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I was about to post in the old thread but the second I pressed enter to post it got archived.
Had no idea what to do as an OP image. So here is Miku.

Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- https://kigudb.info/ (under construction)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image Source: https://x.com/anomaly_bar/status/1829831625582280750

Previous Thread: >>47618335
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Vtuber (Others)
I'd spend hours lying at the feet of these kigs; they could step on me and I would accept whatever cruel form of punishment they'd wish to mete out...
That anon bitching about the kig DB seperating Hololive and other VTubers doesn't know how many Hololive kigs there are. For every VTuber kig there is like 5 Hololive ones.
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breeding sex with Vtuber (others)
Sooo are we finally admitting this is a gay hobby yet? Or are people still being indenial because 'they look like a girl'?
You dont have to throw a label on everything like some leftoid. Besides kig is only as gay as you make it to be, a spectrum reflecting you and your kiggers.
If you think an anime girl is cute, that's not gay. Just be content with not knowing what lies beneath. Not every rock needs to be flipped over.
If you manage to get in a situation where you can fuck the anime girl and discover otherwise, it's your own responsibility. You opened a door that could have stayed shut, and now you have to deal with the consequences upon your carefully-maintained perception of your own sexuality.
So still indenial then, no matter how much you might like the look of a kig if you actually go and meet them you will have to meet them outside of the mask first, thus you will know that actually under that cute anime cosplay is Steven from Accounting, and i promise you if things do start to get heated you will not be able to shut out the fact that you are doing the lewd with the guy you just met. Now thats not meant to sound horrible, in fact I for one adore this hobby as it traps so many curious guys who would otherwise class themselves as straight into actually trying some hard cock for the first time.
Book it tourist.
>if you actually go and meet them you will have to meet them outside of the mask first
Stopped reading there, you are straight up lying
biGODS still winning
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Studio Delphinium looks promising. American, not taking orders yet, but capable of producing a good looking mask.
Tbh this is like the only good mask they have made. Those doll-style masks of theirs look fucking derpy.
Looks like people over at research institute already caught wind of this and commenced their hugbox activity.

Funny a server that's advertised as a place to help people become great kigs is NOTHING different from cici or wyu circlejerks.
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>capable of producing a good looking mask
yes, exactly one
Isn't a help server supposed to be supportive? I have my own gripes with the place, and I dislike most of the people on there but I still think it is not as bad as Wyu's or Cici's.
A help server is supposed to be able to give out advices on how to order a good looking masks, the means to do so, outfit recommendations, criticism, etc

A help server isn't a place where a stubborn admin runs the show while a bunch of non-kigers or mfs with hideous masks praising each other's trash.
How are these masks even made? I feel like I could probably make something decent.
Pretty sure 3D printing.
Said stubborn admin doesn't have up to date information yet always acts like she knows better than everyone else.

Hell, she kept insisting on her outdarted information on GKO being true despite someone who actually got a GKO mask told her otherwise and even showed her picture proof.
Yeah, I am fucking tired of seeing shit masks (I am an owner of one), I swear the hobby should be more exclusive, people who wear shit masks or not take it seriously reflect bad on everyone.
Holy shit, that annoys the fuck out of me, basically gaslight me out of getting a GKO.
I can't wait till AnomalyBar creates a yt channel. I hate living vicariously, but it's the closest thing I'll get to going to a kig bar in the near future...

Why is it that Japan always has the coolest stuff, and the rest of the world plays catch-up 5 years later?
Because the West is still busy pretending to be savior of the world.
Checked kig research institute out of curiosity

>posts lewd pics
>gets thirsted over

Why are Western kigs like this
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to be fair, I think that's the first mask they made in this style. If that's the direction they are gonna take in the future we might be seeing the birth of a western maker that isn't dogshit (depending on price and build quality of course)

>They're the last people I'd take their opinion
Funnily enough if I ever get my hands on a mask this is probably the first place I'd get opinions from since how unfiltered people here are due to anonymity. Not saying this place isn' toxic, far from it, but at least it's toxic due to being too honest instead of being a hugbox.
Hell you ask here how you could improve something and anons try to help. It's not like anons here harsh for the hell of it. they just want more hot kigs to wank to
>muh ebil 4chinz
I never leave this thread and I don't know who that Poly is and I couldn't care less.
I bet people "talking crap" here are just coward discordfags who won't dare posting their thoughts attached to their handle and come here to vent anonymously. The same goes for vagueposters who expect you to be a fellow discordfag who is able to get their hints.
>Hell, she kept insisting on her outdarted information on GKO being true despite someone who actually got a GKO mask told her otherwise and even showed her picture proof.
You mean the backsides being foam? Still a thing unless you buy a full-lock.

t. new GKO owner
I think glass eyes might be an improvement. Or solid-colored ones.
had something similar happen where she kept trying to convince people without any evidence of a number of random falsehoods with a less common maker. Stuff that literally anyone who actually has bought or seen a mask from that maker would know isnt true. Meanwhile not a peep on the actual issues with that maker

>a bunch of non-kigers or mfs with hideous masks praising each other's trash
Thats just kig discords in a nutshell
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*appeals to my sexualized views*
kek based
fuck the west, Z
is there any female kig who makes nsfw content
even one
It seems that all the masks are printed in PLA, but have any of you ever encountered your masks melting or warping if accidentally left in a car or something?
Is it one of the higher temp PLAs?
Or is my concern over this way overblown?
I've only had one item really ""melt"" and warp on me, and to be fair it was left under a car window, in the Arizona summer sun.
any place worth their weight is doing it in resin and at some print farm, I dont know of any makers aside from retards like wyu doing fdm
still dont leave it in your car for extended periods to cook if you live in the desert, your concern is valid but also easily preventable
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MayiU hand-holding
ESL nonkig, set yourself on fire and jump off a bridge
dont even respond to pinoyposters
If you mean pussy showing - no.
they are all female once the mask is on what do you mean
dont know of any who post that stuff publicly and especially not for free. maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass nokig you got you'd get some femkigs on your dick, kigga
If you're okay with trans women there's several to choose from
I sort of remember scrolling through some kig's retweets and saw a female kig with her pussy showing. Can't find it for the life of me
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imagine the suisei kigurumi orgy... the suisex
> not for free
Fine by me I'll pay
Need to make her bussy suisloppy
>trans women

You mean mentally ill men?
>leaves something in a place akin to an oven
>"will my shit get melted guys"

Don't fucking leave it in the car then.
Might have been Miyuki Yuuna but she's fat
>mfs with hideous masks praising each other's trash
The most cringe part about that kind of behavior isnt even the hugbox, its how transactional a lot of them treat their circlejerking.
Ska has a kig pussy, but thanks to Japanese sensibilities, it's always blurred out whenever she shows it.

I've been searching for other kigs with a twat, but I've only found one other – and again, it was blurred out.

Ellen Baker also had a kig puss, but the camera angles were never great and she hasn't posted on x-er in like 4-5 years.

If anyone has any leads for uncensored kig pussy, I'd be greatful.
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Printed masks really ain't it in the long run.
>wtf is with the coke nail?
>what is overspray

also plz tell me you are the anon who was getting a drag queen to do parts of his mask
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that one nazi kig can be pretty cute sometimes
Holy mother of messy wigs.
wtf family kigs are nazis?
I got some, but it's mostly people you mentioned
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Did you dip that thing in paint or something how did you mess it up that badly?

It's been more than a month and he still hasn't updated, despite saying he would.
I wonder what happened to him? I hope he didn't pussy out because anons were mean to him, was looking forward to seeing that disaster of a mask
Poly Kigu is a self centered attention whore. I'm not surprised in the least they act this way
I don't know how to put it precisely, but this mask has the kind of face similar to those on people with extra chromosome.
I didn't, ordered from a maker on Goofish and it arrived like that.
ngl as someone who really wants to get into kigu, especially now when the iron is hot since I've been on a pretty good diet as of late, is it really possible to avoid all this gay drama or it's just inevitable as a filthy westoid? I know, number one thing is don't be retarded and have a thick skin but like I feel like if I were to start kigu I'd probably just open up a Twitter or Instagram account and post only pictures. No talking or interacting with others unless I'm DMing asking what mask to recommend. Basically: I am a rock I am an island. Doable or nah?
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Jam modeling!
There always will be drama either way considering there's plenty of individuals making shit up just because you didn't suck their dick.
You're free to socialize but don't get too close to anyone. Afterall, you only know them through this hobby, you have no idea what kind of person they actually are.
Toned suisei tummy….
you sound like a faggot
As a kig, you have to get involved in your local clique of bitchy gay men and grooming discords because... you just do ok?
link pls
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Remember kigs, if you create retarded drama, you're a fag. But if you want to avoid creating retarded drama, you're still a fag .
if you are worried about getting into a hobby you would enjoy because of drama that doesnt exist then you are a fag
every single person involved even tangentially with the kigu community is a fag
even you, faggot
If you are a middle aged man who puts on an anime girl mask and fake boobs and has sex with other middle aged men wearing anime girl masks and fake boobs you are a fag
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fag fag fag BAU BAU
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SEX with Jake
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Would it be wrong to assume that every FWMC kig duo is dicking each other?
No, but who tops?
Cammo swinmsoot
Any kigs in Wyoming?
for that there need to be people living in wyoming
it's literally just fucking wilderness lmao
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I miss this kig so fucking much
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its easy. avoid cancer like trannycord reddit facebook. when weirdos try to dm you on twitter or instagram just ignore, not every attempt at interaction solicits a reaction. interact with the kigs you'd fuck with and its all easy cruising. attention is what drives drama whores, if you wont be a source of it for them they wont engage
>interact with the kigs you'd fuck with
That alone already causes drama.
Real. Used to chat a lot with a dude I thought was cool, until he slowly revealed himself to be a massive narcissist cunt.
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Oh my gawd..........
We have go back in 2000s
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we need names!
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All kigus ITT, please become Miku at the earliest opportunity. Thank you.
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If its who I think it is jesus I feel retarded for not noticing the signs and avoiding all interactions like a few more attuned kigs around the beginning of the year.
Maple syrup will bear my child
Can we get any name drops or clues at least?
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The fattest tits in kig.
What kind of dumbass gives out info they are privy to freely?
vagueposting is for me to know and you to find out
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platonic non-cum appreciation of topi
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I was thinking of doing an Elegg kig since nobody has ever done one, and all of the sudden there is this. What's the fucking chance?
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Anyone have any idea who this kig with a pussy is?
Thanks noncum anon
non-platonic yandere crushing on topi!!
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topi motorboating
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Big titty kig
SupermayiU before rebranding
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Surely he just put an onahole on his crotch like some kigs do right?
Surely MayiU isn't a w*man, RIGHT?!?
MayiU is 100% a man.
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Silly woman.
That's no place to hide an eggplant!
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that's a dude
Yes. And?
and nothing of value was lost..
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Does korea even have a sizeable enough kig community?
I've seen a bunch of kigs from other asian countries on xitter but barely from korea why is that?
are they all in a seperate platform or something?
Are there any kig discords that DONT have weirdo mods old enough to be most member's dad and that somehow have basically no irl friends despite being a 'nice' guy? Feels almost prerequisite for every sever to have at least one groomer on staff.
There are a handful of Korean kigs. Some of them also post in Japanese. There's even a new Korean mask maker. But yeah, they post on Twitter
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>Some of them also post in Japanese
Some korean artist post in japanese to bypass laws or something as well now that I think about it
Makes sense I guess
>There's even a new Korean mask maker
If Mio lost some weight, they'd be extremely cute. Good mask, fun attitude, puts energy into posing.
Sex with irys
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Kigs with BIG tails
What do you mean no? They just released some of that stuff on fantia
that was a despairing, it's over "no...," not a refutational "no"
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give me the topitties
Come get em
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Why do so few anons take Topi up on her open invitation for anons to come have hot kigu sex?
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Good question!

Personally, I'm not single and probably don't live in their country. But if this were not the case, I'd at leastt chat with Topi...
bc topi lives in the far south aint not even kigussy can convince me to go somewhere I wouldnt even with a gun
Not sure if it's an open invitation or anything, but it's easy to tease about it knowing that probably noone is gonna reach out anyway, the only anon who ever did couldn't get it up anyway
I want to have an mask with a voice changer
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The meetup discords with good kigs
The Based Server? All the mods are young.
How does this kigga see
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Who are the most popular twitter kigs?
By followers? Trevor, mochi and baguette are the top 3. There are kigs with more followers but they also do other things.
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Which one is baguette again?
that's a penis...
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That's a kigina, a kigclit.
And you will suck it, but first, get in line.
The Deer Friend Naoko-san official one probably.
I fucking love these weird kig cock socks.
Azu needs to start posting actual p0rn, I wanna see him get railed like Thomas the tank engine.
Depends... Raw digital dick number or best meet-up quality
wait there's one?
pls link
Much of, including the very first of, the online PR for the show has just been the official kigger going around and harassing deer and so on.
I literally am the most beloved kigger in existence
Bisko x topi sex when
You are my waifu, you are my king, one day I will bow before you IRL.
> not even a man
Professional kigs have always been primarily female, the penis is only necessary for amateur kigu activities.
That's so dumb. The whole point of kigurumi is that you can become someone completely different from who you are in real life. With kig a balding 40 year old accountant can become a hot anime girl. Why the fuck would you want to put on a kigurumi costume if you are already an attractive woman? Just do regular cosplay at that point.
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>The whole point of kigurumi is that you can become someone completely different from who you are in real life
>Why the fuck would you want to put on a kigurumi costume if you are already an attractive woman?
Real women aren't stylized exaggerated anime girls dingus
The point of kigurumi is turning anyone into good looking anime mascot you dumbass. It started as professional stage shows, not a hobby.
That's the thing with these kigs. They crave followers but at the same time pretend like they have dignity and won't post porn, but they still post nsfw shit yet get mad when people get horny over them for whatever reason.
Wanted to try things cheap and got a bodysuit and balloons. Anyone know how to do wyu’s fishing line technique? How do i keep the balloons in place
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>Wanted to try things cheap
wrong hobby
ywn pop a kig's balloon tits
feels awful
Or you can just buy a proper hada with boob pockets and put a pair of silicone tits in.
That guide was made before those existed.
kigutech has advanced at an exponential rate over the past 5 years
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It's absurd how comfy the hada is. I don't want to take it off.
And those hadas exist now, what the fuck is your point?
NTA, but that was the only way not to have a mono-boob. It was a shitty tech and now you should just buy a boobvest hada.
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Being gay enough to post ass but not being gay enough to take it up the ass I understand
What I don't understand is whether or not these kigs play a character to get more attention. Surely they can't be retarded enough to not realize that people will jerk off to you if you post your ass online right?
do you run around the gym and demand porn from every girl that's wearing yoga pants?
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No because those people aren't wearing yoga pants to get attention from coomers
I also said that I understand if one didn't want to post videos of themselves getting railed
Overall, retarded argument.Try again
Are you really comparing women wearing yoga pants to the gym with attention whores posting ass and tits on fucking SOCIAL MEDIA for the world to see? Are you retarded?
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There are also hot anime boys, you know.
you people are holding humanity back.
imagine a world where people could post their porn without being judged or met with increased expectation of posting more because some entitled cunt thinks they deserve other peoples porn.

you should go back to your cave and think about where you took the wrong path. you are the reason we can't have nice things.
there's a large crowd of silent kigporn appreciators grinding their teeth because they just have been reminded that some lowlife scum made their life objectively worse.
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Ok unless you are profoundly retarded you are baiting... but fuck it I'll bite

>imagine a world where people could post their porn without being judged
No one is judging anyone for posting porn nor for posting their ass online. We are however judging kigs who get upset that people jerk off to their provocative photos they post online

>or met with increased expectation of posting more because some entitled cunt thinks they deserve other peoples porn
I never said this. I even said it's completely reasonable if they don't want to post more hardcore stuff (which you would know if you could fucking read).
Stop putting words into my mouth

>there's a large crowd of silent kigporn appreciators grinding their teeth because they just have been reminded that some lowlife scum made their life objectively worse.
No one is gonna stop posting because of 2 anons in a vietnamese agriculture forum. They post these kinds of photos since they obviously want the attention of "silent kigporn appreciators". If they didn't (which they do) they could just stop posting them or leave social media altogether.

Your arguments are retarded and you are retarded. Stop shitting up the thread.
kig is a fetish but is also flooded with leftists and troons now so it is inevitable that some will post lust provoking images and then get mad when lustful comments are made about them
You gotta be trolling, I refuse to believe there's acutally a person whose thoughts follow this kind of logic.

Need more wholesome kigurumi comic.
fetishists really cant imagine wanting to be an anime girl and it like, not being some coomer shit about getting aroused at the thought of larping like a girl, but clearly its those who dont that are the troons ahaha r-r-r-right?
also as if doing nsfw is exclusive to seeing it as a fetish. the world isnt so black and white even if your viewpoint is only one of blacked
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Need foxgirl kigu sex... NEED!!!
you cant post images like this >>47728070 and then act like you weren't trying to get horny reactions, now dilate
Need me a good translation of this ASAP
It's not about fetishists.

It's about not having the balls to post porn but still feel jealous towards kigs who do and get high follower count.

It's about not having the balls to post porn but still spam nsfw images then get mad when peop,e feel horny looking at said images.

It's about being a spineless hypocrite. Don't want to post porn? Fine, then don't, just don't complain.
Who says you need to?

Do you have a lock?
why tf do all the kigs have male ass names like wally, chuck, trevor
ruins the suspension of disbelief ngl
>"Hiii guys I'm a new kiger!"
>it's a munifag

every single fucking time.

Imagine actively posting pictures of yourself in latex and other suggestive outfits and then acting all prude and surprised when people start posting lewd comments about you.
Because they are men
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Yeah but I want to suspend my disbelief so I don't feel gay jerking off to them
well, people dress in suggestive outfits so others make public comments about it. if that happened on the streets it'd be catcalling, here its just another tuesday.

sure, being surprised about these comments is showing some lack of common sense but that doesnt make those comments less of a dickmove

>post photo of kig in latex outfit in a sexually suggestive position
>receives a suggestive comment
>suprise pikachu
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See if you actually were confident in your heterosexuality this wouldn't be an issue
yes, are we not supposed to do that?
As a heterosexual male confident in my sexuality, this is hot as fuck
As a male in a kig mask, plx come suck my kigu cock!
Happily. It is 100% straight to suck off a kig and swallow kigcum. It's ridiculous to even think otherwise.
if there was a gym full of kigus who walked around with exposed tits covered in milk yes i would walk around going "AROOOGA MOMMY MILKERS" to every single one
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>Good looking
If you put any effort into it you will look good. Kig on the right would be genuinely fuckable if they used a quality mask.
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>great mask
>puts in effort
>still looks shit in kig
Who comes to mind?
the only way this happens is if they're fat, which would mean actually that they aren't putting in effort.
Then just don't dress in suggestive clothes in public?

Someone post themselves in fetish wear flashing ass and tits on social media platforms for the world to see but it's the one who was provoked to make horny comments who are at fault? What the fuck is that logic?

Any chance you're a discordfag who got called out here and are now trying shift the blame?
You don't work as a prostitute and then get mad because people want to fuck you.
prostitute kig when?
Probably already exists in Japan.
I want to go to a kig whore house where I can sit in the livingroom, smoke, drink, relate to a few kigs, and then choose the one I like the most to have more fun in private with.

If it's good, I'd go back at a later date and buy all the kigs to spank and humiliate me, then turn me into a kig whore.
Ok anon, who's the cutest kig near you? State, country, general area, whatever "near you" means to you.
I am.
I don't want to translate each page, but here's the gist of it. The woman with the ponytail bought a kig, and is showing it to her younger sister. She bought it after seeing people doing kig at a convention center. It's the woman's son's birthday, so she asked her sister if she could wear it to surprise her kid. The sister agreed, especially because she felt bad that she broke her nephew's Bowsette figure while playing with him a while back. She gets dressed up, kid comes home, she comes out, and kid is thrilled. After playing with him for a while, the mom asks her if she needs to go to the bathroom to take a break. The kid realizes the toilet paper roll was empty, so he brought tissues and walked in on her. He was surprised to see his aunt, and his aunt asks him if he is upset now that the truth was revealed. He says no, his aunt is his favorite and he wants to marry her when he grows up (in a cute kid way). She gives him a new figure as a birthday present, and they take a happy picture together. The epilogue shows the aunt coming over and dressing up to play with her nephew every weekend.
Thanks anon. I have wyu’s 3rd version but i just dont know how to keep the balloons steady under the suit while applying the fishing line. Any ideas?
You bought shit from Wyu?
Tbh maybe nothing up to that level, probably they give you a list of characters, you pick one and a girl dresses up as that character and let you fuck.

It's just cosplay prostitutes but with hada and masks.
>provoked to make horny comments
ahhh yes, the primal urge to lose all composure and human decency in front of suggestive content. how could i forget.
>You don't work as a prostitute and then get mad because people want to fuck you.

prostitutes can choose their customers. you guys have to gall to deny people that post spicy shit any respect and right to not get bothered by unsolicited coombrain comments.
Source pls.
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I don't want to sound too fedora but did you guys just forgot humans are a bunch of horny monkeys? we are animals with primal instincts, yeah we can use words, tools and we are the smartest animal in this planet but still animals after all, lust, greed and wrath have been the sins that rule the world for our entire history.
There are places that still have rape gangs, there are places where women have no rights and for many men internet flirting is just sending pictures of their cock, I am not justifying bad behavior or shitty culture practices, I am reminding you we are animals, really horny animals.
For millions of years a female showing off their body to the males has been a sign of she asking for sexual attention, you can complain if you get harassed or assaulted but don't dress like a slut to complain you are getting thirsted on, specially in a male dominated hobby like kigurumi, don't be retarded, share your suggestive pics only on female spaces if you don't want guys telling you how hot you are and how much they want to fuck you.
The guys asking for porn in these threads won't leave, you can ban or block them on twitter and discord but not here, you can chose to ignore them, filtering them and hiding their posts but they won't leave just because you don't like them.
You will need a few millions of years to remove that extreme horniness from human males, that or dna engineering, good luck.
I comment of a certain kig's sexy posts all the time... but I always use doube entendre and I'm always a gentleman... and they always 'like' me back.

I comment on kig photos like I would art at a gallery or museum.
I live in SE Asia. The closest kig to me, according to the kigu google map in the first post, is too skinny to be named.

There are some kigs in my country, but I have to do my homework in sussing them out.

>did you guys just forgot humans are a bunch of horny monkeys?

im in desperate hope that those vocal apeshits take some of that feedback and transform to a role model like >>47789731

we can enjoy smut without making the creators life worse by overstepping bounds and make them miserable by crass, out-of-place comments

if some folks feel like they can treat people like objects and shit just because they do a job they deem not worthy of respect, they can go back to the underdeveloped shithole they've been creeping out from.
Thank you anon, I really appreciate that
Makes it so much cuter with the proper context
If they post nothing but sfw shit then they have all the rights to complain about people making sexual remarks about them.

If they keep posting nsfw shit like tits and ass, or wearing skimpy clothes, or fetish wear like latex, then don't get mad when they get sexual remarks. They themselves created something for randoms to ogle over, publicly on social media platforms where billions use. And even after receiving those remarks and complaining about them, did they stop posting nsfw? No.
damn really deep discussion in the "old men dressing up as anime girls" thread
This guy >>47724359 went to 4chan himself to find shit to be upset about, whose fault is that? It's not even comments on his own Twitter that give him a notification or anything, it's 4chan, a forum where a bunch of anonymous randos gather, to seek out specific posts that mention him so that he can be mad.

Imagine that, you post nsfw shit, you actively seek out comments from people who are horny over you, then you make a huge fuss about it? Isn't that like, creating problems for yourself?
i think the prude anon is just baiting
subhuman response, you're probably brown and atheistic. possibly a gypsy
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Definitely has been food for thought realizing the kigs I dislike most all just act like agp transvestites? Not gonna act like some retard prude as if all nsfw equals agp behavior.
>tfw don't want to ever go to a con in kig because these freaks will try to associate with me
Kigging as a canadian must be rough
The poor Mona kigs in the back that have to deal with this creature...
Same desu, imagine invest a fuck ton into kig mask and costume, then you go to con and suddenly this abomination comes and people think you're the same kind of reak.
Going to be in France for work for a couple weeks. Any kigs I should DM incessantly asking for sex?
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someone save kohaku
>his aunt is his favorite and he wants to marry her when he grows up (in a cute kid way).
I need this kiger's feet on my face.
if there's any ACTUAL kiggers in this thread this is a question for you:
if I buy a hada with breast pockets, will it look fine if I opt to wear a silicone breast top instead of inserting loose forms? or should I opt for a hada without pockets (which won't have the nice cleavage stitching)? I might be crafty enough to cut away the backing of the pockets if that is an option?
>Fetishists don't put in effort or care about the artistic value of the hobby
Damn, no way?
There's a subset of perverts that just use it as an opportunity to be gross in public. They shouldn't even be called "kigs"

people need to be more assertive about telling them to fuck off desu. Stop letting Zebra Gimp and Zero Exercise Samus in the group photo
not all fetishists, many are able to do it without excreting effort on par with unshaved 50 y/o 'femboys' on 3dpd porn sites
if you were to apply 'Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths' type thinking to things
> Mops are fans, but not rabid fans like the fanatics. They show up to have a good time, and contribute as little as they reasonably can in exchange.
and while this line applies more to subcultures rather than weird geek hobbys lmao if it aint true
> successful subcultures always do create costly barriers to entry, to keep out the uncommitted
the end lesson is the same, be slightly 'evil' even if that really is just having some basic standards in the same way you probably dont want to see ai slop interracial inflation vore on your twitter feed
Yeah, some of the best kigs regularly do NSFW. Go do a bunny suit or something at a con if you can pull it off and it's tasteful. There are mediocre/bad kigs, and then there are people who seem like they're going out of their way to be as disgusting as possible
Breast pockets are, you guessed it, pockets. They are separate pockets to insert individual forms into, so silicone breasts vest won't work, best just buy a hada with out breast pockets then wear your silicone vest on top.
you could probably wear it over the hada, it won't be an exact match but I've seen some that blend in pretty well
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thanks anon i've ordered my first hada~
do you know of any DIY cleavage stitching techniques out there? it just looks so perfect with the seam, otherwise I will chill
ooh I just saw this >>47782207 will try it as a temporary solution for now but if any anons know i'm all ears
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as long as the colors are close enough. Sofa does it from time to time and it's not super noticeable
The vest needs to be rather rigid to keep the cleavage. Hadas with spandex vests start flaring out / tenting pretty quickly with larger breasts. You could cut out holes but they have to be so big you'd make the vests stability go poof so it may no longer keep the shape of the cleavage

It would be a tinkering project id suggest to try with an old hada youre gonna toss anyway
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You mean like this?
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its not funny if you have to explain it
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Where to find?
Want to compare holo kigs
Troon mad.

Mentally ill men will never be women. Have fun with your bleeding crotch.
gonna spoon fed you coz i had nothing better to do

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What is Rigel angry at?
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Never seen that link before
Kigu db didn’t bring up anything after searches
i want to go back to 2021 when kig was good
How are you like this and still into this hobby you freak
I have other hobbies besides jerking off to anime bobblehead men, and they all got ruined by transsexuals.
Sounds like a skill issue. Maybe stop getting your opinions from youtube grifters
Ah yes, the classic trannies tactic: infiltrate a hobby, declare it a tranny hobby, then exclude anyone who disagrees.

Kigurumi is not a tranny hobby no matter how hard you cope. There's a huge difference between simply dressing up vs mutilating your crotch and getting doped up on hormone.
No need to get opinion from anywhere when you trannies are already ruining it here right before my eyes.
imagine having the gall to post this on a literal white nationalist website
Go back to rebbit election tourist you're glowing
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Vera saying they stuck at art again to avoid drawing cute girls
You will not fool me
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every kig itt is a cute little 6 year old girl.
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Now we know.
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MayiU sexo
>Likes kig
>Claims to not be mentally ill and trans

You're at least one of those things.
Keep coping troon.
Ah yes just because Westoid kigs are mentally ill and/or trannies that means the rest of the world is like that too.

The logic of retards like you never fails to astound.
It's autism (non-derogatory), which is the downstream cause for both
If you're mad at this, than you're in denial.
If you think you will be a woman and anyone who likes to dress up as anime girl is a tranny, you're in denial.
calm down claire, we're all little girls on the jay.
thanks anon! I will stick with no tinkering for now
Are there kigs that do actual kigu porn anymore, besides mikuscratch?
Where’s can i find massive silicone kigu paizuri
Don't all kigs who own a fantia do porn
Yes but actually no, most kigs on fantia just do wanding/masturbation which is fine if thats enough for you but only a few of them actually have sex
Dont even know which those are anymore since many stopped
But also what other anon said, it’s 90% wanding and not very different content
Yuukari_KIGER and my beloved 0pIxcUnOFzNSyyy do hardcore sex still, don't know about any paizuri content though.
How does 0pIx-chan even enjoy normal sex any more after having dildos the size of his arm shoved up into his large intestine
Well that's the thing, you don't, once you start using such large items a normal cock simply doesn't hit the spot anymore.
>not using AI
https://ichigoreader.com/ try this anno
I'm more worried about the intestine itself.
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why are there no skinny guys turning themselves into chubby heavily padded pear shaped kigs?
>tfw rare fetish
small mask with those big hands are such a terrible combination.
well on this level you already know what your intestine can do
i hope this was a premade because someone fucked up if it was custom made to the performers measurements
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The fact that Azu has never stepped on my dick is a crime against heaven itself.
It's not that chubby girls are a rare fetish but most people get skinny to cosplay skinny characters
If you wanted to cosplay a chubby character you could just not get skinny
Imagine doing a hobby that gives you the chance to be beautiful and you choose to be fucking ugly instead.

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