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Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
Don't let the hags take over this thread or it will be all over for us.
I'm gonna fuck my boss.
Need cowwife.
Creeping Coin won
Miss Dragon lost
Real thread, the other one is vandalized.
Oh great. Now there's TWO useless dead threads flooding the board.
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What type of cow?
COW cow, large breasts, lots of milk, extremely fertile.
Seethe harder Mick
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What if Meow Cow?
I am more powerful than Miss Lich is.
Anal the learncow
So long as I can milk her and impregnate her.
... Did you leave an upper decker in her toilet again, Anon? It's not impressive that you still have a working digestive system! It just means you're not dead yet!
You can! But it will only make her even more smug. She will quickly become Smug, and then SMUG.
I've never had smug milk before, I will impregnate her infinitely to see how the flavor evolves.
I'd probably never trust a monster because I refuse to trust anyone that isn't me. They can camp outside my place for months talking about how great and nice they are but I'm not coming out, I'd rather starve.
>One monster girl camps outside of Anon's home after smelling his trust issues
>She's soon followed by another, and another, each of a different species
>He soon has an entire enclave of monster girls living outside in the yard and can see them holding strategy meetings and arguing about which one will finally be the victor of his heart (and loins)
>Anon decides to try to starve himself
>In his weakened state, he cannot hope to prevent or combat any mg invasion
>He will be whisked away in the 11th hour and made into a husband
I don't think this is the outcome you desire, but it is the one you need.
You're gonna go to bed only to wake up to a colossal hag titty in your mouth, you big baby.
Been thinking about how I should be coiled up by a shirohebi right now.
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Miss Shiro's gains at the gym are gonna annihilate you, Anon.
They wouldn't be able to tell if they can't see me. By the time they could, I'd likely have already staved to death and they'd move on.

Considering MGE likely works off of Japanese height any "colossal" girls wouldn't even be that much bigger than me.

I fully consent on her using me as fuel to get stronger.
how nyaow small cow?
My boss makes a dollar while I make a dime; that's why I suck her titties on company time!
>Playing Mamono Fighter 6 online, getting absolutely steamrolled by some faggot Salamander player
>Decide to just give up, toss the stick/pad down and walk off while you rage, know you're not gonna win anyways
>Come back to a barrage of friend requests from the monster that beat you and DM's offering to coach in various flirty attempts
Nothing can quite describe the disappointment I felt reading FSN and learning I'm still taller than Medusa.
The number of mamono who would do significant property damage to your home to check up on you is VERY HIGH.
You're not gonna starve to death. You're gonna be dealing with a dozen or more mamono swarming over your furniture trying to get you to pick one of them before The Chef shows up with groceries.
You will not resist The Chef. Not when she's done cooking.
h-how much *gulp* taller?
About 3 inches.
She's 5'8"
She's like 5 inches taller than me, bro. You gotta get on my level! Even human girls are usually taller than me.
Just how I like it
Its the titty thats colossal
Alternatively we have a weird, creepy 3m tall fox available
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No, I am sorry, but she is in fact a bunny.
Same with Potemkin, kinda funny though I guess.

I want nothing to do with women, especially not after my ex. If monsters can't respect that then I'm either moving to a non-monster state or I'm going scorched earth bathtub toaster mode. What even is The Chef? Sounds like a dumb name for some pretentious bitch that makes shit food.
>go into your local sabbat chapter with an animal goat
>demand an audience with the bapho heading the local chapter
>do not greet the bapho when she shows up
>slaughter the goat in front of her
>take the blood and mark your face with it
>do a 360 and walk out
So what sort of power moves would you do to intimidate and/or shock mamono that you love?
>Alternatively we have a weird, creepy 3m tall fox available
That artist seems like a fag and I don't like the people that post her so no thanks. Also not a fan of girls with tits that likely belong more in a /d/ hyper fetish thread.
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The Chef is the ESSENCE of true cuisine. She moves into the kitchen with authority and coaxes the finest flavors imaginable out of even the most ordinary ingredients.
Yet she cooks simply, and without fuss or ostentation, keeping the food itself in focus.
She is, quite simply, your doom.
She sounds like a bitchy Kikimora and I don't want her in my house.
>put another hole in my door
>chest is heavy and can't breathe as well as usual
I need a slime or something to wail on to get rid of this stress, fuck.
>Clingy wererabbit wife that forces you to hold her hands while you pee or poop
It is not your place to determine where The Chef chooses to cook! It is only your place to eat her 12 course tasting menu.
>It is only your place to eat her 12 course tasting menu.
Monster food all looks like shit, though. I think I'd rather hide in my room and eat some junk until she leaves.
Real talk, bro.

Get some therapy. It's not healthy or normal to ever be angry/stressed to the point you're hitting things. Shortens and lowers the quality of your life. Far higher risk of having a heart attack. Not to mention, you may end up hurting someone at some point. If therapy is too expensive, consider a legal depressant like marijuana until you can get proper psychiatric help.
Well, now you've gone and done it, Anon. You've hurt her feelings. I hope you're happy now.
Just what I wanted, some nice fresh milk after hot sweaty anal sex
>just pay some cunt to blame everything on you cause you're a man while trying to get you addicted to meds that make you want to kill yourself bro
>just give yourself schizophrenia and damage your lungs smoking shit that doesn't do shit aside from make yourself paranoid and hungry, bro!
I've hit my family before I don't care about hurting some random monster's feelings, Anon.
How is beating your slime wife going to solve the source of the stress or help you learn better coping mechanisms? Maybe you need to do some introspection.
Coping mechanisms don't work and beating something does, it's that simple. Why do you think rage rooms exist, Anon? It's not like it would hurt her or anything.
Rage rooms exist because it's profitable to reinforce negative coping mechanisms. Like a mechanic doing shoddy work to keep customers coming back, all it does is profit off harm.
Incorrect, it's because smashing shit works with getting rid of stress and if I want a slime girl to use as filling for a punching bag that's my business.
Somewhere out there, there's a danuki waiting for me to sniff her breath!
Kill yourself scatfaggot
Westoid tranny trash. Fuck off.
I sincerely hope you get the monster girl of your dreams, Anonymous. And that you find true joy and happiness, regardless of whether you discover the delight and satisfaction that comes with sniffing monster breath or not.
Kill yourself.
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Lemon slime can make you smile.
Ugly westoid trash. Go stink up the thread you made instead of posting here.
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Nah, I'm good. My life isn't mine to take anyways.

Hope you have a good day though, brother!
As a gesture of good faith, I give you this picture of a gluttonous yet cute sphinx. Enjoy!
Kill yourself /vg/ parasite
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love hebi
best snek
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Flying honse
Spamming faggot
I think they call that a pegasus
Mick's now back to the other bit where he pretends to be an anon calling out shitposting again.
What does this post have to do with monster girls?
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Close the curtains.
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Imagine the leglocks.
Open the door
Launch the escape pod.
Get on the floor
Man the battlestations.
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Oh deer.
monsters belong outside
no one can enter my cool home
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The Thing gets exposed to mamona mana

What happens?
Everybody walk the dinosaur
I can't because of all the centaur types in this thread.
It's my headcanon that MGE centaurs are able to bend their legs in ways that real-life horses can't so they can leg-lock their hubbies.
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would you?
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Sex. With hags.
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Pick a spider.
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Kill yourself
I'm going to leave her spinneret a gaping mess
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Sure, I don't mind listening to Jethro Tull for the hundredth time and hearing about how they don't make music like that anymore.
Fuck off back to /d/
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>move into new house
>fox foxes
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the fox goes moo
If a loli tried to hit on me, I would pick her up by her throat and choke her and call her pathetic and weak.
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fox is too dangerous
we must stop fox!
If I hit on a human and he laughed me off for being a sabbath, I would pick him up by his throat and choke him and call him pathetic and weak and then rape him.
Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that its the solemn duty of every meido to wish you ganbatte as you head to work.
So carry that cheer with you, knowing that when you return home, you will have a hot monster maid that has prepared you dinner, a bath, and herself
>I would pick him up by his throat
From atop a ladder lmao sabbath midgets btfo
Does anyone have some good Monster girl Encyclopedia Fanfiction.
Preferably a Human that was isekai to the Monster Girl world.
A milk cow, a smart cow, maybe a seacow...
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why do the slimes expand in size with seemingly no input? how do they go from small cute blob to large sexy woman?
Ah, to be a Ranger in the land of P'Orcs for the first time again...
I wouldn't mind working for the Demon lord's or Malefs forestry service, visiting the isolated beast girl tribes, bringing them treats and shiny things from the citys and seeing a sudden increase in their populations since I am the only man around for miles.
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I'm not sure it is a good idea to marry a hellhound
She looks like a walking fire hazard and I doubt she would submit to being sprayed with a hose every time she wants to enter a building
I don't I would be a good student if Haku was my sensei. I'd be too busy being horny and staring at her and fantasizing about eating her out to remember anything.
Although, I'd also be a complete putty in her hands if she called me a good boy, so there's that.
MGE isekai fanfic? How radical, I don't think there's anything like that.
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Ye best start believing in isekais Anon, you’re in one
The world is moving into fall and eventually winter
Soon monsters will start trying to get into your bed by saying things like
>It's to help keep you warm
>I get so cold at night it would really help
>I just want to fuck you through your bedframe and into your floor, not gonna lie
>Sharing body heat is a great way to get through those cold nights
Don't fall for their tricks, stay safe.
Then why are you even here? Get the fuck out of these threads if you don't want mamono
But those poor zombies outside look so cold. They're barely wearing any clothing. It wouldn't hurt to let them in to warm up just a little, would it?
Donate warm clothes to the zombies.
don't worry anon, the zombie shelter is coming to pick them up
More like to drop a few more off.
>be shop clerk
>helhound barges into my store
>buys single banana
>the dollar bill was fake
Should I report her to mamonopolice?
those poor girls need a warm bed and a mana burner so they can wight and regain their faculties, not a creep like you
No, next time use the shotgun hidden next to cash register
>shelteranon has a dozen wights planning on kidnapping him
I will grab a dozen zombies off the street.
I will put them in various cosplay outfits and creampie them regularly.
I will teach them basic tasks so they can help out around the house and so I can interrupt them during and fuck them.
I will end up with a wight harem.
Bicorn will simply ask another girl to leglock you for her.
Someone wrote a big crackpot thing about what defines a "majin" and I didn't save it, does anyone remember what that was about?
Has anyone done stuff like Beast's MG roulette?
Where monsters come to earth and It's very chill?
du- du du- du
du- du du- du
du- du du- dudududu dududu dudududu dudu- du
dudu- du- dudu- du- duudu duudu- duudu- duudu duu
dudu- dudu- duduuu
pitbull based dog-girl when?
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>"Don't worry, I'll just put these in the dishwasher"
>"I got this new recipe so I want to cook it myself"
>"I can get the door, don't worry"
>is barely able to handle one zombie
the convenience of modern living leaves little room for maid mamono
So a dog girl that the people try to say are nice girls that didn't do anything even when there's a raped shota twitching in fluids right behind them
Just anal the maid for stress relief.
I want an advice angel
I want big fat dragon tail
What to do if miss ryu wakes up with ex dragon punch
I'll use a shogputer to watch videos romanticizing life in Amazoness villages.
block that shit and command grab her ass
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I've been wondering why there isn't any writefaggotry about this. Or at least I haven't encountered any.
it already exists
>These poor savage things will never embrace salvation.
>I will have to rape it into them.
I think he meant as in writing from the thread, not a random western fanfiction about the thing raping instead of killing.
Given that zombies are more likely successful at getting a husband in groups. Wight harems are probably pretty common.
The concept sounds interesting. But I would be worried about it going grimdark.
Shogs are too scary
Gonna give a thumbs up as I get dragged down by a gang of zombies.
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To see the surprised look on your face.
Real chen hours.
Someone mentioned a "haunted painting" girl last thread and I wanted to share my idea for her but it ended up being this gigantic fucking thing and now the sun is coming up and I'm not finished.
Anyway, thank you person, I'll post it tomorrow.
You are welcome!
>A Leanan Sidhe flies up to you holding a cherry in her hands.
>For her it's basically a giant pumpkin worth of food.
>She sets it down in front of you.
>"Sir, can you please squish this cherry in your fingers?"
>She looks up at you hopefully.
"Fine, I guess."
>You delicately take the cherry from the little fairy and crush it in your fingers.
>A random spritz of cherry juice hits her as you do so.
>She squeals in delight.
>"You popped my cherry, Anon!"
>"Now you have to marry me!"
What about lean side handing you cup of lean
I like the folklore of leanan sidhe dooming men but that doesn't work well in a pair bond system even if they do it slowly so I'm going to say that men who accept leanan sidhes offer are doomed to being good at one specific artistic endeavor that she happens to like.
>cheshires are known for having huge asses
>specs her stats in tits
What manner of evil is this?
She's gonna let me cook from time to time. I want at least that much. But yeah, she can have all the chores. I hate cleaning. She'll still get to clean the dishes I use to cook.
But where does all the extra slime come from? The 4th dimension? Are all slimes Shogs in secret? I don't understand.
>tiny fairy screams
>just kidding, okay do you want the ring fitted to wear around your hips, or wear around your thigh?

queen of the meme builds
Take all the other mamono species to yourself
I only need cow
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It's mamono mana. Don't question it.
I feel like making a grimdark story about mamano mana. I wonder if it would work making it something like the mist.
Slime isn't uncompressable just because water is! If you roll and squeeze your wife really hard you can squish her down to a softball with the density of osmium. Don't tickle her, or else she'll explode in your face. She's being very good for you.
I'm sure anon has had his slime wife "explode" on his face before. He can handle it.
Sabbath assault teams use paintball guns loaded with compressed loli slimes during raids.
Can I get a lim who actually has the red blue obama color scheme?
Teling miss chesh she is the least funny person you met, but you love her despite how boring she is.
Kissing her while she cries...
Cheshie can't argue against the trips.
I love cheshire. She's a good wife. I would do anything for her. She always makes me laugh and gives me a kiss before work. I'm so glad I married cheshire.
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Too mean
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I want to make her a mother
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Caress fluffy tails.
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i'll make her the mothest
>Have a crush on a moth girl that chesh knows about
>Wonder how to ask moth out
>Get an idea
>A lightbulb appears over my head
>Moth sees lightbulb
>Moth comes over and sits on my lap instinctively
>Moth gf acquired
>thanks chesh
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Imagine how hyperactive an Ace of Spades Trumpart must be.
You'd never get a break.
Constant "wrestling" and pelvis smashing sex.
You'd spend all covered in sweat (yours and hers) and she just wouldn't stop coming no matter how exhausted you are. You would fall asleep thinking you'd finally get to rest then she wakes you up by"exercising".
Around Witches never relax
So many tiny marisas!
You forgot being turned into a dog.
the thing a minority of diamond trumparts might do?
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>ace of spades
No, that beast transformation will be even worse
Journey of the Magi (Over 20 Chapters with multiple endings)
Posting to get these into anubis.moe


Did you know all undead trumparts become wights?
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Me too.
Dumb unicellular wife
Imagine if we got to the point where every man is married, no new men are being born cause every human female got mosterized and we are way before the DL fixes the issue. Imagine the generations of single monsters that will come never having a husband.
i'd be her mitochondria if you know what i mean
This isn't a problem in monster musume.
Yet more cats.
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BIG cats
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Mamono don't give birth to sons because the Chief God cockblocked the Demon Lord when the change happened. By the time every single human man has a mamono wife, CG won't have been able to interfere for a long time.
That's awesome, Chen
Then another dimension full of virgin men gets portal'd
Ah, like locusts. Interesting idea to have monster girls as interdimensional invaders.
The best part is you never run out of dimensions!
Missed opportunity for 'chenshire' cat
why mamonos are so gay
Balrog fits the modern setting schoolgirl type incredibly well
>big fiery airhead JK, oblivious to how much almost every woman is mogged by her size, looks and general aura wherever she goes
>cheeky brat JC and JS Balrogs
Only asexuals are not gay.
>"yeah I'm straight"
>marries a monster named Gay Sir
So they can whip out their dicks and go to town on you. It's how the race works, you see
>challenge lizardperson to duel
>win the fight, becomes lizardgirl and a subby little wife
>lose the fight. Futanari turbotop.
Nah Micky, they just gonna pop out a plain, iron sword and behead your stinky head.
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The only people getting their head cut off. Are the people who don't lick when they're told.
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Your little sister is now a succubus. That means you have to marry her.
It's the law.
There'd be enough mana by then for the DL to unleash the second big spell aimed directly at destroying the no-sons block that the CG put on the first big spell.
Spider legs are spindly and not fun. The fun of legs is the muscle and meat.
But I’m already dating the Anubis student council president and she’s not keen in sharing.
Also her tits are bigger.
Nice also.I love the upgrade to chen
These are proper legs.
Don't let the cows get to me, I won't be able to resist their soft embrace...
Why the obsession with resistance? Why try to fight it? You know you'll be happier if you give in. You know you'll get exactly the life you want. You'll make a best friend for life, and you'll probably even have kids with her. Your newfound love will give you the strength and determination to see things through, become successful, and be able to make a life for the two of you. There are literally zero downsides to becoming a mamono's husband.

So why the delay? Are you scared of being happy? Scared of being loved? Scared that you'll change in the arms of another? There's nothing to be scared of. It's the correct choice to make!
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Excuse me, sir. But you shouldn't be using politically incorrect, speciesist terms. It's 2024 after all!
Instead of "lizardman/men" you should be using "lesarde(s)". As for "beastman/men", you should be using the term "beastfolk" or "bestia(s)".
>Marry mermaid
>Have fantasies about living in your hybrid, seaside cottage that's half on land and half underwater
>Imagining you, your mermaid wife, and 3 mermaid kids with pet turtles
>Eventually get mermaid wife preggers
>She tells you that mermaids don't give birth but lay eggs
>She eventually lays her fertilized eggs, 150 of them
>Realize that you're going to have 150 daughterus
Haha, uh oh!
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Stupid little butt bat!
When I catch you, I'll...
Yes, but when I step outside to get my mail my minotaur neighbor is always there doing some kind of workout, her expression a beguiling, shark toothed smile. How can someone be that friendly and helpful all the time? Hell, last week when I needed to replace my tire, she just lifted the car for me, her large but firm tits squeezed by her arms and the car, highlighting her feminine features and wagging cow tail. She said it was just helping with her training, but it's all an excuse to wear down my resistance to her!
Run, brother! I'll hold them back! For your sake I'll hold them
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Modern appols require modern solutions.
To resist is human. Kill monsters, behead monsters, marry human childhood friend and retire to a farm to raise the next generation of monster killers.

Walk in the light, always.
Modern apols must be really tough.
cute bug.
i will give her a single apol.
I want a demon to hit on me by picking me up by the throat, choking me, and calling me weak and pathetic.
What a maniac, now im going to try and get to know my ushi neighbor so that druellas gestapo doesn't toss me into a Eros re-education camp for being single
After the recent fence arms race between greenworms and farmers, the worms have finally called out the big guns in their pursuit for fruit
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Monster incest scenarios are the best
It's their culture
That only works if when she bullies you, her face is mere millimeters away from yours such that you feel her hot breath on your face, and her eyes are piercing yours with an intense yet seductive stare.

And then when she finishes belittling you, she tells you "you know, weakling... I could protect you, maybe even make your stronger. Mmm... but not for free. If you surrender your body and soul to me." She licks the side of your face. "I'll take care of you." She then drops you down, and as you fall on your ass, you look up and see her towering over you. "So what do you say, mortal. Ready to become mine?" Her face going from smug and seductive to stern and angry the longer it takes you to respond.
It sounds to me like you are in a uniquely advantageous situation! You have need of a tall, strong, confident cow to help you out, and there just so happens to be one! Not fully utilizing your position here may have deleterious effects on your future. For example, what if you needed to clean your second story windows? Are you going to risk injury with a ladder, or let a healthy minotaur hold you tight against her and easily move you around? Would you rather hire movers to replace your failing refrigerator in the kitchen, or just ask your cow wife to do it for you? Would you rather jack off into your hand, or suck the milk out of her lactating tits as she rides you cowgirl style? I think the choice is obvious. Resistance is not only futile, but foolish.

Low T
>t druellas gestapo
The love gestapo has you date at knife point and your date has a button in case she thinks you need encouragement.
I prefer the erostapo or gestrapon
Forced to date a demon officer that NEVER goes without her officers cap, no matter what the situation. Helps that it highlights her cute horns, but also reminds you of how dangerous she is.
I guess I need to start paying those yakuza protection fees...
I heard the saying "if your cold they're cold, let them in"
So I have let miss greenworm sleep on my couch with a heated blanket.
I feel like a good person :)
Only if they take advantage of monstergirl being a monstergirl.
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Will coil you up for hours, squeeze and envenomate until you tell her where you hid the rocky road ice cream.
You WILL get married to a beautiful monster girl.
You WILL be unconditionally loved by her.
You WILL love her back.
You WILL reproduce with her.
And you WILL be happy!
Going to impregnate that Brat Bat.
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>Eros re-education camp for being single
Asked for it.
>"#48 please step forward."
>you take a tired step, the chains on your ankles and knuckles chiming bland tune
>you have done nothing to deserve this
>just kept to yourself, alone in nature
>grandpa left you his house in back in the sticks and living off the grid was peaceful
>you only visited the nearest village once a month, sold some of your game and pelts and in return bought supplies
>the view of the concrete floor is getting too depressing and you look up and squint at the sun
>"#48 please pay attention."
>you shift your gaze towards the demon standing a few meters in front of you
>she wears some sort of paramilitary uniform
>her back straight, chest out, grinding her teeth
>the image of a drill-sergeant comes to mind
>one of the oni wardens passes her a clipboard, but she doesn't even look at it and continues to stare at you, like you're some sort of anomaly
>"for the crime of being a virgin at 29 years of age you've been selected for our special programm."
>"Follow me."
>she turns around and a oni warden shoves you into your back
>you all enter a lettered gate
>she guides to a large fenced off area
>guard towers with Cupid snipers adorne this so called 'correction facility'
>you come to a halt at another gate
>a manticore salutes her, by gesticulating like she's jerking someone off
>"Take him to building 11, the lower block. Find a suitable cell for him."
>the manticore grins at you "You heard the lady~"
>she and a oni warden guide you past the fence
>scrawny and fat mamono in dirty prison tatters all around stop smashing rocks with their pickaxes to look at you, most of them unhinged
>you hear many awkward 'guehehehe's coming from them
>"Go back to smashing your rocks, you worthless NERDS!" you hear the manticore yell at them and they quickly swing their tools again
>soon you reach a building with the number 11, but you don't enter the front door
>you go around and stop at the cellar entrance
>the oni effortlessly lifts the two heavy, iron doors you have no hope of ever budging
>stench is smacking in the face
>the stench of despair, virginity and nerds
>you look around and try to find an escape, but deep inside you know of an forlorn act, this foolish
>you three descend into the dim underworld that will be your new home
>concrete and bricks all around you, dimly illuminated by a few sodium lamps
>the view of the yellowish and yet somehow dark hallway, crested with heavy iron doors on its sides, combined with this stench makes your stomach turn
>you dry heave
>the manticore slaps your back "Aww, come on. It's not all that bad. Let's find a nice cell for you~"
>the oni warden, you and the core walk down the hallway
>your hear hurried and crampled noises behind the doors upon the manticores high heels emanating sounds
>"This is one should be perfect for you~" as you come to a stop at cell 16
>you strain your ears, but you can't hear anything behind the iron door
>the manticore pulls out a keyring and unlocks the door
>you can't see anything in the surpsingly big cell, except for one weak candle burning and fighting against the all encompassing darkness in its center
>the core pulls out another key, frees you from your shackles and the oni proceeds to shove you inside
>the door slams behind you and you hear the lock click followed by heinous laughter coming from it, accompanied by weakening footsteps
>you start to sweat and turn towards the giggle to discern its owner
>"Do you like fanfiction?" you hear another voice asking you, dripping with the colour of unwashed, awkward nerd
>"I can't believe they finally give us a nice hubby after all this time." the first voice echoes
>your eyes start to adjust to the barely lit room and you start to make out two shapes
>a thin, tiny sanpaku gazer and a thicc lich
>you can see the dandruff in their hair and the pubes sticking out
>you fruitlessly work the doorhandle, while the two close in drooling and rambling about painting miniatures, building gunpla and inquires about your fetishes
>you blame the danuki for this
How are you gonna protect yourself from being raped anon ?
I don't want to be forced to put my fist into every monsters gaped hole to find the one that fits just right for me.
Superior speed, obviously. It's his people's way.
She raided my fridge so I threw out into the snow for her actions. I've learned my lesson and I'll never trust Greenworms again.
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This is a man's ideal place.
Then use your penis
That's reserved for my momster
What kind of degenerate looks at this and says: "Yep, goals."
I mean, i do, but...
I've seen mommy spiders carrying baby spiders, shit's pretty cute
I can't just go around having hot sweaty anal sex with every monster see just to find the correct one, also that's the plot for the children's movie in the MGE cinema "Analrella" in which the prince had to find the anus that fitted his penis the night of the ball
>my pussy is nice. Check with your penis
Basic pickup line.
x is best girl
Now that i see this, if you are a writer, do remember to check if your stories get into the archive.
Wouldn’t even get to read one word of their fanfic would spend my whole incarnation balls deep in both of them. Truly liebe macht frei
Me, and I want to be coiled by her with my many, many, many babies wriggling all over me happily. I don't care if their legs are like daggers,
Do satyroses and baphomets bleat?
They bleat your meat.
If that's a movie for children then I don't know what's considered porn in MGEland
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Post more cait sith? Sure.
I want to bury my face in satyros' cleavage without even as much as asking permission.
Porn cinemas are usually airing stuff like uncensored handholding and unprotected footrubs
Scented like wine and spice, and now coupled with a goat woman nibbling your hair
they will bleat once i am mate pressing them into the mattress
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>See this pregnancy test? Two bars.
>Your dragonslaying family tree now has a dragon branch.
>You've fathered more dragonkin than you've slain.
>You haven't even slain a Draconewt, let alone a proper dragon.
>What would your ancestors think? Ohohohohohoh!
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Do you think that natural features tend to form heart shapes in mamano realms like that smoke? Things like lakes, lagoons or hills that look like hearts from a birds eye view?
>also that's the plot for the children's movie in the MGE cinema "Analrella" in which the prince had to find the anus that fitted his penis the night of the ball
Let me guess, the Cinderella was the abused Chesh stepdaughter having to live with her abusive Hellhound stepmother and their cruel hound stepsisters
Also there's obviously a 30 min scene of the prince seeing if their butts fit with his cock and it's quite explicit
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Why not a glass high heel? Cheshes already wear those
I want a 7/1 chesh statue
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>the scene with the Mice and Ratas sewing her an extremely lewd dress
And of course all little monsters then buying and wearing their Analrella dresses at school
>portals happen and Chesh berates you for not hotglueing her statue
I haven't been here in a while, any news on MGE rpg?
did you mean 1/7
Big marble statue of Chesh is cool too.
Maybe, but I've also done irreparable damage to your bloodline by giving all of our daughters autism.
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>the prince going balls deep in the milf Hellhound stepmother and cumming lots inside
>"this hole is too loose, my cock doesn't fit in there"
>the prince going inside the eldest OL Hellhound stepsister and also cumming lots inside her
>"this hole is less loose but still it isn't the one"
>the prince going inside the middle shortstack Hellhound stepsister, entering with difficulty and still cumming a lot inside her
>"this hole is too tight, it makes my dick sore"
>the prince trying to go inside the youngest loli mesugaki Hellhound stepsister's ass but can't since it's too tight, still fuck her titties and cums inside her throat
>"I can't even fit inside this hole"
>then he sees that Chess in the backyard watering the flowers and the plot comes together
>"her, I want to try her hole" says the prince
>the faces of the little monsters in tears of happiness in the cinema
Momoyo is a good girl and a good momhu.
giant gargoyle chesh rape
Must impregnate terrors from the deep abyss
die aislopper
Baby-bloated squid mommies do things to me…
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So how do human mothers keep their sons safe from the mamono menace? Do they take up arms? Do they have fortified compounds where their sons are kept safe?
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>Druella has given me a list of speeches to motivate you on your mission. Would you like me to read them?
I'll publish anti monster propaganda from the safety of my home in the country deep in the order.
I've never seen a monster or been to lescatie but you bet I've got strong opinions on their customs and laws and how often Shifty Droo (Druella) bathes.
>tiny sanpaku gazer
Does she have sanpaku on all her eyes?
Also, i feel like i have read a similar green before.
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ms kiki...
When I said I wanted a hot pair of buns to eat in the morning I was thinking pork bun, not ms kikis ass
Soon to be Mrs. Anon.
Miss vampire has come to cheer you on through your day!
Shouldn't she be in bed?
>day-owl Vampire
before or after she has a morning shower to clean off last night's steamy sweaty sex?
It's 20:46, she just got up.
what if vampire but nice
is an underused premise
I will waste a genie's wishes on frivolous material items and then throw her lamp in the garbage dump lmao, she'll be so owned.
Vampires are trying to hard to stop being the most boring undead
what will you do when the bear in the dumpster uses the genies wish to make your cum taste of honey?
open a bakery i guess
>a holstaur draws near!
Context sensitive action button, tip the cow!
>"Okay Anon, you get 3 wishes. What will it be?!"
"I wish for more wishes."
>"Sorry, you can't wish for more wishes."
"I wish for you to give me the ability to wish for more wishes from you."
>"But you... dammit, okay. Wish granted..."
"I wish for an infinite number of wishes."
>Sighs deeply. "Wish granted..."
"I wish for a beautiful demon girl to teleport in front of me and confess her undying love for me."
>Gets irritated "Wish granted."
>Demon teleports in front of you, confesses her love, and kisses you on the cheek
"I wish for you to follow me around, so I can request wishes whenever I like."
>"Wish. Granted."
What do you wish for next?
I wish a nigga would.
>"you can't wish for more wishes"
>"can I wish for more genies?"
Fox time.
why is the postman genre so popular on wanhub?
The only man that goes to see them every day.
>[random furry trash].jpg
Very "/jp/ - Otaku Culture" related post
>New postman goes to the wrong house
>Postman rape on the porch
>Hot single milf kiki can't pay for stamps, finds another way to pay
>Kobold gets a special delivery (full video on onlywans)
>Hellhound envelope licking asmr
It's almost like being part of a community!
Nature and History Channels. Wild Beast girls in heat and frontline war footage of husbands being caught.
>Hellhound envelope licking asmr
It lacked any subtlety but my favorite was the one where she was delivered a jar of peanut butter.
>replying to /trash/spammers from several hours ago
Anon are you thinking sex in general is /trash/ again?
>Walk up to Angel
>Say hi
>Get sentenced to 9,000 years of rape to by the Angel I talked to
>Question why I am suddenly persecuted, where did everyone come from
>Get an extra 20,000 years
Why are Angels like this...
>yes fellow mgt posters, it's just sex, please ignore all the mentions of extreme sex acts and casual whoring around that were in the chain of replies
Be careful when getting near angels. You never know what kind you’re encountering.
Discussing anal sex with monstergirl is a reportable offense from here on out.
Yeah I mean how would they get pregnant??
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Life uh finds a way.
You ever seen possums carry their babies all over them?
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Yeah, well I'm gonna discuss something even more grotesque and depraved than that!
>Holding hands and looking into the eyes of your monster girl wife
Whitehorns and centaurs should have eyes on the backs of their heads so you can gaze into them even while you're riding your wife.
gregnant her butt
Anon, please, sex in front of a mirror is the obvious solution. Leave the staring at you while you give her backshots to shogs only.
Mirrors are a thing.

Also, remember they have two, both a human one in the front and horse/deer one in the back.
Monstergirls don't poop except kikis.
Almost all monster girls poop.
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>Also, remember they have two, both a human one in the front and horse/deer one in the back.
Shogs can have way more than that!
So can every other slime. Shogs are nothing special.
They're special to me.
The smug. It follows me everywhere...
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>Shogs are nothing special.
Shogs are smug and their biggest specialty is being better than kikis.
You take the shog, and I'll take the centaur. Deal?
Kikis are objectively better than shogs.
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This is an obvious lie. A silly one at that.
>Two vaginas
I was talking about a romantic ride through the park, you degenerates.
Sorry, jubjub-brain is contagious here.
>Looking at 2 yeys inside her hair all the ride.
Still dumb idea, just walk besides her or get a centaur compatible carriage with seats in front of eachother. Not like anyone else just in a park walks backwards.
What the fuck is wrong with you? why are you even here if you hate sex so much?
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>denying anal sex to monsters
Not even war criminals receive such hard punishment, that's abuse
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What if she likes being abused huh? Ever thought about that?
>vampire acts haughty but is not-so-secretly a total sub
>keeps finding excuses why she has to be out with her husband in the daytime
Since the sunlight weakens them, it only makes sense that a subby vampire that wants to be actually overpowered by her husband and not just pretend would be up during the day.
>Chesh teleports in front of you
>you expect another prank or shitty joke or meme
>instead she catches you completely off guard by leaning in and kissing you on the cheek
>brushes her soft cheek against yours
>"You know anon, I've been meaning to say... but I really appreciate you, whether you think so or not. Mmm~!"
>she hugs you tightly
>"Nobody else would put up with me... only you like me enough me to. I'm so thankful!"
>she presses her lips against yours tenderly
>"I love you so much..."
>you melt in her embrace to the sound of her giggling
>even when she isn't being a pranking shithead or memelord, you still lose to the cat this easily
>no matter what mode he's operating on
>you can't beat that damn cat, no matter what
Must be infuriating to be so powerless huh anon
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When people learn that I attend a 9-tailed kitsune at her shrine they all talk about what a great honor it must be to serve and be in constant presence of such a divine and noble being.
All she does is sit on her ass all day, lazing around and bossing me all day like a spoiled child. Clean this up, bring me food, I want a massage... She regularly makes me run up and down the mountain and to the town just to fetch sweets, sometimes multiple times a day! She also demands that I brush her tails. You might think that is amazing and it would be except she has 9 of them and it can take better portion of a day to get through that. Imagine having to do that EVERY day.
I am basically babysitting a glorified NEET.
I wouldn't appreciate it because I'd be thinking it's all just a setup for a joke.
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That's my jam, truly love this purple kot
>It won't last. Humans and monsters are natural enemies, like dwarves and dragons, or elves and dragons, or mermaids and dragons, or dragons and other dragons.
Damn dragons, they ruined Dragonia
Lose the panties and we can discuss more on that topic.
>Maybe you are right, but damn if that's not going to stop me from trying.
>*pulls out sword*
>But if my words won't get through your heart, i'll have my sword do that job.
>Take quest to slay a dragon
>The dragon grabs the paper and crosses out the "s"
>lay dragon down on the floor
>quest complete
>What does "Xlay" the dragon mean?
>How do I "Xlay" you??
It's $lay, you're getting paid to lay her.
like a bricklayer?
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Do I look like I want to talk about my addictions?
I threaten every monster girl with autistic children.
Damn, that latest story about undead is exactly what I like reading and had a former warrior bicorn I can easily imagine as muscled, what kind of cultured madman would have a muscle monster harem was my next thought
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Hounds dressing back up after a gym sesh engaging in locker room talk like "How was your workout Jen? I can't wait to get home and fuck my hubby's brain's out"
One has to wonder how far off that is from normal locker room talk.
Fox addiction.
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Hag Fox addiction
>"Hah! You're too slow anon! You're too slow!"
nah id prefer friendlier breeds
I'd rather build myself an Automaton girlfriend.
She has a game coming out soon.
>She has a game coming out soon.
Can I fuck her in it?
What if I shaved the Fox's tails completely?
Each hair clump spawns a new fox.
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Love long enough to see an ocelomeh be GYARU'FIED after hanging out with pyrows
Are they increasingly smol like in the Sorcerer's Apprentice?
Yes, and they'll all build a tiny fox society.
That... is... ADORABLE. Smolmono are totes my jam.
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>How much are they paying you?
>Really? Is that all they think I'm worth? I have more gold than that stuck underneath my scales
>You look like you're new to adventuring, so I'll give you some advice: Low reward doesn't mean low risk, and there's no shame in walking away from a bad deal
>In fact, I'll make you a better deal right now
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My favourite
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She looks like she just now noticed she has a really big belly.
Foxes are fast like that.
She probably felt a kick
Is it weird that I'm interested in her for being reasonable more than anything else?
Would serve and impregnate.
>tfw you kicked inside that belly and now your daughter is also kicking that same belly from the inside too
I will kick lolis and make them cry.
I will buy lolis pizza and make them cry.
it's "dragonlayer" not "dragonslayer", the s is a typo probably. I implregnated you, so my first quest is done, and your bloodline is forever stained with the blood of inferior humans now mixed in it through our brood. My ancestors are smiling at me, Dragonian. Can you say the same?
Her mother has been riding her to find a husband for centuries, she probably can say that even if she herself isn't happy about it (yet).
Kill this shit
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You wouldn't hit a mamono with GLASSES, would you?
With kindness. She won't know what hit her.
spiders are weak to hugs
Or the baby is bothering her because it wants to come out
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I think you have that backwards--humans are weak to spider hugs.
infinite mofu glitch
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i keep screwing it up and getting milk instead
so i can defeat her, ransack her place for all of it's gold, then collect the reward at the guild and have even more gold? oh boy i love maximizing numbers
Who can forget the heartwarming scene where the Titania godmother transformed a tentacle bush into a tentacles carriage. It was heartwarming seeing Analerella squirt upon the shocked awed faces of the party goers as her lingerie dress caught the eyes of the prince. Honestly, the chesh who played her deserves an award for how good her O-face was during her back to back orgasms at the ball.
I will lolis and make them
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ah, another fast robot appreciator in the wild, so good to see likeminded society 'round these parts
Reminder that this is one of the /trash/ discord raiders that keeps going "wtf why do you hate sex, it's just sex bro" when people tell him to fuck off.
Perfectly sane and totally not severely mentally ill individual.
What the fuck are you talking about, fuck off with your e-celebs and boogeymen. You have been at it it for more than a year now.
How arrogant or stupid do you have to be to believe you can fool people by posting gibberish, when your posts are literally right there for anyone to see them?
Fuck off back to your social media circles
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Anywho, which spiders are the huggiest? I say ALL OF THEM, but am open to other thoughts!
>What the fuck are you talking about
someone posted bad taste posts about gaping that people disliked
months later that same guy is still posting, waiting 5 hours, then replying to himself to look genuine
the fluffy ones are the huggiest, especially after a can of coffee to make them drunk and clingy as they can't really walk when all their legs are wobbly from the caffeine heir bodies weren't meant to ingest in such refined form (that is all a lie pushed by the Big Spider to give spider girls free right to hug at will, do not believe their lies)
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Sex with hags.
>more completely nonsensical raging
Once again an outsider coming here to troll has a meltdown himself
What is the appeal of NTR mgs?
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Well? Tell me how mamono mana and Demon Lord Lilith would solve this problem?
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There isn't. NTR isn't a appealing.
then how how come circle eden made a bunch of ntr doujins with the one cow girl of touhou?
You know what is appealing? THIS GAL!
ring ring ring ring ring
I bet she could succ a golf ball through a garden hose.
>stealing a poor anon's snack for some poor flirting
succs are truly evil dorks
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Wearing a shirt? Exposing skin, asking for it.
Looking away? Playing coy, asking for it.
Spreading legs while sitting? Asking for it.
Holding door open? Asking for it.
Glancing in her direction? Asking for it.
Turning your back to her? Asking for it.
Saying hello? Practically offering yourself up on a silver platter. You might as well get naked and tie a ballgag around your face you fucking wore.
"What a friendly cat!"
and thats why you should stay at home
cant be raped if you never leave your house
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The fluffiest of them all.
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Beeg elves.
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Touch grass.
Soon the snow will fall, and Wendis will walk the streets once more.
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Are spiders with a human body acceptable or do you prefer the kind with a spider bottom half? I don't mind either as long as they're soft.
I mean, its fine but if I want a spider I prefer Arachne style.
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Go spider abdomen or go home.
Looks like they've gone back to image spam again.
im gonna steal a hebi
Undead hours.
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My favourite
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>I'm gonna need to see your virginity license
Cute zombo maid.
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Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.
Instead, be sure to watch the skies for Harpies looking to swoop down on you.
Or wyverns looking to swoop.
Or a werebat.
Or a Thunderbird.
.....There's a lot of girls that can swoop.
Oh come on it can't be th- OH SHIT!
jubjubs wouldnt swoop
they would kinda just...fall on you from a tree with a wet plap
We call that a flop
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vampires can swoop
Wait, is she actually named Charlotte pussett?
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Nice green, thanks
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them horns
that fire
i need her in a variety of outfits
you ever feel like if you act get that desired contact with someone you feel like you can love, someone you know holds affection that's not familial, that you'd crack?
I don't know what I do man
>Story about a man so desprate to feel some connection when a succubus jumps him he just takes her home to fuck
Dump ice water on balrogs
that probably just makes her more horny
what do you think is better for disguise magic?
illusions, or an actual transformation?
With or without depression, I do want to see someone just kinda say "fuck it" and accept a succubus with vigor.
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>I do want to see someone just kinda say "fuck it" and accept a succubus with vigor.
>*confused but happy succubus noises*
How do you think miss Balrog senpai would defend the Pyrows youngsters when they get ridiculed and mocked by older adults who find young people's humor "cringe" and "unfunny nonsense?"
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Trying to hide in your home is practically begging for the R.A.P.E. (Rapid Assault Protective Enforcers) Hellhound to crash through your front door. After all, prolonged periods of isolation isn't good for a human.
Jokes on her, she crashed into the fake home!
I will continue to be lonely and there is nothing she can do about it!
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>a huge group of pyrows appear, block your path and practically have you surrounded
>Then their leader, a Balrog, swoops down, and approaches as the pyrows make way for her
>She announces to you:
>"The Looksmaxxers have decided to have you griddy'd down in Ohio and your L-Rizz streamed live on TikTok. But ultimately, the terms of your Rizzing are up to Baby Gronk."
Why does every orc have the “Weakness: human dick” trait?
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Ew! Yuck!!!

I'm glad I'm engaged with a high elf and not a stinky stupid orc!
I don't get all your post, either thanks to my fever or because I'm really dumb. Physical contact makes me cringe deeply but on the other hand I'm starved so I could act like a crackhead and jump on the first chesh/kiki who meet my essential criterias and ooga bologna back home
>Make a bunch of shitposts on 4mon posting empty egg cartons and how no monster will ever get my seed
>R.A.P.E and the Pink Berets have been dispatched
>4:30 am no knock raid, monsters busting in every window and door
>Don't even have time to put pants on before the first Hellhound is on me while she is hiking up her tactical skirt
>Pink Berets are just standing around laughing and shlicking.
That's why you shut the fuck up, lay low and trap every inch of your house with explosives. It won't hurt them but they won't be able to get you out without turning you, by accident, into red pastas. Obviously the question is why? Why anyone would do that if mamonos are real? Simple, I don't know but my brain ask me to dig and hold.
>it's another episode of "frenchoid tries to bait his Hellhound tard wrangler into rape correcting him"
I'm not a dirty fr*g, please fuck off cunt
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We are all fr*g down here
>They could be multiple Frenchies in this thread
Terrifying, I need a hellhound to ra- protect me
Wee wee baguette Hon Hon hon
>On 4mon, they're a chesh version of the frog waiting for him
PORTAL, NOW, so they both shut the fuck up
Bonjour, I hate le femdom
You can't even ask an fast restaurant clerk for extra ketchup to your mcnuggets and you are afraid to sit next to a person on a bus what makes you think you can resist monstergirl from taking initiative over you

You will get femdomed
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Because I like it a certain way and fate protects
also it's a sterile debate brought back by copycats to shit up the thread since a new profile arrived. It would be nice to move on and speak about cool things that you enjoy instead.
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It is time for bed
but there is no monster in or below my bed
im staying awake all night
Japanese version of femdom is good since its just the girl being the one leading in relationship and not like western femdom when it's just gay bdsm shit and pegging
Anon I think you might be picking cherries here
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>After becoming monsters they like to get themselves off, and they love to pleasure men as well. Originally, they would act in a queen-like manner towards humans, but individuals that have become monsters will not behave like a queen when dealing with human men. Instead, they will reveal their true nature and behave as gentle and childish big sisters.

I would like to see both sides of this queens personality.
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I'm sorry, we're out of Polish Kikis. The best we can give you now is a Wisp.
>Panie Anon, pan tu sobie pierdoły o potworach w internecie wypisujesz... a ja gorę!
Didn't ask, don't care, waiting for kiki.
Your kiki waited too long and now she's a kikiwisp. I hope you like creepy obsessed yandere girls.
>"I can't be seen like this, you have to hide me"
>titania shrinks to the size of a fairy and flies inside your underwear
>"just get dressed and act normal, and we'll sneak back inside the palace tonight"
Let me guess, she's going to steal my heart?
True but it's still not my thing. I like the good old way even if it's more work.
Do you have other kinds of kiki?
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I have a spider kiki if you want! Or a cow kiki!
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>Do you have other kinds of kiki?
Here's a perfectly normal kiki, just for you
No thanks too big and nightmarish
Tempting but I can see the trap, better off waiting for the next real kiki
She just wants attention.
>Do you have other kinds of kiki?
We might have Macedonian Kikis next week.
Please anons, word of advice. Never, NEVER, let a pyrow or cheshire cat babysit toddlers or children below the age of 14! Doing so will cause your child to develop brainrot, but an even worse version of brain rot... Monster girl induced brainrot!

Do not let millennial cheshire cats or Zoomer pyrows influence your children!
Indeed, boomer Pyrows and Cheshires are much better babysitters.
Just give your son a sword and tell him to go slay the jabberwock.
>Anon asks cheshire what she does for a living
>Cheshire says she's a babysitter
>"Hey anon, can I call you baby?"
>"Huh? Yeah sure."
>*Sits on anon*
Duch podmuchpraca ooo
>there are a few things to remember when playing the Demon Realm
bogie ass smells funny
Chesh, wyczesz się
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MG RTS factions, who would they be?
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>zoomer pyrow or millennial purple meme kot is hired to babysit a human toddler boy
zoomer pyrow/millennial purple meme kot sings the toddler boy current day nursery rhymes:

>Edge edge edge yourself gooning Is the dream
>Skibidi skibidi skibidi skib, do not bust or cream

>Edge edge edge yourself gooning Is the dream
>Jelqing while you mew and mog make sure not to scream

>Edge edge edge yourself gooning Is the dream
>Eco friendly wood veneers galvanized square beam

>Edge edge edge yourself gooning Is the dream
>Skibidi skibidi skibidi skib
>Do not bust or cream
>Gain favor by having sex
>All units can convert enemy units to your side
>Start off with a Lilim as your hero unit, can get her pregnant to make more Lilim hero units which can also make more Lilims
I also imagine one of their god powers being a dark matter nuke to convert a large number of enemies at once.
Do you think monsters have fake battles?
I want to go to a monster battle reenactment.
>Introducing your shirohebi fiancee to your family, calling her your friend
They definitely have fighting tournaments so war games aren't a stretch.
>Gremlin brings her giant, sex-ray mounted spider tank to a 'historical' reenactment
Introducing your creeping coin finances to your family
All units.
With demon silver, what the difference with a real battle between an apo and a pharaoh and fake one? None
>your monwife introducing you to her family
The other side has a wurm in her original form, so it's only fair.
>She just wants attention.
Very mild for a wisp. What's the catch?
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Commander, you must construct additional tentacle pits. This serves no economic purpose per se, but it's pretty funny to throw people in them. What price can you put on hilarity?
A LOT of attention.
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Risu means squirrel. I wonder how many Ratas are named "Risu" or a variant of it.
Built too many tentacle pits, and now I can't leave my castle. Please send help, I think they're starting to crawl up the walls.
She can't force me into the forever cage. I have rights!
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None, because ratatoskrs are Scandinavian. So they're going to have names like Olga, Vigidis, Dagmar, Harolda, Frigga, Gudrun, and Inga
I thought up another one, all units can become hero units like the Atlanteans but instead of spending resources the unit has to have sex for a certain period of time, while having sex they cannot do anything else.
They're upgrading your castle.
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Give me a cheerful, 4'8", unapologetically lewd, tits bapho, and I will be a happy man.
>Mobile tentacle castle.
Pretty cool.
Howl's Cooming Castle
lizard LOVE
lizard LOVE
lizard lizard lizard LOVE
But enough of that. Give me a girl that is apologetically lewd.
Mine's named Sara
Go eat a fly stinky lizerd
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>ram ranch REALLY ROCKS
That's not a ram
I'm really strained on eco spamming devil bugs and large mice. I'm not going to cut production just to BMing my opponent.
He only believes in missionary sex with the lights off.
I don't know what conversation this is but this guy sounds based
>Life is really just one big missionary session with the lights off
Some Lilim, probably.
I have the most powerful artefact known to monster kind.
It is the family photo album of the demon lord's family, complete with signatures from the hero, DL and all of the lilim.
>Ram Ranch
I'll sue for false advertisement
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Do you think cait siths would wear collars?
the original ram ranch wasn't even a ranch so it's actually a step in the right direction
That's it. I'm going to olive garden.
Time to post all of Druella's embarrassing baby pictures online
Pouring water over fire girls is like tossing it on a sauna oven
It's fun giving Lava Golems full soda cans and watching them pop.
If a lava golem is a neet and never comes to the surface, is she technically a magma golem?
You've got the Vampire in a manacle. Now what?
Put her into a womanacle.
Make her a maid.
Dipping my nachos in magma golems
Does spider have pusspuss.
The better question is whether mermaids lay eggs that you then have to fertilize as she gives you a handjob.
dhampir factory
Reversed forced cunnilingus.
Magma Golems are too deep for you.
Eating out Lamias
As per the QnA, you have to ferilize her eggs internally.
But you know, if you are really into the whole fertilizing the eggs while you can see them, that's probably an option too.
I never said mge.
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go to the desert
Bold of you to assume i care if you did or not.
Make her ear garlic
You mean like rub garlic paste behind her ears?
Reviewers thread.
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I can believe they're cute, but how funny are they?
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Don't stick your fingers in unmarried foxes.
>replying to off topic spam
>anon learns that an average dragon needs around 10,000 calories a day
Your eating us out of home and house JABWOK
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Very much so
I want to hear their jokes then.
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>(You)r dick, onii-chan!
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What's the worst that could happen?
So that's why that uohhhhhhh meme is about crying.
Spending time with old sweaty ran is the worst.
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Putting thumbs in beastgirl's ears is too fun but I want to try something else
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you must the olds
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Too soon
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>Too soon
Anon it's been over a year.
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Rich people died, boohoo
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You go there to ram the cows (with your penis). The name is fine.
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Nobody will see this but I like hebis
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hebi has seen this and has now locked onto you
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>Men are so simple!! Put his head in your lap and whisper "You did good" and he's a good as yours!!
I hate to admit that this is in fact exactly how it works
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Why are you replying to spam?
Why not? It's not going to be deleted nor stopped in any way.
Cowprint bicorn with a similarly endowed milk-slime and holstaur
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I want adult malussy.
Get off my bed
So you'll make a mentally stunted discord raider spamming the thread with random images look welcome by replying to his spam? Great logic
Why do you think there are discords dedicated to spamming this thread?
>malef wants you to roleplay as a dragonslayer again
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left it in my other pants, along with my ass-spanking license. you dont want me to get them miss, trust me.
What the hell is a doragon and a dwagon and how are they different to a dragon?
Both are just indicators for mental retardation. in other words, whoever uses them is fucked up in the head. They both refer to the same thing, a dragon. There is no difference.
Is it coincidence that dwagon sounds like something the thread would love?
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dorwagons :D
Dragon but said by a Japanese person
Dragon but said by Elmer Fudd
sounds like something a furry would come up with
Not him but Discords stirring shit up are absolutely not unique to /mgt/.
dragon slayers are something else though
I want tame THAT BEAST
>"That's your evil plan? Just sit on the bed and tempt me with your scaly ass?"
>"You win this round, dragon"
Doragon pulling a wagon
Running your fingers through your danuki's hair and molesting her ears while you sniff her delicious breath!
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That is very mean to people with rhotacism.
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I don't think you are big enough for that.
I'm sure to win because my speed is superior.
Cait sith says it's a crime to not refer to her fur as vewy fwuffy!
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Dragon bros! Question for you lovers of overgrown lizards.

Would you and are you depraved enough to ask your dragon wife to go into her old "true dragon" form and lewd her when she is in said form?
>approach a Cheshire from behind
>"He's right behind me, isn't he?"
>fuck her in the ass
>"Well, that just happened"
Damn millennial Cheshires
>still no tomoko malef
My life is incomplete until that one anon fullfils his promise.
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I'm fairly certain it comes from the Fire Emblem fanbase.
Yeah, sometimes.
its called speaking english and not gobbledygook like french
French is based.
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I wanna rest my head on this mino's toned belly.
Shirtless tomboys in big jackets should be illegal. It's way too stylish
Face-first definitely
That, or face turned towards her breasts.
it a fuck ugly language spoken by literal barbarians
fuck off mick
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Alps are gay, but if you say "no homo" beforehand, then you're not gay when you do it.

Remember this trick!
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Do you think the cat kingdom has gourmet restaurants?
im not keeping track of your bogeymans but i hate the french theyre a disgusting people with an equally disgusting language, they deserve everything bad that happens to them
The trick is to just say "no homo" at the altar, then everything after that is covered.
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Imagine dragons.
I think every mamono realms have some
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Every mamano witch and sorceress is weak to life magic cast by a male mage being impregnated
you need a battlebuddy to dig in with, putting mines everywhere you will miss a few spots that she might not, and having two pairs of hands would double your efficiency
>break into lich's lab
>"go away I'm busy"
>cast revive
>instant loss
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>Jump cut to lich getting bent over her research bench
>She went from being busy to getting busy
>This is fine
roleplay is fun and all but if they posted here for real don't act like you'd do anything but simp for neetmons until some dragon got off her butt to drag you back to her cave and show you how much gold she has in old school runescape
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Neetgons are for rape
A kiki would be perfect for that job
I'm confident in my ability to continue shitposting amongst monsters. I'd be hosed for most interactions in real life though.
All monsters are for rape
It's only the direction that changes
Undead mamono Faction
>Start with Abandoned cathedral, one necro-romancer and 4 zombies
>Necroromacer is basic support and healing unit. Can be made at the cathedral
>Zombies are the basic resource gathering and building unit. More can be made in the mausoleum.
>Mausoleum. Basic upkeep building, increases unit limit. A necro-romancer can be paired inside the mausoleum with a zombie(or other units) to make more.
>Skeleton: Can be summoned from bones found around in the battlefield by
Necroromancer. Permanent, consumes low upkeep.
>Ghost:Can be made from souls gathered in the battlefield or around the cathedral, only a skeleton or a ghost can be made from remains.
Second Tier.
>When a Zombie spends a certian ammount of time in a mausoleom with her Necroromancer she turns into a wight. Powerful meele mage. Similarly, Phantoms can be made in the same way.
Third tier
>Unlock a spire, where you can make one lich. Powerful elemental undead mage. Can research several other branches of magic. Will require a Necro-romancer to permanently serve as her lab assistant.
>Unlock abandoned castle. Sturdy wall building. Upgrade allows you to produxe one Zombie dragon fom it, but will require a necro-romancer to permanently occupy the building as a sacrifice. Has poison breath attack. Can corrupt human units.
Could keep going, but you get the idea.
If they posted here for real I'd post my real name and address and ask for the easiest way to emigrate to Dragonia.
In warcraft I liked how the lich king controlled all the undead so I think really undead should be a hivemind.
Would 100% shitpost in a tsun way until a cute neet Oomukade breaks down my mask and seduces me into posting my full adress for her to sweep me up and take me to zipangu.
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Snake body erotic
>Monstergirl smooching
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No, dragon breath smells like brimstone
Well, it's what the automaton user guide says I have to do to activate windows
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>"You are now on the council, but you are not granted the rank of Poggers"
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Yes, smooch cute loli monster girls.
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I want to plant my face in hellhound fluff and suffocate breathing in nothing but her scent
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Why is having sex with a biological woman considered gay?
I'd try my luck only with Jinkos and shitpost with the rest.
Once a man, always a man.
So yeah, it's gay. That's why you have to say "no homo" beforehand if you don't want to be gay yourself.
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>A succubus? You're joking, right?
>...you're not joking. Fuck it, I'll fight a succubus any day of the week
>Get on my back, we're going to the Royal Makai. I took the throne once, I can do it again
Canonically a street whore and a bratty girl!

I need her in my life. I will correct her whoring ways, turn her away from bisexuality, and make her a good, loving wife!
who would say
Rawr! XD
and who would say
Rawr! >:3
Why would anyone say no?
jabberwock or hebi
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>Flat-chested, adult body danuki in her mid-20s
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Obviously the design of the world is largely set up for this to be the case, but I like that fan content tends to be a lot sweeter than what's in the profiles.
I like my mge content grim, as god intended.
>have a devious plan
>say I'm gonna become an alp
>instantly get push back
>told to alp right now if I'm gonna do it
>sweat drips down my face
>Hellhound walks up to me and says my lies will not go unpunished
>Walk into danuki's shop
>Disregard all the wares she's selling
>Walk up to the counter
>Tell her you'll pay her to sniff her breath
>Tell her you'll pay even more if we go in a very small closet to do it
10 breath sniffing sessions in and I'm on the verge of bankruptcy. Honestly it's worth it, even if I end up homeless. Sniffing nuki breath > Shelter
That's a recipe for disaster. It only takes one mage monster girl to actually alp you once you've said the words "I'm gonna alp!" Then you are in alp because you gave the words of consent to it.
I'm going to Alpania. Do you know any good tourist spots?
i think monsters would take advantage of me and that's okay
You've gotta visit Rainbow Bridge. Hiking up Broke Back Mountain and licking the leaning tower are also popular.
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You get your favorite type of monster, but she says extremely cringy dirty talk during sex. Do you accept?
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Imagine encountering a big scary monster like a manticore or an ushi-oni, but instead of falling for her act you just walk up and hug her. She freezes up for a second, not sure what to do, then decides not to overthink it and just hugs you back.
Nothing a gag won't fix
>223 images
>majority of it is intentional low quality flooding
Can we get the meido from 2 weeks ago in here to continue cleaning this shit up?
>text to speech on monster girl streams
monsters have no counter to deredere
Who likes dirty talk? It just sucks all around.
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No, I'm too busy pampering her in my bed.
higher mental faculties need to be clouded by horny and even then it's not great
All mamono are stronger than humans. Yes, that includes the cute alices and dormice. So don't think for a minute you can just manhandle them. Sleep mouse will suplex you with ease if she needs to.
>higher mental faculties need to be clouded by horny
Perfect description.
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>work for a succubus general as an aide
>in a moment of carelessness her beloved teddy bear (no she isn't too old for one) gets lost
>stumble upon her crying and she notices me
>she is so embarrassed she forces me to stay in her room
>when she calms down and tries to rest she demands I stay with her and act as her teddy
>make a pet out of me
>I'm gonna nyaaaa
>tomorrow I'm going to jerk you off with my tail over the balcony
Fairies aren't (except Titania, she could definitely overpower me)
You're mistaken. I've seen a fairy drag a 400 lbs man by his shirt into the fairy kingdom portal alone.
>She does lewd things to her teddy
Ahem, 224.
I am the Time Wizard. I can stop time, skip ahead in time and travel back to the future or past in limited capacity. No Monster can catch me as I can always see them coming in the future and plan ahead. If a Monster managed to get close enough to grab me, I can simply stop time and use my other magics to get far away before it resumes. Or I can just go to the past and prevent that Monster's parents from ever hooking up to cause her to cease to exist in the present. I am impossible to rape or catch.
Muscle is built during sleep... Of course Dormice are going to be the strongest race of monster girl.
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>How do you do, fellow humans?
Imagine if they weren't sleepy all the time, they'd probably take over the entire world.
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You have covered any sharp angles in your house, yes? A completely circular tower with no... errant edges anywhere?
the Titan submarine was operated by a ps3 controller, and it's the only thing to survive the implosion
>happy shog noises
Would you huff her leg fluff?
It was a Logitech F710 and no it didn't.
She probably uses expensive product to make it nice and silky smooth, so yeah, probably.
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>Hi Anon *ZAP* how are you today? *ZAP* Doing anything fun later? *ZAP* I know something you can do later... *ZAP* If you catch my... oh thats a long paralysis debuff....... *ZAP*
>Raiju that's short-circuiting
Extremely dangerous. I'd tell you to run, but honestly, it's too late for you at that point
Still a great time to post cats.
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I like when hags try to dress lewd or imitate young girl
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I like when hags get pregnant with my children
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I know
>tomorrow I'm going to jerk you off with my tail over the balcony
Hold on, this could be a good time.
>raiju that uses her electricity to treat tremors on early onset parkinsons husband.
Tell me anon, what other therapeutic treatments could you imagine mamono doing?
>in a moment of carelessness her beloved teddy bear (no she isn't too old for one) gets lost
that's actually quite tragic, I hope she finds it
>Once a man, always a man.
Said the Alp while breastfeeding her third child
Hippotherapy with Centaurs
>Girtie botox
>Mindflayer psychological support
>Lich chiropractor
>kobold therapy dogs
Shog marrying a guy with multiple sclerosis and replacing his entire immune system and nervous system.
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static electricity
>Kiki healing anon's scars and acne with tongue baths
In the world of Rollergames there's room at the top for only one, and there's only one Static X, Destroyer.
Tingly snuggles
Oh Egads, my roast is ruined! But what if I were to bed that homeless kikimora and have her cook, only to diguise it as my own? Delightfully devilish, Anon!
Yeah mamonos are cool and all but they won't be able to save you when Lord Xenu and his alien armada return to earth in the future for the great cleansing and rain fire of orbitals bombardment down from the skies with their death rays and fleet of saucers upon the heathen human masses. Monsters may be strong, but they can't beat the Aliens.
Just tell the superintendent that the Kiki was your wife all along.
A homeless kiki? In this country, at this time of the year?
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>Aurora Borealis, at this time of day, at this time of year, in this part of the country, localized entirely in your kitchen?
>May I see it?
>"Babe, I wasn't ready for an aurora borealis tonight!"
>[Slaps reverse scale]
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The wind blows (You)
I really love danukis, especially the young ones, not loli though. Like, I'd take a couple of 18 year old danukis. That'd be great. Cuddle with them in bed. Get them all hot and bothered by talking investment strategies and discussing portfolios.
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I knew i was feeling breezy down there. She stole my pants!
She's doing you a favor. Airflow is healthy for the balls.
Another mamono I'd forgotten about completely.
That's a big sylph. Do they get thicker the hotter the air is? Do all DFC breezefuckers have to travel to the arctic circle?
The basic force behind wind is difference of temperatures, so I guess the strongest Sylphs should be between the hot/cold extremes.
how long until a mimic sneaks into a guy's unboxing video?
Show me the cursed swords
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Would it be possible for a married incubus to have a midlife crisis, maybe run away, and then the wife has to figure out where the hell he went.
>thread in 4mon
>"Show me the cursed swords"
>a random anon posts a picture of his dick
>bunch of monsters saying that's fake or a pic from google
>next pic is his anon posting his erect penis with the date written on it
>monsters going ceazy because there's a man on the internet trying to reverse search, asking for contant into and other just posting "ZIPANGUUU"
What happens if I eat the yellow snow in Winterstown?
Hurry before Krampus realizes her beer barrel was leaking.
Elsewhere on 4mon, entire threads ruined the instant you vaguely insinuate that your a dude.
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God I love hags, it's the only way I can tolerate Foxes
it's a good day to be a nondescript civilian
I can fix her (With a whetstone)
I wish they could turn into a full sword like how dragons can temporarily become like full real dragons. Would be cool to swong around a cursed sword. At least let the girl part be able to turn etherial or something
Crooked swords get hammer correction
Senkou is an abomination when you think about it. Good thing she's so cute anyway.
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I prefer her boss but Senko is fine too
What about cursed sabers and cutlasses?
Yeah, there we go. Any fox trying to relieve my stress is only doing half the job if she isn't also managing my libido.
>cursed warhammer
>comes with free barbarian loli
>Tfw no cursed cutlass pirate gf
>Cursed AK-47
>Comes with a free Eastern Europoor
So we know that shirohebis are crazy, and by extension most lamian species.

But what are some other species that more typically on the crazy side or even insane?
>cursed fork
>comes with a free Leanne
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>So we know that shirohebis are crazy
But this is wrong, hebis are friendly and cute
It's your fault she had to lock you up because you looked at that WHORE who obviously had ill intentions
sea bishop one day from retirement
>because you looked at that WHORE who obviously had ill intentions
It was a cartoon on a cereal box! Hebi is out of control!
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>It was a cartoon on a cereal box!
You might as well have bought a stack of porno magazines
Don't worry, hebi will fix you right...
Aaaaawwwww. So cute!
Something about night gaunts make me uneasy. You know these girls are fucked up. The other abyssals can at least be sociable and get on your level for communication, but night gaunts? Case 1: she airlifts you into the center of a sabbath summoning circle or on some girl's dinner table. Case 2: pitch black no escape cryptid rape. Goo, goo everywhere. If you stop proneboning her she starts making weird unholy noises and grabbing you all over, turning any walk into a three legged sack race.
What would happen if shirohebi-chan has a son? Would she be just as protective of him as her hubby? Would she immediately play matchmaker and try to find him a nice whitesnake of his own to be childhood friends with? Would be offer him to her lonely unmarried friend?
Look at this crazy bitch. She obviously knows that I'm garbage and not worth supporting. What's her angle?
I think she is specifically qualified to determine who's worth supporting. And if you weren't garbage, getting there wouldn't be as rewarding when you do.
Does she have a daughter as well? If so, the two will be matched up. Otherwise, she'll try to setup play dates for her son with her friends that have kids of their own.
Want to buttfuck lolibaba cats
Gonna buttfuck lolibaba cats
Lolibaba foxes with close-cropped tails are rapidly approaching your location.
Chaos girls were a mistake. With the exception of shoggoth, they're all garbage that transform you into horrific creatures for their enjoyment.
This but bapho lolibabas
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celebrating my birthday in the ways of ms. satyros's traditional culture
maybe if I black out I'll wake up on her game table and we can do it again but together and with more sex
fat kots
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There's no weaseling out of this one.
Pass some of that stuff over here. Another year of celebrating alone.
To make her feel loved, A girl wants to appreciated in all her states
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It's Koturday.
so new girl's pestilence, what's her deal, was she the one that gave Cross COVID and thus making him spend more effort and time on her?
I know of one monster that loves being manhandle and wants her husband to be god-like.
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Zombie thread reportedly too horny to be killed. Will not leave page 10 unless fed the dick of the living.
They are pretty much Inque from batman beyond, remember the unfortunate half-transformed guy?
Do many monsters wait inside the water slide like that?
Yes, water parks are not safe.
>be kid
>go to water park
>water park is overrun by the undead
>emerge as a MAN
A tale as old as time
If you keep doubting the Dragon's ability to rape, then she will snap, and you will not be able to move after she rapes you...
>be kid
>your turn on the slip 'n slime
How to rape a dragon?
She has to be asleep since if she's awake she would instantly consent to anyway strong enough
Dragons are sluts, malef be damned
im a slut for dragons
I don't believe you
Is dragon tail squishy?
A little bit, but firm. You know those foam balls that are kinda hard? Like that, but fleshy and scaly obviously.
...I'm not in the business of touching balls.
kissing underbelly scales of reptile tails
squeezing well-fed dragons
groping snake girth
... anubisnake?
getting coiled by apophis and basilisk at the same time
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Finally found the pic
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>photo of a screen
deep fried shitposting
Fun fact about lizerds and all other such individuals: the scaly composition of their skin causes it to maintain tightness even with excess fat or at old age.
These classes are such bullshit, I should have never went to MGCU. Why is Chesh History a required course for my degree? The book doesn't even have anything useful in it. I paid 200 dollars for a book full of old memes and ass pics. Also, why am I the only student here?
>hebi that covers you in hickeys before you go to work
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>coming home from work and peeling snake shed off of your hebi wife's lower half while you watch a movie or the ocean from your balcony
skehebi toilet.
cursed af
>cursed af
that's you after skehebi toilet decides you aren't faithful enough
So pretty much all of them.
>Come home from work
>Your wife has an opened package from Amazon
>It's a tattoo gun
>She looks at you and smiles shyly.
I'm in danger.
You can say no you know. Tattoos are disgusting
>Refuses to let his wife tattoo him
lol, lmao even
Needs FUNMON.COM watermark too.
No, not all of them will let you work.
I like tattooed girls but hate the idea of getting tattoos myself.
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Anons still in bed.
>"You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Vulpine ambush, same as us and that thief over there."
Bless Toaddette Hugwart for giving us The Hag Scrolls V: Sky Rim.
You see that cow in the distance?
See this cow is small, but the ones out there are far away.
I can fuck her?
You can climb her.
Cows climb to show they are ready to mate.
Maybe you should climb the cow.
Climb the cow.
Do it now.
>Be you middle school anon
>Best frens with Holstaur neighbor same age as you.
>One summer day, she climbs to the tippy top of the apple tree.
>Looks down at you expectantly.
Mamono seduction techniques are ADVANCED.
Are you sure she's not a goat?
>Cows climb to show they are ready to mate
Cows climb each other to show they are ready to mate. So unless anon wants to become an alp cow, i'd suggest to mount the cow instead of just climbing her.
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i think a mino would find it endearing if someone tried to climb her.
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It is mounting.

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