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It is already Cirno Day in Kiribati and a few other parts of the world. It'll be Cirno Day in Japan in a few hours, then the rest of the world.

How do you plan on spending the day? Did you make any Cirno-related content? Or will you just check out the latest Cirno pics and vids that come out?
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I plan on taking it easy
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i fucking hate fairies
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Eat ice cream and look at cirno pictures
I just dislike Cirno and Sunny
Five hours to go (in here)!
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I doubt there are many people celebrating 9/9 in Kirimati. Chiruno day only starts when it starts in Japan.
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Maybe I'll doodle a Cirno with crayons
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Ejaculate to Cirno-chan
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It is cirno day in eastern Australia!
I will sleep with my Cirno fumo once I get home from my night shift
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Cirno is an overgrown reddit meme and cirno is the most reddit 2hu who needs to die asap
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My beloved tomboyish daughter Chiruno is so cute
>cirno feets
my day is ruined
>cirno feets
you made my day
Posting that is literal suicide
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Peak baka move
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Today is my birthday!
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Always good to see a fellow fairy hate fucker
>flesh fang
I hate this trend so fucking much, this would be a really cute picture if it wasn't for that.
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there are no buses in gensokyo!
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Hyvää Sirkun päivää!
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>clicked the link
...Is that a weed Cirno?
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>he says while posting Sakuya
Excuse me, who are you quoting?
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It's really a shame, that ○9 can't be posted anymore.
Wow who ever coded this site is a retard
○9 is apparently in a Unicode area in the emoji-vicinity and there are good reasons to not allow emoji.
And also "fun" stuff like the RTL-character. Better be excessively protective than sorry.
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It's unfortunate, but let's keep posting the strongest and cutest!
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>more than 10 years ago
>6 years ago
I sure love the flow of time.
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Does anyone happen to have this video saved? I think about this every Cirno Day and lament that it was taken down.

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know it: today is a very special day!
I wish some humans could respawn like fairies, too...
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sorry for the typo btw
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extremely low iq thread
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I will call her ciron from now on
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If some youkai can be fairy-like forces of nature surely humans can learn it too
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Cirno is a misunderstood genuis.
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She's trying her best and that's what matters.
Suck my cock, dude.
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Happy Cirno day!
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would you say this is a 9 iq thread?
Cirno's Perfect Math Classroom is at almost 9,999,999 views
What's wrong with emojis?

And why can't I triforce?
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>And why can't I triforce?
For the non-.strip()pable blanks were deemed characters non grata.
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did KOG get his GET yet?
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Is KOG even still a thing?
I wish more people paired Cirno with Larva instead of that generic fairy that clearly comes in a discount three pack.
Having an actual character to bounce off of is way better than just having a hanger-on that can't stand on her own.
Don't forget to remind the anons on /k/ too easy goers.
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>only one vid has over 100 views
That YouTube ban really destroyed everything. Also wow at that int vid.
I wonder what other ancients are still around. I know WT Snacks still does X stuff. He talked about 9/9 being TR-909 Day which I thought was funny. Still looking for fanart of Cirno with a TR-909.
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Oh god, ignore my fuck up above...
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Cirno is the strongest fairy of them all!
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>look for TR-909 x Cirno fanart
>find Daft Punk Revolution 909 x Cirno fanart

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happy cirno day
from Poland
Ciron day
Brain weight
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Chiruno no umami
Umami do chiruno!
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dude cirno lmao
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Not only is it Cirno day, but it's also the day where i hopefully get my braces off.
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>Illuminati cat pyramid on the chalkboard
That must be some riveting discussion they're having.
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Happy Cirno Day from /pw/!
You just posted a cookie sir.
Are blown out of proportion amateur VAs forcefully wearing the skin of a character of a 2hu they voiced once or twice by actual faggots not 2hu enough?
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It's been a while, but I made some Cirno porn today.


See you next year, chocolate fairy! Got titty blondes to spam!
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nice fairy cunny, I like.
>titty blondes
Do you have any idea how little that narrows things down? There's like 30 busty blonde 2hus. What flavor of blondhu is it?
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I wish to freeze frogs
Happy Cirno Day minna~
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>I made
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the strongest
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I looked for the darkest Cirno I could find and didn't bother looking at other tags.
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I forgot...
check the archives because it was ofc deleted
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Some ice fairy puzzles with /jp/sies for anyone interested - https://cytube.implyingrigged.info/channel/CoLA
no fun allowed
I wanted to play the cirno bottle launch game but was reminded that flash is dead.
early resistance warriors like them are to be cherished. those were dark times, with loads of bandwagonners leaving in flocks. only few denounced the shitty gacha menace.
Chiruno is a cool fairy, and I love her
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What do you mean?
Go play it
How does she do that?
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sometimes when it's really hot i put my cirno fumo in the freezer
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printed and painted that one 3d scan of the cirno fumo
I came to pay my respects to Chiruno with a picture of the cooler ice 2hu (letty)

no I am not sorry
intelligence increased
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Of all the people that had to die today, it had to be James Earl Jones.
I just want to think & believe that on top of going to Heaven, Cirno's the one to take him there all the while getting to know each other along the way.
R.I.P ;_;7
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i was looking for some old touhou videos but struggling finding them. This one has more or less been wiped of the interent, but the one im really after was an MMD animation of the dio vs dire fight but cirno was dio iirc ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgucSMAp-Ig ). Anyone happen to have or know where that video is? Nothing says the strongest like cirno jojo
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/g/ sends its dearest GREETZ =)
I hate fucking fairies
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>I made
Ah yes I get it, you are a robot, and your paintbrush is stable diffusion
You can download the .swf file and run it locally with flashplayer, no need to install adobe plugins
>AI slop
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I almost didn't say happy cirno day... the life of a NEET who no longer understands the concept of time and date sure is rough. Man I wish I still had the payday edit.
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The day is almost over!
But she is still the strongest the rest of the year.
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守屋神社の凍ったカエル Freeze Frogs 大精霊戦争の大虐殺 Fairy War Massacre '91 完璧な数学の授業 The Anti-Baka Struggle 氷符「アイシクルフォール」 The Great Attack Forward 東方三月精 Great Fairy Cultural Revolution 弾幕 Danmaku Battles 赤い吸血鬼の物を盗む Sharing チルノがボスだよ。Freedom バカナイン Independence 東方三月精 Multi-Party System 博麗神社のバリア Hakurei Formosa ゲートガード共和国 Republic of China 有頂天 Bhavaagra 聖 白蓮 Dalai Lama
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Dont let teh haters get you down i like it! thanks Anon!
It's over...
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plump letty is best letty
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Happy 9/9 day nerds
This girl SUCKS she has no BEWBS. :<(
It should be mandatory for all fairies to be dressed like this at all times.
People usually suck that guy off so I'm surprised to see so many haters. Pretty based desu, AI sloppers should get the rope.
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You suck! Die!
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Smells like /v/ermin in here.
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Is that really all?
You'd never be able to keep up with the strongest. She has enough energy to freeze everyone in this thread! You all should be ashamed and come post more Chiruno!
Holy shit is that a real place in Gensokyo? I wanna go there now.
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I'm may not be her day anymore, but that doesn't mean her thread has to die either.
I won't let it die
but I truly dont give a shit about her
Not Cirno day anymore. Shut it down.
Page 9!
>Page 9!
No board has that many pages.
There aren't even 4! of them.
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Is the strongest strong enough to best page 10?
Wait who's on the chimney?
Pixiv tags say it's Letty.
too thin to be that whale
She didn't have the cookies yet.
Thanks for making this, dude.
If you really think about it, all month is Cirno month.
Does anyone of you have a concept art that details the design of the watermelon blade of Advent Cirno? I am... making something, and need a neat reference like that.
>page 9
More Ciruno-chan sitting on my groin with my cock inside her
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she didn't even make 9th place!
what a loser!
That was completely intentional.
Cirno the geniusest, through careful planning and manipulations, managed to avoid the cursed number and secure the 10th rank, instead.
Cirno wearing black stockings just seems... wrong
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Stay cool /jp/sies, take cold showers.
That clown is a bad influence on Cirno.
God I wish I was Cirno
But with my cock down Clownpi's throat
Do guys think Cirno pisses out cold water?
i take cold showers, i'm awesome

i hope so
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Those are socks.
can I sniff them?
no. perv.
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>translate the 2nd part but not the first
Sir, may I know whom you are quoting?
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a funky!
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damn brat
cold pee
>page 9+1
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I remember seeing a Cirno day thread a few years ago in mid October, maybe November, but this the first one I left on my tab to see how it goes.
Seemes pretty sad how many times we had to bump it =(
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less people posting site-wide
I blame capcha shit and exhausted psyches due clownworld saturation, afecting oldfags the most.
Well it's better than constant bait posting you'd see on more popular boards.
At some point, bumping of this thread was at least temporary disabled.
See >>47851845
It's the times, I guess. Wouldn't be surprised, if there were many people who learned about Cirno through the calculation classroom-song for the first time.
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bumping wasn't disabled
/jp/ has a system in which you can't bump threads from pages 9 and 10 if your IP is new.
It doesn't even matter if you have old cookies; if your current IP address hasn't been used to post on 4chan before, you can't bump threads on the lower pages.
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>/jp/ has a system in which you can't bump threads from pages 9 and 10 if your IP is new.
Didn't know that. Thank you!
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You're welcome
Please do come back to /jp/ because there are not many fans of the ice fairy here...
So that's why I can't bump things after my internet borks out...
what's 9+1?
that was a good one there heh
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chiruno is very cool
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I need her butt on my face
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and then I come in to save the day!
I want to brush Cirno's hair.
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I want to plap her
that's cute i would do that too. is there any art of cirno hair brushing?
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There must be some with Dai but I can't find it in my gallery
Aah I want to make out with her cuncun until she orgasms on my face
>last day of 9月
cirno month is over here:(
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What are you talking about?
The party is NOW!
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I love Cirno-chan
Aya hydrating the Cirno
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kino chino
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I want to get smarter...
eat a cirno made ice cream she's smart and her smart particles will make you smarter
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JPG bummi
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Even the strongest should be wary of page 10.
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My fvrking hero
a real human bean
Cheaper in bulk.
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You disappoint me.
Does anyone has that pic of learning to draw with Cirno featured on it?
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Sorry, I don't know the picture. Is it related to the "how to draw an owl" meme?
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Aww, these two cuties are about to love each other
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Amazing, the Cirno reacted to the evil trash cans ambush from behind before we could even see what happened.
In Baka We Trust
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This one?
2nd and 3rd mastery cirnos are the best!!!!!!
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wtf is cirno da
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Absolutely no-one should try to learn anything from an "artist" who draws Cirno wearing shoes.
>it's over
Because mastering drawing feet should be the priority?
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>38 days ago
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how new are u
there have been threads on the jay that have been lasted for like a year
Would have been neat if it lasted 99 days, but it started pretty intense.
>Would have been neat if it lasted 99 days
What's /jp/'s bump limit?
(I apparently can't bump, because I regularly delete my cookies.)
Anyone else in the loving headpat cirno association
310, meaning the last post to bump is 309.
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Page 9 the strongest
me on the right molesting chiruno
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I'm scared stiff!
they're going to catch a cold
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Post 299 the strongest!
Cute yurifairies
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I'll teach them the pleasures of the adult penis inside them and they'll stop being yurifairies
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Strongest fairy (erotically).
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take it easy
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cute dress

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