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What is the first thing you do?
(Bonus points not saying sex)
start freaking out and saying wtf
Sex with /jp/ anons.
Intensely stare at my reflection for like an hour while frantically wondering where the hell I could’ve gone so wrong/right.
Sex althoughbeightfully
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Wait for them to start playing GANGAM STYLE
Selfie while holding the first edible thing I find in fridge
This but instead of holding an edible thing I'm holding a /jp/ anon's penis instead
I immediately use my newfound powers to murder every twitter user infesting /jp/.
Oh and obviously all vtumors and idolshit too. Then I take a piss on moot's grave.
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No time to think! Need to announce spring has come!
Gay. Wouldn't you rather have sex with other 2hus?
Read my own mind
Hmm. Well I’m not sure who my favorite Touhou character is. But in most incidences I think I would try to be honest and openly explain the situation to any other Touhous I’m living with, and if that fails maybe the shrine maiden. And if I become the shrine maiden then maybe Marisa. If I try to hide things the others may get angry with me.
I would beat the ever loving shit out of Kaguya
the idea of having someone you don't need to hold back with and who will fight back and can definitely fuck you up if you get careless sounds fun, there's a reason why they've been fighting for 300 years, the adrenaline must feel crazy
Gayest response ITT
Find an infinite amount of ways to die just out of curiosity
Go outside and heightmog everyone before I get kidnapped by a hag
Take the ol' super strength for a spin. Let's see what this body is really capable of.
I continue to sleep.
Based choice. If I woke up as her I would start heavily drinking
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That would be the second thing I do once I am done punching boulders and ripping trees out of the ground by their roots. Third would be panicking once I realize that I now have to manage an onsen and I have no idea how to do that.
Would anontori raise a rapebaby like a loving mother?
This is important
>(Bonus points not saying sex)
Like as the rapist or as the raped?
I would become a super NEET, making fanon Kaguya canon
Hug myself, then see if Moriya Shrine set up any electronics with the hell reactor.
The real question is what lewd things would you so to a jaypee anon who gets turned into their favorite 2hu
all of them
but especially sudden groping
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Sorry, but the only correct answer is sex.
nothing because the knowledge that this creature once had a penis would kill my boner instantly
nothing because the knowledge that this creature does not currently possess a penis would kill my boner instantly
See >>47758787
Kill myself
That one is about being Chinese.
Kill Chang'e
Bless your soul.
My favorite is split between Satori and Koishi. If I woke up as one of them I'd be devastated because that'd mean one of them basically doesn't exist.
> because that'd mean one of them basically doesn't exist.
Well what if they wake up as you while you're busy being them?
That's a thinker...
I'd still be pretty down about it. Most girls would probably be grossed out waking up in a guy's body. But I don't keep myself in very good health so it'd be even worse for them.
Would you wake up in the real world as the 2hu or in Gensokyo as the 2hu?
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>Wake up as the GOAT
>After typical shock, stages of panic and confusion, and eventual body exploration, eat a textbook to see if I learn from it
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Suck my own blood.
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Cause earthquakes until every last female 'hu gives me a kiss
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question my sanity for awhile, if if lasts more than a few minutes and isn't another weird fever dream i'm going to Eirin for schizophrenia medication

how i go about doing that is anyone's guess, since i presumably live in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, in a forest that confuses you by trying to find your way out. moon lady probably has some sort of miracle drug that puts me back in my original body - hijacking someone's body is incredibly weird though, but if it's unfixable i guess i'm stuck living until heat death
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I would be sad because I wouldn't be myself!
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The first thing I would do is wonder what sort of scenario this was.

Is it a actual body swap, a complete mental displacement? Was I just always her all along?

Did I wake up in my own room, or in Gensokyo. If the latter, is the language barrier a thing or is there some auto-translation going on?

I'm thinking too deeply for a shitposting thread.

But the real answer is to make everyone else jealous.
Anyone who doesn't say masturbate is lying

That said, I feel bad for any of the hag fags. Imagine becoming old lmao, enjoy those saggy tits and bad back
I tell you what's the first thing I won't be doing: Die.
I'd immediately start setting up human-youkai couples.
It would have to start subtly at first, with mostly benign Youkai and any Villagers I can get my hands. These would be the shakedown tests to understand where problems might arise with more fearsome Youkai and finding out what makes certain couples stick and others to split.
After there's maybe ten or so stable couples I'll have Shou marry someone prominent in the village as the big reveal, naturally it would cause quite a stir and get many people interested, but before moving forward with more ambitious pairings I'd actually wait maybe a week or two to make sure they're not just fad chasers.
Then I'd announce the matchmaking service in earnest, the Taoists, gods, and Shrine Maiden might put up a fuss, but at this point I'll have maybe fifty or so case studies of the process working and hopefully some pregnancies.
Naturally, I'd host support groups for both the Husbands and Wives so they'd be a strong sense of community and shared purpose. In fact, I might even invite Miko over to use her powers to increase the success rate, since I'm sure there's some way she could make it work in her favor, but as long as the people are happy, I'd be happy.

Now, assuming I don't know when the real Hijiri returns, I'll keep a diary addressed to her, by me, explaining everything I've done up until this point:
>Day 1: Remarked openly to Shou how, in the old days, Human/Youkai couples weren't uncommon, but none appear in Gensokyo. She told me that it was because the great Youkai factions all stop each other from getting too involved with particular humans, especially romantic relationships. But what about roaming Youkai?
>Day 5: Managed to catch Rumia and engineer a situation where she happens upon a village trapper with an extra large haul after I had a Youkai in disguise boast near him that he escaped such a situation by giving the Youkai some meat. Needless to say, the two seemed to have formed a friendship
>Day 10: Rumia is now living with the trapper. Meanwhile, I convinced an outside world human to take care of some orphaned sparrows and said that they need 24/7 attention and at the same time let it slip to Mystia that someone could use a part-time job.
>Day 15: Found the Trapper and Rumia sleeping together in the shade, the outside world human now lives with Mystia, dropped a rumor to some village musicians that the Prismriver Mansion contains the secret to perfect music, told Raiko that teaching other Buddhism helped me drastically improve my own practice.
>Day 30: have established two support groups. The men are less forthcoming about their experiences, the Youkai spent the first five minutes bragging about how much they had their partners under their thumb and the remaining fifty-five minutes gushing about their boyfriends.
>Day 45: I feel my grasp on this reality slipping. Well, all's good since I was able to pair Shou up with a nice man and Rumia might be pregnant. Hijiri, if you're reading this, I hope you enjoy my gift to you!
I'm used to lucid dreams (though 99.9% of the time I'm myself in them) so I probably wouldn't think much of it. I'd definitely touch my (small) oppai, and I'd definitely go flying around Gensōkyō looking for some of the other girls I like. I'd definitely start stressing when I notice that it's not a dream and I'm really there and due to not having access to my meds I would most likely end up causing the events of 13.5 again...
I would probably go to Reimu and see if she would know some way to get me out of Kokoro's body and back to the real world... there are some people I'd miss...
>wake up as suika
>immediately become tiny and live out my giantesshu fantasies
>I'd immediately start setting up human-youkai couples.
for what purpose? what do you stand to gain by doing this?
Well if I wake up as Hijiri, it's only natural that I would want to play the part, and she wants people to know the better parts about Youkai, so it's only natural I do things to facilitate that. The most direct method is of course marriage, since it's the historical vehicle for peacemaking and cultural exchange.
Beyond that, I think the thrill of waking up as your favorite Touhou is imagining what would happen if that person came back in earnest, and I want everyone to see Hijiri's expression when Youkai and Humans have joined hands as equals because I had the balls to do what she couldn't.
I don't have a favourite so apparently I fucking die I guess, thankfully.
everything because the knowledge that this creature possessed a penis in tne past would raise my boner instantly
I am baffled as to how this thread was up for almost a week without anybody providing the correct answer.
start freaking out and saying wtf
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open up a store or supermarket.
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NatSoc revolution
Once he gets back to his body he will be able to enjoy a Hijiriyokai wife
see, having sex with 2hus as a 2hu would be the REAL gay thing!
No anon, sorry I won't live out your gay fantasies out in their entirety. You'll have to raise it yourself and the whole thing will be consensual.
But anon this is gensokyo, what if you just became another yuyuko and couldn't double kill yourself
Just use one of those random 2hu generators and report back.
Everyone knows the correct answer and felt no need to say it.

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