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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

Old archive backup at:

07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>47663718
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based blue thread
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My beloved
Die non japanese
i've been grinding /x/ prayers to meet her finally for like 3 years straight
Based retard
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If the stage play is still being held during the Holidays, I'll buy a ticket and attend it.
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Episode 5 stageplay will be held in February 2025.
you can only meet her with self induced schizophrenia
That Kanon is a boy, right? Right?
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That's good.
You should do /fit/ prayers as well. It's a good motivator.
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Where is this from?
The umineko stageplays are actually very good, I didn't watch the ep 4 one but I was surprised by how well it stuck with the flow of the VN and captured all the major scenes. If they actually continue to episode 8 it's probably going to be the closest thing we get to a Umineko anime.
I love Kururu
Where did you watch it?
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>Died before I could give her the son she desired
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Cute renarato
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Stage play Kanon is played by a girl. And actually Shannon and Kanon are played by twins on top of that.
>they're actually twins
Fucking hell, that's a lifetime chance. I think they should have used these two for Zepar and Furfur later on, or for Mion and Shion in a Higu play. Kanon is supposed to be so different that not even Jessica recognizes him.
>or for Mion and Shion in a Higu play
They did
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what the fuck is she smirking abooot?
"I'm about to masturbate, Hanyuu"
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I love rika
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I finally got it.
>Meow, Gunhild, Chloe, Stanislaw, Andry, Gannet, and Maricarmen are the traitors
>All "good people" in the story work for the Blues
>8MS and Gauntlet Tech are Wisdom
>Toujiro is Satan.
>MIYAO is the real mastermind, and not another personality
>Miyao = Three Kings
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>tfw killed the threads
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look at them higurashers
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New Mei stuff:
Swimsuit Takano:
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Wait, they're rerunning the princess events already? That's way too new?
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guys what the fuck is this? the voices say something completely different. My listening is not good enough but how can I trust the jp text to not be localized...
The voice track cuts most dirty jokes and references since the console release is heavily censored.
ah, didn't realize that by censoring they also meant changing besides ignoring. I was a fool.
Thanks anon.
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I guess they were so popular that they're trying to milk more money of them.
The gacha as a whole seems to be running of out steam by this stage. I dunno how long they can keep it running if they're starting to get desperate.
Crossover with Ciconia already cowards. Drop your retarded crazy story twist while you're at it.
sex wit rika?????
Anyone have the 4chan screenshot about Gohda accidentally killing everyone?
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>in japan
Guess I can buy a DVD?
Why won't r07 just do hentai already? Go for a mature audience and include Higurashi sex scenes.
>The gacha as a whole seems to be running of out steam by this stage
I'm surprised it's lasted this long but I guess it's been successful enough to keep going.
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Been looking for ep3 of the stage play but only found it on bilibili. Anyone got a link to it in 1080p?
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finally we're back
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Why is she looking at me like that. Does she want help up or...
WTF that pic on pixiv
What were you doing in a thread called "does /v/ like rat girls?"?
Searching for love
Kill yourself you brainfogged nigger
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OH it's wine. Messy girl.
And here I thought rat is only had eyes for ratka
What an adulterous little rato
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ai has finally gone too far
Kill yourself
i love these 2 like you wouldn't believe
Why Suika instead of Nazrin?
Kill yourself
You killed my imotivation. Vermin
I'd rather buy all of the "Stage of Golden Witch" DVDs and merch than support any of this shit.
(I don't have anything against OG Higurashi)
this thread will never reach bump limit
Maebara-sa, do you know what I did to the last kid who showed me his bat?
because kill yourself along with that battlernigger. fucking lay off rika already jesus chist
why the fuck this annoying cunt nigger trying to mass with people? fuck off and die you complete cancer. stop reviving my dead thread and stop engaging with us. you ARE newnigger and a spiteful cocksucker and we NEVER fucking were so deranged and hateful before gou shit.
kill yourself FUCKING NOW
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It's just the same old.

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