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Previous: >>47722575

All AKB sub-groups and related Japanese *48 groups welcome.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vnf5EBHe

(09/11) HKT48 18th Single (Boku wa Yatto Kimi wo Shinpai Dekiru). Ishibashi Ibuki and Takemoto Kurumi centers
(09/14~16) JAM EXPO 2024 supported by UP-T (SKE48, AKB48, NMB48, HKT48, NGT48, STU48)
(09/21) This Is NMB48 2024 in Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall
(10/02) SKE48 33rd Single (Kokuhaku Shinpakusu). Kumazaki Haruka center
(10/12~14) SKE48 16th Anniversary Concert

>Useful Links
Theater Schedules and Ticket Application: https://ticket.akb48-group.com/home/top.php
Live Shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
48/46 Group Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMoA
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omori is freaking pretty
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>AKB member confesses that she underwent cosmetic surgery while still in the group, which went wrong and left her with facial abnormalities
>When she was 17 years old and a member of AKB48, she had her first Botox injection
>"My facial expressions stopped moving" She recalled, "I panicked because I couldn't smile because the corners of my mouth wouldn't move"
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is that about her >>47748070?
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it's about 込山榛香
she's so pretty.
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walken so ugly
miyuna so pretty
Crying for hours upon hours upon hours because of how much I appreciate this little Queen.
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God I wish that were me.
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Surely it's Erii.
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how much? is she willing to meet in dubai?
cute and pure anime
be quiet moroni
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we dont care about babycry she is irrelevant and boring
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freaking cute, the cats too
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freaking beautiful
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Oh it was that bitch. Should have known.
So pretty
Is that why Juri had that RBF thought she was just a bitch
I wanna see a before and after
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she was just a bitch
but before the surgery she could fake not being one
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i like eriko.
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Amichan is the cutest in the world
any pics of her wearing a 3-point seatbelt?
Amichan has never ridden in a car
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damn, those pads are working overtime
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gonna use this one later
making use of these now
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I like this Ami more.
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Day 248 of posting a Yuki Arai picture everyday of her championship reign
she looks like she would smell nice and feel lovely and warm
Notice EZ twitched her middle finger when she remembered something she did last night.
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I found another good Nagi
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I want to see Komi do this
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doki doki
This hairstyle looks good with (probationary OMEGA WEAPON IDOL) U-na. I feel that relaxed eyes are better with her.
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https://files.catbox.moe/nqqxb1.webm Eretan459
Her vaginal sludge must taste and smell delicious.
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so dreamy :3
taking a nap with nappi...
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commendable tummy
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so many girls to goom to lately :3
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zukki looks like a caricature of what asian women look like
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cool idol
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cute himetan actually
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anime chance is live on insta
do be looking cute
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nagi is to fr*aking cute
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you're not getting a (You) from us no matter how hard you try moroni
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papa anons just a gentle reminder we need to just keep it inside, learn how to hide our feelings until Quinceanera girl /our daughter/ turns legal age in Canada and/or Alabama (182 days remaining).
nomura miyo desu
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nagi is freaking gorgeous
mizushima miyuu?
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Inoue Nagi desu
fr*aking pretty desu
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fr*aking rotten desu
I'm imagining these two girling girling all over me :3
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Boss Mizumin is cute, actually
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kubo hinanos huge beak
paiq do be looking cute
when will they reboot akbingo
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do we like this one
with Renacchi and Chiyori as hosts
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we're not sure yet but we like these two
only the cute kindergarten teacher on the left actually
we're here
i'm imagining sato airi and suzuki airi
we like suzuki airi
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Yuina is blossoming
i want her to cosplay as 田村芽実.
chihiros hair here is cool

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