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>Uniforms provided
But they only got maid uniforms....
You already posted this a few months ago anon...
They'll turn you into a cute girl to wear one.
This was an advertisement in a (in the end unpublished) weekly newspaper that was targeted mainly at Tengu society. The ad is obviously targeted at fairies.
How is this going to work? Are fairies near Youkai Mountain just stop pranks from time to time to read news? What is literacy rate among fairies, anyway?
The truth is the fairies never decide to enlist in the SDM on their own. Whenever someone gets sick of a fairy's antics, they have someone capture and deliver the fairy to the SDM.
>they have someone capture and deliver the fairy
So... Who are those fairy-drivers? Is this some intermediary position between being youkai-bait and being youkai exterminator?
my conspiracy theory is that he's hoping someone will get inspired to write a story for it like the last person to post an AFiEU advert
They had me at guaranteed food, clothing, and shelter.
The purpose of the ad is to make people think that fairies are going to the SDM because they want to work there, where in reality the evil gay maid is kidnapping the poor girls and keeping them as slaves.
Look at the fairies in the picture. They do NOT want to be there.
I'm a boy and a human so I don't meet the requirements
i think i have a lot in common with the hobgoblins
The AFiEU ads have started some great threads over the years
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This ad is the real reason the newspaper never got published because humans would have gotten copies and it'd risk blowing the lid on what's really happening in the shady business dealings of both the SDM and the tengu. The ad has a hidden purpose that advertises to tengu that the SDM is 'hiring' again, which really is really a euphemism to signal at the tengu that the market is open again and SDM is paying them for abducted fairies if they abduct some and sell them on to the SDM under the guise of 'recruitment'. Over time the SDM gradually loses fairies through escape and generally disappearing or getting lost so they constantly need new fairies to keep the mansion fully staffed. Remilia is unaware of this and still believes herself to be a loving and benevolent mistress while really Sakuya and Patchouli are running the biggest fairy trafficking ring in Gensokyo and also one of it's best kept secrets even from the mistress of the SDM. Yukari is aware of it but turns a blind eye due to lucrative backhanders being paid. Okina also became aware of it but was allowed use of Flandre to stay quiet about it. It's believed this is mostly being headed up on the crow tengus' side by Megumu as an alternative money making scheme after the ability cards racket failed but may go as high up as even Tenma given the huge amounts of money going around in slavery and trafficking.

Aya in desperation for new subscribers and competition-winning stories nearly unintentionally blew the lid on things while preparing a new weekly edition of the Bunbunmaru so strings had to be pulled to encourage Hecatia to start a row with her and humiliate her into pulling the entire thing from print without ever knowing the real reasons.
Yeah, that's what I thought as well. Can't fault anon for trying, I suppose.
The hobgoblins actually work hard, though.
Have the fairies tried contact and inform local authorities on their own? Reimu? Keine? Myouren Temple? What about Grassroot Youkai Network? What about contacting press? Hatate is disdainful towards tengu society, while Aya wouldn't miss a chance to topple some superiors and increase her chance at promotion.
i think i have a lot in common with the fairies
Fairies are too dumb to think more than a step ahead and tengu can easily overpower and outrun them. The elite of tengu and youkai society are all aware of this thus why Aya was pre-emptively shut down without ever knowing the true reason. Hatate doesn't stand a chance.
You think you can hide the truth forever? The Traditional Reporter of Fantasy is on her way to uncover the Scarletgate Scandal, no matter the cost! Even if she needs to team up with with Kakashi Spirit News, even if she needs to maneuver between cutthroat political elites and plots, even if she needs to spend countless hours trying to analyse fairies' childish testimonies, she will bring truth to light!
*blocks ur path
All her superiors have to do is tell her "keep this one little secret and we'll totally promote you, Aya-chan" and that idiot will happily keep her mouth shut. Then she'll spend the next thousand years thinking "they'll promote me any day now!" before realizing she got lied to.
>Guaranteed food, clothing, and shelter!
I absolutely would. The only problem is, as said, I'm neither a girl nor a fairy.

But in a place as rough as Gensokyo can get, guaranteeing those three things is worth its weight in gold. So the correct question to ask is "Would they take me?"
bunking with fairies
Depends how feminine you look Anon
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Aya can't out her superiors, it's just the way things work there.
What would Remilia think of this?
Well, direct coverage of the situation might not be possible, but Aya could announce that the next issue of Bunbunmaru will be fully made out of letters to redaction. When that issue is published, it turns out that all letters are anonymous, reporting on the issue. Maybe it's real, maybe it's some schizo, who knows? Aya herself is unconnected in any way. She will just deliver one copy directly to Remilia, so the Scarlet Mistress might laugh at the premise. Because it is ludicrous, right? Or maybe not...
This one is a bigger problem. But at some point even youkai must learn from her failures, right?
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They'll definitely take you but what you end up doing could be any of three things. If you're physically fit and attractive enough to the head maid she might have a use for you personally but it means being kept in her bedroom and used on an ad-hoc basis whe she wants you for some 'stress relief'. If you look feminine enough and accept having to dress and act like a girl then a maid's uniform awaits. Although be warned the fairy maids will mock you and being more competent than a fairy the head maid will work you harder than them, but if you do well the mistress may grow fond of you and be a valuable friend.

If you fit neither of these however, I recommend not going, because they will find another use for you as food for the young mistresses.
This is complete madness, I complain to myself again. I'm going to the literal devil's doorstep on a dare...
Memories of the night before once again flash in my mind, or whatever is left of it after the amount I drank. The cute girl I'd found still drinking well past dark at Geidontei had shared her bottle with me in exchange for listening to her worries. The stuff she was drinking had been the strongest thing I'd ever tasted but you don't turn down an offer like that.
Much of it is still a haze to me, but I do know at some point I tried to impress her and agreed to go "undercover" for her by applying for a job at the Devil's Mansion.
I think she was just teasing me, but I'm a man of my drunken word so here I am, trecking with a killer hangover to apply for a job with the devil and I don't even know what I'm meant to investigate even if I get in. Hopefully they'll just turn me down and I can claim I at least tried.
She would be horrified and end it immediately as she is kind hearted and cares about her household. But unfortunately such a child-like mistress is easy to deceive and keep secrets from. especially with the magician in the basement on board with it and keeping her unaware at every corner.
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>Remilia still believes herself to be a loving and benevolent mistress
She's likely beloved by the fairy maids, since she's the only one in the manor that treats them well.
But why would this be a controversy? Even the humans see no issue with fairy abuse, aside from those strange outsiders who eventually grow out of it or get themselves killed trying to "save" them, as if they don't come back no matter what happens.
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Running a for-profit slavery and trafficking ring even for Gensokyo is beyond the pale to a lot of figures from Reimu and Marisa to Byakuren and her followers and even some other figures like Seija, Hecatia and a lot of Hell's good and great if they knew the truth. It's Gensokyo's residents treating fairies like Lunarians treat moon rabbits. It would unsettle the weak youkai and make them on edge risking a more serious incident if word of it became widespread, so in part also why Yukari is in on it but trying to keep it secret.
Are you sure about this, anon? It sounds like this girl might just be tricking you into being a distraction. You'd be better off going back to Geidontei and asking for a lap pillow from the poster girl
This sure sounds like a great way to end becoming vampire food, or worse incurring the gap hag to intervene
I figure she'd be heartbroken that her right hand and her best friend are hiding such a terrible secret behind her back
Employing the burglar is a bold strategy
Heeeey wait a minute, on the last panel those three fairies still in the line. I think I have seen them before.
Not if you're using her to outsource your own thieving.
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There was a rumour some time back about a human from the village who was interested in reading and hearing stories about mysteries and detectives. Most of the villagers thought he was strange and an otaku with beyond the usual level of interest in that sort of thing like Akyuu's fondness for Agatha Chris Q's novels.

After so many years he started trying to 'solve' mysteries himself and became something of a amateur detective but nothing ever really happened in the village that needed one. Sometimes he would find a missing umbrella or 'solve' the 'mystery' of goods going disappearing from the market, although most of the time this was just fairy pranks rather than crime or anything more sinister.

One time he tried to talk that annoying tengu newspaper seller girl into writing articles about mysteries or unsolved crimes so he could help, but even she thought he was a bit strange and politely turned down his offer.

But then while he was solving one of his so-called 'cases' with the usual fairy pranks about the outskirts of the village people say he eavesdropped on some fairies who were acting unusually downbeat and worried about one of their friends who hadn't been around to play recently. So apparently he got interested in the fairies after finding this out and spent a few weeks, if not months, following fairies about and writing whole notebooks about their daily activities. After a while a few locals in the restaurant heard him becoming more worried and trying to warn anyone who'd listen to his rambling that something was happening to the fairies that isn't right or normal. He had some hairbrained theory that somehow the the mansion on the lake was involved or its mistress might be able to help him with his 'investigation' so he'd written to her asking for help.

But then this one time he seemed all happy about something while collecting a letter from the village post office and said he had a response to the letter from someone at the mansion who had invited him to have evening tea and cakes with the mistress' sister or something like that. I know there's talk about the village the mistress is a vampire or some kind of dangerous youkai who caused that red mist some years back, but no-one has ever said anything about there being a sister.

Eitherway, no-one ever saw him again after that encounter outside the post office. Some folks say he never made it to the mansion and a youkai attacked him or something even stranger happened. I know one of the shopkeepers who met the mistress at an evening garden party at the mansion since then and asked him, but apparently she'd never heard of a strange detective otaku in the village before, yet alone met him. Nor did she say anything about having a sister. I wonder sometimes what happened to that guy?

Maybe he fell for a prank or something with the letter and ran away in shame? I guess it'll always be a mystery...
But what happens to the escaped fairies, how come none tell their story?
You wanna know what happens to those fairies?
You don't wanna know what happened to those fairies.
You see these bones?
You wanna know what made these bones?
You don't wanna know what made these bones.
How's the pay per hour? How many vacations days to I get? Am I allowed to court the head maid? How is the work life balance? How many hours a day do I need to work? Am I allowed to have sexual reletions with the library assistant?
1 - Paid in hugs by the mistress weekly, number of hours worked equals number of minutes hugged
2 - 30 per year
3 - You can try but it won't happen and we take no responsibility if she kills you
4 - Your life is the Scarlet Devil Mansion now
5 - 6
7 - Yes but if she drains you dry and you can't make it to work on time you will be reprimanded and may not be given your weekly hugging session
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According to another review from a former employee:
1) There is no pay, but accommodation and food is free and both are of an excellent standard. There is also a generous free healthcare package for humans but it is also subject to the librarian occasionally trying experimental procedures. Payment in hugs is only an option for the fairies, allowing the mistress too close to your neck is not recommended for human employees. There is another alternate bonus for those disappointed as the gatekeeper may sometimes treat you as a human body pillow if you are comfortable enough and cover her nap breaks and sit by the gate with her.
2) All public holidays, festivals are days off, furthermore once prep and clean-up work are done employees can join parties hosted at the mansion when off-duty.
3) No and you will be punished if you attempt to. She will not court you as her duty is to the mistress above all else, but if she can take an interest in human male employees and might invite you to her private quarters sometimes for 'company' when it's quiet or the mistress is preoccupied with the librarian, sleeping or elsewhere not needing service but any kind of relationships are out of the question - no-one comes before service to the mistress.
4) I hope you like working nights because most of your life at the mansion will be nocturnal unless assigned to the kitchens in which case some day shifts to prep happen
5) For humans not that many, depending on role; about 4-5 at best to do as much work as a fairy does in a whole 10 hour shift.
6) All days apart from holidays and festivals, but most of your day is free if you manage the above. When off-duty you can take part in the many social activities the mansion has going on through the night until dawn. Arguably the best perk of the job.
7) No and this is not recommended, the library assistant is known to play pranks on humans and will not make life easy for you if on library duty. Not to mention keeping the goodwill of the library is essential.
I can confirm the part about the head maid but there are many stories of her being strange when off duty in her room. I was only ever invited there once and she invited me in and gestured at me to sit on the bed then rested her head in my lap, but did not say anything for the whole half hour or so I was there. Other humans that formerly worked there told similar stories of being invited for tea and cakes in her private quarters only to have brief if only awkward conversations. It appears she has little to say and struggles to interact with humans outside of work. But there are rumours of even stranger encounters. One young man she made sexual advances at and groped him but then suddenly snapped and chased him out her room with a dagger after he started to unbutton her shirt. Another former human kitchen servant told of once being invited to her quarters for her to run a bath for him, undress him and wash him in the bath, but then slipped in to cuddle for some time despite still being fully clothed in her maid uniform. Another story I heard involved not a worker but guest who was taken in by the mistress. The head maid invited him to her quarters only so she could hold his arm and run her hands through his hair, but said little if anything to him. In another alleged incident I heard of a human who helps the gatekeeper with the gardens sometimes being invited up to kneel in front of her while she sat in an armchair and pulled his face under her skirt, not letting him go for almost an hour but without saying why or doing anything else to him. Another more sinister rumour I heard was from a sacked former human maid who let the so-called ‘black rat’ into the library by mistake. She apparently made the poor girl stand tied to an upturned table while the head maid practiced throwing knives at her. Or there was another occasion she personally walked a visitor to the mansion down to the younger mistress’s accommodation in the basement while holding his hand the whole way down there from the gates and refusing to let go. No-one in the household staff is ever allowed to attend upon the younger mistress in the basement apart from the rare times she joins the other residents at parties or private social events. I’ve only ever seen her a few times.

There is something certainly strange about that head maid so I’m not sure if it’s really a benefit or not being invited to these strange private meetings.
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1-a roof,free exercise period with Meiling,free food with excellent nutritious value(Important because healty body,Delicious blood) Paid hugs only if the mistress likes you, no money, but you can fill a formulary requesting it for shopping in the human village, Etc
2- 30/year but you can have it all or fraction it in 4 selected weeks. Public Gensokyan holidays and western holydays are days off, (* Western Holydays are not publicly celebrated by Native gensokyans and Selectively announced)
3- if its fanon sakuya, no, and your life is in danger, if is canon, yes, but the mistress is first in her priorities and only of sakuya takes a liking of you (all this conditions are overwritten if the mistress want a "granddaughter" or Sakuya remember that she had to train a female succesor Headmaid)
4-Dayshift at the beginning, only nightshift if you prove capable, after that you can chose either of one, unless the Sisters need you for something very particular, or Sakuya requested you for whatever skill you mastered, then is not optional.
5-The SDM is not a modern industrial workshop or Service Provider, you get your weekly Assignments and must be completed at the end of the week, its your prerrogative how to complete it, failure to do so could get you a Citation and Negative review by the headmaid
6-Yes but she first must fancy you and have to tolerate her Pranks, do not interrupt her during her Assingments or you risk pissing of the Chief Librarian, if you somehow manage to sexualy Satisface the Librarian assistance, it could provide a boost on her workforce Morale, earning a positive note with the Chief Librarian.
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>number of hours worked equals number of minutes hugged
So I get to get hugged by Remimi for a whole 40 minutes per week?
I don't care about the rest, just sign me the fuck up already.

>allowing the mistress too close to your neck is not recommended for human employees
Honestly, if she bites my neck I might die of happiness.
I heard if you win employee of the month and are soft and cuddly enough then Remi lets you be her personal plush toy for a whole evening
The really cuddly ones may, if extremely lucky, get the privilege of being Remimi's body pillow for the night. The only downside is having to endure the Head Maid walking around like this for the next few days.
So can I do a trail run for a month or so? The SDM can see if am any good and I can see how well I like it in practice?
Yes, but there's no guarantee of not being held there longer if they like you but you don't like the job.
Why would a vampire give you holidays as days off? I thought you’d get unholy days instead.
Remilia likes to party and show off her mansion to guests. Even if she doesn't necessarily believe in many Outside World and even native Gensokyo festivals and holidays she'd still never pass the excuse to do something for them.
>if they like you
That has never been a problem for me so I'll take the job
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Why doesn't Marisa just get Seiga to break into the SDM for her and open holes in the walls?
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My only worry is as much as I'd like to work at the SDM, how would you deal with a home invasion by the 'black rat' so many at the mansion have talked about?
if Meiling hasn't been fired for letting her get through yet, I don't think you have to worry too much. Do you best to show up and try to help afterwards, and Sakuya will probably reserve punishment for the gatekeeper alone.
>My only worry is as much as I'd like to work at the SDM, how would you deal with a home invasion by the 'black rat' so many at the mansion have talked about?

Dealing with *that* menace is above your pay grade. Also what >>47765576 said.
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It's not recommended for maids to intervene or challenge it beyond just not falling for any attempted ruses or efforts at persuasion to gain entry. However, if you do prevent the 'black rat' from gaining entry to the library somehow or hold it up long enough for back-up that is more suitably trained for dealing with it to arrive ending in the 'black rat' being successfully removed from the premises, the librarian will be eternally grateful and become friendly towards you henceforth.

It's not out of the question that she would then allow you to use the library when off-duty or invite you to help her with her work sometimes. Repeated successful attempts at preventing 'black rat' incursions and she would likely promote you from a mere maid to one of her personal assistants. For a fairy this would not be possible but for a human there is always the remote possibly of learning some amount of magic ability with enough study and the good favour of the librarian.
Get her attention and then declare your undying love for her. She'll get flustered and fly away.
But most fairies aren't literate, and there's only one human maid...
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Eggs work well apparently, but she's just a weak, underdeveloped human girl so any normal fit young human should easily be able to overpower her.
I'm surprised Patche hasn't already thought of keeping a pet Marisa-obsessed okatku for this purpose
I want to BE a fairy!
Great, you can start by being my fairy onahole
What's wrong with that?
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These new 'maids' are a bit off... Did the librarian put something in their tea?
Well anon, now you are! Hang yourself to check out your new respawn ability, it'll also get rid of your old body and awaken weak magic letting you perform basic danmaku.
Fuck off.
hide and ignore shitty posts. telling people to stop won't magically make them disappear
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dont ever accept an internship there and if you do. for your own sake, never reciprocate the maids requests for intimacy. its a ploy she'll uses to trap you in indentured servitude forever.
Would be... interesting, to say the least.
And fairy cunny
Why would you want to be the bottom of the food chain?
>its a ploy she'll uses to trap you in indentured servitude forever.
Marriage can feel like that I guess
I wouldn't give up my current life for it.
But if I was already in Gensokyo, then yes.
They could have Alice fix that. That doll autist can finally be useful
Work with Sakuya, get constantly sexually assaulted in timestop.
Work with Meiling, she constantly drains your qi.
Work with Patchouli, she constantly demands sexual fluids for magic.
Work with Koakuma, she constantly demands sex.
Work with Remilia, she constantly subjects you to degrading sexualised femdom to assert her power over her staff.
Work with Flandre, get constantly forced to sexually pleasure her under threat of literal murder if you don't comply.
Is nowhere safe?
>Is nowhere safe?
No, the only reason they hired you is to be a living dildo
just tell the mansion losers that you like lovey dovey vainilla sex (and depraved orgies) and they can go fuck themselves. if you get kill so be it, the road to holy Martyrdom
all this because they don't know how to interact with a man and think this is what he (you) wants
its gonna be even worse once they fall in love
That sounds great.
This animation made me more uncomfortable than GLS as a whole.
Good enough I'll take it
>its gonna be even worse once they fall in love
How are they going to deal with the fact that the whole mansion has run out train on (You)?
>How are they going to deal with the fact that the whole mansion has run out train on (You)?
they genuinely believe that your heart is pure and for them only
It doesn't really count as sluttery if it's your boss or much stronger coworkers forcing you to perform sexual favours...
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You get put on a duty rarely or almost never given to maids; to go and take dinner down to the the young mistress in the basement. You open the door and see this scene, what do you think or do next?
Place the food on the nearest table and leave.
I'm not cleaning up that mess.
"Hey there champ, had a good feed? Haha yeah but I've got to clean you up and you gotta pretend you didn't spoil your dinner or the maid is going to get mad."
I too wish to Breast Expand a fairy.
Damn, that's what fairies go through? The mansion is a really gay place.
>Work with Koakuma, she constantly demands sex.
I like how straightforward Koa is
Succubus Koakuma has no time for games.
Is this... Heaven?

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