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If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, and so on: https://controlc.com/e322ed43 [Warning, still under construction]

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Don't post infant dolls you dumb fag.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

>Keep it SFW and use spoilers.

Previous thread: >>47639292
Quick question for doll owners, do you name your dolls?
Venus Real or Clone? Soft/Medium/Hard?
I searched the archives for these questions, but only found conflicting answers.
Hard firmness is a bit too much, you'll wear your dick out, but any combination of the other things you listed are good.
Nice Robots reference
My medium real reminds me of my meiki zxy. I don't have any other versions though, so I can't compare.
Have you jacked off (with your own hand) since committing to the ona/ hip/ doll life?

I honestly can't remember the last time I hand manipulated, it's been years at this point
I found that just using an onahole isn't that different from jerking off normally for me, but hips and torsos are an amazing boost in enjoyment. Unfortunately cleaning those is a whole undertaking, so I handcrank on the weekdays and use the large toys on weekends only.
How is it different from strapping an onahole on something?
Ad-hoc solutions like the pillow trick can't really give you the ideal plapping experience. The hole moves around from the thrusts and the "cheeks" don't have the correct mix of softness and mass to them.
Zlata. Sanhui 5'3" Maria AIO model. I wanted her personality to be princess-like, but with that smug half-smile and her ahegao cross-eyes and messy blonde hair, she's quite frankly just a dick-craving slut and I can't see anything else. Which I'm not totally against ig

Yes. One retains the name the dealer gave it, one reminds me of someone (at a young age lol) so it has a similar (but not the same) name
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I've been looking into this doll company called JY-Doll (no, not that one. this one has a hyphen in it's name) and I'm trying to figure out if it's a real company. It has some dolls that I haven't seen anywhere else, but also shares a name with different doll company, so idk what's up. I know this isn't the company everyone know of, but is this at least a legit place?

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>dad accidentally finds my doll
>expecting disownment
>says he's jealous he never had that growing up
>showing genuine interest

Um.... I should probably move out soon, huh?
Why you didn't before buying the doll is a better question. But, now that you're here, may as well throw him to a basic doll vendor like reallovesexdoll or something
Sharing is caring.
DPing anon's sex doll?
Can JP anon recommend me some local ona shop in tokyo where you can find Meiki ZXY or Venus Real?

My friend is on japan rn so i asked him to buy me one, but hes moving hotel to hotel so cant really order online, i dont want to waste too much of his time checking every ona shop, so please recommend me some, thanks
What doll? I'm asking so I can determine where your dad is located on my based meter.
Anyway, I need an onahole that will work well in VR, by which I mean I need something to attach a tracker to. Fleshlights have sturdy cases and are pretty much made for it but they're also large, unwieldy, overpriced, and I'm told they don't feel as good but that's all I have experience with but given their market I wouldn't doubt it.
M's or Love Merci or a bunch of other shops at Akihabara. They have a few branches elsewhere too.
Explain onaholes named after porn stars to me. The part I understand is that it's good marketing, and maybe that the design of the entrance looks visually similar. But the interior? A vagina is a highly flexible muscle tube. You can't possibly make a mold of it. Is it just bullshit believed by idiots, or is there some credibility to it? And who would want to imitate the feeling of fucking a loosened out porn star who took thousands of dicks?
I don't have a doll but once I get one I will name her, give her a personality and hold conversations with her.
My uncle (70) recently asked me if I could help him buy a MLW doll.
>Is it just bullshit believed by idiots
It is. Vast majority of those are just existing or new tunnel designs sold as "totally a copy of pornstar X-ko, vagina" to gullible idiots. I have seen exactly 1 (one) photo of a supposed vag cast in progress and still have my doubts about the mechanics of the process.
Immersion and imagination. You are meant to self insert while watching. And yea it's all made up but at least with JAVs, they tend to stick to a certain archetype with matching onas eg. older onee san type roles tend to have bigger looser holes versus the opposite with the smaller ones.
your uncle sounds based
File deleted.
PSA about MotsuToys:

A lot of their items are a scam. Anything you see on there that isn't from a well known Japanese brand is a cheap chink product with a severe markup. Pic related for example, I found on AliExpress for less than $100. Exact same model, most definitely sourced from the same place. They just hired some artist to do a proper box art for it and sell it themselves. Don't buy anything you don't find on any other ona vendor. If you really want it then buy it at the correct price from the Chinese marketplaces.
Oh hey, so the ereshkigal cherry being a chink nobrand was actually real huh. Good to know.
Eventually you do if you own it long enough
You have Chad genes in the family
I don't. I discovered that dolls actually creep me out something fierce.
Stop staring at it's face, put a blindfold on it, turn her ass up and it should mostly go away.
Also learning how to do makeup and hair even just a little bit goes a long way
Anything that's "branded" is an immediate red flag. You really think franchises like Fate, Girls und Panzer and god damn Street Fighter would borrow they license for a sex toy of their characters?
You are aware that this franchise started with a hentai game, right?
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Man this image. I can relate to this image on another level... It might be a little long but to start,
I'm too poor to buy a good doll at the moment. I'm trying to save up and buy a catdoll but I still want the doll experience so I dropped a couple hundred on a masterpiece doll, drilled out a hole with a hole saw, and inserted a fleshlight into it, basically built a substitute loli sex doll. I still want a catdoll but now my eyes have opened and I have a newfound appreciation for regular dolls.
She's one of the cheaper models I only spent around $300 or so on her but she still is an authentic mp doll (not a bootleg so I can't comment on the quality of those.) When she arrived the hair on the doll was well kept and it looks pretty real which is something that cannot be said for all sex doll wigs. She has a beautiful sculpt on her face and body. The whole doll had a very strong girly scent to it kinda like a perfume or just in general a girl's room? idk but I assume it still carried the scent of the previous owner's residence wherever she was keeping her but this definitely helped add to the immersion and gave me the idea to apply a girly perfume to it every now and then to sort of keep up the immersion. She came with a cute dress that I still keep somewhere but I've changed her into more normal girl clothes since then. The idea of it felt really strange at first, like I was full on doubting my decisions. At that moment I wasn't fully sure I made the right choice when I bought her, but after undressing her and seeing her fully exposed body- I think having that alone was very stimulating for me. It was awkward the first time but I gradually find myself enjoying each of those intimate moments we share together. Before I knew it I began taking more keen notice with the doll parts of her body. Stripping the clothes off to reveal her doll body made up of several crevasses and exposed joints in between. Embracing her and feeling her soft textured vinyl coldly brushing against me and the joints of her body making a rattling sound mixed with the loud slaps from the hard plastic each time it makes contact with my skin during intercourse... It's just overall a very unique and intense visual + physical experience that gets better with each time. I've somehow unknowingly stepped into the life of a dollfag with a weird fetish. As of right now I have another one with less joints so she's not fully articulate but she's just as beautiful if not more. I'm still debating if I want to drill a hole in that one. I'm already planning on buying more in the future alongside the regular sex dolls and make a full doll harem with them. Pic related is not mine.
Is that Nezuko blowjob ona also like that?
>Seiraku toys
I don't feel like I have as much control over my nut and it leaves me feeling like I got ripped off. With my hand, I can control the speed and pressure and let loose massive loads
Takes a bit to bring it out, but I will admit, it feels so fucking fulfilling to shove all of my dick deep into her and just unload all of my life energy.

I don't want to ruin/trivialize the euphoric feeling of nutting in my plastic girlfriend, so it's not often I have sex with her. Hence, my hand is still my bread and butter method.
Where do I find it without markup? I could never find something like that
we need more detailed write ups like this one. cute story.
cant use my hand anymore. I almost always use the onahip I have and I use my doll for special occasions. I love my doll too much to have sex with it regularly ;-; but Im thinking of buying a throw away one that I don't care if it gets messed up.

Doll >>> Onahip > Onahole >> Hand
And they went all-ages starting from 2007, with the realta nua port for ps2.
Need a Loonahole. Also we need sex robots.
>finally, my onahole is delivered
>hurry downstairs, leaving a trail of spaghetti behind
>Shh don't yell like that!
>It's not a dildo, it's-
>sweat profusely, place package on wall and sign the edlivery
>Uh?! What the-
>Gust of wind throws package off balance
>Watch my item roll down the street
>Right toward the class of schoolchildren walking out of school
>oh no not again
>hurry over there
>little girl picks it up "teacher what is this?"
>That creepy man just gave it to me
>Disgusting! Look how sweaty and horny he is! Get back children, I'll protect you!
>N-no please! I just want the pussy, give it to me and I'll go away ple-
>Slowly turn head toward police car that had stopped by
>What's going on here? Did I hear that right?
>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
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Venus real (soft)
completely true but still kind of sad
You ready for the anthro sex robots?
When are we going to get a good automatic onahole?

I'm not talking hardware here. The hardware has been pretty good for years, funscripts work well, you can mount shit to your desk and go hands free through your video collection.

I'm talking software. I thought by now there would be some kind of directed jerk-off program, like you say what kind of speeds you like and then it adjust shit on the fly based on hotkeys and time progression. At this point most of what I do is load up a very basic video script that slowly increases in speed over 15 minutes and then just move around it based on my mood.
I think I'm not ready for coomworld
That doesn't sound like it would be that difficult to write yourself.
if you dad had those dolls when he was younger you might have never been
>My uncle (70) recently asked me if I could help him buy a MLW doll.

Based, and elderly patrician-pilled

Pls tell me it was a loli doll
I am. I'm gonna fuck so many anthro women, but Loona first.
Anyone have that meme comparing male sex toys unfavorably to female sex toys?
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No, different one.
I don't recognize half the things in this
what are the green/white things? pills?
why the handmaid's tale?
> not a bootleg so I can't comment on the quality of those.
I have one of those, and the quality isn't great at all. The hair is hard to manage since it's so cheap and you can see the tracks easily. The doll is misshapen in areas that are really apparent when you feel around. It smells strongly of cheap plastic, and worst is that its lower leg fell off so I had to repair it myself. Had to learn how to take its whole leg off to do that, and getting it back on was an ordeal by itself
All that said, it's the crown jewel of my current collection and I adore the thing despite having a high quality imported doll that I bought afterwards. It seems that all the faults and issues I ran in to with it just made me more attached, it really made me FEEL like an Oniichan.

Can't imagine drilling a hole it it though. Cuddling her in some soft and comfy clothes is enough for me.
it's funny that the entire right side is completely unnecessary lol
>vocal frying
kek. I know married couples and I can't describe it better. once you have kids they completely break your spirit
I wonder if women will go back to tradwife once men will get free access to sluts/prostitutes/sexbots/VR and sex will be trivial. I'm sure that most men would prefer a loyal human wife if given the option
loli doll indeed. He's super hyped about it. Honestly I don't think I ever saw him this happy, not even in his sons' weddings.
What is the point of loli onaholes? Just marketing and immersion? Or does anyone really want to torture his dick by a hole that's too tight and too shallow to be pleasurable?
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I want to prone bone my daki...tips?
Both sides preferably.
ona gods, what do you think of
I only buy lewd loli scales, titcows go home
Just...do it? If rubbing your dick against it isn't immersive enough for you then you can just do the belt method. If that still isn't enough for you then you can cut a hole in the appropriate place (or sew on a small zipper if you have the skills for it) and insert an ona in it.
How did you secure those breasts under the cover? When I tried it they kept slipping out of position.
imagine paying $300 for something and you cant even have sex with it
I have a big ona hip that doesnt fit. Therefore a smaller one would be just right.
hey, long time tourist here
Is the Puni Ana DX Kiwami still the best onahip around?
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Your doll gives you this look, what do you do
Turn 360 degrees and isekai away
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What's the latest in coom tech from China?
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Those are birth control pills, the handmaids tale is there because thats the poster series for feminism (women)
Yeah man I hear you.
>I wonder if women will go back to tradwife once men will get free access to sluts/prostitutes/sexbots/VR and sex will be trivial.
I dunno. I dont really care because I dont want to get married or have kids. And yeah, we are about to go through a 2nd sexual revolution, but this time a male one. By men, for men.
>I'm sure that most men would prefer a loyal human wife if given the option
Only time will tell, however I have a feeling that there will be FAR less marriages once men no longer need any particular woman because sexual satisfaction is so omnipresent and easy to access.
Virt a mate has some scenes with voice commands that is probably the closest we'll get to seeing that in our lifetime, in particular the authors name is "Stylemavin" and he has I think 2 or 3 scenes using voice commands. Only thing is it's made for the SR6, doesn't work so great with the handy. There's also a vr game made by a jap, marionette I think it was called, where you can give voice commands to an android girl during sex and she can actually pronounce your name and stuff, bare bones but novel.
How do I make my onahole love me back?
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Imagine the news headlines in the 2030s
>Men are "having sex" with "furry" sex robots!
>Here's how this hurts women
Then you flip the channel or news website or whatever to a financial one and you see
>"Life-like companions LLC" 's stock value climbs by another 12% this quarter, with projections estimating that their stock value will have doubled by the end of next year"
>once men no longer need any particular woman because sexual satisfaction is so omnipresent and easy to access
I dated a girl for what's inside.
Can also steal that too
Women will outlaw female sexbots.
Capitalism > Feminism
I'm thinking of reordering a Lolinco Virgo after my old one met it end. Are any of the other Lolinco types worth trying? I'd still need something as big/with a long tunnel length.
Dressing up real women in cosplay, apparently.
Experiences with hair conditioner, liquid soap and shaving gel as lube?
One of the top 5 fuckups in my life for sure, spending 2.8k on a top of the line doll. Haven't fucked it once because everytime I try I lose my boner trying to position it/lube up. Fucked it's articulated pinky up yesterday it almost poked through. I think it's my chronic porn brain I just can't get turned on by touching it and looking at it. I've slept with it a few times and it was kinda nice but that's about it. About to put it back in the box and store it. Now I have to pay off the credit card I used the no APR period is about to end and I'm gonna get hard fucked. I want a real girlfriend.
All shit.
How about just using lube you fucking animal
You have one, but just like real women you're scared to touch it
How do you actually know whether lube is water based or something else?
Don't. If you have no lube at all, use water. It's not great, you'll destroy your holes, but it'll do and you'll chafe your dick raw.

Why would you blow 3 grand on fucking credit on a doll? Personally I wouldn't mind a doll, but the more convenient short dolls get you sent to jail in my country for thoughtcrime, and the shortstack stuff looks awful. Fuck carrying around a full size one.
If you have no lube but somehow require it, just use your own spit and slime.
I just used my first ona and I damn near died from bliss. Was involuntarily having tisms using it, holy shit. I can barely walk, have a headache, and my dick feels like it needs a smoke. It's so good, it's giving me the urge to go work out once I'm recovered. What is this magic?
try using maple syrup instead
I need something easy to use and cheap. It must be as discrete as possible when buying it
Any ideas?
I cant buy normal lubes or coconut oil
Why can't you just buy it?
Are you a priest or a five year old
raw egg white works very well
but you can get dick salmonella if extremely unlucky
I live in a shithole so its extremely expensive and hard to find
Why do you thing Im using fucking hair conditioner in first place?
I could get it at every apothecary.
You are free now. You don't need women anymore. Which onahole was it?
It was a dohna dohna onahole. I got it because I thought the game was neat, not expecting a life changing experience. It was a knee jerk buy. I'm backreading now because I don't even frequent this thread, I just needed somewhere to post my thoughts.
This one? https://www.toydemon.com/masturbators/onaholes/dohna-dohna-let-s-do-bad-things-together-alyce
Either way try a venus real soft next. Anyway every thread has a link to the archive of the one from before. Make sure you are using onatsuyu lube. So what porn were you looking at?
I ordered my first one, still waiting for it to arrive. I think I have perfected manual masturbation methods, so while I'm hopeful that I will experience what you did, I think realistically I can't expect much.
I don't even know how you knew which one I got, but that's the one. You could say I was watching what I was using, since I did buy it due to the game. I'll look into that lube too, I was just using some I had laying around.
I won't lie, initially I was flubbing it bad, you gotta make sure you have a full mast on the rod or else it's pretty difficult to use. Once you're ready though, god damn does it work. I will state though that I never really min maxed the ways of the hand, or flog the dog all that often, I just had the thought, and acted on buying it.
There is no going back
Cause I typed in "dohna dohna" on the site I get my venus real softs from. Yeah onatsuyu is like the official lube of this general
So what porn were you looking at
Well I have 30 years of masturbation experience (if I say I started around 10) so this is going to be interesting.
>There is no going back
I buy a few holes every few years, enjoy them for a month or two, then get sick of the cleanup hassle and go back to using my hand.
The game dohna dohna. It was fitting, in a figurative and literal sense. Just went with a random H scene with ALyCE.
Look for homemade lube recipe that use corn starch

>using Alyce
>not best girl porno

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What I didn't say was that I bought more than one. Save the best for later, pretty excited.
I will say that I could have phrased the sentence better, it did sound like I only had the one. I got two.
So you're lazy AF is what you're saying lol, it takes me 15 minutes to clean a doll, surely an ona takes way less time
Should have started with something smaller like a torso or hip. I've had a tantaly hip for about 2 years now and I can still easily bring myself over the edge if I get two big handfuls of ass. My problem is that no woman I could realistically land will ever compare so, even more so than before, I don't see the point in even bothering.

My nigga

The Alyce toy is listed as being more stimulative (100/100) porno is a little tighter (80/100 vs alyce's 70/100) , both have the same "suction" (80/100)

j list breaks down their attributes in the description

Yeah, had no idea what any of it meant, but judging from the inside, it's looking a bit more rambunctious then the Alyce tunnel. Given how good it was, I'm expecting great things from Porno. I feel like I've just stumbled into a gold mine, looking back a couple threads. Didn't even realize dolls got this crazy either. Don't think I'm gonna get one anytime soon, but it's good to know there's more!
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Anyone got any uncut footage of someone fucking a full-size sex doll? Curious to know what a regular sex session with a large heavy static doll looks like (specifically with changing positions) no homo
yup, they would probably try, based around some religious bs, just like Trump trying to make porn illegal with Project2025.

source for the simps: https://www.project2025.org/policy/ , click on "read the mandate", page 5, line 11.
If they ban porn then they will swing for it sooner or later. They cannot take away one of the last sexual outlets for men when half of the male population can't get laid and the other half is beholden to women for whatever sex they do get. It will be their fucking funeral.
That will work just as well as prohibition back then, albiet I don't think there will be mobsters breaking legs over a hentai doujin. Still gonna be a pain to deal with though if such things came to pass.
>he believes the propaganda
>on BOTH sides

everyone laugh at this NPC
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make a sex doll thread on /gif/ (from time to time one appears there) or go to pornhub and search "sex doll", unfortunately many good videos are on the gay section because "guy + doll" is considered guy solo, and on the straight section there is a lot of videos of woman roleplaying has a sex doll, lol.
Almond oil is better than coconut oil and much cheaper. Its only problem is it's not completely odorless, but it's got a faint and mild scent.
when it becames something legal it's always a pain in the ass. Some anon posted some legal stuff for buying what I believe was a "lower size sex doll" if you know what I mean.
I hate pedophiles, but idk if drawinings and other stuff should be treated the same, since you can't consider age clearly in those cases, but in some countries some old people made it law, so you are fucked if you mess around with this grey area.
>I hate pedophiles
oy vey goy! very jewish of you!
And men will take their money to Asia where the free market still reigns.
I hope you messing around with kids is worth the time getting raped in prision you worthless piece of shit.
General rule of thumb I think people go by, or should go by, is simply "is there real harm induced upon someone in this material?" If not, then there is no problem. I can also see, though, that people don't want nasty shit shoved in their face in public all the time. I blame faggots for this problem, as it causes old prudes to react by imposing gay laws that go based off a moral design, not an ethical one. The argument of "that'll enforce bad thing x" simply doesn't have enough proof for it. The best you can get from that is desensitization. Anyways I'm just a cum brained guy, so along those lines what loli dolls are considered the best in slot? I lean more towards an anime aesthetic, 3DP is disgusting, and I like portability.
so true
the last time I talked about those behind pornography itt I got banned lol so um yea I'ma sit this one out
>hope you get raped

look at you, thinking you're better than the other

when actually

you're much, much worse
I also occasionally have problems getting it up for whatever reason but I cuddle my doll every night and its very nice
This may come across as odd to ask, but do you worry about staining the doll with your clothes? I read all the time about making sure the doll's clothes don't stain, but what about when you cuddle?
its not that impressive looking
the best positions are always somewhere between missionary and mating press
I sleep naked, and the doll is wrapped in a felt blanket anyway because cold tpe is cold

don't wear clothes

you just wash the fuck out of everything anon, ive never had a major issue, and anything my doll wears long term is white or a slik bathrobe

if I do dress her in black, it comes off rather quickly
full nelson, either standing or sitting

I also enjoy a little FDAU action and also standing behind, intertwining arms, lifting her up and just going to town
How do I smuggle in a Loona dakimakura
I see, very helpful. Just gotta upkeep cleanliness. Honestly sounds like it enforces good habits. Did dolls actually help improve your habits naturally or was it already good beforehand?
I already showered every day if thats what you mean
More so just general upkeep. Sometimes I think I care too much about staying clean and maybe a doll will be a good justification in my head. I dunno I'm a bit retarded.
Yes, I sweep/ vacuum every day to keep dust down, I keep up on washing my ownclothes because my favorite doll outfits need to be clean, etc etc

One of the main things about black or brightly colored clothes staining tpe is cheapness, if its been washed, time spent in those clothes, and maybe most importantly how tight it fits

As a fan of tight dark and pink lingerie/ thongs / fishnets, I've learned to only buy the best, not to store my doll in these outfits for long periods ( like I said she lives in white clothes or a satin bathrobe) and to be honest Ive been applying buy once cry once to my own clothing choices. Im more scared of ropes nowadays than staining from clothes lol

My dolls also have a dedicated wardrobe so it makes it easier


get powdered lube. its cheap, discreet and effective. I got the magic eyes one but theres a few more now. cost like 1.1k yen, all you do is mix it with water
I dont how it tagged the wrong post, I meant >>47736026
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I have three onas and I haven't used any of them in months. They do feel good but prep and cleanup are troublesome, especially now that my brother started working from home. Anyone else like this?
I've jacked off with people in house and learned to do it with ona. I tend to not use hips in such situations though as I go too crazy with them.
Prep is barely there, just apply lube. Cleaning/drying/maintenance can be a problem depending on route to bathroom and where your set up is.
I have a high powered box fan that I just run 24/7 to cover any noise
How easy is it to destroy an onahole when turning it inside out?
I think it depends entirely on design. I have one that I have turned inside out for probably almost a hundred times already (ona cannon soft) and still no tears or anything. I can't speak for how loose it may have gotten though, but it still feels stimulating as ever, for what that is worth.
I worry about a fingernail accidentally cutting into the material. Nothing has happened yet.
Tried an onahole for the first time. It was disappointing. It was a mix of not feeling much and over stimulation. Like fapping with too much lube. My dick hurt a little after it.
Is this normal or is my dick malfunctioning?
try warming it up (put it in warm water for a while) and dilute the lube
might be a bad level of softness, that can make a big difference
>buy 3 holes
>the one that cost half as much as the other 2 is the best
That didn't make it much better.
Which onahole, was it warm, do you have death grip syndrome?
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First time doll lover here. 155cm C-cup Aotume doll.

Her name now is Aoi, named so because my impatient ass dressed her in her AliExpress schoolgirl uniform when it got here which painted her ass blue.

Yup, weekend plapping. I sleep with her every day though, sometimes I just lay with her on my chest. I even bought her perfume (Givenchy L'interdit) to put on her blanket and lightly spray on her wig. Very comfy.

Jumped the gun. Went from hand straight to doll. Very few regrets, but it goes away when I do the thing. Post-nut ignorance? Bit of a learning curve in keeping her clean (see the smudge on her nose) but overall not bad for what cost me as much as my shitbox car. Corn starch is your friend with TPE. I'll probably go silicone loli when she inevitably retires.
Venus Real medium
No, but yes the second time (36° C)
What lube?
It's called aquaglide.
Therein lies the problem. You need this: https://www.toydemon.com/lotions-accessories/lotions/onatsuyu-pussy-juicy-lotion-370ml
Lube is a huge deal, if the lube is off it throws everything off and it wont feel as good on your dick.
I felt the same when I got mine it was insane how close to the real thing it was
then I learned I could warm it up and while it felt incredible the first few times I think I damaged it using water that was too hot. The last few times I used it I started thinking about buying something bigger and I got a little scared I would start spending real money on this shit, so I threw the ona away and swore to go back to jerking off with my hand.
Can't remember how long went by but worst thing is when I dropped the ona I started to look at porn again and I hated it. I bought it again. I am sure the quality jump from hand to ona is the biggest and I if I get a new ona every few months it's totally worth it
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But the lube I have is rather good. Can it be such a decisive difference?
How much lube should you use anyway?
Yeah it makes that big of a difference. I got my venus real soft and onatsuyu lube warming up as I type this. I got a little mini bottle of astroglide, poured it out, rinsed it out, and am using it to store small amounts of onatsuyu so I can warm the lube too. Having used astroglide on my onaholes before and used onatsuyu the difference is night and day. Onatsuyu is basically built for onaholes.
it matters a lot if the lube it too thick as well. I used a lube that was way too thick out of the bottle and when I started diluting with a bit of water it was night and day
I can try the insomnia lube sample that came with it. Should be good? It's 12ml. How much of it for one session?
your Coco came in, nice!
you should use about the same amount you used for the disinfectant gels during the kung flu
sorry but I have no other example for lube-like substances
I only used sanitizer sprays during the pooh flu.
>I only used sanitizer sprays
I can't help you then anon, maybe you should buy spray lube
No shit retard
why do they have so many mechanical parts
>he doesn't want to panel line his wife
Alright anons I'm hunting for a new outfit for one of my dolls and I'm feeling generous, I'm going to divulge one of the best searches for dresses that have no right being so sexy for smaller dolls (and this is something I've learned from Instagram browsing)

Latin. Dance. Dresses.

Tried it again, still meh. I used all of the insomnia lube, though most of it leaked out and made a mess. The lube feels slightly thinner than my normal lube, but thicker than another more watery non-japanese lube I have. The hole was heated to at least 38° C internal temperature, while staying below 50 °C outside during heating. The onahole feels tight and tries to push out my dick. Any other errors I could have made?
This is the 4th time I'm fapping today, which may be too much. What should I try when I'm fully recharged?
>the noise from the fan in your room doesn't drown out the noise coming from your room on the outside where it's quiet (they can still hear you)
i tested it and i cant hear any noise under 50 db directly outside my room
so the very quiet plapping should be fine
and even if it isn't, everyone else in my house lives in their own room so its even quieter
i for one have never heard any kind of sound from my roommates rooms, no tv, music, etc
so its probably decent insulation

i also just do not care at all
this is wholesome, even if part of me believes this is a huge larp, I can recall an anon on a doll thread on /b/ not so long ago, mentioning how he wanted to buy a masterpiece doll and adapt it with an ona, is that you anon?
If so, you should post some OC, I've been wanting to do this with a two feet Barbie doll
I cringed ngl
Do customs people actually open your boxes to look inside? I don't want to get arrested for owning something smaller than 130cm because I'm too scrawny to lift the big ones.
If you buy a big box, it'll get X-rayed like pretty much everything else, and when they see a fictional child in the box, you're going to jail if you live in a shithole. I'd never buy one that wasn't already local to my country.
nta but I'm unironically planning on moving to Japan so that I can have dozens of loli dolls.
What are the best Ride Japan holes? I picked up bungee and I'm a big fan.
You ever use Love Punyu Milk Punch? I'm interested in it but can't find any reviews on it.
I haven't, but it seems like the internal layer is softer than bungee. I find bungee slightly softer than ideal for my tastes, so I'd probably go for a hole with an internal firmer texture personally.
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Some places have ways to get around this, cat doll for instance ships their dolls w/ big fakies strapped to the doll under their protective suits. You can see them in some of the pics/ videos from their catalog they send you. You can even kind of see it in my factory image

Not that this works everywhere, mind you, but I'm sure it cuts down on the questions/ comments to their agents
it doesnt work at all in anglosphere hellholes

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