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Ma'am, did you know you're a Dragon?

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
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It's Koturday again.
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Scanner reports significant seismic activity, and it's heading your way. Dig in and prepare.
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Starting with the best kot.
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It sure is, anon.
>bouncing titties so heavy, that they generate gravity waves strong enough to induce ground tremors
Would you huff danuki leg fluff?
Same vibes.
Monstergirls doing their part by giving the shameful white feathers to the cowardly men that refuse to enlist for war!
I just refuse to die a for a country that will gladly spill the blood of it's own citizens if it benefits them at that moment.
If you want to enlist ME in war then you need to pry the Hellwan off me first!
They call it a war but it's really more like a giant airsoft match. It'll be fun.
After reading various stories from you guys I came to conclusion you guys don't deserve monstergirls because you mistreat them and are being rude for them and have your John protagonists act like assholes to mamonos to push the plot forward for the most pettiest things like if a hellhound would eat my all chicken nuggets I wouldn't go "Wow fuck you now I'm gonna go home and be a doomer" but just continue do be flirty with her
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>if a hellhound would eat my all chicken nuggets I wouldn't go "Wow fuck you now I'm gonna go home and be a doomer"
Sure you wouldn't.
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There are demonic women out there craving your seed. Keep your windows closed at night.
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So I'm reading this Kenji Tsuruta manga Captain Momo's Secret Base that's about a chick piloting a freight ship through space with just her cat and since she's alone she's just naked all the time, and I'm now imagining what it would be like to travel through space as a freight pilot with nothing but a nudist Werecat second officer for company
You may also imagine such things at your leisure.
I do like the idea, though I'm more of a wan kind of guy for these kinds of fantasies. The fun is in trying your hands off her at first but failing as she doesn't even try to seduce you. Her sharp nose would ensure she'd be able to tease you if you fail to clean up properly after doing the needful
That's a really nice setup, I'm going to use it for my daydreamns, thank you
>Keep your windows closed at night.
But you just gave me reason to leave them open...
>traditionalists that wear long victorean-era maid gowns
>lewd extremists wear frilly, provocative french maid outfits
>the "rebels" that favor a practical and sharp appearance and wear spiffy butler suits
I wonder how many factions meido academy has
Personally Im all for snide, kuudere kikis in suits, Im sure their bants about "impractical outfits for imcompetent porn actresses" would be great
Well, yes, but also you have to consider that monstergirl fixing a broken guy is a recurring fantasy. And, uh, being broken kinda means he will be at least somewhat unpleasant - edgy, whiny or just short.
They only wear suits because they think the pants make their asses look great. They're right. Monsters are too predictable
Anon think for a minute what kind of guy falls back on 'she will fuck me no matter how hard to get asshole I play'
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>woman doesn't notice she turned into a dragon
>tomboy kiki in a butler outfit
>kikis in suits
>hit both maid and ol fetishes
My fucking god
>kiki highlighting her bust with a prtially buttoned blazer CLACKing about in the house
I would not be able to stay off her
Too sexy. Criminally so.
Mamonos are supposed to be perfect wife material yet they eat all my chicken nuggets? I want a refund from demon lord
you dont take a mans food, theres very simple lines you dont cross, food being one of them
>Kiki in a pants suit
>Her blouse is almost entirely back( and side)less, secured only by a strip of cloth at the neck and waist, massive sideboob when she's not wearing the blazer
>Necktie pulls double duty as a collar
>Zippers on the outside of her ankles let her pants open all the way up to her thighs
>CLACK built in
I could get into it with some modifications.
Could you link some of these stories? They sound fun to read. I like mamono abuse. It's the only rebellious fantasy you can have with monster girls.
Danuki who upsells you from buying a soda to marrying her and buying a house with her.
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>Ehehehe, eeetto...
Bat is trying to tell you something
>Bat is trying to tell you something
She wants Cheetos?
Couldn't hurt to give her some
Bingo! She goes batty over them.
They do say that the way to a woman's heart is through getting her arteries nice and hard.
She can't reach inside the bag, so you have to handfeed her.
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Fun fact, the zombies are just fodder the Wight Knights are using as a shield.
Those girls are the real ones to watch out for.
I like wights as armored revenants that drain life with a mere touch.
Hey, if you saw an armored, undead lady stride out from a bunch of combos to claw slash your sergeant and make her go down like a sack of bricks, it may be a hair unsettling.
But yeah, armored ladyknights is how I enjoy it.
Wight Knights are tanky enough to not need any meat shields, they're also top tier traveling and adventuring companions for single men.
Its more for mass battles where the standard undead technique of letting the skellies and zombos tire out the enemy before sending in the heavy hitters at play kicks in.
As adventurers they're formidable in their own rights.
Imagine spells specifically made to counter undead mgs by temporarily banishing their soul back to the afterlife, if they are corporeal it effectively stuns them for a bit.
>armored ladyknights
They're the really fancy and noble type of knight too, looking just as at home in expensive dresses as they do in platemail.
I'd rather a white trash wight who crushes empty beer cans on her head after finishing them and who rules her trailer park with a giant ghostly iron fist.
>zombies are just fodder the Wight
Don't talk about her friends that way. She just got lucky and found a nice man to help her wight and she's playing wingwoman for the group she used to hang around the graveyard with.
Exactly, the courtly sort, though just because she knows how to handle a dancing gown doesn't mean she isn't a terror on the battlefield.
Also means they may challenge you if you're doing 'well' against their lessers.

>'New Money' Wight
>Lots of zombie maids and bodyguards.
>they're all the 'crew' she ran with when she was a zombie and is helping them along.
I can totally see them doing that.
Yeah I don't enjoy turning an archtypal rpg party into something with all the edges rounded off.
>party member has been acting funny ever since she put on that dragonscale armor she got as a quest reward
But you can make up any fantasy you want.
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good stats though
>mastah insists on a kiki who maintains professionalism in his request to kiki academy
>gets one of these
How is mastah supposed to maintain a cool head when his kiki maid dresses like this? It's like she's taunting him while giving him everything he asked for
Why do robots need such fat asses?
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Why yes, I do work out at the library! I lift the Daoist Canon. How could you tell?
She outwardly appears and acts exactly the way he wants, all he has to do is not imagine lewd things. Why are you thinking of your maid in such a way, mastah~? Totally (you)r fault, really.
Telling an undead girl "I saw you and my heart stopped beating".
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Talk to your kids about mofu, before someone else does.
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Is your wife a good dancer?
would you be mad at wurm popping out from your backyard destroying your garden in process?
if she didn't get it the greenworms would've
i think we should apologise to druella
Would you a chubby nuki?
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Gremlin, sprinkle us with wisdom from your mighty brain. How frightened should we be?
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For the archivist, Yeti290 is mislabeled, it's a Wendigo
yer mom is a yeti
Lucky Anon, Yetis are good momsters.
You'll never be touch starved with hugs on tap.
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Well, this kiki excels at everything, including seducing her master and acting all cool and composed doing that.
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>So you want a promotion?
Yes, under her desk.
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i'm reporting her to HR
>Stuck in yet another boring management meeting
>Your anubis CEO tosses out pamphlets about a new product that your company will be selling
>Thumbing through it, a small key drops out from between the pages
>You're about to say something when you realize she's been staring at you the whole time
>She pulls a Basic Instinct and you realize she's wearing a chastity belt
>You glance around to see if anyone else noticed, and she smirks and resumes the meeting now that everyone else has had a chance to read through their pamphlets
I don't work for Alps
"oh hey, you dropped this"
Oh right, that dude keeps pushing gay stuff don't he.
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Visit your local tavern ran by monstergirls
What if you just lost the key? Wouldn't that be funny, haha? I wonder how awful it would be to work with a sexually moreso than usual frustrated anubis?
What dude?
dirndl overpowered
Mick's eternal nemesis (one of them).
i.e., anyone else that uses this thread
And a lot of people who don't.
also a couple people that don't
a truly incomprehensible state of mind
Damn I would love to have a pyrow and sally for drinking partners((platonic) romantic)
when I asked to do the spicy wings challenge in dragonia, I didn't expect to have to lick hot sauce off miss dragon's and miss wyvern's outstretched wings
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Romance Monster girls.
mamano lurk nearby waiting for anon to ask for milk
can she keep it together long enough to finish the quest?
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what if your mom was a cow?
Since shogs are so omnivorous I have this mental image of a shog chugging bleach just because she likes the taste
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>wake up to another beautiful day
>look outside the window to see the shining sun
>see this instead
what do?
These are some THICK eyebrows goddamn
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What if your mom was a dude?
they're shock absorbers and also for safety of other personnell
you don't want rigid sharp corners on a machine that operates so close to other humans, unless you're that crazy guy from america
My English teacher wanted to have sex with me in junior high. The only problem was, my English teacher was a guy.
>that operates so close to other humans,
maybe those robots shouldn't shove their asses up people's faces, then they wouldn't be a safety hazard
Good for you, mick, but that's not very /jp/-related.
I could be easily misled by succubi/demon girls. Maybe even tanuki.
>for a human women to turn into a dragon she must have extreme pride in herself
she must have been a pleasure to be around...
Should have turned into a Wurm.
Anime heads hold me back.
prime ojou
no, the heir didn't stand a chance (priestess is completely oblivious to what's happening around her)
Imagine being a responsible middle class female adventurer wearing proper modest armor and then suddenly being struck with a need to run around in only the finest, skimpiest bikini armor. At least you suddenly feel stronger too so you can take on harder quests.
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I have a heroine fetish.
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Heroine is bad for you, you should just drink like everyone else
Mighty mice.
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i like cursed equipment that changes their class to a variety of things such as maid, cow and cowmaid
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I also happen to have oni fetish.
I love the way she dresses.
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I want a monster girl to bounce on me the way this fox bounces herself.
barometz bait
>Show Oomukade friend a phone for the first time.
>"Wow. This smartohon thigy is so useful.
>"What, you don't know what these are? Have you been living under a rock?"
>She looks at me confused.
>"Well i mean, yeah?"
Did i fumble it?
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Cait sith only. Big, fluffy, slightly jiggly ass.
i'm sure it was a nice rock
I like that boulder, that is a nice boulder.
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Goth kejourou
You'll have a good wife and lovely daughter.
And you'll be happy.
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Oh deer.
She probably stinks.
Kill yourself.
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I'd kiss oni's hand.
>coming over for netflix and chill at your Pyrow bestie
>immediately out of the door notice a poorly hidden stack of discarded fertility and virility drugs
Bros, I think the whole casual sex thing that Pyrows do is just bait...
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>walk into a dark mages hut
>she's sitting in a big chair reading a magical tome
>ah! young man welcome!
>have you come to learn magic? I would be delighted to teach you my most cherished spell!
>glance at the tome
>eagle eye
Gently romancing an Oni. Buying flowers for an Oni. Candlelit dinners with an Oni.
You found a Pyrow who's into competitive sex.
>door locks behind you
It's chill. You've never really nutted until you've cum with your extremely fertile dick directly into an extra warm and breedable pussy. Everyone is doing it.
Open the window and ask her if she wants to come in.
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Don't slander your bestie like that
Now, take a drink of the very bright and suspicious pink drink she offered you. You do believe her when she says it's strawberry flavor, right?
totally retro throwback pyrow that says stuff like "'rawr' means 'i love you' in monster"
It's like you don't even love mge. What a phony.
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Get 'em while they're still young, or at least pair them up while they're still young.
To protect my bro from being assaulted by monster girls, I became a cross-dresser and pretended to be his wife! A slow-burn AlpxMan Romcom!
maybe it's time for writesucc to stop
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Have an Order Heroine fetish
>inhaling danuki breath every hour of the day
>Be anon with Shoggoth wife/maid
>Watch Venom together.
>She gets all flustered
>"O-oh my anon. When you said you wanted to watch a movie, I didn't think you would put on something so...obscene~".
>Ask her what she means by that
>"Well~...symbiotic bonding is every Shoggoth's dream!
To be bonded together in unity, where there's no telling when on ends and the other begins...it's the highest form of love~!"
>"D-do you want to try it anon? To bond together like Eddie and Venom did in that movie?"
>Curiously, I say yes.
>She Immediately jumps on me and starts molding he body over mine, bonding herself with every cell in my body.
>After that disorienting experience, immediately feel stronger, have a wider awareness of my surroundings, and feel her malleable body as if it were my own, even being able to move it like my own limbs.
>Decide to go out and do parkour and maybe fight crime.
How feasible is this?
what crime? everyone is too busy fucking their wives.
So does Anon look like a sexy woman now or what
Malefs larping that they're evil.
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>Romance Monster girls.
I too prefer taking a little time with the romance before going to lovemaking, instead of jumping to ravishing. Go easy on young monster girls hearts, hold hands and talk sweetly first.
it won't be larping when I bloat their bellies with babies haha
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I was thinking more like Spawn.
Something that screams "Eldritch Superhero" like pic related..
Anon and Shogg want to like a look cool superhero, after all!
I like that idea. Very cool.
>Go easy on young monster girls hearts, hold hands and talk sweetly first.
But they're the ones not wearing panties and sneaking into your bed
Nice monster girl, retard.
It's technically a monster girl. It's just a Shoggoth bonded to her husband as a symbiotic super suit.
Unless you want to draw that in a more suitable style since I don't have the artistic skill to draw it myself.
the abyss stared back but there were hearts in her eyes?!?!
C'mon now. Use on topic images next time.
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Like cait! The most mamono of mamono girls!
90% of monster girls fail at this simple test.

You find an unconscious man on the side of the road. Assuming you can't use healing magic, what should you do?
Put your actions in the correct order. Some actions are obviously wrong and shouldn't be included.
1. Leave him.
2. Take him to a the nearest human settlement.
3. Take him to a the nearest monster settlement.
4. Check his pulse.
5. Rape him
Uh, uh... uhm... fo-no, five, five!! It has to be five, right? There's no way it's anything else!
Check pulse followed by either raping him or taking him to the nearest monster settlement.
You should never take a lone human male to a human settlement.
Of course it's 4, 3, 5.
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5 5 5 5 5 5
>Check pulse
>If no pulse, start resuscitation. If pulse check breathing,
>If no breathing, start resucitation(if no breathing, no pulse will follow suit). If breathing, check for blood or bvious injuries.
>if wounds, fix them up as best as you can, and take him to nearest monster settlement.
>If no wounds, take him to nearest monster settlement,
>either way, go to doctor to check for head trauma or other non visible injury
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anon are you masturbating again
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I would never masturbate again if I had my own hag Dragon at home
I wonder if momsters jump in when their sons try to masturbate
that's easy: check pulse, take to monster settlement, have him fall in love with the person who saved them (as humans tend to do), consensual sex for the purposes of procreation
I was about to say the only downside of mamono being unable to bear sons means no mother/son incest, but then I remembered your mom could become a monster. That's pretty cool.
KC mentioned that when the world becomes ruled by monsters then there's an extreme rarity of a monster being able to give birth to a son, like 1 in a million.
Imagine all the incest of all those aunts, grandma, mom and even the sisters pampering that boy. God I wish that was me.
>But they're the ones not wearing panties and sneaking into your bed
You should account that at that point you've already been close for some time. Depending on how long, a night visit like that would result in either heavy flirting and very sexually tense sleeping in the same bed, or it would finally be the time to go all the way kissing, touching and pleasuring her small body while it trembles from excitement and arousal.
8 billion people (today), that's 8000 lucky sons of bitches. Do you think incest with a monster-born son would lead to a higher rate of boys?
File deleted.
>Imagine all the incest of all those aunts, grandma, mom and even the sisters pampering that boy.
I've read enough doujinshi to know how good those boys have it
Well, the mother is proven to be good at it...
I doubt it, considering that mge has pseudorpg stuff then giving birth to boys has some kind of diminishing return, but I guess the amount of sisterdaughters, auntdaughters, niecedaughters and cousindaughters skyrocketed
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remember to help unmilked single cows
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lack of husbands makes the snakes gay
greenworms are scary
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How long, with as much as 11 prior months total of mental and physical preparation, could (you)r monster girl of choice make it through No Rape November?
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Who's afraid of the big bad kot?
>no rape november
Easy. We can just engage in consentual play until the month ends. It'll be difficult, but i'm sure she can make it.
I've wanted to make do a short Kej story since a anon kindly reminded us of her 10th anniversary, writer's block feels bad man.
Looks like you need to get your creative juices flowing for a story about a long haired sith that fucks men before they even get near her pussy.
Write one where it's a Kej and an ittan mommen working on the high seas in a sailboat. The ittan momme is the sail and the Kej uses her braided hair as a rope.
I don't know how much I can contribute until the end of the year, so I really hope things can get going smoothly.
Go for it
you woke up next to kej and you smiled

the end
Talking about writing, did >>47725065 ever deliver on the cursed painting story?
This, but holst instead
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This but Troll instead
this but dragone
God i hate cliffhangers. Did the kej smile back? You need to give your stories a meaningful ending anon.
This but Jinko
Kej are lowkey pretty great. I humbly encourage you to take a shot at it!
About -90 minutes.
I've got a general plot planned out, it's just the first third that's difficult and I keep getting distracted by other things. I should probably just start from the middle.
I gotta say. My enjoyment of mge has been pretty low recently.
Great. Now i have to put that prompt into my backlog too.
Good luck writing yours though.
You smiled at a hebi and you got coiled.
The End.
Just as planned
If it was the same person, they posted an entry on AO3 last night
>If it was the same person
No idea who that is, but i don't see the story in the archive,can you link it?
Which side stories are worth reading?
>Meanwhile on 4mon...
I completely missed this too if it was posted in the thread
Nope, i scouted the last thread. He just forgot to post it here. Looks nice though. Wondering of other people have done fan profiles like that one,
>walk up to a Wurm
>with no context provided tell her "You lost."
>"You LOST."
>wurm starts crying
>"N.... No....!"
>collapses onto her hands and punches the ground, cracking it as she copes and cries
>"...N-No... Wurmy.... lost...."
>walk off and leave her to cope over an imaginary loss
One day you will glance at a cow hebi and then bam, snipple in yo face.
You misspelled Snapple.
I meant what i said.
I swear if i catch any of you niggas going after middle age monsters instead of younger more fertile ones
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Middle age? I crave hags
Dude, I'm middle age; I need a woman I can relate to.
I'm more of a enlightement monster type of man. They really like coffee.
Loli. Baba. Focks.
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Well that explains it.
oppai loli dragons
I would never a hebi without Snapple.
fat hags
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That awkward moment when you're officially old enough for hags or middle aged monsters to still be younger.
Wurms are so dumb. I told a Wurm that squeezing her giant tits around my funny "meat stick" would make yummy juice come out and she went along with it! They are so easy to trick!
Anon, wurms love sperms. You didn't trick her at all. If anything, she tricked you into putting your dick in her jugs for her to snack on.
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I hunt oppai lolibabas and collect them like pokemon
>getting outsmarted by a wurm
i bet wurmy is bragging how she tricked anon to her wurm friends
>Lolibaba rata in a giant pokeball.
>She's honestly just having a great time rolling it around and exploring.
what once as happy now is sad
>hey boy look how wurmbrained I am hur hurrrrrrrrr
>i'm going to fuck your tits, wurm
>jokes on him i was only pretending
Yeah, pretty much. At the wurmurings they're always talking about Anons they've tricked.
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Most monsters are very unfertile anyway, so you should choose based on which ones are peak.
...Which happens to be young monsters.
Which mg would go for an unfertile man?
Ones up for a challenge?
Remember to only do anal with elves.
Don't make more elves.
Wouldn’t that be closer to Nightgaunts since you know they coat their husbands in slime. That I’m pretty sure people have made jokes in the past that they’re like the symbiotes of the MGE universe, but maybe I’m misremembering and thinking of a different abyssal.
I only anal spiders in their web-making hole.
The Wurm did NOT trick me. I tricked her by telling her that letting me fuck her pussy would make magic happen. She just doesn't know yet that the magic I meant was the kid she'll be having soon. Except it won't be magic because she'll have to take care of it and I'll be gone because she was nothing more than a one night stand for me! See?! I tricked the Wurm! I TRICKED HER!!!!
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I love fairies
Is a one-night stand possible with monster girls?
I only anal as a sport
Yeah, Miss Cyclops can get you a single night stand.
Hahahaha…there is no escape Anon she will find you, that there is no hope for you to run.
That’s like asking if it’s possible for a monster to not leg-lock you/whatever the equivalent is for ones without legs.
i could probably pull out
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Dragons are cool!
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>Elves are graceful and dig-
It is Koturday, for now. Post your LATE NIGHT kots. You know the kind--ready for EVENING activities.
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Night Gaunts are symbiotic, yes. But their symbiosis is different.
Instead of being like Venom, they turn their husbands into Tentacle Demons and submit to them wholly like the power-bottoms they are.

They Shoggoth-Human relationship I have in mind is more like Venom and Eddie brock.

Abyssals in general have the theme of symbiosis in their entries.
Except Mindflayers. They're just parasites.
what would mindflayers think of gene jacks?
>gene jacks
Considering that Mindflayers need minds to consume and turn? They might find them too easy or even lacking in nutrition.
>lie to your wife that you're infertile
>she comes home with invigorating herbs, mysterious mist continent supplements, and the usual potions that quarter your refractory period and make you cum buckets
>house is visited by fertility shamans and mara church acolytes
>won't trust any tests, she's not stopping until she feels the bump herself
Gene Jacks sounds like a shitty generic cereal that rips off like Applejacks or whatever.
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Molest succ tails.
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Good night, Koturday! May you all sleep good and have no Kots-with-zoomies issues overnight.
>"i want a shadow-spawn-from-beyond-the-stars-gf" men when they get mofu'd once
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Come my minions, Rise for your master, Let your evil shine!
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I want to hug a Jinko.
>anon's singular zombie servant waddles in
>she trips and falls
Never sign up for the army, anons...
>anon tells the hero to wait
>runs over to help his zombie minion up
>dotes on her and pat her head while she sniffles
>run back and tell hero to reschedule your epic showdown
>hero can only scratch her head in confusion
>acquire inma's guide
>fondle the everloving hell out of it until it starts sweating and cartoon wheezing and wraps around your arm while it contracts with orgasm
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carseat for your sabbath wife
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You waited too long to touch the cow. The cow will now touch you.
Wait, if kikis are trained at Maid Academy, how do shogs learn how to be maids? Do they attend some sort of academy too? Do they just eat "How 2 Maid" textbooks and call it a day?
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I cast hold monster on the cow. Now that she is immobilized I can touch her on my terms
non linear experience of time
nureonago get housekeeping on instinct so i don't see why they couldn't
Programming was fed into them by the Great Old Ones.
>have shog blob
>put "How to Maid" book in the blob
>wait while it absorbs it and goes "Ding!"
>you now have shog
What happens if I put an ancient gaming magazine in?
becomes retro shog
you can now have a chance to eat shog in 8-bit
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Dark mage cuisine
I want a shog that acts like a maid but dresses like a pyrow

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