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Previous thread: >>47722302

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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But why?
I already thought Lip Monster was retarded but they took it in an even worse direction, holy fucking shit.
Nee chan's got a rack and a half
I just found that there is lipstick with that name, so I guess they had or wanted to avoid future copyright issues. In that case, that research they should have done prior, but oh well.
>Lip nipples
That's a tongue twister for native english speakers. What the hell were they thinking?
The OP song is named "Lip Ripples" so it's pretty obvious what they were actually going for. Feels like a panicked decision
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You'd think that young people, the ones, you know, working in eroge, would be quick on the uptake and use their youthful power to look that shit up in advance. So how does this happen exactly? I just struggle to imagine so many bureaucratic/financial steps where people read the game's title and no one thinks "wait, did we double check this?"
>young people, the ones, you know, working in eroge
Are you sure about that?
I'm pretty sure majority of eroge creators are well in the 40s if not 50s.
Scenario writers, artists, musicians? Sure. But I mean the kind of guys who sit there working on the code, or handling legal stuff and promotion, or run the website and social media. Even if they're in their 30s right now, shit, they're fairly young. That means they had the chance to be introduced to PCs and the web fairly often, which would have influenced their thinking and made them more aware of the landmines you can step on. It's just crazy.
That's just my hypothesis, I don't know if that's what really happened. The people who usually work in that field for companies are usually subcontractors or privates, so here it is probably a problem of management and has nothing to do with “age”. Another recent example was musicus!, since it was originally called musica!. Whatever the case, from a commercial approach it's a pretty bad decision, since you have to consider the advertising expenses and all that.
>young people, the ones, you know, working in eroge
This medium filter zoomers, stop trying to make up stuff
Coders and even parts of web design, promotion are usually shared between a bunch of studios. based on subcontracts and things like that.
They are very unlikely to escalate possible issues to the point of them getting to creators.

Game names are usually decided by producers, director, sometimes scenario writer, or artists if they are inside the team instead of being subcontracted. And in a lot of cases those decisions involve at least some amount of alcohol and/or late meetings. No one is googling shit at such times. At most they'll check that there are no games with the same name already released.
That's not true, what filters zoomers into any job anywhere in the world is work experience. Now, I don't think you're confusing target audiences and the people who work at the companies. In any case, a lot of young people have entered the medium recently.
RIP Monster
inverted lipples...
Why are Appetite games so slow to be uploaded sometimes? I know most of them are shit, but that has never stopped uploaders before. Still waiting for https://vndb.org/v51275
people lost interest after they peaked with shiritarou earlier this year
That's what I'm going to call it now.
That one actually had a good scenario
That's funny. I was just also thinking about https://vndb.org/v51144 and poof, there it is.
I have finished Natsu no Kusari, it was pretty good. Any other edgy VN without magic or sci-fi bullshit?
I just wish appetite would make more obscure fetish games again. Stuff that no other company would ever touch.
I miss their grandma games, their brown gladiator girl games, etc.
>Natsu no Kusari
Wow, a person who's profile is 90% EVNs and BLge.
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sakuraba maruo's stuff, 駄作 in particular. 蛇足 seems to be more well-regarded though, but both are sort of related
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The protag is literally me frfr
Thanks mate
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so I'm getting a bad ending no matter what?
third choice
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All three variants need plapping.
Bought all Itsumama games for a real pittance.
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Thank you to the anon who helped me with Popotan. Switching to the DVD version worked.
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Be sure to get proper 栄養 before you have a wank anon.

Holy shit this game will be hot as fuck. Hope by the end they get prostituted by the dudes. 3 lads is not enough for a good gangbange.
Is the girl on the right made of clay?
Okinawa bros
Finally I got https://vndb.org/v4464 (Ricotte) working, which ever one of you fuckers gave instructions NOT to install in C:/ I hope you forget a kanji every day.
Kusogebros we're so back
American blackie.
Just so japanese dont confuse her with a brown girl.
It's over, anatomy bros.
what a garbage title
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For me its the cute dog girl and the cute tsundere.
Cute dog!
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Based on her hat and that pose I think the angel might be an addicted drug abuser.
Stay far far away.
so sad we aren't getting any actually cool charage like this anymore, only retarded incel wish-fulfillment
But they decided 2D>3D. They are voluntarily celibate.
This year's pichi pichi game better be about their maou series,last one was a bit of a letdown.
This is amazing in a bad way, like, one of the worst character designs I've seen in quite some time. The only one worthwhile at first glance is Yukari.
Not really feeling any of these
Asapro is dying
After that cuckold fandisk i shall say, good riddance.
Everyone agrees that the side characters relationships were the best part about that game though.
I seem to remember it being the highest rated asapro fandisc so far
>Ayumi shacho the last boss
I love all of these designs except for the top right normalfag.
It's funny how all you need to bypass this restriction is to press cancel
japanese code folded 7777 times.
Folded -2147483648 times
top right is the only good design
I had the same happen with pic related, clicking cancel instead of confirm lets me ignore the block
Sadly that is not the case in general, in Ocelot vns pressing cancel closes the program so you need a quirky crack to bypass it.
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does anyone know what the deal with the "movie dvd" is, that comes included with the ley line trilogy box set?

does it just splice all the major events from the games into one ova or is it some sort of sol fluff?
is there really no romance in jeweha
There is, but it's much closer to the end of the game due to spoiler reasons. It wouldn't make sense for the MC to pursue romance before something important happens.
what's the consensus on cross channel? how hard it is?
requires deep knowledge of japanese society and otaku culture
Dude that might be the best thing they've ever done.
If anything, the biggest problem is that it was relegated to an FD.
the level of boringness is high so pretty hard to go through all of it
Pretty easy, it’s basically linear. There are only a few missable minor scenes, I think.
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It's fantastic, but I imagine it would be very difficult to approach as a newcomer to Japanese. There's a lot of reading between the lines and it isn't exactly fast paced.
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Romeo Tanaka's prose for newfriends is a rather uncomfortable bounce between dialogue heavy on colloquial stuff as well as reading between the lines and exposition that's fairly obvious when it's just describing actions like "おカマは泣きながら逃げていった", but can get fairly complex when describing mental states, emotions, thoughts, reflections, what's going on inside the characters' head, basically.
He also loves switching up styles (one of the funniest gags in 家族計画 in my opinion was a character imitating a sports caster) and his works are full of potentially hard to understand gag scenes that require an above average degree of familiarity not just with the language but the culture as well.
If you're not confident, it might be tough. But also, why not just give it a try? You can always throw it in the pile to read later if it really is too much. He is a damn good writer.
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Doesn't sound that bad, I thought it was supposed to be mareni tier
mareni is hard to read, romeo is hard to comprehend
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If you need to ask about the “difficulty” of something you want to read then yes, it’s too hard for you.
Have any of you play this? https://vndb.org/v50864
Is it as good as this? https://vndb.org/v17849
this is difficult to read
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Natives don't speak like that he's ngmi
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So, someone made a patch for Nijuuei to backport the console voices. https://vndb.org/r120311

Have any of you been able to get this working on modern Windows? I followed the instructions from the github page using the most recent download from A-S but the game crashes after a video at the beginning, says it can’t find a sound effect file even though I can see it right there in the folder.
patch was made by a person from keroq makura trannycord along with some instructions posted there, but it's full of trannies and admin is a tranny, so can't really recommend it
easier to just read console version if you can't get it to work
Nice underlying message, but gets too repetitive and dull...
you seem to be very suspiciously knowledgeable of all of those discord trannies......
yeah I was one of them but got perma banned for arguing kei is a trap and not trans
thought on Sakurai Hikaru?
i dont mean to be that guy but ive been looking for a while. if anybody has a link, or can upload a link- of the vn sorairo (https://vndb.org/v1914) that would be fantastic. the only ones i've found required some payment, be it vip or premium service. and im not in any private trackers either.

This is probably what you want in this case.
appreciated. didn't think to look for publisher collections. i feel dumb, getting suggested a nyaa link after all that
This is one case when they need one english speaking person to review the titles. LIP MONSTER already sounds retarded but Lip lipples is somehow even worse.
I try to look for latest editions first. They might have better compatibility or fixed bugs.
But it's easy to miss collections and they are not always shared.
Why would they care about English pronunciation?
It's rather likely that it will get translated. 5 out of 7 of their VNs in the last 10 years were. Besides, it isn't even funny or meaningful in Japanese unlike, say, "IxSHETell"
wrong thread buddy
Don't REEE at facts, it won't help.
I find リップリップルズ to be quite charming and memorable as a game name.
But maybe my sense is just weird because I seem to love nonsensical game names like ラブピカルポッピー and similar ones.
Then the English publisher can just change it to Lip Ripples for their release? I fail to see how that's a problem.
The problem is doubling down on retardation. If it's already bad enough that you have to fix it, make it so that no one else will have to fix it further. Except they are making it worse instead of fixing it.
I really don't think it's a problem at all. I don't get why you care so much.
Feels good hibikiworks rather go bankrupt that kneeling to westoids and translating their shit
>I don't get why you care so much
eops are literally this annoying
Ngmi-anon here still learning, I can't recognize unnatural sounding stuff yet. It's possible you're just shitposting, but if not, can you explain what's unnatural there for people like me?
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This vn is so deep
still haven't touched muramasa after finishing the first chapter

still haven't read heaven's feel
Changing the font like this is a warcrime.
Changing the font like this makes its shallowness even more evident.
how do you change the font
Speaking of Mareni, apparently he's contributing a short story to this 帝都飛天大作戦 illustration book, I think it'll be the first new thing he's written in years.
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He speaks like a chuuni guy. But it's a game.
You wouldn't want to speak like that to people in the office, but there's nothing wrong with the grammar or whatever.
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I'm going to speak exactly like him when I finally make that trip to Japan.
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It can't possibly backfire, or get you into trouble.
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i look like this i say this
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is hajimete no kanojo considered nukige
clannad is eroge
hajimete no kanojo is nukige
tsui no sora is nukige after perspective 1
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Gyaru love
Why would you think it’s not?
I hope she somehow continues and finishes the steampunk series.
flat gyarus when?
looks interesting and no chest tumor inflation in sight thx anon
Because everyone agrees that it's an utsuge.
First time I've seen someone actually playing the browser version of an eroge. Maybe it'd be good for playing at work but otherwise I don't see why you'd pick it over PC.
Looks like AI
In fact the shading looks like that NTR doujin koku was working on, whats up with that?
Guessing your “everyone” doesn’t include the userbase of EGS, where it’s clearly marked as nukige.
Yeah, by four degenerates, which is still 2 people short of being equal with the 鬱 tag. Then you have the fact that it's also tagged as "good scenario" which is basically the polar opposite of what a nukige is, and there are more reviews calling it a nakige than a nukige. You lost this fight the moment you decided that paying attention to what tags people assign to a game somehow gets you closer to the essence of said game. Get 6 blind morons to grope an elephant and not a single one of them will actually tell you that they touched an elephant.
No, I mean at the top of the page next to release date, developer, etc.
I seem to remember that euphoria also had it, didn't it? my understanding of nukige is more something like Milk Factory.
If H scenes make up a huge portion of the play time, it's a nukige. Simple as. It doesn't mean it can't also have a good scenario or something. Now I'll let you guys argue over if that threshold should be more than 50% or whatever.
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Silverio Vendetta spoiler here but I just have to post this because holy fuck this scene. Literally does a complete overkill because of a catfight over a man. Shit like this is why I love chuuni games so much.
so? one warcrime more, one warcrime less won't make a difference now
unpacked nss.npa, used notepad++ to batch replace every reference to font in every file, packed it back and it works
studysteadybros... it was nukige all this long...
time for another totally not retarded meta-"""discussion"""?
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Himanatsu or Fuyukuru, which one do I play? Tell me about any of these if you've played.
one is boring iyashikei and other is mystery with funny twists and philosophy
That's just generic cell shading. Koku's is hard cell shading whereas this has some soft edges and gradients so they're not exactly the same
So do you recommend Fuyukuru?
depends on what you're in mood for rn
himanatsu has some really good summer atmosphere
>summer atmosphere
There is less than 10 days of summer left. Better go fast.
Milk Factory is to nukige as Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is to weapon.
A baseball bat is still a weapon, even though it is a less extreme example of one than an air superiority fighter.
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It's okay to hit fat "people".
youre retarded. thats saying that all eroge are nukige. the whole point of a nukige is to be a more "extreme example"
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If you really really like natsukumoyururu, here's a link you might find interesting
That's Rising Sun Marriage done.

>Fine > Chloe > Ria

>Onbert > Fine > Chloe > Ria

I am shocked Ensemble of people made a dark, serious chuuniplotge and it's actually one of the best releases of the year. I don't know about THE best, but it's up there. It's great all around and my only issues with it are that you can guess most of the twists early on and it clearly has a pretty low budget (Lucia probably should've had a sprite and a voice). Great characters, fun magic system and setting, some actually great fights.Just a fun time all around, I'd highly recommend it.
Damn buddy, should I play it for real?
Also what about 華は短し、踊れよ乙女 which seems to have the same main writer?
I'd give it a shot, it's not very long and you'll probably have a good idea of whether you like it or not fairly early on.
That's kind of why I'm shocked Ensemble made KnM. I read Hanaoto and I liked it quite a bit, but it's very above average typical ensemble fare. The taishoroman setting and east vs west themes do make it stand out from the crowd and add some interesting ideas placing it above most other ensemblege, but you still know what you're getting. KnM couldn't be more different, it's a radical change from what they usually do. But I guess having such a dedicated fanbase and making multiple VNs a year gives them the space to experiment with something totally different now and then.
Alright then. Thanks.
Is there a route order for 月下之煌? It says it's kinetic, but when I start the VN I immediately get a choice between two heroines.
Glad to hear it. Can't wait to read it in 2 years.
Gyarus and witches can't be flat, it's the rules.
The 2 stories are completely unrelated to each other, any order is fine

Ensemble have always been the best company in modern eroge, I always knew they had it in them to make a kamige like this
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Damn that's a philosophically complicated game. I prefer when light games have fights with guys who kill people just because that makes them pop a boner.
Well if you really want to know, he just likes killing people. It's actually not complicated.
Oh, that's cool. I support covering it up with bs about exposing the hypocrisy of people though. I think that's a great mindset to have. I love being educated by murderers in korean powerpoints.
Where can I download Sora no Mukou de Sakimasu You ni for PC? it's not nyaa
it literally is though. on sukebei. if you still can't find it somehow or there aren't enough seeds, look up the akatsuki brand collection (071026-130426)
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Why are chuunige like this? I didn't need to know that
to please female reader
Masada has AGP, for further context refer to that chapter in Avesta where Quinn is cuddling with kid-Magsarion written after his tweets about how he found the onee-san in KnY extremely hot.
remember when this board has a masadaverse thread haha
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I wish I could erase my memories and read Vendetta's route for the first time again. I lost it when they did the gay fusion
Yeah, vendetta is great, her route has absolutely everything I love about chuuni.
Have you ever had the experience of reading something you KNOW and felt is good but you just cant be bothered to read it
Only if I'm not in the mood for reading itself, or for the genre or something so I do something else.
yes, if the work overall is good but paced in a way that makes me feel like getting to the good is either work or going through a marsh
If I am reading it then obviously I can be bothered to read it.
Is this REALLY only for untranslated vns? Is there a gemeral for vns somewhere else?
yes friend! there's a general JUST LIKE THAT on reddit where all the texthooking and tl reading folx gather <333
escort yourself over there posthaste
If you mean VNs that have never been translated, no, people talk about VNs with English versions all the time, it's just that people talk about the original versions of them here
I may be a newfag, but I'll never be a redditor
in that case lurk the /vg/ vn general or the VNTS thread here though you'll get more traffic in the former
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Thanks, I am very new to visual novels; I have been playing Everlasting Summer and Stay! Stay! North Korea thingy. I'm also new to learning japanese through visual novels:P
Yeah, no worries if you play a popular VN that has an English version it's not as if you can't find people here to talk about it wtih

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