Special Skill too, so why.

>Vishnu, Apollo and Artemis all have useful stuff, even if they're a bit outdated.
The price to pay for too much class. It doesn't help that you can basically steal the P2 cast's unique skills.
I'm still surprised they made True Vishnu a secret thing.
I was gonna ask, who the fuck is Artemis, when but I remembered Maya.
? They're just not wispy line legs. Come on man
>Sounds lame
I'd like to disagree here, there's many bosses that love buffing, Almighty + Dekaja + gets stronger based on how many buffs it removed sounds pretty damn good
But it sound situational.
God I hope it get it's Reses... well not all of them but you see what I mean.
Dekaja before damage is pretty strong actually.
It's also composite Almighty+Dark+Pierce physical damage (thus can presumably crit) on a Persona with Dark Booster, so he basically has Freikugel on steroids.
>It's also composite Almighty+Dark+Pierce physical damage (thus can presumably crit) on a Persona with Dark Booster, so he basically has Freikugel on steroids.
Now this is starting to make me solid.
>Samakaja: Increases the magic effect of all allies
What does this mean? It increases the chances of inflicting status effects?
Magic defense iirc.
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>How strong are the Revue Girls
Decent Adepts (+) that can turn into Outsiders with mostly unique (as in not a reskin like Tamamo) skills with "Devil-Trigger" mechanics that synergize well with each member, especially once you've finished Banana's event.
>what skills?
Each character has two signature skills, which means you can fuck around with the other 6 free slots. You can just give 'em the mandatory "can't go wrong" set of Invigorate (L), Enduring Soul, Charge/Concentrate, Boosters, and Pierce/Dekaja/etc if you don't care for flavor.

Take it with a grain of salt though, since as much as I love Banana and her yurifriends, I have an explicit no extras, vanilla-only rule in my team.
Incorrect. Mokou's depression will be cured by shooting scalding hot hobo semen into other more feminine women.
It determines magic defense, chance of resisting and landing status effects, and how much you heal.
>that can turn into Outsiders
Oh? How bad good is it? The wiki make it seems like you could only have one of them change "form" or whatever

>skills with "Devil-Trigger" mechanics that synergize well with each member, especially once you've finished Banana's event.

>Each character has two signature skills
I'm excited to find out.

>which means you can fuck around with the other 6 free slots. You can just give 'em the mandatory "can't go wrong" set of Invigorate (L), Enduring Soul, Charge/Concentrate, Boosters, and Pierce/Dekaja/etc if you don't care for flavor.
I didn't knew you could learn Pierce, but good to know!
Well, managed to make Magic Ability work, but it turns out Messiah has all of his skill learning slots filled out.
Had to debug the skill card into my inventory and give it to him that way.

Daiba Nana. One transformation per cycle.
>Well, managed to make Magic Ability work, but it turns out Messiah has all of his skill learning slots filled out.
Wait. First off, there's a limit of "learning" slots per characters?
Then... how about making it something like an innate skill?
>One transformation per cycle
>*look at how many there are*
Oh boy.
You can only set up to 20 learnable skills. This is what fucked me over with the P5R 3rd tier Personas as well; that time I just said fuck it and sent one skill to the Shadow Realm to make room for the unique.
I have no idea if innate, non-slotted skills are even possible with the current system.

Don't look up how many runs it takes to max out the Yen/Macca bonuses for NG+. That's the one thing I refuse to do no matter how much I love the game.
>Don't look up how many runs it takes to max out the Yen/Macca bonuses for NG+
The what.
This guy made them, I recognized his style immediately
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Ah I see, and Persona are relearning the skills of their previous forms, so it's bloating.
>I have no idea if innate, non-slotted skills are even possible with the current system.
Oh no, just making it a skill that is already there on Orpheus, like most Persona...
... which wouldn't work because of the limit.
By the way, you ARE talking about the PSP version of the skill, which boost all Magic, including Almighty, right? Riiiiiiiight?
What is Messiah's moveset and proficiency?
It's something for people who don't mind reading shit.
Shit like the OP
You get a bonus amount of Yen and Macca for each run, ending and title you get. It takes around 2000 runs for the Yen bonus to top out at 1 million and 2956 runs for the Macca to do the same IIRC.

Gave it 25% to magic in general since it stacks with every other boost in the game.
Messiah has Almighty, Defense, Support and Recovery proficiencies, so it's not worth keeping Orpheus/Thanatos' phys skills. You're better off equipping Pinaka for Pralaya and +5 to all stats.
what things do I want on my demons in terms of skills and such? should I try to give them coverage for various elements or focus on which elements they have? pick weaker AoEs or stronger single-target? debuffs vs buffs? do status effects matter when bosses resist all the shit I try to throw at them? are passives eorth losing on an entire slot that could give more versatility?
>Gave it 25% to magic in general since it stacks with every other boost in the game.
In general, or Almighty included? HMMM?

>since it stacks with every other boost in the game.

>Messiah has Almighty, Defense, Support and Recovery proficiencies
Just like in the games then. Orpheus start with Bonk and Fire and Healing, then suddenly Thanatos is all about Slashing and Light and Dark, and Messiah is a Healer Nuke. It's one of the most interesting Persona imo, it's the only Persona who does that.

Except Satanael, but Satanael does that with the power of friendship so fuck it.
What a terrible rape of Lucifer and Azathoth Persona 5 was...
>2000 runs
I mean, it's fine, unless there's a title attached to it, right?
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Which ones are these supposed to be?
If you're fighting random encounters, you want a team that can just blast through them easily with high-power AoEs
Now, for bosses, it's different. 99% of the game's bosses do not change weaknesses, so all your attackers should be focused on taking that boss down by exploiting weaknesses and Demon CO-OPs. You also want a healer, and 1-2 buffers/debuffers. There's however some bosses like Nyx Avatar that ask you to have a full team with basically every element in the game you can swap through, but those as I said are pretty fucking rare. Ailments are also VERY good when they proc, IN and LU increase the chance. About Passives, they're always good too have but too many passives means less move variety. It's a balancing act that depends on the demon/character they're attached to.
Every single magic attack in the game benefits from this, Almighty included.
I tested Ragnarok(Fire) on the Arena's Dummy Frost without any Boosts, with Magic Skill Up, and with Fire Boost+Magic Skill Up. It counted both passives during damage calculation.

There's no title attached. So only crazy people, or those dudes that have been playing on 1 save since the game came out would do this. It's still saner than the dude who has been on the same cycle for over 10 years.
Nta but I don't hate them. But they look a lot a alike.
>There's no title attached
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>Every single magic attack in the game benefits from this, Almighty included.
Here we go!
Why would you add Fire Boost though? Curiosity?
I'm probably going to add Magic Skill Up too and replace Dia with it. Do you have a number to suggest?
ok but I'm running devil chamber so I have space for programs and canmonly carry 6 demons for now, so what should I have on each? is it a good idea to have everyone specialize in something when I'm running in low numbers? right now 3 of them are healers since having 2 of them die or be disabled by bad status at the same time happens way too often, and so I keep the third one in backup to raise/cure them
Curiosity, for the sake of testing if the skill applied if another similar Boost was in place.

I have Magic Skill Up at 9069, since the P5 crew's stuff takes up 9062-9068.
Cool. So I'll have to copy a Boost skill, replace the element and description by Almighty,
And then go look at Orpheus, Thanatos and Messiah, and replace Dia with it, right?
No. You'll have to create the passive effect via @SKILL_PASSIVE_BTL_EFFECT_ since the boosts are defined at a system level.

This is the code I used:
>You'll have to create the passive effect via @SKILL_PASSIVE_BTL_EFFECT_ >since the boosts are defined at a system level.
I have no idea what this meant. Aren't the Boost skills the same?
I can't check right now, do these have nude sprites and alts for different breast sizes?
The ERB for the Boost skills have no effects in them; instead a function in SYSTEM_BATTLE_DAMAGE.ERB checks if a character has one of the boost skills, what element it is and then gives +25% damage dealt to their attacks.
So that's what I'm saying, copy a Boost skill, and replace the element with all elements?
Only if you don't want Magic Skill Up to apply to anything else but Almighty.
This... is too complicated for me, I'll just copy past your code and replace Dias with it.

You should propose it to Discord though!
>do these have nude sprites
>and alts for different breast sizes
Yes, but I'm not sure all of them do. You can check them here.
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit this is awesome.
Hold your enthusiasm until you get to try them ingame, they're not that great from up close.
Aww man.
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The slopper has no culture, no history and no art.
does megaten have any specific rewards of sort for clearing the game with any specific class? like items/traits that can be only acquired by playing as something specific and be later passed down to the next mc?
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Anon please, you can't say that while posting such a horribly looped pic
Titles. Just titles.
Anything made by man is art, which means, by association, anything made by man's creations is also art.
cosmetic only, right?
>trying to impregnate wife in heat
>she keeps taking the lead and forcing anal
are half-demons/devil hybrids/demonoids affected by equipment/human buffs like those from new game settings or comp software?
Titles determine how many bonus starting stat points you have for the MC.
>she keeps taking the lead and forcing anal
She clearly not
>equipment/human buffs
Pretty sure not, demons are pretty busted on their own, at least stat wise. You can give them the [Equipment Knowledge] skill though, that'll allow them to wear any equips at the cost of said demons/etc. not being able to use Plug-Ins anymore.
>what demons for team?
I assume you're using the [Devil Summoner] class? That means you're pretty much doomed to be a permanent backstage supporter on this run. For demons/your first three runs, you can just slap a Holy Dance (ideally with Invigorate (L) and Enduring Soul) on your magic-based demon's ass, minmax the hell out of their MA and EN, then do whatever the fuck you want.
Jokes aside, having 3 healers are way too much, you should instead look for them plug-ins that nullifies abnormal statuses (like Alice's) for your supports. You should at most have 2 healers/supports, ideally one with high and low AG each, and just focus on MA and EN afterwards. IN is pretty much useless for lategame healers, since there's practically no reason to not use Mediarahan/Prayer for your heals, so you better off increasing your MP for more heals and/HP for survivability. You shouldn't worry too much about what demons to use though, I don't think there's a base level damage reduction mechanic like in DeSu/2, so a level 99 Pixie hits as hard as a level 99 Lucifer with the same stats and affinity. You should focus on resistances instead or if you're like me, just grab whatever demons fancies your eyes and delete all the bosses with a simple Showtime.
t. someone trying to make an uber mermaid
>You can give them the [Equipment Knowledge] skill though, that'll allow them to wear any equips at the cost of said demons/etc. not being able to use Plug-Ins anymore.
why would I do that if they can already use equipment?
Pure demons can't equip armor and weapons
Begone gachafag.
Aren't there a few demons exclusive to the Gacha? Or at least demon variants that is only from Gacha. Gotta Macca your Gacha
When's the next anonTW release?
Please be patient
Your wife just wasn't paying attention when you gave her the talk
hole is hole
where is baby
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these sprites are directly based on the images already in the game, compare them to those in the parent resources/ folder
while making them in new outfits is theoretically possible, I've yet to see a proof of concept
How do I get the 100th Demon Fall Bonus as a Devil Summoner? I'm very vexed by the fact that I got all the skills, but it refuses to give me the skill and most importantly the title.
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So I created the skill and replaced Dia with it, this SHOULD work right?
You should hunt Isoras. It's faster that way.
No no, I already got EVERY Fall Devil Summoner skills, but from what I've read, I'm supposed to get Enduring Soul a bit too late for that and a Title at the 100th.
I'm not sure if the title has the same requirement, but you need 100 demons fallen in a single run for the skill (and it doesn't carry over).
I meant judging from the table
>Lady: Auto-Rakukaja
>Megami: Advice
>Tyrant: Auto-Makakaja
>Divine: Law of the Hunt
>Yoma: Temptation
>Fairy: Folklore
>Brute: Sharp Student
>Snake: Life Surge
>Beast: Auto-Tarukaja
>Flight: Auto-Sukukaja
>Foul: Endure
>Element: Healing Wave
>Kishin: Dark Might
>Deity: Bright Might
>Vile: Double Trace
>Fallen: Item Mastery
>Rumor: Auto-Samakaja
>Fiend: Hyper Counter
>Hero: Equipment Knowledge Lv5
That's already a hundred.
But did you make them all fall in a single run?
Add the skill to _Rename.csv as well.
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Where exactly?
After 9061 , スキル:オーガー新り
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Just checked the code.
Turns out that Trust-type fall states don't count, so you need Love/Lewd/Slave fall states.
You can check your progress on the MC's status screen.
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That's... a lot of text, I wouldn't have been able to find it at all.
Is that how you make a new skill? Create file, make code, and then put it in _Rename.csv?
Weird, it wasn't the case for the other demons/skills.
So you are telling me I will need to make 100 OTHER demons Fall II to get Enduring Souls and the Title?
I want to die.
>So you are telling me I will need to make 100 OTHER demons Fall II to get Enduring Souls and the Title?
Assuming you went for Trust for all of them, then yes.
Do note that humans also count towards this goal.
Yeah, this is how it usually goes. Note that you'll have to learn the skill manually if you already have Messiah since the game only reads a character's .csv when they're added to your roster.
To do so, use ITEM:19069 += 1 to give yourself the skill card for it and give it to Messiah via MAG Enhancement.
I decided to replace Orpheus/Thanatos/Messiah's Dia with it, would it work?
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>look at me and my 20 or so wives
This first NG is REALLY going to be very long, isn't it?
What you did doesn't apply to a character that you already recruited. So you'd have to grab a new copy if you want this to apply.
Think of the csv as a printing template; a character that already exists won't use a newer template than the one from when they were added to your game.
Oh I know, I'll have to rerecruit them next NG for it to "update".
It doesn't bother me for Persona 3, since I'll have to redo it to get Fuuka and Chidori... and a whole lot of things I missed.
wowowow egg slow down!
I prefer my eggs with chicken, especially in games.
Arglh, an update.
I just checked the titles and there isn't actually any title for 100 fallen characters in a single run.
There are titles for 100 fallen love/lewd/slave, but they don't have to be done in a single run.
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So a little question about lumber in ATW...
Did the way it works change at some point the past year?
I recall being able to cut down a bunch of trees and just go to the furniture guy witha stash of logs and get a good discount on the furniture. But now i can only hold a single log and have to go back and forth to the sawmill each time, unless i split it into useless timber?
Am i missing something or did logging just get straight up nerfed?
On the bright side, once you get enough money you can comission the kappa to build a sawmill in your home maybe
Then I guess, it's fine then? Well I'll have to do it for Enduring Soul, it would be a shame to not finish it, and I don't feel like redoing the game as a Devil Summoner.
>Did the way it works change at some point the past year?
Don't think so, iirc you always had to haul big logs to the sawmill. Did you perhaps only cut down a specific type of tree before? I didn't touch logging for a long time but I think some trees didn't have that requirement.
So Enduring Soul is still about demons right?
Is it true that there is a great man who has been on the same cycle for over 10 years in eraMegaten? That deserves respect.
this aislop looks nice
gotta wait for the rest of the characters being done the same way
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Not a bad skill. Not something that will assfuck everything, heavy Slash/Light is good.

Slash, Strike, Havoc, Recvr, Spprt proficiencies, with Slash Boost. Will be difficult to make a good build though.
Does every girls in P3 end up being good at healing? Not really complaining, I just find it funny.
>Revue Starlight event
>level 100
>they join
>level 5
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You aren't a good guy in this storyline are you.
Hah, wait till you see some of the other events.
>"After spitting out blood, the skin of her arm peeled back and the exposed muscle fiber popped and scattered"
Fucking lovely. But reading the rest of the even, I have to applaud the Dev and writer and translator. It's really impressive.

The first event I did with Karen and Hikari was either threatening, or lying... or having the blue option about Karen touching the COMP like a goog and me getting a special Jack Frost out of it. You can guess which one I picked.
The Revue route is a work of love (autism)
The best kind.
Question, does the bonus stats say in NG+ or should I just go for other things?
How do you raise Pleasure Mark in AnonTW?
by providing pleasure
Simultaneous orgasms
Everything that give pleasure or orgasms.
Maaan, I hoped to make Sunny give birth while still ignorant of sex but the dialogue author cucked me from this
fortunately the quintuplets will be a different surprise
Im playing eraMegaten, is this bug?
I had loyalty in the tens of thousands on some characters and demons, but it wasn't until i did the Devil Survivor 2 request that all the Trust and Affection tags started to kick in one after the other
What's up with that?
That's normal, Fall state only activate after Training or after at the start of a new day.
Cuckoldry is a sexy sexy sexy
What i mean is that happened all at once, like i passed some other requirement i didn't know of, the loyalty threshold was already passed a few days ago
In that case, I really really don't know. Sorry.
the question was for half-demons and the other stuff inbetween humans and demons, they can use equipment but aren't full humans
so I was wondering if the new game config to change human and equipment scaling or the comp programs to buff humans affect them or not
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Aww, yeah. That's the stuff.
did your alignment change? maybe gained a talent? I think that can change the reqs
So... I need to NOT fuck them at all, and to get them to a Light alignment?
Nope, i had 40k loyalty on one of them and was my same alignment for a long time and got nothing until the Devil Survivor 2 request. In any case, it works now
In any case, is there a normal terminal on the Isoras farming place? Or do i have to do multiple runs?
If I remember correctly the route only breaks if they hit the "Submission" fall state
So they can get Affection and love and Wife? Good to know.
Having to drag those character one per NG, without fucking them sounds like a drag.

I'm so scared of fucking this story up holy shit.
Just be evil.
Sure, acting evil when two fourth-breaking characters are there, what could go wrong.

>[0-2] Destroy, completely destroy (does not appear if you are in a love/lust-type fall)
> ┗ Pour out violence that I hesitate to write about here. What on earth angered you so much? Even the author doesn't know... Apparently the author loved Junna-chan so much that he couldn't write it without trying to destroy her with all his might.

Jesus. I kneel.
Junna-chan isn't worthy of Nana's affections so I can't blame anyone for destroying her.
The Author loved so much that character, and wrote a "route" like specifically because. Holy shit. Dude is passionate in all the right way.
>Needed: 152
git gud
ADD demonization is actually pretty amazing and I'm surprised no one told me about this
I'm looking at this stuff and you could null all physical/nerve/mind/light/dark, and also have around 50% to 75% resist on everything else (while still being able to use equipment if a devil summoner)
only problem is it's way too expensive, like 100k macca for +50% resist in 3 elements, god how do you even get this much cash?
Slave trading, prostitution, meat toilets. The usual big money makers.
Nope. There are only a transport terminal that let you move from the starting warehouse to the Manikins's settlement (the Isoras River) and the place near the barrier of the Cathedral.
My dick is in love with pain
playing EreaTohoTW and I'm confused where the casino is located. It's inside the SDM but from Meiling dialogue at the gate, I can't go inside. Am I being dumb.
Yeah, just go inside anyway she can't actually stop you
Did that and yeah I was able to reach the casino but I don't know how to trade Charisma for pure cash. It seems I can only gamble it away.
You have to gamble a bit for casino ranks, once you rank up by spending charisma you unlock more charisma storage and trading but only when the value is above 100 yen
Thanks for the info! I knew I was missing something.
Hmm, who should I pick as my first Revue girl?
Anyone but Nana, she kills herself if you don't have Karen
I don't understand. Eramegaten doesn't even have mahjong. Why would she an hero?
I meant what girl should I pick as my favorite and contract.

Fourthwall Observation.

I'm almost surprised we don't have DDLC, since got both Revue and Needy Streamer Overload.
We need an option to sew our eyes shut. Koishi canon stitches canon add canon we need more cannon bitches love cannons.
>I meant what girl should I pick as my favorite and contract.
Anyone but Nana.
It doesn't end well if you pick her on the first run of the events.
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Know that if you write an epopee like this, but use printl instead of printw, I will despise you so much I'll turn into Junko
The three fairies are big offenders of this
I blame Sleigh.
I figured she would be weird like that.
So everyone but Nana, who will be the last.

I must admit, I'm drawn to Kagura Hikari, Hoshimi Junna, Maya Tendo and Saijo Claudine. The last one is fun: She got two multi-type skills that are stronger when the gap between her STR and MAG are close.
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Why, though?
I mean, yeah, it's nice if they're separated in blocks, but you can just scroll up and read as you please, so it's not like it makes much of a difference.
Retarded question here, i saw some pics of eramegaten modded to have little figures for npcs, doors and so on instead of the japanese letters, how do i do that?
Iirc you need to import the font given in the file, rename the font to something, and then toggle it.
One, you're right but imo it's just more appealing to have the reader get lines at their own pace, and not be jumpscared by more than one screen's worth of text (the crop isn't the full wall of text for that scene). Just compare how it feels when reading compared with stuff like Kogasa's 78-liner that utilizes printw, can't imagine getting all that at once
maybe I'm too much of a VN-brain
Two, when it's in JP it completely fucks translator tools which work best with single lines
Realistically none of father girls who I listen date a Chudcdl cuck
Thanks anon, it worked
Happy to help. Even more with my kind of bad directions.
>Don't have DDLC
Anon, adding extra content is good and all, but justifying said content in EraMT is a whole 'nother matter. Things like Revue, Im@s, and Marfusha makes no fucking sense in Megaten, but the Nipponese did it anyway and with an even better plot, justification, and execution than the entire P5/DDS2 content. You need autists to do that, not "fans."
Also, not to sow discord but desu, I feel like DDLC's playerbase only play the game ironically and not out of love for the IP, most players that I've met likes it due to it being "Subversive" and "Not like other VNs" even though they have played a grand total of 0 VNs in their whole life or at most a bunch of CG collectors who thought all VNs are Nukige.
tldr; most DDLC fans are consoomers, they can be schizoid, but are seldom autists, fight me if you dare (in AoCF).
I enjoyed Persona 5, and do not understand the meme hate people give it.
>in AoCF
Opinion discarded.
I'm still mad my girl isn't in the game
I'd say you need autists who are also fans, but that's tomato tomahto.

>P5/DDS2 content
Tomato tomahto pressure rising.

>tldr; most DDLC fans are consoomers, they can be schizoid, but are seldom autists, fight me if you dare (in AoCF).
No no, I actually think you are right, and you would kick my ass anyways.
I like/love DDLC because it did things skillfully, or at least more than VNs before. Most VNs like that try to guiltrip you as the source of all evil for daring to play the game, with all the grace and skill of a fat turd. It's something I noted, western developers are better at it. And that's on top of the game being made by an autist, so it's full of details if you go and replay it, or look inside, or look at things really.
Still waiting for that Libitina stuff to go somewhere though.

Imo, it's less hatred for it, and more like hatred over the fact that it's considered a masterpiece. You can like it, but let's not pretend it's one or anything close to it. It isn't.
The meme "all style over substance" actually summarize the game well. It doesn't help that Persona is a cash cow series, and that the japanese have a block when it comes to politics.
Be the change.
Nta but it's not even translated.
How much Loyalty does male characters need to be Sworn Brother or whatever? Yu doesn't want to be a Sworn Brother and he has like, 60000 loyalty.
Now say that again in English.
I meant Lokapala, my personal disdain for beating politics/bureaucracy with the power of friendship aside, I don't really hate P5 as there's no way to dethrone P3 in my mind.
I would never touch Lokapala ever again even if getting the Neutral Route in Basilica is technically more tedious and boring than Sun, that's despite my overwhelming desire to mindbreak/rape/enslave/make love with Tae and Futaba.
Sorry anon, still not good enough to play Soku competitively. Also, there's no Mokotan.
>Tae and Futaba.
They don't even have unique dialogues or skills so what's even the point.
Yukikaze kind of suck compared to Rinko. It's all thunder magic. Rinko got a unique weapon that has Pierce at least, and while is all about Slash skills, at least her last one bypass everything. And has Invigorate Large.
Why is everyone so obsess with Invigorate Large? If you guys want to restore MP that much then just use items like Chakra Drops or Soma. If you have used up all healing items and still can't beat the boss then it's time to grind in Sea Ark. And you can forget about random encounter with Estoma.
It also helped that P3, has awkward and poorly written it was, had a theme going on, and didn't hold your hand with friendship. Even better, it end up with the MC FUCKING DYING which make sense unless you are a bit braindead. You don't get a Persona named Messiah with references to the most known one and think "Oh I'm sure he'll be fine".
Just. How. Much. Your balls must be filled with testosterone to pull that?
Items are limited, rare, kinda bad, and temporary. But Invigorate Large, is Eternal.

Meme aside, it's the truth. It's that convenient and allow you to spam without fear.
For me, Invigorate Large is very expensive and if you get to the point where you can give it to your allies then you also have more than enough items to fight the boss with.
That's why you generally have Tentacles or the MC tanking the cost.

Basically, it's all about convenience.
What is that about tentacles? If you are talking about MAG then I just have intercourse with my allies. I'm talking about summoning the highest rank snake (golden dragon) and Huang Long costs a lot of yens.
She's only good for sex
You can transfer MAG with tentacles. Skills like Invigorate cost MAG.
Having sex is a good way too, but the problem is the Stamina.

>I'm talking about summoning the highest rank snake (golden dragon) and Huang Long costs a lot of yens.
Yeah duh, so? You can just find the skill somewhere else.
So Rinko is good for sex and fighting, but Yukikaze is only good for sex. I take note.
How based it is to put Taimanin characters though.
I don't know other demons that has Invigorate Large aside from Huang Long (golden dragon).
That's your opinion. I don't consider it a masterpiece per se, every game has its flaws, but it definitely has more substance than what you give it credit for.
Not really, it's bordeline retarded.
Again, that's your opinion.
And that's your opinion that it has more substance than I give it credit for.
Wait, where are I? I think I lost the thread.
Quit presenting your opinion as though it's the only one which matters.
Quit doing the same.
I'm not, I'm just pointing our that people are free to disagree with you, and you should quit shitting on the game and shouldn't expect kudos for shitting on it. It's uncalled for.
Don't try to play the "enlighted one".
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Don't play the "butthurt anon".
I'm not being butthurt, I'm just pointing out how hypocrite and full of shit you are. And you visibly didn't like that.
The obsessed homo is alive and well, I see.
Just ignore him, he won't stop trying to get the last word in even if it means ten threads of back and forth shitposting. He's mentally ill.
You're the one sperging out about a game you claim you didn't hate. What even is the point in bashing it? It adds nothing of value to the thread. There are better threads more suited to your console wars. People here come to discuss Era games, not to watch two or more retards responding back and forth to each other for a hundred messages. Get a hobby and quit shitting up the thread because you can't handle the fact that other people exist.
Which one? The butthurt one or the one who insulted a game ?

You are the one making a big deal out of it. If it's really just my opinion, you would have stopped saying anything, and the matter would have been dropped. Calm your tits, and stop trying to play the Noble White Knight, it doesn't make your argument better.
I don't actually give a shit lol, I just like pointing out flaws in arguments. Original guy probably slepping now.
Considering how little flaws was pointed out...
Peanut brittle.
Whatever happened to PedyTW?
ruskie shit got mobilized and is likely feeding sunflowers, at least Yuuka's happy
Haven't played in a long while, which .exe do I run for TW? Naudio or LazyLoadingV2?
Lazyloading if you want the new fast load times
based Reimu making it clear she won't fuck a bag.
>translator tools which work best with single lines
If they're LLM-based, like sugoi, they actually work better the more text you feed into them, but then you run into the issue of eraclipboard filtering them cause too large.
Two or three lines at a time is the ideal compromise.
This + them leg locking you if you try to pull out
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That's what you'd think, but from my experience with Sugoi the single lines are more consistent, while fetching a bunch often drops a line entirely - and not always an inconsequential one like this example I just took
>while fetching a bunch often drops a line entirely
You're right but that's a bug, not an accuracy problem.
But eraclipboard is great because you can choose how many words you want before it hides the text, and even when it does you can just click it anyway to read everything on your own terms... It's literally not a problem.
>you can choose how many words you want before it hides the text
The limit is there for a reason. You can't set it too high or it'll start trying to translate maps too.
>you can just click it anyway
I prefer to keep it hidden at all times so my whole screen is dark for full immersion.
Again, having it translate a few lines at a time is good, trying to have it translate an entire screen is retarded.
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Nah I think Sugoi just struggles with those, here's an example:
>He heard a hysterical voice, and beyond the steam, he could see Kasen without a single thread wrapped around him
>The hanaougi has an exquisite arrangement of arms and the angle of her thighs, hiding all the sexual parts
>The fact that I can't see her only fuels Hinano's carnal desires, and---
Image is when it's fed all lines at once

In general Sugoi's model seems to be taking more creative liberties with longer prompts
Huh, that's weird
I don't understand how to use eraclipboard
how do I make it so it keeps the full text instead of having to go line by line
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may have to fiddle depending on the game
Please answer, I want to put Yu into the tentacles.
There's a config file, click it.
In input, there should be
With XXXX being the number of characters you want as your limit. Increase or decrease it as you wish.
By the way some era games don't have a copy to clipboard enabled by default, check that in a respective game's option menu.
haven't gotten that far yet but I just got my first demon with invigorate (small) and it's a goddamn lifesaver, before that every exploration was a war of attrition and now I can actually heal and use spells on random encounters without either putting myself in financial ruin, or gambling for heals/mercy with demon talk
I don’t know what class you’re playing, but if you can buy and equip the repair and rebuild skill emulators, those are life savers. Functionally endless healing/revival that is on a cooldown rather than a limited resource is wonderful.
summoner, I don't have much cash yet and was saving for some other stuff anyway
that said I hadn't actually checked the skill emulator stuff, they cost macca right? I'd rather get some programs and comp capacity first
That's all well and good, but that work only for the PC.
Assuming you made a character after…. 152, I think, you get the healing one for free.

Any summoner.
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Is Sumireteru's translation still incomplete?
How do you evolve Personas for the other characters?
God, one day we will get the ultimate eragame where you can just do anything and it will just generate the image of anything that happens.
Theres another game called free cities I think that has a plugin that does this. Haven't tried it myself but heard people making a big deal out of it
The technology is still not there quite yet though. It can make simple things like pose a character, but more complex scenes involving multiple characters are a no go.
AI would need to be very advanced for it to pass.
Get the Persona of a character at a high enough level, if they don't have skills to learn anymore, have a Fall State, and go to the Velvet Room to choose Special Summoning.
It seems that characters with 3 Personas need a second Fall State, so uh, good luck for males characters if you didn't activated it for them, I'm still trying to figure that one out, so evolving Personas for Yu or Akechi is difficult. Or Naoya and Tatsuya.
Yeah, its more about having a character reference since its an otherwise completely text based game with customizable characters iirc.

Pass what? Pass for hand drawn art? That's not really the objective and doesn't matter if you're specifically making a mod/plugin to do things like that.
"wow theres really a little guy trapped in my mystery box drawing this!"
Anon, don't be obtuse.
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I guess I missed the joke my apologies.
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Speaking of Persona
>Marie's last skills are
>Moon Shatterer
>Severe PHYSICAL Slash to one row
>and Narukami
>Severe Eletric Damage attack on all foes
>on a Persona who has both Elec and Light Boost
Nigga why.
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>Grind Loyalty
>Look at the devil shifter in my party
>Good skillset
>"Huh? What demon is that?"
>Change the default demon to check
>It gets erased
>Last save was 2 hours ago
How did you do that?
Nevermind, i was looking at the demon list but it turns out default demons have their own button... that literally says "(Default demon)"
Now I'm scared it'll haoppen to me too.
Isn't Huang Long super cheap to mass produce? Mishaguji, Take-minakata, and a couple of elements barely amounts to anything.
Casko has it, probably the easiest demon to grab with it.
Okay, what do I need to do to make male characters into Sworn Brothers?

There's also the skill gacha at Junk.

Good luck on that one though.
Have you checked to make sure that trust fall and same sex trust fall are both actually enabled?

Otherwise, you just need 40000 loyalty points, assuming your alignment matches theirs.
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My MC is L/C. Yu is N/N and Akechi is D/N... would it really need more than 60000 Loyalty?

>trust fall and same sex trust fall are both actually enabled
I'm checking to be sure, and normally, yes. Picrel related.
Base value is 10000. Every alignment off from that is another 5000.

So Light>Neutral>Dark and Chaos > Neutral is 25000 base, times 1.5 for first stage and times 4 for second. So Akechi needs a solid hundred thousand to max out.

Yu is Light>Neutral and Chaos>Neutral, or a base of 20, a first stage of 30, and a second stage of 80.

If you have mysterious charm then it's lower, at 80 and 64 respectively.
Holy Shit, Ultimate Support is actually working.
After numerous crashes and somehow accidentally making it revive, fully heal & buff the party 6 times at one point, I finally managed to make it to the finish line.
Ultimate what now.
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I have found a very cool Summoner attack. The idea here is waiting for 4 turns until "Kuzunoha Emulator" is ready and by that time, your demons in COMP will have max physical and magical attack buff. You will also summon 3 demons in COMP in the font line to attack with DDS-DUO. The result is an attack of 6 demons with max attack buff. It's pretty cool.
So, what you are telling me is that I need much more than 60 000?
I'm preparing to bed and I took my meds, so I'm a bit in the zone.
>Kuzunoha Emulator
From the Kuzunoha Storyline, right?
You need 80 000 and 100 000.

Or you could shift your chaos alignment to neutral for a day or two.
Yes, after clearing Nagi's storyline, I got this Emulator.
Futaba's Ultimate Support;
Prayer + Sristi + Luster Candy + Brave Step, so a full revive + full party heal/ailment cure + full stat buff + crit buff.
Balanced it by making it a once per exploration deal and having a hefty cost of 216 MP.
It stay in NG+ right?
Yes if you have the emulator bonus from NG+. If not you can buy it from the macca exchange for 5000 maccas.
Oooooh, her Ultimate Skill. Based Anon repairing the Skills that were lost.
Personally I would make it so that it's once per fight, and twice per exploration, because come on, if it's only once per exploration, everyone will just wait for the boss to use it.
Thank you. Again, I'm sorry if I'm a bit out there.>>47730498

>Or you could shift your chaos alignment to neutral for a day or two.
Yeah I guess it would work too, I'd rather make unlimited stones that work for the MC too.
I have no idea how to manage it, but my ideal futaba skillset would be skills that have a random chance to trigger while she’s guarding. Like, every three turns she casts a buff or something, but only if she’s guarding. You have no control, she just does whatever from her list of skills.
That works for me. Done.
With this, all of the P5R Ultimate Personas & Skills are done.
Phantom Show's still technically in limbo since there's no non-debug way to obtain Raoul right now, and I'm not exactly sure how the Persona Totems work. In the Korean version he was just a carbon copy of Satanael's csv, so he needs to be rebalanced.
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You are right. I check and you just need a Zhu Yin and a Salamander to make a Huang Long. After that you can keep revert that Huang Long to a Zhu Yin by fusing it with a Gnome to keep getting Invigorate Large skill card. It's indeed cheap at that point. You can also fuse a Vasuki with a Salamander to make a Zhu Yin for an even cheaper cost.
Can you potentially get high tier demons extremely early by fusing a metric fuckton of low level demons you farmed with the DDS?
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I meant fusing Koga Saburo from Mishaguji and Take-Minakata, its a special fusion only thats unlocked from the SMT IV events.
Fusion is limited by the MC's level without the app that removes the limit.
Please explain the pun.
half ten
Please do not cut Aya in half.
Lore wise, it's dangerous to summon demons that are way stronger than yourself. Be careful anons.
Huh, I don't have any information about this demon. Thank for telling me about this, anon.
It's okay because summoning isn't fusion. They will surely remember being conquered by my cock even after becoming powerful enough to kill me and everyone in the general vicinity.
>What's the point?
You don't understand anon. Labcoat is my one true weakness. It is to me what a hagoromo/shawl is to Iku, what a girl is to Rance, or what a mistletoe is to Baldr. You won't believe me, but it's literally my main driving force (other than the money) for why I pursue my current occupation. If it wasn't for their labcoats, I would've let Kudlak drain Mari down to her very marrow, let Bifrons incinerate Otome to ashes, and entirely avoid mentioning Eirin's name if I can.
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I may not share your taste but I respect the dedication
How does it relate to impregnation?
The rest of the achievement puns are straightforward but this one is weird
I wouldn't bother trying to question why the people who feel the need to write horribly unfunny "jokes" for achievements are the way they are.
Ooooooh nice.
To be fair, despite being Arsene + Satanael, Raoul is very much less of an Ultimate Persona, and more like it's own thing. It look and act more like an evolved Arsene. A very lackluster evolved Arsene.
While Satanael is directly Power of Friendship or Grinding.
Probably do something like Arsene > Raoul > Satanael
Your autism and passion are noted, appreciated and enough of a reason.
Why the half then?
Other jokes are funny (like broken pelvis for onis), this one is cryptic.
because the child is a half-tengu, so (10/2)gu
Nta but just giving her passives like Rise would work too; no?
Please understand, anon doesn't understand math.
Remember that if you cut the name Aya in half, you get TWO Aya!
I think you just end up with a dead aya in two pieces.
Anon, where your FANTASY?
Tell you what, lets add in some cockroaches and a road roller and see what happens.
Naoya sent me this message. What the fuck does that mean?
He hates it if you're Neutral or Law, meaning you can't get Jezebel
You are being a goody two shoes. He wants you to be more evil. Do some requests for Gaean and you will become a bad man.
A unorthodox strategy would be to make Marie learn only Physical skills.

But I'm still L/C and I never got the mail and I have Jezebel.
He's fine if you're neutral
I was Light/Neutral and still got the mail last NG+ run
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Here we go, NOW that's a good Izanagi no Ookami. Not the pseudo-Picaro thing.
I'mma copy the skills and Res of Yu's version into the Picaro's..
Well yeah you're Light
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What is determining the girls you can think of in this Revue event? Last time I only had two.
It's decided by a point system that takes fall state, loveEXP, loyalty, and level into consideration.
The three highest will show up there. (characters with less than 10 points are excluded)
So only three will be shown... I'm between Maya and Kao. Even if Kao's skillset is weird. Maya got piercing skills.

Can in be modified by loading a previous save and making some adjustments?
You can.
Which make it harder to choose.
Imagine being this mad over being told not to murder your brother.
There's some deep lore in the original games, like holy shit.
No need to stop there, one day we'll get an entire dynamic world which you can visit for real with elon's brain chip thing.
>the ultimate eragame where you can just do anything
Isn't there an eragame that's basically MUGEN where you can just make any character you want?
It's untranslated tho and it's just a basic slave trainer
He means do anything in game, without having to code and write dialogue for every single action in advance.
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Well that's a weird thing to say.
AI by itself already kinda does this stuff, you just need an era system with prompts at specific times, the gen part may be harder since AI image gen is really inconsistent a lot of the time though
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Bug report: Marie's Kaguya-Hime's lvl 80 skill is this
> 専用技1
Or by MTL
>Dedicated Technique 1

Pleasantly surprised she got a third Persona though.
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