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Today is my birthday, /jp/. Can we please have an Okuu thread with no lewds?
I don't care. Neck yourself, OP.
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happy birthday dumbass look at this bird tummy
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I'm getting deja vu
Happy birthday!
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Happy belated birthday then!
Don't neck yourself tho, that'll probably detract from the celebrations.
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I will pray to Suwako that you have a nice b-day OP.
Well, birthdays tend to happen on yearly basis.
Until they don't, that's it.
Don't neck yourself OP!
Does Satori know about the yuri relationship between those two?
Stop being yourself.
Checks out, in this case it does look like OP's birthday though.
Have a good one.
happ birdday op!
happy birthday
happy birthday !
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Happy Birthday!
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Happy Birthday anon
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They're gonna be sharing that sake...
Happy late birthday OP. I'll drink a beer for you.
Happy belated birthday OP, hope you had a good one.
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Do you think you would like Okuu with tailfeathers? Would she look cuter to you? This artist has been drawing them several times now, though it might not be easy to see if you aren't looking closely.
Imagine pubic feathers
didnt mean to quote the previous anon, just posed it as a general question.
Happy birthday once again anon, I will have mine on tuesday, so I am drawing a bunch of okuus before then~
Happy bird day!
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Okuu kart!
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One more day~
have an idol okuu
Custom mech oku~
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After SA
Today is my birthday too! I don't mind if you post busty okuus!
Yuri is acceptable too!
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Good to know the yurifag is stalking me
Is it also your birthday?
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Ignore him, its mine, just post okuu
Shut your trap, you can't tell me what to do. You just lost your birthday okuu, mister.
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I will post okuu regardless
forgive her, she took a bite out already
She got you a present!
Yes! Please post yuri.
Considering we had two Okuu-themed birthdays this thread (The yuri spammer doesn't count.) I made the both of you this~!
Hope >>47816592 had a good one and may the rest of your year be swell for the both 'a you.

Also, that cake will more than likely give you salmonella. Would you still eat it, for her?
Birb up!

The WORST show on television!
Okuu, you spelled "birthday" wrong, ya fucking birbbrain!
Happy birthday!
Okuuuu! (I just wanted to say it)
Some more oku
Thank you okuu friend!!!
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Okuu meido~
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Are you gonna keep clicking somewhere else without posting something on OKUU-day?
Okuu loves Orin!
Might as well, what's the harm?
Though we'll have to make 10/26 an extra-special day for her this year if that's the case.
I will post something on Okuu day!
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My wife is so lovely!
Orin's wife
Orins friend. And my wife.
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Thank you as always everyone. Special thank you to the artists posting drawings, I decided to finally open the tablet I bought and start learning so maybe I'll be able to post something next year.
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A cute short hair Okuu for OP.
Okuu, but she forklift certified
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3dpd gtfo
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Utsuho should kiss her, that will shut that annoying brat up.
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How lewd is too lewd?
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sexy birb
Her body
lesbian birb
straight birb
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Paizuri birb

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