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Last >>47709804

Menhera Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
how does sword fusion work? from what I've see, I think it lets you pick an element from learned skills and that loyalty affects stats
I don't wanna turn my wives into swords though, am I just fucked then? idk if just using stronger demons compensate for it or if I'm missing on something else
Regrading romance eraTohoTW, Doremy says you can only romance one girl, but I remember in the older thread there's unique dialogue for certain girls if you pursue them if you already have a lover. So which is it? Also, anyone know the list of girls with the unique dialogue, I know Junko has some lines but who else does?
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Only cuck betrays their wives. If you want power, you just need to buy better weapon and armor for humans. You can make your demon wives stronger by giving them better skills. Remember that you can enhance your wives with MAG so stop complaining and start fucking your wives.
anonTW new release wen
I'm more eondering if sword fusion is worthless if you don't sacrifice, or if you can make it work if you fuse some strong boss demon and use that with no need for loyalty or fall states
>most of Revue's girls with "Unique" dialogues don't actually have dialogues in training
>Rinko has the most dialogues done by an ESL so = bad apparently but even it felt empty
>Yukikaze is really fleshed out but despite being married, when I kiss her she still say "only lovers does that"
Life is hard. Titty soft.
You're not lovers, you're married. Totally different thing.

You could always fix it, clean it up a bit.
I'm not gonna piss on the work of someone else.
NVM, I figured out that the option for more lovers as modded thing I just had to touch the mod feature config in the menu.
EGGs doko...
I don't want to go back to the EGG dungeon
Personally I would feel no shame about fixing Rinko's, but if you don't want to go into Yukikaze's thing and add a condition so that she says something else if you're married, that is understandable mostly because I have no idea how to actually do that.
You can just get a new demon to trust fall and high level to make a magic weapon.
Damn fox stole my precious thing again
around fox, never relax
In eraMegaten, how long does it take to train someone to "Sellable" level on average? 5 sessions?
In AnonTW, where do you live, anons? I think human's village is the perfect place to live in.
It depends on the character but you can check their sell requirement in sexual upgrade.
Youkai Mountain (Summit) where I can plap my fox wife and my daitengu wife and my two crow tengu wives and my wolf tengu wife and occasionally head out to plap my other fox wife or my witch wife.
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Bamboo forest is alright, high amount of translated characters too if you like those. No fishing spot and mediocre logging options sucks.

Netherworld is pretty neat too, very unique map.
Human village, I only fuck human girls as akyuu intended.
>there's unique dialogue for certain girls if you pursue them if you already have a lover. So which is it?
Both are right, even if you don't use the mod you can still pursue other girls, you just can't confess to them or accept their confessions so they get the Lover trait instead of just Love
NG7 Underworld to solely screw around with a borb. Can't bring the character to cheat on anyone or indulge in polygamy, really.
Shame i can't piss off parsneed by visiting the bridge on dates, but she's already going tsundere mode on NG
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>Hell is just commie blocks
>I have no idea how to actually do that.
Neither do I, I usually just do some easy edits,
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A repost just in case.
Bug report: Marie's Kaguya-Hime's lvl 80 skill is this
> 専用技1
Or by MTL
>Dedicated Technique 1

Pleasantly surprised she got a third Persona though.
The extra Gunvolt fight was brutal in eraMegaten. You can't joke around with it.
At least you know what weapon to give to GV and Copen. Kek.
Easy for my level 123 character
They scale
I haven't leveled up Gunvolt and the others so I need to bring my A-team to that fight. The first try I joked around and bring underleved Gunvolt and friends. I had to fight that terrifying battle with only 3 combat readied allies, me included.
Does it stay that way if you learn it?
Yes sir.
why is satori's palace such a fucking garbage mountain
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Lots of animal in there.
Godamn ostrich laying on the floor all day.
It's all the Buff Clan's fault. They keep making things dirty in their efforts to destroy Hisoutensoku.
Weekly update:

- Fixed a bug with the Discontent Insight achievement.
- JP 4.952 is out. It has outfit fixes for Kotohime, Elis, Sariel, Sara, Orange, and Konngara, Ibaraki's Arm dialogue, an update to Youmu's alt dialogue, a JP translation for Parsee's intro, and some expression bug fixes for Kaguya alt and the EagloV portraits. Please wait warmly for us to merge it.

- Fixed a bug with the Persuade mechanic.
- Added some post-ending content for the BoF5 dungeon. Visit one of the towns after defeating the final boss to see it.
- Some new third-tier Personas from P5R got added.

- eraclickIdle updated to 0.19. Turns out there was a more recent version out there.
- eraAL-K got updated to 1.063, along with some bugfixes.

- The Shou MR got updated with an event chain that leads to you getting permission to have children with her.
- Waggy's author has finished her time rape lines, and is now working on non-rape timestop stuff.
- Futo's EN OC is still getting worked on.

What was the bug with Persuade?

>- Added some post-ending content for the BoF5 dungeon. Visit one of the towns after defeating the final boss to see it.
Unrelated, but I do have some critics to make about it, but not before I finished it.

>Some new third-tier Personas from P5R got added.
Now we just need an actual P5 storyline, and Futaba having a better skillset.
What about Raoul?
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Wait what the fuck
When did that happen
if a 2hu is pissed at you they might shove one up your pooper before they'll forgive you
at some point they might start fingerblasting your ass too
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Oh it was just fucking mima living up to her status as a vengeful spirit
My ass must have slighted her in a previous life
It's never really explained.
You got caught with panties so a 2hu got blackmail on you. Blackmail means random faggy shit like this, sissies and homos love to sneak this kind of thing into games in the context of a punishment because they enjoy it and it's not an actual punishment to them.
Just pray it away, then disable anal actions on master in the options.
>Unrelated, but I do have some critics to make about it, but not before I finished it.
Author here, would love to hear any kind of feedback about it.
Since I haven't finished it, I can only really tell you one thing with certainty, the unique weapons? You should probably take out the level requirement and make them scale with their users. Because in NG+, assuming you Contract them, it's just a pain in the ass.

Unrelated to the criticism, but the transformation is great!
>You should probably take out the level requirement and make them scale with their users. Because in NG+, assuming you Contract them, it's just a pain in the ass.
How do you mean? They are usable from level 1 and their stats do scale with level.
Huh? But I remember the Dragon Sword needing Ryu to be high level (50 or 70?) to equip it?
Was it like that, or is it just me?
The CSTR items used to have a lvl 70 requirement, but I changed it to lvl 1 when I added the BoF content.
Well I'm an idiot then. Carry on then.
Oh, one other thing is that I don't think the characters have enough Talent, physical or mental.
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I think there's a problem with Airi's training...
gasmed so hard she shattered the code
Tsukasa pushed me down again...
Down the stairs?
you should be able to commit tax fraud in the game
Okay so Vergil's mom is definitely from Gensokyo.
But which 2hu is it?
can you actually impregnate an android
what does "fusion with you" consist of, in detail? do I lose equipment or summoning?
A fallen state demon fuses with you, effectively turning you into a half-demon on the first time
Futaba still has third eye, right? Just turn her into a megidocross crit monkey.
Are we really alone in the universe?
That's not really her characters. GRRRRRRRRR.
is it once only? can I demonize/demoniac myself at the petit demon shop before or after? does it affect resists?
This also transforms your body depending on the morphological features of whatever demon you fused with; fusing with an angel will give you wings, fusing with Mara will turn you amorphous, etc.
Fusing with someone of another gender will alter yours.
"Fusion with You" doesn't change your race IIRC, so you should still be able to use the petit shop.
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>uptight virgin summoner fuses with lewdstate demon for power and gets an extreme cock addiction as a consequence
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Lol. Get sleigh'd
That's extremely unlikely, but the likeliness of them being anywhere near our present and future reach is even lower.
You can do it multiple times, and it does nothing to your resists. Pro tip: fusing with Machine demons will give you Machine Maiden while keeping your humanity.
this happened to me because my 2hu who is supposed to be very sweet and loving became sadistic after I didn't stop her when she was in heat and I ran out of energy, sadism went up like 3 or 4 levels and I haven't been able to get it down even with constant prayers
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just do this
You can avoid it by simply lowering your masochism, there's an item you can buy on the mail order shop.
I move it to 0 all the time but it's simply a problem with low pain tolerance I think, while she has high pain tolerance
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Bodysuit banki wen

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