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Previous thread: >>47679855

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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Reading sisters...
Just had a thought of an scenario I would think would be hot.
Some dude has a niece and he promised he would marry her but he did it like not seriously.
Years go by and he has now a fiancee. The niece meets MC again wanting him to fulfill his promise.
He cant so she does something to have sex with her (Drugs, he was drunk, I dunno) and the whole game is the niece making uncle addicted to sex with her by blackmailing him with a photo/video of him fucking her.
Is there any VN with such a plot that comes to mind?
you basically described umineko
So...isn't this just the Nanatsu no Maken LN in VN format? I only watched a couple episodes of the anime, but they seem very similar.
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wow he's literally me
Isn't this an rpgmaker game? I tried it for like five minutes and didn't really get it, what am I missing?
Nope. It's a normal KiriKiri game. There were some map movement elements but they were rather limited.
All of the RPG-like things at the beginning are just RPG-stylized choices. They are for choosing Chie's personality and appearance.
damn i genuinely thought that he overdid with the bully part and it was unrealistic, but after reading about this incident it now feels that he was still relatively soft with it in comparison...
Bullying in asian countries has always been brutal. I remember watching some chinese videos and yeah, reality beats fiction
It's like that everywhere. You can find plenty of examples in the West too.
I would have to check some studies to be sure, but I noticed that sexual harassment was much more prominent in the east (like forced undressing and stuff). Then again, I would have to read some studies
just don't get bullied
You need a healthy amount of bullying.
Thats why people in Spanish speaking countries dont get triggered by words like the west or east.
People nowadays dont go through enough adversity.
Hazing is worse in the US/EU by far than in any Latam or Asian country, but you only experience that if you're being initiated into a fraternity/society. Bullying implies people give enough of a shit about you to force you into society, the absence of it implies that you're not wanted or needed.
if you want to experience true hazing come to russia and join their army
I've never read a bad Waffle game
i wish there was a good unstranlated vn
Can I get some recommendations for daughter games that don't come off as creepy? I just started Musume Shimai but I don't know if I can tolerate this protagonist.
https://vndb.org/v1551 a VN I consider to be one of the best I've played.
When it comes to ojousamas is the blonde drill-haired tsundere better? Or the raven-haired ドS better? I'm really having trouble with this.
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all games should look like this
looks like peak slop but i'll i give it go since japanese seems easy enough
It ticked every single box for what makes a good VN for me, I would even say that other VNs should follow its example.
Drill ojou beats anything you put it up against.
You're fucking your daughter, you can't make it not "creepy" you dumb tourist.
The tourist is you though. For some reason you think eroge is 100% serious business, when it's ultimately up to the writer. Even among "responsible" socially aware scenario writers there are those, like Romeo Tanaka, who make works that poke fun at lolicons, show the inevitable decay of an incestual relationship, then turn around and have the MC adopt and fuck someone.
You're probably malding because your daughter hates you.
You spent all that time and energy on a shitposter who doesn't care.
Papa Love series isn't that creepy. If you actually knew as much as your posturing as, you'd see there's a big difference between them. But you clearly haven't played the games you're talking about.
Fucking your daughter is creepy no matter how much you spin it.
Please start putting in effort. Your last message was so good.
this, and that's a good thing
>daughter games that don't come off as creepy?
The absolute level of suspension of disbelief you must have to not see is as something creepy would be off the charts
Isn't the reason people read stuff like that(just like incest) because of the 背徳感?
She's borderline retarded though (japs thinks it's cute)

is the best in the series but Papa Doki is only technically a daughter game
「彩子」. It's pretty wholesome
You have to be a creepy fuck to go after kids. Play something more normal if you don't want it
Not him, but it's THE Mitsuru game. The only (but massive) problem is that (You) don't get to do anything other than picking a route.
You fucked up your JP studies if you think 背徳感 means creepy.

See, some people understood the assignment. Thanks.
5 years ago I'd disagree with you, but as I've gotten older I have come to agree with this. We need more hag moege and a hag plotge would be 10/10. How has chuuni milfs not been done before?
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I mean, Masada's stuff technically has chuuni milfs. Footjob hag milfs even.
Does anyone know what this VN I've forgotten was called? It was 2 stories packaged in 1, in the first you were a fat bastard teacher and a gothgirl student took you as her sex slave, In the second you're a student(?) and have a gamer girl friend with benefits. It was the first VN I read entirely without texthooking
I'm not sure this lines up entirely but this is the first thing that came to mind https://vndb.org/r22505
That's it, thanks anon.
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best girl
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No problem. I wish this artist did more eroge.
I didn’t like that futanari game they did.
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Slutting it up is serious business.
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This was really good
https://vndb.org/v16951 or https://vndb.org/v49143 Which one will I enjoy more?
Artemis Blue (though it's more of a single mom-ge)
I haven't read Senshinkan but that's clearly an alt-universe version of Kei so she must be terrible.
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I wonder what it's like playing VN on a TV. A big one, like 65+ inches. I imagine it must be pretty immersive. Or perhaps maybe you could do it in VR.
Man it sucks being a poor NEET. But at least I have VNs I guess.
I gotta say, I'm real disappointed in the new Kenzen. It's much, much shorter than the previous games - only 3-4 scenes per heroine, no side heroines or side routes, it's maybe 30% the content of the previous two VNs. Additionally, there's a clear effort to make it way more vanilla than the previous two games by taking out any scenes where the heroines get gangbanged - which is just bizarre, because the kind of person who was upset by that would not have made it to the third game in a franchise after the first two were full of it. All in all, shockingly low effort from clockup, I was wondering how they were able to put Kenzen 3 and Ouju no Shima out back to back and it turns out it was by half-assing Kenzen.
I still got several great faps in, don't get me wrong, I just expected more and better.
How do you trigger Charlotte events in Hyakusen no Jou ni Kawatareshi Toki? Already saw two Sophie events but nothing for Charlotte yet.

As reference the current recruitment progression is: Sophie-->Charlotte-->Roland-->Ludencetelg, mine event is cleared so now a new area is open, no active story quests ongoing.
Yes that sounds bizarre.
Yet still its like those people who play NTR games for the vanilla and are okay with the girls sucking and loving other men cocks in the NTR scenarios because they get to "earn" the slut back.
Some cucks are deluded vanillafags and maybe that was the aim.
If you aren't using the power of your imagination to animate the shit they narrate then you are doing it wrong
I'm looking for a visual novel with gameplay, set in school, with multiple heroines. If it's a dungeon crawler would be good, but it's not a deal breaker.

I tried to search on vndb, but I couldn't find anything. The only one I founs thay fits my criteria is Yumina the ethereal, which I played a few years ago. Is there really anything else? I found it weird considering Japan and they're highschool autism.
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I wouldn't say it's ever ntr scenarios, in the first couple of games they'd fuck random dudes or get gangbanged while still being in a happy relationship with MC (who would also fuck other women). There's no real stealing or being stolen or any emotional factor at all.
I think the creators are kind of in a dilemma where they want to do vanilla consensual gangbangs and also vanilla romance w/sluts. See also sacrifice villains, which has very similar issues. It's kind of a contradiction and they have to walk a pretty fine line to make it work and it sometimes doesn't.
It's a fun series and I like it a lot but it's definitely not for everyone.
>don't come off as creepy
define creepy, i might have some
also i also loved
https://vndb.org/v4651 and https://vndb.org/v8188 from the same series
Sounds like Pastel Chime. You should check the Alicesoft games, I think they have a few other that take place in a school. There is also Verethragna. Depends on what you want from a school setting games like Soukoku no Arterial or Seinarukana may also fit (they have the MC and his whole school teleported to a different world).
Pastel chime and Soukoku no Arterial looks fun
I actually never played any of their games. I have Rancd in the backlog. Someday I'll definitely marathon the series too. But I always linked Alicesoft with Rance and Evenicle, honestly I don't know kuch if the library
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this is gonna be a long ride
How old is Slen supposed to be in KnM?
The VN starts with him entering magical high school, but they do numerous flashbacks to 10 years ago where he looks exactly the same and other kids call him dad.
Is he like a 25 year old infiltrating a high school or did he look like an adult when he was 9?
Idk, I don't think there's contradictions in the premise, it just treats sex as a fun thing to do, including kinky stuff. They pretty much make it into a message, including drawing a strict line on consent. There are obviously people that will scream ntr the moment a heroine touches another guy, but as you said you need a different framing, here there is no expectation of exclusivity to begin with and not in a way that would make the reader feel bad.

I haven't played the game yet, but I guess they just had to make it short so they focused on the main premise which was fucking the protag.
it that shit a psyop or actually good?
so far it's good
What does this even mean? I see this term pop up and its always in the dumbest posts.
A psyop (short for psychological operation) is a strategy used to influence people's thoughts, feelings, or behavior, often for political or military purposes. Imagine someone telling stories, spreading information (or misinformation), or using media to make people believe something specific, like supporting a certain idea, fearing an enemy, or distrusting someone.

In simple terms, it's like a mind game designed to change how people think or act without them even realizing it.
So how exactly does that apply to a VN?
it means "somebody" is boosting game's score so you play it because it's highly rated, even tho it's generic indie-slop
Then just say that, then. Walt fucking Whitman over here.
>use 10x words to say exactly the same thing because i lack critical infomation
>start new VN (charage)
>good writing, interesting happenings, good art and music, fun
>intro ends, heroine 1+2 introduced
>1 is annoying bitchy fake oneechan
>2 is annoying food-obsessed braindead osamabanananajimi
>already 2/4 heroines suck, 1 of the others is disliked I heard
What do (you) do in this situation? Continue in the hope the heroines get better or just quit despite everything else being nice in the game? It's not like I don't have other shit to read.
>What do (you) do in this situation?
check vndb score and drop it if it's sub 8.5
I only ever go after whites, so if they don't make a good first impression I drop them.
muramasa I think
I don't play slop with vndb score 8.5 and above, especially if they're english translated, then you KNOW it's garbage.
oh yeah tough guy? well i just used my vndb and erogamescape bot accounts to boost the score of your favorite vns above 8.5
n-no... my hidden gems...
As always, if its boring, quit, if its not then continue
Also there are sometimes characters you hate can turn out to be good once they get their character development, although that is rare it feels great once it happens
This anon is absolutely correct. If it's getting on your nerves or feels boring and uninspired, just read something else. Value your time. Lord knows there's a lot of shit to read.
It's not a high school, it's a magic academy for anyone training to join the army, don't let the uniforms fool you. There's no age restrictions
Panel technology is more important than the size in my opinion. Is OLED viable on the desktop yet or do I need to wait another 10 years?
it' funny because there are "people" who unironically think like this
There are very few genuinely good high score VNs, as with most content, it's designed to appeal to the majority, however the majority are retarded.
low score vns are even worse tho. and no, being untranslated don't make them any better
>finished all popular highly rated vns
>only slop left now
>it's fucking over
read less popular highly rated vns like >>47731076
doesn't even look like a vn to me
weirdest cope so far
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Dumb osanajimi
>drop it if it's sub 8.5
So you only read translated mainstream shit? lol. Please look at the poor 8.4s too.

There's no whites in it, but 2 blondes.

You're right, but is additional time investment really worth it when the characters aren't likable? I'll give it a bit more time but I think weak characters are too big a turnoff that good writing, art etc. can never overcome. Maybe I'm just too bitter that the childhood friend turned out to be a vegetable.
>additional time investment really worth it when the characters aren't likable?
>You're right, but is additional time investment really worth it when the characters aren't likable?
I feel like that's even worse than a game that cannot be redeemed even by its characters. When the game is completely shit, you can just have it slip into oblivion. Fuck it. But when the game has a character you like, it actually kind of hurts. While doing the dishes, you find yourself thinking, your nervous system experiencing something not completely unlike agony: how did she get there? Why? The writer is such a retarded hack but he wrote such a wonderful character. But he couldn't save the main story, he couldn't save his own ass in real life if he had to. So why is she there? She's like a prisoner of war.
Nothing but regret.
>Please look at the poor 8.4s too.
8.4 gets a pass realistically, but sub 7.5 is literal dogshit
Sub 7.5 are all kamige.
katsuragi keima
It's actually really good.
I know it''s cool to hate on Aokana now because it's become EOP core but when that shit came out I had so much fun.
I just want to fuck cute girls, hang with my bros, and enjoy good production values. Is that so much to ask?
yeah not that x is popular i hate it. not feeling special anymore, big sad
this unironicially
Unfortunately, yes. If an eroge has good production quality, it means the studio, or whoever it is behind the studio, has enough money to throw around. Which means they're also likely to be able to find parties interested in translating the games, and I say interested because other parties are likely to get more interested in something the higher the production values are.
This creates a loop where something looking more expensive is more or less equal to something getting a translation. As people see this, they instantly start seething regardless of whether said seething is justified or not.
It's unfortunate.
>unironically seething about translations
must be really miserable to let eops live rent-free inside your head just like this
This. Who cares about translation if it's possible to read it in Japanese anyway?
There should be no problem in discussing it in this thread if one reads it in Japanese.
It's sold as a fandisc at the price of a fandisc, it's not kenzen 3 you stupid motherfuckin mongoloid. And it was clear from the premise they wanted to make a more vanilla fandisc for the people that liked butcha art but was less interested in the hardcore fetishes of the other 2 games. Overall i say it's quite good, possibly because they got some other guy to assist the incompetent main writer.
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I'm reading through Popotan and I'm having an issue with the game skipping Mii's minigame. Does anybody know a fix for this?
I dont hate aokana, i hate sprite
Their last achivement, aside from kneeling to america(steam) of course, was them trying to push always-online DRM in a visual novel.
Hopefully it flopped
aokana sucks and the common route was too long and boring, definitely overrated eopcore.
common routes are the best part of every vn
>Who cares about translation
The developers who then start focusing more on said translation customers rather than their own
It's very comfy.
I like to brush my teeth, get under the covers and read right before bed. When I want to stop, all I have to do is save, shut off the machine and put my controller down and I can go to sleep right there. I don't even have to move.
There's something about being in the twilight between waking and sleep that makes the story feel at once more dreamlike and more true. It's a lovely way to experience a VN.

The main issue is that even when I'm reading during the day, when I'm alone with a heroine and a relaxing song is playing, I close my eyes and listen to her voice and feel so at peace that I start to drift off then and there.
Yes, it's wonderful; like getting a lap pillow from the heroine. But every time I do it I worry that I've burned her face into the screen!
What can I say, the snuggle is real.
Yeah? Good thing there are nearly infinite amount of fun vns released before said thing happens, so you don't have to worry even if industry dies tomorrow.
Yeah just stand and watch how they destroy the things you love, we still have the records before everything went to shit so who cares about the future right?
You can't really do anything about it, so stop wasting your life on seething and learn how to enjoy things instead, you aren't even a Japanese
in your dream world they do
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That's because it's an H scene.
anyone know how to get past the playdrm for AdvHD vns? trying to read https://vndb.org/v12856. The copy I got didn't come with a crack and other torrents seem to be dead
What are your impressions of her route so far? Did you like it or did you suffer a torture?
>>47736841 (me)
nevermind, managed to find cracks on a-s
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Feels a bit wrong to pass judgement right now, but I dunno I guess this is supposed to be the "bad" route? It's perfectly good so far. I mean sure Millie is a nice sweet girl which makes her pretty plain compared two the other two considering the story/setting, but what can you do. It's been a long while since I read a high budget light game, and this has all the stuff that makes them great. Cool OST, godly voice acting (I seriously think whoever their voice director is is the best in the business), awesome fights, super fun prose (yeah I said that buzzword), tons of effects, etc. Can't really complain when the amount of games out there that give you something comparable is really small. As far as the actual route goes, I find it interesting and gripping. I mainly have plot-related questions related to "why does the 黒幕 act the way he does", but I suspect that doesn't get really answered in this route.
Yeah, her route is rather introductory, so obviously it's the weakest in terms of explaining many important details of the story. If you're enjoying it so far it's definitely good, because the others are the real thing. The production of light games really was something, wasn't it? it's sad that we have to talk in “past” now
designated chuunige mandatory first route worst route
Magatsu Barai was alright, but definitely nowhere shinza, senshinkan, etc.

There's got to be one out there where the first route is actually the best. What a disaster that would be.
There's a real argument to be made that the first route in Chusingura is the best route. Mostly because of Gojoudai.
>It's sold as a fandisc at the price of a fandisc, it's not kenzen 3 you stupid motherfuckin mongoloid.
I actually didn't know this, my bad. I guess I came in with the wrong expectations.
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Redemption arc coming, apologize.
has anyone finished it? how is the scenario beside the broken game balance?
i still havent finished it because the last right is for the girl i care about the absolute least and i just got burned the fuck out
At what point is it skipping?
It is not really broken but first run you are supposed to follow a suggested order, the fact you can get stuck on a tough area early with no party members is part of the semi "free-form" scenario, on second run with all the characters available in clone mode would be less of an issue.
All Vs are untranslated.
All VNs are untranslated.
>i still havent finished it because the last route is for the girl i care about the absolute least
Same, I stalled the VN because of her.
If you're using the walkthrough be aware that some of the instructions aren't correct, for one or two of them the name of the location(or the direction, icr) you need to go to next is wrong. Not sure if it is enough to cause you to miss important scenes or not.
I'm looking for this VN and can't find it anywhere. Please help me out if you can
It’s on AB.
Invite to your super secret club pls
Sorry, kid.
I’ll play it in a week and tell you though I might not tell you if I drop it.
Please download it, and reupload? It's like 300MB
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Everyone is wearing a different maid outfit, kudos to the artist. Of course the demon girl wins with the tummy + DFC combo
how bad does gameplay have to be for this to have 50/100
EGS is dumb and not trustworthy, it is a normal turn based RPG with puzzle style exploration. Pretty simple and gameplay can be skipped after one ending for straight-forward capture of the remaining heroines.
https://pixeldrain com/u/vAVMzfcn
why did they upload moekan op out of nowhere
is it some sign
NTA, but thank you anon.
It shows the instructions for the minigame, and then goes to evening where Mii is sad that she couldn't help the OL.

I've come to realize that, but fortunately it's easy enough to save scum and figure it out from there.
Which version of the game are you playing? I know I had issues because supposedly I was using the old version, you can tell because the arrows only show when you over over them
japanese companies are always anal about music and openings and shit like that, and it just so happens that ever since last year kero q/makura have been anal about it as well, striking reuploads of sakutoki music and going after osu beatmaps (lol).
description here says they did it because of the kero q/makura music festival and i don't think they're attempting to foreshadow an announcement or something.
sasuga scadi-sensei recycling content for 20 years...
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sequel when?
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Huh, that's interesting. My looks completely different than that. Mine is two disks, and vndb says that only the original launch had that, so maybe mine is an old version too?

I was having issues installing it, so I just extracted the disks onto my computer and am just playing it from there. Maybe it has something to do with that, since I am launching it from "popotan.exe" rather than "gamedisk.exe" since the latter doesn't start the game because it doesn't detect the disk.
Yeah, give the DVD-ROM version a go, that should be it.
Alright, I will do that later today when I get the chance. Thanks fren.
What 19 year old pussy does to a married fag. The shibari scene right before this hit the spot just right for me, I should play more games that focus on shibari instead of general bondage. I'm gonna be honest, I'm not enjoying this one as much as Yourou or Maggot baits so far, the magic system doesnt lend itself to the grotesque things they could do in maggot baits (there's only been like 1 guro scene so far) and it doesn't have the action packed pacing of Yourou. I need to see more of Shinobu kicking ass to be happy I guess.
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Ah I forgot my image
Soushin no Ars Magna? the RPG elements are pretty out dated but I'm enjoying it. An Alicesoft game is probably better but I've never played those.
Finally uploaded yay!
lovely cation 2
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hopefully you like NTR without the H
How do you get those CGs? I reached the last dungeon without seeing this one
Hey that's me behind her!
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what the hell is going on here
It's pretty good. I've been enjoying it.
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Cheating route doko? this slut seduce mc when I'm in Ria route, now she do that again when I'm in Chloe route.
The way people have been describing this game makes me want to play it but my backlog is too busy right now so I probably won't get to it until next year.
Really good so far.
I should have played this yesterday instead of a random H-VN that I dropped half way through immediately after nutting.
This year is saved?
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It was already saved though?
I finished the first route and thought it was just okay. Biggest issue is that it goes through events too fast and nothing has time to breathe. I think people are overrating it because they dont expect much from ensemble. Or maybe I just hate eroge.
One route in and I do think it's quite good. Maybe not the best of the year, but an absolutely solid chuuniplotnakimoege.
I think it's very slightly overrated because people don't expect much from Ensemble so it's a nice surprise, but I mean that in the sense of if it's at an 85 I'd give it an 80. Still very fun and one of the year's better releases.
considering the state of modern eroge anything that isn't outright garbage and has at least a slight hint of anything other than plain porn going to get overrated
Then why isn't Ouju no Shima rated at 90+?
This game is way better than all 00s eroge, it's perfect in every way. Anyone who thinks reading 100 hours of boring cooking scenes and infodumps in FSN was better than this is just blind by nostalgia
I want to believe this post is bait. It's a really good game, but it lacks secondary character development. For that alone, it can't beat fate.
absolute sin that this is all ages
bro 80 is already overrated asf for clockup game considering most of their titles are in the 60-70 area outside of like 2 mainstream ones
I'm still reading some other stuff but the ratings and character designs make me want to start it soon.
I'm trying to run Tsumi no Hikari Rendezvous. I have a physical copy, because the torrents are ancient. I installed it without issue, but when I try to launch it, it says:


What do? Does the game need updates? if so, minori is kinda dead and buried, so I don't know where to get those. I have the usual suspects taken care of. Japanese locale, proper fonts installed, DirectX installed.

Googling this exact error provides an answer quite fast. It's their usual region protection. Try switching other things like timezone, date format, region, etc to Japan or use Locale Remulator.
Hmmm, I'm in Japanese locale, and I installed Locale Emulator, no luck. I've adjusted all my date and time settings, and it still doesn't like it.
Did you restart the PC? This may sound retarded, but for some reason it sometimes works
Everything has to be in Japanese, not just locale it seems. The post says interface too, as in your system has to be in japanese.
I had this issue with a game recently too. Sucks. I just don't play that game. Didn't look that good anyway.
Yeah. Thanks for the reminder though, we all forget the simple things sometimes.
Yeah I'm a bit apprehensive about changing my interface to Japanese. I don't think my N5 will be too helpful.
Locale Emulator is usually quite successful at emulating interface language if you select right options.
You might also try RLSE Loader. It was designed for Siglus Engine but I think it worked for some other region-locked games too.
I think I tried every possible combination of options, including the one to fake system UI. Minori was just a company of hardasses I guess
I guess I'm willing to try anything at this point, but I'm not too optimistic about this one
>I don't think my N5 will be too helpful.
Just do it anyway. That's what I did when I was learning. At first a lot of it was whitenoising the actual text and memorizing just placement, but then as I improved my japanese I would start to take notice of the words slowly overtime and acquire them that way. I'm not going to act like it wasn't annoying troubleshooting at times in a language I didn't understand, but all that time spent trying to decipher that really ended up helping in the end. Much better than just being comfortable with english all the while.
Honestly I'm kind of shocked it's that high, considering the content.
I really liked the vn, but man I think they went a bit far in a few places. Even for clockup gurochuunige.
>apprehensive about changing my interface to Japanese
Just memorize which buttons to press to change it back if you're worried about getting stuck. Might as well try everything you can.
Or look into setting up a japanese virtualbox or something.
I bit the bullet, and it worked. And switching back doesn't seem too hard, I think I'll be fine. Thanks everyone!
So how is tsukikana?
I will NOT play a VN where I must self-insert into a black guy, sorry I just wont.

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