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previous >>47689538
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My honest reaction
post some hags
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Elite hag
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i can nut on her tits for 500 yen?
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That's nice, anon. Look right here
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Do you think Brazil knows about tropicalia? Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, that kind of thing? It's a very underrated genre of music.
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the idol who's character is literally a clown looks more natural than this chick
the riri hater is so weird desu
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Not a single Natsuki posted in the last thread. I knew he got on the ship back when her gravure was released and it was only Natsukibots trying to keep up appearances. She's doing weekly playboy again.
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live by the donut.
die by the donut.
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>everyone eats the donut eventually anon
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>you're next
Where do you buy tickets for this ship?
that jomon idol. only jomon idol have that kind of hair.

you'll melt more has a white girl? who?
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>hardware store, sporting goods store, walmart, amazon, party city. you can probably just find something laying around the house that will do the trick in a pinch.
don't worry goto-san, flat is justice
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I got the wrong group
Trans 6
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watched a bit of shunkoya's guitar practice. she is not good but it's just punk rock man. you don't gotta know how to play you just gotta be a punk. she spent more time drinking than playing guitar. but she has two solo songs being released today.
and just in case her stream wasn't "too revealing" and "strange" enough to be chastised by management she just decided to post this picture out of the blue
is that a steak sandwich or a gyro?
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They wear their own merch as casual wear, three of them wear shirts with their own images on them, and they wear the same outfits every other week.

Very poverty-looking group and Aki's apartment IS a mess
Looks like a sandwich
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cool cute boy
please don't fall to the codomo curse, cute boy
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Did she ever get into another group? Also, she looks better with her hair down.
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nop, she only has an agency for now
Alright, let's stop now because it started to feel mean.
stop posting this prolapsed asshole thumbnail
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Cute boys with white hair are cute!
forgot about this cute boy
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summer is coming to an end. are you satisfied with your idol this summer?
nice tol
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>she spent more time drinking than playing guitar
She sounds fun alright
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neo starto
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what are all these buckets used for?
i was hoping they were trashcans
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i like headband idols. if i had a bob i would wear a headband. it's a fun accessory
Kissable forehead
what's the deal with this group? i have followed them for a while now but never really looked into them. they're dead or something? they seem pretty cool but idk if it's really my cup of tea
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headband idol
That's a nice band
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the evolution of saki
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YA'ABURNEE's concept is: "Not Gothic, but Grotesque & Cute. Part of the world is bleak and godforsaken."
Which differs quite a bit from their previous iteration: HULLABALOO.
Idk if their MVs are gone now.
They recently imported a Chinese girl like in eSports.
i like how they have blood smeared on their faces
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Picrel reminds me of our /mu/ poser girl haha
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Nagi always looks like the thumbnail of a youtube video
Uchiyama doesn't need to get naked to sell people on Aphex Twin
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she hates you
you can tell she's a phony because she didn't even get her boobs out to review surfer rosa. how am i suppposed to respect that?
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cool. sabasister rocks
Uchiyama is the only music reviewer I have ever watched. Is that a thing among music reviewers? Does Fantano get naked?
is mio fully out of empathy now?
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>She will give you a handy for 500yen
Way cheaper than Pudding lol
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Yes, she graduated last month
Also she pops up around the 10:20 mark here
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Milk is recruiting members for her gang. You will need to kill a rival idol and get jumped in.
post sex shions
tripleS Shion
I believe if I were to somehow meet Ano she would fall in love with me
Ano is incapable of love
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I just paid 36k for an Alt bj did I get ripped off? She made me pay for hotel and told me to shower first
i can tell from the way you type that you got a bargain.
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lot of good pics of the fishing idol out there today. she's hot.
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>Suzume-chan!! wwww
>Thank you for introducing me to Suzume's favorite member, Takekoshi Kurumi! wwww

Inuwasi knows
Can buy the stream of the last Kanoko concert.
I found a DVD player and watched her DVD it's quite good. Great sound. They ought to release the oneman soon I would think.
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Idols are getting boring I think I am going to follow this actual menhera drug addict prostitute now. She is vile and filled with hate.
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Idk if guitar idol's new costume counts as a headband or not. I'm gonna say yes
All JP sluts always ask to wash your dick before fucking.
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Can someone explain the whole photoshoot part of idoling? Say you are an ojiisan with a Sorny A7 camera with all the bells and whistles and you pay one of these idols to go on an expedition photoshoot. What do you even do with those pictures besides post them on twitter? Do you make your own photobook? It's all just an excuse to go hang out with the idol right? It just seems a bit weird all around.
Like, what's the point of any picture? Just to show off/memories innit? Models get paid and you get pics. I don't see the weirdness in that.
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Well they aren't animals after all
I guess. Kind of a weird staged memory.
>remember that time i paid that chick 15000 to wear a yukata and walk around in the park?
Idk why anyone does anything really
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>What do you even do with those pictures besides post them on twitter?
you'll find out when you hit puberty anon
not to be
idk why it was ever even a question
If it's lewd stuff I would understand that more. I would definitely be selling white label photobooks to perverts. Idk I used to really like photography but I don't take pictures of anything anymore. Landscapes occasionally.
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headband idol

I need to find an idol with a headband posing next to a trashcan with an air conditioning unit in the background. That would be the trifecta.

Ok maybe I can see a reason to pay an idol some money to take her picture. Seems like cheating compared to finding it in the wild though.
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she will return
she should be more popular on the strength of her voice alone she is a really good singer
Is Akiman Taiwanese?
For the second time, no
Is she just regular Chinese then?
Akiman is mongolian.
What's the difference between a regular idol and a Super Idol? Sometimes I see idols put Super Idol in their bio and I wonder what qualifies them for that title. Is there some sort of idol regulatory board that tests idols on their idoling abilities and then designates them a rank? Is Super Idol like having a black belt in idoling?
not-ano is sperging out
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fishing idol caught 29 fish. what a sportsman

Her suicidal spergout just ended up being a commercial for 7-11.
i bet that's terrible
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She turned 29 years old too. It's time for her to catch another type of fish. A big fat wallet.
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You'll Melt More still exists?
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I'm surprised she is still friends with the menhera after all the melt downs she has had lol
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which one of you fuckers made a dirty pinoco compilation video and put it on 2ch
she's really milking this sandwich for all it's worth. there are like a dozen pictures across all sns of her eating this steak sandwich.
I couldn't find it.
Which board is that
idk she said she got a lot of new followers but they're all dirty imageboard rats and then she mentioned you specifically
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Now come on.
She knows well what (we) all are here for.
I saw another tweet about someone posting something with her in a sports swimsuit from her idol days at 2ch(5ch).
Can't find the exact sub thread though.
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She looks like a girl who I befriended and dated at my mid 20's.
We used to watch Aggretsuko together and spare the rest of time hugging and cuddling. I called her "squirrel" 'cause her front teeth looked a bit crooked but cute to me.
Holy crap, I still miss her.
I hope Goto-san sells cheki tomorrow. I don't want to take photos with Meronbatake.
At least we have something in common
That's a weird ass ring
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Very good management and direction.
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wow shes cute
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colorful komochi
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remember to bring a gift when you meet your yoshi
I wanted to bring her my homemade moonshine but customs wouldn't let me.
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Soulless eyes
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Leave walnut to me
what a dork
she should post more deko pics
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dina cute
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these are rare treasures that must be cherished at all times
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hood deko idol
she's ugly
(the 2000円 idol posted earlier)
That's really cute yes
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don't reply to us anymore moroni
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we don't reply to you anymore anyway moroni
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Ehh, seems they are gone now. At least you can view it archived here. I like this song.
Super edgy!
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30year old idol
lovely plastic hag
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The rounder the head the better the bob. Poor Mao, having a bob is her defining character trait and it's not even the best one, that's the bird girl or Riko also
>No Komugi
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I'd steal her nose
What my penis gland sees seconds before receiving the best life changing milking dsl souls sucking suction action of the existence.
i get that it's just this guys opinion but i could make a better list than that.
i don't disagree with all his choices, it's a start. my list goes a lot deeper though, even stronger bobs from even less popular idols.
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Better than ever
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Replying to myself because I was testing if I was still banned. Honestly, the stupid things they ban you for around here.
Back on topic, YMM! is still alive and slowly gaining traction after bottoming out when the originals left. Now we have Maeri-not-chibo, Heso-not-kechon, Nerun-lowkey-ano, Raki-not-ano, and Nani-not-napi.
I like Meari. She's cute.
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I also like Meari. That's why I usually post Meari. But the new girl Raki has my attention because of her strong bob.
the idols are being a bit boring lately. Hiiragi-san's spergout was the most interesting thing that happened and it just ended up being an advertisement for 7-11onigiris. (To her credit I guess that is pretty darn close to actually being Ano.)

I'm sticking with this crazy prostitute girl for now.
she's a wreck
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how do you find crazy prostitute idols
how come you didn't post their new MV? are you just testing the waters to see if you will get kicked to /main/ with this 15yo?
Wow, does she want to be Ano-chan? She will never be Ano-chan. No one in the group should be allowed to wear a black bob, it only invites inevitable comparisons to Ano-chan, with whom competition is futile.
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she's not an idol. she's just a menhera. she's completely unhinged and unfiltered. She would probably be pretty cute except I hate her hair.
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All the videos of Su-Ring going apeshit and stage diving at the Guitar Wolf show are fucking great.
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We love them.
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Why, they're as different as night and day! Who would want to compare them?
The main difference, of course, is that I like Raki, and I don't like ano. That's all that matters.
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Aki, one of my favorite japanese /alt/ idols who is japanese.
this looks kslop related to me
gtfo with this kpop shit. i heard kpop idols don't even make you wash your dick before they give a bj.
boo this man!
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If you don't recognize the Tokyo Dome you shouldn't be posting here.
yeh cos kslop artists have never performed there before huh
if your oshi is big enough to play at the tokyo dome you shouldn't be posting here
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Katosan two year anniversary since she decided to go street live for the first time. A true trailblazer. Bringing the idol to the people.
New MV drops tomorrow.
>concafe wife makes a post reading 急遽だけど、9/22あけてて!!!

What are the odds of it being graduation? I'm scared
it's over
When a twitter prostitute bot has "if the conditions are right we can have sex" in their bio what conditions are they talking about and how do I know if those conditions are right or not?
Katy reminds me of nana osaki
Been too long since we last saw Katy Hanpen in this thread
katy looks like she smells bad. i would definitely make her wash her penis before giving her a bj
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You can post it as an art exhibition too apparently and expand your work experience portfolio.
There is a new Kanano EP out
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Ano is sexo
Well post it then
Sexo in the ano
where on Twitter/Insta/other?
i listened to it on spotify. it's alright.
i think she mostly streams on twitcast
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Koguma be mogumoguin' on the tiktok now
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nice gobbu
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twitter voltou, caralho
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toilet cleaner recipe
No need for a recipe, just use ano
ano has an army of maids cleaning her mansion in the sky. she probably makes them call her master. ano don't clean shit.
^except for her producer's toilet
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you think she's rough enough to get into the milk gang? how many bricks can she move?
Afro american "culture" and its consequences.
If your idol group has more than three members I ain't listening to that shit.
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NEET new band
yuina is in it too
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Elite devil
We cum on this thing
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Pinoco-bros, she got circumcised.
Excuse me, but Bimbo and Literal-whore hate each others. So please refrain posting them together.
Why is Nakamura from Meronbatake always bleeding?
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Since when TIF did roadshows?
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uhh does she know we can see her ass cheeks?
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Goto-san stuck a finger in my mouth today.
did that guy just post a dude in a maid outfit
Bro, that's Meisa Nishimoto.
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Today's devils
That's part of the selling point
Only gays dislike flat chests.
i prefer flat
flat is justice
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I will never not be able to read that as Chancla because I am from Brazil and sometimes mi madre hits me with her chancla.
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>Finger Runs: New Visual Release
>still wearing the flaming trash bags
That usually means a new costume. I want monke!
she must have gotten dinged up sliding into second base
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They're like the tsuinteru of idol.
i do not speak rubiks cube.
what did she mean by this?
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Japanese idol eating donut
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looks more like a bagel there. a weird pink bagel
the package clearly says bagel. nice try shlomo
it was close enough
Same and you could have posted them if you wanted
flat is fine but sucking an old hag's finger is pretty gay. who knows whose ass it's been up.
i didn't want to it's the same old trash bag but now with colored smoke

yeah that's gross. depends on how flat really. sub-A-cup fully flat is unacceptable. There has got to be something there. It doesn't have to be a lot but something
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japanese cute boy eating lots of sweets (hence the swollen cheeks)
what are they all looking at? is someone jingling a set of keys just out of frame?
it's practically impossible to get good coke these days
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This crowd is like 70% gaijin hipsters. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
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Shadow puppetry
I wasn't sucking. If it were her toes that would be another story...
and here's you.. too poor to leave your favela
I counted 6 when i was there. It's pretty standard for Shelter. Bocchi did irreparable damage.
WaSuta comes to me
Dem limped-wrist whitebois
They literally drop her. Actual wristlets.
Also their attempts at moshing were hilarious.
Only on grey haired ojisan put in some effort.
It's definitely about herself and not someone in the next room
my nose needs to be in that gap
she might have hit parity and is just bitching because the algorithms to fix it are long
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whatever...i don't want to taste go yoshida's prostate. anyway she's like 70 years old, have some dignity.
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Haha yeah it was dem ones over there, not the trve Wapanese like us.
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I think the neigher realized that she's a granny now.
no i looked it up, it means "i want a spicy chicken sandwich"
Unloyal people should be executed.
*If it has more than two members...
She got a very nice ass for a 70yo
I would rather commit seppuku than get into shoving matches with pink haired americans.
I only listen to solo idols
i only listen to idols who post jandek covers on their truth social
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Imagine all married ojisan who dated and tasted the pudding for ¥¥¥.
>intimidated by pink haired americans
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I'm only intimidated by her.
so did you even swipe your suica between her lack of titties, piss yourself and get dragged outside by the alleged 'pink haired american', or are you just a larping /mu/fag?
don't care how many handjobs pudding gave as long as her hymen is intact
She only accepts cash.
^found the pissu pantsu gaijin
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I will shove this in your anus
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>as long as her hymen is intact
I peek a serial killer on the left
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nothin wrong with 'experienced' idols
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>i only listen to idols who post jandek covers on their truth social
Me too. Find any yet?
dark emi era
damn HEROINES does that to people?!
we need more brown idols
Still no legs
i feel like we could make ruka brown
She was when she was younger.
brown -> younger -> >>47610281
a modern day troubadour
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that makeup looks fucking stupid
seems appropriate for inhuman monstes
Ano did it better
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Who tf told these girls that crocs are cute? Fucking disgusting. Worst "shoes" ever. If you are a fat dude in his 40's it's ok. But idols?
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^show us your style then, lil nigga
Oh no no no. There is only 1 Tenten.
crocs have arch support and breathability which matters when you have to stand at okubo park for many hours.
she looks like someone that would get over 300 times
you can customize your crocs with all the little crap you get out of gacha machines. they're like charm bracelets for your feet
T -T
Probably just a old tradition that made more sense in before hd internet pics were so commom
rubiks cubes. that's her thing now
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If you only knew the mysterys of the cube Mos. You would be a god among cats.
what makes no sense is why you cucks who never even leave your room bother to follow these japanese idols.
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ohhh shit
good luck to guitarded headband idol on her guitarded headband birthday live. keep your headband tight and your amplifier squishy
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forgot pic. i am truly guitarded
We love autistic idols!
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better than getting fingered in the mouth by a crusty old broad
is that a new supergroup?
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This idol has very soft thighs.
so you molested her while she's just trying to have some fun diving? you should keep that to yourself.
Holding crowd divers is molesting now? Should we let them hit the floor then?
This bitch used to be in akb48, got a ton of plastic surgery then joined heroines
>Holding crowd divers is molesting now?
the way you do it yeah. it's about intention.

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