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What's her deal? Why won't she go away??—A Nue Thread.
cute foot
how does she hide her knee length knob under her miniskirt?
Canon futanarihu
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She's one of them
Kys futatroon and the next time so not be afraid to jump off
Why would you come into a nuenis thread if you hate futahus?
There's nothing harder than being a Nue fan on /jp/.

UFO lunatic LNN? Easier.
Running a marathon in under 2 hours? Easier.
Death of a loved one? Easier.
Dealing with terminal cancer? Easier.
Was there ever any canon reason those two got associated with each other?
Why would you chicken out of your suicide tranny freak kys
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>A Nue Thread.

I accidentally trained myself to violently edge when seeing Nue, even normal SFW images get me going. This is 100% your fault, /jp/
They are both female, so it is likely that they will engage in lesbian sex at some point.
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Then this thread will be your ultimate test Anon.
You better be able to resist that temptation while looking at all this Nue!
She'll know.
Lol, where is this from or is it a one off?
Big if true.
One off unfortunately.
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Are you implying you're willing to go find out for yourself? Might be risky, I dunno...
Unknown kunny
Sounds controversial. Life threatening, even!
What attracts gays to Nue?
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I don't think it's really gays per say, but some kind of sexually flexible perverts. Obviously it's because Nue can be anything. Nue can be a girl, Nue can be a boy, Nue can be anything in between and probably some genders not found in nature too.
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Care to tell us more?
What if you end up being plapped?
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Nue at the beach with her friend!
Nue's balistic missile will penetrate his rectum and cause him experience a massive ejaculation.
God I wish that was me.
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>sexually flexible perverts
That's certainly a generous way of describing things if nothing else
Not wrong though.
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>That's certainly a generous way of describing things
Well, what would you have me call such people, then?
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Anything except late for dinner!
Progressive folk.
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Fair enough. I will not inquire into details of "dinner".
People with unusual desires have always existed.
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I wonder if the chicken-fried ones would still smell delicious...better than the stir-fried ones I bet.
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Imagine the smell
kys futatroon
To be fair, I searched for Nue futa doujins (for science) and there are way more than I expected.
The smell of nuenis that she never wash!
Finally someone with an open mind! Did reading these doujins affect your view of her?
Not really
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Well I guess that settles the debate for all of time then, phew!
People will continue to lust for the Nue in interesting ways and the rest of the world carries on without giving a shit.
I'm sure any more posting in this thread will now be completely normal and level-headed.
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A devious pair of schemers in the right kind of circumstance.
What are the right kind of circumstances?
Any time they feel like parking their massive girl penises in the holes of villagers. They're infamous as the spitroasting queens of Gensokyo.
I Truly Felt this Post
How did it feel?
If you look at FS then they're perfectly willing to cooperate when Mamizou gets to fuck with the villagers (for fun) while Nue gets to rile them up about the fear of the unknown. Honestly it's kind of surprising we don't see them collab more often.
It's hard, warm and a little bit smelly.
I was thinking about it and Nue would be one of the worst girls to date. She's an unknown youkai so you'd never be certain if you even knew who your girl was. She loves filling people with fear of the unknown, so she'd constantly have you squirming about what she might do next. She seems to really love terrifying people so that's another strike. She might look cute but it'd be rough dating someone you're scared of.
I can fix her
Nue is not for dating but for sex
I say this as a total asexual who isn't attracted to any 2hu but Nue is different. There's no hope of having a normal relationship with her, only sex.
I want an evil wife so I think this is a green flag for me.
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You'd have to be quite special indeed to end up in relationship with Nue. Maybe for whatever reason you just get extremely aroused from the fear of unknown. Or maybe you're like that dude from /x/ who tried to "assert dominance" over some shadow monster by jerking off and it didn't exactly work as intended.
Nue would like to be worshiped by humans
take a sniff!
Nue keeps peeking at me from behind corners and furniture... I'm scared stiff! She'll have to take responsibility for this behaviour!
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Anon, I'm not sure if that will go how you think it will go...that one guy who tired to "assert dominance" on a shadow monster he saw in his had a really bad time...He'd jerk off every night starting at the corner where one night he saw the monsters. He thought it would show that he is not scared. One night he suffers a sleep paralysis. He sees a horrifying creature, like a skinless woman. She has a dozen eyes on her face and terrible, long, sharp claws. She says to him "sleep naked you cowards and I will fuck you so hard you will never cum with another human". Have you considered Nue might choose to look something like that..?
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Sounds spooky, but it wouldn't stop a /jp/-user
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I may have underestimated the /jp/sies willingness to fuck eldritch horrors.
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Idk if she looks like a monster I want to fuck the Nueners, I want to plap plap plap her into pregnancy.
But what if she plaps you into pregnancy?
Nuenis faggot begone, she will never have a penis no matter how you want it.
You might think she doesn't have one thanks to her abilities, until the very moment she holds you down and violently shoves it in your ass.
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I think he means like a facehugger or something. The joke being she's an alien ecksdee
>she will never have a penis no matter how you want it.
Dude, she is a nue, she can grow nuenis as much as she wants.
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Here is your wife's true form bro
Oh yes...
Would you still put it in Nue if she spread her legs and then her pussy had a nested pussy shoot out of it like a xenomorph mouth?
You wouldn't really have a choice at that point anyway... might as well jam it in with confidence.
You never really have a choice with Nue. All you can do is beg that she lets you keep some dignity after.
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Nue is slute
Wow, that's a big snake she got there
That's nuenis
The nuenis is real?
It's not. However, her tentacles can satisfy your deep dark fantasies.
Why is her labia biting into her panties
It's eager to bite into things. See >>47828360
Conceptualize this profile instead.
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Which is better, Nuenis or Mikock?
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Mikock is less big and more gay than the Nuenis
Micock belongs to a man pretending to be a woman. Nuenis belongs to a woman pretending to be scary.
Doesn't a smaller size make it look more feminine?
Possibly, though we may need to send in an anon worthy of sacrifice in order to get any exact measurements for our sake.
Any volunteers then?
I did

there is no nuenis, only a nuessy, tried to stick my penis in but it formed into a piranha jaw and i'm not bold nor degenerate enough to put my dick in a piranha so I dipped out for this time
How do you know that was her true form?
Do you have proof? No one here is sure if she has nuenis, nuepussy or both.
Alright Nue thread, that's it: From here on out I'll be gradually bumping up the lewdness of each image I post until you all understand & succumb to her true power, starting with this softball of a tease.
You have been warned.
Nue appears to be looking down on humanity for bringing such a tiny condom.
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she's used to japs
I guess her size isn'tall that great.
That's for herself and you must prepare your anus, anon.
If I cut off the tail, would it be painful?
Don't make us say the Bane quote, anon
I'm going to colonize the unknown
The unknown is going to colonise your throat and rectum and if you're lucky it'll be in that order.
That's the spirit Anon!

You will undoubtedly perish. Violently.
NTA, but:
>You will undoubtedly perish.
We all will, in due time. And that applies to youkai as well.
Maybe, or maybe not. Unknown is where fear and terror breed, but a single well-placed human thought, swift and to the point like an arrow, is all it takes to disperse the darkness. From there, metalanguage, metaphors, formal logic and all other gifts of Word is what it takes to unfang snakes, scare away raccoons, wrestle down tigers and teach monkeys some humility.
I will survive, and I will show that youkai wombs were made for carrying human children
Do nue rapes
Cumming all over teh Nue's soles!
Do you think she would give you a footjob while choking you with her massive futa penis?
Damn...did not expect that level of introspection from a reply that frivolous.
Not even gonna post a lewd Nue today, something like that deserves to sit on its own for a little while. Way to shine through that darkness there.
You just might be determined enough to get the job done then. Though I wouldn't count on those children being entirely Human.
>for a little while.
Okay, enough.
The kids will be entirely Nueman.
All according to plan...

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