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>Giga tier Youkai Genocider who will fight for the sake of the villagers and destroy its enemies with a bit of a chip on her shoulder

>Doesnt give a shit about the villagers and regularly hangs out with youkai and gods while doing their bidding with no questions asked, total psycho.

Is there anybody in Touhou that’s as mischaracterized as Reimu?
Who are you quoting, you gigantic homofaggot spastic retard?
Kill yourself out of /jp/ and don't come back until you learn how to use the quote function.






Phoneposters should be taken out back and think about the rabbits.
I sure have been thinking about cocks a lot lately but not nearly as much as OP has.

Captach: VGAY
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I think it needs to be remembered that Youkai all ham it up to fulfill their role. It's why say Mystia is all "kidnap the humans and eat them" in game and selling lamprey to villagers in the evening. Keeping up the facade of your roll is important because being the kind of Youkai that appears to be a man eater is more important than the actual killing and eating of the flesh which is good because there just isn't enough flesh to go around.
Everyone knows that but they sometimes forget that Reimu is part of this play. She needs to be their opposition, she attacks every Youkai she see's during incidents and handles and "Youkai trouble" near the village with a fist full of ofudas and the Youkai love her for it. If she doesn't then the whole "attack the humans bit" ends up looking like picrel, if there is no human they can actually scrap with.
Reimu hanging out with Youkai is just her equivalent of Mystia running a Lamprey stand. She doesn't care if Youkai come to the shrine, she just doesn't want it done in front of humans. Her God relies on her being the Youkai hunting shrine maiden after all. The parties with Youkai, that's just her in off-hours and when villagers see it, it's like when little kids see the actor that plays a super hero eating dinner with the actor that plays the villain.
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>She doesn't care if Youkai come to the shrine, she just doesn't want it done in front of humans.
TBF, she does a pretty shit job at that because literally everyone knows she hangs out with and is friends with youkai. And while I agree that she’s definitely putting on an act, she genuinely bends to the will of the youkai/gods in favor of the humans. She’s a youkai shrine maiden, first and foremost.
>Is there anybody in Touhou that’s as mischaracterized as Reimu?
Look at fanon Ran vs canon Ran and try to say that again.
The balance of Gensokyo doesn't exist, it's a fabricated narrative that they use to justify youkai doing whatever the fuck they want to humans
>The balance of Gensokyo doesn't exist, it's a fabricated narrative that they use to justify youkai doing whatever the fuck they want to humans
First off, they aren't trying to justify what they do to humans nor do they need too, they are Youkai, they prey on humans. It's like asking ghosts to justify haunting someone.
Second, the "balance of Genesokyo" is specifically there to stop Youkai from "doing whatever the fuck they want to humans" because if they did that, they would run out of humans in a hurry. It is asking the Youkai to act in a way unnatural to them to keep the human population alive.
Beings that are capable of sapient thought are fully aware of what they're doing and the consequences, they shouldn't be given a free pass for what they're doing just because they aren't human.
>seething and coping
I think that giving a shit about the canon of touhou will immediately drastically diminish your enjoyment. ZUN can't write overarching worldbuilding for shit, you should just ignore all of it unless you want your autism to run wild
i'll gladly take canon over fanon bullshit any day
She looks so serene saying that...
>Beings that are capable of sapient thought are fully aware of what they're doing and the consequences,
They are aware of the consequences, they are only allowed to eat outsiders because there are a limited amount of humans in the village.
>they shouldn't be given a free pass for what they're doing just because they aren't human.
They don't get a free pass, needless killing humans in the village carries consequences.
Again, they don't need to justify eating humans, they are the enemy of humanity. The Balance of Gensokyo exists to protect humans of the village because they need a human population to survive.
>t. doesn't play the games
Fanon wins by the virtue of not forcing people to shitpost.
Printworks were a mistake.
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So the balance is the humans are unable to organize, create, leave if do anything that would possibly lead them in the road to losing their faith, they are ripped off and manipulated by every single faction whose sole desire is to have complete dominance over them with no remorse so they can become the top dog.


Youkai can do literally anything they want with the only restriction is they can’t immediately genocide the entire village, but are compensated by being given a fresh supply of suicidal teenagers to satisfy their hunger with no penalty otherwise. Yeah bro that’s some nice fuckin balance right there.
Top 3 characters most misunderstood by the fanbase?
sakuya is the most mischaracterized touhou. at least reimu's fanon is based on some actual canon elements. sakuya the cool serious no nonsense assassin maid/secret agent is nowhere to be found in canon
It makes me wonder, are the villagers just completely vanilla humans? I'm talking exactly like real life humans with no magic, physical enhancements, or even magical artifacts. Would a human militia armed with completely normal Edo era weapons tech be able to take on a youkai faction?
i think youkai are basically meant to work like most monsters in legend do, which is to say most people have no real chance against them (besides maybe repelling them if they follow specific precautions) until some special hero or saint comes along
>So the balance is the humans are
Their wants or desires do not factor into this. The Balance of Gensokyo is not a deal with humans, it is a deal about them because they have no power. That is why I said the youkai don't need to "justify" it, humans are not a part of it. Humans in Gensokyo are cattle, the villagers feed the youkai spiritually, outsiders feed them...as food. The balance is not a "fabricated narrative" to justify anything, it is the rules imposed on Youkai to not burn out the fuel.
>Yeah bro that’s some nice fuckin balance right there.
I am not saying it is moral or fair, I am saying "it is not a fabricated narrative to justify it".
Would only a generational hero be capable of rallying the humans against youkaikind?
Not that anon but I find it funny how the people that genuinely believe in youkai only get fed from a distance while the people that are oblivious to their existence get directly fed on lmao.
me too:
villagers be like:
>youkai are absolutely real and they can attack us anytime
>doesn't actually get attacked or even physically interacted with
outsiders be like:
>youkai? the supernatural? that shit doesn't exist, it's been disproven long ago-
>*get grabbed afterwards*
Makes sense. Why waste time and effort getting someone who already believes in your existence to believe in it further when you could be converting people who never believed into believers by attacking them?
Not just that, but it also cleanly eliminates and opposition that could pop up by having said Outsider spread their false ideologies. So it's a two in one deal-food from nobody that "matters", while keeping any pesky ideas from the general human populace in the village. Win-win for everyone (but you). Unless, of course.... you're just the type to blend in and believe already, which just means you'd be brought in a "better" way and they'd get to "feed" from you becoming a regular villager and contributing to the overarching belief structure.
Technically, not all youkai can do what they want. Weaklings or those that are not part of a powerful faction are at the bottom of the pecking order.
The ones who really get the most out of Gensokyo are the Tengu, Kappa, and SDM funny enough.
I still find it difficult to wrap my head around the notion of not believing the supernatural once it presents itself before you. Like seeing and interacting with an actual ghost in real life and still genuinely believing that ghosts aren't real because the supernatural doesn't exist. Is the average person really that stubborn?
Yukari would have them disappeared before they could rally the villagers.
Outsiders are easy prey to youkai because they see them as regular people, and instead of running, they try to have a chat with them, most likely to get help after falling into some unknown woods.
Akyuu can't wrap her head around it, and doesn't know why Outsiders just throw themselves into the mouths of the wolves like that.
Approaching strangers like that is how people got murdered so often by serial killers in the 70's.
I mean lore canon unstoppable Oni, Kasen got one shot by a high ranking nobleman with a magic sword, so I guess if you dipped a M249 Saw in Holy Water you could probably solo most of Gensokyo.
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>The balance is not a "fabricated narrative" to justify anything
Funnily enough it kinda is, not for the Youkai but for the Gods like Kanako who justify that the faithful humans are an “endangered species” kept in a Zoo to preserve their way of life and that Faith is necessary to keep humans spiritually evolved. So the youkai are honest about their treatment but the Gods are just pricks who worm their way out of accountability
>Faith is necessary to keep humans spiritually evolved
That line isn't really wrong tho, it's been mentioned that although humans in the Outside World have harnessed the power of science, it lacks any spiritual power, if they had also harnessed the power of the spiritual then it would be similar to the Lunar Capital according to Ran.
And what does the Gensokyan humans actually get with that spiritual evolution exactly? They still have to farm like mules, they still drink shit alcohol, and they have to rely on aliens whenever they get stomach worms.
Really Gods and Youkai are just two sides of the same coin to the point where they even can transition from one to another depending how they act. Faith or Fear, both seem capable of sustaining a spirit and the Gods want the Youkai to create the fear that helps drive humans to seek protection from the Gods.
We tend to think of Gods as if they are supposed to be the big good but the Gods(Kami) of Gensokyo come from the divine punishment era of Gods where failure to pray and perform the rituals means crop failure, disease, storms and floods. The Gods role in this scheme is protection and general blessings but in the same way the Mafia offers protection, you gotta pay in faith.
But it’s totally bullshit because it’s not like Kanako teaches any good values or is a very upstanding individual in the first place. Most of her plans are glorified scams or are done in a way to basically steal money from poor people to benefit herself and the shrine.

If it’s not about being a good person and about power, well shit it’s not like the average villager benefits at all from knowing about gods or youkai. The Lunarians are also genocidal assholes and already benefit from the moon being a place of purity anyway so it just kinda seems like an overall scam.
I was wondering if a spiritual being that is neither good/divine or evil/demonic can exist in Touhou, and from what emotions could they be formed from
The sheer level of disrespect ZUN shows to Ran makes me understand why people prefer fanon.
Kanako did protect the humans during that flash flood episode though. She gave them safe haven at her shrine, protected their crops from being destroyed, and had her priestess explain what a snake and frog sound like for entertainment.
She didn’t do that out of the kindness of her heart though, she did that in A.) To keep the food supply safe B.) Gain more followers

If they were just random people that didn’t benefit her at all, she’d let them drown no problem. That’s not spiritually pure, that’s the mindset of a CEO.
I wouldn't be surprised if she'd cut a deal to cut up and feed the spiritually weakest people to youkai too while they were so dependent on her shrine.
But it benefitted the humans too.
Reimu was useless, the native gods were useless, and the youkai who need these humans not to starve and die were useless.
Kanako did good, even if it was not for altruistic reasons.
But it only benefits the humans because they were put there in the first place. They wouldn’t need to be saved from a flood if they weren’t literally stuck in the village with no advanced technological warning signs or technology that could save crops or protect against storm damages to begin with. Like you’d said, the native gods and Reimu didn’t even do jack shit anyway so you can’t even argue the “spiritual strength” even matters all that much. Humans are able to replace what the gods have done through their own means and they don’t have to worry about a random Kami cursing their entire bloodline with giga aids because they donated 400 yen instead of 425.
I said nothing about fanon I only spoke about canon. Reading comprehension ok triggerboy?
Did something say furniture?
Ok just leave the trilby and shave the neckbeard, it's okay the evil religious people can't hurt you here.
Do holy weapons have any effect on Celestials and other non-youkai magical beings?
But he was only able to get them after lacing some alcohol with sleepy time drugs, THEN the magic sword.
And even after going slasher mode, one of their head's was still fully alive and trying to take a chunk out of his backside, all the while cussing up a storm cause he "cheated".

To answer your question a little bit, see this one below you
Humans are capable of belief, and belief literally changes both gods and youkai, just on a subtle level. They have to be kept in some bullshit quasi poverty level while being dependent on the others or the whole thing collapses. And by that, I mean that if the villagers subconsciously start to think of all youkai as absolute turbo murderers, then they'll start to become that without realizing it due to youkai living so long and having the frog in boiling water metaphor going on. Then one day, some upstart youkai shows up and piggybacks off of the "murdermurdermurder" vibe and causes all kinds of shitfest for everyone involved.
Yes, the humans are stuck in a semi-shit place, but they're also stuck in the time period of the Meiji restoration, which was a time of leisure and slackening of such hard labor, and they can also use the gods as a way to make it better in general. Everyone is in a shitty situation, but also in a good situation, and both out of necessity and various beings desires. So long as you stay in your lane or are strong enough to get into a new one, nobody really cares unless you start making trouble, and then as long as you go by the rules set forth, you're still good.

The only real reason we on the outside are so uncomfortable with it all is because we CAN see it from the outside. If you grow up with it, you're just another fish in the pond like everyone else. But for us, we're looking at the aquarium and seeing the filter, where the fish inside don't.
But also, you have to take into consideration that said CEO is also of the mindset of the "blue water" technique of doing things. Blue water being the idea of keeping bloodshed and strife to a minimum for all involved because it keeps things going smoothly, and isn't the metaphorical "red water" that all the cutthroat businesses from the outside subscribe to, with the red being "blood", and in this case now being potential literal blood.
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I’m Christian though, filthy pagan gods are bad and must be purged, along with the rest of the godless beings that inhabit Gensokyo.
Doesn’t really work when the only reason you need to use “blue water” when you basically stuck all the people in an internment camp that’s next to a fault line.
That's going to be a little too based for this board I'm afraid.
Your faith is based on henotheistic monolatry and is still fundamentally polytheistic through the trinity.
Just leave your ignorant takes and crappy baithooks at the door. Or do you want people to proclaim Christ is King in here?
Fanon Reimu is the crimson slasher puppet of Youkai and Gods
Canon Reimu is outwardly vindictive and lazy, but deep down wants everyone to get along, the Villagers, Youkai, Gods, everyone holding hands in a childlike purity that would make Hijiri avert her eyes for how pure hearted it is.
What are characters that have so little personality in canon that everyone prefers the fanon interpretation?
villagers still get attacked by youkai. some unreasonable youkai just appear and do their thing until they get exterminated, like the umatsuki in forbidden scrollery
the magic sword was VERY magic, considering oni kasen was barely affected by reimu's holy powers until she got a fragment of the sword
phantoms? fairies? and the answer is "they aren't formed by emotions"
That's definitely how she felt since WaHH, just a child brainwashed from an early age to be an enforcer/assassin for monsters. She wouldn't even get what her crimes were if she was judged.
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Yeah… I don’t think “childlike purity” describes someone who murders someone with a smile on her face after said someone stated they just wanted to stop being cattle for evil youkai and gods. She wants everyone to get along so she doesn’t have to do any work, not because she wants humans to be in harmony with gods.

She doesn’t want peace and she’s lazy, she wants peace because she’s lazy.
Wasn't that sword a gift from the gods? I know that the helmet that saved Raiko's head was from them, but was the weapons they killed the oni with as well?
It's worth noting that Reimu only had a frantic of the sword, the comete thing is probably more powerful and was also used against a more powerful Kasen who didn't have two personalities.
>Yeah… I don’t think “childlike purity” describes someone who murders someone with a smile on her face after said someone stated they just wanted to stop being cattle for evil youkai and gods.
Ran before the new game.
I would argue Rumia and Meiling.
Kaguya 100%.
Kaguya does have multiple print works and that gag manga to help her along, and Rumias pretty straightforward. Fuckin Eiki gets it the worst because she has like 3 on screen appearances and one of them ruined her entire perception by making her look like a loli
A lot of fanon tends to exaggerate Meiling into such a boring, overpowered mary-sue imo. They miss the whole point of her original appeal, that yes, she's an incompetent loser and unappreciated on purpose as a race token, joke character, yet you still very much want to support her, even when she messes up.
Apparently Remi seems to get off on panicking her on purpose just to fuck with her, it's hardly ever approached in fanon how Meiling also has to put up with the mistresses' whimsical games. They even have this cute little dynamic going, that she gets into such a tizzy over what was Patchy's experiment in BAiJR, despite
knowing full well her mistress would later change her mind about the state of the garden just to tease her anyway. Poor Meiling.
touhou 19 did her some justice but I get your point
remember that necro fantasy came first
glorified bullet or retarded nudist gag that wants to fuck chen?
being a ranfag is hard
What does "spiritually evolved" even mean, really? The villagers never strike me as being particularly fulfilled, nor do you really see them engaged in art or developing new things; they're all living pretty static lives as rice farmers and shit.
They don't even seem particularly interested in religion, and visit the shrine more for festivals than any desire to worship, even the religious wars were basically just treated as entertainment.
I wouldn't be surprised if "spiritual development" just means they're tastier food for gods and the youkai, rather than anything that actually reflects positively on their character.
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It’s basically just an excuse for the Gods to treat humans like shit and yet still expect them to worship them despite their now being other options.

ZUN kind of agrees with how the outside world becomes Pseudo-Blade Runner in the future, but I think that’s more Humans losing all faith and hope instead of just losing faith in the assume gods.
More often than edgy, it's Sakuya being portrayed tsundere. Behind her seemingly elegant and professional demeanor really lies a lighthearted, fun-loving showman, how the fuck do you mess this up and get tsundere from that?
Fuck zun and fuck fanon. Wish I wasnt a touhoufag.
luv tuhu
luv memes
'ate spergs
'ate schizos
simple as
I mean this bitch was probably Jack the Ripper, so I’m gonna assume she probably ain’t a tumblrite.
Sakuya butchers human bodies and makes them into parfaits for Flan to eat. She is not a well adjusted person.
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Are you implying that Jack the Ripper didn't kill all those people for attention? He (she?) had to.

Jack the Ripper was/is an urban legend right? Is Sakuya Izayoi just Jack's Gensokyoian persona?
Jack the Ripper definitely existed, although his true identity is still unknown and may never be known unless some mad lad figures out time travel.
Well yeah, but the whole unknown identity thing IS the mythological part. Someone acknowledging the mystery of Jack the Ripper's identity is the first step of him getting spirited away to Gensokyo. Maybe there is a reason he was never caught?
Sakuya is a Lunarian, she can't be Jack the Ripper.
They are the descendants of professional youkai hunters who have since lost so much of their culture that I would say they'd probably put up less of a fight than the average outsider. They're almost completely domesticated, only willing to put up a fight against creatures vastly weaker than themselves like fairies and fish.
But their hearty life does mean they'd beat your /jp/ city slicker in an arm-wrestling match.
She's not a Lunarian unless we see Yorihime summon her as Konohanasakuyahime.
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Have you seen how borderline anorexic and frail those losers are? The average 4chan user might stand a chance.
I want to be turned into a parfait...
I don’t want to be French
Where the hell is this theory from, I’ve never even heard of it.
Eirin was "surprised" to see her in IN but its probably just scrapped lore by now
ZUN literally forgot. Just read the latest interviews.
God isn't forgotten therefore he wouldn't be in gensokyo
Or he's dead.
Which one?
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funny seeing such threads in 2024
But his followers in Japan are.
There could be Christians in the village.
Though I doubt ZUN is going to use the Abrahamic religions as a plot device.
I don’t know how Monotheistic religions would even work in Touhou. Buddhism, Taoism and Shintoism can all technically coexist together without much problem… but like Christianity is outwardly hostile to the mythology of all other religions.

Probably for the best you don’t muddy the waters.
>Is there anybody in Touhou that’s as mischaracterized as Reimu?

I find it amusing that non-touhou people tend to think that Reimu has Sanae's personality.
The moment ZUN would introduce Christianity or Islam properly in Touhou is the moment where he needs to explain how the Moonies can continue to hide on the moon and didn't get all their "false gods" nuked to oblivion by a jealous deity who has far more believers than the others combined and thus would be far more powerful than them by Touhou's own rules, especially when you combine it with the mythology of being the almighty creator of everything. You really can't make it work without huge retcons to the entire setting.
>Reimu has Sanae's personality
Diligent and always doing what the gods ask of her while being somewhat naive?
I think he's talking about how Reimu always gets painted as some huge racist and youkai hater when in reality she hangs out with them all the time and there's like 50 of them lounging around her shrine. The most racist she gets is when she's pissed and needs a scapegoat
Sanae just hates them because it's fun to hate them and because Kanako told her it's her job. Her UFO bad ending is her admitting that "not all youkai are bad", in UDoALG's ending she admits that Biten is one of the only youkai that "aren't that bad", her dialogue in UFO with Byakuren has her scoff at her suggestion that youkai and humans should be equals or that youkai can be good at all. Reimu's racism is performative, Sanae's is genuine

I don't think anyone, touhou fan or not, thinks Reimu is actually diligent
Oh for the love of fuck, not this again.

Nowhere does it say she kills anyone.
All we know is there is a steady supply of blood to the mansion.
This can be from your view or from the bodies that come in that then get drained and then the meat goes elsewhere to something as generic as a blood bank drops off "vintage" bags for the Mistress and gets stuck in a fridge until needed (they have electricity, who's to say).

Flan can't hunt because her instincts kick in like a cat watching something fuzzy dart across the room so she nukes the human when she tries, so all her food is prepared and delivered.
Remilia states that all their food has blood in it, doesn't even say it's human blood, and nowhere is it ever stated or implied that any killing or human meat eating is going on anywhere except for maybe Meiling with her quip to Reimu that could've just been battle banter.
Sakuya even has a defensive stance against Yukari's (possible joking) statement about having kids in her basement and was ready to throw hands.

They have regular human food + the blood added. This can be blood sausage or sauce made with it on the porkchops we've seen them eat, to literal Sakuya standing there with a syringe and squirting blood into the side of a cake. And they're all the "high class" types, so there's no doubt Sakuya has been using Outside World recipe books that involve using blood-and no "lol, she kills humans and stuffs em' into people pies" are ever found.

Speculate, hypothesize, but don't push your view because you misinterpreted some vague game text from back in the day. That's how we get the Zanmu homo shit-somebody pushed their own headcanon so now everybody has to deal with "nuh uh, no u" levels of absolute ass conversations.
It's very simple-nobody in Gensokyo thinks a guy coming back from the dead is anything special, and some even comment on it. And if you go the route of "Abrahamic religions are still real", then they've all already went the end of the world route from the first 5 games, since it was all inspired and/or directly copied from esoteric Christian texts, and Zun has it being pretty much the aftermath of a SMT playthrough gone wrong. So "he's dead" is unfortunately the most likely answer in the form of Shinki going postal, or he's been sealed away like everything else. But Adam hangs out at his own little bar, so at the very least he's still around.
See I was thinking pedophile or prostitute.
not based but reimu does do that doe
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wow she is literally me
But you're clearly Alice, not Reimu.
Nice quads but why do you say "unfortunately"?
In my opinion having him just not exist is the only way the setting can work, otherwise you have retards (myself included) doing mental gymnastics as to why their triple omni god(s) don't do anything in the present or why the parasites weren't destroyed in biblical times where divine intervention was prevalent. Similar gymnastics to normal IRL theological discussions. Touhou presents mythology from a Japanese perspective which would include their creation myths. Since ZUN hasn't gone through the work to tackle the subject and sort out who's what, I think it's safe to say there's no problem thinking theirs are the correct versions and the present is vastly different from ours. The alternative is saying everything is correct and do what the Hindus do and just add Jesus to their pantheon of gods.
Though if everything coexists, I think Shinki is an easy enough replacement for God that we have a good enough characterization for. If we believed PC-98 to be canon which I'm all for.
I was actually going for the "unfortunately" part due to how the Hifuu future is portrayed as after WW3 and everything is dead or artificial.

WW2 happened and almost split the barrier like a pistachio thanks to the deep cultural and spiritual scars that came out of it, according to lore. So if SMT and Shinki's wacky vacation hijinks gone wrongTM caused their whole reality to collapse and Lolice to get tossed out into the woods as what's left, and with Shinki being a rough "Lucifer", if that all went down then.....what's left of the West (even the SDM and Alice-who's from Bucharest) abandoned it because it's all "dead", which leaves interpretations open to the Western world's spiritual existence going through a really bad time....

(Plus, throwing in "unfortunately" helps alleviate the rabid "Christians" that infest this place and keeps the sperg rushes to a minimum, y'know?)
Monotheism is inherently incompatible with Gensokyo, they accept many gods, and each of these gods are prideful in their own way, a single, omnipotent creator wouldn't sit well with them so they'd seek to discredit Christianity at best or actively kill Christians at worst
*Looks at what happened to the Dutch, then what religious groups were predominant in both cities where the bombs were dropped*
.....you may have a point, there.
What if a rabbi got sent to Gensokyo?
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They're in for some stiff competition.

Despite PC-98’s dubious canon, god being sealed away and the demons taking over honestly would explain like… a lot about how shitty the Touhouverse is.

-Gods are demons in disguise
-Heaven is closed off
-No hope leading to the outside world falling apart
-Human Villagers as cattle

Shit, you also get questioning of if Buddha actually ascended in WaHH, so this might be full Mandela Catalogue and all the good guys lost.
>a lot about how shitty the Touhouverse is.
Secondaries neck yourselves, please.
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They literally circlejerk about genocide everyday of their lives.
Race traitors who rape village boys and blast unaccompanied men with mind control eyes can't be trusted.
This one statement by Reisen has never been corroborated by any other Lunarian, nor does any one we see act remotely like what she describes. Of course, you wouldn't know this because you only know how to repost cherrypicked manga panels out of context, and not how to actually read Touhou's printworks. Continue to dilate until the infection kills you.
The Lunarians sent death robots to wipe out all life in Gensokyo because they couldn't handle a bunch of fairies.
They are evil, stop trying to defend them.
We barely see any Lunarians in any of the works other than the Watatsuki sisters, who are notorious humie lovers. It's perfectly reasonable to assume that Reisen's statement is representative of what the average Lunarian thinks, especially when you consider Kaguya's claim that the Lunarians made youkai to control humanity.
Plus, the primary plan to escape Junko in Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom was to purify all of Gensokyo and relocate there, which is tantamount of genocide, and it is only because of Eirin's intervening through the protagonists, unbeknownst to the Lunarians, that this course of action could be averted by defeating Junko directly, and even then, it's fair to assume that if Sagume, the person in charge of the plan, wasn't such a naturally contrarian figure, that the Lunarians could've refused to take a risk on the protagonists and stick to the original plan, instead.
>The Lunarians sent death robots to wipe out all life in Gensokyo because they couldn't handle a bunch of fairies
Sagume sent a single drone, not nearly enough if they wanted to wipe out Gensokyo, to get Eirin's attention.
You are a retard and 50 years ago you would've died before growing old enough to post on this site.
>Kaguya's claim that the Lunarians made youkai to control humanity.
She gassed up the Lunarians, but we know for a fact thanks to Reimu's explanation of Touhou's cosmology in CoLA that Kaguya's claims are bullshit. The plan was specifically to get Eirin's attention, since Sagume, as a fellow sage, was obviously aware of her character and loyalty to the capital.
You two are incapable of reading the most basic subtext, especially when Gensokyo only exists thanks to Watatsumi's power, who resides in the Lunar Capital. If they wanted to get rid of Gensokyo and move the capital there, they simply would've collapsed the Hakurei Barrier, and made a new one to relocate to someplace without resistance.
I will reiterate: Neck, and I cannot stress this enough, yourselves.
Eat shit faggot, you must have a sad life if this is how you respond to others
Would you women stop making everything personal?
Kaguya and Reisen, both of which were members of Lunarian society seem to indicate that the Lunarians detest the people of earth.
The Watatsuki sisters also seem to dislike the earth, and in LoLK they send down a drone to Gensokyo to purify the place which would've ended up eventually killing a lot of people if Junko wasn't stopped.
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If the Lunarians wanted to move into Gensokyo they would have done so without issue, but that's ignoring any consequences of doing so. The Lunarians didn't want to take the nuclear solution and were only considering it because it was their last remaining option. Their views on earthlings boil down to not wanting to interact with people covered in germs (kegare), the less interaction with the surface and impurity the better.
This isn't out of the mouth of any characters that you can construe or argue in different ways, but ZUN himself in the interview after LoLK which is about as good of a truth as you're going to get.
>Fundamentally, the Lunarians and Gensokyo have always been hostile. Well, it's not so much Gensokyo as all of the surface. Although if I had to say it, then it's really the Lunarians being one-sidedly hostile. Like "I totally don't want to meet them" or "Those people have cooties, gross".
>Nobody ever thought that they wanted to march over and beat them up, just because they hated them. If they mutually hate each other, it's better to just stay separated. No one thinks about gaining any advantage from fighting. If the Lunar Capital had tried to relocate without fighting, then Gensokyo's inhabitants would have disappeared before they realized.
>Hmm, would the Lunarians continue to sleep, or would they do a full-blown relocation of the capital to Gensokyo...? Would they completely overtake Gensokyo? In that case, there wouldn't be any living things in Gensokyo, and that would affect the outside world, too. That would end up causing the purification of the planet. Since she didn't want to do that, she only threatened to purify Gensokyo.
In her stage, Sagume was quick to call the invasion off since Eirin's solution presented itself and she understood it was Eirin who sent the protagonists on their way. Since the problem has been solved there was no need to antagonize them further or continue with relocating the capital. She was tight lipped because saying anything about the relocation would end put an end to it, Sagume spoke freely only after the protagonist defeated her and proved her potential to defeat Junko and thus remove the need to eradicate Gensokyo. The entire reason Lunarians tried "invade" Gensokyo was to poke them (Eirin) into solving their problem, and if that didn't work out then relocating was the only option they had left.
>Alice-who's from Bucharest
Not to derail too heavily but is the title of one of Alice's associated themes really the strongest "evidence" we have of her potentially-Romanian origins?
I guess I just feel silly with how often I mentally associate her with French culture, even with Remilia being the more-overt Frenchie potentially.
Margatroid is a noble English surname. It would be odd and unlikely but not impossible for her to be from elsewhere.
she as much from Buccuresti as Remilia is a princess
>Remilia not a princess
You shut your whore mouth.
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dubs dont lie remifag
Bucharest is the complete opposite of what Alice seems to like(a crowded, noisy and polluted shithole)
If Alice was from Bucharest, wouldn't she be from 1800s Bucharest which wasn't crowded, noisy or polluted?
I'm glad you agree with me then.
>If the Lunarians wanted to move into Gensokyo they would have done so without issue
I have a hard time truly believing that, given the apparent existence of pantheons far more powerful than the Lunarians (unless ZUN really wants us to believe it's just Hecatia, somehow), who can reasonably be assumed to intervene at some point, especially since the invasion apparently threatened all of Earth, somehow. Even the Celestials, who are far more involved with humans than the Lunarians wouldn't just watch it happen.
I want to know why ZUN even claims it would lead to the full purification of all of Earth in the first place, though. Gensokyo is an isolated area for youkai to hide in, unless ZUN wants to argue that it's now a metaphysical pillar of reality that would directly affect the outside, the rest of the world shouldn't be affected at all. And if the Moonies could purge the entire planet, why did they even need to flee to the nearly-pure moon? None of it seems to hold up under actual scrutiny.

At any rate, the claim that the Lunarians frequently talk about how they want to wipe out humanity but don't go through with it because it's too much of a bother (and not actually possible for them) holds up just fine (and the purification drone was already plan B, after the plot to use Sumireko), so they can safely be considered huge jerks, only salvaged by their peachy bums.
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>Notorious human lovers
Yeah you can just feel the love and admiration for us mortals.
It wasn't polluted, but still noisy and crowded,(atleast if we go by the writings from that time)
My headcanon is that Marisa is the Romanian one, not Alice, as she has a very Romanian like personality
Especially that whole
"Hey, sorry random human that wound up in our house on the moon. Here, we'll send you back and even give you this parting gift for all the trouble."
>be me
>Japanese peasant man
>Oh fuck, I'm on the moon
>Moonbitches be mirin'
>I'm a humble dude, so no pressure
>can't stay here, so they send me back
>fuck yeah, free gift. Can't wait to show the family.
>open box
>look inside
Least racist Lunarians (unironically).
Reimu is both of those, retard.
Reimu ain’t killed but two youkai in the entire series, and both of them were villagers. She’s a FRAUD
No, no, they not Mediterranean-they're descended from Vlad the Impaler.
Princess Remilia said so, herself.
>Lunarians hate the impure and life
>Humans are impure and are life
>Earth is impure and is life
>Have to cleanse Earth of impurities and life if they were to escape there
This seems like a really weird hill to argue against.
Gensokyo would have been snuffed just fine (as it should be), lunarians are in command of high tech and spirituality (which implies Spiritual imbued tech), now i agree that the outside world is another entirely pain regiment for them, one who could not win.
Like, Lunarians are fundamentally opposed to literally all life on Earth. They are our objective enemies on a spiritual level and trying to argue otherwise is like a Rabbit trying to snuggle a Wolf.
I dunno if they could really pull it off. For starters, can they actually purify Gensokyo enough for them to live there? Their entire backstory revolves around them fleeing to the moon because it was free of impurity, rather than just purifying some place on Earth. Toyohime also believes that the impurity they still generate themselves will eventually lead to their end, so there's a pretty strong implication that the fight against kegare is an ultimately futile one, even in a controlled environment.

But mostly I just don't think they could get away with it for long because they'd attract unwanted attention and piss off dangerous people.
It's a fact that they're not top dog in the universe, with characters like Hecatia being explicitly stronger than them, but they also worried about Kunitsukami like Ookuninushi and Takeminakata enough that they decided to seal them away preemptively. Wiping out Gensokyo was never going to work out long term.
And of course, the Dragon God might've decided to get involved, given the apocalyptic threat to Gensokyo (and I don't buy into the idea that he's a Lunarian, given all the evidence that places him elsewhere). Given his sheer power, I really doubt that the Lunarians would want to tussle with him.
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>Dragon God
This one's a whole load of wax that's tough to get into. He exists, and was there on Gensokyo's creation making a deal with the sages to allow it to be made in the first place, but that's about it. Nothing else pointing to motivation or a personality to base actions from.
It's made more complicated if you look at genealogy. The Dragon God is based on Ryuujin/Watatsumi, who is the father of Toyotama-hime and Tamayori-hime, the basis for Toyohime and Yorihime. He'd definitely get involved, but how he resolves it in who's favor is up for debate.

Taking over Gensokyo was their absolute last shot at surviving as a people, and it's only a short term solution to buy more time despite landing them in a bigger mess. Junko is their kryptonite, her power of purity is different in that it has nothing to do with Kegare, it's about refinement towards a single point, absolute perfection. It's why getting hit (or refusing Eirin's shady drug) makes her look down on you. Just as a smith would remove impurities from metal, Junko removed impurities from the fairies thus making them pure embodiment of life, which meant fucktons of Kegare and overwhelmed the Lunarians.
>I don't buy into the idea that he's a Lunarian, given all the evidence that places him elsewhere
CiLR explicitly confirms he is there. Kill yourself out of /jp/
Change your diaper you mentally handicapped retard
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Canon Flan is more poweful than Fanon Flan. Some people want to downplay her power level for some reason. But she is basically omnipotent when you think about it.
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>Doesnt give a shit about the villagers and regularly hangs out with youkai and gods while doing their bidding with no questions asked, total psycho.
And why should she? The villagers don't even bother taking care of Reimu.
>The villagers don't even bother taking care of Reimu
And why should they? Reimu consorts with monsters?
unaccurate, Patchouli literally conjure a storm in EosD extra just to keep her in the manor.
Girl just didn't want to get wet. Can't risk washing her clothes of that Flan smell.
>Girl just didn't want to get wet
Copium, and coping accesories...
Please kill yourselves.
Imagine the smell of 500 year old vampire neet.
Basically the entire Gensokyo is a very balanced machine barely keeping everything in check and any imbalances can lead to catastrophe.

> Youkais need humans for food + a lot of their myths comes from human fear.
> Gods need humans because faith.
> Gods need youkai because priests defeating Youkais is strengthening human faith in the divine.
> Human need Gods because protection from Youkai.

The entire system would crash and burn if one of these groups would disappear.

A high-speed armpit miko and her green-haired, slutty counterpart nuking Youkais with power of their Gods, who directly are powered up by Gensokyo inhabitant's spirituality.
>but what humans get from Youkais.
Nothing, but they got a lot from Gods. IRL farmer will work his ass off and his entire field will get fucked by drought and floods and wild animals, the Gensokyo farmer can just pray for protection of Minoriko Aki or whatever goddess they need and everything is just fine. Despite occasionally being eaten alive by youkais, humans live very comfy lives in Gensokyo because their overall prosperity is provided by Gods.
>youmu my gf
>youmu has cute feet
>slow sex with youmu
>lots and lots of children
>slow sex with Youmu.
I remember that doujin. Top tier shit.
>The Hell of Blazing Fires' energy is actually the same as the energy of the Sun
>The same as the Sun?! I see...No wonder the fight there hurt my skin so much
If she can tank that I doubt a little rain would stop her if she was really willing to go outside.
Without Kanako, the patty fields would have been destroyed, and it was only by her getting the Kappa from not just running off did that it happened. Hell, the fields did get destroyed when that typhoon hit, but the village was spared by the efforts of the Tengu.
The Native Gods are worthless shits when things are desperate, and it's the youkai of all things that are pulling the weight.
Resistance is not Immunity
>No wonder the fight there hurt my skin so much
there, she can feel pain, the only thing not stated is how much time she got before getting melt by attrition. Flanfags are insufferable mostly because their get hyped for 17 years.
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I mean… the humans wouldn’t need protection from the youkai or help from the gods in the first place, so they don’t really benefit from the system at all and would probably be better off without any this religious shit as they wouldn’t be stuck in a perpetual 1880s primitive hellhole and could get free porn.
It's literally just a protection racket.
Kill all youkai.
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>the only thing not stated is how much time she got before getting melt by attrition
byakuren Fist must hit by %Damage instead of Flat Hp Damage then.
But she did zero damage in the end.
she did non lethal damage, still didn't get a scrach in her clothes even after tanking Laevatein (also Bad swordsmanship) and flan got tired, in four in the ground, almost Yamcha pose.
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Flan was just testing everyone in the first place.
>flan got tired
>Flan was just testing everyone
which translate to the classic old "she was holding back", but so was byakuren and even then flan could not overcome her, and the very next chapter we got this exchange.
Byak:you knew she would not hold back [Flandre stabbing her] had it gone badly you really could've die.
Satori: [concerning mizuchi] if the threat of death wasn't real enough she wouldn't have shown herself either.
so she was going all out or not to test suspects?, she wansn't nerfed, she just can't live with the expectations of decades of fanon overhyping her. and by the way, then the barrier broke after the jailbreak escaped, she went to hide in the sahdows as the sun began to take effect on her.
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Unironically trying to nuke Gensokyo would have been the most morally correct action Sumireko ever did. Girl was a hero and we didnt see it
>so she was going all out or not to test suspects
It was just an act to bait mizuchi.
Also, Shou exists.
>she went to hide in the sahdows as the sun began to take effect on her.
No reason in staying there.
Same here

While a lot of canon is passing in terms of writing fanon can either be better (very rare) or a lot worse (very common)
If you like the progressing dullness and copypasted characters, sure.
Fanon is almost exclusively worse in terms of copypasted characters, usually flanderizing away what nuance the cast does actually get, and the same goes for dullness, with how the overwhelming majority of non-h doujins are slice of life, comedy, or shipbait.
For as inept as ZUN is, the fandom is even worse at making good use of the setting and characters.
Youkai and gods are easily be categorized under "jinns", both are mortal creature with supernatural power living in another "layer" of our reality
All the "nuance" the characters get is surface level at best, and "actually fanon but people tend to forget that" at worst.
As for SoL being dull, Sangetsusei is still the best manga, so make of that what you will.
The only way to truly enjoy fanon in earnest is suspending the disbelief the characters aren't the failed OC, doughnut steels of mediocre, lazy writers LARPing as another chronically drunk writer's underdeveloped OCs.
They are borderline saint like in how they act. I guess that's what it means.
Their living standards are on par with a third world country if not worse.
In generally there is no argument that can be made for why Gensokyo shouldn't be blow up. Literally every actual person would be happier if the barrier collapsed.
Tell us you've never read a print work without telling us you've never read a print work.
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It’s basically magic Israel.
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>all these people complaining about fanon being shit
>all the games i have played had the characters mostly behaving like themselves (under melodramatic circumstances mind you), but still pretty nicely done
Is it a doujin only thing?
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I also think a lot of fans have this problem where they think that characters being inconsistent is ZUN being a hack, and not that Touhou characters are often two faced snakes and change how they want to be perceived in order to suit their needs. Byakuren ain’t poorly written, she’s just always been someone who morals are questionable but has great charisma.
No, ZUN is still very much a hack. Don't forget the IN omake.txt where it was stated that the Lunarians couldn't reach Gensokyo, and then we get Bougetsushou where a lone Moon Rabbit with a lunar veil reaches Gensokyo without even trying. Likewise he admits in his emails, written around the time of IN's release, that he's already forgetting details of previous games, and in WaHH's afterword interview that once a manga goes past 3 volumes, he doesn't know where to take it. FDS is one of the most exemplary cases of this, because it retcons:
>Mizuchi, a vengeful spirit, possessing Youkai without it killing them permanently (SoPM)
>Satori being able to avoid reading minds by turning her Third Eye away (Koishi's entire backstory from SA)
>All the Myouren Temple members being in Old Hell (Shou was outside looking for the Shining Pagoda before)
Plenty of characters are well-written in canon, but ZUN himself is an utterly dogshit storyteller all the same.
>then we get Bougetsushou where a lone Moon Rabbit with a lunar veil reaches Gensokyo without even trying
You mean Imperishable Night.
That's right, ZUN is such a hack that he managed to contradict himself in the same game.
>>Satori being able to avoid reading minds by turning her Third Eye away (Koishi's entire backstory from SA)
That's not a contradiction, Koishi wanted to avoid being hated for being a Satori with mind reading powers so she tried to change that but ended up lobotomizing herself.
The problem here is other's peoples hatred, even if she hid her eyes they would still hate her for being a Satori so she still has a reason to try to change that.
I'm not going to touch that one with a ten foot pole.

But yes.
Thats a thing that I have noticed, and something that a lot of people, me included, dont really like. The fangames I have played had the characters acting only under one facet (with the exception of Yukari for obvious reasons), so things are easier to follow and more consistent across the board. Characters being shitty individuals is not necesarily something bad, but when all characters lie and pretend to their advantage it becomes annoying and hard to follow.
>sakuya is the most mischaracterized touhou
I'd say Eiki and Kaguya beat her in that regard
>Least racist Lunarians (unironically).
I'd say Kaguya is the least racist amongst them. Sure she is still arrogant but she's quite welcoming to visitors, regularly visits the human village and even held an expo on the luna capital once.
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Eiki is funny because the true interpretation is that she’s pretty cool and very welcoming… but also works for an organization that allows Heaven/Nirvana to be closed off, dooming humanity to be stuck in Samsara forever, and is pretty cold at the prospect of Reimu getting ripped to shreds by Kasen despite all the good she’s done. That and Japanese Buddhist standards for morality is uh… questionable at best.
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Eiki is very much by the book and she has a role to fulfill. Underworld politics isn't something she can do anything about, she's not an old fart Ten Kings Yama either. She's part of those countless Jizo taken on to just help judge people in their local area. As an analogy she's effectively a small branch manager at something like Google, her supervisor is doing whatever she pleases and the executives at the top want another torment nexus.
She's doing the best she can with what little wiggle room she has.
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That and she takes bribes (whichcouldbemetaphoricalbutthatruinsthepointsoshish)
How would that even work? What if you died a horrible death? Would she revive you with no injuries at all? What if you died drowned? Would you be revived in the nearest land mass? So many fucking questions, that shit HAS to be metaphorical.
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I completely forgot about Chima-chan's NFTs. Just put them into the paper shredder and watch her cry.
For UM the gimmick was collecting money to buy more cards with. Eiki's card works like PCB's barrier except it's active all the time and just eats 200 munies when you'd lose a life, decent fuckup insurance. Eirin's card is identical but instead takes two of your bombs.
If we take the function literally as it works in game, it just undoes whatever fatal injury you took and doesn't stop you from just dying immediately again after. Though the card description implies you've crossed the Sanzu and are being judged. I'm inclined to believe it's a metaphor since other cards are themed similarly with money. Like Sukuna's card turns bullets into money, Nazrin's card just spots you an extra 50 money, and Yachie's card extorts money from fairies (they just drop it like point items on death).
The villagers keep seeing outsider corpses, obviously. Some village kid on a rare occasion probably catches them in the act and they get spooked for the rest of their days, never knowing if he could be next if he wanders out
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Gensokyo is such an awful place to live, man.
The trick to happiness in Gensokyo is to be dead before you get there.
I dont know if being a vengful spirit and seething 24/7 is a thing I want to go through.
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for chumps like you maybe
Im already full of hatred I can barely contain, I want to rest when Im dead, not perpetuate this into eternity.
Cant I go to netherworld and chill there instead?
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be a momma's boy and you can stew in your anger together
Im not a god, I cant simply become anger.
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So just become one retard. On the flip side I hear there's a nice goddess handing out free powers to empty headed idiots like you.
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Yeah, not interested in becoming Okinas third puppet, Gensokyo is not for me.
That's not how it works. If I remember correctly when you die your good deeds (or was it how many people miss you?) get transformed into money that resents how virtuous you have been.
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All that money then gets taken by the toll collector and stored in her cleavage to be used as danmaku later.
Reimu has been that way since the PC98 era, when she just followed what Mima told her to do.
Do any of the yama even know the truth of the matter? They work in hell, after all, and while they're in charge of judging the dead, they're not Celestials themselves. It's entirely possible that they were simply told that Heaven was closed because of aids and they took it as the completely and sincere truth.
Plus, they might not even be as closed off as it's claimed, given Tenshi's story about being kicked out because she ate the Celestial Elixir, which, from what we're told, was intended for humans and hermits, so there must still be people they're interested in and see as potential candidates to join their ranks eventually (presumably people from the Outside World, i imagine).
>Never played TH, or read the canon
What's the catch with Doremy?

>I guess I should go to sleep
>Too hard standin' on my own two feet
>Been walkin' too long on a dead end street
>I guess I should go to sleep
>"Yes. Sumireko was a hero... I just... couldn't see it."
Not only has Eiki/Komachi told other people about Heaven being closed, she’s outright gotten mad at people either being taken out of Samsara or achieving Nirvana outside her control meaning she has to have some idea of what’s going on up there. Even then, it’s pretty bad to be willing to judge someone’s soul when you know that no matter what they do they can never achieve salvation, but she’s totally fine damning someone to Hell or even back into the Netherworld with no exceptions.

And like I said, it’s still heavily discouraged to get into Heaven from talks other people have had in the series. So I doubt it’s still as open as hoped.
Can someone explain to me how the afterlife in Touhou works? I'm pretty confused
Short Answer: You’re fucked

Long Answer: it’s Buddhist/Taoist ideals of the afterlife, the bad of which is that every little mistake you make gets accumulated with not a lot of good ways to redeem yourself. So it’s ridiculously easy to spend 10 trillion years (not a joke) in the ball crushing dimension because you stepped on a cricket once. Also stuff like children/babies burning alongside the Sanzu river because they died before their parents or women going to hell because they menstruate.

You get all that, on top of the fact that both Heaven/Nirvana are cut off completely to all beings because Heaven is “overpopulated” (it’s not) so everyone is literally stuck in Samsara forever with no hope of getting out unless they find a way to get permakiled or get cut by Youmus sword. Also you could get your soul grabbed by a youkai and dragged into a cosmic furnace to burn for all eternity with no hope of rescue. Basically it’s like all the bad shit from Christianity but you don’t have Jesus as a get out of jail free card.
That's pretty fucked up
So is Shinmyoumaru actually dead and replaced by her dream clone? Havent read much stuff after AoCF
I hope so, I dont like Seija.
what did Nue ever do to you
It adds to the intrigue of Byakuren; she might be a bad Buddhist, but perhaps the flaw is in the system itself?
>but perhaps the flaw is in the system itself?
Yeah. The real problem is allowing women in positions of influence.
Those servants of Mara can only bring discord and drive men away from the path of Buddha.
What’s funny is half of that ain’t even like normal Buddhist stuff even in places like China… it’s a mostly Japanese thing. I don’t even think the baby thing was a Shinto thing at first either. For some reason Japanese Buddhists are just psychopaths. No wonder the Shogunates and Emperors tried multiple times to get rid of them.
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Correction: you're screwed because you can't go to heaven and the only way to then leave the cycle is through sin, either through transcendence of human bounds or extending your life to postpone judgement. What this actually means is that if you remain human you're going to be tossed into the Netherworld to meander around waiting for reincarnation until you inevitably sin enough to go to hell on one of your reincarnations.
Sin cannot be done on accident, it has to be with intent. Jainists believe all violence is sinful and that life is the most sacred, Buddhists have exceptions which is how they reason war to be acceptable, and other silly loopholes that lets them do religious pogroms like Zen Buddhists did because it's okay to kill them if they (allegedly) insult Buddhism. You aren't going to hell because you stepped on a cricket you didn't know was there (unless Jainist). If you stomp it for da lulls then it is sinful and you need to seek repentance to cleanse that sin.
In Japan the concept of sin extends itself to impurity and while it isn't a personal transgression like murder, it's still sin in the divine sense. Accumulating impurity (Kegare) must be cleansed, it's why bathing is a cornerstone of Japanese culture. Blood is one source of Kegare, if the woman is filthy and doesn't clean up after menstruating and dies, she carries that impurity with her. Children that died during birth also bring their Kegare with them since giving birth is unsurprisingly messy, and obviously they haven't been alive long enough to accumulate good karma to counteract the sin of life; so they're fucked because they cant pay the toll and are covered with impurity. Not sure where you're getting they burn alongside the river from, they just stack stones until a fag knocks them over.
Tojiko is mellowing out and becoming a regular ghost though so the seething is only 1400 years
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I hope Mizuchi mellows out, I'd hate for this smile to go away.
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>Sin cannot be done on accident
>Yeah babies get sent to suffer alongside the Sanzu River because they died outside of their control and therefore aren't able to counteract the sin of life which they had no control over. So buy our shitty Jizo statues for a high price to save your son from getting bullied by demons for a billion years.
Wonderful religion man, I can see why the Japanese are all reddit atheists nowadays. Nobunaga did nothing wrong.
work on your reading comprehension a little whoquote-kun
He's very clearly quoting Kondo Takahiro-says so right in the picture.
I was both quoting the other guy and quoting the image you DUMB RETARD

Or is reading comprehension another of the forbidden desires?
Didnt your religion say stillborns go to purgatory forever because they werent baptized?
wtf I love worldly desires now.
Most people just pray to the Jizo, buying stuff is not necessary
And every religion has scammers of this type lmao
Limbo has never been formal Catholic doctrine, in spite of the popular misconception. Theologians theorised about its existence, but it's a minor heresy to be able to say definitively who is or isn't going to Heaven or Hell without being explicitly said in scripture. It's also not Purgatory. The official answer is and has always been that we just don't know for sure in this life.
Buddhism is a dying religion globally.
Its major centers of cultural dominance are pretty much abandoning it.
What are the reasons for this?
The CEO of Gensokyo huh? Has a nice ring to it.
I would say that lack of claw, Bhudism is seen as this "peaceful" religion and a lot of its practitioners (?) are that kind of people too, compare that to the aggresiveness of the other 2 (maybe 3) major religions and you can make a guess as to why.
But Im talking out of my ass here.
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>My religion
Christianity is probably worse off, but I don’t see people acting like it’s some liberal hippy religion when it’s arguably one of the more hardcore and unforgiving religions in places like China or Japan.
Yeah, Japanese Buddhism isn’t indicative of all Buddhism same with not all Christian’s being Pedophiles just become the Italians are.
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Buddhism isn’t really seen as “peaceful” outside the sanitized version we have in the west. Like they have theme parks in Thailand that depict all the horrors of Hell and you can take kids there. Like… a big push against traditional Zen Buddhism in post War Japan was because of how complicit Zen Buddhists were in a lot of the crimes committed.

I’d say it’s more to do that Buddhism is kind of pretentious Nihilism to a lot of people, so they’ve either converted back to traditional religions like Hinduism/Islam, or they’re more Buddhist-adjacent and see it as more of a philosophy than actually believing in the supernatural stuff. More ceremonial like Shinto is.
Yeah, in India, Hinduism won because they co-opted the Buddha as one of their many gods, while in maritime SEA Islam ruled the entire Indian Ocean trade and thus more attractive to various trading kingdom and empires there
>they need a human population to survive.
What makes humans crucial for survival anyway?
didn't the Brahmins condemned Buddhism as a kind of Hindu Heresy?
Eh, not really. I think Hinduism just got pushed more because of its inherently more hierarchical system and that benefits the government and rich. Buddhism has less followers in India than Christianity at this point, it’s literally the only one of the big 4 religions that’s actively losing more followers than it gains.
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Byakuren being a demon sent to discredit her brothers name and reputation while leading men astray would be a hell of a twist.
What do you mean, Anon? That is what happened.
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>Only male Buddhist we know about
>Well meaning man who did his best for his people and died a hero
>All female Buddhists
->Manipulative demons that barely follow their own religion and have mountains of bodies buried in their wake
What did ZUN mean by this?
Also, I get that this is a shitpost thread, but who are we quoting?
>i said this seethe more
The Bible is basically one long green text
Forget Gensokyou she hasn't even managed to become CEO of Youkai Mountain
Imagine jobbing to the tengu of all things. One pedophilr accusation thrown at Sanae and it’s over.
The fact is Touhou lore past PoFV is ass
Kasen is ok
It's because she has to deal with youkai unions that have a stranglehold on "miracle" labor.
All her great wonders come from the Kappa and Tengu doing contract work, and their services don't come cheap. It's even worse that they have a monopoly in this industry, so there is no guidelines that can be enforced, with subpar work and missed deadlines being a common problems.
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That's it. I'm teaching them about lean six sigma. They will all be master black belts within the year.
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Imagine being a literal God strong enough to kill other gods and implant them into birds to become mini Godzillas and you still can’t stop rape turtles from unionizing on your ass.

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