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Previous threads:
>>47714891 (#3957)
>>47703730 (#3956)
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racism is cringe
cringism is racist
youre not funny
youre not unko
only you guys call me that
cause you cant cause youre not unko youre a weird pathetic fake
mesi more like mesitukai
why are you so mad anon?
why are you using someone elses name lol
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Why are you learning Japanese?
japan looks so fucking 3rd world
nah youre a fake nigger
mom, unko's going crazy in the thread again!
we dont say the nigger word around here anymore
go back to discuck
aint no way
for the porn
>replacing エッチ with 叡智 to avoid sensitivities regulations
therefore, if you search for 叡智, you'll find エッチ (;゚∀゚)=3ムッハー
too big. will age like goop.
i bet she has loads of rice clumps in that milk
Not because of some delusion that it will allow me to have sex.
blessed trips of truth
not relevant
spamming vtubers here is sad and pathetic
nigga this is my first post itt
so youre joining in?
yes im joining in gangbanging youre mum
you dont have sex because your women live behind a screen
i plap raw almost every night
it has its benefits at least they can't steal my food through the screen
my wife cooks and feeds me
just filter him like everyone else does
ライブ配信は中弛みするから切り抜きでいいよ( ・ิω・ิ)
eng subが入ってるとよき

why are you posting for me
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Akutan RIP (´・ω:;.:...
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I just got filtered by famicom detective club. it's over...

studying japanese really is like that meme with the cube where he opens up only to get punched immediately resulting in him building even thicker walls. you got your 10k vocab and then you open up something that is even just slightly above baby level and you're immediately reminded that you do not know japanese. and then looking up words is a fucking bitch cunt when you can't copy and paste.
>I got filtered
yeah because you gave up instead of posting screenshots here and asking for help
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any emmersers



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with 10k vocab you should be able to read almost all jouyou (atleast 1 reading) which makes looking up words incredibly trivial?
>and then looking up words is a fucking bitch cunt
in the original famicom detective club? isn't that shit all kana? shouldn't give you too much trouble then, no?
no, the new one
use ocr or ime pad then and study individual kanji readings more thoroughly if your have significant trouble figuring out the readings of new words consisting of kanji you already sort of know. this is a pretty important skill in the long run
it's good ocr or ime software? i tend to use jisho but even with correct stroke orders it tends to fail at recognising kanji
*what is good
jesus christ
i just use microsoft ime pad on my dictionary search field
oh, and the only ocr software i ever installed is kanji tomo. at least the version i have is not good. not even close. i don't use. i'm sure there are far superior options out there today but i usually tune out when people talk about it.
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i'm autistic enough to know words like

guys listening raw is so difficult without subs do you think i can just keep using j subs and do so for 2 years and then just magically be able to hear everything without subs?
the problem I had with listening is that i was too dependent on the kanji to get the meaning of the word. Since I focused more on the sounds of words my listening improved.
>open up something that is even just slightly above baby level and you're immediately reminded
that's literally any language. the main problem with jap is when you wanna look up how to say something, there's no easy way to look it up and get a list of candidates, like say,
-without: "try one of these: ~ずに, conjunctive form+ないで... rest of sentence, なしに, noun抜き, ~することなく, etc."
>can't copy and paste
you can type stuff, use handwriting input, texthookers, or even resort to OCR. no excuses
listening is 50% knowing the words, collocations, being familiar with the topic of discussion, grammar structures, etc.
the rest is being used to stuff like slurring, changes in intonation, people dropping sounds, etc.
ps: try to look away from the subs and try to rely on your hearing. replay the parts that you can't hear clearly a few times. if you still can't make it out only then look at the sub.
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1) oku
this would mean that someone is gonna place them there for a future purpose
3) iku
teiku really makes no sense here
4) oru
dialect/humble version of teiru makes no sense here because the sentence says they have been placed there not that they are there

so it must be 2 tearu
stfu aru
does a slang dictionary exist for yomichan?
KireiCake. But it's supposedly a mess.
holy shit chinks got demolished
>that's literally any language
>proceeds to explain how japanese differs
that's exactly what I mean, you nerd.
learning english was a joke by comparison.
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Just google it bruv
literally n4slop
the point of vocaroos is to hear your flow in the language so n4slop is appropriate
no the point of vocaroos is to see if you can read anything that's not text-hookable
if you suck you will suck even with infinite takes on the simplest shit
this guy is pretty good be he still stutters which means he has to read a lot more still
its me and yeah i dont read much i gotta say
there's no point to vocaroos the way you've been doing them bc motherfuckers don't even understand what they're reading. the only vocaroos that would matter would be ones where you speak freely or at least instantly and accurate translate what you just read
fuck bros i wish i had a voice like this so i can otosu bbas too
that is exactly what i'm talking about
you can clearly tell by the pitch in my that i do
never hear anybody in djt talk shit about khatzumoto, so i assume you guys have a favorable opinion of him?
all vocaroos should be a completely unscripted conversation with a japanese person
cant have an opinion on someone i dont know or care to know
do it bro
anki a little tough today, 25 mins for 60 reviews &. 20 new cards
呼んだ? ;3
lil bro talking big game every day while he barely pays attention to soku-on and chou-on.
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>"chad" in eng subs
yup this is why im learning the japanese
now how about vocarooing what you were asked to (>>47726394
) instead of your preread shit which you've already vocaroo'd 10 times?
i could have preread that by now
repost, try again
concession accepted
i feel like its sufficient proof of my ability and noone else here recently has made anything even close
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>i just understand it bro, trust me. even though my conjuctions sound super off
i preread this post
go ahead and do better
sorry im just better
sorry were go-getters
skin in the gameだとかさ
>come back to thread to still see faggots replying to namefags. holy shit, how many times do we have to post the filter regex??
I cant see his posts, but im assuming you're replying to a namefag, consider suicide.
who are you quoting
>I cant see his posts, but im assuming you're replying to a namefag,
no i was posting song lyrics
much better
currently reading a manga where the image quality suddenly dropps very far into it and i can't find any higher quality alternatives
i can still read it all but it really is making me tired reading low quality scans

my questions is: is there any way to know up front if what im downloading has low quality scans?
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I was confusing 匠 with 正
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it's written poorly. the lower left corner protruding like that makes it look like 2 strokes a little bit when it's just 1 angled stroke. but the vertical stroke on the lower right is not part of 正
funny how it ends here yet again
yeah download everything up front
todays immersion
i love the font in this thumbnail
people can complain about Vtubers but I like them WAY better than those ゆっくり robo-voices people used to do. that shit is like nails on a chalkboard
>i'm not here every day
unless its screaming vtubers i agree
>used to do
the real unko funnily enough has never ever posted on /djt/. he doesn't even know it exists. he's just out there living his life man
nah im here right now
apples to oranges
how can you know you're the real unko though? could be a whole soma situation
you cant especially since the fake me mixes in some decently real posts
there's just no one else quite as shit at japanese. gotta be you. surefire method. ask yourself: do i know jap? no? i might just be the real unko then
noone has made a better vocaroo than mine recently and that was zero effort for me
talk is cheap
This is a bit of a long shot, but does anyone know if this character (white hair) is speaking in a specific regional dialect?
When I first read this I thought it was supposed to be some archaic yakuza talk, but then I recently heard a random JK character speak in almost exactly the same way and it's been fucking with my head. He's supposed to be from Kamakura but it doesn't really sound like any of the Kanagawa dialects to me.
Some of the main distinguishers I've noticed are the overuse of で to end a sentence, especially なんで, and a weak pitch accent
waiting for the anklebiters epic vocaroo to own unko
uhhh anklebiter? wait you still havent done it?
btw u cant use ur standard cope about AI reconstructing ur voice or what ever other rubbish
dont sign your posts
Does watching JAV count as immersion?
some of them have a lot of plot so i guess, yea
>that was zero effort for me
is that why it sounded 適当に af? are you honestly proud of that vocaroo?
bro cant even write a single morsel of japanese without embarrassing himself
also not necessarily proud my point is nobody has done better
as an esl i have no idea what a morsel is
you were born a mistake and an embarrassment
ad hominemstage of the failure cycle reached again
nor does bunko, the larper slipped up
does unko serious not know tekitou ni? i'm seriously starting to doubt whether he really is married to a japanese woman
i think its one of these
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the amount of dreamers this video created who gave up 3 days into duolingo...
適当に af is really bad
its clearly just 適当 af
and still the more you downplay it the weirder it gets that you cant even compete
this is an L post if you really think there are such rules when mixing nippongo with eigo
like all his posts
can't make this shit up. literally the biggest fucking clown ever seen on the entire internet. you're so fucking easy it's unbelievable. that's an og image too.
>it sounded 適当に af
everyone with any real ability in english and japanese would laugh at this
w-which hand are supposed to be the woman's? isn't he just putting one of his hand on top of the other?
haters be jealous and mad
this is cringe because you're the only one here laughing at some "supposed grammar mistake" when every other djter understands what anon said without having any second thoughts about some lala land rules
no they wouldn't bc 適当 is a na-adjective. if used adverbially it connects to the sounded which is a past participle adjective formed from a verb. na-adjectives connect to verbs with に. oof. all of this is pointless as others already pointed out
well yeah this place is in the dumps and there are not always people with real ability in english and or japanese around
he shall henceforth be known as 'softhands unko'
would be like if i said your post sounded gayly
every1 i have ever shit has gone on to prove how much they deserved it
would be like if i told you to stfu
phone about to die and cant be bothered to charge it
expect to see at least a dozen posts by fake me when i come back
until then i want yall to take a step back and try again
>took another L?
>wasn't me
actual schizo
think im basically god im never wrong about anyone
what did we learn from all this? you have to filter with no stubs
and recursively too. which hides all direct replies to namefag posts too. it's as if they never existes. it all just vanishes like a bad dream.
shut the fuck up
are mangaka who draw girls and call them guys just faggots who are ashamed and want to make other guys feel like faggots?
i do like 'softhands unko' though. so we got something out it
there's no point in doing that here because all the guys trolling the retard don't actually use the reply feature. it's honestly less confusing with stubs
big L
i wanna fuck aeirth in all her holes
is that the dragon?
or is it the cat?
uhhhh surely you mean ユフィ
translations are so different i can't decide if its good or not. you know, like how ff14s english vs jp script is miles a part, but they fit perfectly within their own regions?
they made her button up her shorts now i dont like her anymore
why does unko still come here? it's like a gangbang every single time. does he hate himself?
you just figured that out?
same reason they couldn't just stay in the containment thread
this is the containment thread
i guess i never stopped to think about it. does seem weird though now that i do. like a drug addiction almost or abusive relationship.
he just like lil j frfr
lil j at least has a sense of humor. unko is autism on full blast
true true
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omg thats so sad
>using anki for 6+ years
holy mother of self owns
>6 years
holy math self own
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>download this
>create new note type with only the fields for and image the japanese sentence and the audio
>transfer the the contents from this shitty deck into your new deck
>audio and image on the front, sentence on the back.
you now have what is essentially an i+1 tae kim listening deck for grammar and vocab.
yh kinda embarrassing i could calculate the years months and days correctly in my head in a second
post full pdf stats
I dont see the problem? You will never encounter enough 1級 kanji from just reading to remember them all, so a supplement like anki helps a lot.
you asking for my goon stats?
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i need some help...

全裸 足首にショーツがかかっているだけ
So it's says shotsu ( shorts) right? but other translators say panties and others shorts.

then the next line is

In some translators says that around her ankles are panties and shorts in other tls... and something about her vag being stained with a pantie...

I just want to know if it says or means shorts or it's just panties and if the panties are around her ankles and not in the pussy somehow kek.

Sorry for the begging im not a /djt/ fag just a an /ic/ traveler, from a dekinai brother onegai.
sure thing loser lol
you can just edit that deck's note type, no need to create a new deck
rofl lil bro you would get fuckin owned on the n1 quiz baby steps first okay?
most people are upset that they cant get an anki streak over 10 days lol. It's jealously.
>It's jealously.
nah i think its just esl lol
Please read 桎梏 without your little yomitan little bro.
i make more money than you.
its probably >>>/trash/68125764 lmao
i dont mourn carnivores
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how many more days until I know japanese?
every card has a cloze card attached to it and deleting the cloze cards deletes both. so unless you want to have 4k cards statistically in one deck, then you have to transfer the notetype. the deck itself is bloated and garbage, but the content is useful
any day now...
ask me how i know you're using a premade deck
So it doesn't, fuck okay.
anyone else miss berserk?
How many words until I know japanese?*

At least 10000.
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I started a mining deck 144 days ago
in reality the number is actually closer to 15k
in reality no number is enough
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lovely, lovely language
retard lol
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what does kotd mean?
this is my first ever mined sentenced please grats me
do you really know 都城 if you dont know its atamadaka
ill consider pitch accent when i actually find myself in a situation that needs it
so never
shouldve considered japanese too
k is 土侯国
never looked up the pitch pattern
Download Yomininja and set the engine to Google lens. It's 99% accurate. It even comes preinstalled with Anki so you can hover right from the program.
there's really no reason to use ocr
if you don't know a kanji you have to learn it manually
>learn it manually
>watching re:zero with subs
>subaru is a well established neet
> he says "背中の傷とか 剣士の恥だかんな"
>quickly realizes its a one piece reference
>search it up to see if its mentioned anywhere on the eng side of the anime community
actual hidden shit
cant wait to drop that anime next season
>i noticed a lazy reference to slop
>this makes the show better because... IT JUST DOES OK?
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yoooooo we're chugging good next season
208 is correct, slopsloppers are pathetic
might be 婉曲な言い方 for teh gay buttsex sirankedo
danmachi on top
ur just jealous cuz u never noticed any references cuz ur n5
nothing screams 90 esl quite like using because back to back in a simple sentence like that
i thought cuz means cousin?!?
>lazy reference to slop
>unironically allowing the popularity of something to shape your view of it
do normies really
Someone will come here and tell us, enlighten us on the benefits of Kanji.
Then I see 瓜 and 爪 and I become flabbergasted just like after doing a tribute/hotglue/blah blah blah.
only the "normies" of 4chan say ""normie""
actually i only watched it because it is popular and figured it would be good like naruto or dragon ball, but it's just terrible... the absolutely bottom of the barrel lowest common denominator pandering lazy crap.

whats the counter for finger nails
one piece sucks but i'm still gonna read that shit in japanese
kanji is pointless to study
your life is pointless. end it
blud said naruto was good. that shit had 50 percent filler for its entire runtime. gg
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>lowest common denominator pandering lazy crap
thats why i only watch shows with decent pandering
the filler is good, very fun to watch. what's your problem?
true true
yup this is why i have zero respect for queeran
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acquired 歓呼三声
no you didnt
i know japanese
have a wife
get to play my 3ds all day
you however dont have any of these things
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you are a noob mutt living with an ugly retarded hag people would puke just looking at. nobody wants your garbage life
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>have a wife
get a bf
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um actually there are like 3 different recuts of naruto that remove all filler or remove all the bad filler.
shes actually quite beautiful and only ~80 pounds overweight
im on the verge of being a father and youre over here whining on 4chan
wtf happened to rice he didn't used to be an ass years or even months ago
the only verge you're on is that of seeing the hag dead one morning
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wtf im not even being rude
this asshole keeps insulting my wife for no reason
and youre on the verge of dying alone one morning
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being with a subhuman pig isn't being with "someone" fyi
cut or uncut?
oh yea wife insults are pretty fucked up. on the other hand you brag about her and have said you get off on people finding her ugly so you're more than asking for it.
its more than youll ever have
nobody loves you
im really not
your mother loves my dick
you dont know the first thing about me or my mother you filthy nigger
wrong signature youre a mutt lmfao
whiter than you
>(the kanji) tsume [nail, hook] has no tsume [hook], but (the kanji) uri [melon] does
really happy for unko wish i had a fetish that was actually achievable
anime guy carrying this ass thread
send pics
just lower your standards or look at bba av for a few months
thats how it all started for me
i will check out the 祇 demo now but im back for ハズレ枠 later
acquired ネタバレ
this is the intermediate thread
started making anki cards with only the word and meaning behind them.... just cant be asked
cant be asked the readings?
the FUCKING ISEKAI WEBNOVEL i was reading had too much fucky vocab and gigantic run on sentences and i was starting to hover too hard so i had to give up on it
sad. it did have some nice words. at least i got like 600 mined words outta it
it should be the other way round meaning isnt that important ull pick it up
just got started this week and damn y'all weren't kidding this shit is やばい

already grinded out kana, doing daily anki now, and i'm already pretty frustrated at mostly similar kanji, enough that i kinda wanna do the "radical approach" and stop getting mixed by like one or two lines

should i just jump into it? or should i work on more basic vocab before getting started with it? keep in mind i'm still on like ”私の家族わ六人です”
>wow im not good at kanji after a few days should i completely do something else
0 patience ngmi
learning funky words won't help much if you aren't fluent with the basics
i'm a flight attendant and want to transfer to an airline with frequent japan trips

international travel pays better than domestic, and your wage is automatically higher by being bilingual
i mean the guide says some people learn better by learning radicals. it's at least worth a shot, isn't it?
how do they determine if you know japanese?
does the guide give a citation for that claim? if not then it could easily say the opposite
Guys I need help my computer died today and I didnt have an Anki account to sync is there any way to recover my progress?
just copy over the files if the drive still works
well what do u mean it died cuz if the drive is fucked ur fucked but if it was anything else ur fine
not sure, but i'd assume it's a speaking test.
when should i start tae kim? should i wait to have a certain amount of vocab or should i be learning it alongside my anki?

is this jap right about korea?
you shouldn't wait and you shouldn't be learning it, just skim it or better yet watch a few dozen cure dolly videos
Tae Kim is pretty basic so I think you could probably start it whenever. Also yeah what this anon >>47728638 says. Maybe skim it and watch cure dolly.
imagine getting psyop'd into wasting more time you're already wasting consuming entertainment. 末法の世
Everythingis right except the hangul thing. The koreans and the leftists in japan are trying to force the meme that hangul is the basis of katakana
bba is the 正反対 of what im into so i doubt that will work
i miss speed hovering dragon ball...
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today i found out that unko doesn't cut the nails on one of his two left hands
short attention span is killing my progress in japanese and in life
the low iq life
honey you're making progess towards your eventual demise every day no matter what and i am so proud of you
life isnt all what its hyped up to be so thats okay
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don't cry lil nigga it'll be ok
the tyairoi lyfe be like that
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gonna 放尿 on that face
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cure dolly was wrong, a lot of n1 grammar isnt intuitive at all
You just don't have what it takes.
what anime
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is it good?
its alright some episodes arent that great
looks like a power fantasy anime. does it do a decent job at that? i liked sword and wand so far. is it something similar?
no its not really similar will is like an underdog fighting his way to the top and the mc in this is overpowered from the start and out for revenge
more like redo of a healer?
only 7 fake posts not bad
its different but more in that direction yeah, id say its closer to regular overpowered isekai shows
people only target me because im succesfull
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we dont talk to strangers in djt!!
we generally recommend you dont use her
i don't get it
not me
dolly is interesting to watch for like an hour but its not too useful for anyone
wonder what the real unko thinks
the mans asking if she can call him father but yotubato is not as willing to accept new people into her life after the divorce
>see youtube video about person learning japanese
>click channel
>check videos
>calculate how many months it was between their first video declaring they're learning japanese and their last video explaining why they quit learning japanese
most people are ngmis from birth
>see youtube video about person learning japanese
>click Don't recommend channel
nothing is funnier than the "language gurus" on youtube making 25+ minute cope videos on why they quit japanese lol
why didnt anyone tell me Hajime no Ippo was so based
fake unko destroyed
this sounds 1000x better than the fucking slop the fake unko posted 2 days ago
ive been recommending it since forever
surprisingly few people where i live have read it
doesnt even sound like me
99% of people are here just to watch japanese entertainment
thats such a bad impression lol
poor unko
its fine im used to it by now
this isnt the first time its happened either
your fetish is so weird stop pretending to be me and live your own life
>daily unko bullying
dame yall started without me *kraks knuckles*
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>kraks knuckles
he enjoys the attention very much though. there's really not other explanation
nothing weird about liking bbas or living with one
a lot of these ladies legitimately have no man in their life or any way to support themselves
nah i mean pretending to be me
get your own bba
hey guys, the real unko here. ama
already have one and shes in the other room
the room with the fridge that is. she's always in there
nothing wrong with having a few extra pounds
its actually considered lowtest if youre not attracted to it
i think i hate my wife guys i made a huge mistake kinda freaking out right now
shut up
google image search 短パン 美少年
can hear gaijin in your voice
>>japanese differs
it's the same problem with every language. you just run into it more often with japanese because it's very distant from english.
e.g. if you look up shit like 'ne' in Italian you're gonna struggle all the same
>that's exactly what I mean, you nerd.
the main issue is there isn't some sort of compendium to quickly look up what you want to say so autits just come up with excuses like "ernmese moar" until hopefully one day you bump into the shit you wanted. just like things worked 80 years ago.
unko is literally that manlet black guy punching gif lol
not me
listening practice
just did 脱獄 on a 6s
yeah cause youre not the real
no takers? sad!
gonna take my foot... UP YOUR ASS!
the real what? the real me? yeah you arent
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Any help with custom don't for Android? I tried the method detailed here https://docs.ankiweb.net/templates/styling.html#installing-fonts
but it didn't work for the desktop, let alone on Android. FYI the font works when installed to desktop and referred to by font name (EP教科書体M).
just use your computer
i am convinced that the majority of you キケス don't even immerse
rude + racist = dont care
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is there any way to hide niggerbabble on google translate
y r u learning japanese?
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飯田浩司のOK!Cozy up! 2024年9月6日(金)

ゲスト:自民党衆議院議員 林芳正官房長官

▼USスチール買収案 バイデン大統領が阻止する意向
▼日豪2プラス2 安全保障面での協力強化で一致
▼習近平氏 アフリカに7兆円を超える資金援助表明

havent read in months
ポッドキャストランキング - 日本で人気のおすすめポッドキャスト
Podcast Ranking

Apple Podcast - Japan

Spotify - Japan

Amazon Music - Japan
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/djt/ can read ?
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ydkj kys

We stand against the hijack attempt of the (former) Yomichan project by the "moe way" because they promote a flawed and ineffective language learning method which is different from AJATT. Moreover, "moe way" has been a bad actor in the Japanese learning world for a long time, and we can't trust them.

I recommend Rikaitan instead. Say "Rikaitan" if you also believe the hijack should not succeed. Rikaitan is the true successor of Yomichan. It's a browser extension that lets you look up words on web pages (a pop-up dictionary). Rikaitan is free/libre software. It is maintained by the AJATT community and everybody can contribute if they want to.

oh no no no no
剛毅(ごうき)は難しいね! :3
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
After spending 5 years not learning Japanese I still don't know Japanese. It's literally impossible.
do you still love Japan? ;3
actually I watched a YouTube recently that debunked this. in fact it's actually very easy to learn japanese
There's no point learning Japanese now that there's EN Vtubers.
Yeah they need to get rid of Kanji otherwise It's not a viable language.
they should get rid of all the womanly kana and just go FULL kanji
I'm still N4, but it doesn't look THAT hard
>Apep: You dare deny my words...? My, how brave...
>Nisroch: Ho ho ho ho! To meet an entertainer in a place like this, aren't I the lucky one...
just learn chinese bro
Do they have a Japanese version of GDC(Game Developers Conference)?
why are you even here?
To Daily Japanese. Do you not know how the thread works? You must be new.
yeah just finished learning the kana
how could you tell?
The name gives it away. We don't do that here.
i only do it to prevent people from ignoring my advice
It actually makes you easier to filter. Try calling yourself Anonymous.
people can filter me all they want but that doesnt change the fact that im the only japanese knower in the thread
>>47730954It's great that you know of Japanese. I would suggest you dive a bit deeper and start learning the words. I think you could have to potential to start forming sentences.
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man'yougana sucks. you had like 20 possible kanji for 1 sound
remember your 助詞
Time for Brainrot: JP
\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ\(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
he's asking if she can go and fetch her dad because he has business with him but she says no which im assuming is because she was told not to talk to strangers
i liked my answer better

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kys threadshitter
最寄り(もより)and 最果て(さいはて) really kills me.
>get rid of kanji
>japanese is now harder by a factor of two
Thank you anon
You're a special needs 紐男 unable to survive in Japanese society without its mongoloid caretaker obasan.
Just write in 漢文 bro, the arabs have such a system already where half the sounds have to be guessed or some shit.
最も > も > 最寄り. 最果て is just regular 重箱 reading behavior, many such cases. It's a bitch but insanely common.

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