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A seamstress like Alice? A wealthy, elegant and refined lady like Yukari, Yuyuko or Remilia? An edgy and fashionable 2hu like Hecatia or Jo'on? Or a complete dark horse no-one would suspect?

What would they wear? Surely not everyone in Gensokyo is as bland as Reimu and Marisa wearing only bloomers?
Everyone that isn't from the outside world is wearing a fundoshi.
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Now if someone could donate money and some Outside World clothes to Reimu...
The best tasting underwear must belong to one of the youkai
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It may be over the top, expensive, and have debatably too many frills, but sometimes a girl wants to feel pretty even if it's hidden under big comfy robes.
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>Reimu and Marisa
Marisa, sure, but Reimu doesn't wear bloomers anymore.
>A wealthy, elegant and refined lady like Yukari, Yuyuko or Remilia
>An edgy and fashionable 2hu like Hecatia or Jo'on
Thank you for confirming that you know nothing about 2hoe, OP.
I would just like to add that the only 2hi whose undergarments we canonically know anything about (besides bloomers in fighting games) are Sagume's. She wears red underneath.
She doesn't wear any though? It gets in the way of hiking up her dress and raping a random guy 200 times until he dies of exhaustion.
Even Hammer's Ran wears under garments.
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AFiEU confirms the tengu, or at least Aya wears panties instead of bloomers.
Seija's damaged sprite in DDC shows her wearing pink underneath.
Tsukasa's damaged sprite in UDoALG shows her wearing black underneath too.
And Sagume's red underwear is only in the damate sprite that goes unused in LoLK, so it's actually the only one who's canonocity is up in the air.
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LoLK or around then it seems like Reimu changed from wearing a sarashi and bloomers to a vest and presumably panties, what caused that?

Also I bet she regrets making the change now
I think only Remilia would be able to afford outside world underwear
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I think she'd treat her household as well, no-one who doesn't want to be a pin cushion dares try, but I want to see what Sakuya is wearing under her maid uniform.
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Aya on a mission to find out the answer to this important question
Meru's Merus!
Lunasa's Lunasas...
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Raiko might well be a contender for the most daring
High ranking Makai woman underwear.
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Time to find out what Sakuya wea- ooops
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I commend Aya for daring to try and learn the truth about Sakuya too
Alice, Koishi, and Remilia all wear diapers
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not surprised when the bat shits itself this often
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Bloomers? I'm afraid that your informations are outdated
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It's clearly Alice
don’t care. CURSE OF RA
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Forcing Youmu to dress sexier if she likes it or not
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If they wear underwear I'm not interested, simple as
So by default my wife Sanae remains best girl
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I prefer sticking to tradition, also when the frog girl wears only a fundoshi
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Bow panties are sex.
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Sanae outgrew her nice underwear from the outside and she cant get anymore in Gensokyo. She doesn't like how a sarashi feels and so goes without.
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Yeah, I'm thinking Sakuya is the best kept secret in Gensokyo
Well, she's about that age now...
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I think modest is best
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Traditional Youmu is better
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Any Youmu is a goal
When is the kemono getting updated?
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Yuuka wears black and that is a fact
Meant lace. I'm a retard
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Greenhus with red clothes tend to look good with black lingerie and/or tights
fantia/fanbox importers are permanently kaput because the admins can't be bothered to enter a captcha once a week
Why is Shinmyoumaru scared?
She's a creepy doll loner but probably has some of the best taste in lingerie
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I think black lingerie is really versatile, it's difficult for it to not look good
She knows she's going between those tits
>She knows she's going between those tits
Ending up between a hot girl's fat tits is not remotely scary.
She's gonna die
Every time I see this artist I'm reminded that he traced a /jp/sie's shitposts. The internet really is a small place.
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It is indeed difficult a hu that wouldn't look good with black lingerie.
I always imagined they all wear lingerie
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Marisa just doesn't have the body to pull it off, she's better just covering up
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Total Youmu takeover
Remilia would wear the most extravagant lingerie possibly or just simple childish ones
Sakuya would be more the extravagant/elaborate one once you get her uniform off and Remilia more child-like
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Surprise fancy bra!
Let her feel pretty for once...
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I assume Alice likes to dress herself up just as much as she does her dolls
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I believe Yuuka's underwear also being plaid holds a special appeal.
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No, this is only what she wishes she looked like, the reality is short, flat and shapeless. Even Reimu has a taller, fitter, more shapely body and she's hardly a great looker.
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Marisa even fits in a large jar, you can 'decorate' her underclothes too!
Anon be sure to make a few holes in the lid, or she'll suffocate (fun to watch i know but we don't have an unlimited supply of marisas)
We should breed the jarisa until we have an unlimited supply
I'm all for breeding the jarisa, I want an unlimited Marisa printer
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These "haha Marisa is so small" memes are getting ridiculous
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She is tho
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Why is she so tasteful and attractive?
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For me it's that wicked hermit
Gentlemen, I love bras...
Judging by this artist, Ran has the best taste. It's so nice, you would ask her to keep it on during sex.
Reimu looks so good in lingerie goddamn.
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Ran is probably dressed by Yukari so that poses an interesting question...

This is why we should donate more to Reimu or at least get someone to put the idea of doing a gravure calendar every year to raise donations.
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Taoists just do it better
She even has her own Alice type underwear
This, but also let's help Alice get over her hate-boner for Reimu so she can start making her some nice lingerie.
I find the pantsu more sexual than naked. Is that wrong?
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-anon understands modesty and leaving it to the imagination can be erotic
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many such cases
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Youmu pantsu shots are always the best ones
Cute lesbians
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Now these two on the other hand, purest form of (hag) love
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Objectively true
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Sometimes, plain is best choice!
Is it not plain for all to see that the Crown Prince hath reacheth perfection in all matters regarding smallclothes?
Forsooth, she is truly an unreachable ideal that no others could e'er hope to attain.
gensokyo is a bloomers land
I want bra paizuri so bad, bros...
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I need to immerse myself in fox
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the thread is sinking
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I'm okay with sinking if with this captain
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Why is Youmu in panties so erotic?
Where are they getting modern panties from? Did they make them themselves or did they fall in from the outside world?
Either Yukari, Maribel or second-hand from victims gapped into Muenzuka
Satori makes sure her family dresses well
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It's because they act as a nonverbal invitation for sex. She's too shy to ask for it herself
I love this Ran
What do you think Kasen wears? The ULiL sprite artist clearly intended her not to wear bloomers.
She's in denial of her lewdness and just wears a fundoshi
a sexy red set. Red is the best.
man who does not eat chocolate likes idea of being forcefed chocolate for sixteen consecutive hours
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Black tends to go well with most hus, and is just a great color in general for lingerie, but I personally prefer red or purple sets.
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I see why she's a perfect, elegant maid now once you lose the clothes
Is that lingerie painted on?
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oh yeah forgot to mention...Pink is a great color too.
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She seems annoyed no-one makes anything in inchling size and stealing the bloomers from one of Alice's dolls only goes so far
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Aya approves of underwear 'Mu
imagine the...everything
I like liya's stuff
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Sanae is so gorgeous.
Which 2hu would you go bra shopping with?
Why would I shop for bras? I'm not fat enough to need one.
ReiAya should be canon
I question how no one on twitter has noticed that this artist has been doing a fair amount of AI stuff as of recent
God those proportions are hot
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Ok and?
Not for you, silly, to watch your 2hu wife try them on.
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Suppa Tenko.
I think if she were to take you shopping for underwear any of her usual decorum would be out the window. She'd show off everything she tried on, maybe just skip the formality and pull you into the changing room so you know how it gets put on (and taken off).
I always thought he just keept recycling his art. Also obviously the strongest takes the cake in her wardrobe, or lack there of.
Damn it forgot the image
>taken off
Heresy. Ran has to leave it on during sex.
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Most people overlook her but Orin is pure sex
Overlook her? She's got a whole thread right now dedicated to her tits!
who dis?
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But I wouldn't want to get them dirty. They look really expensive.
She smells like rotting corpses
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lingerie is good too
That's roses compared to Yukari's stench.
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It would be stupid to see her try on things to cover up the best bits of her body, which i have already seen and done everything with.

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