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Why is the yandere archetype popular in Japanese literature? What reason, historical or fictional, for the archetype to even exist?
I'm having a deja vu
yandere is outdated
menhera is the new fad now
Yeah, another slide thread.
>menhera is the new fad now
Aren't menheras and yanderes the same thing?
Every yandere is a menhera, not every menhera is a yandere.
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Yay, another "stealth" roll thread that's going to have no yandere discussion but rather 250 posts of anons showing off whatever 2hu they rolled, can't wait...
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What are you actually saying?
Are you saying that psychotic women nowadays are only mentally ill, with no sexual undertones?
Or that nowadays, when mentally ill women are presented in fiction, they are shown as simply lunatic, with no sexual aspect to their illness?
Or maybe that girl obsessed with (you) to the point of mental illness is no longer popular among whatever target demographic you have in mind, and that people prefer simply mentally ill women? If so, what is the target demographic?
Is that a worldwide trend? Or a japanese one?
Be the change you want to see. If you want anons to discuss something, start that discussion yourself.
It's weird how they don't even vary the text. I don't think anyone on /jp/ minds having yet another yandere thread, every post is a repost repost and all that, but at least try to make it look like you made a thread instead of copypasting someone else's.
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Nah, I'm done trying. In fact, I'll just post the link myself, it's free (You)s, someone will inevitably post it, and you animals will inevitably bury the thread in roll posts.
Who cares about discussion anyway, let's just roll all day.

"Gatcha Board Culture and Its Future"
That's the spirit!
Then I'll start one myself. Who is the best yanhu and why?
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How fuck am I?
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I would be here for the next one but I'm afraid it ends here for me
Worse she could do is kill you and make you a zombie, the best she can do is mind control you.
I say it's Yukari. Others may be more efficient or more fun to think about, but Yukari is the scariest.
It's Nitori.
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No, no, Yukari isn't nearly competent enough to be the scariest. Her lack of impulse control is a concern, but she can generally be outwitted.
The real most terrifying yanhu is the original one, the very first one we got. Who, merely out of a sense of duty was willing to massacre dozens of people, and nearly went as far as wiping out the SDM on one occasion for similar reasons. Were she to actually fall in love with someone? Suffice it to say there isn't another 2hu who could survive even approaching you, barring Kaguya and maybe Mokou.
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Look guys, I pressed the button. How fun.
Roll again and tell us which 2hu is yandere for your yandere!
How do you outwit a gap being opened right below your feet?
Just don't let her know where you are. As Mizuchi aptly demonstrated, it isn't hard to outmaneuver her so long as you're aware of where she'd look first.
menhera is a bit less likely to kill
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I pressed it again, wow.
But you can do that with every 2hu exept for maybe Eiki.
A ho that's loyal is every red-blooded Man's dream ;_;
Then Eiki is the best because she knows everything you do.
And how this relates to changing of trends >>47724257?
Do you mean to imply that people started value their own life higher then having an obsessed romantic interest? But if so, why settle for menhera and not go after something more vanilla?
Lucky bastard
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>but at least try to make it look like you made a thread instead of copypasting someone else's.
I'm pretty sure it's the same OP given the fact it's a vtumor as pointed out in >>47472316. I don't know why meido doesn't clean these ones up. It's literally the exact same trash as >>47466154.

I'd like an actual yandere thread though.
Enjoy cancer
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All I need to do is become stronger than her.
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I got Nue, so I am fucked.
human primal instinct of aggression in the face of competition or threats + pursuit of "yamato nadeshiko" ideal.
I prefer psichopathic + "yamame nakadashi"
That's what he said.
I got Tojiko.
Not sure how sex with a ghost lower-half works.
Also, how would she react if I cheated on her with Miko?
It's Panko and Shiina for me
Lumi for me
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I don't know touhou but I got this. I've seen this character somewhere before, she's cute.
I got Rumia
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Got the queen of Yanderes.
Sorry, I missed the memo. Why are we keeping a not even remotely stealth vtumor thread up with rolls? Is there some boon to not letting this fall off the board ASAP?
This shouldn't be news to you, it's been happening for years.
There's a couple guys that are desperate and do anything to keep shit threads bumped. You can see it happening all over, just check the dates between posts. It's extremely clear in the Nazrin thread, that guy blatantly waits anywhere between 16 to 24 hours until it's on the bottom of page ten, then bumps it and he has been doing it for weeks in that thread alone. Very likely he or they, since it could be a joint effort, have been doing it for years, and it's not the first or even the most refined or blatant thing they've done.
I've seen them stealthbumping by somehow deleting their own responses seconds after posting(they've stopped now, perhaps the way to do it got fixed or there's just no reason to do it since mods don't give a shit), copying responses from the thread, copying responses from another, older thread(this is why you used to get deja vus so often, and this very thread is like a 3rd blatant repost itself), samefagging lazy bait, etc.
Who knows what they're after.
>This shouldn't be news to you, it's been happening for years.
That's basically /jp/ culture at this point. Same reason why greentext is frown upon
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Shitposting is not culture.
>stealthbumping by somehow deleting their own responses seconds after posting(they've stopped now, perhaps the way to do it got fixed
There's a cooldown for post deletion now. I think they still delete them sometimes, just less often.
No anon, it's seconds, like around ten seconds, not enough time for warosu to archive it. I've seen them do it this year, and cooldown has been there for a long time.
I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with phoneposting because I think I once managed to reproduce it by accidentally cancelling my post at the right time, it said it got aborted but I could see it actually in the thread, and I could delete it without having to wait at all.
Just yesterday I made a mistake in a post and decided to delete it, and I still had to wait a whole minute before it would let me, so I don't know what the hell is going on.
Greenpost is 4chan culture, get with the times old man
Yeah, but the people rolling and talking about rolling as if its something that "should be done" is what's confusing me. Though in hindsight, looking back at all the images with the filenaming conventions/sizes and keeping the PC-98 toggle off seems to me that it really is just the exact same person continuing to do this while praying others hop in too. But that still leaves my other question about why rolling for 2hus is even being done here in the first place. I can assume the replies are all mostly the same person, but the posts prior talking about how this is a way to deal with said necrobumpers in the reply chain following >>47724326 just make absolutely no sense to me. Unless the goal is to get this thread to bump limit as soon as possible, in which case that'd be easy by just breaking out your phone and arguing with yourself while vaguely staying on topic for 300 posts... and also doesn't really change the issue of keeping new threads from being made for tumortards to keep bumping the board with? If they want to make another dozen threads and be the fastest little faggot to get their epic FTW awesomesauce OP of their favorite little e-whore then they're just going to do that every 5-6 hours like they always do, regardless of if this thread is still up or not. It's just confusing.
The ideal solution would just be to point out its a tumorthread, mock OP for being a faggot, and moving on. We can complain about it all we want but every mod post made in the past 5 or so years since it started was in their thread, so it's not moving no matter how much we bitch about it.
Can also confirm post delete cooldown is 1 minute, but the reason why Warosu might not grab things is because the mods are tumortards wasting server space and bandwidth on itthe post calls aren't every single second. I think it's roughly every 15 or 30 seconds with some posts that can just get missed? I'll be straight and tell you I have no fucking idea why some posts just slip through sometimes because I'm not a coder, but if they're pass users I can kind of see how it'd be missed if they're capable of deleting their posts that past too. Could also have something to do with phoneposting like you said? Not sure how that'd work because this website hasn't used password based deletions in god knows how many years, but maybe there's still some coding error or backend that lets people do that? I wouldn't put it past the spaghetti code that is this site.
post delete cooldown is 1 minute
I'm not a regular on /jp/ but this has been happening over every single board I used to post in for at least a few years and on some of them, if you point it out your post gets deleted + ban. It really looks like they jannies are protecting whoever is doing the spam. On boards like /tg/ 90% of the catalog is inane threads that get bumped with inane posts that look made by a bot. It looks like shitposting at first but all the posts look the same, I swear to God it looks like someone hooked ChatGPT to a spambot.
I was naive enough to believe that the "wait 300 seconds" garbage was a way to counteract this but apparently it was only set up so that actual posters had an even harder time posting threads/replies. I have no idea why, if it's bots, if the jannies are friends with people who make raids against the site, if hiroshimoot is using bots for fake engagement, but there's absolutely something going on.
>wait 60 seconds
my activity on this site went down 95% because of this shit, it's so fucking annoying
Why do Japanese women have a thing for their brothers.
Jannies =/= mods.

>What reason, historical or fictional, for the archetype to even exist?
Imagine nobody loves you. For a lot of us, that's pretty easy. Now imagine somebody loves you violently. They'll hurt anyone else who tries to get close to you, and want to make it so you can never ever leave them. If you're the guy that nobody loves, you might want to self insert as the guy who's loved violently. It takes commitment to love someone that hard. The yandere will make it so it's impossible for you to cheat, but chances are, she won't cheat on you.
>yandere is outdated
It will never be outdated. The first Japanese literature had a yandere
Why do any archetypes exist? Because people want to read about them
How many times are you going to bump your thread? Or, before you reply, how many times are you going to read a thread without seeing the LITERAL THIRD POST?
Because every man wants a woman who’s crazy for them. And if you deny it, you’re just a liar.
I don’t think seiga is capable of loving another person.
Didn't she resurrect Yoshika because she cared about her?
I saw two in the wild today.
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Mommy issues
Weak backbone begs for devouring mommy, not girl person
Cicadas weep.
because men like it whrn we're crazy, honestly i like it too
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>Can Manipulate Insanity
>Rabbit motif so she will gaslight into being with her due to "Rabbits die if alone" and demands for sex Constantly.
>Will get upset if approached by the others in Eientei
>Will demand I do not leave
>Constantly mindbreaking through sex.
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She will also gaslight you
reverse image searching has failed me anon
could you provide sauce for the image
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What's the point of these when everyone just cheats and rerolls until they get who they want
Bro, just go to nhentai type reisen English and Touhou
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Fuck off newfag
He's trying his best, dipshit.
Reisen with big titties just looks wrong.
>Mai (hsifs)
am I in danger?
Bunny looks great when bountiful and healthy
is this scary youkai planning on eating me?
What's wrong with the link?
Not muh sekrit klub
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I would've preferred Ran or Yukari
rerolling ruins the fun, one day I will get one of my top 5 favorites.

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