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I slept with an umbrella next to me under my blanket and felt refreshed the next day

Is this the real Kogasa experience?
You're a faggot.
Depends, did it try and jump out and fail to scare you at some point later?
Sadly no
umbrella or flesh puppet

you choose
Ok well just keep at it and give it another century or so and then maybe you'll start getting some failed spooky umbrella moments.
You can wait that long, right Anon?
If Eirin exists and gives me the elixir
Or I abandon my pitiful body of flesh
flesh puppet in winter and summer
umbrella in summer
umbrellas smell bad due to mildew
...do you not dry your umbrella after use?
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my doesnt
This post was written by an Umbrella Hater
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I proclaim this thread to be a Kogasa thread!
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A shame there doesn't appear to be enough Kogasa appreciators on the board right now then.
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It's fine to take it easy and enjoy umbrellas.
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Not this easy! Stupid board not bumpin!
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Today it's rainy somewhere I'm sure of it
it was rainy here, it still is, actually
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Why does Flandre like this umbrella so much?
Flandre likes girls in general.
Yuri incoming!!
She better not break my precious umbrella!
You need to take it back quick !
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it's not her fault!
I know who's fault it is and we can kill her!
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Just the sight of her fixes my soul.
Why did zun make her eyes weird
I think they're great, maybe you're the weird one for having more "normal" eyes
Cute lesbians
Because karakasa obake traditionally have one eye. The one red eye represents the eye on her umbrella form.
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dumb umbrella
Umbrella is the closest thing to a kogasa i'll ever have
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the summer is over
She sees in 3d
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Kogasa gets an anime episode all to herself!
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To anyone who throws out perfectly fine umbrellas
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Both modes are so CUTE!
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happy kogasa day
>This is tsukumogami sisters day, and Kogasa is a sort of tsukumogami
Well not but yes I guess?
people dont know any other tsukumogami beside kogasa (benben, raiko etc.) so let it just be kogasa day
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You take that back! Raiko is amazing.
me on the left (the soft-serve, specifically) pls..
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kogasa has a job!
Kogasa is a lesbian sex slave!
Hard of hearing Kogasa.
How should I go about trying to talk to Kogasa? I just want to be friends with her.
Banki can pay Kogasa in sexual favors instead
Pretend to be scared of her. She’ll love you for that.
if it rains ask for hiding under her umbrella
Today I played Ten Desires for the first time in a really long time and I was legitimately surprised when Kogasa appeared in stage 3, I had completely forgotten
She did really well, much love Kogasa!
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Our umbrella will not be forgotten!
It seems that someone is sleeping with umbrella again... Wake up!
I want to warm up Kogasa's bed!
If you insist... Take some coal out of furnace and put into bedwarmer then. Hurry up, there is still much work to do.
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Colorful umbrella.
Beautiful umbrella!
Where is it?
That rainbow is a manifestation of her sexuality.
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noo brain damage :(((
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how do i make my umbrella evolve?
Lots and looooots of love!
Also take care of her and maintain her properly and don't forget to use her regularly.
She evolves with Happiness? Oh, goddammit, grinding that sucks.
At what step does it become okay to fuck her?
Is this like that animal girl scale that goes from just animal ears to a fox?
That's where you're wrong.
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lovely umbrella
i hope she wont beat the shit out of me because i forgot to be suprised once
Nah, she’ll just get insecure over it is all and start sulking. Better make it up to her.
Lesbian umbrella
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will it work?
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What do you mean?
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How humiliating would it be to actually be surprised by Kogasa? Imagine you're living in the human village, out for a walk in broad daylight. After a while, you start hearing another set of footsteps, just out of sync with yours. It's probably just a fairy, but to be safe you turn around and head back towards home, but the footsteps get closer and louder, and you start running through the list of youkai you know how to deal with in your head. Unfortunately, you run through that list pretty quickly, and you start thinking about the ones you can't handle.

Just as you're getting to some of the really mean ones, Kogasa drops down in front of you, hanging by her knees from a tree-branch. You were so absorbed in thought that you reflexively jump back, and before you can recover yourself, her huge umbrella-tongue gives your face a nice long lick. She giggles, says "Thanks for the meal, mister!", and floats away into the sky, leaving you weak and drained, barely able to get back to your warm house.

You're bedridden for a few days, but the worst part is when you recover and have to face your friends. "So, what's the story?" asks a man who lost his left arm to Rumia. "Yeah, tell us" says the young boy who courageously rescued his two brothers from Yukari. There's a hush in the bar, and everyone's listening.

You try to obscure the details, saying you didn't really get a good look at the creature, but nobody's buying it. "You say it was a young girl?" they say. "Well, what did she look like? What's this about a long tongue?" The schoolteacher gives you a knowing smirk, and you have to admit that Kogasa surprised you.

The crowd erupts in laughter. Young children who have to be warned about fairies jeer at you. The man who once tripped over Youmu's phantom half sighs in relief: there will be a new butt of jokes in the village.
post the next part
of the sad route
So is this gonna end up with anon living with an umbrella ?
I've seen the umbrella's buttocks. They are very big.
I probably would. I startle easily.
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Ahhh! What a horrible fate! I couldn't imagine spending eternity like this!
It's an abstract kind of vorefagging
Pretty sure at this point she only nibbles on souls. She used to be able to make it so a man couldn’t walk straight after being surprised, but that was a long time ago.
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Watch out!
Kogasa's dropping that leg right on you!
Think fast!
would you still like her if she was just the umbrella? you wouldn't throw her out, would you?
I would use her for casting spells
post the next part
of the happy route
Soul vore is an oldie
Rendered into non-existence rather than into padding for her hips
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Kogasa about to eat the party hat
umbrella paizuri
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What games would Kogasa play?

I think she would like Oneshot and any game with lots of real life-like rain.
I imagine she would like playing Dead by Daylight or any other game where you get to play the monster in a horror story.
Let her play demonophobia for grand spookiness
Maybe something like Pikuniku but I could just be pulling at straws, hard for me to articulate why exactly
Kogasa is cute
Kogasa is cure
I'm now just imagining her getting bullied by the survivors whenever she plays the killer
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you forgot her didnt you
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Should I take her hand?
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Ya betch’er sweet bippy ya do!
Maybe for just a little while, but it never lasts long.
Gives her a chance to be surprising again!
What a funny girl, a date with her would be a dream come true.
You couldn't stop me from taking her hand.
Holding hands with Kogasa in the rain!
Holding hands with Kogasa while enjoying dango!
Holding hands with Kogasa after she gave me a great scare!
Holding hands with Kogasa!
Fucking degenerate.
Holding hands with Kogasa because the wind might throw her around if I don't hold her tight (she's an umbrella)
the umbrella wants a turn
Neither of them seems happy with this option
If Kogasa tripped and broke her umbrella, would she die?
It would be extremely painful.
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Kogasa found a friend!
a son!
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whos real
My love for her makes her real!
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Someone is giving the umbrella some weird suggestions to spook people
Imagine slowly becoming bitter and developing a grudge against that umbrella youkai for making your life miserable. As the mockery worsens with each passing day, your rage gradually builds until it reaches its peak.

Again, you're out for a walk in broad daylight. Again, you hear a set of footsteps trailing behind you and a faint giggle from a familiar, yet aggravating voice. You grit your teeth, clenching your fists as you take the same exact route back home.

Unsurprisingly, Kogasa repeats the same exact tactic she used to scare you the first time. Her legs hooked around the branch of a tree, she swings down and lets out a shriek. "Bero bero baa!!" However, in response you just remain standing there, glaring at her.

Recognizing that her plan had failed, Kogasa slowly grew nervous as she remained dangling from the tree, unsure of what to do. However, in the next instant she laid crumpled on the ground, dazed and confused as to what had just transpired. Her cheek bore a deep red mark, likely going to bruise. Feeling your presence looming over her, Kogasa brought her gaze upwards. Her vision was obscured by the tears welling up in her eyes as the pain began to register in her brain.

Before the umbrella youkai had the the opportunity to fully grasp the situation, you brought your fist down against her face again. Your right hook made contact with her left temple, sending shock-waves through her cranium as she let out another scream in pain.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, mister..! P-Please stop!"

Kogasa tucked her head, guarding and obscuring her bruised, crying face behind her arms. She remained sitting there in front of you, quivering and shaking in terror. Minutes pass as you both remained fixed in your positions, the night air growing stagnant as the tension slowly subsided. Assuming she was safe, she lowered her guard and raised her head to take another glance at her assailant. But she lets out another shriek as you grab a clump of her hair, tugging her head upwards as you kneel down and glare directly at her heterochromatic eyes. Her face was streaked with tears, battered and bruised. She was unable to return your gaze, her eyes shut tight out of pure fear.

"Kogasa. That's what they call you, right?"

She nodded weakly in response, her eyes remained shut tight. She bit her lower lip, balling her hands up into fists against the dirt floor. She expeected more physical abuse, more pain, more torment. Yet, it never came. Instead, she was met with something else.

"Kogasa, over the past few days, I've heard stories about you. About who you are, and how you were born. And now I remember."

She was unsure as to what you were getting at, yet she remained sitting there and continued to listen.

"I wasn't originally from here. I came from a distant land, where the cherry blossoms bloomed in the Spring like in Hakugyokurou. I came from a poor family. Everything I owned was, more often than not, secondhand. And I remember for my seventh birthday I was given a hand-me-down, tattered umbrella. It was dingy. It had an ugly shade of purple. The other kids would laugh at me for bringing it to school on rainy days. It was always such a hindrance."

Tears welled up in Kogasa's eyes.

"Kogasa, did you ever wonder why you were born? Wondered what's the point of your existence? Wondered why you're even alive? Do you understand why I threw you away? Do you understand how much of a failure you are? You must have been aware of that fact in the deep recesses of your mind, yet you never wanted to acknowledge it."

Kogasa was sobbing.

"Quit lying to yourself. Quit trying to give your life any meaning when you're aware there is none. You're aware surprising me was just a fluke. You're aware you can't really scare anyone. And did you think you could compensate for your inherent uselessness by leading the life of a youkai?"

Kogasa's audible sniveling and whimpers continued to fill the air. She held up her hands against her face, cradling it as tears poured down into her palms. You learned forward, whispering into her ear.

"Your entire life is a failure and no one ever wanted you. So isn't it better if you just killed yourself?"

In that instant, you were unable to see the expression on her face but you could easily imagine the overwhelming despair and sorrow her visage held. Standing up, you look down to see the defeated, lifeless figure of what was once Kogasa Tatara. Her arms dangled by her sides. Her eyes were vacant, pointed downwards and looking at nothing in particular. She looked pathetic. Looking to the side, you notice Kogasa's umbrella counterpart resting at the base of the tree. Grabbing it, you toss it in front of her before turning around and resuming your trip back home. With her disappearing out of sight, the tranquil silence of the forest was the only ambiance reaching your ears. Yet suddenly, from a distance behind, you could have sworn to have heard the sound of something snapping.
Imagine a happy brella!
that brella looks like a happy fella!
If I were to cheat on Kogasa with Sekibanki, would she forgive me?
If so, would she forgive me again if I were to cheat on her with a fairy a few days later?
Yes, she's a cuck.
Whats with the abysmal quality of posts in every thread these days?
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I regret posting this. I don't know what I was thinking.
I'm so sorry, Kogasa.
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Kogasa may be a good girl, but she is still a yook
You will learn the consequences of scorning a lady that's stronger and faster than you ever could be
Kek, i'm looking forward for more of the story
This story has ended years ago bro
That's the whole story.
Kogasa died. The anon who pressured her into commiting suicide never felt any regret, and everyone who knew Kogasa eventually forgot that she ever existed.
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The most useful and terrifying creature!
lurk moar
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What's the boundary between a hat and an umbrella?
a hat goes on head
an umbrella protects you from the rain
so is this >>48019200 a hat umbrella? or just an umbrella?
Sanae's hair is wet, so if it is an umbrella, it's not a very good one.
suku kogasa is trying her best. at the very least, sanae will have a big sukusuku sized dry spot on the top of her head
Well the umbrella protects the sukusuku, so I guess the suku is a hat while the umbrella on it is a suku umbrella.
It is simply the lesser-known accessory some may refer to as a "hatbrella" in hushed tones.
Suku optional.
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I wish to hold hands with her...
aren't umbrella hats a real thing? i think i've seen them as joke accessories.
wonder if there's any art of kogasa wearing one. haven't been able to find anything with the little searching i did.
If you give me an unspecified amount of time I'll try to change that
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It rains so much

I want to steal her umbrella
That's her real body anon and you have just married an unscary dork youkai.
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So can I use her as a magic wand ? An umbrella tokai looks like a very magical item
That image is the perfect D&D character for Kogasa to star in
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Awesome image. Never would've even considered that someone drew crossover art for M&B and Touhou lol
It's a whole-ass mod
I'm aware, I played it. It's fun but I can never get myself to continue a campaign.
Never seen this art, though. It gave me a good laugh
Felt the same way when I first saw art of Cirno crossed over with Nine Ball from Armored Core. Then again, the joke is self-evident.
Kogasa is a super useful multitool!
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Little forgotten umbrella ~
Yuuka is weak to attacks from Kogasa.
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This artist makes adorable comics.
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Yuuka is never ready for it.
You have the kappa scanner one in English?
what a gluttonous umbrella! when a youkai scares someone she usually just drains a bit of their spirit, she must be really voracious to completely slurp up the entire soul of her victims!
Adorable yuri
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We gotta keep this thread alive through Halloween. Kogasa needs to get her spooks in!

Anyway, here’s a mobile wallpaper.
Oooooooooh! Scary!
I'm scared I might fall in love
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Go away, misfortune!
There can be no misfortune with Kogasa around!
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Halloween is almost here!
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It’s Halloween, motherfuckers!
I hope the umbrella spooked a lot of people!
Oh no, I fell in love...
no umbrellas, let get her get wet
Cute yuri
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Kogasa is going to get funny ideas again from these three...
Kogasa found the most terrifying outfit!
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Kogasa got so scary everyone ran away from her thread!
Is she too terrifying for her own good?
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Canonically together.
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Love Kogasa with friends
Cute yuri! Post more
Unfortunately, there are no lilies on that pic. I might search for pictures of Kogasa with flowers, but I don't think I have a lot. Sorry for not being able to help.
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I love this umbrella
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Our love for Kogasa will take her to places she never imagined!
LITERALLY me on the left
Hina-san why haven't you been bumping your own thread??
Kogasa is truly too sexy, if I saw her walking in the village I don't think I could stop myself from trying to take a peek.
She tries to hide it but Kogasa gets smug when mortal women sulk about her being so much prettier
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bubbly butt
Such an adorable umbrella deserves to be more confident in herself around simple Humans!
A cute
I sure hope this cute umbrella doesn't pin me down and drag her fangs across my neck
Screamers are against the rules you sick fuck
Now you just have me wondering if she feels everything the umbrella does...
She won't be able to go around getting her spook fill like that!
I don't think this is supposed to be scary...
Oh god
Oh jeeze
If Kogasa scared people online through the use of screamers in the 2000s and their reaction was recorded for her to see, would that work for her spiritual nourishment? Or must she be the one scaring them in person?

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