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Canon lesbian.
Canon lesbian.
Reminder that she uses her ability to wring men dry in exchange for dragging them to hell.
Wrong. She adores Zanmu and wants to be stepped on by her.
She is Every /jp/ anon.
Exactly, she adores Zanmu and is willing to have her body subjected to anything if it means getting Zanmu-sama's praise.
Is Every /jp/ anon tall?
Right, so she doesn't actually want anything to do with men.
are you not?
hey guys, look! the manlet is here! ahahahaha!
Incorrect. I want Hisami to step on me. Zanmu can sit in a stinky gremlin pile alone.
That's certainly not what she was telling me last night, and the night before that, and[...]
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Sounds like she just isn't all that picky then really...
That's great! Plenty of Hisami to go around...when Zanmu isn't also around.
You get to watch your "girlfriend" immediately forget about you and gush over Zanmu the minute she's around.
built for orientation play
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Which is also pretty funny honestly but that's the price to pay with the grape lady
>You get to hear your girlfriend vehemently insist on a threesome with Zanmu the minute she's around.
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Zanmu is rather "spiritually masculine" though. Are you comfortable sharing the bed with a three-horned oni..?
Based. God gave lesbians to man as a gift, much like one would hand you a scrambled rubix cube to spend the evening solving.
You say that like you're not going to be forced to sleep on the floor while those two cuddle.
Only a coward or a fool would be uncomfortable at such a prospect.
Or someone who just wouldn't care much/prefers otherwise
(You) are going to be their shared body pillow, Anon. You're not getting out of this.
I don't mind Hisami at all, but I'm not sure if I want to be that intimate with another man...
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Anon will be their shared body slave.
Unfortunately for you, you're going to quickly discover that there's a reason oni are notorious for rape. They have powerful, unceasing sex drives, and little interest in caring about consent when they're in the mood. An oni has the strength to pin a human down, the stamina to lock hips from dusk til dawn, and the wickedness to do it to a human who's obviously begging them to stop. Worse, how much Zanmu enjoys the rape badly turns on Hisami too, and so you'll end up wrapped up in vines and pinned down for who knows long. You might think you'll like it. People force-fed chocolate think they'll like it too, for the first hour. Hisami might like you, even if she doesn't like you at first you'll grow on her simply for making Zanmu happy, but she really likes to make Zanmu happy and she rationalises it that if you came you enjoyed yourself. So, even if you might beg to be let go, she'll shake her head and tell you that you're not leaving until Zanmu says you can go. It's not going to be soon. Complain too much, and she has something that can cover your mouth.
Poor anon. Bound and force-fed stamina-boosting drugs by a bisexual couple wanting to share a dildo.
I was already sold on the idea, Anon. You don't have to convince me.
I want to BE Hisami and I'm tired of pretending I don't!
And what would you do if that actually happened?
I want to BreastExpand Hisami!
Overripe grapes...the only thing she could lose you in!
Hell really is the land of the self-indulgent, isn't it?
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I almost feel sorry for her because she gets bullied so much...but I know that she just likes it..!
she only likes it when it's zanmu doing it
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She's clearly a glutton for punishment. She volunteers to get beaten by the other characters over and over again in UDoaLG. Such twisted nature is to be expected of a demon.
I'm 5'6
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anon, she's just an ugly girl. no need to call her a demon.
What horrible treatment! How do I get it? So I know what not to do.
You get to also be the reason why hotels have a chair watching a bed as well!
Yes! Hisami is such a masochist she wants to watch you knock up Zanmu-sama! But you have to do it listening to her creepy breathing and staring at you and occasionally asking one of you to say the other is a better lay than her.
Ok Zanmu.
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Why'd you say such a thing? She's said to be very beatiful.
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she is kind of grappy
God I want to see her sweat while gagging on my cock.
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But anon...she's a literal demon. No good will come from consorting with such creatures...
>literal demon.
*semen demon
can I use you as a stool then?
You wont be saying the same when she drags you to hell
why do you think that?
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At that point she might as well pulverize you into fertilizer for Hell's monstrously unkept grape vineyards once she fully drags you down, if you get on her nerves that much at least
Yes, she is certain to pulverize your pelvis into a fine powder.
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Hisami on page 10.
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Lotsa threads being bumped from the dregs lately, glad someone decided to step in for the grape demon's.
Was willing to bet this would've been her last day for now once more
She has the funniest character interactions out of all Touhou characters and her design is cool.
Gay demon
She's a funnier character than we've ever had in the games before...
*Lesbian demon
Canon lesbian
Canon lesbian
Yes, she's a very progressive character, the first lesbian ever to be attracted to men.
She only loves girls though.
Next you're going to tell me that you don't know that girl stands for
Close but actually Zanmu had to be genderbent to female for Hisami to be attracted to her.
What a strange thing to say, Hisami only ever brings up Zanmu to talk about how she's sure her boss would be proud of her being in a committed relationship.
"Leave me alone. Why don't you go bother Zanmu if you're looking for someone to talk to." I told the lady.
She comes around here every once in awhile when she needs jewelry, which I've made a small business out of crafting out of all the bones lying around Hell. Where are all these bones coming from? I don't know, people tend to be very sensitive about giving up part of their skeleton, but it sure makes for neat little ear rings and necklaces if you polish them just right. Whatever, point is I can only put up so much with one customer, and the ever-popular Hisami, who's come around here more often, only ever talks about Zanmu.
'Zanmu-Sama tricked all the mob bosses of the Animal Spirit Realm, she's so clever!', 'Do you think if I wear this Zanmu-Sama will look at me?', 'Oh, this necklace would look perfect on Zanmu-Sama!', 'Zanmu-Sama scolded me today about paying out too much money to the people I bribed into Hell!'.
Sure, I was used to jewelry patrons being chatty, but it seems like every day this purple woman was coming around and giving me the business about out benevolent overlord Zanmu-Sama. It's to the point I'm worried I'M going to be come the Zanmu freak!
"Oh, are you feeling a little needy?" She asked, a grin creeping over your face.
"Are you jealous of Zanmu-Sama? You wouldn't be the first you know, so many are envious of her position after all. Or maybe it's just that..." She lowered her voice, creeped over me, and whispered into my ear: "...you wish I'd fawn over you instead?"
I twitched for a second, felt the blood rush to my cheeks, and buried my face in my hands. "Shut up you..." I murmured.
"Ah, how cute." She said, rubbing my head. "Maybe you'd like it if I refine my fawning techniques with you? I want to be ready the day Zanmu-Sama looks my way."
"Go fawn over a Hell Hound, get your arm bitten why don't you?" I told her.
"Oh! Great Idea! Zanmu-Sama would scold me for sure if I started messing around with the sacred hounds!" She yelled, before rolling off.
I watched her leave for awhile and once I was sure she was good and gone I pulled out a piece of paper and started writing: 'Most Anointed Zanmu-Sama, I'd like to make a humble petition that..."
Poor jeweler anon
can't even make cool bone jewelry in peace
She works well as a futa
You can correlate the sizes of any 2hus hog by how long their dress is to hide it. Despite the nuenis memes, Nue has only enough to hide with a miniskirt. Hisami's dress reaches her ankles.
Yeah I'm literally Zanmu: intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
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I look like that
Really? Pics?
This is something of a misunderstanding. You see, Hisami is simply that protective of Zanmu. If any man were to even imply being attracted to lady Zanmu, why, Hisami would have to take matters into her own hands. That is, drag him away with vines into a deep, dark, forgotten pit of Hell and subject him to the most overwhelming, overstimulating femdom she possibly can without any breaks or aftercare or anything. All to refactor his sexuality away from lady Zanmu, of course. Hisami is just doing it because she can't stand competition. Not because she wants to, or because she enjoys putting men in sexually humiliating and submissive positions. It's all for lady Zanmu. It's all to protect her.
This doesn't seem like a bad way to go out
Post more Hisami x Zanmu
As you wish
Least appealing official design. ZUN's mistake, if you will
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The rape grape seccs fiend
le grape if she real

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